/* * $Id: ogr_python.i 83343857e45420d7b50dfd65e85ee6dcb7c3e7e9 2021-10-24 01:28:35 +0200 Even Rouault $ * * python specific code for ogr bindings. */ %feature("autodoc"); #ifndef FROM_GDAL_I %init %{ if ( OGRGetDriverCount() == 0 ) { OGRRegisterAll(); } %} #endif /*%{ #if PY_MINOR_VERSION >= 4 #include "datetime.h" #define USE_PYTHONDATETIME 1 #endif %} */ %include "ogr_layer_docs.i" #ifndef FROM_GDAL_I %include "ogr_datasource_docs.i" %include "ogr_driver_docs.i" #endif %include "ogr_feature_docs.i" %include "ogr_featuredef_docs.i" %include "ogr_fielddef_docs.i" %include "ogr_geometry_docs.i" %rename (GetDriverCount) OGRGetDriverCount; %rename (GetOpenDSCount) OGRGetOpenDSCount; %rename (SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) OGRSetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER; %rename (RegisterAll) OGRRegisterAll(); #ifndef FROM_GDAL_I %{ #define MODULE_NAME "ogr" %} %include "python_exceptions.i" %include "python_strings.i" %extend OGRDataSourceShadow { %pythoncode { def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_DataSource(self) self.thisown = 0 def Release(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_DataSource(self) self.thisown = 0 def Reference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." return self.Reference() def Dereference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." self.Dereference() def __len__(self): """Returns the number of layers on the datasource""" return self.GetLayerCount() def __getitem__(self, value): """Support dictionary, list, and slice -like access to the datasource. ds[0] would return the first layer on the datasource. ds['aname'] would return the layer named "aname". ds[0:4] would return a list of the first four layers.""" if isinstance(value, slice): output = [] step = value.step if value.step else 1 for i in range(value.start, value.stop, step): lyr = self.GetLayer(i) if lyr is None: return output output.append(lyr) return output if isinstance(value, int): if value > len(self) - 1: raise IndexError return self.GetLayer(value) elif isinstance(value, str): return self.GetLayer(value) else: raise TypeError('Input %s is not of String or Int type' % type(value)) def GetLayer(self, iLayer=0): """Return the layer given an index or a name""" if isinstance(iLayer, str): return self.GetLayerByName(str(iLayer)) elif isinstance(iLayer, int): return self.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of String or Int type" % type(iLayer)) def DeleteLayer(self, value): """Deletes the layer given an index or layer name""" if isinstance(value, str): for i in range(self.GetLayerCount()): name = self.GetLayer(i).GetName() if name == value: return _ogr.DataSource_DeleteLayer(self, i) raise ValueError("Layer %s not found to delete" % value) elif isinstance(value, int): return _ogr.DataSource_DeleteLayer(self, value) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of String or Int type" % type(value)) } } #endif %extend OGRLayerShadow { %pythoncode %{ def Reference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." pass def Dereference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." pass def __len__(self): """Returns the number of features in the layer""" return self.GetFeatureCount() # To avoid __len__ being called when testing boolean value # which can have side effects (#4758) def __nonzero__(self): return True # For Python 3 compat __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __getitem__(self, value): """Support list and slice -like access to the layer. layer[0] would return the first feature on the layer. layer[0:4] would return a list of the first four features.""" if isinstance(value, slice): import sys output = [] if value.stop == sys.maxsize: #for an unending slice, sys.maxsize is used #We need to stop before that or GDAL will write an ##error to stdout stop = len(self) - 1 else: stop = value.stop for i in range(value.start, stop, value.step): feature = self.GetFeature(i) if feature: output.append(feature) else: return output return output if isinstance(value, int): if value > len(self) - 1: raise IndexError return self.GetFeature(value) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of IntType or SliceType" % type(value)) def CreateFields(self, fields): """Create a list of fields on the Layer""" for i in fields: self.CreateField(i) def __iter__(self): self.ResetReading() while True: feature = self.GetNextFeature() if not feature: break yield feature def schema(self): output = [] defn = self.GetLayerDefn() for n in range(defn.GetFieldCount()): output.append(defn.GetFieldDefn(n)) return output schema = property(schema) %} } %extend OGRFeatureShadow { %apply ( const char *utf8_path ) { (const char* value) }; void SetFieldString(int id, const char* value) { OGR_F_SetFieldString(self, id, value); } %clear (const char* value ); %pythoncode %{ def Reference(self): pass def Dereference(self): pass def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_Feature(self) self.thisown = 0 def __cmp__(self, other): """Compares a feature to another for equality""" return self.Equal(other) def __copy__(self): return self.Clone() def _getfieldindex(self, fieldname): case_insensitive_idx = -1 fdefn = _ogr.Feature_GetDefnRef(self) for i in range(fdefn.GetFieldCount()): name = fdefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() if name == fieldname: return i elif case_insensitive_idx < 0 and name.lower() == fieldname.lower(): case_insensitive_idx = i return case_insensitive_idx # This makes it possible to fetch fields in the form "feature.area". # This has some risk of name collisions. def __getattr__(self, key): """Returns the values of fields by the given name""" if key == 'this': return self.__dict__[key] idx = self._getfieldindex(key) if idx < 0: idx = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if idx < 0: raise AttributeError(key) else: return self.GetGeomFieldRef(idx) else: return self.GetField(idx) # This makes it possible to set fields in the form "feature.area". # This has some risk of name collisions. def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Set the values of fields by the given name""" if key == 'this' or key == 'thisown': self.__dict__[key] = value else: idx = self._getfieldindex(key) if idx != -1: self.SetField2(idx, value) else: idx = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if idx != -1: self.SetGeomField(idx, value) else: self.__dict__[key] = value # This makes it possible to fetch fields in the form "feature['area']". def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns the values of fields by the given name / field_index""" if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(key) else: fld_index = key if key == self.GetFieldCount(): raise IndexError if fld_index < 0: if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if fld_index < 0: raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in GetField()") else: return self.GetGeomFieldRef(fld_index) else: return self.GetField(fld_index) # This makes it possible to set fields in the form "feature['area'] = 123". def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Returns the value of a field by field name / index""" if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(key) else: fld_index = key if key == self.GetFieldCount(): raise IndexError if fld_index < 0: if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if fld_index < 0: raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in SetField()") else: return self.SetGeomField(fld_index, value) else: return self.SetField2(fld_index, value) def GetField(self, fld_index): if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) if (fld_index < 0) or (fld_index > self.GetFieldCount()): raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in GetField()") if not (self.IsFieldSet(fld_index)) or self.IsFieldNull(fld_index): return None fld_type = self.GetFieldType(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTInteger: return self.GetFieldAsInteger(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTInteger64: return self.GetFieldAsInteger64(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTReal: return self.GetFieldAsDouble(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTStringList: return self.GetFieldAsStringList(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTIntegerList: return self.GetFieldAsIntegerList(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTInteger64List: return self.GetFieldAsInteger64List(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTRealList: return self.GetFieldAsDoubleList(fld_index) ## if fld_type == OFTDateTime or fld_type == OFTDate or fld_type == OFTTime: # return self.GetFieldAsDate(fld_index) # default to returning as a string. Should we add more types? try: return self.GetFieldAsString(fld_index) except: # For Python3 on non-UTF8 strings return self.GetFieldAsBinary(fld_index) # With several override, SWIG cannot dispatch automatically unicode strings # to the right implementation, so we have to do it at hand def SetField(self, *args): """ SetField(self, int id, char value) SetField(self, char name, char value) SetField(self, int id, int value) SetField(self, char name, int value) SetField(self, int id, double value) SetField(self, char name, double value) SetField(self, int id, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int tzflag) SetField(self, char name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int tzflag) """ if len(args) == 2 and args[1] is None: return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldNull(self, args[0]) if len(args) == 2 and (type(args[1]) == type(1) or type(args[1]) == type(12345678901234)): fld_index = args[0] if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldInteger64(self, fld_index, args[1]) if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], str): fld_index = args[0] if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldString(self, fld_index, args[1]) return _ogr.Feature_SetField(self, *args) def SetField2(self, fld_index, value): if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) if (fld_index < 0) or (fld_index > self.GetFieldCount()): raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in SetField2()") if value is None: self.SetFieldNull(fld_index) return if isinstance(value, list): if not value: self.SetFieldNull(fld_index) return if isinstance(value[0], type(1)) or isinstance(value[0], type(12345678901234)): self.SetFieldInteger64List(fld_index, value) return elif isinstance(value[0], float): self.SetFieldDoubleList(fld_index, value) return elif isinstance(value[0], str): self.SetFieldStringList(fld_index, value) return else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type of list in SetField2(). Type of element is %s' % str(type(value[0]))) try: self.SetField(fld_index, value) except: self.SetField(fld_index, str(value)) return def keys(self): names = [] for i in range(self.GetFieldCount()): fieldname = self.GetFieldDefnRef(i).GetName() names.append(fieldname) return names def items(self): keys = self.keys() output = {} for key in keys: output[key] = self.GetField(key) return output def geometry(self): return self.GetGeometryRef() def ExportToJson(self, as_object=False, options=None): """Exports a GeoJSON object which represents the Feature. The as_object parameter determines whether the returned value should be a Python object instead of a string. Defaults to False. The options parameter is passed to Geometry.ExportToJson()""" try: import simplejson except ImportError: try: import json as simplejson except ImportError: raise ImportError("Unable to import simplejson or json, needed for ExportToJson.") geom = self.GetGeometryRef() if geom is not None: if options is None: options = [] geom_json_string = geom.ExportToJson(options=options) geom_json_object = simplejson.loads(geom_json_string) else: geom_json_object = None output = {'type':'Feature', 'geometry': geom_json_object, 'properties': {} } fid = self.GetFID() if fid != NullFID: output['id'] = fid for key in self.keys(): fld_defn = self.GetFieldDefnRef(self.GetFieldIndex(key)) if fld_defn.GetType() == _ogr.OFTInteger and fld_defn.GetSubType() == _ogr.OFSTBoolean: output['properties'][key] = bool(self.GetField(key)) else: output['properties'][key] = self.GetField(key) if not as_object: output = simplejson.dumps(output) return output %} } %extend OGRGeometryShadow { %pythoncode %{ def Destroy(self): self.__swig_destroy__(self) self.thisown = 0 def __str__(self): return self.ExportToWkt() def __copy__(self): return self.Clone() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): g = self.Clone() srs = self.GetSpatialReference() if srs: g.AssignSpatialReference(srs.Clone()) return g def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (), self.ExportToWkb()) def __setstate__(self, state): result = CreateGeometryFromWkb(state) self.this = result.this def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.GetGeometryCount()): yield self.GetGeometryRef(i) %} } %extend OGRFieldDefnShadow { %pythoncode { width = property(GetWidth, SetWidth) type = property(GetType, SetType) precision = property(GetPrecision, SetPrecision) name = property(GetName, SetName) justify = property(GetJustify, SetJustify) } } %extend OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow { %pythoncode { type = property(GetType, SetType) name = property(GetName, SetName) srs = property(GetSpatialRef, SetSpatialRef) } } %extend OGRFeatureDefnShadow { %pythoncode { def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_FeatureDefn(self) self.thisown = 0 } } %extend OGRFieldDefnShadow { %pythoncode %{ def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_FieldDefn(self) self.thisown = 0 %} } %import typemaps_python.i #ifndef FROM_GDAL_I %include "callback.i" %extend GDALMajorObjectShadow { %pythoncode %{ def GetMetadata(self, domain=''): if domain[:4] == 'xml:': return self.GetMetadata_List(domain) return self.GetMetadata_Dict(domain) %} } #endif #ifdef no_longer_defined_since_it_breaks_py2exe_pyinstaller_ticket_6364 %pythoncode %{ # Backup original dictionary before doing anything else _initial_dict = globals().copy() @property def wkb25Bit(module): import warnings warnings.warn("ogr.wkb25DBit deprecated: use ogr.GT_Flatten(), ogr.GT_HasZ() or ogr.GT_SetZ() instead", DeprecationWarning) return module._initial_dict['wkb25DBit'] @property def wkb25DBit(module): import warnings warnings.warn("ogr.wkb25DBit deprecated: use ogr.GT_Flatten(), ogr.GT_HasZ() or ogr.GT_SetZ() instead", DeprecationWarning) return module._initial_dict['wkb25DBit'] # Inspired from http://www.dr-josiah.com/2013/12/properties-on-python-modules.html class _Module(object): def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = globals() self._initial_dict = _initial_dict # Transfer properties from the object to the Class for k, v in list(self.__dict__.items()): if isinstance(v, property): setattr(self.__class__, k, v) #del self.__dict__[k] # Replace original module by our object import sys self._original_module = sys.modules[self.__name__] sys.modules[self.__name__] = self # Custom help() replacement to display the help of the original module # instead of the one of our instance object class _MyHelper(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.original_help = help # Replace builtin help by ours import builtins builtins.help = self def __repr__(self): return self.original_help.__repr__() def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): if args == (self.module,): import sys # Restore original module before calling help() otherwise # we don't get methods or classes mentioned sys.modules[self.module.__name__] = self.module._original_module ret = self.original_help(self.module._original_module, **kwds) # Reinstall our module sys.modules[self.module.__name__] = self.module return ret elif args == (self,): return self.original_help(self.original_help, **kwds) else: return self.original_help(*args, **kwds) _MyHelper(_Module()) del _MyHelper del _Module %} #endif