use strict; use warnings; use Test::More qw(no_plan); BEGIN { use_ok('Geo::GDAL') }; SKIP: { my $srs1 = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference->new(EPSG=>32631); my $srs2 = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference->new(Text=>$srs1->AsText); ok($srs1->ExportToProj4 eq $srs2->ExportToProj4, "new EPSG, Text, Proj4"); my $src = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference->new(EPSG => 2392); my $dst = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference->new(EPSG => 2393); ok(($src and $dst), "new Geo::OSR::SpatialReference"); } SKIP: { my $src = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference->new(EPSG => 2392); my $dst = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference->new(EPSG => 2393); my ($t1, $t2); eval { $t1 = Geo::OSR::CoordinateTransformation->new($src, $dst); $t2 = Geo::OSR::CoordinateTransformation->new($dst, $src); }; skip "Unable to load PROJ.4 library", 3 if $@ =~ /Unable to load/; ok($t1, "new Geo::OSR::CoordinateTransformation $@"); skip "new Geo::OSR::CoordinateTransformation failed", 2 unless ($t1 and $t2); # northing, easting order my @points = ([6830493.772, 2492055.205], [6830483.772, 2492065.205], [6830483.772, 2492075.205]); my $p1 = $points[0][0]; my @polygon = ([[6830483.772, 2492055.205], [6830483.772, 2492075.205], [6830493.772, 2492075.205], [6830483.772, 2492055.205]]); my $p2 = $polygon[0][0][0]; $t1->TransformPoints(\@points); $t1->TransformPoints(\@polygon); $t2->TransformPoints(\@points); $t2->TransformPoints(\@polygon); ok(int($p1) == int($points[0][0]), "from EPSG 2392 to 2393 and back in line"); ok(int($p2) == int($polygon[0][0][0]), "from EPSG 2392 to 2393 and back in polygon"); }