%module mingc %include typemaps.i %include cpointer.i %include carrays.i %{ #include "ming.h" void error( char *msg ) {}; %} %typemap(python,in) FILE * { if (!PyFile_Check($input)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Need a file!"); return NULL; } $1 = PyFile_AsFile($input); } %typemap(python,in) char * { if (!PyString_Check($input)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "not a string"); return NULL; } $1 = PyString_AsString($input); } typedef unsigned char byte; %typemap(python,in) byte * { if (!PyString_Check($input)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "not a string"); return NULL; } $1 = PyString_AsString($input); } %typemap(ruby,in) int * { if (NIL_P($input)) { $1 = 0; } else { Check_Type($input, T_ARRAY); $1 = (int *)RARRAY($input)->ptr; } } %pointer_functions(int, intp); %pointer_functions(float, floatp); %array_class(float, floatArray); int Ming_init(void); void Ming_cleanup(void); void Ming_collectGarbage(void); void Ming_useConstants(int flag); /* sets the threshold error for drawing cubic beziers. Lower is more accurate, hence larger file size. */ void Ming_setCubicThreshold(int num); /* sets the overall scale, default is 20 */ void Ming_setScale(float scale); float Ming_getScale(void); /* set the version number to use */ void Ming_useSWFVersion(int version); typedef void *SWFMovie, *SWFBlock, *SWFSound, *SWFDisplayItem, *SWFFill, *SWFShape, *SWFAction, *SWFGradient, *SWFButton, *SWFButtonRecord, *SWFBitmap, *SWFMovieClip, *SWFCharacter, *SWFMatrix, *SWFMorph, *SWFFont, *SWFText, *SWFTextField, *SWFVideoStream, *SWFBrowserFont, *SWFPrebuiltClip, *SWFBinaryData, *SWFInitAction, *SWFFontCharacter, *SWFSoundStream, *SWFFilter, *SWFFontCollection; /* * Set output compression level. * Return previous value. */ int Ming_setSWFCompression(int level); /* a generic output method. specific instances dump output to file, send to stdout, etc. */ typedef void (*SWFByteOutputMethod)(byte b, void *data); /***** SWFBlock *****/ /***** SWFMatrix *****/ float SWFMatrix_getScaleX(SWFMatrix m); float SWFMatrix_getRotate0(SWFMatrix m); float SWFMatrix_getRotate1(SWFMatrix m); float SWFMatrix_getScaleY(SWFMatrix m); int SWFMatrix_getTranslateX(SWFMatrix m); int SWFMatrix_getTranslateY(SWFMatrix m); /***** SWFInput *****/ /* A generic input object. Wraps files, buffers and streams; replaces standard file funcs */ SWFInput newSWFInput_file(FILE *f); SWFInput newSWFInput_stream(FILE *f); SWFInput newSWFInput_buffer(unsigned char *buffer, int length); SWFInput newSWFInput_allocedBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, int length); void destroySWFInput(SWFInput input); int SWFInput_length(SWFInput input); void SWFInput_rewind(SWFInput input); int SWFInput_tell(SWFInput input); void SWFInput_seek(SWFInput input, long offset, int whence); int SWFInput_eof(SWFInput input); /***** SWFCharacter *****/ /* a character is any sort of asset that's referenced later- SWFBitmap, SWFShape, SWFMorph, SWFSound, SWFSprite are all SWFCharacters */ float SWFCharacter_getWidth(SWFCharacter character); float SWFCharacter_getHeight(SWFCharacter character); /***** SWFBitmap *****/ SWFBitmap newSWFBitmap_fromInput(SWFInput input); void destroySWFBitmap(SWFBitmap bitmap); int SWFBitmap_getWidth(SWFBitmap b); int SWFBitmap_getHeight(SWFBitmap b); /***** SWFDBLBitmap extends SWFBitmap *****/ /* create a new DBL (define bits lossless) bitmap from the given file */ SWFDBLBitmap newSWFDBLBitmap(FILE *f); /* create a new DBL bitmap from the given input object */ SWFDBLBitmap newSWFDBLBitmap_fromInput(SWFInput input); #if USE_GIF SWFDBLBitmapData newSWFDBLBitmapData_fromGifFile(const char *name); SWFDBLBitmapData newSWFDBLBitmapData_fromGifInput(SWFInput input); #endif #if USE_PNG SWFDBLBitmapData newSWFDBLBitmapData_fromPngFile(const char *name); SWFDBLBitmapData newSWFDBLBitmapData_fromPngInput(SWFInput input); #endif /***** SWFJpegBitmap extends SWFBitmap *****/ SWFJpegBitmap newSWFJpegBitmap(FILE *f); SWFJpegBitmap newSWFJpegBitmap_fromInput(SWFInput input); SWFJpegWithAlpha newSWFJpegWithAlpha(FILE *f, FILE *alpha); SWFJpegWithAlpha newSWFJpegWithAlpha_fromInput(SWFInput input, SWFInput alpha); /***** SWFGradient *****/ typedef enum { SWF_GRADIENT_PAD, SWF_GRADIENT_REFLECT, SWF_GRADIENT_REPEAT } GradientSpreadMode; typedef enum { SWF_GRADIENT_NORMAL, SWF_GRADIENT_LINEAR } GradientInterpolationMode; SWFGradient newSWFGradient(void); void destroySWFGradient(SWFGradient gradient); void SWFGradient_addEntry(SWFGradient gradient, float ratio, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); void SWFGradient_setSpreadMode(SWFGradient gradient, GradientSpreadMode mode); void SWFGradient_setInterpolationMode(SWFGradient gradient, GradientInterpolationMode mode); void SWFGradient_setFocalPoint(SWFGradient gradient, float focalPoint); /***** SWFFillStyle - a fill instance on a shape *****/ #define SWFFILL_SOLID 0x00 #define SWFFILL_GRADIENT 0x10 #define SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT 0x10 #define SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT 0x12 #define SWFFILL_BITMAP 0x40 #define SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP 0x40 #define SWFFILL_CLIPPED_BITMAP 0x41 SWFFillStyle newSWFSolidFillStyle(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); SWFFillStyle newSWFGradientFillStyle(SWFGradient gradient, byte radial); SWFFillStyle newSWFBitmapFillStyle(SWFCharacter bitmap, byte flags); SWFMatrix SWFFillStyle_getMatrix(SWFFillStyle fill); /***** SWFLineStyle *****/ SWFLineStyle newSWFLineStyle(unsigned short width, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); #define SWF_LINESTYLE_CAP_ROUND (0<<14) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_CAP_NONE (1<<14) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_CAP_SQUARE (2<<14) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_JOIN_ROUND (0<<12) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_JOIN_BEVEL (1<<12) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_JOIN_MITER (2<<12) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_NOHSCALE (1<<10) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_NOVSCALE (1<<9) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_HINTING (1<<8) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_NOCLOSE (1<<2) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_ENDCAP_ROUND (0<<0) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_ENDCAP_NONE (1<<0) #define SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_ENDCAP_SQUARE (2<<0) SWFLineStyle newSWFLineStyle2(unsigned short width, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a, int flags, float miterLimit); SWFLineStyle newSWFLineStyle2_filled(unsigned short width, SWFFillStyle fill, int flags, float miterLimit); /***** SWFShape *****/ #define SWF_SHAPE3 3 #define SWF_SHAPE4 4 #define SWF_SHAPE_USESCALINGSTROKES (1<<0) #define SWF_SHAPE_USENONSCALINGSTROKES (1<<1) SWFShape newSWFShape(void); /* * returns a shape containing the bitmap in a filled rect * flag can be SWFFILL_CLIPPED_BITMAP or SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP */ SWFShape newSWFShapeFromBitmap(SWFBitmap bitmap, int flag); void destroySWFShape(SWFShape shape); void SWFShape_end(SWFShape shape); void SWFShape_useVersion(SWFShape shape, int version); int SWFShape_getVersion(SWFShape shape); void SWFShape_setRenderHintingFlags(SWFShape shape, int flags); void SWFShape_movePenTo(SWFShape shape, double x, double y); void SWFShape_movePen(SWFShape shape, double x, double y); float SWFShape_getPenX(SWFShape shape); float SWFShape_getPenY(SWFShape shape); void SWFShape_getPen(SWFShape shape, double* penX, double* penY); /* x,y relative to shape origin */ void SWFShape_drawLineTo(SWFShape shape, double x, double y); void SWFShape_drawLine(SWFShape shape, double dx, double dy); void SWFShape_drawCurveTo(SWFShape shape, double controlx, double controly, double anchorx, double anchory); void SWFShape_drawCurve(SWFShape shape, double controldx, double controldy, double anchordx, double anchordy); void SWFShape_hideLine(SWFShape shape); SWFFillStyle SWFShape_addSolidFillStyle(SWFShape shape, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); SWFFillStyle SWFShape_addGradientFillStyle(SWFShape shape, SWFGradient gradient, byte flags); SWFFillStyle SWFShape_addBitmapFillStyle(SWFShape shape, SWFBitmap bitmap, byte flags); void SWFShape_setLeftFillStyle(SWFShape shape, SWFFillStyle fill); void SWFShape_setRightFillStyle(SWFShape shape, SWFFillStyle fill); /***** SWFMorph *****/ SWFMorph newSWFMorphShape(void); void destroySWFMorph(SWFMorph morph); SWFShape SWFMorph_getShape1(SWFMorph morph); SWFShape SWFMorph_getShape2(SWFMorph morph); /***** SWFFont *****/ SWFFont newSWFFont_fromFile(const char *filename); void destroySWFFont(SWFFont font); float SWFFont_getStringWidth(SWFFont font, const char *string); float SWFFont_getUTF8StringWidth(SWFFont font, const char *string); /* deprecated? */ float SWFFont_getWideStringWidth(SWFFont font, const unsigned short *string, int len); #define SWFFont_getWidth SWFFont_getStringWidth float SWFFont_getAscent(SWFFont font); float SWFFont_getDescent(SWFFont font); float SWFFont_getLeading(SWFFont font); const char* SWFFont_getName(SWFFont font); int SWFFont_getGlyphCount(SWFFont font); SWFFontCollection newSWFFontCollection_fromFile(const char *filename); int SWFFontCollection_getFontCount(SWFFontCollection collection); SWFFont SWFFontCollection_getFont(SWFFontCollection collection, int index); void destroySWFFontCollection(SWFFontCollection collection); /***** SWFText *****/ SWFText newSWFText(void); SWFText newSWFText2(void); void destroySWFText(SWFText text); void SWFText_setFont(SWFText text, void* font); void SWFText_setHeight(SWFText text, float height); void SWFText_setColor(SWFText text, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); void SWFText_moveTo(SWFText text, float x, float y); void SWFText_addString(SWFText text, const char* string, int* advance); void SWFText_addUTF8String(SWFText text, const char* string, int* advance); void SWFText_addWideString(SWFText text, const unsigned short* string, int strlen, int* advance); void SWFText_setSpacing(SWFText text, float spacing); float SWFText_getStringWidth(SWFText text, const char* string); float SWFText_getUTF8StringWidth(SWFText text, const char* string); float SWFText_getWideStringWidth(SWFText text, const unsigned short* string); /* deprecated? */ #define SWFText_getWidth SWFText_getStringWidth float SWFText_getAscent(SWFText text); float SWFText_getDescent(SWFText text); float SWFText_getLeading(SWFText text); /* deprecated: */ #define SWFText_setXY(t,x,y) SWFText_moveTo((t),(x),(y)) /***** SWFBrowserFont *****/ SWFBrowserFont newSWFBrowserFont(const char *name); void destroySWFBrowserFont(SWFBrowserFont browserFont); /***** SWFFontCharacter *****/ void SWFFontCharacter_addChars(SWFFontCharacter font, const char *string); void SWFFontCharacter_addUTF8Chars(SWFFontCharacter font, const char *string); /***** SWFTextField *****/ #define SWFTEXTFIELD_ONMASK 0x2005 /* on bits */ #define SWFTEXTFIELD_OFFMASK 0x3BFF /* off bits */ /* Taken from textfield.h: #define SWFTEXTFIELD_OFFMASK 0x7BFF / off bits */ #define SWFTEXTFIELD_HASFONT (1<<0) /* font and size given */ #define SWFTEXTFIELD_HASLENGTH (1<<1) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_HASCOLOR (1<<2) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT (1<<3) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_PASSWORD (1<<4) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_MULTILINE (1<<5) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_WORDWRAP (1<<6) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_HASTEXT (1<<7) /* initial text present */ #define SWFTEXTFIELD_USEFONT (1<<8) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_HTML (1<<9) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_DRAWBOX (1<<11) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_NOSELECT (1<<12) #define SWFTEXTFIELD_HASLAYOUT (1<<13) /* align, margin, lspace, indent */ #define SWFTEXTFIELD_AUTOSIZE (1<<14) /* SWF6 */ typedef enum { SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT = 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_RIGHT = 1, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_CENTER = 2, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_JUSTIFY = 3 } SWFTextFieldAlignment; SWFTextField newSWFTextField(void); void destroySWFTextField(SWFTextField textField); void SWFTextField_setFont(SWFTextField field, SWFBlock font); void SWFTextField_setBounds(SWFTextField field, float width, float height); void SWFTextField_setFlags(SWFTextField field, int flags); void SWFTextField_setColor(SWFTextField field, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); void SWFTextField_setVariableName(SWFTextField field, const char *name); void SWFTextField_addString(SWFTextField field, const char *string); void SWFTextField_addUTF8String(SWFTextField field, const char *string); void SWFTextField_setHeight(SWFTextField field, float height); void SWFTextField_setFieldHeight(SWFTextField field, float height); void SWFTextField_setLeftMargin(SWFTextField field, float leftMargin); void SWFTextField_setRightMargin(SWFTextField field, float rightMargin); void SWFTextField_setIndentation(SWFTextField field, float indentation); void SWFTextField_setLineSpacing(SWFTextField field, float lineSpacing); void SWFTextField_setPadding(SWFTextField field, float padding); void SWFTextField_addChars(SWFTextField field, const char *string); /* deprecated? */ /*void SWFTextField_addUTF8Chars(SWFTextField field, const char *string);*/ void SWFTextField_setAlignment(SWFTextField field, SWFTextFieldAlignment alignment); void SWFTextField_setLength(SWFTextField field, int length); /***** SWFSoundStream - only mp3 streaming implemented *****/ SWFSoundStream newSWFSoundStream(FILE *file); /* added by David McNab */ SWFSoundStream newSWFSoundStreamFromFileno(int fd); SWFSoundStream newSWFSoundStream_fromInput(SWFInput input); void destroySWFSoundStream(SWFSoundStream soundStream); unsigned int SWFSoundStream_getDuration(SWFSoundStream); void SWFSoundStream_setInitialMp3Delay(SWFSoundStream soundStream, int delay); /***** SWFSound *****/ SWFSound newSWFSound(FILE *file, byte flags); /* added by David McNab to facilitate Python access */ SWFSound newSWFSoundFromFileno(int fd, byte flags); SWFSound newSWFSound_fromInput(SWFInput input, byte flags); SWFSound newSWFSound_fromSoundStream(SWFSoundStream stream); void destroySWFSound(SWFSound sound); void SWFSound_setInitialMp3Delay(SWFSound sound, int delay); #define SWF_SOUND_COMPRESSION 0xf0 #define SWF_SOUND_NOT_COMPRESSED (0<<4) #define SWF_SOUND_ADPCM_COMPRESSED (1<<4) #define SWF_SOUND_MP3_COMPRESSED (2<<4) #define SWF_SOUND_NOT_COMPRESSED_LE (3<<4) #define SWF_SOUND_NELLY_COMPRESSED (6<<4) #define SWF_SOUND_RATE 0x0c #define SWF_SOUND_5KHZ (0<<2) #define SWF_SOUND_11KHZ (1<<2) #define SWF_SOUND_22KHZ (2<<2) #define SWF_SOUND_44KHZ (3<<2) #define SWF_SOUND_BITS 0x02 #define SWF_SOUND_8BITS (0<<1) #define SWF_SOUND_16BITS (1<<1) #define SWF_SOUND_CHANNELS 0x01 #define SWF_SOUND_MONO (0<<0) #define SWF_SOUND_STEREO (1<<0) /***** SWFSoundInstance *****/ /* created from SWFMovie[Clip]_startSound, lets you change the parameters of the sound event (loops, etc.) */ void SWFSoundInstance_setLoopInPoint(SWFSoundInstance instance, unsigned int point); void SWFSoundInstance_setLoopOutPoint(SWFSoundInstance instance, unsigned int point); void SWFSoundInstance_setLoopCount(SWFSoundInstance instance, int count); void SWFSoundInstance_setNoMultiple(SWFSoundInstance instance); /***** SWFCXform - Color transform *****/ /* create a new color transform with the given parameters */ SWFCXform newSWFCXform(int rAdd, int gAdd, int bAdd, int aAdd, float rMult, float gMult, float bMult, float aMult); /* create a new color transform with the given additive parameters and default multiplicative */ SWFCXform newSWFAddCXform(int rAdd, int gAdd, int bAdd, int aAdd); /* create a new color transform with the given multiplicative parameters and default additive */ SWFCXform newSWFMultCXform(float rMult, float gMult, float bMult, float aMult); void destroySWFCXform(SWFCXform cXform); /* set the additive part of the color transform to the given parameters */ void SWFCXform_setColorAdd(SWFCXform cXform, int rAdd, int gAdd, int bAdd, int aAdd); /* set the multiplicative part of the color transform to the given parameters */ void SWFCXform_setColorMult(SWFCXform cXform, float rMult, float gMult, float bMult, float aMult); /***** SWFAction *****/ SWFAction newSWFAction(const char *script); SWFAction newSWFAction_fromFile(const char *filename); int SWFAction_compile(SWFAction action, int swfVersion, int *length); void destroySWFAction(SWFAction action); byte *SWFAction_getByteCode(SWFAction action, int *length); SWFInitAction newSWFInitAction(SWFAction action); /* use with care */ SWFInitAction newSWFInitAction_withId(SWFAction action, int id); /***** SWFButton *****/ #define SWFBUTTON_HIT (1<<3) #define SWFBUTTON_DOWN (1<<2) #define SWFBUTTON_OVER (1<<1) #define SWFBUTTON_UP (1<<0) /* deprecated: */ #define SWFBUTTONRECORD_HITSTATE (1<<3) #define SWFBUTTONRECORD_DOWNSTATE (1<<2) #define SWFBUTTONRECORD_OVERSTATE (1<<1) #define SWFBUTTONRECORD_UPSTATE (1<<0) #define SWFBUTTON_KEYPRESS(c) (((c)&0x7f)<<9) #define SWFBUTTON_ONKEYPRESS(c) (((c)&0x7f)<<9) #define SWFBUTTON_OVERDOWNTOIDLE (1<<8) #define SWFBUTTON_IDLETOOVERDOWN (1<<7) #define SWFBUTTON_OUTDOWNTOIDLE (1<<6) #define SWFBUTTON_OUTDOWNTOOVERDOWN (1<<5) #define SWFBUTTON_OVERDOWNTOOUTDOWN (1<<4) #define SWFBUTTON_OVERDOWNTOOVERUP (1<<3) #define SWFBUTTON_OVERUPTOOVERDOWN (1<<2) #define SWFBUTTON_OVERUPTOIDLE (1<<1) #define SWFBUTTON_IDLETOOVERUP (1<<0) /* easier to remember: */ #define SWFBUTTON_MOUSEUPOUTSIDE SWFBUTTON_OUTDOWNTOIDLE #define SWFBUTTON_DRAGOVER (SWFBUTTON_OUTDOWNTOOVERDOWN | SWFBUTTON_IDLETOOVERDOWN) #define SWFBUTTON_DRAGOUT (SWFBUTTON_OVERDOWNTOOUTDOWN | SWFBUTTON_OVERDOWNTOIDLE) #define SWFBUTTON_MOUSEUP SWFBUTTON_OVERDOWNTOOVERUP #define SWFBUTTON_MOUSEDOWN SWFBUTTON_OVERUPTOOVERDOWN #define SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOUT SWFBUTTON_OVERUPTOIDLE #define SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOVER SWFBUTTON_IDLETOOVERUP SWFButton newSWFButton(void); void destroySWFButton(SWFButton button); SWFButtonRecord SWFButton_addCharacter(SWFButton, SWFCharacter, byte flags); void SWFButton_addAction(SWFButton button, SWFAction action, int flags); SWFSoundInstance SWFButton_addSound(SWFButton button, SWFSound action, byte flags); void SWFButton_setMenu(SWFButton button, int flag); void SWFButton_setScalingGrid(SWFButton b, int x, int y, int w, int h); void SWFButton_removeScalingGrid(SWFButton b); /** SWFButton **/ void SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(SWFButtonRecord b, int depth); void SWFButtonRecord_addFilter(SWFButtonRecord b, SWFFilter f); void SWFButtonRecord_setBlendMode(SWFButtonRecord b, int mode); void SWFButtonRecord_move(SWFButtonRecord record, double x, double y); void SWFButtonRecord_moveTo(SWFButtonRecord record, double x, double y); void SWFButtonRecord_rotate(SWFButtonRecord record, double deg); void SWFButtonRecord_rotateTo(SWFButtonRecord record, double deg); void SWFButtonRecord_scale(SWFButtonRecord record, double scaleX, double scaleY); void SWFButtonRecord_scaleTo(SWFButtonRecord record, double scaleX, double scaleY); void SWFButtonRecord_skewX(SWFButtonRecord record, double skewX); void SWFButtonRecord_skewXTo(SWFButtonRecord record, double skewX); void SWFButtonRecord_skewY(SWFButtonRecord record, double skewY); void SWFButtonRecord_skewYTo(SWFButtonRecord record, double skewY); /****** SWFVideo ******/ #define SWFVIDEOSTREAM_MODE_AUTO 0 #define SWFVIDEOSTREAM_MODE_MANUAL 1 SWFVideoStream newSWFVideoStream_fromFile(FILE *f); SWFVideoStream newSWFVideoStream_fromInput(SWFInput input); SWFVideoStream newSWFVideoStream(void); void SWFVideoStream_setDimension(SWFVideoStream stream, int width, int height); int SWFVideoStream_getNumFrames(SWFVideoStream stream); int SWFVideoStream_hasAudio(SWFVideoStream stream); int SWFVideoStream_setFrameMode(SWFVideoStream stream, int mode); int SWFVideoStream_nextFrame(SWFVideoStream stream); int SWFVideoStream_seek(SWFVideoStream stream, int frame, int whence); void destroySWFVideoStream(SWFVideoStream stream); /***** SWFSprite *****/ SWFSprite newSWFSprite(void); void destroySWFSprite(SWFSprite sprite); void SWFSprite_addBlock(SWFSprite sprite, SWFBlock block); /***** SWFPosition *****/ SWFPosition newSWFPosition(SWFMatrix matrix); void destroySWFPosition(SWFPosition position); void SWFPosition_skewX(SWFPosition position, double x); void SWFPosition_skewXTo(SWFPosition position, double x); void SWFPosition_skewY(SWFPosition position, double y); void SWFPosition_skewYTo(SWFPosition position, double y); void SWFPosition_scaleX(SWFPosition position, double x); void SWFPosition_scaleXTo(SWFPosition position, double x); void SWFPosition_scaleY(SWFPosition position, double y); void SWFPosition_scaleYTo(SWFPosition position, double y); void SWFPosition_scaleXY(SWFPosition position, double x, double y); void SWFPosition_scaleXYTo(SWFPosition position, double x, double y); SWFMatrix SWFPosition_getMatrix(SWFPosition p); void SWFPosition_setMatrix(SWFPosition p, double a, double b, double c, double d, double x, double y); void SWFPosition_rotate(SWFPosition position, double degrees); void SWFPosition_rotateTo(SWFPosition position, double degrees); void SWFPosition_move(SWFPosition position, double x, double y); void SWFPosition_moveTo(SWFPosition position, double x, double y); double SWFPosition_getRotation(SWFPosition position); double SWFPosition_getX(SWFPosition position); double SWFPosition_getY(SWFPosition position); void SWFPosition_getXY(SWFPosition position, double* outX, double* outY); double SWFPosition_getXScale(SWFPosition position); double SWFPosition_getYScale(SWFPosition position); void SWFPosition_getXYScale(SWFPosition position, double* outXScale, double* outYScale); double SWFPosition_getXSkew(SWFPosition position); double SWFPosition_getYSkew(SWFPosition position); void SWFPosition_getXYSkew(SWFPosition position, double* outXSkew, double* outYSkew); /***** SWFDisplayItem *****/ SWFCharacter SWFDisplayItem_getCharacter(SWFDisplayItem item); void SWFDisplayItem_endMask(SWFDisplayItem item); void SWFDisplayItem_move(SWFDisplayItem item, double x, double y); void SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(SWFDisplayItem item, double x, double y); void SWFDisplayItem_rotate(SWFDisplayItem item, double degrees); void SWFDisplayItem_rotateTo(SWFDisplayItem item, double degrees); void SWFDisplayItem_scale(SWFDisplayItem item, double xScale, double yScale); void SWFDisplayItem_scaleTo(SWFDisplayItem item, double xScale, double yScale); void SWFDisplayItem_skewX(SWFDisplayItem item, double x); void SWFDisplayItem_skewXTo(SWFDisplayItem item, double x); void SWFDisplayItem_skewY(SWFDisplayItem item, double y); void SWFDisplayItem_skewYTo(SWFDisplayItem item, double y); void SWFDisplayItem_getPosition(SWFDisplayItem item, double * x, double * y); void SWFDisplayItem_getRotation(SWFDisplayItem item, double * degrees); void SWFDisplayItem_getScale(SWFDisplayItem item, double * xScale, double * yScale); void SWFDisplayItem_getSkew(SWFDisplayItem item, double * xSkew, double * ySkew); SWFMatrix SWFDisplayItem_getMatrix(SWFDisplayItem item); void SWFDisplayItem_setMatrix(SWFDisplayItem i, double a, double b, double c, double d, double x, double y); int SWFDisplayItem_getDepth(SWFDisplayItem item); void SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(SWFDisplayItem item, int depth); void SWFDisplayItem_remove(SWFDisplayItem item); void SWFDisplayItem_setName(SWFDisplayItem item, const char *name); void SWFDisplayItem_setMaskLevel(SWFDisplayItem item, int masklevel); void SWFDisplayItem_setRatio(SWFDisplayItem item, float ratio); void SWFDisplayItem_setCXform(SWFDisplayItem item, SWFCXform cXform); void SWFDisplayItem_setColorAdd(SWFDisplayItem item, int r, int g, int b, int a); void SWFDisplayItem_setColorMult(SWFDisplayItem item, float r, float g, float b, float a); #define SWFDisplayItem_addColor SWFDisplayItem_setColorAdd #define SWFDisplayItem_multColor SWFDisplayItem_setColorMult #define SWFACTION_ONLOAD (1<<0) #define SWFACTION_ENTERFRAME (1<<1) #define SWFACTION_UNLOAD (1<<2) #define SWFACTION_MOUSEMOVE (1<<3) #define SWFACTION_MOUSEDOWN (1<<4) #define SWFACTION_MOUSEUP (1<<5) #define SWFACTION_KEYDOWN (1<<6) #define SWFACTION_KEYUP (1<<7) #define SWFACTION_DATA (1<<8) void SWFDisplayItem_addAction(SWFDisplayItem item, SWFAction action, int flags); void SWFDisplayItem_cacheAsBitmap(SWFDisplayItem item, int flag); enum { SWFBLEND_MODE_NULL, SWFBLEND_MODE_NORMAL, SWFBLEND_MODE_LAYER, SWFBLEND_MODE_MULT, SWFBLEND_MODE_SCREEN, SWFBLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN, SWFBLEND_MODE_DARKEN, SWFBLEND_MODE_DIFF, SWFBLEND_MODE_ADD, SWFBLEND_MODE_SUB, SWFBLEND_MODE_INV, SWFBLEND_MODE_ALPHA, SWFBLEND_MODE_ERASE, SWFBLEND_MODE_OVERLAY, SWFBLEND_MODE_HARDLIGHT }; void SWFDisplayItem_setBlendMode(SWFDisplayItem item, int mode); /***** SWFFill *****/ /* adds a position object to manipulate SWFFillStyle's matrix */ SWFFill newSWFFill(SWFFillStyle fillstyle); void destroySWFFill(SWFFill fill); SWFFillStyle SWFFill_getFillStyle(SWFFill fill); void SWFFill_skewX(SWFFill fill, float x); void SWFFill_skewXTo(SWFFill fill, float x); void SWFFill_skewY(SWFFill fill, float y); void SWFFill_skewYTo(SWFFill fill, float y); void SWFFill_scaleX(SWFFill fill, float x); void SWFFill_scaleXTo(SWFFill fill, float x); void SWFFill_scaleY(SWFFill fill, float y); void SWFFill_scaleYTo(SWFFill fill, float y); void SWFFill_scaleXY(SWFFill fill, float x, float y); void SWFFill_scaleXYTo(SWFFill fill, float x, float y); /* Deprecated? */ #define SWFFill_scale SWFFill_scaleXY #define SWFFill_scaleTo SWFFill_scaleXYTo void SWFFill_rotate(SWFFill fill, float degrees); void SWFFill_rotateTo(SWFFill fill, float degrees); void SWFFill_move(SWFFill fill, float x, float y); void SWFFill_moveTo(SWFFill fill, float x, float y); void SWFFill_setMatrix(SWFFill fill, float a, float b, float c, float d, float x, float y); /***** shape_util.h *****/ void SWFShape_setLine(SWFShape shape, unsigned short width, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); void SWFShape_setLine2Filled(SWFShape shape, unsigned short width, SWFFillStyle fill, int flags, float miterLimit); void SWFShape_setLine2(SWFShape shape, unsigned short width, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a, int flags, float miterLimit); SWFFill SWFShape_addSolidFill(SWFShape shape, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a); SWFFill SWFShape_addGradientFill(SWFShape shape, SWFGradient gradient, byte flags); SWFFill SWFShape_addBitmapFill(SWFShape shape, SWFBitmap bitmap, byte flags); void SWFShape_setLeftFill(SWFShape shape, SWFFill fill); void SWFShape_setRightFill(SWFShape shape, SWFFill fill); void SWFShape_drawArc(SWFShape shape, double r, double startAngle, double endAngle); void SWFShape_drawCircle(SWFShape shape, double r); /* draw character c from font font into shape shape at size size */ void SWFShape_drawGlyph(SWFShape shape, SWFFont font, unsigned short c); void SWFShape_drawSizedGlyph(SWFShape shape, SWFFont font, unsigned short c, int size); /* Deprecated: */ #define SWFShape_drawFontGlyph(s,f,c) SWFShape_drawGlyph(s,f,c) /* approximate a cubic bezier with quadratic segments */ /* returns the number of segments used */ int SWFShape_drawCubic(SWFShape shape, double bx, double by, double cx, double cy, double dx, double dy); int SWFShape_drawCubicTo(SWFShape shape, double bx, double by, double cx, double cy, double dx, double dy); void SWFShape_drawCharacterBounds(SWFShape shape, SWFCharacter character); /***** SWFMovieClip *****/ SWFMovieClip newSWFMovieClip(void); void destroySWFMovieClip(SWFMovieClip movieClip); void SWFMovieClip_setNumberOfFrames(SWFMovieClip clip, int frames); void SWFMovieClip_nextFrame(SWFMovieClip clip); void SWFMovieClip_labelFrame(SWFMovieClip clip, const char *label); SWFDisplayItem SWFMovieClip_add(SWFMovieClip clip, SWFBlock block); void SWFMovieClip_remove(SWFMovieClip clip, SWFDisplayItem item); void SWFMovieClip_setSoundStreamAt(SWFMovieClip clip, SWFSoundStream sound, float rate, float skipSound); void SWFMovieClip_setSoundStream(SWFMovieClip clip, SWFSoundStream sound, float rate); SWFSoundInstance SWFMovieClip_startSound(SWFMovieClip clip, SWFSound sound); void SWFMovieClip_stopSound(SWFMovieClip clip, SWFSound sound); /***** SWFPrebuiltClip ****/ void destroySWFPrebuiltClip(SWFPrebuiltClip clip); SWFPrebuiltClip newSWFPrebuiltClip_fromFile(const char *filename); SWFPrebuiltClip newSWFPrebuiltClip_fromInput(SWFInput input); /***** SWFBinaryData *****/ SWFBinaryData newSWFBinaryData(unsigned char *blob, int length); /***** SWFMovie *****/ SWFMovie newSWFMovie(void); SWFMovie newSWFMovieWithVersion(int version); void destroySWFMovie(SWFMovie movie); void SWFMovie_setRate(SWFMovie movie, float rate); float SWFMovie_getRate(SWFMovie movie); void SWFMovie_setDimension(SWFMovie movie, float x, float y); void SWFMovie_setNumberOfFrames(SWFMovie movie, int frames); void SWFMovie_addExport(SWFMovie movie, SWFBlock block, const char *name); void SWFMovie_setBackground(SWFMovie movie, byte r, byte g, byte b); void SWFMovie_setSoundStream(SWFMovie movie, SWFSoundStream sound); void SWFMovie_setSoundStreamAt(SWFMovie movie, SWFSoundStream stream, float skip); SWFSoundInstance SWFMovie_startSound(SWFMovie movie, SWFSound sound); void SWFMovie_stopSound(SWFMovie movie, SWFSound sound); SWFDisplayItem SWFMovie_add(SWFMovie movie, SWFBlock block); void SWFMovie_remove(SWFMovie movie, SWFDisplayItem item); void SWFMovie_nextFrame(SWFMovie movie); void SWFMovie_labelFrame(SWFMovie movie, const char *label); int SWFMovie_output(SWFMovie movie, SWFByteOutputMethod method, void *data); int SWFMovie_save(SWFMovie movie, const char *filename); void SWFMovie_protect(SWFMovie movie, const char *password); void SWFMovie_setNetworkAccess(SWFMovie movie, int flag); void SWFMovie_addMetadata(SWFMovie movie, const char *xml); void SWFMovie_setScriptLimits(SWFMovie movie, int maxRecursion, int timeout); void SWFMovie_setTabIndex(SWFMovie movie, int depth, int i); SWFFontCharacter SWFMovie_importFont(SWFMovie movie, const char *filename, const char *name); SWFFontCharacter SWFMovie_addFont(SWFMovie movie, SWFFont font); SWFCharacter SWFMovie_importCharacter(SWFMovie movie, const char *filename, const char *name); void SWFMovie_assignSymbol(SWFMovie m, SWFCharacter character, const char *name); void SWFMovie_defineScene(SWFMovie m, unsigned int offset, const char *name); void SWFMovie_namedAnchor(SWFMovie movie, const char *label); void SWFMovie_writeExports(SWFMovie movie); /***** SWFFilter ***********/ #define SWFFILTER_MODE_INNER (1<<7) #define SWFFILTER_MODE_KO (1<<6) #define SWFFILTER_MODE_COMPOSITE (1<<5) #define SWFFILTER_MODE_ONTOP (1<<4) #define SWFFILTER_FLAG_CLAMP (1<<1) #define SWFFILTER_FLAG_PRESERVE_ALPHA (1<<0) typedef enum { SWFFILTER_TYPE_DROPSHADOW, SWFFILTER_TYPE_BLUR, SWFFILTER_TYPE_GLOW, SWFFILTER_TYPE_BEVEL, SWFFILTER_TYPE_GRADIENTGLOW, SWFFILTER_TYPE_CONVOLUTION, SWFFILTER_TYPE_COLORMATRIX, SWFFILTER_TYPE_GRADIENTBEVEL } SWFFilterFmt; typedef struct SWFColor { unsigned char red; unsigned char green; unsigned char blue; unsigned char alpha; } SWFColor; typedef struct Shadow_s *SWFShadow; SWFShadow newSWFShadow(float angle, float distance, float strength); void destroySWFShadow(SWFShadow s); typedef struct Blur_s *SWFBlur; SWFBlur newSWFBlur(float blurX, float blurY, int passes); void destroySWFBlur(SWFBlur b); typedef struct FilterMatrix_s *SWFFilterMatrix; SWFFilterMatrix newSWFFilterMatrix(int cols, int rows, float *vals); void destroySWFFilterMatrix(SWFFilterMatrix m); void destroySWFFilter(SWFFilter filter); SWFFilter newColorMatrixFilter(SWFFilterMatrix matrix); SWFFilter newConvolutionFilter(SWFFilterMatrix matrix, float divisor, float bias, SWFColor color, int flags); SWFFilter newGradientBevelFilter(SWFGradient gradient, SWFBlur blur, SWFShadow shadow, int flags); SWFFilter newGradientGlowFilter(SWFGradient gradient, SWFBlur blur, SWFShadow shadow, int flags); SWFFilter newBevelFilter(SWFColor shadowColor, SWFColor highlightColor, SWFBlur blur, SWFShadow shadow, int flags); SWFFilter newGlowFilter(SWFColor color, SWFBlur blur, float strength, int flags); SWFFilter newBlurFilter(SWFBlur blur); SWFFilter newDropShadowFilter(SWFColor color, SWFBlur blur, SWFShadow shadow, int flags); void SWFDisplayItem_addFilter(SWFDisplayItem item, SWFFilter filter);