// // Copyright (c) 2008-2017 the Urho3D project. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #include "../Precompiled.h" #include "../Core/Context.h" #include "../Core/Profiler.h" #include "../Graphics/Texture2D.h" #include "../IO/Log.h" #include "../Resource/ResourceCache.h" #include "../UI/Font.h" #include "../UI/FontFace.h" #include "../UI/Text.h" #include "../Resource/Localization.h" #include "../Resource/ResourceEvents.h" #include "../DebugNew.h" namespace Urho3D { const char* textEffects[] = { "None", "Shadow", "Stroke", 0 }; static const float MIN_ROW_SPACING = 0.5f; extern const char* horizontalAlignments[]; extern const char* UI_CATEGORY; Text::Text(Context* context) : UIElement(context), fontSize_(DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE), textAlignment_(HA_LEFT), rowSpacing_(1.0f), wordWrap_(false), autoLocalizable_(false), charLocationsDirty_(true), selectionStart_(0), selectionLength_(0), selectionColor_(Color::TRANSPARENT), hoverColor_(Color::TRANSPARENT), textEffect_(TE_NONE), shadowOffset_(IntVector2(1, 1)), strokeThickness_(1), roundStroke_(false), effectColor_(Color::BLACK), effectDepthBias_(0.0f), rowHeight_(0) { // By default Text does not derive opacity from parent elements useDerivedOpacity_ = false; } Text::~Text() { } void Text::RegisterObject(Context* context) { context->RegisterFactory(UI_CATEGORY); URHO3D_COPY_BASE_ATTRIBUTES(UIElement); URHO3D_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE("Use Derived Opacity", false); URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Font", GetFontAttr, SetFontAttr, ResourceRef, ResourceRef(Font::GetTypeStatic()), AM_FILE); URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Font Size", float, fontSize_, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, AM_FILE); URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Text", GetTextAttr, SetTextAttr, String, String::EMPTY, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ENUM_ATTRIBUTE("Text Alignment", textAlignment_, horizontalAlignments, HA_LEFT, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Row Spacing", float, rowSpacing_, 1.0f, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Word Wrap", bool, wordWrap_, false, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Auto Localizable", GetAutoLocalizable, SetAutoLocalizable, bool, false, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Selection Color", GetSelectionColor, SetSelectionColor, Color, Color::TRANSPARENT, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Hover Color", GetHoverColor, SetHoverColor, Color, Color::TRANSPARENT, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ENUM_ATTRIBUTE("Text Effect", textEffect_, textEffects, TE_NONE, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Shadow Offset", IntVector2, shadowOffset_, IntVector2(1, 1), AM_FILE); URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Stroke Thickness", int, strokeThickness_, 1, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Round Stroke", bool, roundStroke_, false, AM_FILE); URHO3D_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Effect Color", GetEffectColor, SetEffectColor, Color, Color::BLACK, AM_FILE); // Change the default value for UseDerivedOpacity context->GetAttribute("Use Derived Opacity")->defaultValue_ = false; } void Text::ApplyAttributes() { UIElement::ApplyAttributes(); // Localize now if attributes were loaded out-of-order if (autoLocalizable_ && stringId_.Length()) { Localization* l10n = GetSubsystem(); text_ = l10n->Get(stringId_); } DecodeToUnicode(); fontSize_ = Max(fontSize_, 1); strokeThickness_ = Abs(strokeThickness_); ValidateSelection(); UpdateText(); } void Text::GetBatches(PODVector& batches, PODVector& vertexData, const IntRect& currentScissor) { FontFace* face = font_ ? font_->GetFace(fontSize_) : (FontFace*)0; if (!face) { hovering_ = false; return; } // If face has changed or char locations are not valid anymore, update before rendering if (charLocationsDirty_ || !fontFace_ || face != fontFace_) UpdateCharLocations(); // If face uses mutable glyphs mechanism, reacquire glyphs before rendering to make sure they are in the texture else if (face->HasMutableGlyphs()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < printText_.Size(); ++i) face->GetGlyph(printText_[i]); } // Hovering and/or whole selection batch if ((hovering_ && hoverColor_.a_ > 0.0) || (selected_ && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f)) { bool both = hovering_ && selected_ && hoverColor_.a_ > 0.0 && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f; UIBatch batch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, 0, &vertexData); batch.SetColor(both ? selectionColor_.Lerp(hoverColor_, 0.5f) : (selected_ && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f ? selectionColor_ : hoverColor_)); batch.AddQuad(0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), 0, 0); UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches); } // Partial selection batch if (!selected_ && selectionLength_ && charLocations_.Size() >= selectionStart_ + selectionLength_ && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f) { UIBatch batch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, 0, &vertexData); batch.SetColor(selectionColor_); Vector2 currentStart = charLocations_[selectionStart_].position_; Vector2 currentEnd = currentStart; for (unsigned i = selectionStart_; i < selectionStart_ + selectionLength_; ++i) { // Check if row changes, and start a new quad in that case if (charLocations_[i].size_ != Vector2::ZERO) { if (charLocations_[i].position_.y_ != currentStart.y_) { batch.AddQuad(currentStart.x_, currentStart.y_, currentEnd.x_ - currentStart.x_, currentEnd.y_ - currentStart.y_, 0, 0); currentStart = charLocations_[i].position_; currentEnd = currentStart + charLocations_[i].size_; } else { currentEnd.x_ += charLocations_[i].size_.x_; currentEnd.y_ = Max(currentStart.y_ + charLocations_[i].size_.y_, currentEnd.y_); } } } if (currentEnd != currentStart) { batch.AddQuad(currentStart.x_, currentStart.y_, currentEnd.x_ - currentStart.x_, currentEnd.y_ - currentStart.y_, 0, 0); } UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches); } // Text batch TextEffect textEffect = font_->IsSDFFont() ? TE_NONE : textEffect_; const Vector >& textures = face->GetTextures(); for (unsigned n = 0; n < textures.Size() && n < pageGlyphLocations_.Size(); ++n) { // One batch per texture/page UIBatch pageBatch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, textures[n], &vertexData); const PODVector& pageGlyphLocation = pageGlyphLocations_[n]; switch (textEffect) { case TE_NONE: ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0); break; case TE_SHADOW: ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, shadowOffset_.x_, shadowOffset_.y_, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_); ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0); break; case TE_STROKE: if (roundStroke_) { // Samples should be even or glyph may be redrawn in wrong x y pos making stroke corners rough // Adding to thickness helps with thickness of 1 not having enought samples for this formula // or certain fonts with reflex corners requiring more glyph samples for a smooth stroke when large int thickness = Min(strokeThickness_, fontSize_); int samples = thickness * thickness + (thickness % 2 == 0 ? 4 : 3); float angle = 360.f / samples; float floatThickness = (float)thickness; for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) { float x = Cos(angle * i) * floatThickness; float y = Sin(angle * i) * floatThickness; ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, x, y, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_); } } else { int thickness = Min(strokeThickness_, fontSize_); int x, y; for (x = -thickness; x <= thickness; ++x) { for (y = -thickness; y <= thickness; ++y) { // Don't draw glyphs that aren't on the edges if (x > -thickness && x < thickness && y > -thickness && y < thickness) continue; ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, x, y, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_); } } } ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0); break; } UIBatch::AddOrMerge(pageBatch, batches); } // Reset hovering for next frame hovering_ = false; } void Text::OnResize(const IntVector2& newSize, const IntVector2& delta) { if (wordWrap_) UpdateText(true); else charLocationsDirty_ = true; } void Text::OnIndentSet() { charLocationsDirty_ = true; } bool Text::SetFont(const String& fontName, int size) { ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem(); return SetFont(cache->GetResource(fontName), size); } bool Text::SetFont(Font* font, float size) { if (!font) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null font for Text"); return false; } if (font != font_ || size != fontSize_) { font_ = font; fontSize_ = Max(size, 1); UpdateText(); } return true; } bool Text::SetFontSize(float size) { // Initial font must be set if (!font_) return false; else return SetFont(font_, size); } void Text::DecodeToUnicode() { unicodeText_.Clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < text_.Length();) unicodeText_.Push(text_.NextUTF8Char(i)); } void Text::SetText(const String& text) { if (autoLocalizable_) { stringId_ = text; Localization* l10n = GetSubsystem(); text_ = l10n->Get(stringId_); } else { text_ = text; } DecodeToUnicode(); ValidateSelection(); UpdateText(); } void Text::SetTextAlignment(HorizontalAlignment align) { if (align != textAlignment_) { textAlignment_ = align; charLocationsDirty_ = true; } } void Text::SetRowSpacing(float spacing) { if (spacing != rowSpacing_) { rowSpacing_ = Max(spacing, MIN_ROW_SPACING); UpdateText(); } } void Text::SetWordwrap(bool enable) { if (enable != wordWrap_) { wordWrap_ = enable; UpdateText(); } } void Text::SetAutoLocalizable(bool enable) { if (enable != autoLocalizable_) { autoLocalizable_ = enable; if (enable) { stringId_ = text_; Localization* l10n = GetSubsystem(); text_ = l10n->Get(stringId_); SubscribeToEvent(E_CHANGELANGUAGE, URHO3D_HANDLER(Text, HandleChangeLanguage)); } else { text_ = stringId_; stringId_ = ""; UnsubscribeFromEvent(E_CHANGELANGUAGE); } DecodeToUnicode(); ValidateSelection(); UpdateText(); } } void Text::HandleChangeLanguage(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData) { Localization* l10n = GetSubsystem(); text_ = l10n->Get(stringId_); DecodeToUnicode(); ValidateSelection(); UpdateText(); } void Text::SetSelection(unsigned start, unsigned length) { selectionStart_ = start; selectionLength_ = length; ValidateSelection(); } void Text::ClearSelection() { selectionStart_ = 0; selectionLength_ = 0; } void Text::SetSelectionColor(const Color& color) { selectionColor_ = color; } void Text::SetHoverColor(const Color& color) { hoverColor_ = color; } void Text::SetTextEffect(TextEffect textEffect) { textEffect_ = textEffect; } void Text::SetEffectShadowOffset(const IntVector2& offset) { shadowOffset_ = offset; } void Text::SetEffectStrokeThickness(int thickness) { strokeThickness_ = Abs(thickness); } void Text::SetEffectRoundStroke(bool roundStroke) { roundStroke_ = roundStroke; } void Text::SetEffectColor(const Color& effectColor) { effectColor_ = effectColor; } void Text::SetEffectDepthBias(float bias) { effectDepthBias_ = bias; } float Text::GetRowWidth(unsigned index) const { return index < rowWidths_.Size() ? rowWidths_[index] : 0; } Vector2 Text::GetCharPosition(unsigned index) { if (charLocationsDirty_) UpdateCharLocations(); if (charLocations_.Empty()) return Vector2::ZERO; // For convenience, return the position of the text ending if index exceeded if (index > charLocations_.Size() - 1) index = charLocations_.Size() - 1; return charLocations_[index].position_; } Vector2 Text::GetCharSize(unsigned index) { if (charLocationsDirty_) UpdateCharLocations(); if (charLocations_.Size() < 2) return Vector2::ZERO; // For convenience, return the size of the last char if index exceeded (last size entry is zero) if (index > charLocations_.Size() - 2) index = charLocations_.Size() - 2; return charLocations_[index].size_; } void Text::SetFontAttr(const ResourceRef& value) { ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem(); font_ = cache->GetResource(value.name_); } ResourceRef Text::GetFontAttr() const { return GetResourceRef(font_, Font::GetTypeStatic()); } void Text::SetTextAttr(const String& value) { text_ = value; if (autoLocalizable_) stringId_ = value; } String Text::GetTextAttr() const { if (autoLocalizable_ && stringId_.Length()) return stringId_; else return text_; } bool Text::FilterImplicitAttributes(XMLElement& dest) const { if (!UIElement::FilterImplicitAttributes(dest)) return false; if (!IsFixedWidth()) { if (!RemoveChildXML(dest, "Size")) return false; if (!RemoveChildXML(dest, "Min Size")) return false; if (!RemoveChildXML(dest, "Max Size")) return false; } return true; } void Text::UpdateText(bool onResize) { rowWidths_.Clear(); printText_.Clear(); if (font_) { FontFace* face = font_->GetFace(fontSize_); if (!face) return; rowHeight_ = face->GetRowHeight(); int width = 0; int height = 0; int rowWidth = 0; int rowHeight = (int)(rowSpacing_ * rowHeight_ + 0.5f); // First see if the text must be split up if (!wordWrap_) { printText_ = unicodeText_; printToText_.Resize(printText_.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < printText_.Size(); ++i) printToText_[i] = i; } else { int maxWidth = GetWidth(); unsigned nextBreak = 0; unsigned lineStart = 0; printToText_.Clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < unicodeText_.Size(); ++i) { unsigned j; unsigned c = unicodeText_[i]; if (c != '\n') { bool ok = true; if (nextBreak <= i) { int futureRowWidth = rowWidth; for (j = i; j < unicodeText_.Size(); ++j) { unsigned d = unicodeText_[j]; if (d == ' ' || d == '\n') { nextBreak = j; break; } const FontGlyph* glyph = face->GetGlyph(d); if (glyph) { futureRowWidth += glyph->advanceX_; if (j < unicodeText_.Size() - 1) futureRowWidth += face->GetKerning(d, unicodeText_[j + 1]); } if (d == '-' && futureRowWidth <= maxWidth) { nextBreak = j + 1; break; } if (futureRowWidth > maxWidth) { ok = false; break; } } } if (!ok) { // If did not find any breaks on the line, copy until j, or at least 1 char, to prevent infinite loop if (nextBreak == lineStart) { while (i < j) { printText_.Push(unicodeText_[i]); printToText_.Push(i); ++i; } } // Eliminate spaces that have been copied before the forced break while (printText_.Size() && printText_.Back() == ' ') { printText_.Pop(); printToText_.Pop(); } printText_.Push('\n'); printToText_.Push(Min(i, unicodeText_.Size() - 1)); rowWidth = 0; nextBreak = lineStart = i; } if (i < unicodeText_.Size()) { // When copying a space, position is allowed to be over row width c = unicodeText_[i]; const FontGlyph* glyph = face->GetGlyph(c); if (glyph) { rowWidth += glyph->advanceX_; if (i < unicodeText_.Size() - 1) rowWidth += face->GetKerning(c, unicodeText_[i + 1]); } if (rowWidth <= maxWidth) { printText_.Push(c); printToText_.Push(i); } } } else { printText_.Push('\n'); printToText_.Push(Min(i, unicodeText_.Size() - 1)); rowWidth = 0; nextBreak = lineStart = i; } } } rowWidth = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < printText_.Size(); ++i) { unsigned c = printText_[i]; if (c != '\n') { const FontGlyph* glyph = face->GetGlyph(c); if (glyph) { rowWidth += glyph->advanceX_; if (i < printText_.Size() - 1) rowWidth += face->GetKerning(c, printText_[i + 1]); } } else { width = Max(width, rowWidth); height += rowHeight; rowWidths_.Push(rowWidth); rowWidth = 0; } } if (rowWidth) { width = Max(width, rowWidth); height += rowHeight; rowWidths_.Push(rowWidth); } // Set at least one row height even if text is empty if (!height) height = rowHeight; // Set minimum and current size according to the text size, but respect fixed width if set if (!IsFixedWidth()) { if (wordWrap_) SetMinWidth(0); else { SetMinWidth(width); SetWidth(width); } } SetFixedHeight(height); charLocationsDirty_ = true; } else { // No font, nothing to render pageGlyphLocations_.Clear(); } // If wordwrap is on, parent may need layout update to correct for overshoot in size. However, do not do this when the // update is a response to resize, as that could cause infinite recursion if (wordWrap_ && !onResize) { UIElement* parent = GetParent(); if (parent && parent->GetLayoutMode() != LM_FREE) parent->UpdateLayout(); } } void Text::UpdateCharLocations() { // Remember the font face to see if it's still valid when it's time to render FontFace* face = font_ ? font_->GetFace(fontSize_) : (FontFace*)0; if (!face) return; fontFace_ = face; int rowHeight = (int)(rowSpacing_ * rowHeight_ + 0.5f); // Store position & size of each character, and locations per texture page unsigned numChars = unicodeText_.Size(); charLocations_.Resize(numChars + 1); pageGlyphLocations_.Resize(face->GetTextures().Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < pageGlyphLocations_.Size(); ++i) pageGlyphLocations_[i].Clear(); IntVector2 offset = font_->GetTotalGlyphOffset(fontSize_); unsigned rowIndex = 0; unsigned lastFilled = 0; float x = floor(GetRowStartPosition(rowIndex) + offset.x_ + 0.5f); float y = floor(offset.y_ + 0.5f); for (unsigned i = 0; i < printText_.Size(); ++i) { CharLocation loc; loc.position_ = Vector2(x, y); unsigned c = printText_[i]; if (c != '\n') { const FontGlyph* glyph = face->GetGlyph(c); loc.size_ = Vector2(glyph ? glyph->advanceX_ : 0, rowHeight_); if (glyph) { // Store glyph's location for rendering. Verify that glyph page is valid if (glyph->page_ < pageGlyphLocations_.Size()) pageGlyphLocations_[glyph->page_].Push(GlyphLocation(x, y, glyph)); x += glyph->advanceX_; if (i < printText_.Size() - 1) x += face->GetKerning(c, printText_[i + 1]); } } else { loc.size_ = Vector2::ZERO; x = GetRowStartPosition(++rowIndex); y += rowHeight; } if (lastFilled > printToText_[i]) lastFilled = printToText_[i]; // Fill gaps in case characters were skipped from printing for (unsigned j = lastFilled; j <= printToText_[i]; ++j) charLocations_[j] = loc; lastFilled = printToText_[i] + 1; } // Store the ending position charLocations_[numChars].position_ = Vector2(x, y); charLocations_[numChars].size_ = Vector2::ZERO; charLocationsDirty_ = false; } void Text::ValidateSelection() { unsigned textLength = unicodeText_.Size(); if (textLength) { if (selectionStart_ >= textLength) selectionStart_ = textLength - 1; if (selectionStart_ + selectionLength_ > textLength) selectionLength_ = textLength - selectionStart_; } else { selectionStart_ = 0; selectionLength_ = 0; } } int Text::GetRowStartPosition(unsigned rowIndex) const { float rowWidth = 0; if (rowIndex < rowWidths_.Size()) rowWidth = rowWidths_[rowIndex]; int ret = GetIndentWidth(); switch (textAlignment_) { case HA_LEFT: break; case HA_CENTER: ret += (GetSize().x_ - rowWidth) / 2; break; case HA_RIGHT: ret += GetSize().x_ - rowWidth; break; } return ret; } void Text::ConstructBatch(UIBatch& pageBatch, const PODVector& pageGlyphLocation, float dx, float dy, Color* color, float depthBias) { unsigned startDataSize = pageBatch.vertexData_->Size(); if (!color) pageBatch.SetDefaultColor(); else pageBatch.SetColor(*color); for (unsigned i = 0; i < pageGlyphLocation.Size(); ++i) { const GlyphLocation& glyphLocation = pageGlyphLocation[i]; const FontGlyph& glyph = *glyphLocation.glyph_; pageBatch.AddQuad(dx + glyphLocation.x_ + glyph.offsetX_, dy + glyphLocation.y_ + glyph.offsetY_, glyph.width_, glyph.height_, glyph.x_, glyph.y_, glyph.texWidth_, glyph.texHeight_); } if (depthBias != 0.0f) { unsigned dataSize = pageBatch.vertexData_->Size(); for (unsigned i = startDataSize; i < dataSize; i += UI_VERTEX_SIZE) pageBatch.vertexData_->At(i + 2) += depthBias; } } }