SUBROUTINE ASREAD(NSEG,IPF,ITYP) INCLUDE 'Parametres.f' C NSEG = 0 if (ipostscript.eq.1) then 9999 continue call getxycx11(iev,ixposcurs,iyposcurs & ,ixposcurs_root,iyposcurs_root) if (iev.eq.-2) then NSEG = -1 RETURN endif C 8888 if ( then IPF = iev-48 elseif( then IPF = iev-55 elseif( then IPF = iev-112 elseif( then IPF = iev-87 c c click c elseif( then iev = ichar(mouse(iev-250)(1:1)) goto 8888 c c doubleclick c elseif( then nseg = 1 iev = ichar(mouse(iev-260)(1:1)) goto 8888 c fleches elseif(,2).eq.0) then ipf = iev/2 else cc print*,'asread',iev GOTO 9999 endif else call findups(ipf) endif end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine findups(ipf) INCLUDE 'Parametres.f' c write(ilaser_file,'(a)') &'% If you are in trouble with this file, e.g. pictures printing' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') &'% on different pages after assembly in a software like xfig,' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') &'% try to comment out the next line (showdessin)' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') & 'showdessin {gsave copypage grestore} if' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') '%%Trailer' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') '%%Pages: 1' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') 'grestore' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') '%%EOF' c c a virer d'apres Christophe B c cc write(ilaser_file,'(a)') '%%EndDocument' write(ilaser_file,'(a)') 'end' if ( then if (ipostscript.eq.-1) then if (albion) then print*,'Black and white PostScript file generated OK: ' & //nomfichpost(1:lonfichpost) else print*,'Fichier PostScript noir et blanc généré OK : ' & //nomfichpost(1:lonfichpost) endif else if (albion) then print*,'Color PostScript file generated OK: ' & //nomfichpost(1:lonfichpost) else print*,'Fichier PostScript couleur généré OK : ' & //nomfichpost(1:lonfichpost) endif endif endif close(ilaser_file) ipostscript=1 ipf=9999 facteur_en_x = facteur_en_x_sauve facteur_en_y = facteur_en_y_sauve origine_x = origine_x_sauve origine_y = origine_y_sauve end