/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util; import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement; import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; /** * Standard DocPath objects. * *

This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice. * */ public class DocPaths { private final boolean useModuleDirectories; private final String moduleSeparator; private final Utils utils; public DocPaths(Utils utils, boolean useModuleDirectories) { this.utils = utils; this.useModuleDirectories = useModuleDirectories; moduleSeparator = useModuleDirectories ? "/module-" : "-"; } public static final DocPath DOT_DOT = DocPath.create(".."); /** The name of the file for all classes, without using frames, when --no-frames is specified. */ public static final DocPath ALLCLASSES = DocPath.create("allclasses.html"); /** The name of the file for all classes, using frames. */ public static final DocPath ALLCLASSES_FRAME = DocPath.create("allclasses-frame.html"); /** The name of the file for all classes index. */ public static final DocPath ALLCLASSES_INDEX = DocPath.create("allclasses-index.html"); /** The name of the file for all packages index. */ public static final DocPath ALLPACKAGES_INDEX = DocPath.create("allpackages-index.html"); /** The name of the file for all classes, without using frames. */ public static final DocPath ALLCLASSES_NOFRAME = DocPath.create("allclasses-noframe.html"); public static DocPath AllClasses(boolean frames) { return frames ? ALLCLASSES_NOFRAME : ALLCLASSES; } /** The name of the sub-directory for storing class usage info. */ public static final DocPath CLASS_USE = DocPath.create("class-use"); /** The name of the file for constant values. */ public static final DocPath CONSTANT_VALUES = DocPath.create("constant-values.html"); /** The name of the fie for deprecated elements. */ public static final DocPath DEPRECATED_LIST = DocPath.create("deprecated-list.html"); /** The name of the subdirectory for user-provided additional documentation files. */ public static final DocPath DOC_FILES = DocPath.create("doc-files"); /** The name of the file for the element list. */ public static final DocPath ELEMENT_LIST = DocPath.create("element-list"); /** The name of the image file showing a magnifying glass on the search box. */ public static final DocPath GLASS_IMG = DocPath.create("glass.png"); /** The name of the file for help info. */ public static final DocPath HELP_DOC = DocPath.create("help-doc.html"); /** The name of the main index file. */ public static final DocPath INDEX = DocPath.create("index.html"); /** The name of the single index file for all classes. */ public static final DocPath INDEX_ALL = DocPath.create("index-all.html"); /** The name of the directory for the split index files. */ public static final DocPath INDEX_FILES = DocPath.create("index-files"); /** * Generate the name of one of the files in the split index. * @param n the position in the index * @return the path */ public static DocPath indexN(int n) { return DocPath.create("index-" + n + ".html"); } /** The name of the default javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JAVASCRIPT = DocPath.create("script.js"); /** The name of the directory for the jQuery. */ public static final DocPath JQUERY_FILES = DocPath.create("jquery"); /** The name of the default jQuery stylesheet file. */ public static final DocPath JQUERY_STYLESHEET_FILE = DocPath.create("jquery-ui.css"); /** The name of the default jQuery javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JQUERY_JS_3_3 = DocPath.create("jquery-3.3.1.js"); /** The name of jquery-migrate javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JQUERY_MIGRATE = DocPath.create("jquery-migrate-3.0.1.js"); /** The name of the default jQuery javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JQUERY_JS = DocPath.create("jquery-ui.js"); /** The name of the default jszip javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JSZIP = DocPath.create("jszip/dist/jszip.js"); /** The name of the default jszip javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JSZIP_MIN = DocPath.create("jszip/dist/jszip.min.js"); /** The name of the default jszip-utils javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JSZIPUTILS = DocPath.create("jszip-utils/dist/jszip-utils.js"); /** The name of the default jszip-utils javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JSZIPUTILS_MIN = DocPath.create("jszip-utils/dist/jszip-utils.min.js"); /** The name of the default jszip-utils javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JSZIPUTILS_IE = DocPath.create("jszip-utils/dist/jszip-utils-ie.js"); /** The name of the default jszip-utils javascript file. */ public static final DocPath JSZIPUTILS_IE_MIN = DocPath.create("jszip-utils/dist/jszip-utils-ie.min.js"); /** The name of the member search index file. */ public static final DocPath MEMBER_SEARCH_INDEX_JSON = DocPath.create("member-search-index.json"); /** The name of the member search index zip file. */ public static final DocPath MEMBER_SEARCH_INDEX_ZIP = DocPath.create("member-search-index.zip"); /** The name of the member search index js file. */ public static final DocPath MEMBER_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("member-search-index.js"); /** The name of the module search index file. */ public static final DocPath MODULE_SEARCH_INDEX_JSON = DocPath.create("module-search-index.json"); /** The name of the module search index zip file. */ public static final DocPath MODULE_SEARCH_INDEX_ZIP = DocPath.create("module-search-index.zip"); /** The name of the module search index js file. */ public static final DocPath MODULE_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("module-search-index.js"); /** The name of the file for the overview frame. */ public static final DocPath OVERVIEW_FRAME = DocPath.create("overview-frame.html"); /** The name of the file for the overview summary. */ public static final DocPath OVERVIEW_SUMMARY = DocPath.create("overview-summary.html"); public static DocPath overviewSummary(boolean frames) { return frames ? OVERVIEW_SUMMARY : INDEX; } /** The name of the file for the overview tree. */ public static final DocPath OVERVIEW_TREE = DocPath.create("overview-tree.html"); /** The name of the file for the package frame. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_FRAME = DocPath.create("package-frame.html"); /** The name of the file for the package list. This is to support the legacy mode. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_LIST = DocPath.create("package-list"); /** The name of the package search index file. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_SEARCH_INDEX_JSON = DocPath.create("package-search-index.json"); /** The name of the package search index zip file. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_SEARCH_INDEX_ZIP = DocPath.create("package-search-index.zip"); /** The name of the package search index js file. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("package-search-index.js"); /** The name of the file for the package summary. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_SUMMARY = DocPath.create("package-summary.html"); /** The name of the file for the package tree. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_TREE = DocPath.create("package-tree.html"); /** The name of the file for the package usage info. */ public static final DocPath PACKAGE_USE = DocPath.create("package-use.html"); /** * Returns the path for a type element. * For example, if the type element is {@code java.lang.Object}, * the path is {@code java/lang/Object.html}. * * @param typeElement the type element * @return the path */ public DocPath forClass(TypeElement typeElement) { return (typeElement == null) ? DocPath.empty : forPackage(utils.containingPackage(typeElement)).resolve(forName(typeElement)); } /** * Returns the path for the simple name of a type element. * For example, if the type element is {@code java.lang.Object}, * the path is {@code Object.html}. * * @param typeElement the type element * @return the path */ public DocPath forName(TypeElement typeElement) { return (typeElement == null) ? DocPath.empty : new DocPath(utils.getSimpleName(typeElement) + ".html"); } public static DocPath forModule(ModuleElement mdle) { return mdle == null || mdle.isUnnamed() ? DocPath.empty : DocPath.create(mdle.getQualifiedName().toString()); } /** * Returns the path for the package of a type element. * For example, if the type element is {@code java.lang.Object}, * the path is {@code java/lang}. * * @param typeElement the type element * @return the path */ public DocPath forPackage(TypeElement typeElement) { return (typeElement == null) ? DocPath.empty : forPackage(utils.containingPackage(typeElement)); } /** * Returns the path for a package. * For example, if the package is {@code java.lang}, * the path is {@code java/lang}. * * @param pkgElement the package element * @return the path */ public DocPath forPackage(PackageElement pkgElement) { if (pkgElement == null || pkgElement.isUnnamed()) { return DocPath.empty; } DocPath pkgPath = DocPath.create(pkgElement.getQualifiedName().toString().replace('.', '/')); if (useModuleDirectories) { ModuleElement mdle = (ModuleElement) pkgElement.getEnclosingElement(); return forModule(mdle).resolve(pkgPath); } else { return pkgPath; } } /** * Returns the inverse path for a package. * For example, if the package is {@code java.lang}, * the inverse path is {@code ../..}. * * @param pkgElement the package element * @return the path */ public static DocPath forRoot(PackageElement pkgElement) { String name = (pkgElement == null || pkgElement.isUnnamed()) ? "" : pkgElement.getQualifiedName().toString(); return new DocPath(name.replace('.', '/').replaceAll("[^/]+", "..")); } /** * Returns a relative path from one package to another. * * @param from the origin of the relative path * @param to the destination of the relative path * @return the path */ public DocPath relativePath(PackageElement from, PackageElement to) { return forRoot(from).resolve(forPackage(to)); } /** * The path for the output directory for module documentation files. * @param mdle the module * @return the path */ public DocPath moduleDocFiles(ModuleElement mdle) { return createModulePath(mdle, "doc-files"); } /** * The path for the file for a module's frame page. * @param mdle the module * @return the path */ public DocPath moduleFrame(ModuleElement mdle) { return createModulePath(mdle, "frame.html"); } /** * The path for the file for a module's summary page. * @param mdle the module * @return the path */ public DocPath moduleSummary(ModuleElement mdle) { return createModulePath(mdle, "summary.html"); } /** * The path for the file for a module's summary page. * @param mdleName the module * @return the path */ public DocPath moduleSummary(String mdleName) { return createModulePath(mdleName, "summary.html"); } /** * The path for the file for a module's type frame page. * @param mdle the module * @return the path */ public DocPath moduleTypeFrame(ModuleElement mdle) { return createModulePath(mdle, "type-frame.html"); } private DocPath createModulePath(ModuleElement mdle, String path) { return DocPath.create(mdle.getQualifiedName() + moduleSeparator + path); } private DocPath createModulePath(String moduleName, String path) { return DocPath.create(moduleName + moduleSeparator + path); } /** The name of the file for the module overview frame. */ public static final DocPath MODULE_OVERVIEW_FRAME = DocPath.create("module-overview-frame.html"); /** The name of the sub-package from which resources are read. */ public static final DocPath RESOURCES = DocPath.create("resources"); /** The name of the search javascript file. */ public static final DocPath SEARCH_JS = DocPath.create("search.js"); /** The name of the file for the serialized form info. */ public static final DocPath SERIALIZED_FORM = DocPath.create("serialized-form.html"); /** The name of the directory in which HTML versions of the source code * are generated. */ public static final DocPath SOURCE_OUTPUT = DocPath.create("src-html"); /** The name of the default stylesheet. */ public static final DocPath STYLESHEET = DocPath.create("stylesheet.css"); /** The name of the tag search index file. */ public static final DocPath TAG_SEARCH_INDEX_JSON = DocPath.create("tag-search-index.json"); /** The name of the tag search index zip file. */ public static final DocPath TAG_SEARCH_INDEX_ZIP = DocPath.create("tag-search-index.zip"); /** The name of the tag search index js file. */ public static final DocPath TAG_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("tag-search-index.js"); /** The name of the type search index file. */ public static final DocPath TYPE_SEARCH_INDEX_JSON = DocPath.create("type-search-index.json"); /** The name of the type search index zip file. */ public static final DocPath TYPE_SEARCH_INDEX_ZIP = DocPath.create("type-search-index.zip"); /** The name of the type search index js file. */ public static final DocPath TYPE_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("type-search-index.js"); /** The name of the image file for undo button on the search box. */ public static final DocPath X_IMG = DocPath.create("x.png"); }