! { dg-do run } ! Test of the fix to the bug triggered by NIST fm908.for. ! Contributed by Paul Thomas ! program past_eor character(len=82) :: buffer real :: a(2), b(2), c(2), d(2), e(2) e = (/2.34,2.456/) ! tests 28-31 from fm908.for buffer = ' 2.34 , 2.456 2.34 , 2.456 0.234E01, 2.456E00& & 0.234E+001, 2.456E-000' READ (UNIT=buffer,FMT=10) a, b, c, d 10 FORMAT (2(2(G7.5,1X),2X),2(G10.4E2,1X),1X,2(G11.7E4,1X)) if (any (a.ne.e).or.any (b.ne.e).or.any (c.ne.e).or.any (d.ne.e)) STOP 1 end program past_eor