{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} #endif ----------------------------------------- -- Andy Gill and Colin Runciman, June 2006 ------------------------------------------ -- | Minor utilities for the HPC tools. module Trace.Hpc.Util ( HpcPos , fromHpcPos , toHpcPos , insideHpcPos , HpcHash(..) , Hash , catchIO , readFileUtf8 , writeFileUtf8 ) where import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq) import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Data.List(foldl') import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Bits (xor) import Data.Word import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.FilePath (takeDirectory) import System.IO -- | 'HpcPos' is an Hpc local rendition of a Span. data HpcPos = P !Int !Int !Int !Int deriving (Eq, Ord) -- | 'fromHpcPos' explodes the HpcPos into /line:column/-/line:column/ fromHpcPos :: HpcPos -> (Int,Int,Int,Int) fromHpcPos (P l1 c1 l2 c2) = (l1,c1,l2,c2) -- | 'toHpcPos' implodes to HpcPos, from /line:column/-/line:column/ toHpcPos :: (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> HpcPos toHpcPos (l1,c1,l2,c2) = P l1 c1 l2 c2 -- | Predicate determining whether the first argument is inside the second argument. insideHpcPos :: HpcPos -> HpcPos -> Bool insideHpcPos small big = sl1 >= bl1 && (sl1 /= bl1 || sc1 >= bc1) && sl2 <= bl2 && (sl2 /= bl2 || sc2 <= bc2) where (sl1,sc1,sl2,sc2) = fromHpcPos small (bl1,bc1,bl2,bc2) = fromHpcPos big instance Show HpcPos where show (P l1 c1 l2 c2) = show l1 ++ ':' : show c1 ++ '-' : show l2 ++ ':' : show c2 instance Read HpcPos where readsPrec _i pos = [(toHpcPos (read l1,read c1,read l2,read c2),after)] where (before,after) = span (/= ',') pos parseError a = error $ "Read HpcPos: Could not parse: " ++ show a (lhs0,rhs0) = case span (/= '-') before of (lhs,'-':rhs) -> (lhs,rhs) (lhs,"") -> (lhs,lhs) _ -> parseError before (l1,c1) = case span (/= ':') lhs0 of (l,':':c) -> (l,c) _ -> parseError lhs0 (l2,c2) = case span (/= ':') rhs0 of (l,':':c) -> (l,c) _ -> parseError rhs0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Very simple Hash number generators class HpcHash a where toHash :: a -> Hash newtype Hash = Hash Word32 deriving (Eq) instance Read Hash where readsPrec p n = [ (Hash v,rest) | (v,rest) <- readsPrec p n ] instance Show Hash where showsPrec p (Hash n) = showsPrec p n instance Num Hash where (Hash a) + (Hash b) = Hash $ a + b (Hash a) * (Hash b) = Hash $ a * b (Hash a) - (Hash b) = Hash $ a - b negate (Hash a) = Hash $ negate a abs (Hash a) = Hash $ abs a signum (Hash a) = Hash $ signum a fromInteger n = Hash $ fromInteger n instance HpcHash Int where toHash n = Hash $ fromIntegral n instance HpcHash Integer where toHash n = fromInteger n instance HpcHash Char where toHash c = Hash $ fromIntegral $ ord c instance HpcHash Bool where toHash True = 1 toHash False = 0 instance HpcHash a => HpcHash [a] where toHash xs = foldl' (\ h c -> toHash c `hxor` (h * 33)) 5381 xs instance (HpcHash a,HpcHash b) => HpcHash (a,b) where toHash (a,b) = (toHash a * 33) `hxor` toHash b instance HpcHash HpcPos where toHash (P a b c d) = Hash $ fromIntegral $ a * 0x1000000 + b * 0x10000 + c * 0x100 + d hxor :: Hash -> Hash -> Hash hxor (Hash x) (Hash y) = Hash $ x `xor` y catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a catchIO = Exception.catch -- | Read a file strictly, as opposed to how `readFile` does it using lazy IO, but also -- disregard system locale and assume that the file is encoded in UTF-8. Haskell source -- files are expected to be encoded in UTF-8 by GHC. readFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> IO String readFileUtf8 filepath = withBinaryFile filepath ReadMode $ \h -> do hSetEncoding h utf8 -- see #17073 contents <- hGetContents h contents `deepseq` hClose h -- prevent lazy IO return contents -- | Write file in UTF-8 encoding. Parent directory will be created if missing. writeFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> String -> IO () writeFileUtf8 filepath str = do createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory filepath) withBinaryFile filepath WriteMode $ \h -> do hSetEncoding h utf8 -- see #17073 hPutStr h str