/** -*- objc -*- * * Author: Sergei Golovin * * The class is intended to test the class NSURLConnection. It is designed to start * a TestWebServer instance and make NSURLConnection to it getting TestWebServerDelegate's * and NSURLConnection's callbacks. As TestCase's child it has two flag sets, the actual * one and the reference one (See TestCase.h). It sets/unsets flags of the actual set on * the execution path at the 'checkpoints' listed below as macros. * * The method -[isSuccess] is called when the NSURLConnection finishes (fails). It makes * a comparison between the two flag sets. The result signifies a success/failure of the * test. * * The test case which the NSURLConnectionTest implements by default is connecting * to the whith the HTTP method 'GET'. You can change variable * parts of process by supplying a custom dictionary to the method -[setUpTest:] * before the test case is started by a call of the -[startTest:]. The use pattern: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #import "NSURLConnectionTest.h" * #import "Testing.h" * * NSURLConnectionTest *testCase = [NSURLConnectionTest new]; * // the extra dictionary with test cases's parameters * NSDictionary *d = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: * @"/somepath", @"Path", * @"POST", @"Method", * @"https", @"Protocol", * nil]; * [testCase setUpTest: d]; * [testCase startTest: d]; * PASS([testCase isSuccess], "a diagnostic message about the test"); * [testCase tearDownTest: d]; * DESTROY(testCase); * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The method -[setUpTest:] recognises the following variable parts (supplied as key-value * pairs): * * 'Instance' * 'AuxInstance' - holds an already running main/auxilliary TestWebServer instance. * If nil the class will run one main instance of TestWebServer * and no auxilliary one. The key 'IsAuxilliary' with the value 'YES' * should be supplied to run an own auxilliary instance. * Useful to run several tests consequently. The test won't stop * on its own the supplied instance(s). It leaves the calling code * to make the decision. The auxilliary instance 'AuxInstance' is * used in tests on redirecting where two web servers are needed. * Default: nil * 'IsAuxilliary' - whether the NSURLConnectionTest should run it's own auxilliary * TestWebServer instance. You must supply YES as a value to run it. * It will be run with the same parameters (address/protocol/detached) * as the main one except of the port which is assigned from the value * of the key 'AuxPort'. * Default: NO * 'IsDetached' - whether to run the own(and auxilliary) instance in the detached mode * (the instance will be run within a detached thread). * Default: NO * 'Address' - the address of the remote side. * Default: * 'Port' - the port of the remote side. * Default: 1234 * 'AuxPort' - the port of the auxilliary remote side (where the connection * to be redirected). * Default: 1235 * 'Protocol' - the network protocol (supports currently http, https). * Default: http * 'Path' - the path of the URL. * Default: '/' * 'RedirectPath' - the path where request should be redirected in corresponding tests. * Default: '/' * 'StatusCode' - the status code expected from the remote side if the test * is successful. * Default: 204 * 'RedirectCode' - the status code expected from the remote side on the connection's first * stage in a test with redirect. * Default: 301 * 'Method' - the request's method. * Default: GET * 'Payload' - the request's payload. It can be of NSString or of NSData class. * The class produces NSData from NSString using NSUTF8StringEncoding. * Default: nil * 'Content' - the expected content. It can be of NSString or of NSData class. * The class produces NSData from NSString using NSUTF8StringEncoding. * Default: nil * 'ReferenceFlags' - the dictionary to correct the guessed reference flag set. * Default: nil * The class tries to infer the reference flag set from * the test request. If that guessed (default) set is wrong then this * dictionary allows to correct it. * The class recognises the following keys: * * 'SENTREQUEST' * 'AUTHORIZED' * 'NOTAUTHORIZED' * 'GOTUNAUTHORIZED' * 'GOTREQUEST' * 'SENTRESPONSE' * 'GOTRESPONSE' * 'GOTCONTENT' * 'GOTFINISH' * 'GOTFAIL' * 'GOTREDIRECT' * * the 'YES' as a value means the corresponding reference flag * must be set, otherwise 'NO' means it must not be set. * * The NSURLConnectionTest can raise it's verbosity level by the method call -[setDebug: YES]. * In this case whole connection session will be showed in the log. * */ #import "TestWebServer.h" #import "TestCase.h" /* the test's checkpoint list */ /* the request has been sent by the client and reaches the server */ #define SENTREQUEST 1 /* the client's request has been authorized */ #define AUTHORIZED 2 /* the client's request hasn't been authorized */ #define NOTAUTHORIZED 4 /* the client has got Unauthorized response */ #define GOTUNAUTHORIZED 8 /* the server has got a right request */ #define GOTREQUEST 16 /* the server is ready to send the response */ #define SENTRESPONSE 32 /* the client has got the response from the server with valid headers/properties */ #define GOTRESPONSE 64 /* the client has got the expected content from the server's response */ #define GOTCONTENT 128 /* the test's execution has reached client's -[connectionDidFinishLoading:] */ #define GOTFINISH 256 /* the test's execution has reached client's -[connection:didFailWithError:] */ #define GOTFAIL 512 /* the test's execution has reached client's -[connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:]*/ #define GOTREDIRECT 1024 /* the end of the test's checkpoint list */ @interface NSURLConnectionTest : TestCase { /* the main TestWebServer instance */ TestWebServer *_server; /* tha auxilliary TestWebServer instance needed in tests on redirecting */ TestWebServer *_auxServer; /* the custom request (made by the instance or supplied externally) */ NSURLRequest *_request; /* the redirect request (made by the instance) */ NSURLRequest *_redirectRequest; /* the data accumulator for the received response's content */ NSMutableData *_received; /* the expected status code */ NSUInteger _expectedStatusCode; /* the expected redirect status code of the connection's first stage * in tests with redirect... the resulting (on the second stage) * expected status code is stored in the ivar _expectedStatusCode */ NSUInteger _redirectStatusCode; /* the expected response's content */ NSData *_expectedContent; /* the connection */ NSURLConnection *_conn; /* to store the error supplied with the -[connection:didFailWithError:] */ NSError *_error; } /** * Returns a TestWebServer-like class used by this test case class. A descendant can * return more advanced implementation of TestWebServer's functionality. */ + (Class)testWebServerClass; + (void)initialize; - (id)init; /* See the super's description */ - (void)setUpTest:(id)extra; - (void)startTest:(id)extra; - (void)tearDownTest:(id)extra; /** * The only difference from the super's one is issuing of a diagnostic message * if the test is failed. */ - (BOOL)isSuccess; /** * Issues log messages describing the actual and reference flag sets' states. */ - (void)logFlags; /** * Returns the error stored by the -[connection:didFailWithError:]. */ - (NSError *)error; /* NSURLConnectionDelegate */ - (NSURLRequest *)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection willSendRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request redirectResponse:(NSURLResponse *)redirectResponse; - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge; - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response; - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data; - (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection; - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError *)error; /* end of NSURLConnectionDelegate */ @end /* NSURLConnectionTest */