* Permutation generator a la Langdon N IS 6 $n$ (2, 3, ..., 15) t IS $255 k IS $0 kk IS $1 c IS $2 d IS $3 a GREG 0 ones GREG #1111111111111111&(1<<(4*N)-1) LOC #100 GREG @ ElGordo OCTA #fedcba9876543210&(1<<(4*N)-1) Main LDOU a,ElGordo $a\gets\.{\#...3210}$. JMP 2F 1H SRU a,a,4*(16-N) OR a,a,t 2H ADDU c,a,ones Trace this location to see the perm! SRU t,a,4*(N-1) SLU a,a,4*(17-N) PBNZ t,1B SET k,1 3H SRU d,a,60 SLU a,a,4 CMP c,d,k SLU kk,k,2 SLU d,d,kk OR t,t,d PBNZ c,1B INCL k,1 PBNZ a,3B TRAP 0,Halt,0