// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")] [assembly:System.CLSCompliantAttribute(true)] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Mono development team")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("(c) Various Mono authors")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute("System.Data.dll")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("System.Data.dll")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("4.7.2558.0")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("4.7.2558.0")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("Mono Common Language Infrastructure")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("System.Data.dll")] [assembly:System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-US")] [assembly:System.Resources.SatelliteContractVersionAttribute("")] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(WrapNonExceptionThrows=true)] [assembly:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComCompatibleVersionAttribute(1, 0, 3300, 0)] [assembly:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)] [assembly:System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath)(2050))] [assembly:System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute] [assembly:System.Security.SecurityRulesAttribute((System.Security.SecurityRuleSet)(1))] [assembly:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification=true)] namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Server { [System.SerializableAttribute] public enum DataAccessKind { None = 0, Read = 1, } public enum Format { Native = 1, Unknown = 0, UserDefined = 2, } public partial interface IBinarySerialize { void Read(System.IO.BinaryReader r); void Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter w); } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class InvalidUdtException : System.SystemException { internal InvalidUdtException() { } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo si, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } } public sealed partial class SqlContext { internal SqlContext() { } public static bool IsAvailable { get { throw null; } } public static Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlPipe Pipe { get { throw null; } } public static Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTriggerContext TriggerContext { get { throw null; } } public static System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity WindowsIdentity { get { throw null; } } } public partial class SqlDataRecord : System.Data.IDataRecord { public SqlDataRecord(params Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMetaData[] metaData) { } public virtual int FieldCount { get { throw null; } } public virtual object this[int ordinal] { get { throw null; } } public virtual object this[string name] { get { throw null; } } public virtual bool GetBoolean(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual byte GetByte(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual long GetBytes(int ordinal, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { throw null; } public virtual char GetChar(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual long GetChars(int ordinal, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { throw null; } public virtual string GetDataTypeName(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.DateTime GetDateTime(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.DateTimeOffset GetDateTimeOffset(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual decimal GetDecimal(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual double GetDouble(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Type GetFieldType(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual float GetFloat(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Guid GetGuid(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual short GetInt16(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual int GetInt32(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual long GetInt64(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual string GetName(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual int GetOrdinal(string name) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary GetSqlBinary(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GetSqlBoolean(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte GetSqlByte(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes GetSqlBytes(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars GetSqlChars(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime GetSqlDateTime(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal GetSqlDecimal(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble GetSqlDouble(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Type GetSqlFieldType(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid GetSqlGuid(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 GetSqlInt32(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 GetSqlInt64(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMetaData GetSqlMetaData(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney GetSqlMoney(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle GetSqlSingle(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString GetSqlString(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual object GetSqlValue(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual int GetSqlValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml GetSqlXml(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual string GetString(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual object GetValue(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual int GetValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public virtual bool IsDBNull(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual void SetBoolean(int ordinal, bool value) { } public virtual void SetByte(int ordinal, byte value) { } public virtual void SetBytes(int ordinal, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { } public virtual void SetChar(int ordinal, char value) { } public virtual void SetChars(int ordinal, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { } public virtual void SetDateTime(int ordinal, System.DateTime value) { } public virtual void SetDateTimeOffset(int ordinal, System.DateTimeOffset value) { } public virtual void SetDBNull(int ordinal) { } public virtual void SetDecimal(int ordinal, decimal value) { } public virtual void SetDouble(int ordinal, double value) { } public virtual void SetFloat(int ordinal, float value) { } public virtual void SetGuid(int ordinal, System.Guid value) { } public virtual void SetInt16(int ordinal, short value) { } public virtual void SetInt32(int ordinal, int value) { } public virtual void SetInt64(int ordinal, long value) { } public virtual void SetSqlBinary(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary value) { } public virtual void SetSqlBoolean(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean value) { } public virtual void SetSqlByte(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte value) { } public virtual void SetSqlBytes(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes value) { } public virtual void SetSqlChars(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars value) { } public virtual void SetSqlDateTime(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime value) { } public virtual void SetSqlDecimal(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal value) { } public virtual void SetSqlDouble(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble value) { } public virtual void SetSqlGuid(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid value) { } public virtual void SetSqlInt16(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 value) { } public virtual void SetSqlInt32(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 value) { } public virtual void SetSqlInt64(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 value) { } public virtual void SetSqlMoney(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney value) { } public virtual void SetSqlSingle(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle value) { } public virtual void SetSqlString(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString value) { } public virtual void SetSqlXml(int ordinal, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml value) { } public virtual void SetString(int ordinal, string value) { } public virtual void SetTimeSpan(int ordinal, System.TimeSpan value) { } public virtual void SetValue(int ordinal, object value) { } public virtual int SetValues(params object[] values) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDataRecord.GetData(int ordinal) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(10624), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)] public partial class SqlFacetAttribute : System.Attribute { public SqlFacetAttribute() { } public bool IsFixedLength { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsNullable { get { throw null; } set { } } public int MaxSize { get { throw null; } set { } } public int Precision { get { throw null; } set { } } public int Scale { get { throw null; } set { } } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(64), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class SqlFunctionAttribute : System.Attribute { public SqlFunctionAttribute() { } public Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.DataAccessKind DataAccess { get { throw null; } set { } } public string FillRowMethodName { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsDeterministic { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsPrecise { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } } public Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SystemDataAccessKind SystemDataAccess { get { throw null; } set { } } public string TableDefinition { get { throw null; } set { } } } public sealed partial class SqlMetaData { public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, byte precision, byte scale, long locale, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, System.Type userDefinedType) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, byte precision, byte scale, long localeId, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, System.Type userDefinedType, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, long locale, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, long locale, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, string objectName) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, string objectName, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, System.Type userDefinedType) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, System.Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName) { } public SqlMetaData(string name, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, System.Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions CompareOptions { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DbType DbType { get { throw null; } } public bool IsUniqueKey { get { throw null; } } public long LocaleId { get { throw null; } } public static long Max { get { throw null; } } public long MaxLength { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public byte Precision { get { throw null; } } public byte Scale { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder SortOrder { get { throw null; } } public int SortOrdinal { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlDbType SqlDbType { get { throw null; } } public System.Type Type { get { throw null; } } public string TypeName { get { throw null; } } public bool UseServerDefault { get { throw null; } } public string XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase { get { throw null; } } public string XmlSchemaCollectionName { get { throw null; } } public string XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema { get { throw null; } } public bool Adjust(bool value) { throw null; } public byte Adjust(byte value) { throw null; } public byte[] Adjust(byte[] value) { throw null; } public char Adjust(char value) { throw null; } public char[] Adjust(char[] value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml Adjust(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml value) { throw null; } public System.DateTime Adjust(System.DateTime value) { throw null; } public System.DateTimeOffset Adjust(System.DateTimeOffset value) { throw null; } public decimal Adjust(decimal value) { throw null; } public double Adjust(double value) { throw null; } public System.Guid Adjust(System.Guid value) { throw null; } public short Adjust(short value) { throw null; } public int Adjust(int value) { throw null; } public long Adjust(long value) { throw null; } public object Adjust(object value) { throw null; } public float Adjust(float value) { throw null; } public string Adjust(string value) { throw null; } public System.TimeSpan Adjust(System.TimeSpan value) { throw null; } public static Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMetaData InferFromValue(object value, string name) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(64), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlMethodAttribute : Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunctionAttribute { public SqlMethodAttribute() { } public bool InvokeIfReceiverIsNull { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsMutator { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool OnNullCall { get { throw null; } set { } } } public sealed partial class SqlPipe { internal SqlPipe() { } public bool IsSendingResults { get { throw null; } } public void ExecuteAndSend(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command) { } public void Send(Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlDataRecord record) { } public void Send(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader) { } public void Send(string message) { } public void SendResultsEnd() { } public void SendResultsRow(Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlDataRecord record) { } public void SendResultsStart(Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlDataRecord record) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(64), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlProcedureAttribute : System.Attribute { public SqlProcedureAttribute() { } public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(64), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlTriggerAttribute : System.Attribute { public SqlTriggerAttribute() { } public string Event { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Target { get { throw null; } set { } } } public sealed partial class SqlTriggerContext { internal SqlTriggerContext() { } public int ColumnCount { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml EventData { get { throw null; } } public Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.TriggerAction TriggerAction { get { throw null; } } public bool IsUpdatedColumn(int columnOrdinal) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(12), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)] public sealed partial class SqlUserDefinedAggregateAttribute : System.Attribute { public const int MaxByteSizeValue = 8000; public SqlUserDefinedAggregateAttribute(Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.Format format) { } public Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.Format Format { get { throw null; } } public bool IsInvariantToDuplicates { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsInvariantToNulls { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsInvariantToOrder { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsNullIfEmpty { get { throw null; } set { } } public int MaxByteSize { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(12), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true)] public sealed partial class SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute : System.Attribute { public SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute(Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.Format format) { } public Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.Format Format { get { throw null; } } public bool IsByteOrdered { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsFixedLength { get { throw null; } set { } } public int MaxByteSize { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } } public string ValidationMethodName { get { throw null; } set { } } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public enum SystemDataAccessKind { None = 0, Read = 1, } public enum TriggerAction { AlterAppRole = 138, AlterAssembly = 102, AlterBinding = 175, AlterFunction = 62, AlterIndex = 25, AlterLogin = 145, AlterPartitionFunction = 192, AlterPartitionScheme = 195, AlterProcedure = 52, AlterQueue = 158, AlterRole = 135, AlterRoute = 165, AlterSchema = 142, AlterService = 162, AlterTable = 22, AlterTrigger = 72, AlterUser = 132, AlterView = 42, CreateAppRole = 137, CreateAssembly = 101, CreateBinding = 174, CreateContract = 154, CreateEventNotification = 74, CreateFunction = 61, CreateIndex = 24, CreateLogin = 144, CreateMsgType = 151, CreatePartitionFunction = 191, CreatePartitionScheme = 194, CreateProcedure = 51, CreateQueue = 157, CreateRole = 134, CreateRoute = 164, CreateSchema = 141, CreateSecurityExpression = 31, CreateService = 161, CreateSynonym = 34, CreateTable = 21, CreateTrigger = 71, CreateType = 91, CreateUser = 131, CreateView = 41, Delete = 3, DenyObject = 171, DenyStatement = 168, DropAppRole = 139, DropAssembly = 103, DropBinding = 176, DropContract = 156, DropEventNotification = 76, DropFunction = 63, DropIndex = 26, DropLogin = 146, DropMsgType = 153, DropPartitionFunction = 193, DropPartitionScheme = 196, DropProcedure = 53, DropQueue = 159, DropRole = 136, DropRoute = 166, DropSchema = 143, DropSecurityExpression = 33, DropService = 163, DropSynonym = 36, DropTable = 23, DropTrigger = 73, DropType = 93, DropUser = 133, DropView = 43, GrantObject = 170, GrantStatement = 167, Insert = 1, Invalid = 0, RevokeObject = 172, RevokeStatement = 169, Update = 2, } } namespace System.Data { public enum AcceptRejectRule { Cascade = 1, None = 0, } [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum CommandBehavior { CloseConnection = 32, Default = 0, KeyInfo = 4, SchemaOnly = 2, SequentialAccess = 16, SingleResult = 1, SingleRow = 8, } public enum CommandType { StoredProcedure = 4, TableDirect = 512, Text = 1, } public enum ConflictOption { CompareAllSearchableValues = 1, CompareRowVersion = 2, OverwriteChanges = 3, } [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum ConnectionState { Broken = 16, Closed = 0, Connecting = 2, Executing = 4, Fetching = 8, Open = 1, } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("ConstraintName")] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.ConstraintConverter")] public abstract partial class Constraint { protected Constraint() { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public virtual string ConstraintName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.PropertyCollection ExtendedProperties { get { throw null; } } public abstract System.Data.DataTable Table { get; } [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] protected virtual System.Data.DataSet _DataSet { get { throw null; } } protected void CheckStateForProperty() { } protected internal void SetDataSet(System.Data.DataSet dataSet) { } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("CollectionChanged")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.ConstraintsCollectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public sealed partial class ConstraintCollection : System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase { internal ConstraintCollection() { } public System.Data.Constraint this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.Constraint this[string name] { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Collections.ArrayList List { get { throw null; } } public event System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged { add { } remove { } } public void Add(System.Data.Constraint constraint) { } public System.Data.Constraint Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn column, bool primaryKey) { throw null; } public System.Data.Constraint Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn primaryKeyColumn, System.Data.DataColumn foreignKeyColumn) { throw null; } public System.Data.Constraint Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn[] columns, bool primaryKey) { throw null; } public System.Data.Constraint Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn[] primaryKeyColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] foreignKeyColumns) { throw null; } public void AddRange(System.Data.Constraint[] constraints) { } public bool CanRemove(System.Data.Constraint constraint) { throw null; } public void Clear() { } public bool Contains(string name) { throw null; } public void CopyTo(System.Data.Constraint[] array, int index) { } public int IndexOf(System.Data.Constraint constraint) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(string constraintName) { throw null; } public void Remove(System.Data.Constraint constraint) { } public void Remove(string name) { } public void RemoveAt(int index) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class ConstraintException : System.Data.DataException { public ConstraintException() { } protected ConstraintException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public ConstraintException(string s) { } public ConstraintException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("ColumnName")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataColumnEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute(false)] public partial class DataColumn : System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent { public DataColumn() { } public DataColumn(string columnName) { } public DataColumn(string columnName, System.Type dataType) { } public DataColumn(string columnName, System.Type dataType, string expr) { } public DataColumn(string columnName, System.Type dataType, string expr, System.Data.MappingType type) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool AllowDBNull { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool AutoIncrement { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((long)0)] public long AutoIncrementSeed { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((long)1)] public long AutoIncrementStep { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Caption { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.MappingType)(1))] public virtual System.Data.MappingType ColumnMapping { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string ColumnName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(typeof(string))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.ColumnTypeConverter")] public System.Type DataType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.DataSetDateTime)(3))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public System.Data.DataSetDateTime DateTimeMode { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.DefaultValueTypeConverter")] public object DefaultValue { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string Expression { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.PropertyCollection ExtendedProperties { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(-1)] public int MaxLength { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Namespace { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public int Ordinal { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string Prefix { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool ReadOnly { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public bool Unique { get { throw null; } set { } } protected internal void CheckNotAllowNull() { } protected void CheckUnique() { } protected virtual void OnPropertyChanging(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs pcevent) { } protected internal void RaisePropertyChanging(string name) { } public void SetOrdinal(int ordinal) { } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public partial class DataColumnChangeEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public DataColumnChangeEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow row, System.Data.DataColumn column, object value) { } public System.Data.DataColumn Column { get { throw null; } } public object ProposedValue { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.DataRow Row { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void DataColumnChangeEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs e); [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("CollectionChanged")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.ColumnsCollectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public sealed partial class DataColumnCollection : System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase { internal DataColumnCollection() { } public System.Data.DataColumn this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataColumn this[string name] { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Collections.ArrayList List { get { throw null; } } public event System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged { add { } remove { } } public System.Data.DataColumn Add() { throw null; } public void Add(System.Data.DataColumn column) { } public System.Data.DataColumn Add(string columnName) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataColumn Add(string columnName, System.Type type) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataColumn Add(string columnName, System.Type type, string expression) { throw null; } public void AddRange(System.Data.DataColumn[] columns) { } public bool CanRemove(System.Data.DataColumn column) { throw null; } public void Clear() { } public bool Contains(string name) { throw null; } public void CopyTo(System.Data.DataColumn[] array, int index) { } public int IndexOf(System.Data.DataColumn column) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(string columnName) { throw null; } public void Remove(System.Data.DataColumn column) { } public void Remove(string name) { } public void RemoveAt(int index) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class DataException : System.SystemException { public DataException() { } protected DataException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public DataException(string s) { } public DataException(string s, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("RelationName")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataRelationEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.RelationshipConverter")] public partial class DataRelation { public DataRelation(string relationName, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn) { } public DataRelation(string relationName, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn, bool createConstraints) { } public DataRelation(string relationName, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns) { } public DataRelation(string relationName, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns, bool createConstraints) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public DataRelation(string relationName, string parentTableName, string parentTableNamespace, string childTableName, string childTableNamespace, string[] parentColumnNames, string[] childColumnNames, bool nested) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public DataRelation(string relationName, string parentTableName, string childTableName, string[] parentColumnNames, string[] childColumnNames, bool nested) { } public virtual System.Data.DataColumn[] ChildColumns { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint ChildKeyConstraint { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Data.DataTable ChildTable { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public virtual System.Data.DataSet DataSet { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.PropertyCollection ExtendedProperties { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public virtual bool Nested { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual System.Data.DataColumn[] ParentColumns { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Data.UniqueConstraint ParentKeyConstraint { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Data.DataTable ParentTable { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public virtual string RelationName { get { throw null; } set { } } protected void CheckStateForProperty() { } protected internal void OnPropertyChanging(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs pcevent) { } protected internal void RaisePropertyChanging(string name) { } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("CollectionChanged")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("Table")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataRelationCollectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public abstract partial class DataRelationCollection : System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase { protected DataRelationCollection() { } public abstract System.Data.DataRelation this[int index] { get; } public abstract System.Data.DataRelation this[string name] { get; } public event System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged { add { } remove { } } public virtual System.Data.DataRelation Add(System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataRelation Add(System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns) { throw null; } public void Add(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { } public virtual System.Data.DataRelation Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataRelation Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn, bool createConstraints) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataRelation Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataRelation Add(string name, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns, bool createConstraints) { throw null; } protected virtual void AddCore(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { } public virtual void AddRange(System.Data.DataRelation[] relations) { } public virtual bool CanRemove(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { throw null; } public virtual void Clear() { } public virtual bool Contains(string name) { throw null; } public void CopyTo(System.Data.DataRelation[] array, int index) { } protected abstract System.Data.DataSet GetDataSet(); public virtual int IndexOf(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { throw null; } public virtual int IndexOf(string relationName) { throw null; } protected virtual void OnCollectionChanged(System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent) { } protected virtual void OnCollectionChanging(System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent) { } public void Remove(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { } public void Remove(string name) { } public void RemoveAt(int index) { } protected virtual void RemoveCore(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { } } public partial class DataRow { protected internal DataRow(System.Data.DataRowBuilder builder) { } public bool HasErrors { get { throw null; } } public object this[System.Data.DataColumn column] { get { throw null; } set { } } public object this[System.Data.DataColumn column, System.Data.DataRowVersion version] { get { throw null; } } public object this[int columnIndex] { get { throw null; } set { } } public object this[int columnIndex, System.Data.DataRowVersion version] { get { throw null; } } public object this[string columnName] { get { throw null; } set { } } public object this[string columnName, System.Data.DataRowVersion version] { get { throw null; } } public object[] ItemArray { get { throw null; } set { } } public string RowError { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.DataRowState RowState { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } } public void AcceptChanges() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public void BeginEdit() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public void CancelEdit() { } public void ClearErrors() { } public void Delete() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public void EndEdit() { } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetChildRows(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetChildRows(System.Data.DataRelation relation, System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetChildRows(string relationName) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetChildRows(string relationName, System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public string GetColumnError(System.Data.DataColumn column) { throw null; } public string GetColumnError(int columnIndex) { throw null; } public string GetColumnError(string columnName) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataColumn[] GetColumnsInError() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow GetParentRow(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow GetParentRow(System.Data.DataRelation relation, System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow GetParentRow(string relationName) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow GetParentRow(string relationName, System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetParentRows(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetParentRows(System.Data.DataRelation relation, System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetParentRows(string relationName) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetParentRows(string relationName, System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public bool HasVersion(System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public bool IsNull(System.Data.DataColumn column) { throw null; } public bool IsNull(System.Data.DataColumn column, System.Data.DataRowVersion version) { throw null; } public bool IsNull(int columnIndex) { throw null; } public bool IsNull(string columnName) { throw null; } public void RejectChanges() { } public void SetAdded() { } public void SetColumnError(System.Data.DataColumn column, string error) { } public void SetColumnError(int columnIndex, string error) { } public void SetColumnError(string columnName, string error) { } public void SetModified() { } protected void SetNull(System.Data.DataColumn column) { } public void SetParentRow(System.Data.DataRow parentRow) { } public void SetParentRow(System.Data.DataRow parentRow, System.Data.DataRelation relation) { } } [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum DataRowAction { Add = 16, Change = 2, ChangeCurrentAndOriginal = 64, ChangeOriginal = 32, Commit = 8, Delete = 1, Nothing = 0, Rollback = 4, } public sealed partial class DataRowBuilder { internal DataRowBuilder() { } } public partial class DataRowChangeEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public DataRowChangeEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow row, System.Data.DataRowAction action) { } public System.Data.DataRowAction Action { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataRow Row { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void DataRowChangeEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs e); public sealed partial class DataRowCollection : System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase { internal DataRowCollection() { } public override int Count { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataRow this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public void Add(System.Data.DataRow row) { } public System.Data.DataRow Add(params object[] values) { throw null; } public void Clear() { } public bool Contains(object key) { throw null; } public bool Contains(object[] keys) { throw null; } public override void CopyTo(System.Array ar, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.DataRow[] array, int index) { } public System.Data.DataRow Find(object key) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow Find(object[] keys) { throw null; } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } public int IndexOf(System.Data.DataRow row) { throw null; } public void InsertAt(System.Data.DataRow row, int pos) { } public void Remove(System.Data.DataRow row) { } public void RemoveAt(int index) { } } [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum DataRowState { Added = 4, Deleted = 8, Detached = 1, Modified = 16, Unchanged = 2, } public enum DataRowVersion { Current = 512, Default = 1536, Original = 256, Proposed = 1024, } public partial class DataRowView : System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor, System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo, System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged { internal DataRowView() { } public System.Data.DataView DataView { get { throw null; } } public bool IsEdit { get { throw null; } } public bool IsNew { get { throw null; } } public object this[int ndx] { get { throw null; } set { } } public object this[string property] { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.DataRow Row { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataRowVersion RowVersion { get { throw null; } } string System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo.Error { get { throw null; } } string System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo.this[string colName] { get { throw null; } } public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged { add { } remove { } } public void BeginEdit() { } public void CancelEdit() { } public System.Data.DataView CreateChildView(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataView CreateChildView(System.Data.DataRelation relation, bool followParent) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataView CreateChildView(string relationName) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataView CreateChildView(string relationName, bool followParent) { throw null; } public void Delete() { } public void EndEdit() { } public override bool Equals(object other) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() { throw null; } object System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(System.Type editorBaseType) { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(System.Attribute[] attributes) { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(System.Attribute[] attributes) { throw null; } object System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor pd) { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("DataSetName")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.DataSetDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.DataSetToolboxItem, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("DataSet")] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetDataSetSchema")] [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class DataSet : System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent, System.ComponentModel.IListSource, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializeNotification, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public DataSet() { } protected DataSet(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } protected DataSet(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context, bool ConstructSchema) { } public DataSet(string dataSetName) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool CaseSensitive { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string DataSetName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.DataViewManager DefaultViewManager { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool EnforceConstraints { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.PropertyCollection ExtendedProperties { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool HasErrors { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsInitialized { get { throw null; } } public System.Globalization.CultureInfo Locale { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string Namespace { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string Prefix { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.DataRelationCollection Relations { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.SerializationFormat)(0))] public System.Data.SerializationFormat RemotingFormat { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public virtual System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode SchemaSerializationMode { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override System.ComponentModel.ISite Site { get { throw null; } set { } } bool System.ComponentModel.IListSource.ContainsListCollection { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.DataTableCollection Tables { get { throw null; } } public event System.EventHandler Initialized { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler MergeFailed { add { } remove { } } public void AcceptChanges() { } public void BeginInit() { } public void Clear() { } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]public virtual System.Data.DataSet Clone() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataSet Copy() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTableReader CreateDataReader() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTableReader CreateDataReader(params System.Data.DataTable[] dataTables) { throw null; } protected System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { throw null; } protected System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { throw null; } public void EndInit() { } public System.Data.DataSet GetChanges() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataSet GetChanges(System.Data.DataRowState rowStates) { throw null; } public static System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetDataSetSchema(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public virtual void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } protected virtual System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchemaSerializable() { throw null; } protected void GetSerializationData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public string GetXml() { throw null; } public string GetXmlSchema() { throw null; } public bool HasChanges() { throw null; } public bool HasChanges(System.Data.DataRowState rowStates) { throw null; } public void InferXmlSchema(System.IO.Stream stream, string[] nsArray) { } public void InferXmlSchema(System.IO.TextReader reader, string[] nsArray) { } public void InferXmlSchema(string fileName, string[] nsArray) { } public void InferXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlReader reader, string[] nsArray) { } protected virtual void InitializeDerivedDataSet() { } protected bool IsBinarySerialized(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { throw null; } public void Load(System.Data.IDataReader reader, System.Data.LoadOption loadOption, params System.Data.DataTable[] tables) { } public virtual void Load(System.Data.IDataReader reader, System.Data.LoadOption loadOption, System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler errorHandler, params System.Data.DataTable[] tables) { } public void Load(System.Data.IDataReader reader, System.Data.LoadOption loadOption, params string[] tables) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataRow[] rows) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataRow[] rows, bool preserveChanges, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction missingSchemaAction) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataSet dataSet) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, bool preserveChanges) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, bool preserveChanges, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction missingSchemaAction) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataTable table) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataTable table, bool preserveChanges, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction missingSchemaAction) { } protected virtual void OnPropertyChanging(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs pcevent) { } protected virtual void OnRemoveRelation(System.Data.DataRelation relation) { } protected internal virtual void OnRemoveTable(System.Data.DataTable table) { } protected internal void RaisePropertyChanging(string name) { } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.IO.Stream stream) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Data.XmlReadMode mode) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.IO.TextReader reader) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.IO.TextReader reader, System.Data.XmlReadMode mode) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(string fileName) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(string fileName, System.Data.XmlReadMode mode) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Data.XmlReadMode mode) { throw null; } public void ReadXmlSchema(System.IO.Stream stream) { } public void ReadXmlSchema(System.IO.TextReader reader) { } public void ReadXmlSchema(string fileName) { } public void ReadXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } protected virtual void ReadXmlSerializable(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } public virtual void RejectChanges() { } public virtual void Reset() { } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeRelations() { throw null; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeTables() { throw null; } System.Collections.IList System.ComponentModel.IListSource.GetList() { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.Stream stream) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.TextWriter writer, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXml(string fileName) { } public void WriteXml(string fileName, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.Stream stream) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Converter multipleTargetConverter) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.TextWriter writer, System.Converter multipleTargetConverter) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(string fileName) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(string fileName, System.Converter multipleTargetConverter) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, System.Converter multipleTargetConverter) { } } public enum DataSetDateTime { Local = 1, Unspecified = 2, UnspecifiedLocal = 3, Utc = 4, } public partial class DataSetSchemaImporterExtension : System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension { public DataSetSchemaImporterExtension() { } public override string ImportSchemaType(string name, string schemaNamespace, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject context, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas schemas, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter importer, System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit compileUnit, System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace mainNamespace, System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions options, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider codeProvider) { throw null; } public override string ImportSchemaType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType type, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject context, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas schemas, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter importer, System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit compileUnit, System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace mainNamespace, System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions options, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider codeProvider) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(32767))] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("DataSysDescriptionAttribute has been deprecated. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", false)] public partial class DataSysDescriptionAttribute : System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute { [System.ObsoleteAttribute("DataSysDescriptionAttribute has been deprecated. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", false)] public DataSysDescriptionAttribute(string description) { } public override string Description { get { throw null; } } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("RowChanging")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("TableName")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataTableEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute(false)] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetDataTableSchema")] [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class DataTable : System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent, System.ComponentModel.IListSource, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializeNotification, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { protected internal bool fInitInProgress; public DataTable() { } protected DataTable(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public DataTable(string tableName) { } public DataTable(string tableName, string tableNamespace) { } public bool CaseSensitive { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.DataRelationCollection ChildRelations { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.DataColumnCollection Columns { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.ConstraintCollection Constraints { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.DataSet DataSet { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.DataView DefaultView { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string DisplayExpression { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.PropertyCollection ExtendedProperties { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool HasErrors { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsInitialized { get { throw null; } } public System.Globalization.CultureInfo Locale { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(50)] public int MinimumCapacity { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Namespace { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.DataRelationCollection ParentRelations { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string Prefix { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.PrimaryKeyEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.PrimaryKeyTypeConverter")] public System.Data.DataColumn[] PrimaryKey { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.SerializationFormat)(0))] public System.Data.SerializationFormat RemotingFormat { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.DataRowCollection Rows { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override System.ComponentModel.ISite Site { get { throw null; } set { } } bool System.ComponentModel.IListSource.ContainsListCollection { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string TableName { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler ColumnChanged { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler ColumnChanging { add { } remove { } } public event System.EventHandler Initialized { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler RowChanged { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler RowChanging { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler RowDeleted { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler RowDeleting { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler TableCleared { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler TableClearing { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler TableNewRow { add { } remove { } } public void AcceptChanges() { } public virtual void BeginInit() { } public void BeginLoadData() { } public void Clear() { } public virtual System.Data.DataTable Clone() { throw null; } public object Compute(string expression, string filter) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable Copy() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTableReader CreateDataReader() { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]protected virtual System.Data.DataTable CreateInstance() { throw null; } public virtual void EndInit() { } public void EndLoadData() { } public System.Data.DataTable GetChanges() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable GetChanges(System.Data.DataRowState rowStates) { throw null; } public static System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType GetDataTableSchema(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] GetErrors() { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public virtual void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } protected virtual System.Type GetRowType() { throw null; } protected virtual System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema() { throw null; } public void ImportRow(System.Data.DataRow row) { } public void Load(System.Data.IDataReader reader) { } public void Load(System.Data.IDataReader reader, System.Data.LoadOption loadOption) { } public virtual void Load(System.Data.IDataReader reader, System.Data.LoadOption loadOption, System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler errorHandler) { } public System.Data.DataRow LoadDataRow(object[] values, bool fAcceptChanges) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow LoadDataRow(object[] values, System.Data.LoadOption loadOption) { throw null; } public void Merge(System.Data.DataTable table) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataTable table, bool preserveChanges) { } public void Merge(System.Data.DataTable table, bool preserveChanges, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction missingSchemaAction) { } public System.Data.DataRow NewRow() { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]protected internal System.Data.DataRow[] NewRowArray(int size) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.DataRow NewRowFromBuilder(System.Data.DataRowBuilder builder) { throw null; } protected internal virtual void OnColumnChanged(System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs e) { } protected internal virtual void OnColumnChanging(System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnPropertyChanging(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs pcevent) { } protected virtual void OnRemoveColumn(System.Data.DataColumn column) { } protected virtual void OnRowChanged(System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnRowChanging(System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnRowDeleted(System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnRowDeleting(System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnTableCleared(System.Data.DataTableClearEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnTableClearing(System.Data.DataTableClearEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnTableNewRow(System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventArgs e) { } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.IO.Stream stream) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.IO.TextReader reader) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(string fileName) { throw null; } public System.Data.XmlReadMode ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { throw null; } public void ReadXmlSchema(System.IO.Stream stream) { } public void ReadXmlSchema(System.IO.TextReader reader) { } public void ReadXmlSchema(string fileName) { } public void ReadXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } protected virtual void ReadXmlSerializable(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } public void RejectChanges() { } public virtual void Reset() { } public System.Data.DataRow[] Select() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] Select(string filterExpression) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] Select(string filterExpression, string sort) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow[] Select(string filterExpression, string sort, System.Data.DataViewRowState recordStates) { throw null; } System.Collections.IList System.ComponentModel.IListSource.GetList() { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public void WriteXml(System.IO.Stream stream) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.Stream stream, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.TextWriter writer, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.TextWriter writer, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXml(System.IO.TextWriter writer, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXml(string fileName) { } public void WriteXml(string fileName, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXml(string fileName, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXml(string fileName, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode) { } public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, System.Data.XmlWriteMode mode, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.Stream stream) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.Stream stream, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.IO.TextWriter writer, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(string fileName) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(string fileName, bool writeHierarchy) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public void WriteXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, bool writeHierarchy) { } } public sealed partial class DataTableClearEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public DataTableClearEventArgs(System.Data.DataTable dataTable) { } public System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } } public string TableName { get { throw null; } } public string TableNamespace { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void DataTableClearEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.DataTableClearEventArgs e); [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("CollectionChanged")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.TablesCollectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute(false)] public sealed partial class DataTableCollection : System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase { internal DataTableCollection() { } public System.Data.DataTable this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataTable this[string name] { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataTable this[string name, string tableNamespace] { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Collections.ArrayList List { get { throw null; } } public event System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged { add { } remove { } } public event System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanging { add { } remove { } } public System.Data.DataTable Add() { throw null; } public void Add(System.Data.DataTable table) { } public System.Data.DataTable Add(string name) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable Add(string name, string tableNamespace) { throw null; } public void AddRange(System.Data.DataTable[] tables) { } public bool CanRemove(System.Data.DataTable table) { throw null; } public void Clear() { } public bool Contains(string name) { throw null; } public bool Contains(string name, string tableNamespace) { throw null; } public void CopyTo(System.Data.DataTable[] array, int index) { } public int IndexOf(System.Data.DataTable table) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(string tableName) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(string tableName, string tableNamespace) { throw null; } public void Remove(System.Data.DataTable table) { } public void Remove(string name) { } public void Remove(string name, string tableNamespace) { } public void RemoveAt(int index) { } } public sealed partial class DataTableNewRowEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public DataTableNewRowEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow dataRow) { } public System.Data.DataRow Row { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void DataTableNewRowEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventArgs e); public sealed partial class DataTableReader : System.Data.Common.DbDataReader { public DataTableReader(System.Data.DataTable dataTable) { } public DataTableReader(System.Data.DataTable[] dataTables) { } public override int Depth { get { throw null; } } public override int FieldCount { get { throw null; } } public override bool HasRows { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsClosed { get { throw null; } } public override object this[int ordinal] { get { throw null; } } public override object this[string name] { get { throw null; } } public override int RecordsAffected { get { throw null; } } public override void Close() { } public override bool GetBoolean(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override byte GetByte(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override long GetBytes(int ordinal, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } public override char GetChar(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override long GetChars(int ordinal, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } public override string GetDataTypeName(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override System.DateTime GetDateTime(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override decimal GetDecimal(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override double GetDouble(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } public override System.Type GetFieldType(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override float GetFloat(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override System.Guid GetGuid(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override short GetInt16(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override int GetInt32(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override long GetInt64(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override string GetName(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override int GetOrdinal(string name) { throw null; } public override System.Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override object GetProviderSpecificValue(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override int GetProviderSpecificValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable() { throw null; } public override string GetString(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override object GetValue(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override int GetValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public override bool IsDBNull(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override bool NextResult() { throw null; } public override bool Read() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("PositionChanged")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("Table")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.DataViewDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataSourceEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public partial class DataView : System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList, System.ComponentModel.IBindingList, System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializeNotification, System.ComponentModel.ITypedList { public DataView() { } public DataView(System.Data.DataTable table) { } public DataView(System.Data.DataTable table, string RowFilter, string Sort, System.Data.DataViewRowState RowState) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool AllowDelete { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool AllowEdit { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool AllowNew { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool ApplyDefaultSort { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public int Count { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.DataViewManager DataViewManager { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsInitialized { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] protected bool IsOpen { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataRowView this[int recordIndex] { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public virtual string RowFilter { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.DataViewRowState)(22))] public System.Data.DataViewRowState RowStateFilter { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string Sort { get { throw null; } set { } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.IList.this[int recordIndex] { get { throw null; } set { } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AllowEdit { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AllowNew { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AllowRemove { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.IsSorted { get { throw null; } } System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SortDirection { get { throw null; } } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SortProperty { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SupportsChangeNotification { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SupportsSearching { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SupportsSorting { get { throw null; } } string System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.Filter { get { throw null; } set { } } System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.SortDescriptions { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.SupportsAdvancedSorting { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.SupportsFiltering { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.DataTableTypeConverter")] public System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.EventHandler Initialized { add { } remove { } } public event System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler ListChanged { add { } remove { } } public virtual System.Data.DataRowView AddNew() { throw null; } public void BeginInit() { } protected void Close() { } protected virtual void ColumnCollectionChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { } public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void Delete(int index) { } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public void EndInit() { } public virtual bool Equals(System.Data.DataView view) { throw null; } public int Find(object key) { throw null; } public int Find(object[] key) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRowView[] FindRows(object key) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRowView[] FindRows(object[] key) { throw null; } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } protected virtual void IndexListChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnListChanged(System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e) { } protected void Open() { } protected void Reset() { } int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value) { throw null; } void System.Collections.IList.Clear() { } bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value) { throw null; } int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value) { throw null; } void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value) { } void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value) { } void System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(int index) { } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AddIndex(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property) { } object System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AddNew() { throw null; } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.ApplySort(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection direction) { } int System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.Find(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property, object key) { throw null; } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.RemoveIndex(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property) { } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.RemoveSort() { } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.ApplySort(System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection sorts) { } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.RemoveFilter() { } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetItemProperties(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors) { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetListName(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable ToTable() { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable ToTable(bool distinct, params string[] columnNames) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable ToTable(string tableName) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable ToTable(string tableName, bool distinct, params string[] columnNames) { throw null; } protected void UpdateIndex() { } protected virtual void UpdateIndex(bool force) { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.DataViewManagerDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public partial class DataViewManager : System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList, System.ComponentModel.IBindingList, System.ComponentModel.ITypedList { public DataViewManager() { } public DataViewManager(System.Data.DataSet dataSet) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] public System.Data.DataSet DataSet { get { throw null; } set { } } public string DataViewSettingCollectionString { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.DataViewSettingCollection DataViewSettings { get { throw null; } } int System.Collections.ICollection.Count { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.IList.this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AllowEdit { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AllowNew { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AllowRemove { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.IsSorted { get { throw null; } } System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SortDirection { get { throw null; } } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SortProperty { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SupportsChangeNotification { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SupportsSearching { get { throw null; } } bool System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.SupportsSorting { get { throw null; } } public event System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler ListChanged { add { } remove { } } public System.Data.DataView CreateDataView(System.Data.DataTable table) { throw null; } protected virtual void OnListChanged(System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e) { } protected virtual void RelationCollectionChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { } void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; } int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value) { throw null; } void System.Collections.IList.Clear() { } bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value) { throw null; } int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value) { throw null; } void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value) { } void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value) { } void System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(int index) { } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AddIndex(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property) { } object System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AddNew() { throw null; } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.ApplySort(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection direction) { } int System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.Find(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property, object key) { throw null; } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.RemoveIndex(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property) { } void System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.RemoveSort() { } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetItemProperties(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors) { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetListName(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors) { throw null; } protected virtual void TableCollectionChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataViewRowStateEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum DataViewRowState { Added = 4, CurrentRows = 22, Deleted = 8, ModifiedCurrent = 16, ModifiedOriginal = 32, None = 0, OriginalRows = 42, Unchanged = 2, } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter))] public partial class DataViewSetting { internal DataViewSetting() { } public bool ApplyDefaultSort { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.DataViewManager DataViewManager { get { throw null; } } public string RowFilter { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.DataViewRowState RowStateFilter { get { throw null; } set { } } public string Sort { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataViewSettingsCollectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public partial class DataViewSettingCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable { internal DataViewSettingCollection() { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public virtual int Count { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Data.DataViewSetting this[System.Data.DataTable table] { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual System.Data.DataViewSetting this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual System.Data.DataViewSetting this[string tableName] { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public object SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public void CopyTo(System.Array ar, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.DataViewSetting[] ar, int index) { } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class DBConcurrencyException : System.SystemException { public DBConcurrencyException() { } public DBConcurrencyException(string message) { } public DBConcurrencyException(string message, System.Exception inner) { } public DBConcurrencyException(string message, System.Exception inner, System.Data.DataRow[] dataRows) { } public System.Data.DataRow Row { get { throw null; } set { } } public int RowCount { get { throw null; } } public void CopyToRows(System.Data.DataRow[] array) { } public void CopyToRows(System.Data.DataRow[] array, int arrayIndex) { } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo si, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } } public enum DbType { AnsiString = 0, AnsiStringFixedLength = 22, Binary = 1, Boolean = 3, Byte = 2, Currency = 4, Date = 5, DateTime = 6, DateTime2 = 26, DateTimeOffset = 27, Decimal = 7, Double = 8, Guid = 9, Int16 = 10, Int32 = 11, Int64 = 12, Object = 13, SByte = 14, Single = 15, String = 16, StringFixedLength = 23, Time = 17, UInt16 = 18, UInt32 = 19, UInt64 = 20, VarNumeric = 21, Xml = 25, } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class DeletedRowInaccessibleException : System.Data.DataException { public DeletedRowInaccessibleException() { } protected DeletedRowInaccessibleException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public DeletedRowInaccessibleException(string s) { } public DeletedRowInaccessibleException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class DuplicateNameException : System.Data.DataException { public DuplicateNameException() { } protected DuplicateNameException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public DuplicateNameException(string s) { } public DuplicateNameException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class EvaluateException : System.Data.InvalidExpressionException { public EvaluateException() { } protected EvaluateException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public EvaluateException(string s) { } public EvaluateException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } public partial class FillErrorEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public FillErrorEventArgs(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, object[] values) { } public bool Continue { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.DataTable DataTable { get { throw null; } } public System.Exception Errors { get { throw null; } set { } } public object[] Values { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void FillErrorEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.FillErrorEventArgs e); [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("ConstraintName")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.ForeignKeyConstraintEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public partial class ForeignKeyConstraint : System.Data.Constraint { public ForeignKeyConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn) { } public ForeignKeyConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns) { } public ForeignKeyConstraint(string constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn parentColumn, System.Data.DataColumn childColumn) { } public ForeignKeyConstraint(string constraintName, System.Data.DataColumn[] parentColumns, System.Data.DataColumn[] childColumns) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public ForeignKeyConstraint(string constraintName, string parentTableName, string parentTableNamespace, string[] parentColumnNames, string[] childColumnNames, System.Data.AcceptRejectRule acceptRejectRule, System.Data.Rule deleteRule, System.Data.Rule updateRule) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public ForeignKeyConstraint(string constraintName, string parentTableName, string[] parentColumnNames, string[] childColumnNames, System.Data.AcceptRejectRule acceptRejectRule, System.Data.Rule deleteRule, System.Data.Rule updateRule) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.AcceptRejectRule)(0))] public virtual System.Data.AcceptRejectRule AcceptRejectRule { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute(true)] public virtual System.Data.DataColumn[] Columns { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.Rule)(1))] public virtual System.Data.Rule DeleteRule { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute(true)] public virtual System.Data.DataColumn[] RelatedColumns { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute(true)] public virtual System.Data.DataTable RelatedTable { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute(true)] public override System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.Rule)(1))] public virtual System.Data.Rule UpdateRule { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool Equals(object key) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } } public partial interface IColumnMapping { string DataSetColumn { get; set; } string SourceColumn { get; set; } } public partial interface IColumnMappingCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList { object this[string index] { get; set; } System.Data.IColumnMapping Add(string sourceColumnName, string dataSetColumnName); bool Contains(string sourceColumnName); System.Data.IColumnMapping GetByDataSetColumn(string dataSetColumnName); int IndexOf(string sourceColumnName); void RemoveAt(string sourceColumnName); } public partial interface IDataAdapter { System.Data.MissingMappingAction MissingMappingAction { get; set; } System.Data.MissingSchemaAction MissingSchemaAction { get; set; } System.Data.ITableMappingCollection TableMappings { get; } int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet); System.Data.DataTable[] FillSchema(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType); System.Data.IDataParameter[] GetFillParameters(); int Update(System.Data.DataSet dataSet); } public partial interface IDataParameter { System.Data.DbType DbType { get; set; } System.Data.ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } bool IsNullable { get; } string ParameterName { get; set; } string SourceColumn { get; set; } System.Data.DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get; set; } object Value { get; set; } } public partial interface IDataParameterCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList { object this[string parameterName] { get; set; } bool Contains(string parameterName); int IndexOf(string parameterName); void RemoveAt(string parameterName); } public partial interface IDataReader : System.Data.IDataRecord, System.IDisposable { int Depth { get; } bool IsClosed { get; } int RecordsAffected { get; } void Close(); System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable(); bool NextResult(); bool Read(); } public partial interface IDataRecord { int FieldCount { get; } object this[int i] { get; } object this[string name] { get; } bool GetBoolean(int i); byte GetByte(int i); long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length); char GetChar(int i); long GetChars(int i, long fieldoffset, char[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length); System.Data.IDataReader GetData(int i); string GetDataTypeName(int i); System.DateTime GetDateTime(int i); decimal GetDecimal(int i); double GetDouble(int i); System.Type GetFieldType(int i); float GetFloat(int i); System.Guid GetGuid(int i); short GetInt16(int i); int GetInt32(int i); long GetInt64(int i); string GetName(int i); int GetOrdinal(string name); string GetString(int i); object GetValue(int i); int GetValues(object[] values); bool IsDBNull(int i); } public partial interface IDbCommand : System.IDisposable { string CommandText { get; set; } int CommandTimeout { get; set; } System.Data.CommandType CommandType { get; set; } System.Data.IDbConnection Connection { get; set; } System.Data.IDataParameterCollection Parameters { get; } System.Data.IDbTransaction Transaction { get; set; } System.Data.UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { get; set; } void Cancel(); System.Data.IDbDataParameter CreateParameter(); int ExecuteNonQuery(); System.Data.IDataReader ExecuteReader(); System.Data.IDataReader ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior); object ExecuteScalar(); void Prepare(); } public partial interface IDbConnection : System.IDisposable { string ConnectionString { get; set; } int ConnectionTimeout { get; } string Database { get; } System.Data.ConnectionState State { get; } System.Data.IDbTransaction BeginTransaction(); System.Data.IDbTransaction BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel il); void ChangeDatabase(string databaseName); void Close(); System.Data.IDbCommand CreateCommand(); void Open(); } public partial interface IDbDataAdapter : System.Data.IDataAdapter { System.Data.IDbCommand DeleteCommand { get; set; } System.Data.IDbCommand InsertCommand { get; set; } System.Data.IDbCommand SelectCommand { get; set; } System.Data.IDbCommand UpdateCommand { get; set; } } public partial interface IDbDataParameter : System.Data.IDataParameter { byte Precision { get; set; } byte Scale { get; set; } int Size { get; set; } } public partial interface IDbTransaction : System.IDisposable { System.Data.IDbConnection Connection { get; } System.Data.IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get; } void Commit(); void Rollback(); } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class InRowChangingEventException : System.Data.DataException { public InRowChangingEventException() { } protected InRowChangingEventException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public InRowChangingEventException(string s) { } public InRowChangingEventException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } public partial class InternalDataCollectionBase : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable { public InternalDataCollectionBase() { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public virtual int Count { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } protected virtual System.Collections.ArrayList List { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public object SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public virtual void CopyTo(System.Array ar, int index) { } public virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class InvalidConstraintException : System.Data.DataException { public InvalidConstraintException() { } protected InvalidConstraintException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public InvalidConstraintException(string s) { } public InvalidConstraintException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class InvalidExpressionException : System.Data.DataException { public InvalidExpressionException() { } protected InvalidExpressionException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public InvalidExpressionException(string s) { } public InvalidExpressionException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } public enum IsolationLevel { Chaos = 16, ReadCommitted = 4096, ReadUncommitted = 256, RepeatableRead = 65536, Serializable = 1048576, Snapshot = 16777216, Unspecified = -1, } public partial interface ITableMapping { System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get; } string DataSetTable { get; set; } string SourceTable { get; set; } } public partial interface ITableMappingCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList { object this[string index] { get; set; } System.Data.ITableMapping Add(string sourceTableName, string dataSetTableName); bool Contains(string sourceTableName); System.Data.ITableMapping GetByDataSetTable(string dataSetTableName); int IndexOf(string sourceTableName); void RemoveAt(string sourceTableName); } [System.SerializableAttribute] public enum KeyRestrictionBehavior { AllowOnly = 0, PreventUsage = 1, } public enum LoadOption { OverwriteChanges = 1, PreserveChanges = 2, Upsert = 3, } [System.SerializableAttribute] public enum MappingType { Attribute = 2, Element = 1, Hidden = 4, SimpleContent = 3, } public partial class MergeFailedEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public MergeFailedEventArgs(System.Data.DataTable table, string conflict) { } public string Conflict { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void MergeFailedEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.MergeFailedEventArgs e); public enum MissingMappingAction { Error = 3, Ignore = 2, Passthrough = 1, } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class MissingPrimaryKeyException : System.Data.DataException { public MissingPrimaryKeyException() { } protected MissingPrimaryKeyException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public MissingPrimaryKeyException(string s) { } public MissingPrimaryKeyException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } public enum MissingSchemaAction { Add = 1, AddWithKey = 4, Error = 3, Ignore = 2, } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class NoNullAllowedException : System.Data.DataException { public NoNullAllowedException() { } protected NoNullAllowedException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public NoNullAllowedException(string s) { } public NoNullAllowedException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OperationAbortedException : System.SystemException { internal OperationAbortedException() { } } public enum ParameterDirection { Input = 1, InputOutput = 3, Output = 2, ReturnValue = 6, } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] [System.FlagsAttribute] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("PropertyAttributes has been deprecated. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] public enum PropertyAttributes { NotSupported = 0, Optional = 2, Read = 512, Required = 1, Write = 1024, } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class PropertyCollection : System.Collections.Hashtable { public PropertyCollection() { } protected PropertyCollection(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public override object Clone() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class ReadOnlyException : System.Data.DataException { public ReadOnlyException() { } protected ReadOnlyException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public ReadOnlyException(string s) { } public ReadOnlyException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class RowNotInTableException : System.Data.DataException { public RowNotInTableException() { } protected RowNotInTableException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public RowNotInTableException(string s) { } public RowNotInTableException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } public enum Rule { Cascade = 1, None = 0, SetDefault = 3, SetNull = 2, } public enum SchemaSerializationMode { ExcludeSchema = 2, IncludeSchema = 1, } public enum SchemaType { Mapped = 2, Source = 1, } public enum SerializationFormat { Binary = 1, Xml = 0, } public enum SqlDbType { BigInt = 0, Binary = 1, Bit = 2, Char = 3, Date = 31, DateTime = 4, DateTime2 = 33, DateTimeOffset = 34, Decimal = 5, Float = 6, Image = 7, Int = 8, Money = 9, NChar = 10, NText = 11, NVarChar = 12, Real = 13, SmallDateTime = 15, SmallInt = 16, SmallMoney = 17, Structured = 30, Text = 18, Time = 32, Timestamp = 19, TinyInt = 20, Udt = 29, UniqueIdentifier = 14, VarBinary = 21, VarChar = 22, Variant = 23, Xml = 25, } public sealed partial class StateChangeEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public StateChangeEventArgs(System.Data.ConnectionState originalState, System.Data.ConnectionState currentState) { } public System.Data.ConnectionState CurrentState { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.ConnectionState OriginalState { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void StateChangeEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs e); public sealed partial class StatementCompletedEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public StatementCompletedEventArgs(int recordCount) { } public int RecordCount { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void StatementCompletedEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.StatementCompletedEventArgs e); public enum StatementType { Batch = 4, Delete = 3, Insert = 1, Select = 0, Update = 2, } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class StrongTypingException : System.Data.DataException { public StrongTypingException() { } protected StrongTypingException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public StrongTypingException(string message) { } public StrongTypingException(string s, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class SyntaxErrorException : System.Data.InvalidExpressionException { public SyntaxErrorException() { } protected SyntaxErrorException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public SyntaxErrorException(string s) { } public SyntaxErrorException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } [System.ObsoleteAttribute("TypedDataSetGenerator class will be removed in a future release. Please use System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator in System.Design.dll.")] [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SharedState=true, Synchronization=true)] public partial class TypedDataSetGenerator { public TypedDataSetGenerator() { } public static void Generate(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace codeNamespace, System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator codeGen) { } public static string GenerateIdName(string name, System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator codeGen) { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class TypedDataSetGeneratorException : System.Data.DataException { public TypedDataSetGeneratorException() { } public TypedDataSetGeneratorException(System.Collections.ArrayList list) { } protected TypedDataSetGeneratorException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public TypedDataSetGeneratorException(string message) { } public TypedDataSetGeneratorException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } public System.Collections.ArrayList ErrorList { get { throw null; } } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("ConstraintName")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.UniqueConstraintEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public partial class UniqueConstraint : System.Data.Constraint { public UniqueConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn column) { } public UniqueConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn column, bool isPrimaryKey) { } public UniqueConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn[] columns) { } public UniqueConstraint(System.Data.DataColumn[] columns, bool isPrimaryKey) { } public UniqueConstraint(string name, System.Data.DataColumn column) { } public UniqueConstraint(string name, System.Data.DataColumn column, bool isPrimaryKey) { } public UniqueConstraint(string name, System.Data.DataColumn[] columns) { } public UniqueConstraint(string name, System.Data.DataColumn[] columns, bool isPrimaryKey) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public UniqueConstraint(string name, string[] columnNames, bool isPrimaryKey) { } [System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute(true)] public virtual System.Data.DataColumn[] Columns { get { throw null; } } public bool IsPrimaryKey { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute(true)] public override System.Data.DataTable Table { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object key2) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } } public enum UpdateRowSource { Both = 3, FirstReturnedRecord = 2, None = 0, OutputParameters = 1, } public enum UpdateStatus { Continue = 0, ErrorsOccurred = 1, SkipAllRemainingRows = 3, SkipCurrentRow = 2, } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class VersionNotFoundException : System.Data.DataException { public VersionNotFoundException() { } protected VersionNotFoundException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public VersionNotFoundException(string s) { } public VersionNotFoundException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } } public enum XmlReadMode { Auto = 0, DiffGram = 4, Fragment = 5, IgnoreSchema = 2, InferSchema = 3, InferTypedSchema = 6, ReadSchema = 1, } public enum XmlWriteMode { DiffGram = 2, IgnoreSchema = 1, WriteSchema = 0, } } namespace System.Data.Common { public enum CatalogLocation { End = 2, Start = 1, } public partial class DataAdapter : System.ComponentModel.Component, System.Data.IDataAdapter { protected DataAdapter() { } protected DataAdapter(System.Data.Common.DataAdapter from) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool AcceptChangesDuringFill { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool AcceptChangesDuringUpdate { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool ContinueUpdateOnError { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public System.Data.LoadOption FillLoadOption { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.MissingMappingAction)(1))] public System.Data.MissingMappingAction MissingMappingAction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.MissingSchemaAction)(1))] public System.Data.MissingSchemaAction MissingSchemaAction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public virtual bool ReturnProviderSpecificTypes { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.ITableMappingCollection System.Data.IDataAdapter.TableMappings { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection TableMappings { get { throw null; } } public event System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler FillError { add { } remove { } } [System.ObsoleteAttribute("CloneInternals() has been deprecated. Use the DataAdapter(DataAdapter from) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")] protected virtual System.Data.Common.DataAdapter CloneInternals() { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection CreateTableMappings() { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public virtual int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet) { throw null; } protected virtual int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, string srcTable, System.Data.IDataReader dataReader, int startRecord, int maxRecords) { throw null; } protected virtual int Fill(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Data.IDataReader dataReader) { throw null; } protected virtual int Fill(System.Data.DataTable[] dataTables, System.Data.IDataReader dataReader, int startRecord, int maxRecords) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataTable[] FillSchema(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.DataTable[] FillSchema(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType, string srcTable, System.Data.IDataReader dataReader) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.DataTable FillSchema(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType, System.Data.IDataReader dataReader) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public virtual System.Data.IDataParameter[] GetFillParameters() { throw null; } protected bool HasTableMappings() { throw null; } protected virtual void OnFillError(System.Data.FillErrorEventArgs value) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public void ResetFillLoadOption() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual bool ShouldSerializeAcceptChangesDuringFill() { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual bool ShouldSerializeFillLoadOption() { throw null; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeTableMappings() { throw null; } public virtual int Update(System.Data.DataSet dataSet) { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping.DataColumnMappingConverter")] public sealed partial class DataColumnMapping : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Data.IColumnMapping, System.ICloneable { public DataColumnMapping() { } public DataColumnMapping(string sourceColumn, string dataSetColumn) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string DataSetColumn { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string SourceColumn { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public System.Data.DataColumn GetDataColumnBySchemaAction(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Type dataType, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction schemaAction) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public static System.Data.DataColumn GetDataColumnBySchemaAction(string sourceColumn, string dataSetColumn, System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Type dataType, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction schemaAction) { throw null; } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class DataColumnMappingCollection : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList, System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection { public DataColumnMappingCollection() { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public int Count { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping this[string sourceColumn] { get { throw null; } set { } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.IList.this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } object System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.this[string index] { get { throw null; } set { } } public int Add(object value) { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping Add(string sourceColumn, string dataSetColumn) { throw null; } public void AddRange(System.Array values) { } public void AddRange(System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping[] values) { } public void Clear() { } public bool Contains(object value) { throw null; } public bool Contains(string value) { throw null; } public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping[] array, int index) { } public System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping GetByDataSetColumn(string value) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public static System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping GetColumnMappingBySchemaAction(System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection columnMappings, string sourceColumn, System.Data.MissingMappingAction mappingAction) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public static System.Data.DataColumn GetDataColumn(System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection columnMappings, string sourceColumn, System.Type dataType, System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Data.MissingMappingAction mappingAction, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction schemaAction) { throw null; } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } public int IndexOf(object value) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(string sourceColumn) { throw null; } public int IndexOfDataSetColumn(string dataSetColumn) { throw null; } public void Insert(int index, System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping value) { } public void Insert(int index, object value) { } public void Remove(System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping value) { } public void Remove(object value) { } public void RemoveAt(int index) { } public void RemoveAt(string sourceColumn) { } System.Data.IColumnMapping System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.Add(string sourceColumnName, string dataSetColumnName) { throw null; } System.Data.IColumnMapping System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.GetByDataSetColumn(string dataSetColumnName) { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping.DataTableMappingConverter")] public sealed partial class DataTableMapping : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Data.ITableMapping, System.ICloneable { public DataTableMapping() { } public DataTableMapping(string sourceTable, string dataSetTable) { } public DataTableMapping(string sourceTable, string dataSetTable, System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping[] columnMappings) { } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string DataSetTable { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string SourceTable { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection System.Data.ITableMapping.ColumnMappings { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping GetColumnMappingBySchemaAction(string sourceColumn, System.Data.MissingMappingAction mappingAction) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public System.Data.DataColumn GetDataColumn(string sourceColumn, System.Type dataType, System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Data.MissingMappingAction mappingAction, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction schemaAction) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public System.Data.DataTable GetDataTableBySchemaAction(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.Data.MissingSchemaAction schemaAction) { throw null; } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DataTableMappingCollectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute(false)] public sealed partial class DataTableMappingCollection : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList, System.Data.ITableMappingCollection { public DataTableMappingCollection() { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public int Count { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping this[string sourceTable] { get { throw null; } set { } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.IList.this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } object System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.this[string index] { get { throw null; } set { } } public int Add(object value) { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping Add(string sourceTable, string dataSetTable) { throw null; } public void AddRange(System.Array values) { } public void AddRange(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping[] values) { } public void Clear() { } public bool Contains(object value) { throw null; } public bool Contains(string value) { throw null; } public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping[] array, int index) { } public System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping GetByDataSetTable(string dataSetTable) { throw null; } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public static System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping GetTableMappingBySchemaAction(System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection tableMappings, string sourceTable, string dataSetTable, System.Data.MissingMappingAction mappingAction) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(object value) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(string sourceTable) { throw null; } public int IndexOfDataSetTable(string dataSetTable) { throw null; } public void Insert(int index, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping value) { } public void Insert(int index, object value) { } public void Remove(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping value) { } public void Remove(object value) { } public void RemoveAt(int index) { } public void RemoveAt(string sourceTable) { } System.Data.ITableMapping System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.Add(string sourceTableName, string dataSetTableName) { throw null; } System.Data.ITableMapping System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.GetByDataSetTable(string dataSetTableName) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbColumn { protected DbColumn() { } public System.Nullable AllowDBNull { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string BaseCatalogName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string BaseColumnName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string BaseSchemaName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string BaseServerName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string BaseTableName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string ColumnName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable ColumnOrdinal { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable ColumnSize { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Type DataType { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string DataTypeName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsAliased { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsAutoIncrement { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsExpression { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsHidden { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsIdentity { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsKey { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsLong { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsReadOnly { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable IsUnique { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public virtual object this[string property] { get { throw null; } } public System.Nullable NumericPrecision { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public System.Nullable NumericScale { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } public string UdtAssemblyQualifiedName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]protected set { } } } public abstract partial class DbCommand : System.ComponentModel.Component, System.Data.IDbCommand, System.IDisposable { protected DbCommand() { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public abstract string CommandText { get; set; } public abstract int CommandTimeout { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.CommandType)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public abstract System.Data.CommandType CommandType { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbConnection Connection { get { throw null; } set { } } protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get; set; } protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection DbParameterCollection { get; } protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbTransaction DbTransaction { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public abstract bool DesignTimeVisible { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection Parameters { get { throw null; } } System.Data.IDbConnection System.Data.IDbCommand.Connection { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDataParameterCollection System.Data.IDbCommand.Parameters { get { throw null; } } System.Data.IDbTransaction System.Data.IDbCommand.Transaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbTransaction Transaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.UpdateRowSource)(3))] public abstract System.Data.UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { get; set; } public abstract void Cancel(); protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateDbParameter(); public System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbDataReader ExecuteDbDataReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior); protected virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public abstract int ExecuteNonQuery(); public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteNonQueryAsync() { throw null; } public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteNonQueryAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbDataReader ExecuteReader() { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbDataReader ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync() { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public abstract object ExecuteScalar(); public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteScalarAsync() { throw null; } public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteScalarAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public abstract void Prepare(); System.Data.IDbDataParameter System.Data.IDbCommand.CreateParameter() { throw null; } System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() { throw null; } System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbCommandBuilder : System.ComponentModel.Component { protected DbCommandBuilder() { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation)(1))] public virtual System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation CatalogLocation { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(".")] public virtual string CatalogSeparator { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.ConflictOption)(1))] public virtual System.Data.ConflictOption ConflictOption { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter DataAdapter { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public virtual string QuotePrefix { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public virtual string QuoteSuffix { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(".")] public virtual string SchemaSeparator { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool SetAllValues { get { throw null; } set { } } protected abstract void ApplyParameterInfo(System.Data.Common.DbParameter parameter, System.Data.DataRow row, System.Data.StatementType statementType, bool whereClause); protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public System.Data.Common.DbCommand GetDeleteCommand() { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbCommand GetDeleteCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbCommand GetInsertCommand() { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbCommand GetInsertCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } protected abstract string GetParameterName(int parameterOrdinal); protected abstract string GetParameterName(string parameterName); protected abstract string GetParameterPlaceholder(int parameterOrdinal); protected virtual System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable(System.Data.Common.DbCommand sourceCommand) { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbCommand GetUpdateCommand() { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbCommand GetUpdateCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.Common.DbCommand InitializeCommand(System.Data.Common.DbCommand command) { throw null; } public virtual string QuoteIdentifier(string unquotedIdentifier) { throw null; } public virtual void RefreshSchema() { } protected void RowUpdatingHandler(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs rowUpdatingEvent) { } protected abstract void SetRowUpdatingHandler(System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter adapter); public virtual string UnquoteIdentifier(string quotedIdentifier) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbConnection : System.ComponentModel.Component, System.Data.IDbConnection, System.IDisposable { protected DbConnection() { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute(true)] public abstract string ConnectionString { get; set; } public virtual int ConnectionTimeout { get { throw null; } } public abstract string Database { get; } public abstract string DataSource { get; } protected virtual System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory DbProviderFactory { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public abstract string ServerVersion { get; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public abstract System.Data.ConnectionState State { get; } public virtual event System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler StateChange { add { } remove { } } protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel); public System.Data.Common.DbTransaction BeginTransaction() { throw null; } public System.Data.Common.DbTransaction BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { throw null; } public abstract void ChangeDatabase(string databaseName); public abstract void Close(); public System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateDbCommand(); public virtual void EnlistTransaction(System.Transactions.Transaction transaction) { } public virtual System.Data.DataTable GetSchema() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues) { throw null; } protected virtual void OnStateChange(System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs stateChange) { } public abstract void Open(); public System.Threading.Tasks.Task OpenAsync() { throw null; } public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task OpenAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } System.Data.IDbTransaction System.Data.IDbConnection.BeginTransaction() { throw null; } System.Data.IDbTransaction System.Data.IDbConnection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { throw null; } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbConnection.CreateCommand() { throw null; } } public partial class DbConnectionStringBuilder : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor { public DbConnectionStringBuilder() { } public DbConnectionStringBuilder(bool useOdbcRules) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public bool BrowsableConnectionString { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string ConnectionString { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public virtual int Count { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public virtual bool IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public virtual object this[string keyword] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public virtual System.Collections.ICollection Keys { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.IDictionary.this[object keyword] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public virtual System.Collections.ICollection Values { get { throw null; } } public void Add(string keyword, object value) { } public static void AppendKeyValuePair(System.Text.StringBuilder builder, string keyword, string value) { } public static void AppendKeyValuePair(System.Text.StringBuilder builder, string keyword, string value, bool useOdbcRules) { } public virtual void Clear() { } protected internal void ClearPropertyDescriptors() { } public virtual bool ContainsKey(string keyword) { throw null; } public virtual bool EquivalentTo(System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder) { throw null; } protected virtual void GetProperties(System.Collections.Hashtable propertyDescriptors) { } public virtual bool Remove(string keyword) { throw null; } public virtual bool ShouldSerialize(string keyword) { throw null; } void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } void System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(object keyword, object value) { } bool System.Collections.IDictionary.Contains(object keyword) { throw null; } System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator() { throw null; } void System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(object keyword) { } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() { throw null; } object System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(System.Type editorBaseType) { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(System.Attribute[] attributes) { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(System.Attribute[] attributes) { throw null; } object System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor pd) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public virtual bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object value) { value = default(object); throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbDataAdapter : System.Data.Common.DataAdapter, System.Data.IDataAdapter, System.Data.IDbDataAdapter, System.ICloneable { public const string DefaultSourceTableName = "Table"; protected DbDataAdapter() { } protected DbDataAdapter(System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter adapter) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbCommand DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } protected internal System.Data.CommandBehavior FillCommandBehavior { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbCommand InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbCommand SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(1)] public virtual int UpdateBatchSize { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Common.DbCommand UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } protected virtual int AddToBatch(System.Data.IDbCommand command) { throw null; } protected virtual void ClearBatch() { } protected virtual System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs CreateRowUpdatedEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs CreateRowUpdatingEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } protected virtual int ExecuteBatch() { throw null; } public override int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet) { throw null; } public int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable) { throw null; } protected virtual int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, string srcTable) { throw null; } public int Fill(System.Data.DataTable dataTable) { throw null; } protected virtual int Fill(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } protected virtual int Fill(System.Data.DataTable[] dataTables, int startRecord, int maxRecords, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public int Fill(int startRecord, int maxRecords, params System.Data.DataTable[] dataTables) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable[] FillSchema(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.DataTable[] FillSchema(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType, System.Data.IDbCommand command, string srcTable, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable[] FillSchema(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType, string srcTable) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataTable FillSchema(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.DataTable FillSchema(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, System.Data.SchemaType schemaType, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Data.IDataParameter GetBatchedParameter(int commandIdentifier, int parameterIndex) { throw null; } protected virtual bool GetBatchedRecordsAffected(int commandIdentifier, out int recordsAffected, out System.Exception error) { recordsAffected = default(int); error = default(System.Exception); throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public override System.Data.IDataParameter[] GetFillParameters() { throw null; } protected virtual void InitializeBatching() { } protected virtual void OnRowUpdated(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs value) { } protected virtual void OnRowUpdating(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs value) { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } protected virtual void TerminateBatching() { } public int Update(System.Data.DataRow[] dataRows) { throw null; } protected virtual int Update(System.Data.DataRow[] dataRows, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } public override int Update(System.Data.DataSet dataSet) { throw null; } public int Update(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, string srcTable) { throw null; } public int Update(System.Data.DataTable dataTable) { throw null; } } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, ControlEvidence=true, ControlPolicy=true)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public abstract partial class DBDataPermission : System.Security.CodeAccessPermission, System.Security.Permissions.IUnrestrictedPermission { [System.ObsoleteAttribute("DBDataPermission() has been deprecated. Use the DBDataPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] protected DBDataPermission() { } protected DBDataPermission(System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission permission) { } protected DBDataPermission(System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute permissionAttribute) { } protected DBDataPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) { } [System.ObsoleteAttribute("DBDataPermission(PermissionState state,Boolean allowBlankPassword) has been deprecated. Use the DBDataPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] protected DBDataPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state, bool allowBlankPassword) { } public bool AllowBlankPassword { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual void Add(string connectionString, string restrictions, System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior behavior) { } protected void Clear() { } public override System.Security.IPermission Copy() { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")] protected virtual System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission CreateInstance() { throw null; } public override void FromXml(System.Security.SecurityElement securityElement) { } public override System.Security.IPermission Intersect(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } public override bool IsSubsetOf(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } public bool IsUnrestricted() { throw null; } public override System.Security.SecurityElement ToXml() { throw null; } public override System.Security.IPermission Union(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(109), AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public abstract partial class DBDataPermissionAttribute : System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute { protected DBDataPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction)) { } public bool AllowBlankPassword { get { throw null; } set { } } public string ConnectionString { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior KeyRestrictionBehavior { get { throw null; } set { } } public string KeyRestrictions { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public bool ShouldSerializeConnectionString() { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public bool ShouldSerializeKeyRestrictions() { throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbDataReader : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Data.IDataReader, System.Data.IDataRecord, System.IDisposable { protected DbDataReader() { } public abstract int Depth { get; } public abstract int FieldCount { get; } public abstract bool HasRows { get; } public abstract bool IsClosed { get; } public abstract object this[int ordinal] { get; } public abstract object this[string name] { get; } public abstract int RecordsAffected { get; } public virtual int VisibleFieldCount { get { throw null; } } public virtual void Close() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public abstract bool GetBoolean(int ordinal); public abstract byte GetByte(int ordinal); public abstract long GetBytes(int ordinal, long dataOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length); public abstract char GetChar(int ordinal); public abstract long GetChars(int ordinal, long dataOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length); [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetData(int ordinal) { throw null; } public abstract string GetDataTypeName(int ordinal); public abstract System.DateTime GetDateTime(int ordinal); protected virtual System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetDbDataReader(int ordinal) { throw null; } public abstract decimal GetDecimal(int ordinal); public abstract double GetDouble(int ordinal); [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public abstract System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); public abstract System.Type GetFieldType(int ordinal); public System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetFieldValueAsync(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetFieldValueAsync(int ordinal, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public virtual T GetFieldValue(int ordinal) { throw null; } public abstract float GetFloat(int ordinal); public abstract System.Guid GetGuid(int ordinal); public abstract short GetInt16(int ordinal); public abstract int GetInt32(int ordinal); public abstract long GetInt64(int ordinal); public abstract string GetName(int ordinal); public abstract int GetOrdinal(string name); [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual System.Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int ordinal) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual object GetProviderSpecificValue(int ordinal) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual int GetProviderSpecificValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable() { throw null; } public virtual System.IO.Stream GetStream(int ordinal) { throw null; } public abstract string GetString(int ordinal); public virtual System.IO.TextReader GetTextReader(int ordinal) { throw null; } public abstract object GetValue(int ordinal); public abstract int GetValues(object[] values); public abstract bool IsDBNull(int ordinal); public System.Threading.Tasks.Task IsDBNullAsync(int ordinal) { throw null; } public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task IsDBNullAsync(int ordinal, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public abstract bool NextResult(); public System.Threading.Tasks.Task NextResultAsync() { throw null; } public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task NextResultAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public abstract bool Read(); public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ReadAsync() { throw null; } public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ReadAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDataRecord.GetData(int ordinal) { throw null; } } public static partial class DbDataReaderExtensions { public static bool CanGetColumnSchema(this System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader) { throw null; } public static System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection GetColumnSchema(this System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbDataRecord : System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor, System.Data.IDataRecord { protected DbDataRecord() { } public abstract int FieldCount { get; } public abstract object this[int i] { get; } public abstract object this[string name] { get; } public abstract bool GetBoolean(int i); public abstract byte GetByte(int i); public abstract long GetBytes(int i, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length); public abstract char GetChar(int i); public abstract long GetChars(int i, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length); public System.Data.IDataReader GetData(int i) { throw null; } public abstract string GetDataTypeName(int i); public abstract System.DateTime GetDateTime(int i); protected virtual System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetDbDataReader(int i) { throw null; } public abstract decimal GetDecimal(int i); public abstract double GetDouble(int i); public abstract System.Type GetFieldType(int i); public abstract float GetFloat(int i); public abstract System.Guid GetGuid(int i); public abstract short GetInt16(int i); public abstract int GetInt32(int i); public abstract long GetInt64(int i); public abstract string GetName(int i); public abstract int GetOrdinal(string name); public abstract string GetString(int i); public abstract object GetValue(int i); public abstract int GetValues(object[] values); public abstract bool IsDBNull(int i); System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() { throw null; } string System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() { throw null; } object System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(System.Type editorBaseType) { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(System.Attribute[] attributes) { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() { throw null; } System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(System.Attribute[] attributes) { throw null; } object System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor pd) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbDataSourceEnumerator { protected DbDataSourceEnumerator() { } public abstract System.Data.DataTable GetDataSources(); } public partial class DbEnumerator : System.Collections.IEnumerator { public DbEnumerator(System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader) { } public DbEnumerator(System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader, bool closeReader) { } public DbEnumerator(System.Data.IDataReader reader) { } public DbEnumerator(System.Data.IDataReader reader, bool closeReader) { } public object Current { get { throw null; } } public bool MoveNext() { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public void Reset() { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public abstract partial class DbException : System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException { protected DbException() { } protected DbException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } protected DbException(string message) { } protected DbException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } protected DbException(string message, int errorCode) { } } public static partial class DbMetaDataCollectionNames { public static readonly string DataSourceInformation; public static readonly string DataTypes; public static readonly string MetaDataCollections; public static readonly string ReservedWords; public static readonly string Restrictions; } public static partial class DbMetaDataColumnNames { public static readonly string CollectionName; public static readonly string ColumnSize; public static readonly string CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern; public static readonly string CreateFormat; public static readonly string CreateParameters; public static readonly string DataSourceProductName; public static readonly string DataSourceProductVersion; public static readonly string DataSourceProductVersionNormalized; public static readonly string DataType; public static readonly string GroupByBehavior; public static readonly string IdentifierCase; public static readonly string IdentifierPattern; public static readonly string IsAutoIncrementable; public static readonly string IsBestMatch; public static readonly string IsCaseSensitive; public static readonly string IsConcurrencyType; public static readonly string IsFixedLength; public static readonly string IsFixedPrecisionScale; public static readonly string IsLiteralSupported; public static readonly string IsLong; public static readonly string IsNullable; public static readonly string IsSearchable; public static readonly string IsSearchableWithLike; public static readonly string IsUnsigned; public static readonly string LiteralPrefix; public static readonly string LiteralSuffix; public static readonly string MaximumScale; public static readonly string MinimumScale; public static readonly string NumberOfIdentifierParts; public static readonly string NumberOfRestrictions; public static readonly string OrderByColumnsInSelect; public static readonly string ParameterMarkerFormat; public static readonly string ParameterMarkerPattern; public static readonly string ParameterNameMaxLength; public static readonly string ParameterNamePattern; public static readonly string ProviderDbType; public static readonly string QuotedIdentifierCase; public static readonly string QuotedIdentifierPattern; public static readonly string ReservedWord; public static readonly string StatementSeparatorPattern; public static readonly string StringLiteralPattern; public static readonly string SupportedJoinOperators; public static readonly string TypeName; } public abstract partial class DbParameter : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Data.IDataParameter, System.Data.IDbDataParameter { protected DbParameter() { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public abstract System.Data.DbType DbType { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.ParameterDirection)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public abstract System.Data.ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public abstract bool IsNullable { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public abstract string ParameterName { get; set; } public virtual byte Precision { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual byte Scale { get { throw null; } set { } } public abstract int Size { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] public abstract string SourceColumn { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public abstract bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.DataRowVersion)(512))] public virtual System.Data.DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get { throw null; } set { } } byte System.Data.IDbDataParameter.Precision { get { throw null; } set { } } byte System.Data.IDbDataParameter.Scale { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public abstract object Value { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public abstract void ResetDbType(); } public abstract partial class DbParameterCollection : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList, System.Data.IDataParameterCollection { protected DbParameterCollection() { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public abstract int Count { get; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual bool IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.Common.DbParameter this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.Common.DbParameter this[string parameterName] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public abstract object SyncRoot { get; } object System.Collections.IList.this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } object System.Data.IDataParameterCollection.this[string parameterName] { get { throw null; } set { } } public abstract int Add(object value); public abstract void AddRange(System.Array values); public abstract void Clear(); public abstract bool Contains(object value); public abstract bool Contains(string value); public abstract void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index); [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public abstract System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(int index); protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(string parameterName); public abstract int IndexOf(object value); public abstract int IndexOf(string parameterName); public abstract void Insert(int index, object value); public abstract void Remove(object value); public abstract void RemoveAt(int index); public abstract void RemoveAt(string parameterName); protected abstract void SetParameter(int index, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value); protected abstract void SetParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value); } public partial class DbProviderConfigurationHandler : System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler { public DbProviderConfigurationHandler() { } public virtual object Create(object parent, object configContext, System.Xml.XmlNode section) { throw null; } } public static partial class DbProviderFactories { public static System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory GetFactory(System.Data.Common.DbConnection connection) { throw null; } public static System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory GetFactory(System.Data.DataRow providerRow) { throw null; } public static System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory GetFactory(string providerInvariantName) { throw null; } public static System.Data.DataTable GetFactoryClasses() { throw null; } } public partial class DbProviderFactoriesConfigurationHandler : System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler { public DbProviderFactoriesConfigurationHandler() { } public virtual object Create(object parent, object configContext, System.Xml.XmlNode section) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class DbProviderFactory { protected DbProviderFactory() { } public virtual bool CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder CreateCommandBuilder() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.Common.DbConnection CreateConnection() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder CreateConnectionStringBuilder() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.Common.DbDataSourceEnumerator CreateDataSourceEnumerator() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } public virtual System.Security.CodeAccessPermission CreatePermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(128), AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute : System.Attribute { public DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute(bool isProviderSpecificTypeProperty) { } public bool IsProviderSpecificTypeProperty { get { throw null; } } } public abstract partial class DbTransaction : System.MarshalByRefObject, System.Data.IDbTransaction, System.IDisposable { protected DbTransaction() { } public System.Data.Common.DbConnection Connection { get { throw null; } } protected abstract System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get; } public abstract System.Data.IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get; } System.Data.IDbConnection System.Data.IDbTransaction.Connection { get { throw null; } } public abstract void Commit(); public void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public abstract void Rollback(); } public enum GroupByBehavior { ExactMatch = 4, MustContainAll = 3, NotSupported = 1, Unknown = 0, Unrelated = 2, } public partial interface IDbColumnSchemaGenerator { System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection GetColumnSchema(); } public enum IdentifierCase { Insensitive = 1, Sensitive = 2, Unknown = 0, } public partial class RowUpdatedEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public RowUpdatedEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { } public System.Data.IDbCommand Command { get { throw null; } } public System.Exception Errors { get { throw null; } set { } } public int RecordsAffected { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.DataRow Row { get { throw null; } } public int RowCount { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.StatementType StatementType { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.UpdateStatus Status { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping TableMapping { get { throw null; } } public void CopyToRows(System.Data.DataRow[] array) { } public void CopyToRows(System.Data.DataRow[] array, int arrayIndex) { } } public partial class RowUpdatingEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public RowUpdatingEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { } protected virtual System.Data.IDbCommand BaseCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.IDbCommand Command { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Exception Errors { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.DataRow Row { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.StatementType StatementType { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.UpdateStatus Status { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping TableMapping { get { throw null; } } } public static partial class SchemaTableColumn { public static readonly string AllowDBNull; public static readonly string BaseColumnName; public static readonly string BaseSchemaName; public static readonly string BaseTableName; public static readonly string ColumnName; public static readonly string ColumnOrdinal; public static readonly string ColumnSize; public static readonly string DataType; public static readonly string IsAliased; public static readonly string IsExpression; public static readonly string IsKey; public static readonly string IsLong; public static readonly string IsUnique; public static readonly string NonVersionedProviderType; public static readonly string NumericPrecision; public static readonly string NumericScale; public static readonly string ProviderType; } public static partial class SchemaTableOptionalColumn { public static readonly string AutoIncrementSeed; public static readonly string AutoIncrementStep; public static readonly string BaseCatalogName; public static readonly string BaseColumnNamespace; public static readonly string BaseServerName; public static readonly string BaseTableNamespace; public static readonly string ColumnMapping; public static readonly string DefaultValue; public static readonly string Expression; public static readonly string IsAutoIncrement; public static readonly string IsHidden; public static readonly string IsReadOnly; public static readonly string IsRowVersion; public static readonly string ProviderSpecificDataType; } [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum SupportedJoinOperators { FullOuter = 8, Inner = 1, LeftOuter = 2, None = 0, RightOuter = 4, } } namespace System.Data.Odbc { [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("RecordsAffected")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.OdbcCommandDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute(true)] public sealed partial class OdbcCommand : System.Data.Common.DbCommand, System.ICloneable { public OdbcCommand() { } public OdbcCommand(string cmdText) { } public OdbcCommand(string cmdText, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection connection) { } public OdbcCommand(string cmdText, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection connection, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction transaction) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Odbc.Design.OdbcCommandTextEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override string CommandText { get { throw null; } set { } } public override int CommandTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.CommandType)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override System.Data.CommandType CommandType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DbConnectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection Connection { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection DbParameterCollection { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbTransaction DbTransaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override bool DesignTimeVisible { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection Parameters { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction Transaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.UpdateRowSource)(3))] public override System.Data.UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void Cancel() { } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateDbParameter() { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } protected override System.Data.Common.DbDataReader ExecuteDbDataReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public override int ExecuteNonQuery() { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader ExecuteReader() { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public override object ExecuteScalar() { throw null; } public override void Prepare() { } public void ResetCommandTimeout() { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OdbcCommandBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder { public OdbcCommandBuilder() { } public OdbcCommandBuilder(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter adapter) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter DataAdapter { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override void ApplyParameterInfo(System.Data.Common.DbParameter parameter, System.Data.DataRow datarow, System.Data.StatementType statementType, bool whereClause) { } public static void DeriveParameters(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand command) { } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand GetDeleteCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand GetDeleteCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand GetInsertCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand GetInsertCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterName(int parameterOrdinal) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterName(string parameterName) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterPlaceholder(int parameterOrdinal) { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand GetUpdateCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand GetUpdateCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } public override string QuoteIdentifier(string unquotedIdentifier) { throw null; } public string QuoteIdentifier(string unquotedIdentifier, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection connection) { throw null; } protected override void SetRowUpdatingHandler(System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter adapter) { } public override string UnquoteIdentifier(string quotedIdentifier) { throw null; } public string UnquoteIdentifier(string quotedIdentifier, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection connection) { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("InfoMessage")] public sealed partial class OdbcConnection : System.Data.Common.DbConnection, System.ICloneable { public OdbcConnection() { } public OdbcConnection(string connectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Odbc.Design.OdbcConnectionStringEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute(true)] public override string ConnectionString { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(15)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new int ConnectionTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override string Database { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override string DataSource { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public string Driver { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override string ServerVersion { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override System.Data.ConnectionState State { get { throw null; } } public event System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler InfoMessage { add { } remove { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction BeginTransaction() { throw null; } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolevel) { throw null; } public override void ChangeDatabase(string value) { } public override void Close() { } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateDbCommand() { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public void EnlistDistributedTransaction(System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction transaction) { } public override void EnlistTransaction(System.Transactions.Transaction transaction) { } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema() { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues) { throw null; } public override void Open() { } public static void ReleaseObjectPool() { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("Driver")] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionStringBuilder.OdbcConnectionStringBuilderConverter")] public sealed partial class OdbcConnectionStringBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder { public OdbcConnectionStringBuilder() { } public OdbcConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Driver")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string Driver { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Dsn")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string Dsn { get { throw null; } set { } } public override object this[string keyword] { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Collections.ICollection Keys { get { throw null; } } public override void Clear() { } public override bool ContainsKey(string keyword) { throw null; } public override bool Remove(string keyword) { throw null; } public override bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object value) { value = default(object); throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("RowUpdated")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.OdbcDataAdapterDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.OdbcDataAdapterToolboxItem, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public sealed partial class OdbcDataAdapter : System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter, System.Data.IDataAdapter, System.Data.IDbDataAdapter, System.ICloneable { public OdbcDataAdapter() { } public OdbcDataAdapter(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand selectCommand) { } public OdbcDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection selectConnection) { } public OdbcDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, string selectConnectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating { add { } remove { } } protected override System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs CreateRowUpdatedEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs CreateRowUpdatingEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } protected override void OnRowUpdated(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs value) { } protected override void OnRowUpdating(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs value) { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OdbcDataReader : System.Data.Common.DbDataReader { internal OdbcDataReader() { } public override int Depth { get { throw null; } } public override int FieldCount { get { throw null; } } public override bool HasRows { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsClosed { get { throw null; } } public override object this[int i] { get { throw null; } } public override object this[string value] { get { throw null; } } public override int RecordsAffected { get { throw null; } } public override void Close() { } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public override bool GetBoolean(int i) { throw null; } public override byte GetByte(int i) { throw null; } public override long GetBytes(int i, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } public override char GetChar(int i) { throw null; } public override long GetChars(int i, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } public override string GetDataTypeName(int i) { throw null; } public System.DateTime GetDate(int i) { throw null; } public override System.DateTime GetDateTime(int i) { throw null; } public override decimal GetDecimal(int i) { throw null; } public override double GetDouble(int i) { throw null; } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } public override System.Type GetFieldType(int i) { throw null; } public override float GetFloat(int i) { throw null; } public override System.Guid GetGuid(int i) { throw null; } public override short GetInt16(int i) { throw null; } public override int GetInt32(int i) { throw null; } public override long GetInt64(int i) { throw null; } public override string GetName(int i) { throw null; } public override int GetOrdinal(string value) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable() { throw null; } public override string GetString(int i) { throw null; } public System.TimeSpan GetTime(int i) { throw null; } public override object GetValue(int i) { throw null; } public override int GetValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public override bool IsDBNull(int i) { throw null; } public override bool NextResult() { throw null; } public override bool Read() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OdbcError { internal OdbcError() { } public string Message { get { throw null; } } public int NativeError { get { throw null; } } public string Source { get { throw null; } } public string SQLState { get { throw null; } } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OdbcErrorCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable { internal OdbcErrorCollection() { } public int Count { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcError this[int i] { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int i) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcError[] array, int i) { } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OdbcException : System.Data.Common.DbException { internal OdbcException() { } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection Errors { get { throw null; } } public override string Source { get { throw null; } } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo si, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } } public sealed partial class OdbcFactory : System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory { internal OdbcFactory() { } public static readonly System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory Instance; public override System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder CreateCommandBuilder() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbConnection CreateConnection() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder CreateConnectionStringBuilder() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } public override System.Security.CodeAccessPermission CreatePermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs : System.EventArgs { internal OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs() { } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection Errors { get { throw null; } } public string Message { get { throw null; } } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public delegate void OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs e); public static partial class OdbcMetaDataCollectionNames { public static readonly string Columns; public static readonly string Indexes; public static readonly string ProcedureColumns; public static readonly string ProcedureParameters; public static readonly string Procedures; public static readonly string Tables; public static readonly string Views; } public static partial class OdbcMetaDataColumnNames { public static readonly string BooleanFalseLiteral; public static readonly string BooleanTrueLiteral; public static readonly string SQLType; } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter.OdbcParameterConverter")] public sealed partial class OdbcParameter : System.Data.Common.DbParameter, System.Data.IDataParameter, System.Data.IDbDataParameter, System.ICloneable { public OdbcParameter() { } public OdbcParameter(string name, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType type) { } public OdbcParameter(string name, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType type, int size) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public OdbcParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType odbcType, int size, System.Data.ParameterDirection parameterDirection, bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, System.Data.DataRowVersion srcVersion, object value) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public OdbcParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType odbcType, int size, System.Data.ParameterDirection parameterDirection, byte precision, byte scale, string sourceColumn, System.Data.DataRowVersion sourceVersion, bool sourceColumnNullMapping, object value) { } public OdbcParameter(string name, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType type, int size, string sourcecolumn) { } public OdbcParameter(string name, object value) { } public override System.Data.DbType DbType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override System.Data.ParameterDirection Direction { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool IsNullable { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType)(11))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.Data.Common.DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute(true)] public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType OdbcType { get { throw null; } set { } } public override string ParameterName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((byte)0)] public new byte Precision { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((byte)0)] public new byte Scale { get { throw null; } set { } } public override int Size { get { throw null; } set { } } public override string SourceColumn { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Data.DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.ComponentModel.StringConverter))] public override object Value { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void ResetDbType() { } public void ResetOdbcType() { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBParametersEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute(false)] public sealed partial class OdbcParameterCollection : System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection { internal OdbcParameterCollection() { } public override int Count { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter this[string parameterName] { get { throw null; } set { } } public override object SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter Add(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter value) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override int Add(object value) { throw null; } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType odbcType) { throw null; } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType odbcType, int size) { throw null; } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType odbcType, int size, string sourceColumn) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Add(String parameterName, Object value) has been deprecated. Use AddWithValue(String parameterName, Object value). http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", false)] public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter Add(string parameterName, object value) { throw null; } public override void AddRange(System.Array values) { } public void AddRange(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter[] values) { } public System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter AddWithValue(string parameterName, object value) { throw null; } public override void Clear() { } public bool Contains(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter value) { throw null; } public override bool Contains(object value) { throw null; } public override bool Contains(string value) { throw null; } public override void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter[] array, int index) { } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(int index) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(string parameterName) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter value) { throw null; } public override int IndexOf(object value) { throw null; } public override int IndexOf(string parameterName) { throw null; } public void Insert(int index, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter value) { } public override void Insert(int index, object value) { } public void Remove(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter value) { } public override void Remove(object value) { } public override void RemoveAt(int index) { } public override void RemoveAt(string parameterName) { } protected override void SetParameter(int index, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value) { } protected override void SetParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OdbcPermission : System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission { [System.ObsoleteAttribute("OdbcPermission() has been deprecated. Use the OdbcPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] public OdbcPermission() : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } public OdbcPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } [System.ObsoleteAttribute("OdbcPermission(PermissionState state, Boolean allowBlankPassword) has been deprecated. Use the OdbcPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] public OdbcPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state, bool allowBlankPassword) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } public override void Add(string connectionString, string restrictions, System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior behavior) { } public override System.Security.IPermission Copy() { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(109), AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OdbcPermissionAttribute : System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute { public OdbcPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction)) { } public override System.Security.IPermission CreatePermission() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OdbcRowUpdatedEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs { public OdbcRowUpdatedEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow row, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) : base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping)) { } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand Command { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventArgs e); public sealed partial class OdbcRowUpdatingEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs { public OdbcRowUpdatingEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow row, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) : base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping)) { } protected override System.Data.IDbCommand BaseCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand Command { get { throw null; } set { } } } public delegate void OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventArgs e); public sealed partial class OdbcTransaction : System.Data.Common.DbTransaction { internal OdbcTransaction() { } public new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection Connection { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get { throw null; } } public override System.Data.IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get { throw null; } } public override void Commit() { } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public override void Rollback() { } } public enum OdbcType { BigInt = 1, Binary = 2, Bit = 3, Char = 4, Date = 23, DateTime = 5, Decimal = 6, Double = 8, Image = 9, Int = 10, NChar = 11, NText = 12, Numeric = 7, NVarChar = 13, Real = 14, SmallDateTime = 16, SmallInt = 17, Text = 18, Time = 24, Timestamp = 19, TinyInt = 20, UniqueIdentifier = 15, VarBinary = 21, VarChar = 22, } } namespace System.Data.OleDb { [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("RecordsAffected")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.OleDbCommandDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute(true)] public sealed partial class OleDbCommand : System.Data.Common.DbCommand, System.Data.IDbCommand, System.ICloneable, System.IDisposable { public OleDbCommand() { } public OleDbCommand(string cmdText) { } public OleDbCommand(string cmdText, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection connection) { } public OleDbCommand(string cmdText, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection connection, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction transaction) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.ADO.Design.OleDbCommandTextEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override string CommandText { get { throw null; } set { } } public override int CommandTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.CommandType)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override System.Data.CommandType CommandType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DbConnectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Connection { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection DbParameterCollection { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbTransaction DbTransaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override bool DesignTimeVisible { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection Parameters { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction Transaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.UpdateRowSource)(3))] public override System.Data.UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void Cancel() { } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand Clone() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateDbParameter() { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } protected override System.Data.Common.DbDataReader ExecuteDbDataReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public override int ExecuteNonQuery() { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader ExecuteReader() { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public override object ExecuteScalar() { throw null; } public override void Prepare() { } public void ResetCommandTimeout() { } System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() { throw null; } System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OleDbCommandBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder { public OleDbCommandBuilder() { } public OleDbCommandBuilder(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter adapter) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter DataAdapter { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override void ApplyParameterInfo(System.Data.Common.DbParameter parameter, System.Data.DataRow datarow, System.Data.StatementType statementType, bool whereClause) { } public static void DeriveParameters(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand command) { } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand GetDeleteCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand GetDeleteCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand GetInsertCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand GetInsertCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterName(int parameterOrdinal) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterName(string parameterName) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterPlaceholder(int parameterOrdinal) { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand GetUpdateCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand GetUpdateCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } public override string QuoteIdentifier(string unquotedIdentifier) { throw null; } public string QuoteIdentifier(string unquotedIdentifier, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection connection) { throw null; } protected override void SetRowUpdatingHandler(System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter adapter) { } public override string UnquoteIdentifier(string quotedIdentifier) { throw null; } public string UnquoteIdentifier(string quotedIdentifier, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection connection) { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("InfoMessage")] public sealed partial class OleDbConnection : System.Data.Common.DbConnection, System.Data.IDbConnection, System.ICloneable, System.IDisposable { public OleDbConnection() { } public OleDbConnection(string connectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.ADO.Design.OleDbConnectionStringEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute(true)] public override string ConnectionString { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override int ConnectionTimeout { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override string Database { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(true)] public override string DataSource { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public string Provider { get { throw null; } } public override string ServerVersion { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override System.Data.ConnectionState State { get { throw null; } } public event System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler InfoMessage { add { } remove { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction BeginTransaction() { throw null; } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { throw null; } public override void ChangeDatabase(string value) { } public override void Close() { } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateDbCommand() { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public void EnlistDistributedTransaction(System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction transaction) { } public override void EnlistTransaction(System.Transactions.Transaction transaction) { } public System.Data.DataTable GetOleDbSchemaTable(System.Guid schema, object[] restrictions) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema() { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues) { throw null; } public override void Open() { } public static void ReleaseObjectPool() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public void ResetState() { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("Provider")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.OleDbConnectionStringBuilderConverter")] public sealed partial class OleDbConnectionStringBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder { public OleDbConnectionStringBuilder() { } public OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Data Source")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string DataSource { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("File Name")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string FileName { get { throw null; } set { } } public override object this[string keyword] { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Collections.ICollection Keys { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("OLE DB Services")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.OleDbServicesConverter")] public int OleDbServices { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Persist Security Info")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool PersistSecurityInfo { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Provider")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.OleDbProviderConverter")] public string Provider { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void Clear() { } public override bool ContainsKey(string keyword) { throw null; } protected override void GetProperties(System.Collections.Hashtable propertyDescriptors) { } public override bool Remove(string keyword) { throw null; } public override bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object value) { value = default(object); throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("RowUpdated")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.OleDbDataAdapterDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.OleDbDataAdapterToolboxItem, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public sealed partial class OleDbDataAdapter : System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter, System.Data.IDataAdapter, System.Data.IDbDataAdapter, System.ICloneable { public OleDbDataAdapter() { } public OleDbDataAdapter(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand selectCommand) { } public OleDbDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection selectConnection) { } public OleDbDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, string selectConnectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating { add { } remove { } } protected override System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs CreateRowUpdatedEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs CreateRowUpdatingEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } public int Fill(System.Data.DataSet dataSet, object ADODBRecordSet, string srcTable) { throw null; } public int Fill(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, object ADODBRecordSet) { throw null; } protected override void OnRowUpdated(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs value) { } protected override void OnRowUpdating(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs value) { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OleDbDataReader : System.Data.Common.DbDataReader { internal OleDbDataReader() { } public override int Depth { get { throw null; } } public override int FieldCount { get { throw null; } } public override bool HasRows { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsClosed { get { throw null; } } public override object this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public override object this[string name] { get { throw null; } } public override int RecordsAffected { get { throw null; } } public override int VisibleFieldCount { get { throw null; } } public override void Close() { } public override bool GetBoolean(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override byte GetByte(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override long GetBytes(int ordinal, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override char GetChar(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override long GetChars(int ordinal, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader GetData(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override string GetDataTypeName(int index) { throw null; } public override System.DateTime GetDateTime(int ordinal) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetDbDataReader(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override decimal GetDecimal(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override double GetDouble(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } public override System.Type GetFieldType(int index) { throw null; } public override float GetFloat(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override System.Guid GetGuid(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override short GetInt16(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override int GetInt32(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override long GetInt64(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override string GetName(int index) { throw null; } public override int GetOrdinal(string name) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable() { throw null; } public override string GetString(int ordinal) { throw null; } public System.TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override object GetValue(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override int GetValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public override bool IsDBNull(int ordinal) { throw null; } public override bool NextResult() { throw null; } public override bool Read() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OleDbEnumerator { public OleDbEnumerator() { } public System.Data.DataTable GetElements() { throw null; } public static System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader GetEnumerator(System.Type type) { throw null; } public static System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader GetRootEnumerator() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OleDbError { internal OleDbError() { } public string Message { get { throw null; } } public int NativeError { get { throw null; } } public string Source { get { throw null; } } public string SQLState { get { throw null; } } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute(false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OleDbErrorCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable { internal OleDbErrorCollection() { } public int Count { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbError this[int index] { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbError[] array, int index) { } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OleDbException : System.Data.Common.DbException { internal OleDbException() { } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException.ErrorCodeConverter")] public override int ErrorCode { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection Errors { get { throw null; } } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo si, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } } public sealed partial class OleDbFactory : System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory { internal OleDbFactory() { } public static readonly System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory Instance; public override System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder CreateCommandBuilder() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbConnection CreateConnection() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder CreateConnectionStringBuilder() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } public override System.Security.CodeAccessPermission CreatePermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs : System.EventArgs { internal OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs() { } public int ErrorCode { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection Errors { get { throw null; } } public string Message { get { throw null; } } public string Source { get { throw null; } } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public delegate void OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs e); public enum OleDbLiteral { Binary_Literal = 1, Catalog_Name = 2, Catalog_Separator = 3, Char_Literal = 4, Column_Alias = 5, Column_Name = 6, Correlation_Name = 7, Cube_Name = 21, Cursor_Name = 8, Dimension_Name = 22, Escape_Percent_Prefix = 9, Escape_Percent_Suffix = 29, Escape_Underscore_Prefix = 10, Escape_Underscore_Suffix = 30, Hierarchy_Name = 23, Index_Name = 11, Invalid = 0, Level_Name = 24, Like_Percent = 12, Like_Underscore = 13, Member_Name = 25, Procedure_Name = 14, Property_Name = 26, Quote_Prefix = 15, Quote_Suffix = 28, Schema_Name = 16, Schema_Separator = 27, Table_Name = 17, Text_Command = 18, User_Name = 19, View_Name = 20, } public static partial class OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames { public static readonly string Catalogs; public static readonly string Collations; public static readonly string Columns; public static readonly string Indexes; public static readonly string ProcedureColumns; public static readonly string ProcedureParameters; public static readonly string Procedures; public static readonly string Tables; public static readonly string Views; } public static partial class OleDbMetaDataColumnNames { public static readonly string BooleanFalseLiteral; public static readonly string BooleanTrueLiteral; public static readonly string DateTimeDigits; public static readonly string NativeDataType; } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter.OleDbParameterConverter")] public sealed partial class OleDbParameter : System.Data.Common.DbParameter, System.Data.IDataParameter, System.Data.IDbDataParameter, System.ICloneable { public OleDbParameter() { } public OleDbParameter(string name, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType dataType) { } public OleDbParameter(string name, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType dataType, int size) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public OleDbParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType dbType, int size, System.Data.ParameterDirection direction, bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, System.Data.DataRowVersion srcVersion, object value) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public OleDbParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType dbType, int size, System.Data.ParameterDirection direction, byte precision, byte scale, string sourceColumn, System.Data.DataRowVersion sourceVersion, bool sourceColumnNullMapping, object value) { } public OleDbParameter(string name, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType dataType, int size, string srcColumn) { } public OleDbParameter(string name, object value) { } public override System.Data.DbType DbType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override System.Data.ParameterDirection Direction { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool IsNullable { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.Data.Common.DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute(true)] public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType OleDbType { get { throw null; } set { } } public override string ParameterName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((byte)0)] public new byte Precision { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((byte)0)] public new byte Scale { get { throw null; } set { } } public override int Size { get { throw null; } set { } } public override string SourceColumn { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Data.DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.ComponentModel.StringConverter))] public override object Value { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void ResetDbType() { } public void ResetOleDbType() { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBParametersEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute(false)] public sealed partial class OleDbParameterCollection : System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection { internal OleDbParameterCollection() { } public override int Count { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter this[string parameterName] { get { throw null; } set { } } public override object SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter Add(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter value) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override int Add(object value) { throw null; } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType oleDbType) { throw null; } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType oleDbType, int size) { throw null; } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType oleDbType, int size, string sourceColumn) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Add(String parameterName, Object value) has been deprecated. Use AddWithValue(String parameterName, Object value). http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", false)] public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, object value) { throw null; } public override void AddRange(System.Array values) { } public void AddRange(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter[] values) { } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter AddWithValue(string parameterName, object value) { throw null; } public override void Clear() { } public bool Contains(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter value) { throw null; } public override bool Contains(object value) { throw null; } public override bool Contains(string value) { throw null; } public override void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter[] array, int index) { } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(int index) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(string parameterName) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter value) { throw null; } public override int IndexOf(object value) { throw null; } public override int IndexOf(string parameterName) { throw null; } public void Insert(int index, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter value) { } public override void Insert(int index, object value) { } public void Remove(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter value) { } public override void Remove(object value) { } public override void RemoveAt(int index) { } public override void RemoveAt(string parameterName) { } protected override void SetParameter(int index, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value) { } protected override void SetParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OleDbPermission : System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission { [System.ObsoleteAttribute("OleDbPermission() has been deprecated. Use the OleDbPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] public OleDbPermission() : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } public OleDbPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } [System.ObsoleteAttribute("OleDbPermission(PermissionState state, Boolean allowBlankPassword) has been deprecated. Use the OleDbPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] public OleDbPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state, bool allowBlankPassword) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Provider property has been deprecated. Use the Add method. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] public string Provider { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Security.IPermission Copy() { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(109), AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class OleDbPermissionAttribute : System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute { public OleDbPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction)) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Provider property has been deprecated. Use the Add method. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] public string Provider { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Security.IPermission CreatePermission() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs { public OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) : base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping)) { } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand Command { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs e); public sealed partial class OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs { public OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) : base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping)) { } protected override System.Data.IDbCommand BaseCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand Command { get { throw null; } set { } } } public delegate void OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs e); public sealed partial class OleDbSchemaGuid { public static readonly System.Guid Assertions; public static readonly System.Guid Catalogs; public static readonly System.Guid Character_Sets; public static readonly System.Guid Check_Constraints; public static readonly System.Guid Check_Constraints_By_Table; public static readonly System.Guid Collations; public static readonly System.Guid Columns; public static readonly System.Guid Column_Domain_Usage; public static readonly System.Guid Column_Privileges; public static readonly System.Guid Constraint_Column_Usage; public static readonly System.Guid Constraint_Table_Usage; public static readonly System.Guid DbInfoKeywords; public static readonly System.Guid DbInfoLiterals; public static readonly System.Guid Foreign_Keys; public static readonly System.Guid Indexes; public static readonly System.Guid Key_Column_Usage; public static readonly System.Guid Primary_Keys; public static readonly System.Guid Procedures; public static readonly System.Guid Procedure_Columns; public static readonly System.Guid Procedure_Parameters; public static readonly System.Guid Provider_Types; public static readonly System.Guid Referential_Constraints; public static readonly System.Guid SchemaGuids; public static readonly System.Guid Schemata; public static readonly System.Guid Sql_Languages; public static readonly System.Guid Statistics; public static readonly System.Guid Tables; public static readonly System.Guid Tables_Info; public static readonly System.Guid Table_Constraints; public static readonly System.Guid Table_Privileges; public static readonly System.Guid Table_Statistics; public static readonly System.Guid Translations; public static readonly System.Guid Trustee; public static readonly System.Guid Usage_Privileges; public static readonly System.Guid Views; public static readonly System.Guid View_Column_Usage; public static readonly System.Guid View_Table_Usage; public OleDbSchemaGuid() { } } public sealed partial class OleDbTransaction : System.Data.Common.DbTransaction { internal OleDbTransaction() { } public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Connection { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get { throw null; } } public override System.Data.IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction Begin() { throw null; } public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction Begin(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolevel) { throw null; } public override void Commit() { } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public override void Rollback() { } } public enum OleDbType { BigInt = 20, Binary = 128, Boolean = 11, BSTR = 8, Char = 129, Currency = 6, Date = 7, DBDate = 133, DBTime = 134, DBTimeStamp = 135, Decimal = 14, Double = 5, Empty = 0, Error = 10, Filetime = 64, Guid = 72, IDispatch = 9, Integer = 3, IUnknown = 13, LongVarBinary = 205, LongVarChar = 201, LongVarWChar = 203, Numeric = 131, PropVariant = 138, Single = 4, SmallInt = 2, TinyInt = 16, UnsignedBigInt = 21, UnsignedInt = 19, UnsignedSmallInt = 18, UnsignedTinyInt = 17, VarBinary = 204, VarChar = 200, Variant = 12, VarNumeric = 139, VarWChar = 202, WChar = 130, } } namespace System.Data.Sql { public sealed partial class SqlDataSourceEnumerator : System.Data.Common.DbDataSourceEnumerator { internal SqlDataSourceEnumerator() { } public static System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator Instance { get { throw null; } } public override System.Data.DataTable GetDataSources() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class SqlNotificationRequest { public SqlNotificationRequest() { } public SqlNotificationRequest(string userData, string options, int timeout) { } public string Options { get { throw null; } set { } } public int Timeout { get { throw null; } set { } } public string UserData { get { throw null; } set { } } } } namespace System.Data.SqlClient { [System.SerializableAttribute] public enum ApplicationIntent { ReadOnly = 1, ReadWrite = 0, } public delegate void OnChangeEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationEventArgs e); [System.SerializableAttribute] public enum PoolBlockingPeriod { AlwaysBlock = 1, Auto = 0, NeverBlock = 2, } public enum SortOrder { Ascending = 0, Descending = 1, Unspecified = -1, } public enum SqlAuthenticationMethod { ActiveDirectoryIntegrated = 3, ActiveDirectoryPassword = 2, NotSpecified = 0, SqlPassword = 1, } public sealed partial class SqlBulkCopy : System.IDisposable { public SqlBulkCopy(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection) { } public SqlBulkCopy(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions copyOptions, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction externalTransaction) { } public SqlBulkCopy(string connectionString) { } public SqlBulkCopy(string connectionString, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions copyOptions) { } public int BatchSize { get { throw null; } set { } } public int BulkCopyTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get { throw null; } } public string DestinationTableName { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool EnableStreaming { get { throw null; } set { } } public int NotifyAfter { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler SqlRowsCopied { add { } remove { } } public void Close() { } void System.IDisposable.Dispose() { } public void WriteToServer(System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader) { } public void WriteToServer(System.Data.DataRow[] rows) { } public void WriteToServer(System.Data.DataTable table) { } public void WriteToServer(System.Data.DataTable table, System.Data.DataRowState rowState) { } public void WriteToServer(System.Data.IDataReader reader) { } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.Common.DbDataReader reader, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.DataRow[] rows) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.DataRow[] rows, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.DataTable table) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.DataTable table, System.Data.DataRowState rowState) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.DataTable table, System.Data.DataRowState rowState, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.DataTable table, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.IDataReader reader) { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToServerAsync(System.Data.IDataReader reader, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping { public SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping() { } public SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(int sourceColumnOrdinal, int destinationOrdinal) { } public SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(int sourceColumnOrdinal, string destinationColumn) { } public SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(string sourceColumn, int destinationOrdinal) { } public SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(string sourceColumn, string destinationColumn) { } public string DestinationColumn { get { throw null; } set { } } public int DestinationOrdinal { get { throw null; } set { } } public string SourceColumn { get { throw null; } set { } } public int SourceOrdinal { get { throw null; } set { } } } public sealed partial class SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { internal SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection() { } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping bulkCopyColumnMapping) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(int sourceColumnIndex, int destinationColumnIndex) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(int sourceColumnIndex, string destinationColumn) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(string sourceColumn, int destinationColumnIndex) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(string sourceColumn, string destinationColumn) { throw null; } public new void Clear() { } public bool Contains(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping value) { throw null; } public void CopyTo(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping[] array, int index) { } public int IndexOf(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping value) { throw null; } public void Insert(int index, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping value) { } public void Remove(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping value) { } public new void RemoveAt(int index) { } } [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum SqlBulkCopyOptions { AllowEncryptedValueModifications = 64, CheckConstraints = 2, Default = 0, FireTriggers = 16, KeepIdentity = 1, KeepNulls = 8, TableLock = 4, UseInternalTransaction = 32, } public sealed partial class SqlClientFactory : System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory, System.IServiceProvider { internal SqlClientFactory() { } public static readonly System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory Instance; public override bool CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator { get { throw null; } } public override System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder CreateCommandBuilder() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbConnection CreateConnection() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder CreateConnectionStringBuilder() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbDataSourceEnumerator CreateDataSourceEnumerator() { throw null; } public override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } public override System.Security.CodeAccessPermission CreatePermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) { throw null; } object System.IServiceProvider.GetService(System.Type serviceType) { throw null; } } public static partial class SqlClientMetaDataCollectionNames { public static readonly string Columns; public static readonly string Databases; public static readonly string ForeignKeys; public static readonly string IndexColumns; public static readonly string Indexes; public static readonly string Parameters; public static readonly string ProcedureColumns; public static readonly string Procedures; public static readonly string Tables; public static readonly string UserDefinedTypes; public static readonly string Users; public static readonly string ViewColumns; public static readonly string Views; } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlClientPermission : System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission { [System.ObsoleteAttribute("SqlClientPermission() has been deprecated. Use the SqlClientPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] public SqlClientPermission() : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } public SqlClientPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } [System.ObsoleteAttribute("SqlClientPermission(PermissionState state, Boolean allowBlankPassword) has been deprecated. Use the SqlClientPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true)] public SqlClientPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state, bool allowBlankPassword) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState)) { } public override void Add(string connectionString, string restrictions, System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior behavior) { } public override System.Security.IPermission Copy() { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(109), AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlClientPermissionAttribute : System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute { public SqlClientPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction)) { } public override System.Security.IPermission CreatePermission() { throw null; } } public partial class SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider { public const string ProviderName = "MSSQL_CERTIFICATE_STORE"; public SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider() { } public override byte[] DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) { throw null; } public override byte[] EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] columnEncryptionKey) { throw null; } } public partial class SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider { public const string ProviderName = "MSSQL_CNG_STORE"; public SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider() { } public override byte[] DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) { throw null; } public override byte[] EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] columnEncryptionKey) { throw null; } } public partial class SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider { public const string ProviderName = "MSSQL_CSP_PROVIDER"; public SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider() { } public override byte[] DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) { throw null; } public override byte[] EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] columnEncryptionKey) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider { protected SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider() { } public abstract byte[] DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] encryptedColumnEncryptionKey); public abstract byte[] EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(string masterKeyPath, string encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] columnEncryptionKey); } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("RecordsAffected")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.SqlCommandDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute(true)] public sealed partial class SqlCommand : System.Data.Common.DbCommand, System.ICloneable { public SqlCommand() { } public SqlCommand(string cmdText) { } public SqlCommand(string cmdText, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection) { } public SqlCommand(string cmdText, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction transaction) { } public SqlCommand(string cmdText, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction transaction, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting columnEncryptionSetting) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting ColumnEncryptionSetting { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.SQL.Design.SqlCommandTextEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override string CommandText { get { throw null; } set { } } public override int CommandTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.CommandType)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override System.Data.CommandType CommandType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DbConnectionEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Connection { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection DbParameterCollection { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbTransaction DbTransaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override bool DesignTimeVisible { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.Sql.SqlNotificationRequest Notification { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool NotificationAutoEnlist { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection Parameters { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction Transaction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((System.Data.UpdateRowSource)(3))] public override System.Data.UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler StatementCompleted { add { } remove { } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteNonQuery() { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteNonQuery(System.AsyncCallback callback, object stateObject) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteReader() { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteReader(System.AsyncCallback callback, object stateObject) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteReader(System.AsyncCallback callback, object stateObject, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteXmlReader() { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public System.IAsyncResult BeginExecuteXmlReader(System.AsyncCallback callback, object stateObject) { throw null; } public override void Cancel() { } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Clone() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateDbParameter() { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter CreateParameter() { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public int EndExecuteNonQuery(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader EndExecuteReader(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; } public System.Xml.XmlReader EndExecuteXmlReader(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbDataReader ExecuteDbDataReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } protected override System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public override int ExecuteNonQuery() { throw null; } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteNonQueryAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader ExecuteReader() { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public new System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync() { throw null; } public new System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) { throw null; } public new System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public new System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public override object ExecuteScalar() { throw null; } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteScalarAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public System.Xml.XmlReader ExecuteXmlReader() { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteXmlReaderAsync() { throw null; } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteXmlReaderAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public override void Prepare() { } public void ResetCommandTimeout() { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class SqlCommandBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder { public SqlCommandBuilder() { } public SqlCommandBuilder(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter adapter) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation CatalogLocation { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override string CatalogSeparator { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter DataAdapter { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override string QuotePrefix { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override string QuoteSuffix { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override string SchemaSeparator { get { throw null; } set { } } protected override void ApplyParameterInfo(System.Data.Common.DbParameter parameter, System.Data.DataRow datarow, System.Data.StatementType statementType, bool whereClause) { } public static void DeriveParameters(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command) { } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand GetDeleteCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand GetDeleteCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand GetInsertCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand GetInsertCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterName(int parameterOrdinal) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterName(string parameterName) { throw null; } protected override string GetParameterPlaceholder(int parameterOrdinal) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable(System.Data.Common.DbCommand srcCommand) { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand GetUpdateCommand() { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand GetUpdateCommand(bool useColumnsForParameterNames) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbCommand InitializeCommand(System.Data.Common.DbCommand command) { throw null; } public override string QuoteIdentifier(string unquotedIdentifier) { throw null; } protected override void SetRowUpdatingHandler(System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter adapter) { } public override string UnquoteIdentifier(string quotedIdentifier) { throw null; } } public enum SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting { Disabled = 3, Enabled = 1, ResultSetOnly = 2, UseConnectionSetting = 0, } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("InfoMessage")] public sealed partial class SqlConnection : System.Data.Common.DbConnection, System.ICloneable { public SqlConnection() { } public SqlConnection(string connectionString) { } public SqlConnection(string connectionString, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential credential) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public string AccessToken { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Guid ClientConnectionId { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] public static System.TimeSpan ColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] public static bool ColumnEncryptionQueryMetadataCacheEnabled { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] public static System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary> ColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute("")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.SQL.Design.SqlConnectionStringEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute(true)] public override string ConnectionString { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override int ConnectionTimeout { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential Credential { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override string Database { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override string DataSource { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory DbProviderFactory { get { throw null; } } public bool FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public int PacketSize { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override string ServerVersion { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public override System.Data.ConnectionState State { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool StatisticsEnabled { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public string WorkstationId { get { throw null; } } public event System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler InfoMessage { add { } remove { } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction BeginTransaction() { throw null; } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel iso) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel iso, string transactionName) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction BeginTransaction(string transactionName) { throw null; } public override void ChangeDatabase(string database) { } public static void ChangePassword(string connectionString, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential credential, System.Security.SecureString newSecurePassword) { } public static void ChangePassword(string connectionString, string newPassword) { } public static void ClearAllPools() { } public static void ClearPool(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection) { } public override void Close() { } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand CreateCommand() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateDbCommand() { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public void EnlistDistributedTransaction(System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction transaction) { } public override void EnlistTransaction(System.Transactions.Transaction transaction) { } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema() { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues) { throw null; } public override void Open() { } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task OpenAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public static void RegisterColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary customProviders) { } public void ResetStatistics() { } public System.Collections.IDictionary RetrieveStatistics() { throw null; } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } } public enum SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting { Disabled = 0, Enabled = 1, } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("DataSource")] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.SqlConnectionStringBuilderConverter")] public sealed partial class SqlConnectionStringBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder { public SqlConnectionStringBuilder() { } public SqlConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("ApplicationIntent")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent ApplicationIntent { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Application Name")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string ApplicationName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Asynchronous Processing")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool AsynchronousProcessing { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("AttachDbFilename")] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string AttachDBFilename { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Authentication")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod Authentication { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Column Encryption Setting")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting ColumnEncryptionSetting { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Connection Reset")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("ConnectionReset has been deprecated. SqlConnection will ignore the 'connection reset' keyword and always reset the connection")] public bool ConnectionReset { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("ConnectRetryCount")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public int ConnectRetryCount { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("ConnectRetryInterval")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public int ConnectRetryInterval { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Connect Timeout")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public int ConnectTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Context Connection")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool ContextConnection { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Current Language")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string CurrentLanguage { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Data Source")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.SqlDataSourceConverter")] public string DataSource { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Encrypt")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool Encrypt { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Enlist")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool Enlist { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Failover Partner")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.SqlDataSourceConverter")] public string FailoverPartner { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Initial Catalog")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.SqlInitialCatalogConverter")] public string InitialCatalog { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Integrated Security")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool IntegratedSecurity { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } public override object this[string keyword] { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Collections.ICollection Keys { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Load Balance Timeout")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public int LoadBalanceTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Max Pool Size")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public int MaxPoolSize { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Min Pool Size")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public int MinPoolSize { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("MultipleActiveResultSets")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool MultipleActiveResultSets { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("MultiSubnetFailover")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool MultiSubnetFailover { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Network Library")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.NetworkLibraryConverter")] public string NetworkLibrary { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Packet Size")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public int PacketSize { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Password")] [System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute(true)] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string Password { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Persist Security Info")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool PersistSecurityInfo { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("PoolBlockingPeriod")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod PoolBlockingPeriod { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Pooling")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool Pooling { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Replication")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool Replication { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Transaction Binding")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string TransactionBinding { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("TransparentNetworkIPResolution")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool TransparentNetworkIPResolution { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("TrustServerCertificate")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool TrustServerCertificate { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Type System Version")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string TypeSystemVersion { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("User ID")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string UserID { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("User Instance")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public bool UserInstance { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Collections.ICollection Values { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Workstation ID")] [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public string WorkstationID { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void Clear() { } public override bool ContainsKey(string keyword) { throw null; } protected override void GetProperties(System.Collections.Hashtable propertyDescriptors) { } public override bool Remove(string keyword) { throw null; } public override bool ShouldSerialize(string keyword) { throw null; } public override bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object value) { value = default(object); throw null; } } public sealed partial class SqlCredential { public SqlCredential(string userId, System.Security.SecureString password) { } public System.Security.SecureString Password { get { throw null; } } public string UserId { get { throw null; } } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute("RowUpdated")] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.SqlDataAdapterDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.VS.SqlDataAdapterToolboxItem, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public sealed partial class SqlDataAdapter : System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter, System.Data.IDataAdapter, System.Data.IDbDataAdapter, System.ICloneable { public SqlDataAdapter() { } public SqlDataAdapter(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand selectCommand) { } public SqlDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection selectConnection) { } public SqlDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, string selectConnectionString) { } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public override int UpdateBatchSize { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(null)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBCommandEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand UpdateCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated { add { } remove { } } public event System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating { add { } remove { } } protected override int AddToBatch(System.Data.IDbCommand command) { throw null; } protected override void ClearBatch() { } protected override System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs CreateRowUpdatedEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs CreateRowUpdatingEvent(System.Data.DataRow dataRow, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) { throw null; } protected override int ExecuteBatch() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.IDataParameter GetBatchedParameter(int commandIdentifier, int parameterIndex) { throw null; } protected override bool GetBatchedRecordsAffected(int commandIdentifier, out int recordsAffected, out System.Exception error) { recordsAffected = default(int); error = default(System.Exception); throw null; } protected override void InitializeBatching() { } protected override void OnRowUpdated(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs value) { } protected override void OnRowUpdating(System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs value) { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } protected override void TerminateBatching() { } } public partial class SqlDataReader : System.Data.Common.DbDataReader, System.Data.IDataReader, System.Data.IDataRecord, System.IDisposable { internal SqlDataReader() { } protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Connection { get { throw null; } } public override int Depth { get { throw null; } } public override int FieldCount { get { throw null; } } public override bool HasRows { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsClosed { get { throw null; } } public override object this[int i] { get { throw null; } } public override object this[string name] { get { throw null; } } public override int RecordsAffected { get { throw null; } } public override int VisibleFieldCount { get { throw null; } } public override void Close() { } public override bool GetBoolean(int i) { throw null; } public override byte GetByte(int i) { throw null; } public override long GetBytes(int i, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override char GetChar(int i) { throw null; } public override long GetChars(int i, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { throw null; } public override string GetDataTypeName(int i) { throw null; } public override System.DateTime GetDateTime(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.DateTimeOffset GetDateTimeOffset(int i) { throw null; } public override decimal GetDecimal(int i) { throw null; } public override double GetDouble(int i) { throw null; } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } public override System.Type GetFieldType(int i) { throw null; } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetFieldValueAsync(int i, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public override T GetFieldValue(int i) { throw null; } public override float GetFloat(int i) { throw null; } public override System.Guid GetGuid(int i) { throw null; } public override short GetInt16(int i) { throw null; } public override int GetInt32(int i) { throw null; } public override long GetInt64(int i) { throw null; } public override string GetName(int i) { throw null; } public override int GetOrdinal(string name) { throw null; } public override System.Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int i) { throw null; } public override object GetProviderSpecificValue(int i) { throw null; } public override int GetProviderSpecificValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable() { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary GetSqlBinary(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GetSqlBoolean(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte GetSqlByte(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes GetSqlBytes(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars GetSqlChars(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime GetSqlDateTime(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal GetSqlDecimal(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble GetSqlDouble(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid GetSqlGuid(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 GetSqlInt32(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 GetSqlInt64(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney GetSqlMoney(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle GetSqlSingle(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString GetSqlString(int i) { throw null; } public virtual object GetSqlValue(int i) { throw null; } public virtual int GetSqlValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public virtual System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml GetSqlXml(int i) { throw null; } public override System.IO.Stream GetStream(int i) { throw null; } public override string GetString(int i) { throw null; } public override System.IO.TextReader GetTextReader(int i) { throw null; } public virtual System.TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(int i) { throw null; } public override object GetValue(int i) { throw null; } public override int GetValues(object[] values) { throw null; } public virtual System.Xml.XmlReader GetXmlReader(int i) { throw null; } protected internal bool IsCommandBehavior(System.Data.CommandBehavior condition) { throw null; } public override bool IsDBNull(int i) { throw null; } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task IsDBNullAsync(int i, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public override bool NextResult() { throw null; } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task NextResultAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } public override bool Read() { throw null; } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task ReadAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDataRecord.GetData(int i) { throw null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType)(0))] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("afef65ad-4577-447a-a148-83acadd3d4b9")] [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust")] public sealed partial class SQLDebugging { public SQLDebugging() { } } public sealed partial class SqlDependency { [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public SqlDependency() { } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public SqlDependency(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command) { } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public SqlDependency(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command, string options, int timeout) { } public bool HasChanges { get { throw null; } } public string Id { get { throw null; } } public event System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler OnChange { add { } remove { } } public void AddCommandDependency(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command) { } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public static bool Start(string connectionString) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public static bool Start(string connectionString, string queue) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public static bool Stop(string connectionString) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public static bool Stop(string connectionString, string queue) { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlError { internal SqlError() { } public byte Class { get { throw null; } } public int LineNumber { get { throw null; } } public string Message { get { throw null; } } public int Number { get { throw null; } } public string Procedure { get { throw null; } } public string Server { get { throw null; } } public string Source { get { throw null; } } public byte State { get { throw null; } } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute(false)] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlErrorCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable { internal SqlErrorCollection() { } public int Count { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError this[int index] { get { throw null; } } bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError[] array, int index) { } public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlException : System.Data.Common.DbException { internal SqlException() { } public byte Class { get { throw null; } } public System.Guid ClientConnectionId { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(2))] public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection Errors { get { throw null; } } public int LineNumber { get { throw null; } } public int Number { get { throw null; } } public string Procedure { get { throw null; } } public string Server { get { throw null; } } public override string Source { get { throw null; } } public byte State { get { throw null; } } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag)(128))] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo si, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class SqlInfoMessageEventArgs : System.EventArgs { internal SqlInfoMessageEventArgs() { } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection Errors { get { throw null; } } public string Message { get { throw null; } } public string Source { get { throw null; } } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public delegate void SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e); public partial class SqlNotificationEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public SqlNotificationEventArgs(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType type, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo info, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource source) { } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo Info { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource Source { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType Type { get { throw null; } } } public enum SqlNotificationInfo { AlreadyChanged = -2, Alter = 5, Delete = 3, Drop = 4, Error = 7, Expired = 12, Insert = 1, Invalid = 9, Isolation = 11, Merge = 16, Options = 10, PreviousFire = 14, Query = 8, Resource = 13, Restart = 6, TemplateLimit = 15, Truncate = 0, Unknown = -1, Update = 2, } public enum SqlNotificationSource { Client = -2, Data = 0, Database = 3, Environment = 6, Execution = 7, Object = 2, Owner = 8, Statement = 5, System = 4, Timeout = 1, Unknown = -1, } public enum SqlNotificationType { Change = 0, Subscribe = 1, Unknown = -1, } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.SqlParameterConverter")] public sealed partial class SqlParameter : System.Data.Common.DbParameter, System.Data.IDataParameter, System.Data.IDbDataParameter, System.ICloneable { public SqlParameter() { } public SqlParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType) { } public SqlParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, int size) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public SqlParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, int size, System.Data.ParameterDirection direction, bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string sourceColumn, System.Data.DataRowVersion sourceVersion, object value) { } public SqlParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, int size, System.Data.ParameterDirection direction, byte precision, byte scale, string sourceColumn, System.Data.DataRowVersion sourceVersion, bool sourceColumnNullMapping, object value, string xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase, string xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema, string xmlSchemaCollectionName) { } public SqlParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType dbType, int size, string sourceColumn) { } public SqlParameter(string parameterName, object value) { } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions CompareInfo { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Data.DbType DbType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] public override System.Data.ParameterDirection Direction { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool ForceColumnEncryption { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } } public override bool IsNullable { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] public int LocaleId { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public int Offset { get { throw null; } set { } } public override string ParameterName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((byte)0)] public new byte Precision { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute((byte)0)] public new byte Scale { get { throw null; } set { } } public override int Size { get { throw null; } set { } } public override string SourceColumn { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Data.DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.Data.Common.DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute(true)] public System.Data.SqlDbType SqlDbType { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public object SqlValue { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public string TypeName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(2))] public string UdtTypeName { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute((System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties)(1))] [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.ComponentModel.StringConverter))] public override object Value { get { throw null; } set { } } public string XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase { get { throw null; } set { } } public string XmlSchemaCollectionName { get { throw null; } set { } } public string XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void ResetDbType() { } public void ResetSqlDbType() { } object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBParametersEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")] [System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute(false)] public sealed partial class SqlParameterCollection : System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection { internal SqlParameterCollection() { } public override int Count { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute((System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility)(0))] public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter this[string parameterName] { get { throw null; } set { } } public override object SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter Add(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter value) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] public override int Add(object value) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType sqlDbType) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType sqlDbType, int size) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter Add(string parameterName, System.Data.SqlDbType sqlDbType, int size, string sourceColumn) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Add(String parameterName, Object value) has been deprecated. Use AddWithValue(String parameterName, Object value). http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", false)] public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter Add(string parameterName, object value) { throw null; } public override void AddRange(System.Array values) { } public void AddRange(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] values) { } public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter AddWithValue(string parameterName, object value) { throw null; } public override void Clear() { } public bool Contains(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter value) { throw null; } public override bool Contains(object value) { throw null; } public override bool Contains(string value) { throw null; } public override void CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } public void CopyTo(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] array, int index) { } public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(int index) { throw null; } protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter GetParameter(string parameterName) { throw null; } public int IndexOf(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter value) { throw null; } public override int IndexOf(object value) { throw null; } public override int IndexOf(string parameterName) { throw null; } public void Insert(int index, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter value) { } public override void Insert(int index, object value) { } public void Remove(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter value) { } public override void Remove(object value) { } public override void RemoveAt(int index) { } public override void RemoveAt(string parameterName) { } protected override void SetParameter(int index, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value) { } protected override void SetParameter(string parameterName, System.Data.Common.DbParameter value) { } } public partial class SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs(long rowsCopied) { } public bool Abort { get { throw null; } set { } } public long RowsCopied { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs e); public sealed partial class SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs { public SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow row, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) : base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping)) { } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Command { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e); public sealed partial class SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs { public SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs(System.Data.DataRow row, System.Data.IDbCommand command, System.Data.StatementType statementType, System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping) : base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping)) { } protected override System.Data.IDbCommand BaseCommand { get { throw null; } set { } } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Command { get { throw null; } set { } } } public delegate void SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler(object sender, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs e); public sealed partial class SqlTransaction : System.Data.Common.DbTransaction { internal SqlTransaction() { } public new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Connection { get { throw null; } } protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get { throw null; } } public override System.Data.IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get { throw null; } } public override void Commit() { } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public override void Rollback() { } public void Rollback(string transactionName) { } public void Save(string savePointName) { } } } namespace System.Data.SqlTypes { public partial interface INullable { bool IsNull { get; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlAlreadyFilledException : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException { public SqlAlreadyFilledException() { } public SqlAlreadyFilledException(string message) { } public SqlAlreadyFilledException(string message, System.Exception e) { } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlBinary : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary Null; public SqlBinary(byte[] value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public byte this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public int Length { get { throw null; } } public byte[] Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary Concat(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator byte[] (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary (byte[] x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid ToSqlGuid() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlBoolean : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean False; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean One; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean True; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Zero; public SqlBoolean(bool value) { throw null;} public SqlBoolean(int value) { throw null;} public byte ByteValue { get { throw null; } } public bool IsFalse { get { throw null; } } public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public bool IsTrue { get { throw null; } } public bool Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean And(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean OnesComplement(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator &(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator |(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ^(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator bool (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static bool operator false(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean (bool x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ~(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static bool operator true(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Or(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Parse(string s) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Xor(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean y) { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlByte : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Zero; public SqlByte(byte value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public byte Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte BitwiseAnd(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte BitwiseOr(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Mod(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Modulus(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte OnesComplement(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator &(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator |(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator ^(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator byte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte (byte x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator %(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator ~(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte Xor(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte y) { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlBytes : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public SqlBytes() { } public SqlBytes(byte[] buffer) { } public SqlBytes(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary value) { } public SqlBytes(System.IO.Stream s) { } public byte[] Buffer { get { throw null; } } public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public byte this[long offset] { get { throw null; } set { } } public long Length { get { throw null; } } public long MaxLength { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes Null { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState Storage { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Stream Stream { get { throw null; } set { } } public byte[] Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary value) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes value) { throw null; } public long Read(long offset, byte[] buffer, int offsetInBuffer, int count) { throw null; } public void SetLength(long value) { } public void SetNull() { } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter=true)] void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader r) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary ToSqlBinary() { throw null; } public void Write(long offset, byte[] buffer, int offsetInBuffer, int count) { } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlChars : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public SqlChars() { } public SqlChars(char[] buffer) { } public SqlChars(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString value) { } public char[] Buffer { get { throw null; } } public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public char this[long offset] { get { throw null; } set { } } public long Length { get { throw null; } } public long MaxLength { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars Null { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState Storage { get { throw null; } } public char[] Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars value) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString value) { throw null; } public long Read(long offset, char[] buffer, int offsetInBuffer, int count) { throw null; } public void SetLength(long value) { } public void SetNull() { } [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter=true)] void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader r) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public void Write(long offset, char[] buffer, int offsetInBuffer, int count) { } } [System.FlagsAttribute] [System.SerializableAttribute] public enum SqlCompareOptions { BinarySort = 32768, BinarySort2 = 16384, IgnoreCase = 1, IgnoreKanaType = 8, IgnoreNonSpace = 2, IgnoreWidth = 16, None = 0, } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlDateTime : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime Null; public static readonly int SQLTicksPerHour; public static readonly int SQLTicksPerMinute; public static readonly int SQLTicksPerSecond; public SqlDateTime(System.DateTime value) { throw null;} public SqlDateTime(int dayTicks, int timeTicks) { throw null;} public SqlDateTime(int year, int month, int day) { throw null;} public SqlDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) { throw null;} public SqlDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond) { throw null;} public SqlDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int bilisecond) { throw null;} public int DayTicks { get { throw null; } } public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public int TimeTicks { get { throw null; } } public System.DateTime Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.TimeSpan t) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.TimeSpan t) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.DateTime (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime (System.DateTime value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.TimeSpan t) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x, System.TimeSpan t) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlDecimal : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly byte MaxPrecision; public static readonly byte MaxScale; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Null; public SqlDecimal(byte bPrecision, byte bScale, bool fPositive, int data1, int data2, int data3, int data4) { throw null;} public SqlDecimal(byte bPrecision, byte bScale, bool fPositive, int[] bits) { throw null;} public SqlDecimal(decimal value) { throw null;} public SqlDecimal(double dVal) { throw null;} public SqlDecimal(int value) { throw null;} public SqlDecimal(long value) { throw null;} public byte[] BinData { get { throw null; } } public int[] Data { get { throw null; } } public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public bool IsPositive { get { throw null; } } public byte Precision { get { throw null; } } public byte Scale { get { throw null; } } public decimal Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Abs(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal AdjustScale(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n, int digits, bool fRound) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Ceiling(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ConvertToPrecScale(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n, int precision, int scale) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Floor(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator decimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (double x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (decimal x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal (long x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Power(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n, double exp) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Round(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n, int position) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Sign(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public double ToDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal Truncate(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal n, int position) { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlDouble : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Zero; public SqlDouble(double value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public double Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator double (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble (double x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class SqlFileStream : System.IO.Stream { public SqlFileStream(string path, byte[] transactionContext, System.IO.FileAccess access) { } public SqlFileStream(string path, byte[] transactionContext, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileOptions options, long allocationSize) { } public override bool CanRead { get { throw null; } } public override bool CanSeek { get { throw null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)] public override bool CanTimeout { get { throw null; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { throw null; } } public override long Length { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public override long Position { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)] public override int ReadTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } public byte[] TransactionContext { get { throw null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)] public override int WriteTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public override System.IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; } [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)] public override System.IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public override int EndRead(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; } public override void EndWrite(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { } ~SqlFileStream() { } public override void Flush() { } public override int Read([System.Runtime.InteropServices.In][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out]byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { buffer = default(byte[]); throw null; } public override int ReadByte() { throw null; } public override long Seek(long offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin origin) { throw null; } public override void SetLength(long value) { } public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { } public override void WriteByte(byte value) { } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlGuid : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid Null; public SqlGuid(byte[] value) { throw null;} public SqlGuid(System.Guid g) { throw null;} public SqlGuid(int a, short b, short c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k) { throw null;} public SqlGuid(string s) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public System.Guid Value { get { throw null; } } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Guid (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid (System.Guid x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid Parse(string s) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public byte[] ToByteArray() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary ToSqlBinary() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlInt16 : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Zero; public SqlInt16(short value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public short Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 BitwiseAnd(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 BitwiseOr(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Mod(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Modulus(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 OnesComplement(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator &(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator |(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator ^(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator short (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 (short x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator %(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator ~(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 Xor(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 y) { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlInt32 : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Zero; public SqlInt32(int value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public int Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 BitwiseAnd(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 BitwiseOr(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Mod(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Modulus(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 OnesComplement(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator &(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator |(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator ^(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator int (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 (int x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator %(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator ~(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 Xor(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 y) { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlInt64 : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Zero; public SqlInt64(long value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public long Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 BitwiseAnd(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 BitwiseOr(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Mod(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Modulus(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 OnesComplement(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator &(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator |(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator ^(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator long (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 (long x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator %(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator ~(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 Xor(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 y) { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlMoney : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Zero; public SqlMoney(decimal value) { throw null;} public SqlMoney(double value) { throw null;} public SqlMoney(int value) { throw null;} public SqlMoney(long value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public decimal Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator decimal (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (double x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (decimal x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney (long x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public decimal ToDecimal() { throw null; } public double ToDouble() { throw null; } public int ToInt32() { throw null; } public long ToInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlNotFilledException : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException { public SqlNotFilledException() { } public SqlNotFilledException(string message) { } public SqlNotFilledException(string message, System.Exception e) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlNullValueException : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException { public SqlNullValueException() { } public SqlNullValueException(string message) { } public SqlNullValueException(string message, System.Exception e) { } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlSingle : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle MaxValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle MinValue; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Null; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Zero; public SqlSingle(double value) { throw null;} public SqlSingle(float value) { throw null;} public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public float Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Divide(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Multiply(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle operator /(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator float (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle (float x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle operator *(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle operator -(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Parse(string s) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle Subtract(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString ToSqlString() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SqlString : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.IComparable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public static readonly int BinarySort; public static readonly int BinarySort2; public static readonly int IgnoreCase; public static readonly int IgnoreKanaType; public static readonly int IgnoreNonSpace; public static readonly int IgnoreWidth; public static readonly System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString Null; public SqlString(int lcid, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, byte[] data) { throw null;} public SqlString(int lcid, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, byte[] data, bool fUnicode) { throw null;} public SqlString(int lcid, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, byte[] data, int index, int count) { throw null;} public SqlString(int lcid, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, byte[] data, int index, int count, bool fUnicode) { throw null;} public SqlString(string data) { throw null;} public SqlString(string data, int lcid) { throw null;} public SqlString(string data, int lcid, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions) { throw null;} public System.Globalization.CompareInfo CompareInfo { get { throw null; } } public System.Globalization.CultureInfo CultureInfo { get { throw null; } } public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public int LCID { get { throw null; } } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions SqlCompareOptions { get { throw null; } } public string Value { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString Add(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString Clone() { throw null; } public static System.Globalization.CompareOptions CompareOptionsFromSqlCompareOptions(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions compareOptions) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString value) { throw null; } public int CompareTo(object value) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString Concat(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Equals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public byte[] GetNonUnicodeBytes() { throw null; } public byte[] GetUnicodeBytes() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThan(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean NotEquals(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString operator +(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator ==(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle x) { throw null; } public static explicit operator string (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator >=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString (string x) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator !=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean operator <=(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString x, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString y) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean ToSqlBoolean() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte ToSqlByte() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime ToSqlDateTime() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal ToSqlDecimal() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble ToSqlDouble() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid ToSqlGuid() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 ToSqlInt32() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 ToSqlInt64() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney ToSqlMoney() { throw null; } public System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle ToSqlSingle() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlTruncateException : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException { public SqlTruncateException() { } public SqlTruncateException(string message) { } public SqlTruncateException(string message, System.Exception e) { } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class SqlTypeException : System.SystemException { public SqlTypeException() { } protected SqlTypeException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo si, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext sc) { } public SqlTypeException(string message) { } public SqlTypeException(string message, System.Exception e) { } } public partial class SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper : System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension { protected static readonly string SqlTypesNamespace; public SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper(string name, string destinationType) { } public SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper(string name, string destinationType, bool direct) { } public SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper(string name, string targetNamespace, string[] references, System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[] namespaceImports, string destinationType, bool direct) { } public override string ImportSchemaType(string name, string xmlNamespace, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject context, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas schemas, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter importer, System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit compileUnit, System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace mainNamespace, System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions options, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider codeProvider) { throw null; } public override string ImportSchemaType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType type, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject context, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas schemas, System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter importer, System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit compileUnit, System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace mainNamespace, System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions options, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider codeProvider) { throw null; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetXsdType")] [System.SerializableAttribute] public sealed partial class SqlXml : System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable { public SqlXml() { } public SqlXml(System.IO.Stream value) { } public SqlXml(System.Xml.XmlReader value) { } public bool IsNull { get { throw null; } } public static System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml Null { get { throw null; } } public string Value { get { throw null; } } public System.Xml.XmlReader CreateReader() { throw null; } public static System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName GetXsdType(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { throw null; } System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw null; } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader r) { } void System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { } } public enum StorageState { Buffer = 0, Stream = 1, UnmanagedBuffer = 2, } public sealed partial class TypeBigIntSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeBigIntSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeBinarySchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeBinarySchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeBitSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeBitSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeCharSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeCharSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeDecimalSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeDecimalSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeFloatSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeFloatSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeIntSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeIntSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeMoneySchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeMoneySchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeNCharSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeNCharSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeNTextSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeNTextSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeNumericSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeNumericSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeNVarCharSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeNVarCharSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeRealSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeRealSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeSmallDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeSmallDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeSmallIntSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeSmallIntSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeSmallMoneySchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeSmallMoneySchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeTextSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeTextSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeTinyIntSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeTinyIntSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeUniqueIdentifierSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeUniqueIdentifierSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeVarBinarySchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeVarBinarySchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeVarCharSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeVarCharSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } public sealed partial class TypeVarImageSchemaImporterExtension : System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper { public TypeVarImageSchemaImporterExtension() : base (default(string), default(string), default(string[]), default(System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[]), default(string), default(bool)) { } } } namespace System.Xml { [System.ObsoleteAttribute("XmlDataDocument class will be removed in a future release.")] [System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Synchronization=true)] public partial class XmlDataDocument : System.Xml.XmlDocument { public XmlDataDocument() { } public XmlDataDocument(System.Data.DataSet dataset) { } public System.Data.DataSet DataSet { get { throw null; } } public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } public override System.Xml.XmlElement CreateElement(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } public override System.Xml.XmlEntityReference CreateEntityReference(string name) { throw null; } protected override System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator CreateNavigator(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { throw null; } public override System.Xml.XmlElement GetElementById(string elemId) { throw null; } public System.Xml.XmlElement GetElementFromRow(System.Data.DataRow r) { throw null; } public override System.Xml.XmlNodeList GetElementsByTagName(string name) { throw null; } public System.Data.DataRow GetRowFromElement(System.Xml.XmlElement e) { throw null; } public override void Load(System.IO.Stream inStream) { } public override void Load(System.IO.TextReader txtReader) { } public override void Load(string filename) { } public override void Load(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } } }