NBC/NXC Release Notes ----------------- Please send bug reports to bricxcc@comcast.net. Be sure to include details about what platform you are running nbc/nxc on and a sample file that demonstrates the bug if possible. For updates and additional documentation, visit the NBC Web Site: http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/nbc/. Send emails to bricxcc@comcast.net. Version 1.2.1.r4 (2011-03-13) ----------------------------- - Fixed a problem with using NBC keywords in NXC code. - Fixed GetBrickDataAddress defect (nested asm blocks are not supported) - Fixed HSMode offset in NBCCommon.h - Enum and switch case label fixes/changes for NXC - Fixed bug in StrReplace. - Fixed bug in FileResize subroutine - Compiler optimizer fix to work around standard firmware bug when output variable is float - Fixed small problem with negative numbers as parameter default values. - Fixed CurrentTick and FirstTick to return unsigned value - Fixed bug in bcd2dec (was using signed stack instead unsigned) - Fixed bug in switch statement containing a continue - Fixed defect with OnFwdSyncPID, OnRevSyncPID, OnFwdRegExPID, and OnRevRegExPID. - Added support for math assignment with arrays of UDTs - Added support for new enhanced firmware FileTell system call function - Added MemoryManager system call function - Added API functions for the LEGO temperature sensor, HiTechnic Magnet and Angle sensors, the Codatex RFID sensor, and the new MemoryManager system call. - Added support for setting the new BtDataMode and HsDataMode fields in the Comm module IOMap - Added support for HS multi-NXT addressing (requires latest 1.31 enhanced NBC/NXC firmware) - Added SizeOf API function and modified Read and ReadLn to use it. - Added Pos function. - API header file changes for fopen and other minor things - Moved IOCtrl module functions after Command module functions - StrCat and overloaded + operator changes (for string concatenation) - Made SetHSMode an inline function so that it checks for int-sized input parameter - Added support for escaping in character literals - Added support for optional string error message in compchk opcode. - Added support for position regulation - Updated example code for GetBrickDataAddress - Replaced the sample programs for FlattenVar and UnflattenVar. - Added example file documentation - Added examples for the Mindsensors ACCLNx device - New examples for the MemoryManager system call function and limits.h constants. - Adding examples for new API functions. - New examples for FindFirstFile and FindNextFile. - Updated doxygen comments for several functions that no longer require constant inputs - Many API additions and changes Version 1.2.1.r3 (2010-06-29) ----------------------------- - Fixed a bug with the new comma operator support when using ?: in function calls - Fixed reference count NBC optimization defect when function is defined after all its callers. - Fixed global initialization defect when the global declaration occurs after task main. - Renaming addr, reladdr, and addrex to be addressOf, reladdressOf, and addressOfEx. Version 1.2.1.r2 (2010-06-06) ----------------------------- - Reverted changes to relation expressions so you again have to use parenthesis if you want a relation on the RHS of a relation. - Fixed a bug with the precedence level of the ! operator. - Added support for comma operator. - Fixed regression in ReadSensorMSPlayStation and ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx - Added command line switch to turn off status messages. - Significant changes to expression parsing to correct operator precedence and associativity defects. - Fixed string and character literal parsing bug (for the '/' character) - Fixed NBC sizeof operator bug (it was incorrectly padding the size of byte-sized fields in structures). - Fixed compiler hang when a struct array member specifies a size. The size now simply ignored. - Fixed preprocessor defect with "." in front of a preprocessor macro - Allow for a string to be considered an array type when passing it as parameter to a function. Also return an ArrayBaseType of TOK_BYTEDEF when a string is passed in and return 1 from GetArrayDimension when a string is passed in. Version 1.2.1.r1 (2010-05-13) ----------------------------- - Added support for '\' line continuation characters in NBC source code. - Added support for initializing structs and for declaring const structs. - Added Arno van der Vegt's graphics library to the standard header files. - Added Tone type and the PlayTones and PlaySound functions. - Fixed defect in DrawGraphicType structure - Fixed some case sensitive bugs in the NXC parser. - Fixed NBC sizeof to not pad - Add compiler status message if compile failed - Fixed bug in reference parameters following an array or UDT argument - Added support for string expressions in several API functions including StrCat. - Default compiler firmware version target is now 128 (used to be 105). - Header files now contain doxygen comments - Fixed a bug in atof - Added DisplayFont, SetDisplayFont, and addr functions - Added support for assignments as expressions - Fixed a bug with asm statements passed into function call parameters - Fixed a bug in for loop initialization when declaring a local variable of type float - Added DRAW_OPT_POLYGON_POLYLINE constant to support enhanced firmware change to DrawPolygon system call - Improved support for math assignment operations with arrays and structs - Fixed defect in NXCDefs.h where float type was used outside a check for firmware > 107 - Added ClearLine API function - Fixed a bug in inline functions that return a struct - Fixed a bug passing a UDT array expression into an inline function taking a UDT arg - Added reladdr and addrex functions (requires latest enhanced NBC/NXC firmware) - Fixed memcmp function - Added support for full boolean expressions on RHS of relation Version 1.0.1.b36 ----------------- - Added support for \", \', and \\ embedded in NXC and NBC strings. - Added -ER=n maximum compiler error switch. Filtered out duplicate errors as well. - Added support for 2D scalar constant array initialization using nested brace pairs. e.g., int xyz[][] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}; - Added support for global constant string initialization and subsequent usage. e.g., const string g_bar = "bar"; const string g_foo = g_bar; - Added support for constant string array initialization using comma-separated string constants within brace pairs. e.g., string msgs[] = {"hi", "there", "testing", g_bar, g_foo}; - Added support for multi-dimensional array indexing on both the LHS and RHS side of expressions. e.g., foo[i][j] = foo[i][j] + 1; - Added support for returning a struct from a function. - Added support for #download "filename" preprocessor command in NBC/NXC - Added support for import keyword in RICScript - Added support for struct "dot" notation, e.g., mydata[0].foo = 10; int x = mydata[0].foo; - Added support for "typedef struct" syntax - Added support for byte array to string assignment in NXC - Fixed bug in Random() API function - Added support for array math operation syntax in NXC, e.g., array += 2; array = !array, etc... - Fixed multi-line macro parsing bugs and problems with preprocessor directives mixed in with expressions. - Compiler is now compatible with both 1.0x firmwares and 1.2x firmwares. - Added API support for HiTechnic touch sensor multiplexer in NBC/NXC. - Added support for variadic macros. - Added support for macro redefinition (with warnings). - Added support for floats in NBC/NXC with 1.2x firmwares. - Improved support for unsigned long expressions. - Added API support for setting baud rate and mode of Hi Speed port with enhanced firmware. - Added API support for LEGO Color sensor - Fixed a preprocessor bug which broke nested #else statements - Added NXC API functions for enhanced firmware math opcodes (atan, ceil, exp, floor, tan, tanh, cosh, sinh, log, log10, atan2, pow, trunc, frac, muldiv32, cos, acos, sin, and asin) - Added NBC/NXC API support for HiTechnic EOPD sensor - Added firmware and NBC/NXC API support for reading/setting the display Contrast (SetDisplayContrast(byte contrast); and byte DisplayContrast(void);) - Added compiler optimization for constant shifts - Improved function prototype support - Added NXC API functions for enhanced firmware math opcodes (atand, tand, tanhd, acosd, cosd, coshd, asind, sind, sinhd, atan2d) - Added firmware version check when downloading compiled .rxe to NXT. - Level 2 optimization bug fixes - Cross platform fixes/64-bit support - Support for Array and UDT expressions in parameter passing. - Inline functions can now call other inline functions - const type arguments to inline functions can now be treated as a compile-time constant. - fixed a bug in the preprocessor for char type #defines (e.g., #define test 'c') - fixed a optimizer bug that was removing safecall mutexes that should not be removed - Added API support for HiTechnic IRSeeker 2 and Color 2 sensors - Added API functions to read I2C Version, VendorId, and DeviceId values - Added support for optional parameters using a not exactly C syntax (delphi-like) - fixed bug in structs containing arrays with more than one dimension. - fixed defects 2902670 & 2896265. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2902670&group_id=68600&atid=521776 http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2896265&group_id=68600&atid=521776 - Added support for enum keyword - Added command-line parameter to specify preprocessor recursion max depth (default is 10) - Fixed defect 2908377. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2908377&group_id=68600&atid=521776 - Added support for struct member declaration using comma-separated variable names. - Fixed defect 2922394. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2922394&group_id=68600&atid=521776 - Added compiler status output to stdout. Version 1.0.1.b35 ----------------- - Exposed the bcd2dec API function in NXC. - Fixed a bug when whitespace separates open parenthesis and function name e.g., y = mal2 (7); - Added support for bitwise negation (complement) in NXC using the ~ operator. This requires the enhanced NBC/NXC firmware. - Added support for local array initialization in NXC. Only single dimension arrays of non-aggregate types are supported. - Fixed a bug in the symbol table output where preprocessor declarations were being erroneously stripped. - Fixed a line number reporting problem in NXC when using #include for non-system header files. - Added .ric file decompilation to the NBC compiler. - Added support for new opcodes and system calls in the latest enhanced NBC/NXC firmware. The new system calls are FileFindFirst, FileFindNext, FileOpenWriteLinear, FileOpenWriteNonLinear, FileOpenReadLinear, CommHSControl, CommHSCheckStatus, CommHSWrite, and CommHSRead. The new opcodes are arrop, acos, asin, atan, ceil, exp, fabs, floor, sqrt, tan, tanh, cos, cosh, log, log10, sin, sinh, atan2, fmod, and pow. - Added support for all the Power Function modes via the HiTechnic iRLink I2C device. See the new HTPFComboDirect, HTPFSinglePin, HTPFSingleOutputCST, HTPFSingleOutputPWM, HTPFComboPWM, HTPFTrain, HTPFRawOutput, and HTPFRepeat NBC and NXC API functions. - Added support for the IR Train receiver via the HiTechnic iRLink I2C device. See the new HTPFIRTrain NBC and NXC API functions. - Fixed bugs in unused variable removal and mutex removal. - Changed compiler to use -Z1 optimization as the default optimization level. - Added API functions to NBC and NXC for the Mindsensors pressure sensor, obstacle sensor, acceleration/tilt sensor, distance sensor, play station sensor, and the NRLink sensor with RCX, Power Function, and IR Train support. Version 1.0.1.b34 ----------------- - Fixes a typo bug in the math API functions introduced in b33. Version 1.0.1.b33 ----------------- - Fixes a bug in checking type compatibility when calling a function that has an array of struct as an argument. - Fixes a bug in asm blocks containing a structure field reference that was being improperly decorated by the compiler. - Fixes a bug in array assignment to a local array variable at the point of declaration. - Adds stopthread, fmtnum, and priority opcodes to NBC & NXC using the enhanced NBC/NXC firmware. - Fixed a typo bug in the SendRemoteString API macro. - Fixed a bug in NXC variable decoration and the NBC __I__ and __J__ substitution parameters. Case insensitivity and underscores in the decoration scheme were combining to break simple NXC int i; and int j; declarations. - Fixed a bug in deciding whether to emit a set or a mov operation in NXC. - Fixed a bug in the way NXC handled local variables going out of scope. - Fixed a bug where the left and right shift opcodes were not guarding against invalid arguments which was resulting in an access violation. - Fixed a bug with semicolons following asm blocks when used in expressions. - Fixed a bug with SetSoundState in NBC & NXC caused by macro name clashes. - Fixed a bug with SetSoundFlags in NBC & NXC caused by a size type error. - Added API functions for HiTechnic devices. - Added API functions for mindsensors devices. - Added FlattenVar and UnFlattenVar API functions to NXC. - Added ResizeFile API function to NBC and NXC. - Fixed File Error! bug in left and right shift operations if the enhanced firmware is enabled. - Fixed a shift bug where if the output variable was a smaller type it was losing precision before the shift took place. - Added bcd2dec function to NBC and NXC. - Fixed an infinite loop compiler bug when the inline keyword occurs after the void keyword. - Fixed a compiler error line number reporting bug. - Changed compiler to write errors to stderr rather than stdout - Increased compilation speed for large programs - Complete overhaul of IOMAP-based API functions to support variable-based IOMAP offsets in NXC and NBC. Version 1.0.1.b32 ----------------- - Fixes a couple NXC system call structure definition bugs. - Adds compchktype compile-time opcode for checking variable types in preprocessor macros. - Changes low-level NXC syscall inline functions to use preprocessor macros with type checking instead (for improved code efficiency). - Fixes an access violation when trying to compile user-defined type references which include invalid member names. - Allows array opcodes to take constant array arguments - Reworked low level IOMap read and write NXC API functions to allow non-constant arguments for ports, etc... - Fixed a bug in RotateMotor functions which can cause it to hang if another task changes the power level while the function is waiting for the target tacho limit to be reached. - Fixed a bug in I2CBytes and SensorUS and the NBC equivalents which made the functions not work for constant port values for ports 3 and 4. - Fixes a bug in variable and parameter name decoration which made task & function names containing an underscore not work correctly in some situations. - Fixes a bug in argument passing to array, struct, and reference type parameters. The compiler was failing to raise an error when expressions are used in these cases. Version 1.0.1.b31 ----------------- - Fixes a boolean expression bug which occurred when you used a numeric variable or constant on its own in a logical AND operation. (e.g., if (Nsamps && x < 3)). - Fixes problems with reference type arguments that are arrays or user-defined types. - Fixes problems where the compiler hangs while processing function parameters. - Fixes several other struct and array parameter passing problems. - Fixes NXTDefs.h typo bug in ResetAllTachoCounts. - Fixes NXCDefs.h typo bug in I2CStatus. - Tightened up semicolon checking so that the parser complains when they are required but they are missing. - Fixed global array initialize when a length expression is specified and an initial value is also specified. The length, in that case, is now ignored since the array is statically initialized. - Fixed a problem with initializing multi-dimensional global or local arrays where the generated nested variable type declaration was causing an NBC compiler error. - Improved parsing of open and close parenthesis so that the compiler will complain if you have an extra close parenthesis. - Added code in the NXC compiler to initialize a hidden graphic variables array and use it when calling the GraphicOut API function so that parameterized RIC files can be drawn using either GraphicOut or GraphicOutEx. - Added support in NBC for RICScript programs which can be used to create RIC files via a simple text programming language. A source file with a .rs extension will use the RICScript compiler built into NBC and the output will be a .ric file if there are no compiler errors. - Adds the "safecall" keyword to NXC. A function or subroutine declared with this keyword will automatically be wrapped in Acquire/Release with a global mutex specific to that function so that multiple threads can safely call the function without hanging. - Adds the -safecall command line switch for NXC. If a program is compiled with this switch on the command line then all function calls will use the safecall calling convention, i.e., they will be wrapped in Acquire/Release so that multiple tasks/threads can share the subroutine safely. - Fixes inline functions so that they are now thread-safe. - Added code to the parser to complain about recursive function calls since they are not supported by the NXT firmware. - Added code to the parser to complain about calling an inline function from another inline function call. - Fixed a for-loop local variable nesting level bug that made for-loop variables not work correctly if defined within the for-loop parenthesis. - Added NXC/NBC API function I2CCheckStatus and LowspeedCheckStatus which only return the status (and not bytes ready). Added I2CBytesReady and LowspeedBytesReady which only return the number of bytes ready but not the status. (NBC does not include the I2C alias versions). - Added constants and structure declarations for enhanced firmware features in lms_arm_jch.zip. If using the enhanced standard NXT firmware make sure to pass -EF on the NBC/NXC command line. - Fixes a bug in struct declarations which was causing the compiler to not support types with the "unsigned" type qualifier keyword prior to the type name. - Added several low-level syscall inline functions to NXC. - Fixed type checking of function parameters that are user-defined types. This had just been checking that the variable passed in was a UDT but it now makes sure the two types of UDT are the same. Version 1.0.1.b30 ----------------- - Fixes a bug in the RotateMotorExPID macro in NXTDefs.h that was introduced in b29. - Fixes error message line number problems in NBC that were introduced in b29. - Added NXC compiler error message when trying to use nested calls to the same function (e.g., Max(3, Max(5, 6)). - Fixes an expression optimizer bug which was intrepeting variables that looked like valid hexadecimal numbers as a constant value (e.g., xa0, x1, x03, xff). - Fixes a bug in the NXC compiler's support for function prototypes that was introduced in b29. - Adds support in NXC for the "return" statement to have optional parenthesis around the return expression when the return type is string. Scalar types already support surrounding parenthesis as part of the expression parsing. - Fixes a bug in the NBC compiler support for compif/compelse/compend where code that should have been ignored by the compiler was not being ignored. - Fixes a bug in ## handling within non-parameterized preprocessor macros. - *** NXC & NBC BREAKING CHANGE *** Changed the RotateMotorEx API functions (in b29, actually) to take an additional boolean parameter. RotateMotorExPID(ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bsync, bStop, p, i, d) RotateMotorEx(ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bSync, bStop) The new "bStop" parameter indicates whether you want the motors to come to a hard stop at the end of the specified angle of rotation. - Fixes NXC bug with empty strings causing a compiler error. Now empty strings work as expected. Version 1.0.1.b29 ----------------- - Fixes a bug with not setting the left hand side datatype correctly after a user defined type is used. - Fixes reading a struct out of an array of struct. - Fixes a bug in NXC switch statements that have no default case where the first case was being improperly executed. - Fixes a bug with initialized globals which was causing them to be treated as constants in math expressions. - Overhauled the I2C routines and the Motor routines. The old OUT_AB, OUT_AC, OUT_BC, and OUT_ABC array variables are now constants. The motor API functions are now thread-safe and blocking on the motor resource(s) requested. If you call RotateMotor(OUT_AB, 75, 3600) then no other thread will be able to control motors A and B until the already executing RotateMotor function finishes. But now you can safely call RotateMotor(OUT_A, 75, 3600) on one thread and RotateMotor(OUT_B, 75, 720) on another simultaneously executing thread without having program errors or erratic motor behavior. The same sort of revisions occurred for the Lowspeed (aka I2C) routines so that it is now safe to call I2C functions for a port on one thread while calling I2C functions for a different port on another thread. Since the functions do not know at compile time which port is being utilized when you use a variable as the port parameter, the RotateMotor functions acquire all three motor port resources for the duration of their operation in that case. So you can safely call RotateMotor using a variable for the port parameter on two simultaneously executing threads but one of the two calls will be blocked until the first one has completed executing. - Added GraphicOutEx for NXC which takes an array of values which can change the drawing behavior at runtime. - Changed NumOut and TextOut in NXC so they accept an optional 4th argument (cls) which controls whether the screen is cleared or not. This makes these functions consistant with the other drawing routines. - Changed NumOutEx and TextOutEx in NBC so that the cls argument is the fourth argument rather than the third argument (NumOutEx(x, y, value, cls) rather than NumOutEx(x, y, cls, value)). This change makes these two functions consistant with the other Ex drawing routines in NBC. - Changed ArrayBuild in NXC so that instead of having ArrayBuild1..ArrayBuild4 defined in the NXCDefs.h header file the function is now built into the compiler and it can take any number of source arguments. E.G., ArrayBuild(aout, src1, ..., srcN); - Fixed a problem in the NXC preprocessor where it was incorrectly handling char constants (e.g., ArrayInit(aout, 'a', 10);). - Fixed a problem in I2CBytes/ReadI2CBytes where it was returning true even when an error occurred during the write/read operation. Now these functions return false if any sort of error condition occurred during the I2C operation. - Added new NXC functions which are aliases for the LowspeedStatus, LowspeedRead, and LowspeedWrite functions. The new NXC functions are named I2CStatus, I2CRead, and I2CWrite. - Changed the behavior of the ## operator in the preprocessor. In previous versions a token such as OUT_A would be left as a literal if it was concatenated with the preceding value but in this version OUT_A will be evaluated as 0 before it is concatenated with the preceding value. E.G., myVar##port, in previous releases would have ended up as myVarOUT_A, but as of b29 it will end up as myVar0. - Changed the preprocessor to evaluate tokens until no changes occur during evaluation. As of b29 if the first preprocessor evaluation produces __rotateMotor0 as a token then it will evaluate the result again which may expand that token into a multi-line macro function expansion. This will continue until the pre- evaluation value matches the post-evaluation value. This change was required to implement the motor and I2C API changes mentioned above. - Changed the compiler to automatically include NXTDefs.h or NXCDefs.h (and NBCCommon.h) automatically just as NQC would automatically include its API header file. This can be disabled via the new -n command line switch. The header files are actually compiled into the compiler executable. The contents of the built-in header files can be extracted via the new -api command line switch. As a result of this change it is no longer necessary to start an NBC or NXC program with #include "NXTDefs.h" or #include "NXCDefs.h". - Renamed the Tamas Sorosy math functions added in b28 so that they do not conflict with the compile-time expression evaluator functions of the same names. The new function names are Sqrt, Sin, Cos, Asin, and Acos. - Added a -q command line switch which tells the compiler to not make the NXT beep at the end of a program download operation. - Changed the compiler so that, by default, it tells the NXT to beep after downloading a program. - Changed the compiler so that it stops any running program before starting to download a program. - Added compif, compelse, and compend operations to the NBC compiler so that it can determine at compile-time whether to ignore or include certain blocks of code. This compiler processing occurs after the preprocessor is finished. - Fixed the NXC function parameter parser so that if an error occurs while parsing the parameter declarations it will abort and skip to the closing parenthesis. This had been a place where the parser could get into an infinite loop prior to this change. Version 1.0.1.b28 ----------------- - Adds support for structs and typedefs. See struct.nxc for examples. - Adds Tamas Sorosy math functions (sqrt, sin, cos, asin, acos) to NBC and NXC API. - Adds a 15 ms wait in ReadSensorUS (NBC) and SensorUS (NXC) to fix a problem where when called in a tight loop a manual wait was needed to get correct readings. - Adds preprocessor support for #if, #elif, and #error. - Adds support for alternate NXT firmwares which implement the wait and waitv opcodes. Use the -EF switch to enable this feature. - Adds support for short-circuit boolean expression evaluation (for && and || operators) - Adds a workaround in NXC for a firmware bug in the "set" opcode which is triggered by setting a signed long to a negative number. - Fixes a preprocessor bug with nested #ifdefs. - Fixes a preprocessor bug with nested function macros with empty parameter lists. - Fixes an optimizer bug which was generating bad code for the sign opcode. - The NXC compiler now accepts (void) in addition to () for task declarations. - The NXC compiler now outputs an error if the routine named "main" is declared using a keyword other than "task". Version 1.0.1.b27 ----------------- - Adds pre-increment and pre-decrement (++i, --i) support. - Adds support for expressions as statements task main() { int i=23; 0x3f; +3-i; } - Adds support for pre- and post-increment/decrement within expressions (such as in array indexes). Increment/decrement used to only be allowed in a statement. - Fixes some string array indexing bugs - Adds support for string expressions within TextOut API function - *** NXC BREAKING CHANGE *** Removed the "cls" argument from the NumOut and TextOut functions. To update your code to work with beta 27 you will need to add calls to ClearScreen() wherever you previously passed "true" to this argument and remove the additional argument from each call to one of these API functions. The PointOut, CircleOut, LineOut, RectOut, and GraphicOut API functions all now take cls as an optional argument with a default value of false. Since this argument is optional it can still be used but if you are currently passing "false" to these functions you can now remove the extra argument. - *** NBC BREAKING CHANGE *** Removed the "cls" argument from the NumOut, TextOut, PointOut, CircleOut, LineOut, RectOut, and GraphicOut functions. Added NumOutEx, TextOutEx, PointOutEx, CircleOutEx, LineOutEx, RectOutEx, and GraphicOutEx API functions which all include the "cls" argument exactly as the non-Ex versions did prior to beta 27. To update your code to work with beta 27 you will need to either add calls to ClearScreen() wherever you previously passed "true" to this argument and remove the additional argument from each call to one of the non-Ex API functions OR you can replace your calls to the non-Ex version with calls to the Ex version of the API function. - Adds -w- and -w+ command line switches which let you control whether the compiler outputs warning messages or not. The default is - which means that warnings are not output. If you want to turn on warnings then add the new -w+ switch to the command line. - Fixes a mutex optimization bug which was incorrectly removing acquire/release statements and mutex variables. Version 1.0.1.b26 ----------------- - Fixes an array indexing bug introduced in b25 - Fixes a local variable declaration bug introduced in b25 - Fixes a bug in the NXC and NBC Read API functions - Fixes a bug in the NXC and NBC WriteLnString API function - Adds support for asm block statements anywhere within an NXC file (not just within a task or subroutine) - Adds a ReadLnString API function to NBC and NXC - Fixes a preprocessor bug where comments following a #include statement were breaking the include Version 1.0.1.b25 ----------------- - Fixes string whitespace bug introduced in b22 - Fixes division bug where 1st operand is negative and 2nd operand is unsigned - Fixes bugs in the NBC and NXC file I/O macros - Adds support in NXC for string indexing string msg = "test"; msg[0] = 'C'; byte x = msg[2]; - Adds support in NXC for inline functions inline int Double(const int x) { return x*2; } - Adds support in NXC for const and reference function argument types inline bool IsFooBar(int x, int &handle) { handle = 10; x = x+1; return x > 2; } - Adds support in NXC for const variable declarations const int myVar = 12; // myVar cannot be changed. - Adds support in NXC for arrays of strings string myStrings[]; ArrayInit(myStrings, "", 4); // set array of strings to a size of 4 (0..3) myStrings[0] = "please work"; myStrings[1] = "testing"; - Improves NXC parameter type checking in function calls - Adds NBC API macros to simplify NXT<->NXT bluetooth communication ReceiveRemoteBool(queue, clear, bval, result) ReceiveRemoteNumber(queue, clear, val, result) ReceiveRemoteString(queue, clear, str, result) ReceiveRemoteMessageEx(queue, clear, str, val, bval, result) SendRemoteBool(conn, queue, bval, result) SendRemoteNumber(conn, queue, val, result) SendRemoteString(conn, queue, str, result) SendResponseBool(queue, bval, result) SendResponseNumber(queue, val, result) SendResponseString(queue, msg, result) - Adds NBC API macros for sending direct commands to another NXT RemoteMessageRead(conn, queue, result) RemoteMessageWrite(conn, queue, msg, result) // alias for SendRemoteString RemoteStartProgram(conn, filename, result) RemoteStopProgram(conn, result) RemotePlaySoundFile(conn, filename, bloop, result) RemotePlayTone(conn, frequency, duration, result) RemoteStopSound(conn, result) RemoteKeepAlive(conn, result) RemoteResetScaledValue(conn, port, result) RemoteResetMotorPosition(conn, port, brelative, result) RemoteSetInputMode(conn, port, type, mode, result) RemoteSetOutputState(conn, port, speed, mode, regmode, turnpct, runstate, tacholimit, result) - Adds NXC API macros to simplify NXT<->NXT bluetooth communication result = ReceiveRemoteBool(queue, clear, bval) result = ReceiveRemoteNumber(queue, clear, val) result = ReceiveRemoteString(queue, clear, str) result = ReceiveRemoteMessageEx(queue, clear, str, val, bval) result = SendRemoteBool(conn, queue, bval) result = SendRemoteNumber(conn, queue, val) result = SendRemoteString(conn, queue, str) result = SendResponseBool(queue, bval) result = SendResponseNumber(queue, val) result = SendResponseString(queue, msg) - Adds NXC API macros for sending direct commands to another NXT result = RemoteMessageRead(conn, queue) result = RemoteMessageWrite(conn, queue, msg) // alias for SendRemoteString result = RemoteStartProgram(conn, filename) result = RemoteStopProgram(conn) result = RemotePlaySoundFile(conn, filename, bloop) result = RemotePlayTone(conn, frequency, duration) result = RemoteStopSound(conn) result = RemoteKeepAlive(conn) result = RemoteResetScaledValue(conn, port) result = RemoteResetMotorPosition(conn, port, brelative) result = RemoteSetInputMode(conn, port, type, mode) result = RemoteSetOutputState(conn, port, speed, mode, regmode, turnpct, runstate, tacholimit) Version 1.0.1.b24 ----------------- - Fixes a preprocessor bug in NBC and NXC that is triggered by not having a ')' at the end of a macro invocation (or anywhere following in the entire program). - Replaced the ResetMotor macros in NBC and NXC with the following macros: ResetTachoCount(p) ResetBlockTachoCount(p) ResetRotationCount(p) ResetAllTachoCounts(p) - Added NBC API file i/o macros Read(handle, n, result) ReadLn(handle, n, result) ReadBytes(handle, len, buf, result) Write(handle, n, result) WriteLn(handle, n, result) WriteString(handle, str, cnt, result) WriteLnString(handle, str, cnt, result) WriteBytes(handle, buf, cnt, result) WriteBytesEx(handle, len, buf, result) - Added NXC API file i/o macros result = Read(handle, n) result = ReadLn(handle, n) result = ReadBytes(handle, len, buf) result = Write(handle, n) result = WriteLn(handle, n) result = WriteString(handle, str, cnt) result = WriteLnString(handle, str, cnt) result = WriteBytes(handle, buf, cnt) result = WriteBytesEx(handle, len, buf) - Replaced the code underlying the ReadSensorUS (NBC) and SensorUS (NXC) API functions with a version which appears to be more reliable (and generic). - Added NBC and NXC API functions to give control over reseting rotation counters CoastEx(ports, reset) OffEx(ports, reset) OnFwdEx(ports, pwr, reset) OnRevEx(ports, pwr, reset) OnFwdRegEx(ports, pwr, regmode, reset) OnRevRegEx(ports, pwr, regmode, reset) OnFwdSyncEx(ports, pwr, turnpct, reset) OnRevSyncEx(ports, pwr, turnpct, reset) - Added NBC and NXC constants for the "Ex" motor functions RESET_NONE RESET_COUNT RESET_BLOCK_COUNT RESET_ROTATION_COUNT RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO RESET_ALL - Added NBC and NXC API functions which expose the PID parameters RotateMotorPID(ports, pwr, angle, p, i, d) RotateMotorExPID(ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bsync, p, i, d) - Added NBC and NXC API function for clearing the screen ClearScreen() - Added support in the NXC SetOutput function for multiple sets of field/value pairs SetOutput(ports, const field1, value1, ..., const fieldN, valueN) - Added generic I2C read/write routine for NBC ReadI2CBytes(port, inbuf, count, outbuf, result) - Added generic I2C read/write routine for NXC result = I2CBytes(port, inbuf, count, outbuf) - Added NBC pseudo opcode to spawn a thread anywhere within the current thread start TaskName - Added NXC start statement (ala NQC) start TaskName; Version 1.0.1.b23 ----------------- - Adds support in NXC for nested switch statements - Adds support in NXC for array indexed math assignments (e.g., x[0] += 23;) - Adds support in NXC for using true and false in asm blocks - Adds support in NXC for local variable declarations anywhere within a function. Local variable declarations used to be limited to the beginning of a function block. Locals now honor nesting levels and go out of scope if they are declared within a block statement. "for" loops can now declare a local or use an existing variable: for (i = 10; i > 0; i--) {} // i must already be in scope for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {} // i has scope limited to for loop - Adds support in NXC for empty for loop (e.g., for ( ; ; ) ) for infinite loops - Adds support in NXC for scalar and string local (not global) variable initialization via expressions of any form (not just constants): int i = Random(10); string msg = NumToStr(i); - Adds support in NXC for single-dimension global variable array initialization using a syntax like array initialization in NBC: // initialize X to 20 elements all equal to 1. int X[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; - Adds support in NXC for expression optimizations (enabled with -Z1) - Fixes indexing of local arrays (used to only work with globals) - Fixes a bug in the NBC sign, shl, and shr opcodes which was triggered by passing the same variable as the first and last arguments: sign x, x shl x, y, x shr x, y, x Version 1.0.1.b22 ----------------- - Adds support in NXC switch statements for strings, constant expressions, character constants, and the true and false keywords - Adds support in NBC for strings delimited by double quote characters - Fixes several motor macros in NBC/NXC so that they reset the block count before executing when it is appropriate for them to do so - Fixes NXC ForceOff macro in NXCDefs.h - Fixes the RotateMotor/RotateMotorEx macros so that programs no longer hang when the angle is set to zero - Fixes a problem in expressions which were not properly setting the zero flag register variable if in a sub-expression it had already been set - NOTE: the SENSOR_n macros mentioned below are not exactly the same as in NQC. They cannot be used to specify the sensor port. Instead you should use S1..S4 or IN_1..IN_4. Version 1.0.1.b21 ----------------- - Adds NXC API macro ResetMotor(ports) - Adds support in NXC for the ?: expression - Adds support in NXC for the switch statement - Adds the following NQC compatibility macros in NXCDefs.h: S1 S2 S3 S4 SENSOR_1 SENSOR_2 SENSOR_3 SENSOR_4 SENSOR_TYPE_NONE SENSOR_TYPE_TOUCH SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT_ACTIVE SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT_INACTIVE SENSOR_TYPE_SOUND_DB SENSOR_TYPE_SOUND_DBA SENSOR_TYPE_CUSTOM SENSOR_TYPE_LOWSPEED SENSOR_TYPE_LOWSPEED_9V SENSOR_TYPE_HIGHSPEED SENSOR_MODE_RAW SENSOR_MODE_BOOL SENSOR_MODE_EDGE SENSOR_MODE_PULSE SENSOR_MODE_PERCENT SENSOR_MODE_CELSIUS SENSOR_MODE_FAHRENHEIT SENSOR_MODE_ROTATION SENSOR_TOUCH SENSOR_LIGHT SENSOR_ROTATION SENSOR_CELSIUS SENSOR_FAHRENHEIT SENSOR_PULSE SENSOR_EDGE SetSensor(sensor, tm) - Fixes an NXC shift right and shift left bug introduced in b20. - Fixes an NXC macro subsitution bug in the "until" macro. - Modifies GetOutput and GetInput API functions so that the port parameter no longer accepts an expression (must be a variable or constant value) Version 1.0.1.b20 ----------------- - Adds support in NXC for string comparisons (==, !=, <=, >=, <, >) - Adds support in NXC for function return types (int, bool, char, byte, short, long, unsigned versions of same, and string) - Adds support in NXC for "void" functions (synonymous with "sub"). - Adds support in NXC for comma-separated assignments in for loops. - Fixes an NXC bug in | and ^ expressions which was putting the parser into an infinite loop. - Fixes an NXC bug in the subroutine calling mechanism which is triggered by leaving off the () characters when calling the subroutine. It was causing an infinite parser loop. - Fixes an NXC bug in relational expressions which were not setting the main register to a boolean value. Version 1.0.1.b19 ----------------- - Fixes a command-line bug which could cause NXC source code to be overwritten with the generated NBC code. This bug is triggered in b18 and b17 if you use BricxCC to download an NXC program and you exit BricxCC without saving the contents of the editor window to its underlying source file (which has had its contents replaced with NBC assembler code). Version 1.0.1.b18 ----------------- - Fixes a bug in the GraphicOut macro in NXTDefs.h (for NBC and NXC) - Fixes a bug in the ArrayInit macro in NXCDefs.h - swapped parameter order as well ArrayInit(a, val, cnt) - Removes a few compiler hints for a cleaner compile - Adds support for multi-line macro invocation (with support for embedded comments and arbitrary whitespace) - Moves ## handling into preprocessor so that macro expansion more closely matches C - Fixes NXC preprocessor bug related to ## handling (it was causing an infinite loop) - Adds support for variable initialization via constant expression. - Improves error message line number handling (it's still not perfect but it is much better) - Adds mutex optimization (automatically removes acquire/release and mutex declarations if the application is single-threaded) Version 1.0.1.b17 ----------------- - Fixes a problem in the SetSoundState macro in NXTDefs.h and NXCDefs.h. - Fixes a few local variable and parameter decoration problems. - Fixes a missing file in the source distribution. Version 1.0.1.b16 ----------------- - Refactors the NXC API to use macros for many of the API functions (See NXCDefs.h) Macros in NXC may use an "asm" block with tokens for temporary variables of different types and return values of different types. - Fixes another bug in NBC with nested preprocessor macro function calls. (e.g., until(ButtonPressed(BTN1, true)) ; ) The fix in b15 did not completely fix the problem (it only handled single argument nested macros - or, more precisely, nested macros without any whitespace in their argument list). - Fixes a problem with BatteryLevel and FreeMemory in the NXC API where I had renamed the underlying NBC macros and failed to change the code generator in NXC. - Adds the missing '%' (modulo) operator for expressions in NXC. - Renames NXC API functions ReadSensor(p) and ReadSensorUS(p) as Sensor(p) and SensorUS(p) respectively - Renames NXC API functions GetTick() as CurrentTick() and GetFirstTick() as FirstTick(). - Renames NXC API function SetSensorUltrasonic(p) as SetSensorLowspeed(p). - Adds initial support for NXC array types. Adding [] pairs after the variable name in a variable declaration defines the variable as an array of the specified type. e.g., byte x[]; // x is an array of byte Array initialization is not yet supported. - Added NXC support for array/string subscripting (e.g., buf[0] = 23; msg[4] = "fred"; - Added NXC support for local variables and subroutine parameters (no return values yet) Local variables must be defined prior to any other statements in a task or subroutine. - Added many NXC API macros to NXCDefs.h: ByteArrayToStr(a, s) StrToByteArray(s, a) ArrayLen(a) ArrayInit(a, cnt, val) GetLSInputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) GetLSOutputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) GetDisplayNormal(x, line, cnt, data) GetDisplayPopup(x, line, cnt, data) GetBTInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) GetBTOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) GetHSInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) GetHSOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) GetUSBInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) GetUSBOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) GetUSBPollBuffer(offset, cnt, data) BTDeviceName(p) BTConnectionName(p) BTConnectionPinCode(p) BrickDataName() GetBTDeviceAddress(p, data) GetBTConnectionAddress(p, data) GetBrickDataAddress(data) SoundFrequency() SoundDuration() SoundSampleRate() SoundMode() SoundVolume() ButtonPressCount(b) ButtonLongPressCount(b) ButtonShortReleaseCount(b) ButtonLongReleaseCount(b) ButtonReleaseCount(b) ButtonState(b) CommandFlags() UIState() UIButton() VMRunState() BatteryState() BluetoothState() UsbState() SleepTimeout() SleepTimer() RechargeableBattery() Volume() OnBrickProgramPointer() CustomSensorZeroOffset(p) CustomSensorPercentFullScale(p) CustomSensorActiveStatus(p) SensorBoolean(p) SensorDigiPinsDirection(p) SensorDigiPinsStatus(p) SensorDigiPinsOutputLevel(p) MotorPwnFreq() LSInputBufferInPtr(p) LSInputBufferOutPtr(p) LSInputBufferBytesToRx(p) LSOutputBufferInPtr(p) LSOutputBufferOutPtr(p) LSOutputBufferBytesToRx(p) LSMode(p) LSChannelState(p) LSErrorType(p) LSState() LSSpeed() DisplayEraseMask() DisplayUpdateMask() DisplayDisplay() DisplayFlags() DisplayTextLinesCenterFlags() BTDeviceClass(p) BTDeviceStatus(p) BTConnectionClass(p) BTConnectionHandleNum(p) BTConnectionStreamStatus(p) BTConnectionLinkQuality(p) BrickDataBluecoreVersion() BrickDataBtStateStatus() BrickDataBtHardwareStatus() BrickDataTimeoutValue() BTInputBufferInPtr() BTInputBufferOutPtr() BTOutputBufferInPtr() BTOutputBufferOutPtr() HSInputBufferInPtr() HSInputBufferOutPtr() HSOutputBufferInPtr() HSOutputBufferOutPtr() USBInputBufferInPtr() USBInputBufferOutPtr() USBOutputBufferInPtr() USBOutputBufferOutPtr() USBPollBufferInPtr() USBPollBufferOutPtr() BTDeviceCount() BTDeviceNameCount() HSFlags() HSSpeed() HSState() USBState() SetSoundFrequency(n) SetSoundDuration(n) SetSoundSampleRate(n) SetSoundFlags(n) SetSoundState(n) SetSoundMode(n) SetSoundVolume(n) SetButtonPressCount(b, n) SetButtonLongPressCount(b, n) SetButtonShortReleaseCount(b, n) SetButtonLongReleaseCount(b, n) SetButtonReleaseCount(b, n) SetButtonState(b, n) SetCommandFlags(n) SetUIState(n) SetUIButton(n) SetVMRunState(n) SetBatteryState(n) SetBluetoothState(n) SetUsbState(n) SetSleepTimeout(n) SetSleepTimer(n) SetVolume(n) SetOnBrickProgramPointer(n) ForceOff(n) SetInCustomZeroOffset(p, n) SetInSensorBoolean(p, n) SetInDigiPinsDirection(p, n) SetInDigiPinsStatus(p, n) SetInDigiPinsOutputLevel(p, n) SetInCustomPercentFullScale(p, n) SetInCustomActiveStatus(p, n) SetOutPwnFreq(n) SetLSInputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) SetLSInputBufferInPtr(p, n) SetLSInputBufferOutPtr(p, n) SetLSInputBufferBytesToRx(p, n) SetLSOutputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) SetLSOutputBufferInPtr(p, n) SetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(p, n) SetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(p, n) SetLSMode(p, n) SetLSChannelState(p, n) SetLSErrorType(p, n) SetLSState(n) SetLSSpeed(n) SetDisplayEraseMask(n) SetDisplayUpdateMask(n) SetDisplayDisplay(n) SetDisplayFlags(n) SetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(n) SetDisplayNormal(x, line, cnt, data) SetDisplayPopup(x, line, cnt, data) SetBTDeviceName(p, str) SetBTDeviceAddress(p, addr) SetBTConnectionName(p, str) SetBTConnectionPinCode(p, code) SetBTConnectionAddress(p, addr) SetBrickDataName(str) SetBrickDataAddress(p, addr) SetBTDeviceClass(p, n) SetBTDeviceStatus(p, n) SetBTConnectionClass(p, n) SetBTConnectionHandleNum(p, n) SetBTConnectionStreamStatus(p, n) SetBTConnectionLinkQuality(p, n) SetBrickDataBluecoreVersion(n) SetBrickDataBtStateStatus(n) SetBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(n) SetBrickDataTimeoutValue(n) SetBTInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) SetBTInputBufferInPtr(n) SetBTInputBufferOutPtr(n) SetBTOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) SetBTOutputBufferInPtr(n) SetBTOutputBufferOutPtr(n) SetHSInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) SetHSInputBufferInPtr(n) SetHSInputBufferOutPtr(n) SetHSOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) SetHSOutputBufferInPtr(n) SetHSOutputBufferOutPtr(n) SetUSBInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) SetUSBInputBufferInPtr(n) SetUSBInputBufferOutPtr(n) SetUSBOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data) SetUSBOutputBufferInPtr(n) SetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(n) SetUSBPollBuffer(offset, cnt, data) SetUSBPollBufferInPtr(n) SetUSBPollBufferOutPtr(n) SetBTDeviceCount(n) SetBTDeviceNameCount(n) SetHSFlags(n) SetHSSpeed(n) SetHSState(n) SetUSBState(n) CreateFile(fname, fsize, handle) OpenFileAppend(fname, fsize, handle) OpenFileRead(fname, fsize, handle) CloseFile(handle) ResolveHandle(fname, handle, writeable) RenameFile(oldname, newname) DeleteFile(fname) SendMessage(queue, msg) ReceiveMessage(queue, clear, msg) LowspeedStatus(port, bready) LowspeedWrite(port, retlen, buffer) LowspeedRead(port, buflen, buffer) BluetoothStatus(conn, result) BluetoothWrite(conn, buffer) Version 1.0.1.b15 ----------------- - Adds to NXC new API functions: ExitTo(task): Exit the current task immediately and start the specified task Stop(bStop): Stop the program if the boolean expression evaluates to true SetInput(port, field, value): Set an input field to the specified value SetOutput(ports, field, value): Set an output field to the specified value PowerDown(): Power down the brick immediately RebootInFirmwareMode(): Reboot the brick in firmware mode immediately BatteryLevel(): Read the current battery level (in millivolts) FreeMemory(): Read the free flash memory (in bytes) NumToStr(val): Convert the specified numeric value to a string StrCat(str1, str2, ..., strN): Concatenate the args into a single string SubStr(str, idx, len): Extract the specified portion of a string Flatten(val): Convert value into a string based on the size of scalar datatype StrReplace(str, idx, strnew): Replace characters in 'str' with those in 'strnew' StrToNum(str): Convert string into a number StrLen(str): Return the length of the string argument StrIndex(str, idx): Return the ASCII value of str[idx] - Adds to NXC the "until" loop construct and the goto label construct - Fixes a NXC parser bug in if (condition) { } else { } construct - Adds support for && and || operators in boolean expressions - Adds support for <<, >>, <<=, and >>= operators in numeric expressions - Adds to NXC new API macros: SensorType(p) SensorMode(p) SensorRaw(p) SensorNormalized(p) SensorScaled(p) SensorInvalid(p) MotorMode(p) MotorPower(p) MotorActualSpeed(p) MotorTachoCount(p) // this replaced TachometerCount(p) MotorTachoLimit(p) // this replaced TachometerLimit(p) MotorRunState(p) MotorTurnRatio(p) MotorRegulation(p) MotorOverload(p) MotorRegPValue(p) MotorRegIValue(p) MotorRegDValue(p) MotorBlockTachoCount(p) MotorRotationCount(p) - Adds to NBC many new API macros: PointOut(x, y, clear?) LineOut(x1, y1, x2, y2, clear?) RectOut(x, y, width, height, clear?) CircleOut(x, y, radius, clear?) GraphicOut(x, y, filename, varArray, clear?) PlayToneEx(frequency, duration, volume, loop?) PlayFileEx(filename, volume, loop?) GetSoundState(state, flags) SetSoundState(state, flags, result) SignedRandom(value) GetFirstTick(value) SetIOMapBytes(modName, offset, len, arrIn) SetIOMapValue(modName, offset, n) SetUIModuleValue(offset, n) SetIOCtrlModuleValue(offset, n) SetCommandModuleValue(offset, n) SetSoundModuleValue(offset, n) SetButtonModuleValue(offset, n) SetInputModuleValue(offset, n) SetOutputModuleValue(offset, n) SetLowSpeedModuleValue(offset, n) SetDisplayModuleValue(offset, n) SetCommModuleValue(offset, n) RebootInFirmwareMode PowerDown SetSoundFrequency(n) SetSoundDuration(n) SetSoundSampleRate(n) SetSoundFlags(n) SetSoundState(n) SetSoundMode(n) SetSoundVolume(n) SetButtonPressCount(b, n) SetButtonLongPressCount(b, n) SetButtonShortReleaseCount(b, n) SetButtonLongReleaseCount(b, n) SetButtonReleaseCount(b, n) SetButtonState(b, n) SetCommandFlags(n) SetUIState(n) SetUIButton(n) SetVMRunState(n) SetBatteryState(n) SetBluetoothState(n) SetUsbState(n) SetSleepTimeout(n) SetSleepTimer(n) SetVolume(level) SetOnBrickProgramPointer(idx) ForceOff(n) SetInCustomZeroOffset(p, n) SetInSensorBoolean(p, n) SetInDigiPinsDirection(p, n) SetInDigiPinsStatus(p, n) SetInDigiPinsOutputLevel(p, n) SetInCustomPercentFullScale(p, n) SetInCustomActiveStatus(p, n) SetOutPwnFreq(n) SetLSInputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) SetLSInputBufferInPtr(p, n) SetLSInputBufferOutPtr(p, n) setLSInputBufferBytesToRx(p, n) SetLSOutputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) SetLSOutputBufferInPtr(p, n) SetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(p, n) SetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(p, n) SetLSMode(p, v) SetLSChannelState(p, v) SetLSErrorType(p, v) SetLSState(v) SetLSSpeed(v) SetDisplayEraseMask(n) SetDisplayUpdateMask(n) SetDisplayDisplay(n) SetDisplayFlags(n) SetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(n) setDisplayNormal(x, line, cnt, data) SetDisplayPopup(x, line, cnt, data) SetBTDeviceName(p, str) SetBTDeviceClass(p, v) SetBTDeviceAddress(p, addr) SetBTDeviceStatus(p, v) SetBTConnectionName(p, str) SetBTConnectionClass(p, v) SetBTConnectionPinCode(p, str) SetBTConnectionAddress(p, addr) SetBTConnectionHandleNum(p, v) SetBTConnectionStreamStatus(p, v) SetBTConnectionLinkQuality(p, v) SetBrickDataName(str) SetBrickDataBluecoreVersion(v) SetBrickDataAddress(addr) SetBrickDataBtStateStatus(v) SetBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(v) SetBrickDataTimeoutValue(v) SetBTInputBuffer(data) SetBTInputBufferInPtr(n) SetBTInputBufferOutPtr(n) SetBTOutputBuffer(data) SetBTOutputBufferInPtr(n) SetBTOutputBufferOutPtr(n) SetHSInputBuffer(data) SetHSInputBufferInPtr(n) SetHSInputBufferOutPtr(n) SetHSOutputBuffer(data) SetHSOutputBufferInPtr(n) SetHSOutputBufferOutPtr(n) SetUSBInputBuffer(data) SetUSBInputBufferInPtr(n) SetUSBInputBufferOutPtr(n) SetUSBOutputBuffer(data) SetUSBOutputBufferInPtr(n) SetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(n) SetUSBPollBuffer(data) SetUSBPollBufferInPtr(n) SetUSBPollBufferOutPtr(n) SetBTDeviceCount(n) SetBTDeviceNameCount(n) SetHSFlags(n) SetHSSpeed(n) SetHSState(n) SetUSBState(n) GetIOMapBytes(modName, offset, len, arrOut) GetIOMapValue(modName, offset, n) GetUIModuleValue(offset, n) GetLoaderModuleValue(offset, n) GetCommandModuleValue(offset, n) GetSoundModuleValue(offset, n) GetButtonModuleValue(offset, n) GetInputModuleValue(offset, n) GetOutputModuleValue(offset, n) GetLowSpeedModuleValue(offset, n) GetDisplayModuleValue(offset, n) GetCommModuleValue(offset, n) GetFreeMemory(value) GetSoundFrequency(value) GetSoundDuration(value) GetSoundSampleRate(value) GetSoundFlags(value) GetSoundState(value) GetSoundMode(value) GetSoundVolume(value) GetButtonPressCount(b, value) GetButtonLongPressCount(b, value) GetButtonShortReleaseCount(b, value) GetButtonLongReleaseCount(b, value) GetButtonReleaseCount(b, value) GetButtonState(b, value) GetBatteryLevel(value) GetCommandFlags(value) GetUIState(value) GetUIButton(value) GetVMRunState(value) GetBatteryState(value) GetBluetoothState(value) GetUsbState(value) GetSleepTimeout(value) GetSleepTimer(value) GetRechargeableBattery(value) GetVolume(value) GetOnBrickProgramPointer(value) GetInCustomZeroOffset(p, v) GetInSensorBoolean(p, v) GetInDigiPinsDirection(p, v) GetInDigiPinsStatus(p, v) GetInDigiPinsOutputLevel(p, v) GetInCustomPercentFullScale(p, v) GetInCustomActiveStatus(p, v) GetOutPwnFreq(v) GetLSInputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) GetLSInputBufferInPtr(p, n) GetLSInputBufferOutPtr(p, n) GetLSInputBufferBytesToRx(p, n) GetLSOutputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data) GetLSOutputBufferInPtr(p, n) GetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(p, n) GetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(p, n) GetLSMode(p, v) GetLSChannelState(p, v) GetLSErrorType(p, v) GetLSState(v) GetLSSpeed(v) GetDisplayEraseMask(n) GetDisplayUpdateMask(n) GetDisplayDisplay(n) GetDisplayFlags(n) GetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(n) GetDisplayNormal(x, line, cnt, data) GetDisplayPopup(x, line, cnt, data) GetBTDeviceName(p, str) GetBTDeviceClass(p, v) GetBTDeviceAddress(p, addr) GetBTDeviceStatus(p, v) GetBTConnectionName(p, str) GetBTConnectionClass(p, v) GetBTConnectionPinCode(p, str) GetBTConnectionAddress(p, addr) GetBTConnectionHandleNum(p, v) GetBTConnectionStreamStatus(p, v) GetBTConnectionLinkQuality(p, v) GetBrickDataName(str) GetBrickDataBluecoreVersion(v) GetBrickDataAddress(addr) GetBrickDataBtStateStatus(v) GetBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(v) GetBrickDataTimeoutValue(v) GetBTInputBuffer(data) GetBTInputBufferInPtr(n) GetBTInputBufferOutPtr(n) GetBTOutputBuffer(data) GetBTOutputBufferInPtr(n) GetBTOutputBufferOutPtr(n) GetHSInputBuffer(data) GetHSInputBufferInPtr(n) GetHSInputBufferOutPtr(n) GetHSOutputBuffer(data) GetHSOutputBufferInPtr(n) GetHSOutputBufferOutPtr(n) GetUSBInputBuffer(data) GetUSBInputBufferInPtr(n) GetUSBInputBufferOutPtr(n) GetUSBOutputBuffer(data) GetUSBOutputBufferInPtr(n) GetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(n) GetUSBPollBuffer(data) GetUSBPollBufferInPtr(n) GetUSBPollBufferOutPtr(n) GetBTDeviceCount(n) GetBTDeviceNameCount(n) GetHSFlags(n) GetHSSpeed(n) GetHSState(n) GetUSBState(n) CreateFile(fname, fsize, handle, result) OpenFileAppend(fname, fsize, handle, result) OpenFileRead(fname, fsize, handle, result) CloseFile(handle, result) ResolveHandle(fname, handle, writeable, result) RenameFile(oldname, newname, result) DeleteFile(fname, result) SendMessage(queue, msg, result) ReceiveMessage(queue, clear, msg, result) LowspeedStatus(port, bready, result) LowspeedWrite(port, retlen, buffer, result) LowspeedRead(port, buflen, buffer, result) BluetoothStatus(conn, result) BluetoothWrite(conn, buffer, result) - Adds to NBC new opcodes: strindex dest, strsrc, idx: same as index but can take a constant string strreplace strDest, strSrc, idx, strNew: same as replace but can take constant strings strlen dest, strSource: store the length of the input string into dest shr result, value, n: shift right value by 'n' bits and store in result shl result, value, n: shift left value by 'n' bits and store in result - Adds to NBC a special compile-time operator: sizeof(variable): returns the element size of the specified variable - Adds to NBC a special compile-time opcode: compchk comparecode, const1, const2: returns a compiler error if the specified expression is not true. For example: compchk EQ, sizeof(arg3), 1 - Adds '~' operator to the NBC compile-time expression evaluator (bitwise not) - Fixes a problem in NBC (and NXC) with the RotateMotor API function - Fixes a bug in NBC with nested preprocessor macro function calls (e.g., FooBar(MyMacro(x, y), 2, 4) - Fixes a bug in NBC with trailing spaces on #define values Version 1.0.1.b14 ----------------- - Adds string variables with initialization, assignment, concatenation (including +=). - Moves ReadSensor, ReadSensorUS, TextOut, NumOut, PlatTone, PlayFile, and ResetSleepTimer to function status (can be on the RHS of an assignment). - Cls is renamed as ResetScreen. Write is removed (use TextOut and NumOut instead). - PlayTone is replaced with PlayToneEx(freq, dur, vol, loop). - PlayFile is replaced with PlayFileEx(fname, vol, loop). - Renames InputFieldValue as GetInput and OutputFieldValue as GetOutput. - Reorganizes includes so that NXCDefs.h includes NBCCommon.h and NXTDefs.h includes NBCCommon.h. NXCDefs.h now defines PlayTone and PlayFile API macros. It also defines TachometerCount(port) and TachometerLimit(port) API macros (more to come). - Adds SoundState, SoundFlags, StopSound, ButtonPressed, ButtonCount, ReadButtonEx, GetFirstTick, PointOut, LineOut, CircleOut, RectOut, and GraphicOut functions. - Fixes multi-threading issues with variables used as stack and register variables. Version 1.0.1.b13 ----------------- This beta release improves support for the Not eXactly C (NXC) programming language. NXC now supports do-while and repeat loops as found in NQC. These constructs are in addition to the already supported if/else, while, and for loops. This release also enables using either single statement or block statements with all the programming constructs (the previous beta required block statements). There is also support for an "asm" block which outputs NBC code directly to the backend. This release also expands the set of API functions to include TextOut, NumOut, OnFwdReg, OnRevReg, OnFwdSync, OnRevSync, RotateMotor, RotateMotorEx, SetSensorType, SetSensorMode, ReadSensor, ReadSensorUS, ClearSensor, SetSensorTouch, SetSensorLight, SetSensorSound, SetSensorUltrasonic, ResetSensor, PlayTone, PlayFile, Acquire, Release, Precedes, Follows, ResetSleepTimer, abs, sign, Random, InputFieldValue, OutputFieldValue, IOMA, and GetTick. The last seven of these return a value and can be used on the RHS of assignment statements. The InputFieldValue and OutputFieldValue functions can be used in simple preprocessor macros (which will be formalized in a future beta NXC API header) for accessing any input or output value (such as TachoCount, SensorValue, SensorValueRaw, ActualSpeed, etc...) Variables may be initialized at the declaration point. Declarations may exist anywhere in the source outside of tasks and subroutines. Previously all declarations had to be prior to the first task or subroutine. Future releases will enable local variable declarations but they are not currently supported. Version 1.0.1.b12 ----------------- This beta release introduces support for two new languages related to NBC. The NPG language is a very simple 5 step declarative language for writing RPG (NXT Program) executables. NPG programs simple list the 5 steps with compiler support for C++-style comments interspersed. Unlike the built-in NXT menu system mechanism for writing NXT Programs which require alternating move and wait commands, programs written using NPG can sequence the 5 commands in any order except that the EndStop and EndLoop commands can only occur as the last step. See test.npg for a small sample. These programs require the RPGReader.sys program on the NXT. This executable is 14kb in size but a replacement version which nearly identical functionality will soon be available on the NBC site which is only ~2.5kb. NBC also now supports a very early version of the NXC programming language. This language is a lot like NQC syntax-wise. It is still in its infancy so it is subject to substantial change and improvement. The NBC compiler converts the NXC code to NBC code and then compiles it as it would any other NBC program. See test.nxc for a basic example. The NXTDefs.h header file has been split into NXCDefs.h and NXTDefs.h. NBC programs should still #include "NXTDefs.h" but NXC programs should #include "NXCDefs.h". This release also fixes a problem with unix-style line endings which made it so that multiline macros written on non-Windows platforms would not work correctly. Version 1.0.1.b11 ----------------- This beta release has a number of additional macros in NXTDefs.h for simplifying several aspects of programming the NXT. Version 1.0.1.b10 ---------------- This beta release implements multi-dimensional array support. It has additional macros in NXTDefs.h for motor and sensor control. It moves all forms of optimization under the control of a command-line switch (-Z, -Z1, or -Z2). The optimizations that were always executed in beta 8 are now only executed if you set the optimization level to at least level 1. -Z and -Z2 both set the optimization level to 2. Level 2 optimizations replace several different patterns of code with simplified equivalents. NBC now has special tokens that can be used in macros or elsewhere for useful purposes. The tokens are __FILE__, __LINE__, __VER__, __THREADNAME__, __I__, __J__, __ResetI__, __ResetJ__, __IncI__, __IncJ__, __DecI__, and __DecJ__. The compiler will also replace ## wherever it exists in the sourcecode with nothing (even within strings). These tokens make it possible to define preprocessor macros which can be used repeatedly in the same thread or in multiple concurrent threads without causing threading problems or producing duplicate label names. The values of __I__ and __J__ are automatically reset to zero at the start of each new thread or subroutine. Version 1.0.1.b8 ---------------- This beta release adds call, release, abs, sub, and waitv opcodes. It also makes the preprocessor operate recursively on both parameterized and non-parameterized macros. It fixes a typo in the NXTDefs.h header file and adds some standard preprocessor macros for motor control. The compiler has a major new optimization feature which removes unused variables and threads/subroutines from the compiled executable. In b7 I accidentally broke the "wait" opcode support that was added in b6 but that support has been restored in b8. Version 1.0.1.b7 ---------------- This beta release includes a new symbol table generation feature (-Y) along with a significantly faster preprocessor. A bug in processing parameterized macros which had whitespace following the last parameter was also fixed. Version 1.0.1.b6 ---------------- Fixed a bug in the binary file download code in the Win32 version. Added support for generating thread-specific wait subroutines when the compiler sees a thread try to use the wait opcode (since that opcode was not included in the standard NXT firmware). Next Byte Codes Compiler version 1.0.1.b6 (, built Aug 18 2006 17:13:22) Copyright (c) 2006, John Hansen Version 1.0.1.b5 ---------------- Added support for parameterized macro functions. Added support for multi-line macros. Fixed some preprocessor bugs related to unmatched #ifdef #endif pairs and #include statements with unsupported format (must be #include "filename.extension"). Updated NXTDefs.h with additional IOMap constants. Released the Free Pascal-compliant sourcecode as part of the new BricxCC source code release. Next Byte Codes Compiler version 1.0.1.b5 (, built Aug 16 2006 17:08:56) Copyright (c) 2006, John Hansen version 0.1.4.b4 ---------------- Added a built-in preprocessor. Fixed argument checking for the 3 opcodes which take a variable number of arguments. Added a Mac OSX version of the compiler. Next Byte Codes Compiler version 0.1.4.b4 (, built Jun 15 2006 13:38:46) Copyright (c) 2006, John Hansen version 0.1.3.b3 ---------------- Fixed assumptions regarding bluetooth communication and port name aliases. To use Bluetooth you must add the -BT switch to the command line. Next Byte Codes Compiler version 0.1.3.b3 (, built Jun 06 2006 08:40:14) Copyright (c) 2006, John Hansen Syntax: nbc [options] filename [options] -T=: target must be NXT -S=: specify port name (COMn or usb), resource name, or alias -BT: use bluetooth -d: download program -b: treat input file as a binary file (don't compile it) -q: no sound upon download completion -x: decompile program -O= : specify output file -E= : write compiler errors to -I=: search for include files -L= : generate code listing to -help : display command line options version 0.1.3.b2 ---------------- Added support for initializing arrays of structs. Fixed a few minor bugs. Downloading programs now depends on the LEGO Mindstorms NXT Driver (Fantom). Next Byte Codes Compiler version 0.1.3.b2 (, built May 17 2006 16:53:18) Copyright (c) 2006, John Hansen version 0.1.3.b1 ---------------- First official beta of NBC. NXT Bytecode Compiler version 0.1.3.b1 (, built May 02 2006 13:14:50) Copyright 2006, John Hansen Syntax: nbc [options] filename [options] -T=: target must be NXT -S=: specify port (COMn or usb) -d: download program -b: treat input file as a binary file (don't compile it) -x: decompile program -q: no sound upon download completion -O= : specify output file -E= : write compiler errors to -I=: search for include files -L= : generate code listing to -help : display command line options