/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //! A safe wrapper for DOM nodes that prevents layout from mutating the DOM, from letting DOM nodes //! escape, and from generally doing anything that it isn't supposed to. This is accomplished via //! a simple whitelist of allowed operations, along with some lifetime magic to prevent nodes from //! escaping. //! //! As a security wrapper is only as good as its whitelist, be careful when adding operations to //! this list. The cardinal rules are: //! //! 1. Layout is not allowed to mutate the DOM. //! //! 2. Layout is not allowed to see anything with `LayoutDom` in the name, because it could hang //! onto these objects and cause use-after-free. //! //! When implementing wrapper functions, be careful that you do not touch the borrow flags, or you //! will race and cause spurious thread failure. (Note that I do not believe these races are //! exploitable, but they'll result in brokenness nonetheless.) //! //! Rules of the road for this file: //! //! * Do not call any methods on DOM nodes without checking to see whether they use borrow flags. //! //! o Instead of `get_attr()`, use `.get_attr_val_for_layout()`. //! //! o Instead of `html_element_in_html_document()`, use //! `html_element_in_html_document_for_layout()`. #![allow(unsafe_code)] use atomic_refcell::{AtomicRef, AtomicRefMut, AtomicRefCell}; use gfx_traits::ByteIndex; use html5ever::{LocalName, Namespace}; use layout::data::StyleAndLayoutData; use layout::wrapper::GetRawData; use msg::constellation_msg::{BrowsingContextId, PipelineId}; use range::Range; use script::layout_exports::{CharacterDataTypeId, ElementTypeId, HTMLElementTypeId, NodeTypeId}; use script::layout_exports::{Document, Element, Node, Text}; use script::layout_exports::{LayoutCharacterDataHelpers, LayoutDocumentHelpers}; use script::layout_exports::{LayoutElementHelpers, LayoutNodeHelpers, LayoutDom, RawLayoutElementHelpers}; use script::layout_exports::NodeFlags; use script::layout_exports::PendingRestyle; use script_layout_interface::{HTMLCanvasData, LayoutNodeType, SVGSVGData, TrustedNodeAddress}; use script_layout_interface::{OpaqueStyleAndLayoutData, StyleData}; use script_layout_interface::wrapper_traits::{DangerousThreadSafeLayoutNode, GetLayoutData, LayoutNode}; use script_layout_interface::wrapper_traits::{PseudoElementType, ThreadSafeLayoutElement, ThreadSafeLayoutNode}; use selectors::attr::{AttrSelectorOperation, NamespaceConstraint, CaseSensitivity}; use selectors::matching::{ElementSelectorFlags, MatchingContext, QuirksMode}; use selectors::matching::VisitedHandlingMode; use selectors::sink::Push; use servo_arc::{Arc, ArcBorrow}; use servo_atoms::Atom; use servo_url::ServoUrl; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::ptr::NonNull; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use style::CaseSensitivityExt; use style::applicable_declarations::ApplicableDeclarationBlock; use style::attr::AttrValue; use style::context::SharedStyleContext; use style::data::ElementData; use style::dom::{DomChildren, LayoutIterator, NodeInfo, OpaqueNode}; use style::dom::{TDocument, TElement, TNode, TShadowRoot}; use style::element_state::*; use style::font_metrics::ServoMetricsProvider; use style::properties::{ComputedValues, PropertyDeclarationBlock}; use style::selector_parser::{AttrValue as SelectorAttrValue, NonTSPseudoClass, PseudoClassStringArg}; use style::selector_parser::{PseudoElement, SelectorImpl, extended_filtering}; use style::shared_lock::{SharedRwLock as StyleSharedRwLock, Locked as StyleLocked}; use style::str::is_whitespace; use style::stylist::CascadeData; pub unsafe fn drop_style_and_layout_data(data: OpaqueStyleAndLayoutData) { let ptr = data.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut StyleData; let non_opaque: *mut StyleAndLayoutData = ptr as *mut _; let _ = Box::from_raw(non_opaque); } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct ServoLayoutNode<'a> { /// The wrapped node. node: LayoutDom, /// Being chained to a PhantomData prevents `LayoutNode`s from escaping. chain: PhantomData<&'a ()>, } impl<'ln> Debug for ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { if let Some(el) = self.as_element() { el.fmt(f) } else { if self.is_text_node() { write!(f, " ({:#x})", self.opaque().0) } else { write!(f, " ({:#x})", self.opaque().0) } } } } impl<'a> PartialEq for ServoLayoutNode<'a> { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &ServoLayoutNode) -> bool { self.node == other.node } } impl<'ln> ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { fn from_layout_js(n: LayoutDom) -> ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { ServoLayoutNode { node: n, chain: PhantomData, } } pub unsafe fn new(address: &TrustedNodeAddress) -> ServoLayoutNode { ServoLayoutNode::from_layout_js(LayoutDom::from_trusted_node_address(*address)) } /// Creates a new layout node with the same lifetime as this layout node. pub unsafe fn new_with_this_lifetime(&self, node: &LayoutDom) -> ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { ServoLayoutNode { node: *node, chain: self.chain, } } fn script_type_id(&self) -> NodeTypeId { unsafe { self.node.type_id_for_layout() } } } impl<'ln> NodeInfo for ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { fn is_element(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.node.is_element_for_layout() } } fn is_text_node(&self) -> bool { self.script_type_id() == NodeTypeId::CharacterData(CharacterDataTypeId::Text) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum Impossible { } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct ShadowRoot<'lr>(Impossible, PhantomData<&'lr ()>); impl<'lr> TShadowRoot for ShadowRoot<'lr> { type ConcreteNode = ServoLayoutNode<'lr>; fn as_node(&self) -> Self::ConcreteNode { match self.0 { } } fn host(&self) -> ServoLayoutElement<'lr> { match self.0 { } } fn style_data<'a>(&self) -> &'a CascadeData where Self: 'a, { match self.0 { } } } impl<'ln> TNode for ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { type ConcreteDocument = ServoLayoutDocument<'ln>; type ConcreteElement = ServoLayoutElement<'ln>; type ConcreteShadowRoot = ShadowRoot<'ln>; fn parent_node(&self) -> Option { unsafe { self.node.parent_node_ref().map(|node| self.new_with_this_lifetime(&node)) } } fn first_child(&self) -> Option { unsafe { self.node.first_child_ref().map(|node| self.new_with_this_lifetime(&node)) } } fn last_child(&self) -> Option { unsafe { self.node.last_child_ref().map(|node| self.new_with_this_lifetime(&node)) } } fn prev_sibling(&self) -> Option { unsafe { self.node.prev_sibling_ref().map(|node| self.new_with_this_lifetime(&node)) } } fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option { unsafe { self.node.next_sibling_ref().map(|node| self.new_with_this_lifetime(&node)) } } fn owner_doc(&self) -> Self::ConcreteDocument { ServoLayoutDocument::from_layout_js(unsafe { self.node.owner_doc_for_layout() }) } fn traversal_parent(&self) -> Option> { self.parent_element() } fn opaque(&self) -> OpaqueNode { unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged().opaque() } } fn debug_id(self) -> usize { self.opaque().0 } fn as_element(&self) -> Option> { as_element(self.node) } fn as_document(&self) -> Option> { self.node.downcast().map(ServoLayoutDocument::from_layout_js) } fn as_shadow_root(&self) -> Option> { None } fn is_in_document(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.node.get_flag(NodeFlags::IS_IN_DOC) } } } impl<'ln> LayoutNode for ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { type ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode = ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln>; fn to_threadsafe(&self) -> Self::ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode { ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode::new(self) } fn type_id(&self) -> LayoutNodeType { self.script_type_id().into() } unsafe fn initialize_data(&self) { if self.get_raw_data().is_none() { let ptr: *mut StyleAndLayoutData = Box::into_raw(Box::new(StyleAndLayoutData::new())); let opaque = OpaqueStyleAndLayoutData { ptr: NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut StyleData), }; self.init_style_and_layout_data(opaque); }; } unsafe fn init_style_and_layout_data(&self, data: OpaqueStyleAndLayoutData) { self.get_jsmanaged().init_style_and_layout_data(data); } unsafe fn take_style_and_layout_data(&self) -> OpaqueStyleAndLayoutData { self.get_jsmanaged().take_style_and_layout_data() } } impl<'ln> GetLayoutData for ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { fn get_style_and_layout_data(&self) -> Option { unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged().get_style_and_layout_data() } } } impl<'le> GetLayoutData for ServoLayoutElement<'le> { fn get_style_and_layout_data(&self) -> Option { self.as_node().get_style_and_layout_data() } } impl<'ln> GetLayoutData for ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln> { fn get_style_and_layout_data(&self) -> Option { self.node.get_style_and_layout_data() } } impl<'le> GetLayoutData for ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement<'le> { fn get_style_and_layout_data(&self) -> Option { self.element.as_node().get_style_and_layout_data() } } impl<'ln> ServoLayoutNode<'ln> { /// Returns the interior of this node as a `LayoutDom`. This is highly unsafe for layout to /// call and as such is marked `unsafe`. pub unsafe fn get_jsmanaged(&self) -> &LayoutDom { &self.node } } // A wrapper around documents that ensures ayout can only ever access safe properties. #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct ServoLayoutDocument<'ld> { document: LayoutDom, chain: PhantomData<&'ld ()>, } impl<'ld> TDocument for ServoLayoutDocument<'ld> { type ConcreteNode = ServoLayoutNode<'ld>; fn as_node(&self) -> Self::ConcreteNode { ServoLayoutNode::from_layout_js(self.document.upcast()) } fn quirks_mode(&self) -> QuirksMode { unsafe { self.document.quirks_mode() } } fn is_html_document(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.document.is_html_document_for_layout() } } } impl<'ld> ServoLayoutDocument<'ld> { pub fn root_element(&self) -> Option> { self.as_node().dom_children().flat_map(|n| n.as_element()).next() } pub fn drain_pending_restyles(&self) -> Vec<(ServoLayoutElement<'ld>, PendingRestyle)> { let elements = unsafe { self.document.drain_pending_restyles() }; elements.into_iter().map(|(el, snapshot)| (ServoLayoutElement::from_layout_js(el), snapshot)).collect() } pub fn needs_paint_from_layout(&self) { unsafe { self.document.needs_paint_from_layout(); } } pub fn will_paint(&self) { unsafe { self.document.will_paint(); } } pub fn style_shared_lock(&self) -> &StyleSharedRwLock { unsafe { self.document.style_shared_lock() } } pub fn from_layout_js(doc: LayoutDom) -> ServoLayoutDocument<'ld> { ServoLayoutDocument { document: doc, chain: PhantomData, } } } /// A wrapper around elements that ensures layout can only ever access safe properties. #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct ServoLayoutElement<'le> { element: LayoutDom, chain: PhantomData<&'le ()>, } impl<'le> fmt::Debug for ServoLayoutElement<'le> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "<{}", self.element.local_name())?; if let Some(id) = self.id() { write!(f, " id={}", id)?; } write!(f, "> ({:#x})", self.as_node().opaque().0) } } impl<'le> TElement for ServoLayoutElement<'le> { type ConcreteNode = ServoLayoutNode<'le>; type TraversalChildrenIterator = DomChildren; type FontMetricsProvider = ServoMetricsProvider; fn as_node(&self) -> ServoLayoutNode<'le> { ServoLayoutNode::from_layout_js(self.element.upcast()) } fn traversal_children(&self) -> LayoutIterator { LayoutIterator(self.as_node().dom_children()) } fn is_html_element(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.element.is_html_element() } } fn style_attribute(&self) -> Option>> { unsafe { (*self.element.style_attribute()).as_ref().map(|x| x.borrow_arc()) } } fn state(&self) -> ElementState { self.element.get_state_for_layout() } #[inline] fn has_attr(&self, namespace: &Namespace, attr: &LocalName) -> bool { self.get_attr(namespace, attr).is_some() } #[inline] fn id(&self) -> Option<&Atom> { unsafe { (*self.element.id_attribute()).as_ref() } } #[inline(always)] fn each_class(&self, mut callback: F) where F: FnMut(&Atom) { unsafe { if let Some(ref classes) = self.element.get_classes_for_layout() { for class in *classes { callback(class) } } } } fn has_dirty_descendants(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.as_node().node.get_flag(NodeFlags::HAS_DIRTY_DESCENDANTS) } } fn has_snapshot(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.as_node().node.get_flag(NodeFlags::HAS_SNAPSHOT) } } fn handled_snapshot(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.as_node().node.get_flag(NodeFlags::HANDLED_SNAPSHOT) } } unsafe fn set_handled_snapshot(&self) { self.as_node().node.set_flag(NodeFlags::HANDLED_SNAPSHOT, true); } unsafe fn set_dirty_descendants(&self) { debug_assert!(self.as_node().is_in_document()); self.as_node().node.set_flag(NodeFlags::HAS_DIRTY_DESCENDANTS, true) } unsafe fn unset_dirty_descendants(&self) { self.as_node().node.set_flag(NodeFlags::HAS_DIRTY_DESCENDANTS, false) } fn store_children_to_process(&self, n: isize) { let data = self.get_style_data().unwrap(); data.parallel.children_to_process.store(n, Ordering::Relaxed); } fn did_process_child(&self) -> isize { let data = self.get_style_data().unwrap(); let old_value = data.parallel.children_to_process.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); debug_assert!(old_value >= 1); old_value - 1 } unsafe fn clear_data(&self) { if self.get_raw_data().is_some() { drop_style_and_layout_data(self.as_node().take_style_and_layout_data()); } } unsafe fn ensure_data(&self) -> AtomicRefMut { self.as_node().initialize_data(); self.mutate_data().unwrap() } fn get_data(&self) -> Option<&AtomicRefCell> { unsafe { self.get_style_and_layout_data().map(|d| { &(*(d.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut StyleData)).element_data }) } } fn skip_item_display_fixup(&self) -> bool { false } unsafe fn set_selector_flags(&self, flags: ElementSelectorFlags) { self.element.insert_selector_flags(flags); } fn has_selector_flags(&self, flags: ElementSelectorFlags) -> bool { self.element.has_selector_flags(flags) } fn has_animations(&self) -> bool { // We use this function not only for Gecko but also for Servo to know if this element has // animations, so we maybe try to get the important rules of this element. This is used for // off-main thread animations, but we don't support it on Servo, so return false directly. false } fn has_css_animations(&self) -> bool { unreachable!("this should be only called on gecko"); } fn has_css_transitions(&self) -> bool { unreachable!("this should be only called on gecko"); } #[inline] fn lang_attr(&self) -> Option { self.get_attr(&ns!(xml), &local_name!("lang")) .or_else(|| self.get_attr(&ns!(), &local_name!("lang"))) .map(|v| String::from(v as &str)) } fn match_element_lang( &self, override_lang: Option>, value: &PseudoClassStringArg, ) -> bool { // Servo supports :lang() from CSS Selectors 4, which can take a comma- // separated list of language tags in the pseudo-class, and which // performs RFC 4647 extended filtering matching on them. // // FIXME(heycam): This is wrong, since extended_filtering accepts // a string containing commas (separating each language tag in // a list) but the pseudo-class instead should be parsing and // storing separate or s for each language tag. // // FIXME(heycam): Look at `element`'s document's Content-Language // HTTP header for language tags to match `value` against. To // do this, we should make `get_lang_for_layout` return an Option, // so we can decide when to fall back to the Content-Language check. let element_lang = match override_lang { Some(Some(lang)) => lang, Some(None) => String::new(), None => self.element.get_lang_for_layout(), }; extended_filtering(&element_lang, &*value) } fn is_html_document_body_element(&self) -> bool { // This is only used for the "tables inherit from body" quirk, which we // don't implement. // // FIXME(emilio): We should be able to give the right answer though! false } fn synthesize_presentational_hints_for_legacy_attributes( &self, _visited_handling: VisitedHandlingMode, hints: &mut V, ) where V: Push, { unsafe { self.element.synthesize_presentational_hints_for_legacy_attributes(hints); } } fn shadow_root(&self) -> Option> { None } fn containing_shadow(&self) -> Option> { None } } impl<'le> PartialEq for ServoLayoutElement<'le> { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.as_node() == other.as_node() } } impl<'le> Hash for ServoLayoutElement<'le> { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.element.hash(state); } } impl<'le> Eq for ServoLayoutElement<'le> {} impl<'le> ServoLayoutElement<'le> { fn from_layout_js(el: LayoutDom) -> ServoLayoutElement<'le> { ServoLayoutElement { element: el, chain: PhantomData, } } #[inline] fn get_attr_enum(&self, namespace: &Namespace, name: &LocalName) -> Option<&AttrValue> { unsafe { (*self.element.unsafe_get()).get_attr_for_layout(namespace, name) } } #[inline] fn get_attr(&self, namespace: &Namespace, name: &LocalName) -> Option<&str> { unsafe { (*self.element.unsafe_get()).get_attr_val_for_layout(namespace, name) } } fn get_style_data(&self) -> Option<&StyleData> { unsafe { self.get_style_and_layout_data().map(|d| &*(d.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut StyleData)) } } pub unsafe fn unset_snapshot_flags(&self) { self.as_node().node.set_flag(NodeFlags::HAS_SNAPSHOT | NodeFlags::HANDLED_SNAPSHOT, false); } pub unsafe fn set_has_snapshot(&self) { self.as_node().node.set_flag(NodeFlags::HAS_SNAPSHOT, true); } pub unsafe fn note_dirty_descendant(&self) { use ::selectors::Element; let mut current = Some(*self); while let Some(el) = current { // FIXME(bholley): Ideally we'd have the invariant that any element // with has_dirty_descendants also has the bit set on all its // ancestors. However, there are currently some corner-cases where // we get that wrong. I have in-flight patches to fix all this // stuff up, so we just always propagate this bit for now. el.set_dirty_descendants(); current = el.parent_element(); } } } fn as_element<'le>(node: LayoutDom) -> Option> { node.downcast().map(ServoLayoutElement::from_layout_js) } impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for ServoLayoutElement<'le> { type Impl = SelectorImpl; fn opaque(&self) -> ::selectors::OpaqueElement { ::selectors::OpaqueElement::new(self.as_node().opaque().0 as *const ()) } fn parent_element(&self) -> Option> { unsafe { self.element.upcast().parent_node_ref().and_then(as_element) } } fn first_child_element(&self) -> Option> { self.as_node().dom_children().filter_map(|n| n.as_element()).next() } fn last_child_element(&self) -> Option> { self.as_node().rev_children().filter_map(|n| n.as_element()).next() } fn prev_sibling_element(&self) -> Option> { let mut node = self.as_node(); while let Some(sibling) = node.prev_sibling() { if let Some(element) = sibling.as_element() { return Some(element) } node = sibling; } None } fn next_sibling_element(&self) -> Option> { let mut node = self.as_node(); while let Some(sibling) = node.next_sibling() { if let Some(element) = sibling.as_element() { return Some(element) } node = sibling; } None } fn attr_matches(&self, ns: &NamespaceConstraint<&Namespace>, local_name: &LocalName, operation: &AttrSelectorOperation<&String>) -> bool { match *ns { NamespaceConstraint::Specific(ref ns) => { self.get_attr_enum(ns, local_name) .map_or(false, |value| value.eval_selector(operation)) } NamespaceConstraint::Any => { let values = unsafe { (*self.element.unsafe_get()).get_attr_vals_for_layout(local_name) }; values.iter().any(|value| value.eval_selector(operation)) } } } fn is_root(&self) -> bool { match self.as_node().parent_node() { None => false, Some(node) => { match node.script_type_id() { NodeTypeId::Document(_) => true, _ => false } }, } } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.as_node().dom_children().all(|node| match node.script_type_id() { NodeTypeId::Element(..) => false, NodeTypeId::CharacterData(CharacterDataTypeId::Text) => unsafe { node.node.downcast().unwrap().data_for_layout().is_empty() }, _ => true }) } #[inline] fn local_name(&self) -> &LocalName { self.element.local_name() } #[inline] fn namespace(&self) -> &Namespace { self.element.namespace() } fn match_pseudo_element( &self, _pseudo: &PseudoElement, _context: &mut MatchingContext, ) -> bool { false } fn match_non_ts_pseudo_class( &self, pseudo_class: &NonTSPseudoClass, _: &mut MatchingContext, _: &mut F, ) -> bool where F: FnMut(&Self, ElementSelectorFlags), { match *pseudo_class { // https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/8718 NonTSPseudoClass::Link | NonTSPseudoClass::AnyLink => self.is_link(), NonTSPseudoClass::Visited => false, NonTSPseudoClass::Lang(ref lang) => self.match_element_lang(None, &*lang), NonTSPseudoClass::ServoNonZeroBorder => unsafe { match (*self.element.unsafe_get()).get_attr_for_layout(&ns!(), &local_name!("border")) { None | Some(&AttrValue::UInt(_, 0)) => false, _ => true, } }, NonTSPseudoClass::ServoCaseSensitiveTypeAttr(ref expected_value) => { self.get_attr_enum(&ns!(), &local_name!("type")) .map_or(false, |attr| attr == expected_value) } NonTSPseudoClass::ReadOnly => !self.element.get_state_for_layout().contains(pseudo_class.state_flag()), NonTSPseudoClass::Active | NonTSPseudoClass::Focus | NonTSPseudoClass::Fullscreen | NonTSPseudoClass::Hover | NonTSPseudoClass::Enabled | NonTSPseudoClass::Disabled | NonTSPseudoClass::Checked | NonTSPseudoClass::Indeterminate | NonTSPseudoClass::ReadWrite | NonTSPseudoClass::PlaceholderShown | NonTSPseudoClass::Target => self.element.get_state_for_layout().contains(pseudo_class.state_flag()) } } #[inline] fn is_link(&self) -> bool { unsafe { match self.as_node().script_type_id() { // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#selector-link NodeTypeId::Element(ElementTypeId::HTMLElement(HTMLElementTypeId::HTMLAnchorElement)) | NodeTypeId::Element(ElementTypeId::HTMLElement(HTMLElementTypeId::HTMLAreaElement)) | NodeTypeId::Element(ElementTypeId::HTMLElement(HTMLElementTypeId::HTMLLinkElement)) => (*self.element.unsafe_get()).get_attr_val_for_layout(&ns!(), &local_name!("href")).is_some(), _ => false, } } } #[inline] fn has_id(&self, id: &Atom, case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity) -> bool { unsafe { (*self.element.id_attribute()) .as_ref() .map_or(false, |atom| case_sensitivity.eq_atom(atom, id)) } } #[inline] fn has_class(&self, name: &Atom, case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity) -> bool { unsafe { self.element.has_class_for_layout(name, case_sensitivity) } } fn is_html_slot_element(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.element.is_html_element() && self.local_name() == &local_name!("slot") } } fn is_html_element_in_html_document(&self) -> bool { unsafe { if !self.element.is_html_element() { return false; } } self.as_node().owner_doc().is_html_document() } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln> { /// The wrapped node. node: ServoLayoutNode<'ln>, /// The pseudo-element type, with (optionally) /// a specified display value to override the stylesheet. pseudo: PseudoElementType, } impl<'a> PartialEq for ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'a> { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'a>) -> bool { self.node == other.node } } impl<'ln> DangerousThreadSafeLayoutNode for ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln> { unsafe fn dangerous_first_child(&self) -> Option { self.get_jsmanaged().first_child_ref() .map(|node| self.new_with_this_lifetime(&node)) } unsafe fn dangerous_next_sibling(&self) -> Option { self.get_jsmanaged().next_sibling_ref() .map(|node| self.new_with_this_lifetime(&node)) } } impl<'ln> ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln> { /// Creates a new layout node with the same lifetime as this layout node. pub unsafe fn new_with_this_lifetime(&self, node: &LayoutDom) -> ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln> { ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode { node: self.node.new_with_this_lifetime(node), pseudo: PseudoElementType::Normal, } } /// Creates a new `ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode` from the given `ServoLayoutNode`. pub fn new<'a>(node: &ServoLayoutNode<'a>) -> ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'a> { ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode { node: node.clone(), pseudo: PseudoElementType::Normal, } } /// Returns the interior of this node as a `LayoutDom`. This is highly unsafe for layout to /// call and as such is marked `unsafe`. unsafe fn get_jsmanaged(&self) -> &LayoutDom { self.node.get_jsmanaged() } } impl<'ln> NodeInfo for ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln> { fn is_element(&self) -> bool { self.node.is_element() } fn is_text_node(&self) -> bool { self.node.is_text_node() } } impl<'ln> ThreadSafeLayoutNode for ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'ln> { type ConcreteNode = ServoLayoutNode<'ln>; type ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutElement = ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement<'ln>; type ConcreteElement = ServoLayoutElement<'ln>; type ChildrenIterator = ThreadSafeLayoutNodeChildrenIterator; fn opaque(&self) -> OpaqueNode { unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged().opaque() } } fn type_id(&self) -> Option { if self.pseudo == PseudoElementType::Normal { Some(self.node.type_id()) } else { None } } fn parent_style(&self) -> Arc { let parent = self.node.parent_node().unwrap().as_element().unwrap(); let parent_data = parent.get_data().unwrap().borrow(); parent_data.styles.primary().clone() } fn debug_id(self) -> usize { self.node.debug_id() } fn children(&self) -> LayoutIterator { LayoutIterator(ThreadSafeLayoutNodeChildrenIterator::new(*self)) } fn as_element(&self) -> Option> { self.node.as_element().map(|el| ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement { element: el, pseudo: self.pseudo, }) } fn get_style_and_layout_data(&self) -> Option { self.node.get_style_and_layout_data() } fn is_ignorable_whitespace(&self, context: &SharedStyleContext) -> bool { unsafe { let text: LayoutDom = match self.get_jsmanaged().downcast() { Some(text) => text, None => return false }; if !is_whitespace(text.upcast().data_for_layout()) { return false } // NB: See the rules for `white-space` here: // // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#propdef-white-space // // If you implement other values for this property, you will almost certainly // want to update this check. !self.style(context).get_inheritedtext().white_space.preserve_newlines() } } unsafe fn unsafe_get(self) -> Self::ConcreteNode { self.node } fn node_text_content(&self) -> String { let this = unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged() }; return this.text_content(); } fn selection(&self) -> Option> { let this = unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged() }; this.selection().map(|range| { Range::new(ByteIndex(range.start as isize), ByteIndex(range.len() as isize)) }) } fn image_url(&self) -> Option { let this = unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged() }; this.image_url() } fn canvas_data(&self) -> Option { let this = unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged() }; this.canvas_data() } fn svg_data(&self) -> Option { let this = unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged() }; this.svg_data() } // Can return None if the iframe has no nested browsing context fn iframe_browsing_context_id(&self) -> Option { let this = unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged() }; this.iframe_browsing_context_id() } // Can return None if the iframe has no nested browsing context fn iframe_pipeline_id(&self) -> Option { let this = unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged() }; this.iframe_pipeline_id() } fn get_colspan(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged().downcast::().unwrap().get_colspan() } } fn get_rowspan(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { self.get_jsmanaged().downcast::().unwrap().get_rowspan() } } } pub struct ThreadSafeLayoutNodeChildrenIterator { current_node: Option, parent_node: ConcreteNode, } impl ThreadSafeLayoutNodeChildrenIterator where ConcreteNode: DangerousThreadSafeLayoutNode { pub fn new(parent: ConcreteNode) -> Self { let first_child: Option = match parent.get_pseudo_element_type() { PseudoElementType::Normal => { parent.get_before_pseudo().or_else(|| parent.get_details_summary_pseudo()).or_else(|| { unsafe { parent.dangerous_first_child() } }) }, PseudoElementType::DetailsContent | PseudoElementType::DetailsSummary => { unsafe { parent.dangerous_first_child() } }, _ => None, }; ThreadSafeLayoutNodeChildrenIterator { current_node: first_child, parent_node: parent, } } } impl Iterator for ThreadSafeLayoutNodeChildrenIterator where ConcreteNode: DangerousThreadSafeLayoutNode { type Item = ConcreteNode; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { use ::selectors::Element; match self.parent_node.get_pseudo_element_type() { PseudoElementType::Before | PseudoElementType::After => None, PseudoElementType::DetailsSummary => { let mut current_node = self.current_node.clone(); loop { let next_node = if let Some(ref node) = current_node { if let Some(element) = node.as_element() { if element.local_name() == &local_name!("summary") && element.namespace() == &ns!(html) { self.current_node = None; return Some(node.clone()); } } unsafe { node.dangerous_next_sibling() } } else { self.current_node = None; return None }; current_node = next_node; } } PseudoElementType::DetailsContent => { let node = self.current_node.clone(); let node = node.and_then(|node| { if node.is_element() && node.as_element().unwrap().local_name() == &local_name!("summary") && node.as_element().unwrap().namespace() == &ns!(html) { unsafe { node.dangerous_next_sibling() } } else { Some(node) } }); self.current_node = node.and_then(|node| unsafe { node.dangerous_next_sibling() }); node } PseudoElementType::Normal => { let node = self.current_node.clone(); if let Some(ref node) = node { self.current_node = match node.get_pseudo_element_type() { PseudoElementType::Before => { self.parent_node.get_details_summary_pseudo() .or_else(|| unsafe { self.parent_node.dangerous_first_child() }) .or_else(|| self.parent_node.get_after_pseudo()) }, PseudoElementType::Normal => { unsafe { node.dangerous_next_sibling() }.or_else(|| self.parent_node.get_after_pseudo()) }, PseudoElementType::DetailsSummary => self.parent_node.get_details_content_pseudo(), PseudoElementType::DetailsContent => self.parent_node.get_after_pseudo(), PseudoElementType::After => None, }; } node } } } } /// A wrapper around elements that ensures layout can only /// ever access safe properties and cannot race on elements. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement<'le> { element: ServoLayoutElement<'le>, /// The pseudo-element type, with (optionally) /// a specified display value to override the stylesheet. pseudo: PseudoElementType, } impl<'le> ThreadSafeLayoutElement for ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement<'le> { type ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode = ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'le>; type ConcreteElement = ServoLayoutElement<'le>; fn as_node(&self) -> ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode<'le> { ServoThreadSafeLayoutNode { node: self.element.as_node(), pseudo: self.pseudo.clone(), } } fn get_pseudo_element_type(&self) -> PseudoElementType { self.pseudo } fn with_pseudo(&self, pseudo: PseudoElementType) -> Self { ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement { element: self.element.clone(), pseudo, } } fn type_id(&self) -> Option { self.as_node().type_id() } unsafe fn unsafe_get(self) -> ServoLayoutElement<'le> { self.element } fn get_attr_enum(&self, namespace: &Namespace, name: &LocalName) -> Option<&AttrValue> { self.element.get_attr_enum(namespace, name) } fn get_attr<'a>(&'a self, namespace: &Namespace, name: &LocalName) -> Option<&'a str> { self.element.get_attr(namespace, name) } fn style_data(&self) -> AtomicRef { self.element.get_data() .expect("Unstyled layout node?") .borrow() } } /// This implementation of `::selectors::Element` is used for implementing lazy /// pseudo-elements. /// /// Lazy pseudo-elements in Servo only allows selectors using safe properties, /// i.e., local_name, attributes, so they can only be used for **private** /// pseudo-elements (like `::-servo-details-content`). /// /// Probably a few more of this functions can be implemented (like `has_class`, etc.), /// but they have no use right now. /// /// Note that the element implementation is needed only for selector matching, /// not for inheritance (styles are inherited appropiately). impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement<'le> { type Impl = SelectorImpl; fn opaque(&self) -> ::selectors::OpaqueElement { ::selectors::OpaqueElement::new(self.as_node().opaque().0 as *const ()) } fn parent_element(&self) -> Option { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::parent_element called"); None } fn first_child_element(&self) -> Option { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::first_child_element called"); None } // Skips non-element nodes fn last_child_element(&self) -> Option { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::last_child_element called"); None } // Skips non-element nodes fn prev_sibling_element(&self) -> Option { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::prev_sibling_element called"); None } // Skips non-element nodes fn next_sibling_element(&self) -> Option { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::next_sibling_element called"); None } fn is_html_slot_element(&self) -> bool { self.element.is_html_slot_element() } fn is_html_element_in_html_document(&self) -> bool { debug!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::is_html_element_in_html_document called"); true } #[inline] fn local_name(&self) -> &LocalName { self.element.local_name() } #[inline] fn namespace(&self) -> &Namespace { self.element.namespace() } fn match_pseudo_element( &self, _pseudo: &PseudoElement, _context: &mut MatchingContext ) -> bool { false } fn attr_matches(&self, ns: &NamespaceConstraint<&Namespace>, local_name: &LocalName, operation: &AttrSelectorOperation<&String>) -> bool { match *ns { NamespaceConstraint::Specific(ref ns) => { self.get_attr_enum(ns, local_name) .map_or(false, |value| value.eval_selector(operation)) } NamespaceConstraint::Any => { let values = unsafe { (*self.element.element.unsafe_get()).get_attr_vals_for_layout(local_name) }; values.iter().any(|v| v.eval_selector(operation)) } } } fn match_non_ts_pseudo_class( &self, _: &NonTSPseudoClass, _: &mut MatchingContext, _: &mut F, ) -> bool where F: FnMut(&Self, ElementSelectorFlags), { // NB: This could maybe be implemented warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::match_non_ts_pseudo_class called"); false } fn is_link(&self) -> bool { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::is_link called"); false } fn has_id(&self, _id: &Atom, _case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity) -> bool { debug!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::has_id called"); false } fn has_class(&self, _name: &Atom, _case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity) -> bool { debug!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::has_class called"); false } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::is_empty called"); false } fn is_root(&self) -> bool { warn!("ServoThreadSafeLayoutElement::is_root called"); false } }