#define CODE_lp_utils #include #include "commonlib.h" #include "lp_lib.h" #include "lp_utils.h" #include #include #ifdef FORTIFY # include "lp_fortify.h" #endif #include "R.h" /* Miscellaneous utilities as implemented for lp_solve v5.0+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Kjell Eikland Contact: kjell.eikland@broadpark.no License terms: GLPL. Requires: lp_utils.h, lp_lib.h Release notes: v1.0.0 1 January 2003 Memory allocation, sorting, searching, time and doubly linked list functions. v1.1.0 15 May 2004 Added vector packing functionality v1.2.0 10 January 2005 Added vector pushing/popping functionality Modified return values and fixed problem in linked list functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC MYBOOL allocCHAR(lprec *lp, char **ptr, int size, MYBOOL clear) { if(clear == TRUE) *ptr = (char *) calloc(size, sizeof(**ptr)); else if(clear & AUTOMATIC) { *ptr = (char *) realloc(*ptr, size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(clear & TRUE) MEMCLEAR(*ptr, size); } else *ptr = (char *) malloc(size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(((*ptr) == NULL) && (size > 0)) { lp->report(lp, CRITICAL, "alloc of %d 'char' failed\n", size); lp->spx_status = NOMEMORY; return( FALSE ); } else return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL allocMYBOOL(lprec *lp, MYBOOL **ptr, int size, MYBOOL clear) { if(clear == TRUE) *ptr = (MYBOOL *) calloc(size, sizeof(**ptr)); else if(clear & AUTOMATIC) { *ptr = (MYBOOL *) realloc(*ptr, size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(clear & TRUE) MEMCLEAR(*ptr, size); } else *ptr = (MYBOOL *) malloc(size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(((*ptr) == NULL) && (size > 0)) { lp->report(lp, CRITICAL, "alloc of %d 'MYBOOL' failed\n", size); lp->spx_status = NOMEMORY; return( FALSE ); } else return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL allocINT(lprec *lp, int **ptr, int size, MYBOOL clear) { if(clear == TRUE) *ptr = (int *) calloc(size, sizeof(**ptr)); else if(clear & AUTOMATIC) { *ptr = (int *) realloc(*ptr, size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(clear & TRUE) MEMCLEAR(*ptr, size); } else *ptr = (int *) malloc(size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(((*ptr) == NULL) && (size > 0)) { lp->report(lp, CRITICAL, "alloc of %d 'INT' failed\n", size); lp->spx_status = NOMEMORY; return( FALSE ); } else return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL allocREAL(lprec *lp, REAL **ptr, int size, MYBOOL clear) { if(clear == TRUE) *ptr = (REAL *) calloc(size, sizeof(**ptr)); else if(clear & AUTOMATIC) { *ptr = (REAL *) realloc(*ptr, size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(clear & TRUE) MEMCLEAR(*ptr, size); } else *ptr = (REAL *) malloc(size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(((*ptr) == NULL) && (size > 0)) { lp->report(lp, CRITICAL, "alloc of %d 'REAL' failed\n", size); lp->spx_status = NOMEMORY; return( FALSE ); } else return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL allocLREAL(lprec *lp, LREAL **ptr, int size, MYBOOL clear) { if(clear == TRUE) *ptr = (LREAL *) calloc(size, sizeof(**ptr)); else if(clear & AUTOMATIC) { *ptr = (LREAL *) realloc(*ptr, size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(clear & TRUE) MEMCLEAR(*ptr, size); } else *ptr = (LREAL *) malloc(size * sizeof(**ptr)); if(((*ptr) == NULL) && (size > 0)) { lp->report(lp, CRITICAL, "alloc of %d 'LREAL' failed\n", size); lp->spx_status = NOMEMORY; return( FALSE ); } else return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL allocFREE(lprec *lp, void **ptr) { MYBOOL status = TRUE; if(*ptr != NULL) { free(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; } else { status = FALSE; lp->report(lp, CRITICAL, "free() failed on line %d of file %s\n", __LINE__, __FILE__); } return(status); } /* Do hoops to provide debugging info with FORTIFY */ #undef CODE_lp_utils #include "lp_utils.h" /* alloc-routines should always be before this line! */ #if 0 !if !defined INLINE void set_biton(MYBOOL *bitarray, int item) { bitarray[item / 8] |= (1 << (item % 8)); } void set_bitoff(MYBOOL *bitarray, int item) { bitarray[item / 8] &= ~(1 << (item % 8)); } MYBOOL is_biton(MYBOOL *bitarray, int item) { return( (MYBOOL) ((bitarray[item / 8] & (1 << (item % 8))) != 0) ); } !endif #endif int comp_bits(MYBOOL *bitarray1, MYBOOL *bitarray2, int items) { int i, items4, left = 0, right = 0; MYBOOL comp1; unsigned long comp4; /* Convert items count to 8-bit representation, if necessary */ if(items > 0) { i = items % 8; items /= 8; if(i) items++; } else items = -items; /* Do the wide unsigned integer part for speed */ items4 = items / sizeof(unsigned long); i = 0; while(i < items4) { comp4 = ((unsigned long *) bitarray1)[i] & ~((unsigned long *) bitarray2)[i]; if(comp4) left++; comp4 = ((unsigned long *) bitarray2)[i] & ~((unsigned long *) bitarray1)[i]; if(comp4) right++; i++; } /* Do the trailing slow narrow unsigned integer part */ i *= sizeof(unsigned long); i++; while(i < items) { comp1 = bitarray1[i] & ~bitarray2[i]; if(comp1) left++; comp1 = bitarray2[i] & ~bitarray1[i]; if(comp1) right++; i++; } /* Determine set comparison outcomes */ if((left > 0) && (right == 0)) /* array1 is a superset of array2 */ i = 1; else if((left == 0) && (right > 0)) /* array2 is a superset of array1 */ i = -1; else if((left == 0) && (right == 0)) /* array1 and array2 are identical */ i = 0; else i = -2; /* indicate all other outcomes */ return( i ); } STATIC workarraysrec *mempool_create(lprec *lp) { workarraysrec *temp; temp = (workarraysrec *) calloc(1, sizeof(workarraysrec)); temp->lp = lp; return( temp ); } STATIC char *mempool_obtainVector(workarraysrec *mempool, int count, int unitsize) { char *newmem = NULL; MYBOOL *bnewmem = NULL; int *inewmem = NULL, size, i, ib, ie, memMargin = 0; REAL *rnewmem = NULL; /* First find the iso-sized window (binary search) */ size = count*unitsize; memMargin += size; ib = 0; ie = mempool->count-1; while(ie >= ib) { i = (ib+ie) / 2; if(abs(mempool->vectorsize[i]) > memMargin) ie = i-1; else if(abs(mempool->vectorsize[i]) < size) ib = i+1; else { /* Find the beginning of the exact-sized array group */ do { ib = i; i--; } while((i >= 0) && (abs(mempool->vectorsize[i]) >= size)); break; } } /* Check if we have a preallocated unused array of sufficient size */ ie = mempool->count-1; for(i = ib; i <= ie; i++) if(mempool->vectorsize[i] < 0) break; /* Obtain and activate existing, unused vector if we are permitted */ if(i <= ie) { #ifdef Paranoia if((mempool->vectorsize[i] > 0) || (abs(mempool->vectorsize[i]) < size)) { lprec *lp = mempool->lp; lp->report(lp, SEVERE, "mempool_obtainVector: Invalid %s existing vector selected\n", (ie < 0 ? "too small" : "occupied")); lp->spx_status = NOMEMORY; lp->bb_break = TRUE; return( newmem ); } #endif newmem = mempool->vectorarray[i]; mempool->vectorsize[i] *= -1; } /* Otherwise allocate a new vector */ else if(unitsize == sizeof(MYBOOL)) { allocMYBOOL(mempool->lp, &bnewmem, count, TRUE); newmem = (char *) bnewmem; } else if(unitsize == sizeof(int)) { allocINT(mempool->lp, &inewmem, count, TRUE); newmem = (char *) inewmem; } else if(unitsize == sizeof(REAL)) { allocREAL(mempool->lp, &rnewmem, count, TRUE); newmem = (char *) rnewmem; } /* Insert into master array if necessary (maintain sort by ascending size) */ if((i > ie) && (newmem != NULL)) { mempool->count++; if(mempool->count >= mempool->size) { mempool->size += 10; mempool->vectorarray = (char **) realloc(mempool->vectorarray, sizeof(*(mempool->vectorarray))*mempool->size); mempool->vectorsize = (int *) realloc(mempool->vectorsize, sizeof(*(mempool->vectorsize))*mempool->size); } ie++; i = ie + 1; if(i < mempool->count) { MEMMOVE(mempool->vectorarray+i, mempool->vectorarray+ie, 1); MEMMOVE(mempool->vectorsize+i, mempool->vectorsize+ie, 1); } mempool->vectorarray[ie] = newmem; mempool->vectorsize[ie] = size; } return( newmem ); } STATIC MYBOOL mempool_releaseVector(workarraysrec *mempool, char *memvector, MYBOOL forcefree) { int i; #if 0 forcefree = TRUE; #endif for(i = mempool->count-1; i >= 0; i--) if(mempool->vectorarray[i] == memvector) break; if((i < 0) || (mempool->vectorsize[i] < 0)) return( FALSE ); if(forcefree) { FREE(mempool->vectorarray[i]); mempool->count--; for(; i < mempool->count; i++) mempool->vectorarray[i] = mempool->vectorarray[i+1]; } else mempool->vectorsize[i] *= -1; return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL mempool_free(workarraysrec **mempool) { int i = (*mempool)->count; while(i > 0) { i--; if((*mempool)->vectorsize[i] < 0) /* Handle unused vectors */ (*mempool)->vectorsize[i] *= -1; mempool_releaseVector(*mempool, (*mempool)->vectorarray[i], TRUE); } FREE((*mempool)->vectorarray); FREE((*mempool)->vectorsize); FREE(*mempool); return( TRUE ); } REAL *cloneREAL(lprec *lp, REAL *origlist, int size) { REAL *newlist; size += 1; if(allocREAL(lp, &newlist, size, FALSE)) MEMCOPY(newlist, origlist, size); return(newlist); } MYBOOL *cloneMYBOOL(lprec *lp, MYBOOL *origlist, int size) { MYBOOL *newlist; size += 1; if(allocMYBOOL(lp, &newlist, size, FALSE)) MEMCOPY(newlist, origlist, size); return(newlist); } int *cloneINT(lprec *lp, int *origlist, int size) { int *newlist; size += 1; if(allocINT(lp, &newlist, size, FALSE)) MEMCOPY(newlist, origlist, size); return(newlist); } STATIC void roundVector(LREAL *myvector, int endpos, LREAL roundzero) { if(roundzero > 0) for(; endpos >= 0; myvector++, endpos--) if(fabs(*myvector) < roundzero) *myvector = 0; } STATIC REAL normalizeVector(REAL *myvector, int endpos) /* Scale the ingoing vector so that its norm is unit, and return the original length */ { int i; REAL SSQ; /* Cumulate squares */ SSQ = 0; for(i = 0; i <= endpos; myvector++, i++) SSQ += (*myvector) * (*myvector); /* Normalize */ SSQ = sqrt(SSQ); if(SSQ > 0) for(myvector--; i > 0; myvector--, i--) (*myvector) /= SSQ; return( SSQ ); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Other general utilities */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC void swapINT(int *item1, int *item2) { int hold = *item1; *item1 = *item2; *item2 = hold; } STATIC void swapREAL(REAL *item1, REAL *item2) { REAL hold = *item1; *item1 = *item2; *item2 = hold; } STATIC void swapPTR(void **item1, void **item2) { void *hold; hold = *item1; *item1 = *item2; *item2 = hold; } STATIC REAL restoreINT(REAL valREAL, REAL epsilon) { REAL valINT, fracREAL, fracABS; fracREAL = modf(valREAL, &valINT); fracABS = fabs(fracREAL); if(fracABS < epsilon) return(valINT); else if(fracABS > 1-epsilon) { if(fracREAL < 0) return(valINT-1); else return(valINT+1); } return(valREAL); } STATIC REAL roundToPrecision(REAL value, REAL precision) { #if 1 REAL vmod; int vexp2, vexp10; LLONG sign; if(precision == 0) return(value); sign = my_sign(value); value = fabs(value); /* Round to integer if possible */ if(value < precision) return( 0 ); else if(value == floor(value)) return( value*sign ); else if((value < (REAL) MAXINT64) && (modf((REAL) (value+precision), &vmod) < precision)) { sign *= (LLONG) (value+precision); return( (REAL) sign ); } /* Optionally round with base 2 representation for additional precision */ #define roundPrecisionBase2 #ifdef roundPrecisionBase2 value = frexp(value, &vexp2); #else vexp2 = 0; #endif /* Convert to desired precision */ vexp10 = (int) log10(value); precision *= pow(10.0, vexp10); modf(value/precision+0.5, &value); value *= sign*precision; /* Restore base 10 representation if base 2 was active */ if(vexp2 != 0) value = ldexp(value, vexp2); #endif return( value ); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Searching function specialized for lp_solve */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC int searchFor(int target, int *attributes, int size, int offset, MYBOOL absolute) { int beginPos, endPos; int newPos, match; /* Set starting and ending index offsets */ beginPos = offset; endPos = beginPos + size - 1; /* Do binary search logic based on a sorted attribute vector */ newPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; match = attributes[newPos]; if(absolute) match = abs(match); while(endPos - beginPos > LINEARSEARCH) { if(match < target) { beginPos = newPos + 1; newPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; match = attributes[newPos]; if(absolute) match = abs(match); } else if(match > target) { endPos = newPos - 1; newPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; match = attributes[newPos]; if(absolute) match = abs(match); } else { beginPos = newPos; endPos = newPos; } } /* Do linear (unsorted) search logic */ if(endPos - beginPos <= LINEARSEARCH) { match = attributes[beginPos]; if(absolute) match = abs(match); while((beginPos < endPos) && (match != target)) { beginPos++; match = attributes[beginPos]; if(absolute) match = abs(match); } if(match == target) endPos = beginPos; } /* Return the index if a match was found, or signal failure with a -1 */ if((beginPos == endPos) && (match == target)) return(beginPos); else return(-1); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Other supporting math routines */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC MYBOOL isINT(lprec *lp, REAL value) { #if 0 return( (MYBOOL) (modf(fabs(value)+lp->epsint, &value) < 2*lp->epsint) ); #elif 1 value = fabs(value)+lp->epsint; return( (MYBOOL) (my_reldiff(value, floor(value)) < 2*lp->epsint) ); #elif 0 static REAL hold; value = fabs(value); hold = pow(10, MIN(-2, log10(value+1)+log10(lp->epsint))); return( (MYBOOL) (modf(value+lp->epsint, &value) < 2*hold) ); #elif 0 value -= (REAL)floor(value); return( (MYBOOL) ((value < lp->epsint) || (value > (1 - lp->epsint)) ); #else value += lp->epsint; return( (MYBOOL) (fabs(value-floor(value)) < 2*lp->epsint) ); #endif } STATIC MYBOOL isOrigFixed(lprec *lp, int varno) { return( (MYBOOL) (lp->orig_upbo[varno] - lp->orig_lowbo[varno] <= lp->epsmachine) ); } STATIC void chsign_bounds(REAL *lobound, REAL *upbound) { REAL temp; temp = *upbound; if(fabs(*lobound) > 0) *upbound = -(*lobound); else *upbound = 0; if(fabs(temp) > 0) *lobound = -temp; else *lobound = 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Define randomization routine */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC REAL rand_uniform(lprec *lp, REAL range) { static MYBOOL randomized = FALSE; if(!randomized) { GetRNGstate(); /* Original code: srand((unsigned) time( NULL )); */ randomized = TRUE; } /* We need to call Put when we're done. So...every time? */ range *= (REAL) unif_rand(); PutRNGstate(); /* Original code: range *= (REAL) rand() / (REAL) RAND_MAX; */ return( range ); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Define routines for doubly linked lists of integers */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC int createLink(int size, LLrec **linkmap, MYBOOL *usedpos) { int i, j; MYBOOL reverse; *linkmap = (LLrec *) calloc(1, sizeof(**linkmap)); if(*linkmap == NULL) return( -1 ); reverse = (MYBOOL) (size < 0); if(reverse) size = -size; (*linkmap)->map = (int *) calloc(2*(size + 1), sizeof(int)); if((*linkmap)->map == NULL) return( -1 ); (*linkmap)->size = size; j = 0; if(usedpos == NULL) (*linkmap)->map[0] = 0; else { for(i = 1; i <= size; i++) if(!usedpos[i] ^ reverse) { /* Set the forward link */ (*linkmap)->map[j] = i; /* Set the backward link */ (*linkmap)->map[size+i] = j; j = i; if((*linkmap)->count == 0) (*linkmap)->firstitem = i; (*linkmap)->lastitem = i; (*linkmap)->count++; } } (*linkmap)->map[2*size+1] = j; return( (*linkmap)->count ); } STATIC MYBOOL freeLink(LLrec **linkmap) { MYBOOL status = TRUE; if((linkmap == NULL) || (*linkmap == NULL)) status = FALSE; else { if((*linkmap)->map != NULL) free((*linkmap)->map); free(*linkmap); *linkmap = NULL; } return( status ); } STATIC int sizeLink(LLrec *linkmap) { return(linkmap->size); } STATIC MYBOOL isActiveLink(LLrec *linkmap, int itemnr) { if((linkmap->map[itemnr] != 0) || (linkmap->map[linkmap->size+itemnr] != 0) || (linkmap->map[0] == itemnr)) return( TRUE ); else return( FALSE ); } STATIC int countActiveLink(LLrec *linkmap) { return(linkmap->count); } STATIC int countInactiveLink(LLrec *linkmap) { return(linkmap->size-linkmap->count); } STATIC int firstActiveLink(LLrec *linkmap) { return(linkmap->map[0]); } STATIC int lastActiveLink(LLrec *linkmap) { return(linkmap->map[2*linkmap->size+1]); } STATIC MYBOOL appendLink(LLrec *linkmap, int newitem) { int k, size; size = linkmap->size; if(linkmap->map[newitem] != 0) return( FALSE ); /* Link forward */ k = linkmap->map[2*size+1]; linkmap->map[k] = newitem; /* Link backward */ linkmap->map[size+newitem] = k; linkmap->map[2*size+1] = newitem; /* Update count and return */ if(linkmap->count == 0) linkmap->firstitem = newitem; linkmap->lastitem = newitem; linkmap->count++; return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL insertLink(LLrec *linkmap, int afteritem, int newitem) { int k, size; size = linkmap->size; if(linkmap->map[newitem] != 0) return( FALSE ); if(afteritem == linkmap->map[2*size+1]) appendLink(linkmap, newitem); else { /* Link forward */ k = linkmap->map[afteritem]; linkmap->map[afteritem] = newitem; linkmap->map[newitem] = k; /* Link backward */ linkmap->map[size+k] = newitem; linkmap->map[size+newitem] = afteritem; /* Update count */ SETMIN(linkmap->firstitem, newitem); SETMAX(linkmap->lastitem, newitem); linkmap->count++; } return( TRUE ); } STATIC MYBOOL setLink(LLrec *linkmap, int newitem) { if(isActiveLink(linkmap, newitem)) return( FALSE ); else return( insertLink(linkmap, prevActiveLink(linkmap, newitem), newitem) ); } STATIC MYBOOL fillLink(LLrec *linkmap) { int k, size; size = linkmap->size; k = firstActiveLink(linkmap); if(k != 0) return( FALSE ); for(k = 1; k <= size; k++) appendLink(linkmap, k); return( TRUE ); } STATIC int nextActiveLink(LLrec *linkmap, int backitemnr) { if((backitemnr < 0) || (backitemnr > linkmap->size)) return( -1 ); else { if(backitemnr < linkmap->lastitem) while((backitemnr > linkmap->firstitem) && (linkmap->map[backitemnr] == 0)) backitemnr--; return(linkmap->map[backitemnr]); } } STATIC int prevActiveLink(LLrec *linkmap, int forwitemnr) { if((forwitemnr <= 0) || (forwitemnr > linkmap->size+1)) return( -1 ); else { if(forwitemnr > linkmap->lastitem) return( linkmap->lastitem); if(forwitemnr > linkmap->firstitem) { forwitemnr += linkmap->size; while((forwitemnr < linkmap->size + linkmap->lastitem) && (linkmap->map[forwitemnr] == 0)) forwitemnr++; } else forwitemnr += linkmap->size; return(linkmap->map[forwitemnr]); } } STATIC int firstInactiveLink(LLrec *linkmap) { int i, n; if(countInactiveLink(linkmap) == 0) return( 0 ); n = 1; i = firstActiveLink(linkmap); while(i == n) { n++; i = nextActiveLink(linkmap, i); } return( n ); } STATIC int lastInactiveLink(LLrec *linkmap) { int i, n; if(countInactiveLink(linkmap) == 0) return( 0 ); n = linkmap->size; i = lastActiveLink(linkmap); while(i == n) { n--; i = prevActiveLink(linkmap, i); } return( n ); } STATIC int nextInactiveLink(LLrec *linkmap, int backitemnr) { do { backitemnr++; } while((backitemnr <= linkmap->size) && isActiveLink(linkmap, backitemnr)); if(backitemnr <= linkmap->size) return( backitemnr ); else return( 0 ); } STATIC int prevInactiveLink(LLrec *linkmap, int forwitemnr) { return( 0 ); } STATIC int removeLink(LLrec *linkmap, int itemnr) { int size, prevnr, nextnr = -1; size = linkmap->size; if((itemnr <= 0) || (itemnr > size)) return( nextnr ); #ifdef Paranoia if(!isActiveLink(linkmap, itemnr)) return( nextnr ); #endif /* Get link data at the specified position */ nextnr = linkmap->map[itemnr]; prevnr = linkmap->map[size+itemnr]; if(itemnr == linkmap->firstitem) linkmap->firstitem = nextnr; if(itemnr == linkmap->lastitem) linkmap->lastitem = prevnr; /* Update forward link */ linkmap->map[prevnr] = linkmap->map[itemnr]; linkmap->map[itemnr] = 0; /* Update backward link */ if(nextnr == 0) linkmap->map[2*size+1] = prevnr; else linkmap->map[size+nextnr] = linkmap->map[size+itemnr]; linkmap->map[size+itemnr] = 0; /* Decrement the count */ linkmap->count--; /* Return the next active item */ return( nextnr ); } STATIC LLrec *cloneLink(LLrec *sourcemap, int newsize, MYBOOL freesource) { LLrec *testmap = NULL; if((newsize == sourcemap->size) || (newsize <= 0)) { createLink(sourcemap->size, &testmap, NULL); MEMCOPY(testmap->map, sourcemap->map, 2*(sourcemap->size+1)); testmap->firstitem = sourcemap->firstitem; testmap->lastitem = sourcemap->lastitem; testmap->size = sourcemap->size; testmap->count = sourcemap->count; } else { int j; createLink(newsize, &testmap, NULL); for(j = firstActiveLink(sourcemap); (j != 0) && (j <= newsize); j = nextActiveLink(sourcemap, j)) appendLink(testmap, j); } if(freesource) freeLink(&sourcemap); return(testmap); } STATIC int compareLink(LLrec *linkmap1, LLrec *linkmap2) { int test; test = memcmp(&linkmap1->size, &linkmap2->size, sizeof(int)); if(test == 0) test = memcmp(&linkmap1->count, &linkmap2->count, sizeof(int)); if(test == 0) test = memcmp(linkmap1->map, linkmap2->map, sizeof(int)*(2*linkmap1->size+1)); return( test ); } STATIC MYBOOL verifyLink(LLrec *linkmap, int itemnr, MYBOOL doappend) { LLrec *testmap; testmap = cloneLink(linkmap, -1, FALSE); if(doappend) { appendLink(testmap, itemnr); removeLink(testmap, itemnr); } else { int previtem = prevActiveLink(testmap, itemnr); removeLink(testmap, itemnr); insertLink(testmap, previtem, itemnr); } itemnr = compareLink(linkmap, testmap); freeLink(&testmap); return((MYBOOL) (itemnr == 0)); } /* Packed vector routines */ STATIC PVrec *createPackedVector(int size, REAL *values, int *workvector) { int i, k; REGISTER REAL ref; PVrec *newPV = NULL; MYBOOL localWV = (MYBOOL) (workvector == NULL); if(localWV) workvector = (int *) malloc((size+1)*sizeof(*workvector)); /* Tally equal-valued vector entries - also check if it is worth compressing */ k = 0; workvector[k] = 1; ref = values[1]; for(i = 2; i <= size; i++) { if(fabs(ref - values[i]) > DEF_EPSMACHINE) { k++; workvector[k] = i; ref = values[i]; } } if(k > size / 2) { if(localWV) FREE(workvector); return( newPV ); } /* Create the packing object, adjust the position vector and allocate value vector */ newPV = (PVrec *) malloc(sizeof(*newPV)); k++; /* Adjust from index to to count */ newPV->count = k; if(localWV) newPV->startpos = (int *) realloc(workvector, (k + 1)*sizeof(*(newPV->startpos))); else { newPV->startpos = (int *) malloc((k + 1)*sizeof(*(newPV->startpos))); MEMCOPY(newPV->startpos, workvector, k); } newPV->startpos[k] = size + 1; /* Store terminal index + 1 for searching purposes */ newPV->value = (REAL *) malloc(k*sizeof(*(newPV->value))); /* Fill the values vector before returning */ for(i = 0; i < k; i++) newPV->value[i] = values[newPV->startpos[i]]; return( newPV ); } STATIC MYBOOL unpackPackedVector(PVrec *PV, REAL **target) { int i, ii, k; REGISTER REAL ref; /* Test for validity of the target and create it if necessary */ if(target == NULL) return( FALSE ); if(*target == NULL) allocREAL(NULL, target, PV->startpos[PV->count], FALSE); /* Expand the packed vector into the target */ i = PV->startpos[0]; for(k = 0; k < PV->count; k++) { ii = PV->startpos[k+1]; ref = PV->value[k]; while (i < ii) { (*target)[i] = ref; i++; } } return( TRUE ); } STATIC REAL getvaluePackedVector(PVrec *PV, int index) { index = searchFor(index, PV->startpos, PV->count, 0, FALSE); index = abs(index)-1; if(index >= 0) return( PV->value[index] ); else return( 0 ); } STATIC MYBOOL freePackedVector(PVrec **PV) { if((PV == NULL) || (*PV == NULL)) return( FALSE ); FREE((*PV)->value); FREE((*PV)->startpos); FREE(*PV); return( TRUE ); } STATIC void pushPackedVector(PVrec *PV, PVrec *parent) { PV->parent = parent; } STATIC PVrec *popPackedVector(PVrec *PV) { PVrec *parent = PV->parent; freePackedVector(&PV); return( parent ); }