# File src/library/base/R/connections.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2020 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ stdin <- function() .Internal(stdin()) stdout <- function() .Internal(stdout()) stderr <- function() .Internal(stderr()) nullfile <- function() if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "nul:" else "/dev/null" isatty <- function(con) { if (!inherits(con, "terminal")) FALSE else .Internal(isatty(con)) } readLines <- function(con = stdin(), n = -1L, ok = TRUE, warn = TRUE, encoding = "unknown", skipNul = FALSE) { if(is.character(con)) { con <- file(con, "r") on.exit(close(con)) } .Internal(readLines(con, n, ok, warn, encoding, skipNul)) } writeLines <- function(text, con = stdout(), sep = "\n", useBytes = FALSE) { if(!is.character(text)) stop("can only write character objects") if(is.character(con)) { con <- file(con, "w") on.exit(close(con)) } .Internal(writeLines(text, con, sep, useBytes)) } open <- function(con, ...) UseMethod("open") open.connection <- function(con, open = "r", blocking = TRUE, ...) .Internal(open(con, open, blocking)) isOpen <- function(con, rw = "") { rw <- pmatch(rw, c("read", "write"), 0L) .Internal(isOpen(con, rw)) } isIncomplete <- function(con) .Internal(isIncomplete(con)) isSeekable <- function(con) .Internal(isSeekable(con)) close <- function(con, ...) UseMethod("close") close.connection <- function (con, type = "rw", ...) .Internal(close(con, type)) flush <- function(con) UseMethod("flush") flush.connection <- function (con) .Internal(flush(con)) file <- function(description = "", open = "", blocking = TRUE, encoding = getOption("encoding"), raw = FALSE, method = getOption("url.method", "default")) { .Internal(file(description, open, blocking, encoding, method, raw)) } pipe <- function(description, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding")) .Internal(pipe(description, open, encoding)) fifo <- function(description, open = "", blocking = FALSE, encoding = getOption("encoding")) .Internal(fifo(description, open, blocking, encoding)) url <- function(description, open = "", blocking = TRUE, encoding = getOption("encoding"), method = getOption("url.method", "default"), headers = NULL) { method <- match.arg(method, c("default", "internal", "libcurl", "wininet")) if(!is.null(headers)) { nh <- names(headers) if(length(nh) != length(headers) || any(nh == "") || anyNA(headers) || anyNA(nh)) stop("'headers' must have names and must not be NA") headers <- paste0(nh, ": ", headers) headers <- list(headers, paste0(headers, "\r\n", collapse = "")) } .Internal(url(description, open, blocking, encoding, method, headers)) } gzfile <- function(description, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding"), compression = 6) .Internal(gzfile(description, open, encoding, compression)) unz <- function(description, filename, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding")) .Internal(unz(paste(description, filename, sep=":"), open, encoding)) bzfile <- function(description, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding"), compression = 9) .Internal(bzfile(description, open, encoding, compression)) xzfile <- function(description, open = "", encoding = getOption("encoding"), compression = 6) .Internal(xzfile(description, open, encoding, compression)) socketConnection <- function(host = "localhost", port, server = FALSE, blocking = FALSE, open = "a+", encoding = getOption("encoding"), timeout = getOption("timeout"), options = getOption("socketOptions")) .Internal(socketConnection(host, port, server, blocking, open, encoding, timeout, options)) socketAccept <- function(socket, blocking = FALSE, open = "a+", encoding = getOption("encoding"), timeout = getOption("timeout"), options = getOption("socketOptions")) .Internal(socketAccept(socket, blocking, open, encoding, timeout, options)) serverSocket <- function(port) .Internal(serverSocket(port)) socketTimeout <- function(socket, timeout = -1) .Internal(socketTimeout(socket, timeout)) rawConnection <- function(object, open = "r") { .Internal(rawConnection(deparse(substitute(object)), object, open)) } rawConnectionValue <- function(con) .Internal(rawConnectionValue(con)) textConnection <- function(object, open = "r", local = FALSE, name = deparse(substitute(object)), encoding = c("", "bytes", "UTF-8")) { env <- if (local) parent.frame() else .GlobalEnv type <- match(match.arg(encoding), c("", "bytes", "UTF-8")) if(!(is.character(name) && length(name) == 1)) stop(if(missing(name)) "argument 'object' must deparse to a single character string" else "'name' must be a single character string") .Internal(textConnection(name, object, open, env, type)) } textConnectionValue <- function(con) .Internal(textConnectionValue(con)) seek <- function(con, ...) UseMethod("seek") seek.connection <- function(con, where = NA, origin = "start", rw = "", ...) { origin <- pmatch(origin, c("start", "current", "end")) rw <- pmatch(rw, c("read", "write"), 0L) if(is.na(origin)) stop("'origin' must be one of 'start', 'current' or 'end'") .Internal(seek(con, as.double(where), origin, rw)) } truncate <- function(con, ...) UseMethod("truncate") truncate.connection <- function(con, ...) { if(!isOpen(con)) stop("can only truncate an open connection") .Internal(truncate(con)) } pushBack <- function(data, connection, newLine = TRUE, encoding = c("", "bytes", "UTF-8")) { # match.arg doesn't work on "" default if (length(encoding) > 1L) encoding <- encoding[1] if (nzchar(encoding)) encoding <- match.arg(encoding) type <- match(encoding, c("", "bytes", "UTF-8")) .Internal(pushBack(data, connection, newLine, type)) } pushBackLength <- function(connection) .Internal(pushBackLength(connection)) clearPushBack <- function(connection) .Internal(clearPushBack(connection)) print.connection <- function(x, ...) { usumm <- tryCatch(unlist(summary(x)), error = function(e) {}) ## could also show as.numeric(x) {as str() currently does} if(is.null(usumm)) { cl <- oldClass(x); cl <- cl[cl != "connection"] cat("A connection, ", if(length(cl)) paste0("specifically, ", paste(sQuote(cl), collapse=", "), ", "), "but invalid.\n", sep = "") } else { cat("A connection with") # {newline from print() below} print(cbind(` ` = usumm), ...) } invisible(x) } summary.connection <- function(object, ...) .Internal(summary.connection(object)) showConnections <- function(all = FALSE) { gc() # to run finalizers set <- getAllConnections() if(!all) set <- set[set > 2L] ans <- matrix("", length(set), 7L) for(i in seq_along(set)) ans[i, ] <- unlist(summary.connection(set[i])) rownames(ans) <- set colnames(ans) <- c("description", "class", "mode", "text", "isopen", "can read", "can write") if(!all) ans[ans[, 5L] == "opened", , drop = FALSE] else ans[, , drop = FALSE] } ## undocumented getAllConnections <- function() .Internal(getAllConnections()) getConnection <- function(what) .Internal(getConnection(what)) closeAllConnections <- function() { ## first re-divert any diversion of stderr. i <- sink.number(type = "message") if(i > 0L) sink(stderr(), type = "message") ## now unwind the sink diversion stack. n <- sink.number() if(n > 0L) for(i in seq_len(n)) sink() gc() # to run finalizers ## get all the open connections. set <- getAllConnections() set <- set[set > 2L] ## and close all user connections. for(i in seq_along(set)) close(getConnection(set[i])) invisible() } readBin <- function(con, what, n = 1L, size = NA_integer_, signed = TRUE, endian = .Platform$endian) { if (!endian %in% c("big", "little", "swap")) stop("invalid 'endian' argument") if(is.character(con)) { con <- file(con, "rb") on.exit(close(con)) } swap <- endian != .Platform$endian if(!is.character(what) || is.na(what) || length(what) != 1L || ## hence length(what) == 1: !any(what == c("numeric", "double", "integer", "int", "logical", "complex", "character", "raw"))) what <- typeof(what) .Internal(readBin(con, what, n, size, signed, swap)) } writeBin <- function(object, con, size = NA_integer_, endian = .Platform$endian, useBytes = FALSE) { if (!endian %in% c("big", "little", "swap")) stop("invalid 'endian' argument") swap <- endian != .Platform$endian if(!is.vector(object) || mode(object) == "list") stop("can only write vector objects") if(is.character(con)) { con <- file(con, "wb") on.exit(close(con)) } .Internal(writeBin(object, con, size, swap, useBytes)) } readChar <- function(con, nchars, useBytes = FALSE) { if(is.character(con)) { con <- file(con, "rb") on.exit(close(con)) } .Internal(readChar(con, as.integer(nchars), useBytes)) } writeChar <- function(object, con, nchars = nchar(object, type="chars"), eos = "", useBytes = FALSE) { if(!is.character(object)) stop("can only write character objects") if(is.character(con)) { con <- file(con, "wb") on.exit(close(con)) } .Internal(writeChar(object, con, as.integer(nchars), eos, useBytes)) } gzcon <- function(con, level = 6, allowNonCompressed = TRUE, text = FALSE) .Internal(gzcon(con, level, allowNonCompressed, text)) socketSelect <- function(socklist, write = FALSE, timeout = NULL) { if (is.null(timeout)) timeout <- -1 else if (timeout < 0) stop("'timeout' must be NULL or a non-negative number") if (length(write) < length(socklist)) write <- rep_len(write, length(socklist)) .Internal(sockSelect(socklist, write, timeout)) } memCompress <- function(from, type = c("gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "none")) { if(is.character(from)) from <- charToRaw(paste(from, collapse = "\n")) else if(!is.raw(from)) stop("'from' must be raw or character") type <- match(match.arg(type), c("none", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz")) .Internal(memCompress(from, type)) } memDecompress <- function(from, type = c("unknown", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "none"), asChar = FALSE) { type <- match(match.arg(type), c("none", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "unknown")) ans <- .Internal(memDecompress(from, type)) if(asChar) rawToChar(ans) else ans }