Curv has an optional user-defined configuration file, which the `curv` command reads during startup. The configuration file provides default values for -O options which are given on the command line. Loading the Config File ----------------------- $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defines the base directory relative to which the Curv config file is stored. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, it defaults to "$HOME/.config", unless $HOME is either not set or empty, in which case there is no Curv config file. There are two possible names for the Curv user configuration file. First, we try "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/curv.curv". If this file exists, we evaluate it as a Curv syntax source file, and the result must be a record value. Otherwise, if the directory $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/curv exists, we evaluate it using directory syntax. Update: At present, I just import $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/curv using either file syntax or directory syntax. Accessing Configuration ----------------------- In libcurv, Curv configuration is stored in System::config_, as a value of type Shared. Not implemented yet; don't need it. So far config is only used to provide defaults for export parameters in the Curv program, and libcurv knows nothing about this. Idea: `config` is a builtin binding. It sounds cool, but why do I need it? What are the use cases? Curv is a file format for sharing geometric models, and it's not obviously good for shared models to depend on config. So I've leave this feature out until required. The Config Namespace -------------------- Here's the current CLI -O configuration: mesh (STL, OBJ, X3D) vsize, jit, adaptive, mesh (X3D) colour viewer, GPU (aka Frag options) aa, taa, fdur, bg PNG xsize, ysize, fstart, animate, + the Frag options I could just put all these names at the top level of the config record. However, I might want different Frag options for PNG export vs the Viewer (eg, high quality for PNG export, higher performance for the Viewer). So then I need a 2-level namespace, eg like: config mesh vsize, jit, adaptive, colour view aa, taa, fdur, bg image xsize, ysize, fstart, animate, + the Frag options I like this one better: config export viewer repl Command Line Overrides ---------------------- All of the -O options can be given default values in the config file. Which means all -O option values are Curv values. What about '-O colour=face|vertex' for -o x3d? 'face' and 'vertex' need to either be strings, or symbols. See proposal. Depending on the outcome of this proposal, we will use one of the following: -O colour='"vertex"' -- in bash -O "colour=""vertex""" -- in cmd.exe, but for caveats see (*) -O colour=#vertex (*) All configuration can be overidden on the command line. Currently, all of the relevant command line options are -O options. Algorithm for parsing configuration and -O options. * error checking: I want to report invalid -O options, and invalid config settings. * For each internal options structure, like io::Frag_Export, there is a Parse_Opt function that validates a specific name/value pair, modelled after parse_frag_opt(). This validates a name/value pair from either the config, or from a -O option. * template typedef bool (*Parse_Opt)( Let's say there is a flat config namespace, and we ignore names not relevant to the current export context. 1. An option structure like Frag_Export is default initialized. 2. config values with matching names are copied into the option struct, unknown names are ignored. curv::Values are converted to the correct type. 3. All of the -O options are processed. Bad names are reported as an error. Strings are evaluated as Curv values, then converted to the correct type. What API do we use? I could extend the Export_Param::Map to contain a string field (for the -O value) and a Value field (for the config value). Load the config record into the Export_Param::Map. Then, the current API is mostly unaffected and only the internal implementation of Export_Params needs to change. A Map item now contains a string `opt` and an Value `config`, both nullable. How do we evaluate it? * Currently we build a Param_Prog pp(*this, p), then we use pp.eval() and At_Program(pp) as an error context. * If the parameter has no opt string, only a config value, then we still need a Context for reporting a type or range error on the config value. * The minimum config context is the pathname of the root config file and the data path of the config field. * Alternatively, we need the 'Program' for the config source file. The important part is the Location. But, what if the config file is a directory tree containing multiple *.curv files? The config value containing the error could come from multiple sources. Tracking this is tricky. In theory, this information can be reconstructed from the minimum config context. At_Param cx(*this, p); cx.eval(deflval) Lighting Models --------------- There is a default lighting model, which has two attributes, background_colour and contrast. The user can override either or both of these attributes, and can also replace the default lighting model with another, perhaps user-defined lighting model. Perhaps user-defined lighting models can provide additional parameters that can be selectively overridden using the config file or the command line. In 3D, these config variables are called In 2D, there is still a background colour, but there is no lighting model. What is it called? Currently it is called -Obg=.