/* This file is part of the gf2x library. Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015 Richard Brent, Pierrick Gaudry, Emmanuel Thome', Paul Zimmermann This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: - If the archive contains a file named toom-gpl.c (not a trivial placeholder), the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. - If the archive contains a file named toom-gpl.c which is a trivial placeholder, the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license text for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License as well as the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; see the files COPYING and COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef GF2X_FAKE_FFT_H_ #define GF2X_FAKE_FFT_H_ #include #include #include "gf2x/gf2x-config-export.h" #include "gf2x/gf2x-impl-export.h" #include "gf2x/gf2x-thresholds.h" #ifndef GF2X_EXPORTED #define GF2X_EXPORTED #endif /* This file is a placeholder for the typical requirements of an FFT * interface. Of course, there is nothing interesting being done here. * It's just an E-X-A-M-P-L-E. See also the .c file. */ /* The section below is automatically generated */ /* inline: init_empty clear copy compatible order adjust */ #ifndef GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED #define GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED #endif struct gf2x_fake_fft_info; // gf2x_fake_fft_info_t is defined after the struct fields. // typedef struct gf2x_fake_fft_info gf2x_fake_fft_info_t[1]; typedef struct gf2x_fake_fft_info * gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr; typedef const struct gf2x_fake_fft_info * gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr; /* gf2x_fake_fft_info is an implementation-defined structure that holds important * auxiliary data, used for dealing with transforms. This structure may * or may not consist of plain-old datatypes only, so that it only * possible to copy it with care (see below). * * C code should use gf2x_fake_fft_info_t preferrably, as it provides transparent * conversion to a pointer, and yet defines storage as well (à la GMP). * * C++ code should use gf2x_fake_fft_info. When the header is included from C++ * code, the api below is also exported as member functions of gf2x_fake_fft_info. * The info type is default-constructible in all cases, but not always * trivially copyable. * * gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr and gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr are auxiliary types used in C * prototypes. C++ code should prefer references and const references to * gf2x_fake_fft_info. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern int gf2x_fake_fft_info_init( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p, size_t bits_a, size_t bits_b) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Basic constructor. Used to multiply polynomials with the given number * of bits. * * Extra tuning may be done with gf2x_fake_fft_info_adjust * * Returns 0 if everything went well, and a negative number on error */ extern int gf2x_fake_fft_info_init_mp( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p, size_t bits_a, size_t bits_b) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Used to compute middle products of polynomials with the given number * of bits. That is, the result MP(a, b) consists of coefficients of * degrees MIN(bits_a, bits_b)-1 to MAX(bits_a, bits_b)-1 (inclusive), * forming a result with MAX(bits_a, bits_b)-MIN(bits_a, bits_b)+1 * coefficients. * * Extra tuning may be done with gf2x_fake_fft_info_adjust * * Returns 0 if everything went well, and a negative number on error */ static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_info_init_empty( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p); /* This is not really a constructor. Most often we expect this function * to be a noop, or at most an inline. It is just meant to provide some * default-initialization, so that info_clear does not choke. Note that * * gf2x_fake_fft_info_adjust on an empty-initialized info structure is likely to * fail. */ /* Adjust the fft structure with one of the GF2X_FFT_ADJUST_* tweaks, and * an extra parameter. * * This must be done right after the info_init (or info_init_mp) call, as * this might invalidate all transforms. * * Returns 0 if everything went well, and a negative number on error * (maybe if the extra argument was incorrect). * * Note that adjustments that happen to exist but are valid for other fft * engines are simply ignored. */ static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_info_adjust( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p, int adjust_kind, long val); static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_info_clear( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p); /* Destructor for the info type. */ static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_info_copy( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p, gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr other); /* Copy constructor. Returns 0 on success or GF2X_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY.*/ static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_info_order( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p); /* Return the "order", whatever that means for the underlying info type. */ extern void gf2x_fake_fft_info_get_alloc_sizes( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p, size_t sizes[3]) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Fill the sizes array with three byte counts: * sizes[0] : equivalent to gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(p) * sizeof(gf2x_fake_fft_elt) * sizes[1] : number of bytes of temp space that must be passed to each * gf2x_fake_fft_dft or gf2x_fake_fft_ift call. * sizes[2] : number of bytes of temp space that must be passed to each * gf2x_fake_fft_compose, gf2x_fake_fft_addcompose, or gf2x_fake_fft_addcompose_n call. * Note that the addcompose variants need two temp * buffers, of sizes sizes[2] and sizes[1], respectively. */ extern char * gf2x_fake_fft_info_explain( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Returns a malloc()ed string that gives the description of what the * transform type is doing. The returned pointer may also be NULL if the * implementation does not provide that information. It should be freed * by the caller eventually. */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* End of automatically generated section */ typedef unsigned long gf2x_fake_fft_elt; /* The section below is automatically generated */ /* inline: transform_size alloc free get get_const zero cpy */ /* inline: export import prepare check */ typedef gf2x_fake_fft_elt * gf2x_fake_fft_ptr; typedef const gf2x_fake_fft_elt * gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr; /* A transform has type gf2x_fake_fft_ptr. It is made of a series of gf2x_fake_fft_elt * objects. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif static inline size_t gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o); /* Number of gf2x_fake_fft_elt objects it takes to allocate one transform. */ static inline gf2x_fake_fft_ptr gf2x_fake_fft_alloc( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, size_t n); /* Allocate space for n transforms. Equivalent to (gf2x_fake_fft_ptr) malloc(n * * gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(p) * sizeof(gf2x_fake_fft_elt)); */ static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_free( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr, size_t n); /* Free space for n transforms. */ static inline gf2x_fake_fft_ptr gf2x_fake_fft_get( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr, size_t k); /* Get the k-th transform. */ static inline gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr gf2x_fake_fft_get_const( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr ptr, size_t k); /* Get the k-th transform. */ static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_zero( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr, size_t n); /* Zero n consecutive transforms. */ static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_cpy( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr y, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr x, size_t n); /* Copy n consecutive transforms (named "cpy" by analogy to memcpy)/ */ static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_export( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr, size_t n); /* Export (serialize) n consecutive transforms in place. This is a noop * if the transforms are free of any pointers, which is always the case * with gf2x. */ static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_import( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr, size_t n); /* Import (deserialize) n consecutive transforms in place. This is a noop * if the transforms are free of any pointers, which is always the case * with gf2x. */ static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_prepare( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr, size_t n); /* Prepare n consecutive transforms in place so that they're * pointer-correct, but do not set any of the internal data. It is * conceivably simpler than gf2x_fake_fft_zero. This is a noop if the transforms * are free of any pointers, which is always the case with gf2x. */ static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_check( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr ptr, size_t n, int printf_diagnostics); /* Checks that the n consecutive transforms are valid (in particular, * pointer-correct if relevant). This might be a noop if the transforms * are free of any pointers, which is always the case with gf2x. */ #if 0 && defined(__GNU_MP__) /* we don't want a gmp dependency... */ extern void gf2x_fake_fft_fill_random( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr, size_t n, gmp_randstate_t rstate) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* fill n consecutive transforms with random data from the provided * random state. */ #endif extern void gf2x_fake_fft_add( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr tc, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr ta, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr tb) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Add two transforms to tc. tc==ta or tc==tb are allowed. */ extern int gf2x_fake_fft_dft( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr tr, const unsigned long * a, size_t bits_a, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr temp1) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Compute the dft of the polynomial pointed to by a. Attention: the size * is given in number of *bits*, not in number of unsigned longs. temp1 * must point to storage of size sizes[1], with sizes[] filled as in the * gf2x_fake_fft_info_get_alloc_sizes call. * * Returns 0 on success or GF2X_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY (only minor extra * allocation is needed by some implementations). */ extern int gf2x_fake_fft_ift( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, unsigned long * c, size_t bits_c, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr tr, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr temp1) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Compute the ift of the transform tr, to polynomial pointed to by c. * Attention: the size is given in number of *bits*, not in number of * unsigned longs. temp1 must point to storage of size sizes[1], with * sizes[] filled as in the gf2x_fake_fft_info_get_alloc_sizes call. * * Returns 0 on success or GF2X_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY (only minor extra * allocation is needed by some implementations). */ extern int gf2x_fake_fft_compose( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr tc, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr ta, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr tb, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr temp2) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Compose two DFTs. temp2 must point to storage of size sizes[2], with * sizes[] filled as in the gf2x_fake_fft_info_get_alloc_sizes call. * * Returns 0 on success or GF2X_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY (only minor extra * allocation is needed by some implementations). */ extern int gf2x_fake_fft_addcompose_n( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr tc, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr * ta, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr * tb, size_t n, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr temp2, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr temp1) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Compose 2n DFTs, and add the result to tc. temp1 and temp2 must point to * storage of size sizes[1] and sizes[2], respectively, with sizes[] * filled as in the gf2x_fake_fft_info_get_alloc_sizes call. * * Returns 0 on success or GF2X_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY (only minor extra * allocation is needed by some implementations). */ extern int gf2x_fake_fft_addcompose( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr tc, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr ta, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr tb, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr temp2, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr temp1) GF2X_FFT_EXPORTED; /* Compose 2 DFTs, and add the result to tc. temp1 and temp2 must point to * storage of size sizes[1] and sizes[2], respectively, with sizes[] * filled as in the gf2x_fake_fft_info_get_alloc_sizes call. * * Returns 0 on success or GF2X_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY (only minor extra * allocation is needed by some implementations). */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #include #include #include #endif /* End of automatically generated section */ struct gf2x_fake_fft_info { size_t n1,n2,n3; size_t size; size_t mp_shift; /* The section below is automatically generated */ /* pod: yes */ #ifdef __cplusplus // a C++ compilation unit that (odr-) uses this interface must include a // definition like // // constexpr const char * gf2x_fake_fft_info::name; // // Note that libgf2x-fft has no C++ compilation unit, so we request // the user to do this extra bit of work. // // Note also that as per C++11, this is only necessary if the // member is odr-used. static constexpr const char * name = "gf2x_fake_fft"; class ctor_fails: public std::exception { virtual const char* what() const throw() { return "contructor failed for gf2x_fake_fft"; } }; typedef gf2x_fake_fft_elt elt; typedef gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr; typedef gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr srcptr; inline gf2x_fake_fft_info() = default; inline gf2x_fake_fft_info(size_t nF, size_t nG) { if (gf2x_fake_fft_info_init(this, nF, nG) < 0) throw ctor_fails(); } inline ~gf2x_fake_fft_info() = default; inline gf2x_fake_fft_info(gf2x_fake_fft_info const &) = default; inline gf2x_fake_fft_info& operator=(gf2x_fake_fft_info const &) = default; /* Use named constructor idiom for the variants */ inline static gf2x_fake_fft_info mul_info(size_t nF, size_t nG) { gf2x_fake_fft_info a; if (gf2x_fake_fft_info_init(&a, nF, nG) < 0) throw ctor_fails(); return a; } inline static gf2x_fake_fft_info mp_info(size_t nF, size_t nG) { gf2x_fake_fft_info a; if (gf2x_fake_fft_info_init_mp(&a, nF, nG) < 0) throw ctor_fails(); return a; } inline int adjust(int adjust_kind, long val) { return gf2x_fake_fft_info_adjust(this, adjust_kind, val); } inline int order() const { return gf2x_fake_fft_info_order(this); } inline std::array get_alloc_sizes() const { std::array sizes; gf2x_fake_fft_info_get_alloc_sizes(this, &sizes[0]); return sizes; } /* This is equal to transform_size() * sizeof(elt) */ inline size_t size0_bytes() const { return get_alloc_sizes()[0]; } inline size_t size1_bytes() const { return get_alloc_sizes()[1]; } inline size_t size2_bytes() const { return get_alloc_sizes()[2]; } inline size_t transform_size() const { return gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(this); } inline ptr alloc(size_t n = 1) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_alloc(this, n); } inline void free(ptr x, size_t n = 1) const { gf2x_fake_fft_free(this, x, n); } inline ptr get(ptr x, size_t k) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_get(this, x, k); } inline srcptr get(srcptr x, size_t k) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_get_const(this, x, k); } inline void zero(ptr x, size_t n = 1) const { gf2x_fake_fft_zero(this, x, n); } inline void to_export(ptr x, size_t n = 1) const { gf2x_fake_fft_export(this, x, n); } inline void to_import(ptr x, size_t n = 1) const { gf2x_fake_fft_import(this, x, n); } inline void prepare(ptr x, size_t n = 1) const { gf2x_fake_fft_prepare(this, x, n); } inline bool check(srcptr x, size_t n, bool printf_diagnostics) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_check(this, x, n, printf_diagnostics); } inline bool check(srcptr x, bool printf_diagnostics) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_check(this, x, 1, printf_diagnostics); } #if 0 && defined(__GNU_MP__) /* we don't want a gmp dependency... */ inline void fill_random(ptr x, size_t n, gmp_randstate_t rstate) const { gf2x_fake_fft_fill_random(x, n, rstate); } inline void fill_random(ptr x, gmp_randstate_t rstate) const { gf2x_fake_fft_fill_random(x, 1, rstate); } #endif inline int dft(ptr x, const unsigned long * F, size_t nF, ptr temp1) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_dft(this, x, F, nF, temp1); } inline int compose(ptr y, srcptr x1, srcptr x2, ptr temp2) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_compose(this, y, x1, x2, temp2); } inline int addcompose(ptr y, srcptr x1, srcptr x2, ptr temp2, ptr temp1) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_addcompose(this, y, x1, x2, temp2, temp1); } inline int addcompose_n(ptr y, srcptr * x1, srcptr * x2, size_t n, ptr temp2, ptr temp1) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_addcompose_n(this, y, x1, x2, n, temp2, temp1); } inline void add(ptr y, srcptr x1, srcptr x2) const { gf2x_fake_fft_add(this, y, x1, x2); } inline void cpy(ptr y, srcptr x, size_t n = 1) const { gf2x_fake_fft_cpy(this, y, x, n); } inline int ift(unsigned long * H, size_t Hl, ptr h, ptr temp1) const { return gf2x_fake_fft_ift(this, H, Hl, h, temp1); } std::string explain() const { char * x = gf2x_fake_fft_info_explain(this); std::string s = x; ::free(x); return s; } #endif /* End of automatically generated section */ }; /* The section below is automatically generated */ /* Now that gf2x_fake_fft_info is declared completely, we may declare the 1-sized * array */ typedef struct gf2x_fake_fft_info gf2x_fake_fft_info_t[1]; /* End of automatically generated section */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_info_adjust( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, int adjust_kind GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, long val GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) { return 0; } static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_info_clear( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) {} static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_info_init_empty( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr p) { p->n1 = p->n2 = p->n3 = p->size = 0; } static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_info_copy( gf2x_fake_fft_info_ptr o, gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr other) { memcpy(o, other, sizeof(struct gf2x_fake_fft_info)); return 0; } static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_info_compatible( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o1 GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o2 GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) { return 1; } static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_info_order( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) { return 0; } static inline size_t gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p) { return p->size; } static inline gf2x_fake_fft_ptr gf2x_fake_fft_alloc( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p, size_t n) { return (gf2x_fake_fft_ptr) malloc(n * gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(p) * sizeof(gf2x_fake_fft_elt)); } static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_free( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr x, size_t n GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) { free(x); } static inline gf2x_fake_fft_ptr gf2x_fake_fft_get(gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr x, size_t k) { return x + k * gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(p); } static inline gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr gf2x_fake_fft_get_const(gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr x, size_t k) { return x + k * gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(p); } static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_zero(gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr x, size_t n) { memset(x, 0, n * gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(p) * sizeof(gf2x_fake_fft_elt)); } static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_cpy(gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr p, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr y, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr x, size_t n) { memcpy(y, x, n * gf2x_fake_fft_transform_size(p) * sizeof(gf2x_fake_fft_elt)); } static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_export( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, size_t n GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) {} static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_import( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, size_t n GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) {} static inline void gf2x_fake_fft_prepare( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, gf2x_fake_fft_ptr ptr GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, size_t n GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) {} static inline int gf2x_fake_fft_check( gf2x_fake_fft_info_srcptr o GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, gf2x_fake_fft_srcptr ptr GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, size_t n GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED, int printf_diagnostics GF2X_MAYBE_UNUSED) { return 1; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* GF2X_FAKE_FFT_H_ */ /* vim: set sw=4 sta et: */