#!/usr/bin/perl -w ## # gphelp originally written by Niels Skoruppa for pariGUIde; forked and # maintained by Karim Belabas (since v 1.7, 2002) # # This script generates html documentation of the gp/pari functions # on using the tex documentation as given in chapter 3 of the users manual. # Currently this is a workaround since there seems to exist no reasonable # plain TeX to html converter. Here we just take the outputs of # gphelp -raw and translate them into html form. It will be easy to replace, # in the following code, the use of this function by a more powerful tex2html # translator. # # Usage: gphtml [--dist|--4gui|--base=BASE|--out=OUT|--subsections] # # Without any option this will create, in the directory where you # called, a subdirectory named html, and therein the html documentation. # --base=BASE: where to find PARI's toplevel (mandatory) # --out=OUT: where to output our pages # --dist : add this file and a tar archive of html to html. # --4gui : creates the reference docs for pariguide. # The other options are for debugging purposes or consistency checks only. # # Adjust the three pathes below (look for AdJuSt). ######################################################################### #use strict 'vars'; my ($USERSCH3_TEX, # $HTML, $DATE, $version, $distFlag, $guiFlag, $subsectionsFlag, %pics, %basicFrames, %subsections, %sections, %subsectionsByAl, %fill, %sublabel, %tr, %html, @ou, @shortcuts, ); $DATE = localtime(); ############## # AdJuSt these ############## $base = "/usr/local/src/pari"; # the toplevel PARI/GP sources ######################### # Parse the argument line ######################### $distFlag = $guiFlag = $subsectionsFlag = 0; for (@ARGV) { /--dist/ and do { $distFlag = 1; next;}; /--4gui/ and do { $guiFlag = 1; next;}; /--subsections/ and do { $subsectionsFlag = 1; next;}; /--base=(.*)/ and do { $base = $1; next;}; /--out=(.*)/ and do { $HTML = $1; next;}; &usage; } my ($HTMLdft) = $guiFlag? "./ref": "./html"; if (!$HTML) { $HTML = $HTMLdft; } $ENV{'GPHELP_DOCDIR'} = "$base/doc"; $USERSCH3_TEX = "$base/doc/usersch3.tex"; $gphelp = "$base/doc/gphelp"; sub usage { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [--base=BASE|--out=OUT|--dist|--4gui|--subsections]\n"; exit( 0); } # We see first what information the system has about pari/gp and collect it initVersionAndShortcuts(); initSubsections(); # If we only want to list the subsections of usersch3.tex, then this sub dbgSections { for my $k (sort keys %sections) { print "$k $sections{$k}\n"; } for my $k (sort keys %subsections) { print "\n\n $k\n\n"; for my $i (@{ $subsections{$k} }) { print "\t$i\n"; } } } if ($subsectionsFlag) { dbgSections(); exit(0); } initFixedData(); system( "mkdir -p $HTML"); ####################################################################### # Here we write all *.html files of the pariguide doc ####################################################################### if ($guiFlag) { my ($HEAD) = <<"__UP_TO_HERE__";
Pari/GP Reference Documentation HOME Contents - Global index - GP keyboard shortcuts

__UP_TO_HERE__ writeData(*DATA, 1); # icons writeToC4Ref($HEAD); #toc writeIndex(6, $HEAD); # function index using 6 columns, # subsection pages, for my $k (sort keys %subsections) { &writeEntries4Ref($k, $HEAD); } # and meta commands. writeShortcuts($HEAD); exit(0); }; ####################################################################### # Here we write all *.html files, according to the # frame layout sketched in the data section below (after __DATA__ ). # Change look and feel by altering the descriptions in the data section. ####################################################################### # Write basic frames writeData(*DATA, 0); writeToC(); # ... and the pages for the frames "item" and "entry" for my $k (keys %subsections) { writeFunctionsByCategory($k); &writeEntries($k); } writeModRewrite(); writeShortcuts(""); writeOperators(); writeReadline(); for my $l (sort keys %subsectionsByAl) { writeFunctionsByAlphabet($l) } if ($distFlag) { system("cp gphtml $HTML; H=`basename $HTML`; cd $HTML/..; tar cfz \$H.tgz \$H") } ########### The subroutines ################## sub warning { print STDERR "\t\e[0;31m\e[1mWarning:\e[m ".$_[0]."\n"; } sub fatal { die "\t\e[0;31m\e[1mError:\e[m ".$_[0]."\n"; } sub happy { print STDERR "\t".$_[0]." ...... \e[0;32m\e[1m OK\e[m\n"; } sub unhappy { print STDERR "\t".$_[0]." ...... \e[0;31m\e[1m FAILED\e[m\n"; } ############################################################################### # Sets ups $version and the list @shortcuts of GP keyboard shortcuts. Calls gp! # Checks if gphelp is available ############################################################################### sub initVersionAndShortcuts { my ($gp) = "$base/gp"; my ($v) = `$gp --version-short 2>&1`; if ($v eq "") { fatal( "gp --version-short doesn't work"); } chomp($v); $version = "PARI/GP calculator, version $v"; happy("gp found ($gp, version $v)"); @shortcuts = split "\n", `echo '?\\' | $gp -q --test`; # my ($e) = `$gphelp -raw addprimes`; if ($e eq "") { fatal( "gphelp not found"); } happy("gphelp found ($gphelp)"); } ########################################################################### # Sets up hash of lists %subsections. Keys are the sections of usersch3.tex # Values are the list of corresponding subsections. ########################################################################### sub initSubsections { my($j, $key); open IN, "<$USERSCH3_TEX" or fatal("Cannot open $USERSCH3_TEX: fix the --base argument"); $j = 1; $key = "Dummy"; while () { next if (/^%/); if (s/\\section\{(.*?)\}//) { $key = $1; $subsections{$key} = []; $sections{$j} = $key; $j++; $fill{$key} = cleanid($key); } if (/\\label\{([^}]*)}/) { die "duplicate label: $1" if ($sublabel{$1}); $sublabel{$1} = $fill{$key}; } if( s/\\subseckbd\{(.*?)\}//) { $id = $1; } elsif( s/\\subsecidx\{(.*?)\}//) { $id = $1; } elsif( s/\\subsec\{(.*?)\}//) { $id = $1; $id =~ s/\$\(.*//; # remove arguments $id =~ s/\\//g; } else { next; } push @{ $subsections{$key} }, $id; next if ($id =~ / /); # keep only keywords for index, not all subsections next if ($id !~ /^([a-zA-Z])/); # remove operators my ($letter) = uc($1); push @{ $subsectionsByAl{$letter} }, "[$id]__($key)__\n"; } close IN; } sub GPatEnd { my ($A) = cleankey($a); $A = "ZZZ$A" if ($A =~ /GP/); my ($B) = cleankey($b); $B = "ZZZ$B" if ($B =~ /GP/); $A cmp $B; } # Writes index.html, the entry page for the reference documentation. # Relies on the hash %subsection. sub writeToC4Ref { my ($HEAD) = $_[0]; my ($toc1, $toc2); $toc1 = $toc2 =''; $z = 0; for my $key (sort GPatEnd keys %subsections) { 0 == $z and $toc1 .= "\n"; $toc1 .= "". cleankey($key) . '' . "\n"; 1 == $z and $toc1 .= "\n"; $z = 1 - $z; } 1 == $z and $toc1 .= " \n"; for my $l (sort keys %subsectionsByAl) { $toc2 .= "$l\n"; } my ($txt) = <<"__UP_TO_HERE__"; $HEAD

Functions by Category


GP Keyboard Shortcuts

Functions in Alphabetical Order


Catalogue of Functions for the $version.
(generated by gphtml on $DATE.)
__UP_TO_HERE__ printHTML("index.html", "Table of Contents", '', $txt); } # Writes toc.html. Relies on the hash %subsection. sub writeToC { my($txt, $toc1, $toc2); $toc1 = $toc2 =''; for my $key (sort GPatEnd keys %subsections) { die "Unknown subsection: $key" if (!defined($fill{$key}) ); $toc1 .= "" . cleankey($key) . "\n
\n"; } for my $l (sort keys %subsectionsByAl) { $toc2 .= " $l\n"; } $txt = <<"__UP_TO_HERE__";
Pari/GP Home Page

Functions by Category

$toc1 GP operators
GP line editor: readline
GP keyboard shortcuts

Functions in Alphabetical Order

__UP_TO_HERE__ printHTML("toc.html", "Table of Contents", 'style="background-image:url(toc.jpg)"', $txt); } sub cleankey { my ($k) = $_[0]; $k =~ s/\$//g; $k =~ s/\\bs/\\/g; $k =~ s/\\%/%/g; $k =~ s/\\pow/\^/g; $k; } sub cleanid { my ($k) = $_[0]; $k =~s/\+/plus/g; $k =~s/\-/minus/g; $k =~s/\\/backslash/g; $k =~s/\//slash/g; $k =~s/\%/percent/g; $k =~s/\*/star/g; $k =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g; $k; } ############################################################################# # Writes, for each list of subsection titles pointed to by $key, an html file # cont_$key.html. This is a collection of links to the respective entries in # $key.html. Uses the hash %subsection. # Call in the form writeFunctionsByCategory($key) ############################################################################# sub writeFunctionsByCategory { my($key, $txt, @A); $key = $_[0]; for my $item (@{$subsections{$key}}) { my ($a, $b) = (cleanid($item), cleankey($item)); push(@A, "$b"); } my ($cleankey) = cleankey($key); $txt = "\n

Index: $cleankey

\n" . '
' . join(",\n", @A) . "\n
"; printHTML("cont_$fill{$key}.html", "$cleankey", '', $txt); } ############################################################################ # Writes function_index.html. This is a collection of links to the respective # entries in the entry pages. Uses the hash %subsectionsByAl. # Call in the form writeIndex(number_of_columns) ############################################################################ sub writeIndex { my ($nCols, $HEAD) = @_; my ($txt); $txt = $HEAD . "


\n" .''."\n"; for my $letter (sort keys %subsectionsByAl) { $txt .= "\n\n"; my ($z) = 1; for my $item (sort @{$subsectionsByAl{$letter}}) { $item =~ /^\[(.*?)\]__\((.*?)\)__$/; if ($z == $nCols) { $z = 1; $txt .= "\n\n\n"; } $txt .= "\n"; $z++; } for(; $z < $nCols; $z++) { $txt .= "\n"; } $txt .= ''."\n"; } $txt .= "
"; printHTML('function_index.html', 'Index', '', $txt); } sub writeModRewrite { my ($f) = "ModRewrite-table"; my ($txt); for my $letter (sort keys %subsectionsByAl) { for my $item (sort @{$subsectionsByAl{$letter}}) { $item =~ /^\[(.*?)\]__\((.*?)\)__$/; $txt .= "$1 $fill{$2}.html#$1\n"; } } open OUT, ">$HTML/$f" or fatal("Cannot create the file $HTML/$f\n"); print OUT $txt; close(OUT); } ############################################################################ # Writes, for each letter the file cont_$letter.html. This is a collection of # links to the respective entries in the entry pages. # Uses the hash %subsectionsByAl. # Call in the form writeFunctionsByAlphabet( $letter) ############################################################################ sub writeFunctionsByAlphabet { my ($letter) = $_[0]; my ($txt) = "\n

Index: $letter

\n";; for my $item (sort @{ $subsectionsByAl{$letter} }) { $item =~ /^\[(.*?)\]__\((.*?)\)__$/; $txt .= "  $1\n"; } printHTML("cont_$letter.html", "$letter", '', $txt); } sub refexpand { my ($c) = $_[0]; my ($p) = $sublabel{$c}; if (!$p) { # warning("missing label $c"); return $c; } "$c<\/a>"; } sub keyrefexpand { my ($c) = $_[0]; my ($p) = $sublabel{'se:' . $c}; if (!$p) { return $c; } "$c<\/a>"; } sub get_entry { my ($item) = @_; my ($l, $r, $d, @names); my (%trans0) = ( # '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '~{O}' => 'Õ', '\oplus' => '⨁ ', '\bigoplus' => ' ⨁ ', '\bigsqcup' => ' ⨆ ', '\subset' => ' ⊂ ', '\otimes' => ' ⨂ ', '\in' => ' ∈ ', '\bigotimes' => ' ⨂ ', '\to' => ' → ', '\triangleleft' => ' ◃ ', '\geq' => ' ≥ ', '\leq' => ' ≤ ', ':---@[gt]' => ' ⟼ ', '---' => ' — ', ); my (%trans) = ( '\{' => '{', '\}' => '}', '\langle' => '⟨', '\rangle' => '⟩', '@0' => ' ', '@1' => '', '@2' => '', '@3' => '', ); my ($e, $title); $e = `$gphelp -raw -noskip '$item'`; ($e =~ /^'.*' not\ found !$/) and unhappy("\t$item"); # first kill TeX leftovers $e =~ s/\\not *\\in\b/ \∉ /gs; for my $key (keys %trans0) { $l = quotemeta($key); $r = $trans0{$key}; $e =~ s/$l/$r/gs; } $e =~ s/\_\{([^}]*)}/$1<\/sub>/g; $e =~ s/\^\{([^}]*)}/$1<\/sup>/g; # one letter subscripts, otherwise 't_MAT' & co gets mangled $e =~ s/\_([a-zA-Z0-9])\b/$1<\/sub>/g; # Too many mistakes: polynomials in verbatim code :-( # $e =~ s/\^([a-zA-Z0-9])\b/$1<\/sup>/g; $e =~ s/\^\*/*<\/sup>/g; # this one is OK my ($a, $b); # symbols $a = quotemeta('@[startword]'); $b = quotemeta('@[endword]'); $e =~ s/$a([a-zA-Z]*)$b/\&$1;/xg; # calligraphic letters $a = quotemeta('@[startbc]'); $b = quotemeta('@[endbc]'); $e =~ s/$a([A-Z])$b/\&$1scr;/g; # blackboard bold letters $a = quotemeta('@[startbi]'); $b = quotemeta('@[endbi]'); $e =~ s/$a([A-Z])$b/\&$1opf;/g; # Fraktur $a = quotemeta('@[startbg]'); $b = quotemeta('@[endbg]'); $e =~ s/$a([A-Za-z])$b/\&$1fr;/g; #overline $e =~ s/\\(overline|bar)\{([^}]*)\}/$2<\/span>/g; # <=, >= $a = quotemeta('@[startcode]'); $b = quotemeta('@[endcode]'); $e =~ s/$a\@\[lt\]=$b/≤/g; $e =~ s/$a\@\[gt\]=$b/≥/g; $e =~ s/$a(\w+)$b/'@[startcode]' . keyrefexpand($1) . '@[endcode]'/gse; $e =~ s/\@\[startref\]([^\@]*)\@\[endref\]/refexpand($1)/gse; while ($e =~ s/\@\[label ([^\]]*)\]//) { push(@names,$1); } # TODO: Fix the dirty hack from here # handle \bprog @com $e =~ s/(\@1 *\@\[startcode\][^\@]*)\@\[endcode\]([^\n]*)\@\[startcode\]/$1 $2/gs; # handle @com $e =~ s/(\@0[^\@]*)\@\[endcode\]([^\n]*)\@\[startcode\]/$1 $2/gs; $l = '\@1 *\@\[startcode\]'; $r = '

  $e =~ s/$l/$r/gs;
  $l = '\@[23] *\@\[endcode\]'; $r = '

'; $e =~ s/$l/$r/gs; # to here. for my $key (keys %trans) { $l = quotemeta($key); $r = $trans{$key}; $e =~ s/$l/$r/gs; } # warn about leftovers if ($e =~ /(\\[a-zA-Z]{3,})/) { my ($w) = "$item: $1"; # silence false positive if ($w ne 'se:def,TeXstyle: \right' && $w ne 'se:def,TeXstyle: \def' && $w ne 'ecppexport: \nFormat' && $w ne 'strtex: \pmatrix' && $w ne 'mspolygon: \usepackage' && $w ne 'msfarey: \documentclass' ) { warning $w; } } # then make a nice header $e =~ s/^\@\[startbold](.*?)\:\@\[endbold]\n\n/

/; warning("no title: $item") if (!$1); $title = "

$1<\/h4>"; $title =~ s/, */, /g; # now care for the @[] markers for my $key (@ou) { $l = quotemeta($tr{$key}); $r = $html{$key}; $e =~ s/$l/$r/gs; $title =~ s/$l/$r/gs; } # finally break into paragraphs $e =~ s/\n\n/\<\/p\>\n\/gs; my ($names) = ""; for (@names) { $names .= "
<\/div>\n"; } return ($e, $names, $title); } sub writeEntries4Ref() { my ($key, $HEAD) = @_; my ($cleankey) = cleankey($key); print STDERR "\twriting: $cleankey\n"; # desambiguate between keywords belonging to 2 sections, e.g. 'log' my ($pre) = ($cleankey eq "GP defaults")? "se:def,": ""; my ($toc) = ''; for my $item (sort @{ $subsections{$key} }) { my ($a, $b) = (cleanid($item), cleankey($item)); $toc .= "$b  \n"; } my ($txt) = <<"__UP_TO_HERE__"; $HEAD


__UP_TO_HERE__ my ($e, $names) = get_entry($key); $txt .= ""; for my $item (@{ $subsections{$key} }) { my ($a, $b) = (cleanid($item), cleankey($item)); my ($e, $names) = get_entry("$pre$item"); $txt .= <<"__UP_TO_HERE__"; __UP_TO_HERE__ } $txt .= '
'; printHTML("$fill{$key}.html", "$key", '', $txt); } # write GP keyboard shortcuts sub writeShortcuts { my ($header) = @_; my ($t,$t2) = ('',''); for (@shortcuts) { if (/^ *([^:].*) *: *(.*) *$/) { $t .= "$1" . "$2\n"; } else { $t2 .= $_; } } $t =<<"__UP_TO_HERE__"; $header

GP Keyboard Shortcuts

$t2 $t
__UP_TO_HERE__ printHTML('keyboard_shortcuts.html', 'GP Keyboard Shortcuts', '', $t); } # write GP readline introduction sub writeReadline { my ($t) = "

GP Line Editor: Readline

\n"; my ($e) = get_entry("readline"); $t .= $e; printHTML('readline.html', 'GP Keyboard Shortcuts', '', $t); } # write GP operators section sub writeOperators { my ($t) = "

GP Operators and their Priorities

\n"; my ($e) = get_entry("operator"); $t .= $e; printHTML('operators.html', 'GP Operators', '', $t); } ########################################################################### # Writes, for each list pointed to by $key, a file $key.html containing the # subsections of the corresponding section in usersch3.tex. Needs %subsections # and uses "gphelp -raw to convert subsections of usersch3.tex into html. # Use in the form writeEntries($key) ########################################################################### sub writeEntries() { my ($key) = $_[0]; my ($cleankey) = cleankey($key); print STDERR "\twriting: $cleankey\n"; # desambiguate between keywords belonging to 2 sections, e.g. 'log' my ($pre) = ($cleankey eq "GP defaults")? "se:def,": ""; my ($e, $names) = get_entry("$key"); my ($txt) = "\n$names


\n\n"; $txt .= $e; # initial text if ($e) { $txt .= "
\n" } for my $item (@{ $subsections{$key} }) { my ($a) = cleanid($item); my ($e,$names,$title) = get_entry("$pre$item"); $txt .= "$names
\n"; } printHTML( "$fill{$key}.html", "$cleankey", '', $txt); } # auxilliary for writeData sub printFile { my($skin, $Mode, $data, $parm) = @_; # all skins return if (!$Mode); if ($Mode eq 'TXT') { printTXT(@{$parm}, $data); return; } # no html in ref mode if ($Mode eq 'HTML') { printHTML(@{$parm}, $data) if (!$skin); return; } # PIC: filter out unneeded icons according to skin my ($f) = @{$parm}; # filename return if ($skin && ($f eq 'empty.jpg' || $f eq 'toc.jpg')); return if (!$skin && ($f eq 'home.gif' || $f eq 'top.gif')); $data =~ s/\s//g; printPIC(@{$parm}, $data); } ################################################################ # Writes html pages and images described in file FILE. See below # __DATA__ for the description syntax. # Call in the form writeData (*FILEHANDLE, $skin) 1 for ref/0 else ################################################################ sub writeData { my ($IN, $skin) = @_; my($Mode, @parm, $data); $Mode = ''; while (<$IN>) { if (/^\s*\@PIC\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}/) { @parm = ($1); $data = ''; $Mode = 'PIC'; next; } if (/^\s*\@HTML\{\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*\}/) { @parm = ($1, $2, $3); $data = ''; $Mode = 'HTML'; next; } if (/^\s*\@TXT\{\s*(.*?)\}/) { @parm = ($1); $data = ''; $Mode = 'TXT'; next; } if (/\@DONE/) { # print "writing $parm[0]\n"; printFile($skin, $Mode, $data, \@parm); $Mode = ''; next; } next if (!$Mode); # eval. variables in DATA section if ($Mode eq 'HTML') { s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g; }; $data .= $_; next; } } ################################################################## # Writes an html page to file $HTML/$f. Call in the form # printHTML($name_of_file, $title_of_page, $background, $contents) # with properly initialized scalar arguments. # If $content starts by then no tag is printed ################################################################## sub printHTML { my ($f, $title, $bgd, $con) = @_; my ($DTD); if ($con =~ /^$HTML/$f" or fatal("Cannot create the file $HTML/$f\n"); print OUT <<"__UP_TO_HERE__"; $DTD Catalogue of GP/PARI Functions: $title $meta $con __UP_TO_HERE__ close OUT; } ######################################################## # Writes a stream of 2 digit hex values as chars to file # Call in the form printPIC( $file, $stream) ######################################################## sub printPIC { my ($f, $data) = @_; open OUT, ">${HTML}/$f" or fatal( "Cannot create the file ${HTML}/$f\n"); $data =~ s/(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge; print OUT $data; close OUT; } sub printTXT { my ($f, $data) = @_; open OUT, ">${HTML}/$f" or fatal( "Cannot create the file ${HTML}/$f\n"); print OUT $data; close OUT; } ################DO NOT ALTER BELOW THIS LINE ############################# sub initFixedData { @ou = qw( nbrk dollar startbold endbold startcode endcode startpodcode endpodcode startbi endbi startit endit startword endword startlword endlword pm obr cbr lt gt agrave eacute uuml ouml ); # dollar => ignore # nbrk => ignore # startbold endbold -gp/pari functions => boldface # startcode endcode -??? => color # startpodcode endpodcode -??? => go #startlink endlink -nix da in raw #startbcode endbcode -nix da in raw # startbi endbi -blackboard boldface => boldface # startit endit -optional argments => underline # startword endword -greek letters => color # startlword endlword -math.abbrev. like $\log$ => ignore # pm -+- => #empty gt lt podleader -nix da in raw => ignore # # Neu in parigp.2.1.1: # obr cbr => { } # lt gt => < > # agrave eacute uuml ouml => à ... @tr{@ou} = map "\@[$_]", @ou; %html = ( nbrk => ' ', startbold => '', endbold => '', startcode => '', endcode => '', startpodcode => '', endpodcode => '', startbi => '', endbi => '', startit => '', endit => '', startword => '', endword => '', dollar => '', startlword => '', endlword => '', pm => '±', obr => '{', cbr => '}', lt => '<', gt => '>', agrave => 'à', eacute => 'é', uuml => 'ü', ouml => '¨', ); } __DATA__ Layout of frames: ================= / empty empty empty empty / item index < empty toc ----- empty \ entry \ empty empty title empty @HTML{index.html, Main Page,} @DONE @HTML{empty.html, Empty Page :-), style="background-image:url(empty.jpg)"} @DONE @HTML{title.html, Title Page, style="background-image:url(empty.jpg)"} Catalogue of Functions for the $version.
(generated by gphtml on $DATE.) @DONE @HTML{item.html, Items Page, style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"} @DONE @HTML{entry.html, Welcome Page, style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"}

This is an html documentation of
functions available under the $version.

Comments and proposals for improvement are welcome.

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