/* GNUPLOT - wxt.trm */ /*[ * Copyright 2005,2006 Timothee Lecomte * * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. * * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to * distribute the complete modified source code. Modifications are to * be distributed as patches to the released version. Permission to * distribute binaries produced by compiling modified sources is granted, * provided you * 1. distribute the corresponding source modifications from the * released version in the form of a patch file along with the binaries, * 2. add special version identification to distinguish your version * in addition to the base release version number, * 3. provide your name and address as the primary contact for the * support of your modified version, and * 4. retain our contact information in regard to use of the base * software. * Permission to distribute the released version of the source code along * with corresponding source modifications in the form of a patch file is * granted with same provisions 2 through 4 for binary distributions. * * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty * to the extent permitted by applicable law. ]*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------ * Here you will find the terminal table, filled * with C++ functions defined in wxt_gui.cpp, * where the wxWidgets terminal is mainly implemented. * See wxt_gui.cpp for details about this terminal. * ------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef TERM_REGISTER register_term (wxt) #endif #ifdef TERM_PROTO TERM_PUBLIC void wxt_options __PROTO ((void)); TERM_PUBLIC void wxt_text_wrapper __PROTO ((void)); #endif /* TERM_PROTO */ #ifndef TERM_PROTO_ONLY #ifdef TERM_BODY #include "wxterminal/wxt_term.h" /* terminal state, defined extern in wxt_term.h */ int wxt_window_number = 0; TBOOLEAN wxt_enhanced_enabled = TRUE; TBOOLEAN wxt_dashed = TRUE; double wxt_dashlength = 1.0; double wxt_lw = 1.0; int wxt_background = 0xffffff; rgb_color wxt_rgb_background = {1.,1.,1.}; int wxt_persist = UNSET; int wxt_raise = UNSET; int wxt_ctrl = UNSET; int wxt_toggle = UNSET; int wxt_redraw = UNSET; t_linecap wxt_linecap = SQUARE; /* default text font family: */ char *wxt_set_fontname = NULL; /* default text size*/ int wxt_set_fontsize = 0; double wxt_set_fontscale = 1.0; /* window title */ char wxt_title[MAX_ID_LEN + 1] = ""; /* size of the plot area, in pixels * (window is bigger, includes toolbar and status bar) */ int wxt_width = 640; int wxt_height = 384; /* initial position of the plot window. wxPoint(-1, -1) is equivalent to wxDefaultPosition */ int wxt_posx = -1; int wxt_posy = -1; /* These are used to pass axis scaling information at the end of each plot */ int wxt_axis_mask; wxt_axis_state_t wxt_axis_state[4]; enum WXT_id { WXT_FONT, WXT_FONTSCALE, WXT_ENHANCED, WXT_NOENHANCED, WXT_SIZE, WXT_POSITION, WXT_PERSIST, WXT_NOPERSIST, WXT_RAISE, WXT_NORAISE, WXT_CTRL, WXT_NOCTRL, WXT_TITLE, WXT_CLOSE, WXT_ROUNDED, WXT_BUTT, WXT_SQUARE, WXT_SOLID, WXT_DASHED, WXT_DASHLENGTH, WXT_LINEWIDTH, WXT_BACKGROUND, WXT_OTHER }; static struct gen_table wxt_opts[] = { {"fontscale", WXT_FONTSCALE}, {"font", WXT_FONT}, {"enh$anced", WXT_ENHANCED}, {"noenh$anced", WXT_NOENHANCED}, {"s$ize", WXT_SIZE}, {"pos$ition", WXT_POSITION}, {"per$sist", WXT_PERSIST}, {"noper$sist", WXT_NOPERSIST}, {"rai$se", WXT_RAISE}, {"norai$se", WXT_NORAISE}, {"ct$rlq", WXT_CTRL}, {"noct$rlq", WXT_NOCTRL}, {"ti$tle", WXT_TITLE}, {"cl$ose", WXT_CLOSE}, {"round$ed", WXT_ROUNDED}, {"butt", WXT_BUTT}, {"square", WXT_SQUARE}, {"solid", WXT_SOLID}, {"dash$ed", WXT_DASHED}, {"dashl$ength", WXT_DASHLENGTH}, {"dl", WXT_DASHLENGTH}, {"line$width", WXT_LINEWIDTH}, {"lw", WXT_LINEWIDTH}, {"backg$round", WXT_BACKGROUND}, {NULL, WXT_OTHER} }; /* "Called when terminal type is selected. This procedure should parse options on the command line. * A list of the currently selected options should be stored in term_options[], * in a form suitable for use with the set term command. * term_options[] is used by the save command. Use options_null() if no options are available." */ TERM_PUBLIC void wxt_options() { char *s = NULL; char *font_setting = NULL; TBOOLEAN duplication = FALSE; TBOOLEAN set_font = FALSE; TBOOLEAN set_persist = FALSE, set_number = FALSE; TBOOLEAN set_raise = FALSE, set_ctrl = FALSE; TBOOLEAN set_title = FALSE, set_close = FALSE; TBOOLEAN set_capjoin = FALSE, set_size = FALSE; TBOOLEAN set_position = FALSE; #ifndef WIN32 if (term_interlock != NULL && term_interlock != (void *)wxt_init) { term = NULL; int_error(NO_CARET, "The wxt terminal cannot be used in a qt session"); } #endif while (!END_OF_COMMAND) { switch (lookup_table(&wxt_opts[0], c_token)) { case WXT_FONT: c_token++; if (!(s = try_to_get_string())) int_error(c_token,"font: expecting string"); font_setting = gp_strdup(s); if (*s) { char *sep = strchr(s,','); if (sep) { sscanf(sep+1, "%d", &wxt_set_fontsize); *sep = '\0'; } free(wxt_set_fontname); wxt_set_fontname = gp_strdup(s); } free(s); if (set_font) duplication=TRUE; set_font = TRUE; break; case WXT_FONTSCALE: c_token++; wxt_set_fontscale = END_OF_COMMAND ? -1 : real_expression(); if (wxt_set_fontscale <= 0) wxt_set_fontscale = 1.; break; case WXT_ENHANCED: c_token++; wxt_enhanced_enabled = TRUE; term->flags |= TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT; break; case WXT_NOENHANCED: c_token++; wxt_enhanced_enabled = FALSE; term->flags &= ~TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT; break; case WXT_SIZE: { double insize; /* shige 2019-02-27 for size 0 */ c_token++; if (END_OF_COMMAND) int_error(c_token,"size requires 'width,height'"); if ((insize = real_expression()) >= 1) wxt_width = insize; else int_error(c_token, "size is out of range"); if (!equals(c_token++,",")) int_error(c_token,"size requires 'width,height'"); if ((insize = real_expression()) >= 1) wxt_height = insize; else int_error(c_token, "size is out of range"); if (set_size) duplication=TRUE; set_size = TRUE; break; } case WXT_POSITION: c_token++; if (END_OF_COMMAND) int_error(c_token,"position requires 'x,y'"); wxt_posx = real_expression(); if (!equals(c_token++,",")) int_error(c_token,"position requires 'x,y'"); wxt_posy = real_expression(); if (set_position) duplication = TRUE; set_position = TRUE; break; case WXT_PERSIST: c_token++; wxt_persist = yes; if (set_persist) duplication=TRUE; set_persist = TRUE; break; case WXT_NOPERSIST: c_token++; wxt_persist = no; if (set_persist) duplication=TRUE; set_persist = TRUE; break; case WXT_RAISE: c_token++; wxt_raise = yes; if (set_raise) duplication=TRUE; set_raise = TRUE; break; case WXT_NORAISE: c_token++; wxt_raise = no; if (set_raise) duplication=TRUE; set_raise = TRUE; break; case WXT_CTRL: c_token++; wxt_ctrl = yes; if (set_ctrl) duplication=TRUE; set_ctrl = TRUE; break; case WXT_NOCTRL: c_token++; wxt_ctrl = no; if (set_ctrl) duplication=TRUE; set_ctrl = TRUE; break; case WXT_TITLE: c_token++; if (!(s = try_to_get_string())) int_error(c_token,"title: expecting string"); if (*s) strncpy(wxt_title, s, sizeof(wxt_title)); free(s); if (set_title) duplication=TRUE; set_title = TRUE; break; case WXT_CLOSE: c_token++; if (set_close) duplication=TRUE; set_close = TRUE; break; case WXT_ROUNDED: c_token++; if (set_capjoin) duplication=TRUE; wxt_linecap = ROUNDED; set_capjoin = TRUE; break; case WXT_BUTT: c_token++; if (set_capjoin) duplication=TRUE; wxt_linecap = BUTT; set_capjoin = TRUE; break; case WXT_SQUARE: c_token++; if (set_capjoin) duplication=TRUE; wxt_linecap = SQUARE; set_capjoin = TRUE; break; case WXT_DASHED: case WXT_SOLID: /* dashes always enabled in version 5 */ c_token++; wxt_dashed = TRUE; break; case WXT_DASHLENGTH: c_token++; wxt_dashlength = real_expression(); if (wxt_dashlength <= 0) wxt_dashlength = 1.0; break; case WXT_LINEWIDTH: c_token++; wxt_lw = real_expression(); if (wxt_lw <= 0) wxt_lw = 1.0; break; case WXT_BACKGROUND: { c_token++; wxt_background = parse_color_name(); wxt_rgb_background.r = (double)((wxt_background >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.; wxt_rgb_background.g = (double)((wxt_background >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.; wxt_rgb_background.b = (double)( wxt_background & 0xff) / 255.; break; } case WXT_OTHER: default: if (isanumber(c_token) || type_udv(c_token) == INTGR) { wxt_window_number = int_expression(); if (set_number) duplication=TRUE; set_number = TRUE; } else { int_warn(c_token++, "unrecognized terminal option"); } break; } if (duplication) { int_warn(c_token-1, "Duplicated or contradicting arguments in wxt term options."); duplication = FALSE; } } /* Save options back into options string in normalized format */ snprintf(term_options, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options), "%d", wxt_window_number); if (set_title) { strncat(term_options, " title \"", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); strncat(term_options, wxt_title, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); strncat(term_options, "\"", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); wxt_update_title(wxt_window_number); } if (wxt_dashlength != 1.0) { char tmp_term_options[MAX_LINE_LEN+1] = ""; snprintf(tmp_term_options,sizeof(tmp_term_options), " dashlength %g", wxt_dashlength); strncat(term_options, tmp_term_options, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); } if (wxt_lw != 1.0) { char tmp_term_options[MAX_LINE_LEN+1] = ""; snprintf(tmp_term_options,sizeof(tmp_term_options), " lw %g", wxt_lw); strncat(term_options, tmp_term_options, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); } if (wxt_background != 0xffffff) { char tmp_term_options[MAX_LINE_LEN+1] = ""; snprintf(tmp_term_options,sizeof(tmp_term_options), " background '#%06x'", wxt_background); strncat(term_options, tmp_term_options, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); } if (set_size) { char tmp_term_options[MAX_LINE_LEN+1] = ""; snprintf(tmp_term_options, sizeof(tmp_term_options), " size %d, %d", wxt_width, wxt_height); strncat(term_options, tmp_term_options, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); wxt_update_size(wxt_window_number); } if (set_position) { char tmp_term_options[MAX_LINE_LEN+1] = ""; snprintf(tmp_term_options, sizeof(tmp_term_options), " position %d, %d", wxt_posx, wxt_posy); strncat(term_options, tmp_term_options, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); wxt_update_position(wxt_window_number); } strncat(term_options, wxt_enhanced_enabled ? " enhanced" : " noenhanced", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); if (set_font) { strncat(term_options, " font \"", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); strncat(term_options, font_setting, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); strncat(term_options, "\"", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); free(font_setting); } if (!wxt_set_fontname) wxt_set_fontname = gp_strdup(""); if (wxt_set_fontscale != 1.0) { char tmp_term_options[MAX_LINE_LEN+1] = ""; snprintf(tmp_term_options,sizeof(tmp_term_options), " fontscale %.1f", wxt_set_fontscale); strncat(term_options, tmp_term_options, sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); } if (set_capjoin) strncat(term_options, wxt_linecap == ROUNDED ? " rounded" : wxt_linecap == SQUARE ? " square" : " butt", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); if (set_persist) strncat(term_options, (wxt_persist==yes) ? " persist" : " nopersist", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); if (set_raise) strncat(term_options, (wxt_raise==yes) ? " raise" : " noraise", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); if (set_ctrl) strncat(term_options, (wxt_ctrl==yes) ? " ctrl" : " noctrl", sizeof(term_options)-strlen(term_options)-1); if (set_close) wxt_close_terminal_window(wxt_window_number); } /* wxt_text() will do most of the work, but we have to pass it axis scaling * info via a global structure that is loaded here. The axis scaling is * so that subsequent mouse events can be transformed into plot * coordinates even though the plot is no longer active. */ TERM_PUBLIC void wxt_text_wrapper() { int i; #ifdef USE_MOUSE int axis_order[4] = {FIRST_X_AXIS, FIRST_Y_AXIS, SECOND_X_AXIS, SECOND_Y_AXIS}; wxt_axis_mask = 0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { if (axis_array[axis_order[i]].ticmode != NO_TICS) wxt_axis_mask |= (1 << i); } for (i=0; i<4; i++) { wxt_axis_state[i].min = axis_array[axis_order[i]].min; wxt_axis_state[i].term_lower = axis_array[axis_order[i]].term_lower; wxt_axis_state[i].term_scale = axis_array[axis_order[i]].term_scale; wxt_axis_state[i].logbase = axis_array[axis_order[i]].log ? axis_array[axis_order[i]].log_base : 0; } #endif wxt_text(); } #endif /* TERM_BODY */ #ifdef TERM_TABLE TERM_TABLE_START (wxt_driver) "wxt", "wxWidgets cross-platform interactive terminal", /* the following values are overriden by wxt_graphics */ 1 /* xmax */ , 1 /* ymax */ , 1 /* vchar */ , 1 /* hchar */ , 1 /* vtic */ , 1 /* htic */ , wxt_options, wxt_init, wxt_reset, wxt_text_wrapper, null_scale, wxt_graphics, wxt_move, wxt_vector, wxt_linetype, wxt_put_text, wxt_text_angle, wxt_justify_text, wxt_point, do_arrow, wxt_set_font, wxt_pointsize, TERM_CAN_MULTIPLOT|TERM_NO_OUTPUTFILE|TERM_ALPHA_CHANNEL|TERM_CAN_DASH|TERM_FONTSCALE|TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT|TERM_LINEWIDTH, wxt_text /* suspend */, 0 /* resume */, wxt_fillbox, wxt_linewidth #ifdef USE_MOUSE , wxt_waitforinput, wxt_put_tmptext, wxt_set_ruler, wxt_set_cursor, wxt_set_clipboard #endif , wxt_make_palette, 0 /* wxt_previous_palette */, wxt_set_color, wxt_filled_polygon , wxt_image , wxt_enhanced_open, wxt_enhanced_flush, wxt_enhanced_writec , wxt_layer , NULL /* no term->path */ , 0.0 /* Scale (unused) */ , wxt_hypertext #ifdef EAM_BOXED_TEXT , wxt_boxed_text #endif , wxt_modify_plots , wxt_dashtype TERM_TABLE_END (wxt_driver) #undef LAST_TERM #define LAST_TERM wxt_driver #endif /* TERM_TABLE */ #endif /* TERM_PROTO_ONLY */ #ifdef TERM_HELP START_HELP(wxt) "1 wxt", "?set terminal wxt", "?terminal wxt", "?set term wxt", "?term wxt", "?wxt", " The `wxt` terminal device generates output in a separate window. The window", " is created by the wxWidgets library, where the 'wxt' comes from. The actual", " drawing is done via cairo, a 2D graphics library, and pango, a library for", " laying out and rendering text.", "", " Syntax:", " set term wxt {}", " {size ,} {position ,}", " {background }", " {{no}enhanced}", " {font } {fontscale }", " {title \"title\"}", " {linewidth }", " {dashlength
}", " {{no}persist}", " {{no}raise}", " {{no}ctrl}", " {close}", "", " Multiple plot windows are supported: `set terminal wxt ` directs the", " output to plot window number n.", "", " The default window title is based on the window number. This title can also", " be specified with the keyword \"title\".", "", " Plot windows remain open even when the `gnuplot` driver is changed to a", " different device. A plot window can be closed by pressing the letter 'q'", " while that window has input focus, by choosing `close` from a window", " manager menu, or with `set term wxt close`.", "", " The size of the plot area is given in pixels, it defaults to 640x384.", " In addition to that, the actual size of the window also includes the space", " reserved for the toolbar and the status bar.", " When you resize a window, the plot is immediately scaled to fit in the", " new size of the window. Unlike other interactive terminals, the `wxt`", " terminal scales the whole plot, including fonts and linewidths, and keeps", " its global aspect ratio constant, leaving an empty space painted in gray.", " If you type `replot`, click the `replot` icon in the terminal toolbar or", " type a new `plot` command, the new plot will completely fit in the window", " and the font size and the linewidths will be reset to their defaults.", "", " The position option can be used to set the position of the plot window.", " The position option only applies to the first plot after the `set term`", " command.", "", " The active plot window (the one selected by `set term wxt `) is", " interactive. Its behaviour is shared with other terminal types. See `mouse`", " for details. It also has some extra icons, which are supposed to be", " self-explanatory.", "", " This terminal supports an enhanced text mode, which allows font and other", " formatting commands (subscripts, superscripts, etc.) to be embedded in labels", " and other text strings. The enhanced text mode syntax is shared with other", " gnuplot terminal types. See `enhanced` for more details.", "", " is in the format \"FontFace,FontSize\", i.e. the face and the size", " comma-separated in a single string. FontFace is a usual font face name, such", " as \'Arial\'. If you do not provide FontFace, the wxt terminal will use", " \'Sans\'. FontSize is the font size, in points. If you do not provide it,", " the wxt terminal will use a size of 10 points.", " For example :", " set term wxt font \"Arial,12\"", " set term wxt font \"Arial\" # to change the font face only", " set term wxt font \",12\" # to change the font size only", " set term wxt font \"\" # to reset the font name and size", "", " The fonts are retrieved from the usual fonts subsystems. Under Windows,", " those fonts are to be found and configured in the entry \"Fonts\" of the", " control panel. Under UNIX, they are handled by \"fontconfig\".", "", " Pango, the library used to layout the text, is based on utf-8. Thus, the wxt", " terminal has to convert from your encoding to utf-8. The default input", " encoding is based on your \'locale\'. If you want to use another encoding,", " make sure gnuplot knows which one you are using. See `encoding` for more", " details.", "", " Pango may give unexpected results with fonts that do not respect the unicode", " mapping. With the Symbol font, for example, the wxt terminal will use the map", " provided by http://www.unicode.org/ to translate character codes to unicode.", " Pango will do its best to find a font containing this character, looking for", " your Symbol font, or other fonts with a broad unicode coverage, like the", " DejaVu fonts. Note that \"the Symbol font\" is to be understood as the Adobe", " Symbol font, distributed with Acrobat Reader as \"SY______.PFB\".", " Alternatively, the OpenSymbol font, distributed with OpenOffice.org as", " \"opens___.ttf\", offers the same characters. Microsoft has distributed a", " Symbol font (\"symbol.ttf\"), but it has a different character set with", " several missing or moved mathematic characters. If you experience problems", " with your default setup (if the demo enhancedtext.dem is not displayed", " properly for example), you probably have to install one of the Adobe or", " OpenOffice Symbol fonts, and remove the Microsoft one.", " Other non-conform fonts, such as \"wingdings\" have been observed working.", "", " The rendering of the plot can be altered with a dialog available from the", " toolbar. To obtain the best output possible, the rendering involves three", " mechanisms : antialiasing, oversampling and hinting.", " Antialiasing allows to display non-horizontal and non-vertical lines", " smoother.", " Oversampling combined with antialiasing provides subpixel accuracy,", " so that gnuplot can draw a line from non-integer coordinates. This avoids", " wobbling effects on diagonal lines ('plot x' for example).", " Hinting avoids the blur on horizontal and vertical lines caused by", " oversampling. The terminal will snap these lines to integer coordinates so", " that a one-pixel-wide line will actually be drawn on one and only one pixel.", "", " By default, the window is raised to the top of your desktop when a plot is", " drawn. This can be controlled with the keyword \"raise\".", " The keyword \"persist\" will prevent gnuplot from exiting before you", " explicitely close all the plot windows.", " Finally, by default the key raises the gnuplot console window, and", " 'q' closes the plot window. The keyword \"ctrl\" allows you to replace those", " bindings by + and +'q', respectively.", " These three keywords (raise, persist and ctrl) can also be set and remembered", " between sessions through the configuration dialog." END_HELP(wxt) #endif /* TERM_HELP */