///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Levenberg - Marquardt non-linear minimization algorithm // Copyright (C) 2004-06 Manolis Lourakis (lourakis at ics forth gr) // Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas // Heraklion, Crete, Greece. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /******************************************************************************* * This file implements combined box and linear equation constraints. * * Note that the algorithm implementing linearly constrained minimization does * so by a change in parameters that transforms the original program into an * unconstrained one. To employ the same idea for implementing box & linear * constraints would require the transformation of box constraints on the * original parameters to box constraints for the new parameter set. This * being impossible, a different approach is used here for finding the minimum. * The trick is to remove the box constraints by augmenting the function to * be fitted with penalty terms and then solve the resulting problem (which * involves linear constrains only) with the functions in lmlec.c * * More specifically, for the constraint a<=x[i]<=b to hold, the term C[i]= * (2*x[i]-(a+b))/(b-a) should be within [-1, 1]. This is enforced by adding * the penalty term w[i]*max((C[i])^2-1, 0) to the objective function, where * w[i] is a large weight. In the case of constraints of the form a<=x[i], * the term C[i]=a-x[i] has to be non positive, thus the penalty term is * w[i]*max(C[i], 0). If x[i]<=b, C[i]=x[i]-b has to be non negative and * the penalty is w[i]*max(C[i], 0). The derivatives needed for the Jacobian * are as follows: * For the constraint a<=x[i]<=b: 4*(2*x[i]-(a+b))/(b-a)^2 if x[i] not in [a, b], * 0 otherwise * For the constraint a<=x[i]: -1 if x[i]<=a, 0 otherwise * For the constraint x[i]<=b: 1 if b<=x[i], 0 otherwise * * Note that for the above to work, the weights w[i] should be large enough; * depending on your minimization problem, the default values might need some * tweaking (see arg "wghts" below). *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef LM_REAL // not included by lmblec.c #error This file should not be compiled directly! #endif #define __MAX__(x, y) (((x)>=(y))? (x) : (y)) #define __BC_WEIGHT__ LM_CNST(1E+04) #define __BC_INTERVAL__ 0 #define __BC_LOW__ 1 #define __BC_HIGH__ 2 /* precision-specific definitions */ #define LEVMAR_BOX_CHECK LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_box_check) #define LMBLEC_DATA LM_ADD_PREFIX(lmblec_data) #define LMBLEC_FUNC LM_ADD_PREFIX(lmblec_func) #define LMBLEC_JACF LM_ADD_PREFIX(lmblec_jacf) #define LEVMAR_LEC_DER LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_lec_der) #define LEVMAR_LEC_DIF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_lec_dif) #define LEVMAR_BLEC_DER LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_blec_der) #define LEVMAR_BLEC_DIF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_blec_dif) #define LEVMAR_COVAR LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_covar) struct LMBLEC_DATA{ LM_REAL *x, *lb, *ub, *w; int *bctype; void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata); void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *jac, int m, int n, void *adata); void *adata; }; /* augmented measurements */ static void LMBLEC_FUNC(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata) { struct LMBLEC_DATA *data=(struct LMBLEC_DATA *)adata; int nn; register int i, j, *typ; register LM_REAL *lb, *ub, *w, tmp; nn=n-m; lb=data->lb; ub=data->ub; w=data->w; typ=data->bctype; (*(data->func))(p, hx, m, nn, data->adata); for(i=nn, j=0; ilb; ub=data->ub; w=data->w; typ=data->bctype; (*(data->jacf))(p, jac, m, nn, data->adata); /* clear all extra rows */ for(i=nn*m; i R^n with n>=m, * it finds p s.t. func(p) ~= x, i.e. the squared second order (i.e. L2) norm of * e=x-func(p) is minimized under the constraints lb[i]<=p[i]<=ub[i] and A p=b; * A is kxm, b kx1. Note that this function DOES NOT check the satisfiability of * the specified box and linear equation constraints. * If no lower bound constraint applies for p[i], use -DBL_MAX/-FLT_MAX for lb[i]; * If no upper bound constraint applies for p[i], use DBL_MAX/FLT_MAX for ub[i]. * * This function requires an analytic Jacobian. In case the latter is unavailable, * use LEVMAR_BLEC_DIF() bellow * * Returns the number of iterations (>=0) if successful, LM_ERROR if failed * * For more details on the algorithm implemented by this function, please refer to * the comments in the top of this file. * */ int LEVMAR_BLEC_DER( void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata), /* functional relation describing measurements. A p \in R^m yields a \hat{x} \in R^n */ void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *j, int m, int n, void *adata), /* function to evaluate the Jacobian \part x / \part p */ LM_REAL *p, /* I/O: initial parameter estimates. On output has the estimated solution */ LM_REAL *x, /* I: measurement vector. NULL implies a zero vector */ int m, /* I: parameter vector dimension (i.e. #unknowns) */ int n, /* I: measurement vector dimension */ LM_REAL *lb, /* I: vector of lower bounds. If NULL, no lower bounds apply */ LM_REAL *ub, /* I: vector of upper bounds. If NULL, no upper bounds apply */ LM_REAL *A, /* I: constraints matrix, kxm */ LM_REAL *b, /* I: right hand constraints vector, kx1 */ int k, /* I: number of constraints (i.e. A's #rows) */ LM_REAL *wghts, /* mx1 weights for penalty terms, defaults used if NULL */ int itmax, /* I: maximum number of iterations */ LM_REAL opts[4], /* I: minim. options [\mu, \epsilon1, \epsilon2, \epsilon3]. Respectively the scale factor for initial \mu, * stopping thresholds for ||J^T e||_inf, ||Dp||_2 and ||e||_2. Set to NULL for defaults to be used */ LM_REAL info[LM_INFO_SZ], /* O: information regarding the minimization. Set to NULL if don't care * info[0]= ||e||_2 at initial p. * info[1-4]=[ ||e||_2, ||J^T e||_inf, ||Dp||_2, mu/max[J^T J]_ii ], all computed at estimated p. * info[5]= # iterations, * info[6]=reason for terminating: 1 - stopped by small gradient J^T e * 2 - stopped by small Dp * 3 - stopped by itmax * 4 - singular matrix. Restart from current p with increased mu * 5 - no further error reduction is possible. Restart with increased mu * 6 - stopped by small ||e||_2 * 7 - stopped by invalid (i.e. NaN or Inf) "func" values. This is a user error * info[7]= # function evaluations * info[8]= # Jacobian evaluations * info[9]= # linear systems solved, i.e. # attempts for reducing error */ LM_REAL *work, /* working memory at least LM_BLEC_DER_WORKSZ() reals large, allocated if NULL */ LM_REAL *covar, /* O: Covariance matrix corresponding to LS solution; mxm. Set to NULL if not needed. */ void *adata) /* pointer to possibly additional data, passed uninterpreted to func & jacf. * Set to NULL if not needed */ { struct LMBLEC_DATA data; int ret; LM_REAL locinfo[LM_INFO_SZ]; register int i; if(!jacf){ fprintf(stderr, RCAT("No function specified for computing the Jacobian in ", LEVMAR_BLEC_DER) RCAT("().\nIf no such function is available, use ", LEVMAR_BLEC_DIF) RCAT("() rather than ", LEVMAR_BLEC_DER) "()\n"); return LM_ERROR; } if(!lb && !ub){ fprintf(stderr, RCAT(LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEC_DER, "(): lower and upper bounds for box constraints cannot be both NULL, use "), LEVMAR_LEC_DER) "() in this case!\n"); return LM_ERROR; } if(!LEVMAR_BOX_CHECK(lb, ub, m)){ fprintf(stderr, LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEC_DER, "(): at least one lower bound exceeds the upper one\n")); return LM_ERROR; } /* measurement vector needs to be extended by m */ if(x){ /* nonzero x */ data.x=(LM_REAL *)malloc((n+m)*sizeof(LM_REAL)); if(!data.x){ fprintf(stderr, LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEC_DER, "(): memory allocation request #1 failed\n")); return LM_ERROR; } for(i=0; i