/* $Id: ClpSimplexDual.cpp 1870 2012-07-22 16:13:48Z stefan $ */ // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL). /* Notes on implementation of dual simplex algorithm. When dual feasible: If primal feasible, we are optimal. Otherwise choose an infeasible basic variable to leave basis (normally going to nearest bound) (B). We now need to find an incoming variable which will leave problem dual feasible so we get the row of the tableau corresponding to the basic variable (with the correct sign depending if basic variable above or below feasibility region - as that affects whether reduced cost on outgoing variable has to be positive or negative). We now perform a ratio test to determine which incoming variable will preserve dual feasibility (C). If no variable found then problem is infeasible (in primal sense). If there is a variable, we then perform pivot and repeat. Trivial? ------------------------------------------- A) How do we get dual feasible? If all variables have bounds then it is trivial to get feasible by putting non-basic variables to correct bounds. OSL did not have a phase 1/phase 2 approach but instead effectively put fake bounds on variables and this is the approach here, although I had hoped to make it cleaner. If there is a weight of X on getting dual feasible: Non-basic variables with negative reduced costs are put to lesser of their upper bound and their lower bound + X. Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for positive reduced costs. Free variables should normally be in basis, otherwise I have coding which may be able to come out (and may not be correct). In OSL, this weight was changed heuristically, here at present it is only increased if problem looks finished. If problem is feasible I check for unboundedness. If not unbounded we could play with going into primal. As long as weights increase any algorithm would be finite. B) Which outgoing variable to choose is a virtual base class. For difficult problems steepest edge is preferred while for very easy (large) problems we will need partial scan. C) Sounds easy, but this is hardest part of algorithm. 1) Instead of stopping at first choice, we may be able to flip that variable to other bound and if objective still improving choose again. These mini iterations can increase speed by orders of magnitude but we may need to go to more of a bucket choice of variable rather than looking at them one by one (for speed). 2) Accuracy. Reduced costs may be of wrong sign but less than tolerance. Pivoting on these makes objective go backwards. OSL modified cost so a zero move was made, Gill et al (in primal analogue) modified so a strictly positive move was made. It is not quite as neat in dual but that is what we try and do. The two problems are that re-factorizations can change reduced costs above and below tolerances and that when finished we need to reset costs and try again. 3) Degeneracy. Gill et al helps but may not be enough. We may need more. Also it can improve speed a lot if we perturb the costs significantly. References: Forrest and Goldfarb, Steepest-edge simplex algorithms for linear programming - Mathematical Programming 1992 Forrest and Tomlin, Implementing the simplex method for the Optimization Subroutine Library - IBM Systems Journal 1992 Gill, Murray, Saunders, Wright A Practical Anti-Cycling Procedure for Linear and Nonlinear Programming SOL report 1988 TODO: a) Better recovery procedures. At present I never check on forward progress. There is checkpoint/restart with reducing re-factorization frequency, but this is only on singular factorizations. b) Fast methods for large easy problems (and also the option for the code to automatically choose which method). c) We need to be able to stop in various ways for OSI - this is fairly easy. */ #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP #undef COIN_DEVELOP #define COIN_DEVELOP 2 #endif #include "CoinPragma.hpp" #include #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp" #include "ClpHelperFunctions.hpp" #include "ClpSimplexDual.hpp" #include "ClpEventHandler.hpp" #include "ClpFactorization.hpp" #include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp" #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp" #include "CoinFloatEqual.hpp" #include "ClpDualRowDantzig.hpp" #include "ClpMessage.hpp" #include "ClpLinearObjective.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include //#define CLP_DEBUG 1 // To force to follow another run put logfile name here and define //#define FORCE_FOLLOW #ifdef FORCE_FOLLOW static FILE * fpFollow = NULL; static char * forceFile = "old.log"; static int force_in = -1; static int force_out = -1; static int force_iteration = 0; #endif //#define VUB #ifdef VUB extern int * vub; extern int * toVub; extern int * nextDescendent; #endif #ifdef NDEBUG #define NDEBUG_CLP #endif #ifndef CLP_INVESTIGATE #define NDEBUG_CLP #endif // dual /* *** Method This is a vanilla version of dual simplex. It tries to be a single phase approach with a weight of 1.0 being given to getting optimal and a weight of dualBound_ being given to getting dual feasible. In this version I have used the idea that this weight can be thought of as a fake bound. If the distance between the lower and upper bounds on a variable is less than the feasibility weight then we are always better off flipping to other bound to make dual feasible. If the distance is greater then we make up a fake bound dualBound_ away from one bound. If we end up optimal or primal infeasible, we check to see if bounds okay. If so we have finished, if not we increase dualBound_ and continue (after checking if unbounded). I am undecided about free variables - there is coding but I am not sure about it. At present I put them in basis anyway. The code is designed to take advantage of sparsity so arrays are seldom zeroed out from scratch or gone over in their entirety. The only exception is a full scan to find outgoing variable. This will be changed to keep an updated list of infeasibilities (or squares if steepest edge). Also on easy problems we don't need full scan - just pick first reasonable. One problem is how to tackle degeneracy and accuracy. At present I am using the modification of costs which I put in OSL and which was extended by Gill et al. I am still not sure of the exact details. The flow of dual is three while loops as follows: while (not finished) { while (not clean solution) { Factorize and/or clean up solution by flipping variables so dual feasible. If looks finished check fake dual bounds. Repeat until status is iterating (-1) or finished (0,1,2) } while (status==-1) { Iterate until no pivot in or out or time to re-factorize. Flow is: choose pivot row (outgoing variable). if none then we are primal feasible so looks as if done but we need to break and check bounds etc. Get pivot row in tableau Choose incoming column. If we don't find one then we look primal infeasible so break and check bounds etc. (Also the pivot tolerance is larger after any iterations so that may be reason) If we do find incoming column, we may have to adjust costs to keep going forwards (anti-degeneracy). Check pivot will be stable and if unstable throw away iteration (we will need to implement flagging of basic variables sometime) and break to re-factorize. If minor error re-factorize after iteration. Update everything (this may involve flipping variables to stay dual feasible. } } At present we never check we are going forwards. I overdid that in OSL so will try and make a last resort. Needs partial scan pivot out option. Needs dantzig, uninitialized and full steepest edge options (can still use partial scan) May need other anti-degeneracy measures, especially if we try and use loose tolerances as a way to solve in fewer iterations. I like idea of dynamic scaling. This gives opportunity to decouple different implications of scaling for accuracy, iteration count and feasibility tolerance. */ #define CLEAN_FIXED 0 // Startup part of dual (may be extended to other algorithms) int ClpSimplexDual::startupSolve(int ifValuesPass, double * saveDuals, int startFinishOptions) { // If values pass then save given duals round check solution // sanity check // initialize - no values pass and algorithm_ is -1 // put in standard form (and make row copy) // create modifiable copies of model rim and do optional scaling // If problem looks okay // Do initial factorization // If user asked for perturbation - do it numberFake_ = 0; // Number of variables at fake bounds numberChanged_ = 0; // Number of variables with changed costs if (!startup(0, startFinishOptions)) { int usePrimal = 0; // looks okay // Superbasic variables not allowed // If values pass then scale pi if (ifValuesPass) { if (problemStatus_ && perturbation_ < 100) usePrimal = perturb(); int i; if (scalingFlag_ > 0) { for (i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { dual_[i] = saveDuals[i] * inverseRowScale_[i]; } } else { CoinMemcpyN(saveDuals, numberRows_, dual_); } // now create my duals for (i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { // slack double value = dual_[i]; value += rowObjectiveWork_[i]; saveDuals[i+numberColumns_] = value; } CoinMemcpyN(objectiveWork_, numberColumns_, saveDuals); transposeTimes(-1.0, dual_, saveDuals); // make reduced costs okay for (i = 0; i < numberColumns_; i++) { if (getStatus(i) == atLowerBound) { if (saveDuals[i] < 0.0) { //if (saveDuals[i]<-1.0e-3) //printf("bad dj at lb %d %g\n",i,saveDuals[i]); saveDuals[i] = 0.0; } } else if (getStatus(i) == atUpperBound) { if (saveDuals[i] > 0.0) { //if (saveDuals[i]>1.0e-3) //printf("bad dj at ub %d %g\n",i,saveDuals[i]); saveDuals[i] = 0.0; } } } CoinMemcpyN(saveDuals, (numberColumns_ + numberRows_), dj_); // set up possible ones for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) clearPivoted(i); int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (fabs(saveDuals[iPivot]) > dualTolerance_) { if (getStatus(iPivot) != isFree) setPivoted(iPivot); } } } else if ((specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0 && CLEAN_FIXED) { // set up possible ones for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) clearPivoted(i); int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (iPivot < numberColumns_ && lower_[iPivot] == upper_[iPivot]) { setPivoted(iPivot); } } } double objectiveChange; assert (!numberFake_); assert (numberChanged_ == 0); if (!numberFake_) // if nonzero then adjust changeBounds(1, NULL, objectiveChange); if (!ifValuesPass) { // Check optimal if (!numberDualInfeasibilities_ && !numberPrimalInfeasibilities_) problemStatus_ = 0; } if (problemStatus_ < 0 && perturbation_ < 100) { bool inCbcOrOther = (specialOptions_ & 0x03000000) != 0; if (!inCbcOrOther) usePrimal = perturb(); // Can't get here if values pass gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE if (numberDualInfeasibilities_) printf("ZZZ %d primal %d dual - sumdinf %g\n", numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, numberDualInfeasibilities_, sumDualInfeasibilities_); #endif if (handler_->logLevel() > 2) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_STATUS, messages_) << numberIterations_ << objectiveValue(); handler_->printing(sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ << numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumDualInfeasibilities_ << numberDualInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ < numberDualInfeasibilities_) << numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_; handler_->message() << CoinMessageEol; } if (inCbcOrOther) { if (numberPrimalInfeasibilities_) { usePrimal = perturb(); if (perturbation_ >= 101) { computeDuals(NULL); //gutsOfSolution(NULL,NULL); checkDualSolution(); // recompute objective } } else if (numberDualInfeasibilities_) { problemStatus_ = 10; if ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 32) != 0 && false) problemStatus_ = 0; // say optimal!! #if COIN_DEVELOP>2 printf("returning at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif return 1; // to primal } } } else if (!ifValuesPass) { gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); // double check if (numberDualInfeasibilities_ || numberPrimalInfeasibilities_) problemStatus_ = -1; } if (usePrimal) { problemStatus_ = 10; #if COIN_DEVELOP>2 printf("returning to use primal (no obj) at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif } return usePrimal; } else { return 1; } } void ClpSimplexDual::finishSolve(int startFinishOptions) { assert (problemStatus_ || !sumPrimalInfeasibilities_); // clean up finish(startFinishOptions); } //#define CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS static int ixxxxxx = 0; static int ixxyyyy = 90; #endif #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL static int z_reason[7] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static int z_thinks = -1; #endif void ClpSimplexDual::gutsOfDual(int ifValuesPass, double * & saveDuals, int initialStatus, ClpDataSave & data) { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL z_reason[0]++; z_thinks = -1; int nPivots = 9999; #endif double largestPrimalError = 0.0; double largestDualError = 0.0; // Start can skip some things in transposeTimes specialOptions_ |= 131072; int lastCleaned = 0; // last time objective or bounds cleaned up // This says whether to restore things etc // startup will have factorized so can skip int factorType = 0; // Start check for cycles progress_.startCheck(); // Say change made on first iteration changeMade_ = 1; // Say last objective infinite //lastObjectiveValue_=-COIN_DBL_MAX; progressFlag_ = 0; /* Status of problem: 0 - optimal 1 - infeasible 2 - unbounded -1 - iterating -2 - factorization wanted -3 - redo checking without factorization -4 - looks infeasible */ while (problemStatus_ < 0) { int iRow, iColumn; // clear for (iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow++) { rowArray_[iRow]->clear(); } for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < 2; iColumn++) { columnArray_[iColumn]->clear(); } // give matrix (and model costs and bounds a chance to be // refreshed (normally null) matrix_->refresh(this); // If getting nowhere - why not give it a kick // does not seem to work too well - do some more work if (perturbation_ < 101 && numberIterations_ > 2 * (numberRows_ + numberColumns_) && initialStatus != 10) { perturb(); // Can't get here if values pass gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); if (handler_->logLevel() > 2) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_STATUS, messages_) << numberIterations_ << objectiveValue(); handler_->printing(sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ << numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumDualInfeasibilities_ << numberDualInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ < numberDualInfeasibilities_) << numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_; handler_->message() << CoinMessageEol; } } // see if in Cbc etc bool inCbcOrOther = (specialOptions_ & 0x03000000) != 0; #if 0 bool gotoPrimal = false; if (inCbcOrOther && numberIterations_ > disasterArea_ + numberRows_ && numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ && largestDualError_ > 1.0e-1) { if (!disasterArea_) { printf("trying all slack\n"); // try all slack basis allSlackBasis(true); disasterArea_ = 2 * numberRows_; } else { printf("going to primal\n"); // go to primal gotoPrimal = true; allSlackBasis(true); } } #endif bool disaster = false; if (disasterArea_ && inCbcOrOther && disasterArea_->check()) { disasterArea_->saveInfo(); disaster = true; } // may factorize, checks if problem finished statusOfProblemInDual(lastCleaned, factorType, saveDuals, data, ifValuesPass); largestPrimalError = CoinMax(largestPrimalError, largestPrimalError_); largestDualError = CoinMax(largestDualError, largestDualError_); if (disaster) problemStatus_ = 3; // If values pass then do easy ones on first time if (ifValuesPass && progress_.lastIterationNumber(0) < 0 && saveDuals) { doEasyOnesInValuesPass(saveDuals); } // Say good factorization factorType = 1; if (data.sparseThreshold_) { // use default at present factorization_->sparseThreshold(0); factorization_->goSparse(); } // exit if victory declared if (problemStatus_ >= 0) break; // test for maximum iterations if (hitMaximumIterations() || (ifValuesPass == 2 && !saveDuals)) { problemStatus_ = 3; break; } if (ifValuesPass && !saveDuals) { // end of values pass ifValuesPass = 0; int status = eventHandler_->event(ClpEventHandler::endOfValuesPass); if (status >= 0) { problemStatus_ = 5; secondaryStatus_ = ClpEventHandler::endOfValuesPass; break; } } // Check event { int status = eventHandler_->event(ClpEventHandler::endOfFactorization); if (status >= 0) { problemStatus_ = 5; secondaryStatus_ = ClpEventHandler::endOfFactorization; break; } } // Do iterations int returnCode = whileIterating(saveDuals, ifValuesPass); if (problemStatus_ == 1 && (progressFlag_&8) != 0 && fabs(objectiveValue_) > 1.0e10 ) problemStatus_ = 10; // infeasible - but has looked feasible #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL nPivots = factorization_->pivots(); #endif if (!problemStatus_ && factorization_->pivots()) computeDuals(NULL); // need to compute duals if (returnCode == -2) factorType = 3; } #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL // NOTE - can fail if parallel if (z_thinks != -1) { assert (z_thinks < 4); if ((!factorization_->pivots() && nPivots < 20) && z_thinks >= 0 && z_thinks < 2) z_thinks += 4; z_reason[1+z_thinks]++; } if ((z_reason[0] % 1000) == 0) { printf("Reason"); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) printf(" %d", z_reason[i]); printf("\n"); } #endif // Stop can skip some things in transposeTimes specialOptions_ &= ~131072; largestPrimalError_ = largestPrimalError; largestDualError_ = largestDualError; } int ClpSimplexDual::dual(int ifValuesPass, int startFinishOptions) { bestObjectiveValue_ = -COIN_DBL_MAX; algorithm_ = -1; moreSpecialOptions_ &= ~16; // clear check replaceColumn accuracy // save data ClpDataSave data = saveData(); double * saveDuals = NULL; int saveDont = dontFactorizePivots_; if ((specialOptions_ & 2048) == 0) dontFactorizePivots_ = 0; else if(!dontFactorizePivots_) dontFactorizePivots_ = 20; if (ifValuesPass) { saveDuals = new double [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(dual_, numberRows_, saveDuals); } if (alphaAccuracy_ != -1.0) alphaAccuracy_ = 1.0; int returnCode = startupSolve(ifValuesPass, saveDuals, startFinishOptions); // Save so can see if doing after primal int initialStatus = problemStatus_; if (!returnCode && !numberDualInfeasibilities_ && !numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ && perturbation_ < 101) { returnCode = 1; // to skip gutsOfDual problemStatus_ = 0; } if (!returnCode) gutsOfDual(ifValuesPass, saveDuals, initialStatus, data); if (!problemStatus_) { // see if cutoff reached double limit = 0.0; getDblParam(ClpDualObjectiveLimit, limit); if(fabs(limit) < 1.0e30 && objectiveValue()*optimizationDirection_ > limit + 1.0e-7 + 1.0e-8 * fabs(limit)) { // actually infeasible on objective problemStatus_ = 1; secondaryStatus_ = 1; } } // If infeasible but primal errors - try dual if (problemStatus_==1 && numberPrimalInfeasibilities_) { bool inCbcOrOther = (specialOptions_ & 0x03000000) != 0; double factor = (!inCbcOrOther) ? 1.0 : 0.3; double averageInfeasibility = sumPrimalInfeasibilities_/ static_cast(numberPrimalInfeasibilities_); if (averageInfeasibility 0) { for (i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { dual_[i] = saveDuals[i] * inverseRowScale_[i]; } } else { CoinMemcpyN(saveDuals, numberRows_, dual_); } // now create my duals for (i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { // slack double value = dual_[i]; value += rowObjectiveWork_[i]; saveDuals[i+numberColumns_] = value; } CoinMemcpyN(objectiveWork_, numberColumns_, saveDuals); transposeTimes(-1.0, dual_, saveDuals); // make reduced costs okay for (i = 0; i < numberColumns_; i++) { if (getStatus(i) == atLowerBound) { if (saveDuals[i] < 0.0) { //if (saveDuals[i]<-1.0e-3) //printf("bad dj at lb %d %g\n",i,saveDuals[i]); saveDuals[i] = 0.0; } } else if (getStatus(i) == atUpperBound) { if (saveDuals[i] > 0.0) { //if (saveDuals[i]>1.0e-3) //printf("bad dj at ub %d %g\n",i,saveDuals[i]); saveDuals[i] = 0.0; } } } CoinMemcpyN(saveDuals, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, dj_); // set up possible ones for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) clearPivoted(i); int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (fabs(saveDuals[iPivot]) > dualTolerance_) { if (getStatus(iPivot) != isFree) setPivoted(iPivot); } } } else if ((specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0 && CLEAN_FIXED) { // set up possible ones for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) clearPivoted(i); int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (iPivot < numberColumns_ && lower_[iPivot] == upper_[iPivot]) { setPivoted(iPivot); } } } double objectiveChange; numberFake_ = 0; // Number of variables at fake bounds numberChanged_ = 0; // Number of variables with changed costs changeBounds(1, NULL, objectiveChange); int lastCleaned = 0; // last time objective or bounds cleaned up if (!ifValuesPass) { // Check optimal if (!numberDualInfeasibilities_ && !numberPrimalInfeasibilities_) problemStatus_ = 0; } if (problemStatus_ < 0 && perturbation_ < 100) { perturb(); // Can't get here if values pass gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); if (handler_->logLevel() > 2) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_STATUS, messages_) << numberIterations_ << objectiveValue(); handler_->printing(sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ << numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumDualInfeasibilities_ << numberDualInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ < numberDualInfeasibilities_) << numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_; handler_->message() << CoinMessageEol; } } // This says whether to restore things etc // startup will have factorized so can skip int factorType = 0; // Start check for cycles progress_.startCheck(); // Say change made on first iteration changeMade_ = 1; /* Status of problem: 0 - optimal 1 - infeasible 2 - unbounded -1 - iterating -2 - factorization wanted -3 - redo checking without factorization -4 - looks infeasible */ while (problemStatus_ < 0) { int iRow, iColumn; // clear for (iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow++) { rowArray_[iRow]->clear(); } for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < 2; iColumn++) { columnArray_[iColumn]->clear(); } // give matrix (and model costs and bounds a chance to be // refreshed (normally null) matrix_->refresh(this); // If getting nowhere - why not give it a kick // does not seem to work too well - do some more work if (perturbation_ < 101 && numberIterations_ > 2 * (numberRows_ + numberColumns_) && initialStatus != 10) { perturb(); // Can't get here if values pass gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); if (handler_->logLevel() > 2) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_STATUS, messages_) << numberIterations_ << objectiveValue(); handler_->printing(sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ << numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumDualInfeasibilities_ << numberDualInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ < numberDualInfeasibilities_) << numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_; handler_->message() << CoinMessageEol; } } // may factorize, checks if problem finished statusOfProblemInDual(lastCleaned, factorType, saveDuals, data, ifValuesPass); // If values pass then do easy ones on first time if (ifValuesPass && progress_.lastIterationNumber(0) < 0 && saveDuals) { doEasyOnesInValuesPass(saveDuals); } // Say good factorization factorType = 1; if (data.sparseThreshold_) { // use default at present factorization_->sparseThreshold(0); factorization_->goSparse(); } // exit if victory declared if (problemStatus_ >= 0) break; // test for maximum iterations if (hitMaximumIterations() || (ifValuesPass == 2 && !saveDuals)) { problemStatus_ = 3; break; } if (ifValuesPass && !saveDuals) { // end of values pass ifValuesPass = 0; int status = eventHandler_->event(ClpEventHandler::endOfValuesPass); if (status >= 0) { problemStatus_ = 5; secondaryStatus_ = ClpEventHandler::endOfValuesPass; break; } } // Check event { int status = eventHandler_->event(ClpEventHandler::endOfFactorization); if (status >= 0) { problemStatus_ = 5; secondaryStatus_ = ClpEventHandler::endOfFactorization; break; } } // Do iterations whileIterating(saveDuals, ifValuesPass); } } assert (problemStatus_ || !sumPrimalInfeasibilities_); // clean up finish(startFinishOptions); delete [] saveDuals; // Restore any saved stuff restoreData(data); return problemStatus_; } #endif //#define CHECK_ACCURACY #ifdef CHECK_ACCURACY static double zzzzzz[100000]; #endif /* Reasons to come out: -1 iterations etc -2 inaccuracy -3 slight inaccuracy (and done iterations) +0 looks optimal (might be unbounded - but we will investigate) +1 looks infeasible +3 max iterations */ int ClpSimplexDual::whileIterating(double * & givenDuals, int ifValuesPass) { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL z_thinks = -1; #endif #ifdef CLP_DEBUG int debugIteration = -1; #endif { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { rowArray_[i]->clear(); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { columnArray_[i]->clear(); } } #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS double * savePSol = new double [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * saveDj = new double [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * saveCost = new double [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; unsigned char * saveStat = new unsigned char [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; #endif // if can't trust much and long way from optimal then relax if (largestPrimalError_ > 10.0) factorization_->relaxAccuracyCheck(CoinMin(1.0e2, largestPrimalError_ / 10.0)); else factorization_->relaxAccuracyCheck(1.0); // status stays at -1 while iterating, >=0 finished, -2 to invert // status -3 to go to top without an invert int returnCode = -1; double saveSumDual = sumDualInfeasibilities_; // so we know to be careful #if 0 // compute average infeasibility for backward test double averagePrimalInfeasibility = sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ / ((double ) (numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ + 1)); #endif // Get dubious weights CoinBigIndex * dubiousWeights = NULL; #ifdef DUBIOUS_WEIGHTS factorization_->getWeights(rowArray_[0]->getIndices()); dubiousWeights = matrix_->dubiousWeights(this, rowArray_[0]->getIndices()); #endif // If values pass then get list of candidates int * candidateList = NULL; int numberCandidates = 0; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG bool wasInValuesPass = (givenDuals != NULL); #endif int candidate = -1; if (givenDuals) { assert (ifValuesPass); ifValuesPass = 1; candidateList = new int[numberRows_]; // move reduced costs across CoinMemcpyN(givenDuals, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, dj_); int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (flagged(iPivot)) continue; if (fabs(dj_[iPivot]) > dualTolerance_) { // for now safer to ignore free ones if (lower_[iPivot] > -1.0e50 || upper_[iPivot] < 1.0e50) if (pivoted(iPivot)) candidateList[numberCandidates++] = iRow; } else { clearPivoted(iPivot); } } // and set first candidate if (!numberCandidates) { delete [] candidateList; delete [] givenDuals; givenDuals = NULL; candidateList = NULL; int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; clearPivoted(iPivot); } } } else { assert (!ifValuesPass); } #ifdef CHECK_ACCURACY { if (numberIterations_) { int il = -1; double largest = 1.0e-1; int ilnb = -1; double largestnb = 1.0e-8; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { double diff = fabs(solution_[i] - zzzzzz[i]); if (diff > largest) { largest = diff; il = i; } if (getColumnStatus(i) != basic) { if (diff > largestnb) { largestnb = diff; ilnb = i; } } } if (il >= 0 && ilnb < 0) printf("largest diff of %g at %d, nonbasic %g at %d\n", largest, il, largestnb, ilnb); } } #endif while (problemStatus_ == -1) { //if (numberIterations_>=101624) //resetFakeBounds(-1); #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (givenDuals) { double value5 = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (dj_[i] < -1.0e-6) if (upper_[i] < 1.0e20) value5 += dj_[i] * upper_[i]; else printf("bad dj %g on %d with large upper status %d\n", dj_[i], i, status_[i] & 7); else if (dj_[i] > 1.0e-6) if (lower_[i] > -1.0e20) value5 += dj_[i] * lower_[i]; else printf("bad dj %g on %d with large lower status %d\n", dj_[i], i, status_[i] & 7); } printf("Values objective Value %g\n", value5); } if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32) && wasInValuesPass) { double value5 = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (dj_[i] < -1.0e-6) if (upper_[i] < 1.0e20) value5 += dj_[i] * upper_[i]; else if (dj_[i] > 1.0e-6) if (lower_[i] > -1.0e20) value5 += dj_[i] * lower_[i]; } printf("Values objective Value %g\n", value5); { int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { int iSequence = i; double oldValue; switch(getStatus(iSequence)) { case basic: case ClpSimplex::isFixed: break; case isFree: case superBasic: abort(); break; case atUpperBound: oldValue = dj_[iSequence]; //assert (oldValue<=tolerance); assert (fabs(solution_[iSequence] - upper_[iSequence]) < 1.0e-7); break; case atLowerBound: oldValue = dj_[iSequence]; //assert (oldValue>=-tolerance); assert (fabs(solution_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence]) < 1.0e-7); break; } } } } #endif #ifdef CLP_DEBUG { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { rowArray_[i]->checkClear(); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { columnArray_[i]->checkClear(); } } #endif #if CLP_DEBUG>2 // very expensive if (numberIterations_ > 3063 && numberIterations_ < 30700) { //handler_->setLogLevel(63); double saveValue = objectiveValue_; double * saveRow1 = new double[numberRows_]; double * saveRow2 = new double[numberRows_]; CoinMemcpyN(rowReducedCost_, numberRows_, saveRow1); CoinMemcpyN(rowActivityWork_, numberRows_, saveRow2); double * saveColumn1 = new double[numberColumns_]; double * saveColumn2 = new double[numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(reducedCostWork_, numberColumns_, saveColumn1); CoinMemcpyN(columnActivityWork_, numberColumns_, saveColumn2); gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); printf("xxx %d old obj %g, recomputed %g, sum dual inf %g\n", numberIterations_, saveValue, objectiveValue_, sumDualInfeasibilities_); if (saveValue > objectiveValue_ + 1.0e-2) printf("**bad**\n"); CoinMemcpyN(saveRow1, numberRows_, rowReducedCost_); CoinMemcpyN(saveRow2, numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(saveColumn1, numberColumns_, reducedCostWork_); CoinMemcpyN(saveColumn2, numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); delete [] saveRow1; delete [] saveRow2; delete [] saveColumn1; delete [] saveColumn2; objectiveValue_ = saveValue; } #endif #if 0 // if (factorization_->pivots()){ { int iPivot; double * array = rowArray_[3]->denseVector(); int i; for (iPivot = 0; iPivot < numberRows_; iPivot++) { int iSequence = pivotVariable_[iPivot]; unpack(rowArray_[3], iSequence); factorization_->updateColumn(rowArray_[2], rowArray_[3]); assert (fabs(array[iPivot] - 1.0) < 1.0e-4); array[iPivot] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) assert (fabs(array[i]) < 1.0e-4); rowArray_[3]->clear(); } } #endif #ifdef CLP_DEBUG { int iSequence, number = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < number; iSequence++) { double lowerValue = lower_[iSequence]; double upperValue = upper_[iSequence]; double value = solution_[iSequence]; if(getStatus(iSequence) != basic && getStatus(iSequence) != isFree) { assert(lowerValue > -1.0e20); assert(upperValue < 1.0e20); } switch(getStatus(iSequence)) { case basic: break; case isFree: case superBasic: break; case atUpperBound: assert (fabs(value - upperValue) <= primalTolerance_) ; break; case atLowerBound: case ClpSimplex::isFixed: assert (fabs(value - lowerValue) <= primalTolerance_) ; break; } } } if(numberIterations_ == debugIteration) { printf("dodgy iteration coming up\n"); } #endif #if 0 printf("checking nz\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!rowArray_[i]->getNumElements()) rowArray_[i]->checkClear(); } #endif // choose row to go out // dualRow will go to virtual row pivot choice algorithm // make sure values pass off if it should be if (numberCandidates) candidate = candidateList[--numberCandidates]; else candidate = -1; dualRow(candidate); if (pivotRow_ >= 0) { // we found a pivot row if (handler_->detail(CLP_SIMPLEX_PIVOTROW, messages_) < 100) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_PIVOTROW, messages_) << pivotRow_ << CoinMessageEol; } // check accuracy of weights dualRowPivot_->checkAccuracy(); // Get good size for pivot // Allow first few iterations to take tiny double acceptablePivot = 1.0e-1 * acceptablePivot_; if (numberIterations_ > 100) acceptablePivot = acceptablePivot_; if (factorization_->pivots() > 10 || (factorization_->pivots() && saveSumDual)) acceptablePivot = 1.0e+3 * acceptablePivot_; // if we have iterated be more strict else if (factorization_->pivots() > 5) acceptablePivot = 1.0e+2 * acceptablePivot_; // if we have iterated be slightly more strict else if (factorization_->pivots()) acceptablePivot = acceptablePivot_; // relax // But factorizations complain if <1.0e-8 //acceptablePivot=CoinMax(acceptablePivot,1.0e-8); double bestPossiblePivot = 1.0; // get sign for finding row of tableau if (candidate < 0) { // normal iteration // create as packed double direction = directionOut_; rowArray_[0]->createPacked(1, &pivotRow_, &direction); factorization_->updateColumnTranspose(rowArray_[1], rowArray_[0]); // Allow to do dualColumn0 if (numberThreads_ < -1) spareIntArray_[0] = 1; spareDoubleArray_[0] = acceptablePivot; rowArray_[3]->clear(); sequenceIn_ = -1; // put row of tableau in rowArray[0] and columnArray[0] assert (!rowArray_[1]->getNumElements()); if (!scaledMatrix_) { if ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 8) != 0 && !rowScale_) spareIntArray_[0] = 1; matrix_->transposeTimes(this, -1.0, rowArray_[0], rowArray_[1], columnArray_[0]); } else { double * saveR = rowScale_; double * saveC = columnScale_; rowScale_ = NULL; columnScale_ = NULL; if ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 8) != 0) spareIntArray_[0] = 1; scaledMatrix_->transposeTimes(this, -1.0, rowArray_[0], rowArray_[1], columnArray_[0]); rowScale_ = saveR; columnScale_ = saveC; } #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS memcpy(savePSol, solution_, (numberColumns_ + numberRows_)*sizeof(double)); memcpy(saveDj, dj_, (numberColumns_ + numberRows_)*sizeof(double)); memcpy(saveCost, cost_, (numberColumns_ + numberRows_)*sizeof(double)); memcpy(saveStat, status_, (numberColumns_ + numberRows_)*sizeof(char)); #endif // do ratio test for normal iteration bestPossiblePivot = dualColumn(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], rowArray_[3], columnArray_[1], acceptablePivot, dubiousWeights); } else { // Make sure direction plausible CoinAssert (upperOut_ < 1.0e50 || lowerOut_ > -1.0e50); // If in integer cleanup do direction using duals // may be wrong way round if(ifValuesPass == 2) { if (dual_[pivotRow_] > 0.0) { // this will give a -1 in pivot row (as slacks are -1.0) directionOut_ = 1; } else { directionOut_ = -1; } } if (directionOut_ < 0 && fabs(valueOut_ - upperOut_) > dualBound_ + primalTolerance_) { if (fabs(valueOut_ - upperOut_) > fabs(valueOut_ - lowerOut_)) directionOut_ = 1; } else if (directionOut_ > 0 && fabs(valueOut_ - lowerOut_) > dualBound_ + primalTolerance_) { if (fabs(valueOut_ - upperOut_) < fabs(valueOut_ - lowerOut_)) directionOut_ = -1; } double direction = directionOut_; rowArray_[0]->createPacked(1, &pivotRow_, &direction); factorization_->updateColumnTranspose(rowArray_[1], rowArray_[0]); // put row of tableau in rowArray[0] and columnArray[0] if (!scaledMatrix_) { matrix_->transposeTimes(this, -1.0, rowArray_[0], rowArray_[3], columnArray_[0]); } else { double * saveR = rowScale_; double * saveC = columnScale_; rowScale_ = NULL; columnScale_ = NULL; scaledMatrix_->transposeTimes(this, -1.0, rowArray_[0], rowArray_[3], columnArray_[0]); rowScale_ = saveR; columnScale_ = saveC; } acceptablePivot *= 10.0; // do ratio test if (ifValuesPass == 1) { checkPossibleValuesMove(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], acceptablePivot); } else { checkPossibleCleanup(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], acceptablePivot); if (sequenceIn_ < 0) { rowArray_[0]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); continue; // can't do anything } } // recompute true dualOut_ if (directionOut_ < 0) { dualOut_ = valueOut_ - upperOut_; } else { dualOut_ = lowerOut_ - valueOut_; } // check what happened if was values pass // may want to move part way i.e. movement bool normalIteration = (sequenceIn_ != sequenceOut_); clearPivoted(sequenceOut_); // make sure won't be done again // see if end of values pass if (!numberCandidates) { int iRow; delete [] candidateList; delete [] givenDuals; candidate = -2; // -2 signals end givenDuals = NULL; candidateList = NULL; ifValuesPass = 1; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; //assert (fabs(dj_[iPivot]),1.0e-5); clearPivoted(iPivot); } } if (!normalIteration) { //rowArray_[0]->cleanAndPackSafe(1.0e-60); //columnArray_[0]->cleanAndPackSafe(1.0e-60); updateDualsInValuesPass(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], theta_); if (candidate == -2) problemStatus_ = -2; continue; // skip rest of iteration } else { // recompute dualOut_ if (directionOut_ < 0) { dualOut_ = valueOut_ - upperOut_; } else { dualOut_ = lowerOut_ - valueOut_; } } } if (sequenceIn_ >= 0) { // normal iteration // update the incoming column double btranAlpha = -alpha_ * directionOut_; // for check unpackPacked(rowArray_[1]); // moved into updateWeights - factorization_->updateColumnFT(rowArray_[2],rowArray_[1]); // and update dual weights (can do in parallel - with extra array) alpha_ = dualRowPivot_->updateWeights(rowArray_[0], rowArray_[2], rowArray_[3], rowArray_[1]); // see if update stable #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("btran alpha %g, ftran alpha %g\n", btranAlpha, alpha_); #endif double checkValue = 1.0e-7; // if can't trust much and long way from optimal then relax if (largestPrimalError_ > 10.0) checkValue = CoinMin(1.0e-4, 1.0e-8 * largestPrimalError_); if (fabs(btranAlpha) < 1.0e-12 || fabs(alpha_) < 1.0e-12 || fabs(btranAlpha - alpha_) > checkValue*(1.0 + fabs(alpha_))) { handler_->message(CLP_DUAL_CHECK, messages_) << btranAlpha << alpha_ << CoinMessageEol; if (factorization_->pivots()) { dualRowPivot_->unrollWeights(); problemStatus_ = -2; // factorize now rowArray_[0]->clear(); rowArray_[1]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); returnCode = -2; break; } else { // take on more relaxed criterion double test; if (fabs(btranAlpha) < 1.0e-8 || fabs(alpha_) < 1.0e-8) test = 1.0e-1 * fabs(alpha_); else test = 1.0e-4 * (1.0 + fabs(alpha_)); if (fabs(btranAlpha) < 1.0e-12 || fabs(alpha_) < 1.0e-12 || fabs(btranAlpha - alpha_) > test) { dualRowPivot_->unrollWeights(); // need to reject something char x = isColumn(sequenceOut_) ? 'C' : 'R'; handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_FLAG, messages_) << x << sequenceWithin(sequenceOut_) << CoinMessageEol; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("flag a %g %g\n", btranAlpha, alpha_); #endif //#define FEB_TRY #if 1 //def FEB_TRY // Make safer? factorization_->saferTolerances (-0.99, -1.03); #endif setFlagged(sequenceOut_); progress_.clearBadTimes(); lastBadIteration_ = numberIterations_; // say be more cautious rowArray_[0]->clear(); rowArray_[1]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); if (fabs(alpha_) < 1.0e-10 && fabs(btranAlpha) < 1.0e-8 && numberIterations_ > 100) { //printf("I think should declare infeasible\n"); problemStatus_ = 1; returnCode = 1; break; } continue; } } } // update duals BEFORE replaceColumn so can do updateColumn double objectiveChange = 0.0; // do duals first as variables may flip bounds // rowArray_[0] and columnArray_[0] may have flips // so use rowArray_[3] for work array from here on int nswapped = 0; //rowArray_[0]->cleanAndPackSafe(1.0e-60); //columnArray_[0]->cleanAndPackSafe(1.0e-60); if (candidate == -1) { // make sure incoming doesn't count Status saveStatus = getStatus(sequenceIn_); setStatus(sequenceIn_, basic); nswapped = updateDualsInDual(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], rowArray_[2], theta_, objectiveChange, false); setStatus(sequenceIn_, saveStatus); } else { updateDualsInValuesPass(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], theta_); } double oldDualOut = dualOut_; // which will change basic solution if (nswapped) { if (rowArray_[2]->getNumElements()) { factorization_->updateColumn(rowArray_[3], rowArray_[2]); dualRowPivot_->updatePrimalSolution(rowArray_[2], 1.0, objectiveChange); } // recompute dualOut_ valueOut_ = solution_[sequenceOut_]; if (directionOut_ < 0) { dualOut_ = valueOut_ - upperOut_; } else { dualOut_ = lowerOut_ - valueOut_; } #if 0 if (dualOut_ < 0.0) { #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (handler_->logLevel() & 32) { printf(" dualOut_ %g %g save %g\n", dualOut_, averagePrimalInfeasibility, saveDualOut); printf("values %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", lowerOut_, valueOut_, upperOut_, objectiveChange,); } #endif if (upperOut_ == lowerOut_) dualOut_ = 0.0; } if(dualOut_ < -CoinMax(1.0e-12 * averagePrimalInfeasibility, 1.0e-8) && factorization_->pivots() > 100 && getStatus(sequenceIn_) != isFree) { // going backwards - factorize dualRowPivot_->unrollWeights(); problemStatus_ = -2; // factorize now returnCode = -2; break; } #endif } // amount primal will move double movement = -dualOut_ * directionOut_ / alpha_; double movementOld = oldDualOut * directionOut_ / alpha_; // so objective should increase by fabs(dj)*movement // but we already have objective change - so check will be good if (objectiveChange + fabs(movementOld * dualIn_) < -CoinMax(1.0e-5, 1.0e-12 * fabs(objectiveValue_))) { #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (handler_->logLevel() & 32) printf("movement %g, swap change %g, rest %g * %g\n", objectiveChange + fabs(movement * dualIn_), objectiveChange, movement, dualIn_); #endif if(factorization_->pivots()) { // going backwards - factorize dualRowPivot_->unrollWeights(); problemStatus_ = -2; // factorize now returnCode = -2; break; } } // if stable replace in basis int updateStatus = factorization_->replaceColumn(this, rowArray_[2], rowArray_[1], pivotRow_, alpha_, (moreSpecialOptions_ & 16) != 0, acceptablePivot); // If looks like bad pivot - refactorize if (fabs(dualOut_) > 1.0e50) updateStatus = 2; // if no pivots, bad update but reasonable alpha - take and invert if (updateStatus == 2 && !factorization_->pivots() && fabs(alpha_) > 1.0e-5) updateStatus = 4; if (updateStatus == 1 || updateStatus == 4) { // slight error if (factorization_->pivots() > 5 || updateStatus == 4) { problemStatus_ = -2; // factorize now returnCode = -3; } } else if (updateStatus == 2) { // major error dualRowPivot_->unrollWeights(); // later we may need to unwind more e.g. fake bounds if (factorization_->pivots() && ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 16) == 0 || factorization_->pivots() > 4)) { problemStatus_ = -2; // factorize now returnCode = -2; moreSpecialOptions_ |= 16; break; } else { // need to reject something char x = isColumn(sequenceOut_) ? 'C' : 'R'; handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_FLAG, messages_) << x << sequenceWithin(sequenceOut_) << CoinMessageEol; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("flag b %g\n", alpha_); #endif setFlagged(sequenceOut_); progress_.clearBadTimes(); lastBadIteration_ = numberIterations_; // say be more cautious rowArray_[0]->clear(); rowArray_[1]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); // make sure dual feasible // look at all rows and columns double objectiveChange = 0.0; updateDualsInDual(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], rowArray_[1], 0.0, objectiveChange, true); rowArray_[1]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); continue; } } else if (updateStatus == 3) { // out of memory // increase space if not many iterations if (factorization_->pivots() < 0.5 * factorization_->maximumPivots() && factorization_->pivots() < 200) factorization_->areaFactor( factorization_->areaFactor() * 1.1); problemStatus_ = -2; // factorize now } else if (updateStatus == 5) { problemStatus_ = -2; // factorize now } // update primal solution if (theta_ < 0.0 && candidate == -1) { #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (handler_->logLevel() & 32) printf("negative theta %g\n", theta_); #endif theta_ = 0.0; } // do actual flips flipBounds(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0]); //rowArray_[1]->expand(); dualRowPivot_->updatePrimalSolution(rowArray_[1], movement, objectiveChange); #ifdef CLP_DEBUG double oldobj = objectiveValue_; #endif // modify dualout dualOut_ /= alpha_; dualOut_ *= -directionOut_; //setStatus(sequenceIn_,basic); dj_[sequenceIn_] = 0.0; double oldValue = valueIn_; if (directionIn_ == -1) { // as if from upper bound valueIn_ = upperIn_ + dualOut_; } else { // as if from lower bound valueIn_ = lowerIn_ + dualOut_; } objectiveChange += cost_[sequenceIn_] * (valueIn_ - oldValue); // outgoing // set dj to zero unless values pass if (directionOut_ > 0) { valueOut_ = lowerOut_; if (candidate == -1) dj_[sequenceOut_] = theta_; } else { valueOut_ = upperOut_; if (candidate == -1) dj_[sequenceOut_] = -theta_; } solution_[sequenceOut_] = valueOut_; int whatNext = housekeeping(objectiveChange); #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS if (ixxxxxx > ixxyyyy - 5) { handler_->setLogLevel(63); int nTotal = numberColumns_ + numberRows_; double oldObj = 0.0; double newObj = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) { if (savePSol[i]) oldObj += savePSol[i] * saveCost[i]; if (solution_[i]) newObj += solution_[i] * cost_[i]; bool printIt = false; if (cost_[i] != saveCost[i]) printIt = true; if (status_[i] != saveStat[i]) printIt = true; if (printIt) printf("%d old %d cost %g sol %g, new %d cost %g sol %g\n", i, saveStat[i], saveCost[i], savePSol[i], status_[i], cost_[i], solution_[i]); // difference savePSol[i] = solution_[i] - savePSol[i]; } printf("pivots %d, old obj %g new %g\n", factorization_->pivots(), oldObj, newObj); memset(saveDj, 0, numberRows_ * sizeof(double)); times(1.0, savePSol, saveDj); double largest = 1.0e-6; int k = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { saveDj[i] -= savePSol[i+numberColumns_]; if (fabs(saveDj[i]) > largest) { largest = fabs(saveDj[i]); k = i; } } if (k >= 0) printf("Not null %d %g\n", k, largest); } #endif #ifdef VUB { if ((sequenceIn_ < numberColumns_ && vub[sequenceIn_] >= 0) || toVub[sequenceIn_] >= 0 || (sequenceOut_ < numberColumns_ && vub[sequenceOut_] >= 0) || toVub[sequenceOut_] >= 0) { int inSequence = sequenceIn_; int inVub = -1; if (sequenceIn_ < numberColumns_) inVub = vub[sequenceIn_]; int inBack = toVub[inSequence]; int inSlack = -1; if (inSequence >= numberColumns_ && inBack >= 0) { inSlack = inSequence - numberColumns_; inSequence = inBack; inBack = toVub[inSequence]; } if (inVub >= 0) printf("Vub %d in ", inSequence); if (inBack >= 0 && inSlack < 0) printf("%d (descendent of %d) in ", inSequence, inBack); if (inSlack >= 0) printf("slack for row %d -> %d (descendent of %d) in ", inSlack, inSequence, inBack); int outSequence = sequenceOut_; int outVub = -1; if (sequenceOut_ < numberColumns_) outVub = vub[sequenceOut_]; int outBack = toVub[outSequence]; int outSlack = -1; if (outSequence >= numberColumns_ && outBack >= 0) { outSlack = outSequence - numberColumns_; outSequence = outBack; outBack = toVub[outSequence]; } if (outVub >= 0) printf("Vub %d out ", outSequence); if (outBack >= 0 && outSlack < 0) printf("%d (descendent of %d) out ", outSequence, outBack); if (outSlack >= 0) printf("slack for row %d -> %d (descendent of %d) out ", outSlack, outSequence, outBack); printf("\n"); } } #endif #if 0 if (numberIterations_ > 206033) handler_->setLogLevel(63); if (numberIterations_ > 210567) exit(77); #endif if (!givenDuals && ifValuesPass && ifValuesPass != 2) { handler_->message(CLP_END_VALUES_PASS, messages_) << numberIterations_; whatNext = 1; } #ifdef CHECK_ACCURACY if (whatNext) { CoinMemcpyN(solution_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), zzzzzz); } #endif //if (numberIterations_==1890) //whatNext=1; //if (numberIterations_>2000) //exit(77); // and set bounds correctly originalBound(sequenceIn_); changeBound(sequenceOut_); #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (objectiveValue_ < oldobj - 1.0e-5 && (handler_->logLevel() & 16)) printf("obj backwards %g %g\n", objectiveValue_, oldobj); #endif #if 0 { for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { FakeBound bound = getFakeBound(i); if (bound == ClpSimplexDual::upperFake) { assert (upper_[i] < 1.0e20); } else if (bound == ClpSimplexDual::lowerFake) { assert (lower_[i] > -1.0e20); } else if (bound == ClpSimplexDual::bothFake) { assert (upper_[i] < 1.0e20); assert (lower_[i] > -1.0e20); } } } #endif if (whatNext == 1 || candidate == -2) { problemStatus_ = -2; // refactorize } else if (whatNext == 2) { // maximum iterations or equivalent problemStatus_ = 3; returnCode = 3; break; } // Check event { int status = eventHandler_->event(ClpEventHandler::endOfIteration); if (status >= 0) { problemStatus_ = 5; secondaryStatus_ = ClpEventHandler::endOfIteration; returnCode = 4; break; } } } else { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL z_thinks = 1; #endif // no incoming column is valid pivotRow_ = -1; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (handler_->logLevel() & 32) printf("** no column pivot\n"); #endif if (factorization_->pivots() < 2 && acceptablePivot_ <= 1.0e-8) { //&&goodAccuracy()) { // If not in branch and bound etc save ray delete [] ray_; if ((specialOptions_&(1024 | 4096)) == 0 || (specialOptions_ & 32) != 0) { // create ray anyway ray_ = new double [ numberRows_]; rowArray_[0]->expand(); // in case packed CoinMemcpyN(rowArray_[0]->denseVector(), numberRows_, ray_); } else { ray_ = NULL; } // If we have just factorized and infeasibility reasonable say infeas double dualTest = ((specialOptions_ & 4096) != 0) ? 1.0e8 : 1.0e13; if (((specialOptions_ & 4096) != 0 || bestPossiblePivot < 1.0e-11) && dualBound_ > dualTest) { double testValue = 1.0e-4; if (!factorization_->pivots() && numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ == 1) testValue = 1.0e-6; if (valueOut_ > upperOut_ + testValue || valueOut_ < lowerOut_ - testValue || (specialOptions_ & 64) == 0) { // say infeasible problemStatus_ = 1; // unless primal feasible!!!! //printf("%d %g %d %g\n",numberPrimalInfeasibilities_,sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, // numberDualInfeasibilities_,sumDualInfeasibilities_); //#define TEST_CLP_NODE #ifndef TEST_CLP_NODE // Should be correct - but ... int numberFake = numberAtFakeBound(); double sumPrimal = (!numberFake) ? 2.0e5 : sumPrimalInfeasibilities_; if (sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ < 1.0e-3 || sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 1.0e-5 || (sumPrimal < 1.0e5 && (specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0 && factorization_->pivots())) { if (sumPrimal > 50.0 && factorization_->pivots() > 2) { problemStatus_ = -4; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("status to -4 at %d - primalinf %g pivots %d\n", __LINE__, sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, factorization_->pivots()); #endif } else { problemStatus_ = 10; #if COIN_DEVELOP>1 printf("returning at %d - primal %d %g - dual %d %g fake %d weight %g - pivs %d - options (1024-16384) %d %d %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, numberDualInfeasibilities_, sumDualInfeasibilities_, numberFake_, dualBound_, factorization_->pivots(), (specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0 ? 1 : 0, (specialOptions_ & 2048) != 0 ? 1 : 0, (specialOptions_ & 4096) != 0 ? 1 : 0, (specialOptions_ & 8192) != 0 ? 1 : 0, (specialOptions_ & 16384) != 0 ? 1 : 0 ); #endif // Get rid of objective if ((specialOptions_ & 16384) == 0) objective_ = new ClpLinearObjective(NULL, numberColumns_); } } #else if (sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ < 1.0e-3 || sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 1.0e-6) { #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("at %d - primal %d %g - dual %d %g fake %d weight %g - pivs %d\n", __LINE__, numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, numberDualInfeasibilities_, sumDualInfeasibilities_, numberFake_, dualBound_, factorization_->pivots()); #endif if ((specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0 && factorization_->pivots()) { problemStatus_ = 10; #if COIN_DEVELOP>1 printf("returning at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif // Get rid of objective if ((specialOptions_ & 16384) == 0) objective_ = new ClpLinearObjective(NULL, numberColumns_); } } #endif rowArray_[0]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); returnCode = 1; break; } } // If special option set - put off as long as possible if ((specialOptions_ & 64) == 0 || (moreSpecialOptions_ & 64) != 0) { if (factorization_->pivots() == 0) problemStatus_ = -4; //say looks infeasible } else { // flag char x = isColumn(sequenceOut_) ? 'C' : 'R'; handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_FLAG, messages_) << x << sequenceWithin(sequenceOut_) << CoinMessageEol; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("flag c\n"); #endif setFlagged(sequenceOut_); if (!factorization_->pivots()) { rowArray_[0]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); continue; } } } if (factorization_->pivots() < 5 && acceptablePivot_ > 1.0e-8) acceptablePivot_ = 1.0e-8; rowArray_[0]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); returnCode = 1; break; } } else { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL z_thinks = 0; #endif // no pivot row #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (handler_->logLevel() & 32) printf("** no row pivot\n"); #endif // If in branch and bound try and get rid of fixed variables if ((specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0 && CLEAN_FIXED) { assert (!candidateList); candidateList = new int[numberRows_]; int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (flagged(iPivot) || !pivoted(iPivot)) continue; assert (iPivot < numberColumns_ && lower_[iPivot] == upper_[iPivot]); candidateList[numberCandidates++] = iRow; } // and set first candidate if (!numberCandidates) { delete [] candidateList; candidateList = NULL; int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; clearPivoted(iPivot); } } else { ifValuesPass = 2; continue; } } int numberPivots = factorization_->pivots(); bool specialCase; int useNumberFake; returnCode = 0; if (numberPivots <= CoinMax(dontFactorizePivots_, 20) && (specialOptions_ & 2048) != 0 && (true || !numberChanged_ || perturbation_ == 101) && dualBound_ >= 1.0e8) { specialCase = true; // as dual bound high - should be okay useNumberFake = 0; } else { specialCase = false; useNumberFake = numberFake_; } if (!numberPivots || specialCase) { // may have crept through - so may be optimal // check any flagged variables int iRow; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (flagged(iPivot)) break; } if (iRow < numberRows_ && numberPivots) { // try factorization returnCode = -2; } if (useNumberFake || numberDualInfeasibilities_) { // may be dual infeasible if ((specialOptions_ & 1024) == 0) problemStatus_ = -5; else if (!useNumberFake && numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ && !numberPivots) problemStatus_ = 1; } else { if (iRow < numberRows_) { #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP std::cout << "Flagged variables at end - infeasible?" << std::endl; printf("Probably infeasible - pivot was %g\n", alpha_); #endif //if (fabs(alpha_)<1.0e-4) { //problemStatus_=1; //} else { #ifdef CLP_DEBUG abort(); #endif //} problemStatus_ = -5; } else { problemStatus_ = 0; #ifndef CLP_CHECK_NUMBER_PIVOTS #define CLP_CHECK_NUMBER_PIVOTS 10 #endif #if CLP_CHECK_NUMBER_PIVOTS < 20 if (numberPivots > CLP_CHECK_NUMBER_PIVOTS) { #ifndef NDEBUG_CLP int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; double * comp = CoinCopyOfArray(solution_, nTotal); #endif computePrimals(rowActivityWork_, columnActivityWork_); #ifndef NDEBUG_CLP double largest = 1.0e-5; int bad = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) { double value = solution_[i]; double larger = CoinMax(fabs(value), fabs(comp[i])); double tol = 1.0e-5 + 1.0e-5 * larger; double diff = fabs(value - comp[i]); if (diff - tol > largest) { bad = i; largest = diff - tol; } } if (bad >= 0) COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("bad %d old %g new %g\n", bad, comp[bad], solution_[bad])); #endif checkPrimalSolution(rowActivityWork_, columnActivityWork_); if (numberPrimalInfeasibilities_) { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("XXX Infeas ? %d inf summing to %g\n", numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, sumPrimalInfeasibilities_); #endif problemStatus_ = -1; returnCode = -2; } #ifndef NDEBUG_CLP memcpy(solution_, comp, nTotal * sizeof(double)); delete [] comp; #endif } #endif if (!problemStatus_) { // make it look OK numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0; sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; numberDualInfeasibilities_ = 0; sumDualInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; // May be perturbed if (perturbation_ == 101 || numberChanged_) { numberChanged_ = 0; // Number of variables with changed costs perturbation_ = 102; // stop any perturbations //double changeCost; //changeBounds(1,NULL,changeCost); createRim4(false); // make sure duals are current computeDuals(givenDuals); checkDualSolution(); progress_.modifyObjective(-COIN_DBL_MAX); if (numberDualInfeasibilities_) { problemStatus_ = 10; // was -3; } else { computeObjectiveValue(true); } } else if (numberPivots) { computeObjectiveValue(true); } if (numberPivots < -1000) { // objective may be wrong objectiveValue_ = innerProduct(cost_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, solution_); objectiveValue_ += objective_->nonlinearOffset(); objectiveValue_ /= (objectiveScale_ * rhsScale_); if ((specialOptions_ & 16384) == 0) { // and dual_ may be wrong (i.e. for fixed or basic) CoinIndexedVector * arrayVector = rowArray_[1]; arrayVector->clear(); int iRow; double * array = arrayVector->denseVector(); /* Use dual_ instead of array Even though dual_ is only numberRows_ long this is okay as gets permuted to longer rowArray_[2] */ arrayVector->setDenseVector(dual_); int * index = arrayVector->getIndices(); int number = 0; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; double value = cost_[iPivot]; dual_[iRow] = value; if (value) { index[number++] = iRow; } } arrayVector->setNumElements(number); // Extended duals before "updateTranspose" matrix_->dualExpanded(this, arrayVector, NULL, 0); // Btran basic costs rowArray_[2]->clear(); factorization_->updateColumnTranspose(rowArray_[2], arrayVector); // and return vector arrayVector->setDenseVector(array); } } sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; } if ((specialOptions_&(1024 + 16384)) != 0 && !problemStatus_) { CoinIndexedVector * arrayVector = rowArray_[1]; arrayVector->clear(); double * rhs = arrayVector->denseVector(); times(1.0, solution_, rhs); #ifdef CHECK_ACCURACY bool bad = false; #endif bool bad2 = false; int i; for ( i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { if (rhs[i] < rowLowerWork_[i] - primalTolerance_ || rhs[i] > rowUpperWork_[i] + primalTolerance_) { bad2 = true; #ifdef CHECK_ACCURACY printf("row %d out of bounds %g, %g correct %g bad %g\n", i, rowLowerWork_[i], rowUpperWork_[i], rhs[i], rowActivityWork_[i]); #endif } else if (fabs(rhs[i] - rowActivityWork_[i]) > 1.0e-3) { #ifdef CHECK_ACCURACY bad = true; printf("row %d correct %g bad %g\n", i, rhs[i], rowActivityWork_[i]); #endif } rhs[i] = 0.0; } for ( i = 0; i < numberColumns_; i++) { if (solution_[i] < columnLowerWork_[i] - primalTolerance_ || solution_[i] > columnUpperWork_[i] + primalTolerance_) { bad2 = true; #ifdef CHECK_ACCURACY printf("column %d out of bounds %g, %g correct %g bad %g\n", i, columnLowerWork_[i], columnUpperWork_[i], solution_[i], columnActivityWork_[i]); #endif } } if (bad2) { problemStatus_ = -3; returnCode = -2; // Force to re-factorize early next time int numberPivots = factorization_->pivots(); forceFactorization_ = CoinMin(forceFactorization_, (numberPivots + 1) >> 1); } } } } } else { problemStatus_ = -3; returnCode = -2; // Force to re-factorize early next time int numberPivots = factorization_->pivots(); forceFactorization_ = CoinMin(forceFactorization_, (numberPivots + 1) >> 1); } break; } } if (givenDuals) { CoinMemcpyN(dj_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, givenDuals); // get rid of any values pass array delete [] candidateList; } delete [] dubiousWeights; #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS if (ixxxxxx > ixxyyyy - 5) { int nTotal = numberColumns_ + numberRows_; double oldObj = 0.0; double newObj = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) { if (savePSol[i]) oldObj += savePSol[i] * saveCost[i]; if (solution_[i]) newObj += solution_[i] * cost_[i]; bool printIt = false; if (cost_[i] != saveCost[i]) printIt = true; if (status_[i] != saveStat[i]) printIt = true; if (printIt) printf("%d old %d cost %g sol %g, new %d cost %g sol %g\n", i, saveStat[i], saveCost[i], savePSol[i], status_[i], cost_[i], solution_[i]); // difference savePSol[i] = solution_[i] - savePSol[i]; } printf("exit pivots %d, old obj %g new %g\n", factorization_->pivots(), oldObj, newObj); memset(saveDj, 0, numberRows_ * sizeof(double)); times(1.0, savePSol, saveDj); double largest = 1.0e-6; int k = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { saveDj[i] -= savePSol[i+numberColumns_]; if (fabs(saveDj[i]) > largest) { largest = fabs(saveDj[i]); k = i; } } if (k >= 0) printf("Not null %d %g\n", k, largest); } delete [] savePSol ; delete [] saveDj ; delete [] saveCost ; delete [] saveStat ; #endif return returnCode; } /* The duals are updated by the given arrays. Returns number of infeasibilities. rowArray and columnarray will have flipped The output vector has movement (row length array) */ int ClpSimplexDual::updateDualsInDual(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, CoinIndexedVector * columnArray, CoinIndexedVector * outputArray, double theta, double & objectiveChange, bool fullRecompute) { outputArray->clear(); int numberInfeasibilities = 0; int numberRowInfeasibilities = 0; // get a tolerance double tolerance = dualTolerance_; // we can't really trust infeasibilities if there is dual error double error = CoinMin(1.0e-2, largestDualError_); // allow tolerance at least slightly bigger than standard tolerance = tolerance + error; double changeObj = 0.0; // Coding is very similar but we can save a bit by splitting // Do rows if (!fullRecompute) { int i; double * COIN_RESTRICT reducedCost = djRegion(0); const double * COIN_RESTRICT lower = lowerRegion(0); const double * COIN_RESTRICT upper = upperRegion(0); const double * COIN_RESTRICT cost = costRegion(0); double * COIN_RESTRICT work; int number; int * COIN_RESTRICT which; const unsigned char * COIN_RESTRICT statusArray = status_ + numberColumns_; assert(rowArray->packedMode()); work = rowArray->denseVector(); number = rowArray->getNumElements(); which = rowArray->getIndices(); double multiplier[] = { -1.0, 1.0}; for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; double alphaI = work[i]; work[i] = 0.0; int iStatus = (statusArray[iSequence] & 3) - 1; if (iStatus) { double value = reducedCost[iSequence] - theta * alphaI; reducedCost[iSequence] = value; double mult = multiplier[iStatus-1]; value *= mult; if (value < -tolerance) { // flipping bounds double movement = mult * (lower[iSequence] - upper[iSequence]); which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("%d %d, new dj %g, alpha %g, movement %g\n", 0, iSequence, value, alphaI, movement); #endif changeObj -= movement * cost[iSequence]; outputArray->quickAdd(iSequence, movement); } } } // Do columns reducedCost = djRegion(1); lower = lowerRegion(1); upper = upperRegion(1); cost = costRegion(1); // set number of infeasibilities in row array numberRowInfeasibilities = numberInfeasibilities; rowArray->setNumElements(numberInfeasibilities); numberInfeasibilities = 0; work = columnArray->denseVector(); number = columnArray->getNumElements(); which = columnArray->getIndices(); if ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 8) != 0) { const unsigned char * COIN_RESTRICT statusArray = status_; for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; double alphaI = work[i]; work[i] = 0.0; int iStatus = (statusArray[iSequence] & 3) - 1; if (iStatus) { double value = reducedCost[iSequence] - theta * alphaI; reducedCost[iSequence] = value; double mult = multiplier[iStatus-1]; value *= mult; if (value < -tolerance) { // flipping bounds double movement = mult * (upper[iSequence] - lower[iSequence]); which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("%d %d, new dj %g, alpha %g, movement %g\n", 1, iSequence, value, alphaI, movement); #endif changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; matrix_->add(this, outputArray, iSequence, movement); } } } } else { for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; double alphaI = work[i]; work[i] = 0.0; Status status = getStatus(iSequence); if (status == atLowerBound) { double value = reducedCost[iSequence] - theta * alphaI; reducedCost[iSequence] = value; double movement = 0.0; if (value < -tolerance) { // to upper bound which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; movement = upper[iSequence] - lower[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("%d %d, new dj %g, alpha %g, movement %g\n", 1, iSequence, value, alphaI, movement); #endif changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; matrix_->add(this, outputArray, iSequence, movement); } } else if (status == atUpperBound) { double value = reducedCost[iSequence] - theta * alphaI; reducedCost[iSequence] = value; double movement = 0.0; if (value > tolerance) { // to lower bound (if swap) which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; movement = lower[iSequence] - upper[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("%d %d, new dj %g, alpha %g, movement %g\n", 1, iSequence, value, alphaI, movement); #endif changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; matrix_->add(this, outputArray, iSequence, movement); } } else if (status == isFree) { double value = reducedCost[iSequence] - theta * alphaI; reducedCost[iSequence] = value; } } } } else { double * COIN_RESTRICT solution = solutionRegion(0); double * COIN_RESTRICT reducedCost = djRegion(0); const double * COIN_RESTRICT lower = lowerRegion(0); const double * COIN_RESTRICT upper = upperRegion(0); const double * COIN_RESTRICT cost = costRegion(0); int * COIN_RESTRICT which; which = rowArray->getIndices(); int iSequence; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_; iSequence++) { double value = reducedCost[iSequence]; Status status = getStatus(iSequence + numberColumns_); // more likely to be at upper bound ? if (status == atUpperBound) { double movement = 0.0; //#define NO_SWAP7 if (value > tolerance) { // to lower bound (if swap) // put back alpha which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; movement = lower[iSequence] - upper[iSequence]; changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; outputArray->quickAdd(iSequence, -movement); #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif #ifndef NO_SWAP7 } else if (value > -tolerance) { // at correct bound but may swap FakeBound bound = getFakeBound(iSequence + numberColumns_); if (bound == ClpSimplexDual::upperFake) { movement = lower[iSequence] - upper[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif setStatus(iSequence + numberColumns_, atLowerBound); solution[iSequence] = lower[iSequence]; changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; //numberFake_--; //setFakeBound(iSequence+numberColumns_,noFake); } #endif } } else if (status == atLowerBound) { double movement = 0.0; if (value < -tolerance) { // to upper bound // put back alpha which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; movement = upper[iSequence] - lower[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; outputArray->quickAdd(iSequence, -movement); #ifndef NO_SWAP7 } else if (value < tolerance) { // at correct bound but may swap FakeBound bound = getFakeBound(iSequence + numberColumns_); if (bound == ClpSimplexDual::lowerFake) { movement = upper[iSequence] - lower[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif setStatus(iSequence + numberColumns_, atUpperBound); solution[iSequence] = upper[iSequence]; changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; //numberFake_--; //setFakeBound(iSequence+numberColumns_,noFake); } #endif } } } // Do columns solution = solutionRegion(1); reducedCost = djRegion(1); lower = lowerRegion(1); upper = upperRegion(1); cost = costRegion(1); // set number of infeasibilities in row array numberRowInfeasibilities = numberInfeasibilities; rowArray->setNumElements(numberInfeasibilities); numberInfeasibilities = 0; which = columnArray->getIndices(); for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberColumns_; iSequence++) { double value = reducedCost[iSequence]; Status status = getStatus(iSequence); if (status == atLowerBound) { double movement = 0.0; if (value < -tolerance) { // to upper bound // put back alpha which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; movement = upper[iSequence] - lower[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; matrix_->add(this, outputArray, iSequence, movement); #ifndef NO_SWAP7 } else if (value < tolerance) { // at correct bound but may swap FakeBound bound = getFakeBound(iSequence); if (bound == ClpSimplexDual::lowerFake) { movement = upper[iSequence] - lower[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif setStatus(iSequence, atUpperBound); solution[iSequence] = upper[iSequence]; changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; //numberFake_--; //setFakeBound(iSequence,noFake); } #endif } } else if (status == atUpperBound) { double movement = 0.0; if (value > tolerance) { // to lower bound (if swap) // put back alpha which[numberInfeasibilities++] = iSequence; movement = lower[iSequence] - upper[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; matrix_->add(this, outputArray, iSequence, movement); #ifndef NO_SWAP7 } else if (value > -tolerance) { // at correct bound but may swap FakeBound bound = getFakeBound(iSequence); if (bound == ClpSimplexDual::upperFake) { movement = lower[iSequence] - upper[iSequence]; #ifndef NDEBUG if (fabs(movement) >= 1.0e30) resetFakeBounds(-1000 - iSequence); #endif setStatus(iSequence, atLowerBound); solution[iSequence] = lower[iSequence]; changeObj += movement * cost[iSequence]; //numberFake_--; //setFakeBound(iSequence,noFake); } #endif } } } } #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if (fullRecompute && numberFake_ && (handler_->logLevel() & 16) != 0) printf("%d fake after full update\n", numberFake_); #endif // set number of infeasibilities columnArray->setNumElements(numberInfeasibilities); numberInfeasibilities += numberRowInfeasibilities; if (fullRecompute) { // do actual flips flipBounds(rowArray, columnArray); } objectiveChange += changeObj; return numberInfeasibilities; } void ClpSimplexDual::updateDualsInValuesPass(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, CoinIndexedVector * columnArray, double theta) { // use a tighter tolerance except for all being okay double tolerance = dualTolerance_; // Coding is very similar but we can save a bit by splitting // Do rows { int i; double * reducedCost = djRegion(0); double * work; int number; int * which; work = rowArray->denseVector(); number = rowArray->getNumElements(); which = rowArray->getIndices(); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; double alphaI = work[i]; double value = reducedCost[iSequence] - theta * alphaI; work[i] = 0.0; reducedCost[iSequence] = value; Status status = getStatus(iSequence + numberColumns_); // more likely to be at upper bound ? if (status == atUpperBound) { if (value > tolerance) reducedCost[iSequence] = 0.0; } else if (status == atLowerBound) { if (value < -tolerance) { reducedCost[iSequence] = 0.0; } } } } rowArray->setNumElements(0); // Do columns { int i; double * reducedCost = djRegion(1); double * work; int number; int * which; work = columnArray->denseVector(); number = columnArray->getNumElements(); which = columnArray->getIndices(); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; double alphaI = work[i]; double value = reducedCost[iSequence] - theta * alphaI; work[i] = 0.0; reducedCost[iSequence] = value; Status status = getStatus(iSequence); if (status == atLowerBound) { if (value < -tolerance) reducedCost[iSequence] = 0.0; } else if (status == atUpperBound) { if (value > tolerance) reducedCost[iSequence] = 0.0; } } } columnArray->setNumElements(0); } /* Chooses dual pivot row Would be faster with separate region to scan and will have this (with square of infeasibility) when steepest For easy problems we can just choose one of the first rows we look at */ void ClpSimplexDual::dualRow(int alreadyChosen) { // get pivot row using whichever method it is int chosenRow = -1; #ifdef FORCE_FOLLOW bool forceThis = false; if (!fpFollow && strlen(forceFile)) { fpFollow = fopen(forceFile, "r"); assert (fpFollow); } if (fpFollow) { if (numberIterations_ <= force_iteration) { // read to next Clp0102 char temp[300]; while (fgets(temp, 250, fpFollow)) { if (strncmp(temp, "Clp0102", 7)) continue; char cin, cout; sscanf(temp + 9, "%d%*f%*s%*c%c%d%*s%*c%c%d", &force_iteration, &cin, &force_in, &cout, &force_out); if (cin == 'R') force_in += numberColumns_; if (cout == 'R') force_out += numberColumns_; forceThis = true; assert (numberIterations_ == force_iteration - 1); printf("Iteration %d will force %d out and %d in\n", force_iteration, force_out, force_in); alreadyChosen = force_out; break; } } else { // use old forceThis = true; } if (!forceThis) { fclose(fpFollow); fpFollow = NULL; forceFile = ""; } } #endif double freeAlpha = 0.0; if (alreadyChosen < 0) { // first see if any free variables and put them in basis int nextFree = nextSuperBasic(); //nextFree=-1; //off if (nextFree >= 0) { // unpack vector and find a good pivot unpack(rowArray_[1], nextFree); factorization_->updateColumn(rowArray_[2], rowArray_[1]); double * work = rowArray_[1]->denseVector(); int number = rowArray_[1]->getNumElements(); int * which = rowArray_[1]->getIndices(); double bestFeasibleAlpha = 0.0; int bestFeasibleRow = -1; double bestInfeasibleAlpha = 0.0; int bestInfeasibleRow = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iRow = which[i]; double alpha = fabs(work[iRow]); if (alpha > 1.0e-3) { int iSequence = pivotVariable_[iRow]; double value = solution_[iSequence]; double lower = lower_[iSequence]; double upper = upper_[iSequence]; double infeasibility = 0.0; if (value > upper) infeasibility = value - upper; else if (value < lower) infeasibility = lower - value; if (infeasibility * alpha > bestInfeasibleAlpha && alpha > 1.0e-1) { if (!flagged(iSequence)) { bestInfeasibleAlpha = infeasibility * alpha; bestInfeasibleRow = iRow; } } if (alpha > bestFeasibleAlpha && (lower > -1.0e20 || upper < 1.0e20)) { bestFeasibleAlpha = alpha; bestFeasibleRow = iRow; } } } if (bestInfeasibleRow >= 0) chosenRow = bestInfeasibleRow; else if (bestFeasibleAlpha > 1.0e-2) chosenRow = bestFeasibleRow; if (chosenRow >= 0) { pivotRow_ = chosenRow; freeAlpha = work[chosenRow]; } rowArray_[1]->clear(); } } else { // in values pass chosenRow = alreadyChosen; #ifdef FORCE_FOLLOW if(forceThis) { alreadyChosen = -1; chosenRow = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { if (pivotVariable_[i] == force_out) { chosenRow = i; break; } } assert (chosenRow >= 0); } #endif pivotRow_ = chosenRow; } if (chosenRow < 0) pivotRow_ = dualRowPivot_->pivotRow(); if (pivotRow_ >= 0) { sequenceOut_ = pivotVariable_[pivotRow_]; valueOut_ = solution_[sequenceOut_]; lowerOut_ = lower_[sequenceOut_]; upperOut_ = upper_[sequenceOut_]; if (alreadyChosen < 0) { // if we have problems we could try other way and hope we get a // zero pivot? if (valueOut_ > upperOut_) { directionOut_ = -1; dualOut_ = valueOut_ - upperOut_; } else if (valueOut_ < lowerOut_) { directionOut_ = 1; dualOut_ = lowerOut_ - valueOut_; } else { #if 1 // odd (could be free) - it's feasible - go to nearest if (valueOut_ - lowerOut_ < upperOut_ - valueOut_) { directionOut_ = 1; dualOut_ = lowerOut_ - valueOut_; } else { directionOut_ = -1; dualOut_ = valueOut_ - upperOut_; } #else // odd (could be free) - it's feasible - improve obj printf("direction from alpha of %g is %d\n", freeAlpha, freeAlpha > 0.0 ? 1 : -1); if (valueOut_ - lowerOut_ > 1.0e20) freeAlpha = 1.0; else if(upperOut_ - valueOut_ > 1.0e20) freeAlpha = -1.0; //if (valueOut_-lowerOut_= 0.0); #endif } else { // in values pass so just use sign of dj // We don't want to go through any barriers so set dualOut low // free variables will never be here dualOut_ = 1.0e-6; if (dj_[sequenceOut_] > 0.0) { // this will give a -1 in pivot row (as slacks are -1.0) directionOut_ = 1; } else { directionOut_ = -1; } } } return ; } // Checks if any fake bounds active - if so returns number and modifies // dualBound_ and everything. // Free variables will be left as free // Returns number of bounds changed if >=0 // Returns -1 if not initialize and no effect // Fills in changeVector which can be used to see if unbounded // and cost of change vector int ClpSimplexDual::changeBounds(int initialize, CoinIndexedVector * outputArray, double & changeCost) { numberFake_ = 0; if (!initialize) { int numberInfeasibilities; double newBound; newBound = 5.0 * dualBound_; numberInfeasibilities = 0; changeCost = 0.0; // put back original bounds and then check createRim1(false); int iSequence; // bounds will get bigger - just look at ones at bounds for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; iSequence++) { double lowerValue = lower_[iSequence]; double upperValue = upper_[iSequence]; double value = solution_[iSequence]; setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::noFake); switch(getStatus(iSequence)) { case basic: case ClpSimplex::isFixed: break; case isFree: case superBasic: break; case atUpperBound: if (fabs(value - upperValue) > primalTolerance_) numberInfeasibilities++; break; case atLowerBound: if (fabs(value - lowerValue) > primalTolerance_) numberInfeasibilities++; break; } } // If dual infeasible then carry on if (numberInfeasibilities) { handler_->message(CLP_DUAL_CHECKB, messages_) << newBound << CoinMessageEol; int iSequence; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; iSequence++) { double lowerValue = lower_[iSequence]; double upperValue = upper_[iSequence]; double newLowerValue; double newUpperValue; Status status = getStatus(iSequence); if (status == atUpperBound || status == atLowerBound) { double value = solution_[iSequence]; if (value - lowerValue <= upperValue - value) { newLowerValue = CoinMax(lowerValue, value - 0.666667 * newBound); newUpperValue = CoinMin(upperValue, newLowerValue + newBound); } else { newUpperValue = CoinMin(upperValue, value + 0.666667 * newBound); newLowerValue = CoinMax(lowerValue, newUpperValue - newBound); } lower_[iSequence] = newLowerValue; upper_[iSequence] = newUpperValue; if (newLowerValue > lowerValue) { if (newUpperValue < upperValue) { setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::bothFake); #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE abort(); // No idea what should happen here - I have never got here #endif numberFake_++; } else { setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::lowerFake); numberFake_++; } } else { if (newUpperValue < upperValue) { setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::upperFake); numberFake_++; } } if (status == atUpperBound) solution_[iSequence] = newUpperValue; else solution_[iSequence] = newLowerValue; double movement = solution_[iSequence] - value; if (movement && outputArray) { if (iSequence >= numberColumns_) { outputArray->quickAdd(iSequence, -movement); changeCost += movement * cost_[iSequence]; } else { matrix_->add(this, outputArray, iSequence, movement); changeCost += movement * cost_[iSequence]; } } } } dualBound_ = newBound; } else { numberInfeasibilities = -1; } return numberInfeasibilities; } else if (initialize == 1 || initialize == 3) { int iSequence; if (initialize == 3) { for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; iSequence++) { setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::noFake); } } double testBound = 0.999999 * dualBound_; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; iSequence++) { Status status = getStatus(iSequence); if (status == atUpperBound || status == atLowerBound) { double lowerValue = lower_[iSequence]; double upperValue = upper_[iSequence]; double value = solution_[iSequence]; if (lowerValue > -largeValue_ || upperValue < largeValue_) { if (true || lowerValue - value > -0.5 * dualBound_ || upperValue - value < 0.5 * dualBound_) { if (fabs(lowerValue - value) <= fabs(upperValue - value)) { if (upperValue > lowerValue + testBound) { if (getFakeBound(iSequence) == ClpSimplexDual::noFake) numberFake_++; upper_[iSequence] = lowerValue + dualBound_; setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::upperFake); } } else { if (lowerValue < upperValue - testBound) { if (getFakeBound(iSequence) == ClpSimplexDual::noFake) numberFake_++; lower_[iSequence] = upperValue - dualBound_; setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::lowerFake); } } } else { if (getFakeBound(iSequence) == ClpSimplexDual::noFake) numberFake_++; lower_[iSequence] = -0.5 * dualBound_; upper_[iSequence] = 0.5 * dualBound_; setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::bothFake); abort(); } if (status == atUpperBound) solution_[iSequence] = upper_[iSequence]; else solution_[iSequence] = lower_[iSequence]; } else { // set non basic free variables to fake bounds // I don't think we should ever get here CoinAssert(!("should not be here")); lower_[iSequence] = -0.5 * dualBound_; upper_[iSequence] = 0.5 * dualBound_; setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::bothFake); numberFake_++; setStatus(iSequence, atUpperBound); solution_[iSequence] = 0.5 * dualBound_; } } else if (status == basic) { // make sure not at fake bound and bounds correct setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::noFake); double gap = upper_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence]; if (gap > 0.5 * dualBound_ && gap < 2.0 * dualBound_) { if (iSequence < numberColumns_) { if (columnScale_) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * inverseColumnScale_[iSequence]; // lower double value = columnLower_[iSequence]; if (value > -1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } lower_[iSequence] = value; // upper value = columnUpper_[iSequence]; if (value < 1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } upper_[iSequence] = value; } else { lower_[iSequence] = columnLower_[iSequence]; upper_[iSequence] = columnUpper_[iSequence]; } } else { int iRow = iSequence - numberColumns_; if (rowScale_) { // lower double multiplier = rhsScale_ * rowScale_[iRow]; double value = rowLower_[iRow]; if (value > -1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } lower_[iSequence] = value; // upper value = rowUpper_[iRow]; if (value < 1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } upper_[iSequence] = value; } else { lower_[iSequence] = rowLower_[iRow]; upper_[iSequence] = rowUpper_[iRow]; } } } } } return 1; } else { // just reset changed ones if (columnScale_) { int iSequence; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberColumns_; iSequence++) { FakeBound fakeStatus = getFakeBound(iSequence); if (fakeStatus != noFake) { if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 1) != 0) { // lower double value = columnLower_[iSequence]; if (value > -1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * inverseColumnScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } columnLowerWork_[iSequence] = value; } if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 2) != 0) { // upper double value = columnUpper_[iSequence]; if (value < 1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * inverseColumnScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } columnUpperWork_[iSequence] = value; } } } for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_; iSequence++) { FakeBound fakeStatus = getFakeBound(iSequence + numberColumns_); if (fakeStatus != noFake) { if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 1) != 0) { // lower double value = rowLower_[iSequence]; if (value > -1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * rowScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } rowLowerWork_[iSequence] = value; } if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 2) != 0) { // upper double value = rowUpper_[iSequence]; if (value < 1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * rowScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } rowUpperWork_[iSequence] = value; } } } } else { int iSequence; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberColumns_; iSequence++) { FakeBound fakeStatus = getFakeBound(iSequence); if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 1) != 0) { // lower columnLowerWork_[iSequence] = columnLower_[iSequence]; } if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 2) != 0) { // upper columnUpperWork_[iSequence] = columnUpper_[iSequence]; } } for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_; iSequence++) { FakeBound fakeStatus = getFakeBound(iSequence + numberColumns_); if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 1) != 0) { // lower rowLowerWork_[iSequence] = rowLower_[iSequence]; } if ((static_cast (fakeStatus) & 2) != 0) { // upper rowUpperWork_[iSequence] = rowUpper_[iSequence]; } } } return 0; } } int ClpSimplexDual::dualColumn0(const CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, const CoinIndexedVector * columnArray, CoinIndexedVector * spareArray, double acceptablePivot, double & upperReturn, double &bestReturn, double & badFree) { // do first pass to get possibles double * spare = spareArray->denseVector(); int * index = spareArray->getIndices(); const double * work; int number; const int * which; const double * reducedCost; // We can also see if infeasible or pivoting on free double tentativeTheta = 1.0e15; double upperTheta = 1.0e31; double freePivot = acceptablePivot; double bestPossible = 0.0; int numberRemaining = 0; int i; badFree = 0.0; if ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 8) != 0) { // No free or super basic double multiplier[] = { -1.0, 1.0}; double dualT = - dualTolerance_; for (int iSection = 0; iSection < 2; iSection++) { int addSequence; unsigned char * statusArray; if (!iSection) { work = rowArray->denseVector(); number = rowArray->getNumElements(); which = rowArray->getIndices(); reducedCost = rowReducedCost_; addSequence = numberColumns_; statusArray = status_ + numberColumns_; } else { work = columnArray->denseVector(); number = columnArray->getNumElements(); which = columnArray->getIndices(); reducedCost = reducedCostWork_; addSequence = 0; statusArray = status_; } for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; double alpha; double oldValue; double value; assert (getStatus(iSequence + addSequence) != isFree && getStatus(iSequence + addSequence) != superBasic); int iStatus = (statusArray[iSequence] & 3) - 1; if (iStatus) { double mult = multiplier[iStatus-1]; alpha = work[i] * mult; if (alpha > 0.0) { oldValue = reducedCost[iSequence] * mult; value = oldValue - tentativeTheta * alpha; if (value < dualT) { bestPossible = CoinMax(bestPossible, alpha); value = oldValue - upperTheta * alpha; if (value < dualT && alpha >= acceptablePivot) { upperTheta = (oldValue - dualT) / alpha; //tentativeTheta = CoinMin(2.0*upperTheta,tentativeTheta); } // add to list spare[numberRemaining] = alpha * mult; index[numberRemaining++] = iSequence + addSequence; } } } } } } else { // some free or super basic for (int iSection = 0; iSection < 2; iSection++) { int addSequence; if (!iSection) { work = rowArray->denseVector(); number = rowArray->getNumElements(); which = rowArray->getIndices(); reducedCost = rowReducedCost_; addSequence = numberColumns_; } else { work = columnArray->denseVector(); number = columnArray->getNumElements(); which = columnArray->getIndices(); reducedCost = reducedCostWork_; addSequence = 0; } for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; double alpha; double oldValue; double value; bool keep; switch(getStatus(iSequence + addSequence)) { case basic: case ClpSimplex::isFixed: break; case isFree: case superBasic: alpha = work[i]; bestPossible = CoinMax(bestPossible, fabs(alpha)); oldValue = reducedCost[iSequence]; // If free has to be very large - should come in via dualRow //if (getStatus(iSequence+addSequence)==isFree&&fabs(alpha)<1.0e-3) //break; if (oldValue > dualTolerance_) { keep = true; } else if (oldValue < -dualTolerance_) { keep = true; } else { if (fabs(alpha) > CoinMax(10.0 * acceptablePivot, 1.0e-5)) { keep = true; } else { keep = false; badFree = CoinMax(badFree, fabs(alpha)); } } if (keep) { // free - choose largest if (fabs(alpha) > freePivot) { freePivot = fabs(alpha); sequenceIn_ = iSequence + addSequence; theta_ = oldValue / alpha; alpha_ = alpha; } } break; case atUpperBound: alpha = work[i]; oldValue = reducedCost[iSequence]; value = oldValue - tentativeTheta * alpha; //assert (oldValue<=dualTolerance_*1.0001); if (value > dualTolerance_) { bestPossible = CoinMax(bestPossible, -alpha); value = oldValue - upperTheta * alpha; if (value > dualTolerance_ && -alpha >= acceptablePivot) { upperTheta = (oldValue - dualTolerance_) / alpha; //tentativeTheta = CoinMin(2.0*upperTheta,tentativeTheta); } // add to list spare[numberRemaining] = alpha; index[numberRemaining++] = iSequence + addSequence; } break; case atLowerBound: alpha = work[i]; oldValue = reducedCost[iSequence]; value = oldValue - tentativeTheta * alpha; //assert (oldValue>=-dualTolerance_*1.0001); if (value < -dualTolerance_) { bestPossible = CoinMax(bestPossible, alpha); value = oldValue - upperTheta * alpha; if (value < -dualTolerance_ && alpha >= acceptablePivot) { upperTheta = (oldValue + dualTolerance_) / alpha; //tentativeTheta = CoinMin(2.0*upperTheta,tentativeTheta); } // add to list spare[numberRemaining] = alpha; index[numberRemaining++] = iSequence + addSequence; } break; } } } } upperReturn = upperTheta; bestReturn = bestPossible; return numberRemaining; } /* Row array has row part of pivot row (as duals so sign may be switched) Column array has column part. This chooses pivot column. Spare array will be needed when we start getting clever. We will check for basic so spare array will never overflow. If necessary will modify costs */ double ClpSimplexDual::dualColumn(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, CoinIndexedVector * columnArray, CoinIndexedVector * spareArray, CoinIndexedVector * spareArray2, double acceptablePivot, CoinBigIndex * /*dubiousWeights*/) { int numberPossiblySwapped = 0; int numberRemaining = 0; double totalThru = 0.0; // for when variables flip //double saveAcceptable=acceptablePivot; //acceptablePivot=1.0e-9; double bestEverPivot = acceptablePivot; int lastSequence = -1; double lastPivot = 0.0; double upperTheta; double newTolerance = dualTolerance_; //newTolerance = dualTolerance_+1.0e-6*dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance]; // will we need to increase tolerance bool thisIncrease = false; // If we think we need to modify costs (not if something from broad sweep) bool modifyCosts = false; // Increase in objective due to swapping bounds (may be negative) double increaseInObjective = 0.0; // use spareArrays to put ones looked at in // we are going to flip flop between int iFlip = 0; // Possible list of pivots int interesting[2]; // where possible swapped ones are int swapped[2]; // for zeroing out arrays after int marker[2][2]; // pivot elements double * array[2], * spare, * spare2; // indices int * indices[2], * index, * index2; spareArray2->clear(); array[0] = spareArray->denseVector(); indices[0] = spareArray->getIndices(); spare = array[0]; index = indices[0]; array[1] = spareArray2->denseVector(); indices[1] = spareArray2->getIndices(); int i; // initialize lists for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { interesting[i] = 0; swapped[i] = numberColumns_; marker[i][0] = 0; marker[i][1] = numberColumns_; } /* First we get a list of possible pivots. We can also see if the problem looks infeasible or whether we want to pivot in free variable. This may make objective go backwards but can only happen a finite number of times and I do want free variables basic. Then we flip back and forth. At the start of each iteration interesting[iFlip] should have possible candidates and swapped[iFlip] will have pivots if we decide to take a previous pivot. At end of each iteration interesting[1-iFlip] should have candidates if we go through this theta and swapped[1-iFlip] pivots if we don't go through. At first we increase theta and see what happens. We start theta at a reasonable guess. If in right area then we do bit by bit. */ // do first pass to get possibles upperTheta = 1.0e31; double bestPossible = 0.0; double badFree = 0.0; alpha_ = 0.0; if (spareIntArray_[0] >= 0) { numberRemaining = dualColumn0(rowArray, columnArray, spareArray, acceptablePivot, upperTheta, bestPossible, badFree); } else { // already done numberRemaining = spareArray->getNumElements(); spareArray->setNumElements(0); upperTheta = spareDoubleArray_[0]; bestPossible = spareDoubleArray_[1]; if (spareIntArray_[0] == -1) { theta_ = spareDoubleArray_[2]; alpha_ = spareDoubleArray_[3]; sequenceIn_ = spareIntArray_[1]; } else { #if 0 int n = numberRemaining; double u = upperTheta; double b = bestPossible; upperTheta = 1.0e31; bestPossible = 0.0; numberRemaining = dualColumn0(rowArray, columnArray, spareArray, acceptablePivot, upperTheta, bestPossible, badFree); assert (n == numberRemaining); assert (fabs(b - bestPossible) < 1.0e-7); assert (fabs(u - upperTheta) < 1.0e-7); #endif } } // switch off spareIntArray_[0] = 0; // We can also see if infeasible or pivoting on free double tentativeTheta = 1.0e25; interesting[0] = numberRemaining; marker[0][0] = numberRemaining; if (!numberRemaining && sequenceIn_ < 0) return 0.0; // Looks infeasible // If sum of bad small pivots too much #define MORE_CAREFUL #ifdef MORE_CAREFUL bool badSumPivots = false; #endif if (sequenceIn_ >= 0) { // free variable - always choose } else { theta_ = 1.0e50; // now flip flop between spare arrays until reasonable theta tentativeTheta = CoinMax(10.0 * upperTheta, 1.0e-7); // loops increasing tentative theta until can't go through while (tentativeTheta < 1.0e22) { double thruThis = 0.0; double bestPivot = acceptablePivot; int bestSequence = -1; numberPossiblySwapped = numberColumns_; numberRemaining = 0; upperTheta = 1.0e50; spare = array[iFlip]; index = indices[iFlip]; spare2 = array[1-iFlip]; index2 = indices[1-iFlip]; // try 3 different ways // 1 bias increase by ones with slightly wrong djs // 2 bias by all // 3 bias by all - tolerance #define TRYBIAS 3 double increaseInThis = 0.0; //objective increase in this loop for (i = 0; i < interesting[iFlip]; i++) { int iSequence = index[i]; double alpha = spare[i]; double oldValue = dj_[iSequence]; double value = oldValue - tentativeTheta * alpha; if (alpha < 0.0) { //at upper bound if (value > newTolerance) { double range = upper_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence]; thruThis -= range * alpha; #if TRYBIAS==1 if (oldValue > 0.0) increaseInThis -= oldValue * range; #elif TRYBIAS==2 increaseInThis -= oldValue * range; #else increaseInThis -= (oldValue + dualTolerance_) * range; #endif // goes on swapped list (also means candidates if too many) spare2[--numberPossiblySwapped] = alpha; index2[numberPossiblySwapped] = iSequence; if (fabs(alpha) > bestPivot) { bestPivot = fabs(alpha); bestSequence = numberPossiblySwapped; } } else { value = oldValue - upperTheta * alpha; if (value > newTolerance && -alpha >= acceptablePivot) upperTheta = (oldValue - newTolerance) / alpha; spare2[numberRemaining] = alpha; index2[numberRemaining++] = iSequence; } } else { // at lower bound if (value < -newTolerance) { double range = upper_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence]; thruThis += range * alpha; //?? is this correct - and should we look at good ones #if TRYBIAS==1 if (oldValue < 0.0) increaseInThis += oldValue * range; #elif TRYBIAS==2 increaseInThis += oldValue * range; #else increaseInThis += (oldValue - dualTolerance_) * range; #endif // goes on swapped list (also means candidates if too many) spare2[--numberPossiblySwapped] = alpha; index2[numberPossiblySwapped] = iSequence; if (fabs(alpha) > bestPivot) { bestPivot = fabs(alpha); bestSequence = numberPossiblySwapped; } } else { value = oldValue - upperTheta * alpha; if (value < -newTolerance && alpha >= acceptablePivot) upperTheta = (oldValue + newTolerance) / alpha; spare2[numberRemaining] = alpha; index2[numberRemaining++] = iSequence; } } } swapped[1-iFlip] = numberPossiblySwapped; interesting[1-iFlip] = numberRemaining; marker[1-iFlip][0] = CoinMax(marker[1-iFlip][0], numberRemaining); marker[1-iFlip][1] = CoinMin(marker[1-iFlip][1], numberPossiblySwapped); if (totalThru + thruThis >= fabs(dualOut_) || increaseInObjective + increaseInThis < 0.0) { // We should be pivoting in this batch // so compress down to this lot numberRemaining = 0; for (i = numberColumns_ - 1; i >= swapped[1-iFlip]; i--) { spare[numberRemaining] = spare2[i]; index[numberRemaining++] = index2[i]; } interesting[iFlip] = numberRemaining; int iTry; #define MAXTRY 100 // first get ratio with tolerance for (iTry = 0; iTry < MAXTRY; iTry++) { upperTheta = 1.0e50; numberPossiblySwapped = numberColumns_; numberRemaining = 0; increaseInThis = 0.0; //objective increase in this loop thruThis = 0.0; spare = array[iFlip]; index = indices[iFlip]; spare2 = array[1-iFlip]; index2 = indices[1-iFlip]; for (i = 0; i < interesting[iFlip]; i++) { int iSequence = index[i]; double alpha = spare[i]; double oldValue = dj_[iSequence]; double value = oldValue - upperTheta * alpha; if (alpha < 0.0) { //at upper bound if (value > newTolerance) { if (-alpha >= acceptablePivot) { upperTheta = (oldValue - newTolerance) / alpha; } } } else { // at lower bound if (value < -newTolerance) { if (alpha >= acceptablePivot) { upperTheta = (oldValue + newTolerance) / alpha; } } } } bestPivot = acceptablePivot; sequenceIn_ = -1; #ifdef DUBIOUS_WEIGHTS double bestWeight = COIN_DBL_MAX; #endif double largestPivot = acceptablePivot; // now choose largest and sum all ones which will go through //printf("XX it %d number %d\n",numberIterations_,interesting[iFlip]); // Sum of bad small pivots #ifdef MORE_CAREFUL double sumBadPivots = 0.0; badSumPivots = false; #endif // Make sure upperTheta will work (-O2 and above gives problems) upperTheta *= 1.0000000001; for (i = 0; i < interesting[iFlip]; i++) { int iSequence = index[i]; double alpha = spare[i]; double value = dj_[iSequence] - upperTheta * alpha; double badDj = 0.0; bool addToSwapped = false; if (alpha < 0.0) { //at upper bound if (value >= 0.0) { addToSwapped = true; #if TRYBIAS==1 badDj = -CoinMax(dj_[iSequence], 0.0); #elif TRYBIAS==2 badDj = -dj_[iSequence]; #else badDj = -dj_[iSequence] - dualTolerance_; #endif } } else { // at lower bound if (value <= 0.0) { addToSwapped = true; #if TRYBIAS==1 badDj = CoinMin(dj_[iSequence], 0.0); #elif TRYBIAS==2 badDj = dj_[iSequence]; #else badDj = dj_[iSequence] - dualTolerance_; #endif } } if (!addToSwapped) { // add to list of remaining spare2[numberRemaining] = alpha; index2[numberRemaining++] = iSequence; } else { // add to list of swapped spare2[--numberPossiblySwapped] = alpha; index2[numberPossiblySwapped] = iSequence; // select if largest pivot bool take = false; double absAlpha = fabs(alpha); #ifdef DUBIOUS_WEIGHTS // User could do anything to break ties here double weight; if (dubiousWeights) weight = dubiousWeights[iSequence]; else weight = 1.0; weight += randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble() * 1.0e-2; if (absAlpha > 2.0 * bestPivot) { take = true; } else if (absAlpha > largestPivot) { // could multiply absAlpha and weight if (weight * bestPivot < bestWeight * absAlpha) take = true; } #else if (absAlpha > bestPivot) take = true; #endif #ifdef MORE_CAREFUL if (absAlpha < acceptablePivot && upperTheta < 1.0e20) { if (alpha < 0.0) { //at upper bound if (value > dualTolerance_) { double gap = upper_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence]; if (gap < 1.0e20) sumBadPivots += value * gap; else sumBadPivots += 1.0e20; //printf("bad %d alpha %g dj at upper %g\n", // iSequence,alpha,value); } } else { //at lower bound if (value < -dualTolerance_) { double gap = upper_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence]; if (gap < 1.0e20) sumBadPivots -= value * gap; else sumBadPivots += 1.0e20; //printf("bad %d alpha %g dj at lower %g\n", // iSequence,alpha,value); } } } #endif #ifdef FORCE_FOLLOW if (iSequence == force_in) { printf("taking %d - alpha %g best %g\n", force_in, absAlpha, largestPivot); take = true; } #endif if (take) { sequenceIn_ = numberPossiblySwapped; bestPivot = absAlpha; theta_ = dj_[iSequence] / alpha; largestPivot = CoinMax(largestPivot, 0.5 * bestPivot); #ifdef DUBIOUS_WEIGHTS bestWeight = weight; #endif //printf(" taken seq %d alpha %g weight %d\n", // iSequence,absAlpha,dubiousWeights[iSequence]); } else { //printf(" not taken seq %d alpha %g weight %d\n", // iSequence,absAlpha,dubiousWeights[iSequence]); } double range = upper_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence]; thruThis += range * fabs(alpha); increaseInThis += badDj * range; } } marker[1-iFlip][0] = CoinMax(marker[1-iFlip][0], numberRemaining); marker[1-iFlip][1] = CoinMin(marker[1-iFlip][1], numberPossiblySwapped); #ifdef MORE_CAREFUL // If we have done pivots and things look bad set alpha_ 0.0 to force factorization if (sumBadPivots > 1.0e4) { if (handler_->logLevel() > 1) printf("maybe forcing re-factorization - sum %g %d pivots\n", sumBadPivots, factorization_->pivots()); if(factorization_->pivots() > 3) { badSumPivots = true; break; } } #endif swapped[1-iFlip] = numberPossiblySwapped; interesting[1-iFlip] = numberRemaining; // If we stop now this will be increase in objective (I think) double increase = (fabs(dualOut_) - totalThru) * theta_; increase += increaseInObjective; if (theta_ < 0.0) thruThis += fabs(dualOut_); // force using this one if (increaseInObjective < 0.0 && increase < 0.0 && lastSequence >= 0) { // back // We may need to be more careful - we could do by // switch so we always do fine grained? bestPivot = 0.0; } else { // add in totalThru += thruThis; increaseInObjective += increaseInThis; } if (bestPivot < 0.1 * bestEverPivot && bestEverPivot > 1.0e-6 && (bestPivot < 1.0e-3 || totalThru * 2.0 > fabs(dualOut_))) { // back to previous one sequenceIn_ = lastSequence; // swap regions iFlip = 1 - iFlip; break; } else if (sequenceIn_ == -1 && upperTheta > largeValue_) { if (lastPivot > acceptablePivot) { // back to previous one sequenceIn_ = lastSequence; // swap regions iFlip = 1 - iFlip; } else { // can only get here if all pivots too small } break; } else if (totalThru >= fabs(dualOut_)) { modifyCosts = true; // fine grain - we can modify costs break; // no point trying another loop } else { lastSequence = sequenceIn_; if (bestPivot > bestEverPivot) bestEverPivot = bestPivot; iFlip = 1 - iFlip; modifyCosts = true; // fine grain - we can modify costs } } if (iTry == MAXTRY) iFlip = 1 - iFlip; // flip back break; } else { // skip this lot if (bestPivot > 1.0e-3 || bestPivot > bestEverPivot) { bestEverPivot = bestPivot; lastSequence = bestSequence; } else { // keep old swapped CoinMemcpyN(array[iFlip] + swapped[iFlip], numberColumns_ - swapped[iFlip], array[1-iFlip] + swapped[iFlip]); CoinMemcpyN(indices[iFlip] + swapped[iFlip], numberColumns_ - swapped[iFlip], indices[1-iFlip] + swapped[iFlip]); marker[1-iFlip][1] = CoinMin(marker[1-iFlip][1], swapped[iFlip]); swapped[1-iFlip] = swapped[iFlip]; } increaseInObjective += increaseInThis; iFlip = 1 - iFlip; // swap regions tentativeTheta = 2.0 * upperTheta; totalThru += thruThis; } } // can get here without sequenceIn_ set but with lastSequence if (sequenceIn_ < 0 && lastSequence >= 0) { // back to previous one sequenceIn_ = lastSequence; // swap regions iFlip = 1 - iFlip; } #define MINIMUMTHETA 1.0e-18 // Movement should be minimum for anti-degeneracy - unless // fixed variable out double minimumTheta; if (upperOut_ > lowerOut_) minimumTheta = MINIMUMTHETA; else minimumTheta = 0.0; if (sequenceIn_ >= 0) { // at this stage sequenceIn_ is just pointer into index array // flip just so we can use iFlip iFlip = 1 - iFlip; spare = array[iFlip]; index = indices[iFlip]; double oldValue; alpha_ = spare[sequenceIn_]; sequenceIn_ = indices[iFlip][sequenceIn_]; oldValue = dj_[sequenceIn_]; theta_ = CoinMax(oldValue / alpha_, 0.0); if (theta_ < minimumTheta && fabs(alpha_) < 1.0e5 && 1) { // can't pivot to zero #if 0 if (oldValue - minimumTheta*alpha_ >= -dualTolerance_) { theta_ = minimumTheta; } else if (oldValue - minimumTheta*alpha_ >= -newTolerance) { theta_ = minimumTheta; thisIncrease = true; } else { theta_ = CoinMax((oldValue + newTolerance) / alpha_, 0.0); thisIncrease = true; } #else theta_ = minimumTheta; #endif } // may need to adjust costs so all dual feasible AND pivoted is exactly 0 //int costOffset = numberRows_+numberColumns_; if (modifyCosts && !badSumPivots) { int i; for (i = numberColumns_ - 1; i >= swapped[iFlip]; i--) { int iSequence = index[i]; double alpha = spare[i]; double value = dj_[iSequence] - theta_ * alpha; // can't be free here if (alpha < 0.0) { //at upper bound if (value > dualTolerance_) { thisIncrease = true; #define MODIFYCOST 2 #if MODIFYCOST // modify cost to hit new tolerance double modification = alpha * theta_ - dj_[iSequence] + newTolerance; if ((specialOptions_&(2048 + 4096 + 16384)) != 0) { if ((specialOptions_ & 16384) != 0) { if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-8) modification = 0.0; } else if ((specialOptions_ & 2048) != 0) { if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-10) modification = 0.0; } else { if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-12) modification = 0.0; } } dj_[iSequence] += modification; cost_[iSequence] += modification; if (modification) numberChanged_ ++; // Say changed costs //cost_[iSequence+costOffset] += modification; // save change #endif } } else { // at lower bound if (-value > dualTolerance_) { thisIncrease = true; #if MODIFYCOST // modify cost to hit new tolerance double modification = alpha * theta_ - dj_[iSequence] - newTolerance; //modification = CoinMax(modification,-dualTolerance_); //assert (fabs(modification)<1.0e-7); if ((specialOptions_&(2048 + 4096)) != 0) { if ((specialOptions_ & 2048) != 0) { if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-10) modification = 0.0; } else { if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-12) modification = 0.0; } } dj_[iSequence] += modification; cost_[iSequence] += modification; if (modification) numberChanged_ ++; // Say changed costs //cost_[iSequence+costOffset] += modification; // save change #endif } } } } } } #ifdef MORE_CAREFUL // If we have done pivots and things look bad set alpha_ 0.0 to force factorization if ((badSumPivots || fabs(theta_ * badFree) > 10.0 * dualTolerance_) && factorization_->pivots()) { if (handler_->logLevel() > 1) printf("forcing re-factorization\n"); sequenceIn_ = -1; } #endif if (sequenceIn_ >= 0) { lowerIn_ = lower_[sequenceIn_]; upperIn_ = upper_[sequenceIn_]; valueIn_ = solution_[sequenceIn_]; dualIn_ = dj_[sequenceIn_]; if (numberTimesOptimal_) { // can we adjust cost back closer to original //*** add coding } #if MODIFYCOST>1 // modify cost to hit zero exactly // so (dualIn_+modification)==theta_*alpha_ double modification = theta_ * alpha_ - dualIn_; // But should not move objective too much ?? #define DONT_MOVE_OBJECTIVE #ifdef DONT_MOVE_OBJECTIVE double moveObjective = fabs(modification * solution_[sequenceIn_]); double smallMove = CoinMax(fabs(objectiveValue_), 1.0e-3); if (moveObjective > smallMove) { if (handler_->logLevel() > 1) printf("would move objective by %g - original mod %g sol value %g\n", moveObjective, modification, solution_[sequenceIn_]); modification *= smallMove / moveObjective; } #endif if (badSumPivots) modification = 0.0; if ((specialOptions_&(2048 + 4096)) != 0) { if ((specialOptions_ & 16384) != 0) { // in fast dual if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-7) modification = 0.0; } else if ((specialOptions_ & 2048) != 0) { if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-10) modification = 0.0; } else { if (fabs(modification) < 1.0e-12) modification = 0.0; } } dualIn_ += modification; dj_[sequenceIn_] = dualIn_; cost_[sequenceIn_] += modification; if (modification) numberChanged_ ++; // Say changed costs //int costOffset = numberRows_+numberColumns_; //cost_[sequenceIn_+costOffset] += modification; // save change //assert (fabs(modification)<1.0e-6); #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32) && fabs(modification) > 1.0e-15) printf("exact %d new cost %g, change %g\n", sequenceIn_, cost_[sequenceIn_], modification); #endif #endif if (alpha_ < 0.0) { // as if from upper bound directionIn_ = -1; upperIn_ = valueIn_; } else { // as if from lower bound directionIn_ = 1; lowerIn_ = valueIn_; } } else { // no pivot bestPossible = 0.0; alpha_ = 0.0; } //if (thisIncrease) //dualTolerance_+= 1.0e-6*dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance]; // clear arrays for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { CoinZeroN(array[i], marker[i][0]); CoinZeroN(array[i] + marker[i][1], numberColumns_ - marker[i][1]); } return bestPossible; } #ifdef CLP_ALL_ONE_FILE #undef MAXTRY #endif /* Checks if tentative optimal actually means unbounded Returns -3 if not, 2 if is unbounded */ int ClpSimplexDual::checkUnbounded(CoinIndexedVector * ray, CoinIndexedVector * spare, double changeCost) { int status = 2; // say unbounded factorization_->updateColumn(spare, ray); // get reduced cost int i; int number = ray->getNumElements(); int * index = ray->getIndices(); double * array = ray->denseVector(); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iRow = index[i]; int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; changeCost -= cost(iPivot) * array[iRow]; } double way; if (changeCost > 0.0) { //try going down way = 1.0; } else if (changeCost < 0.0) { //try going up way = -1.0; } else { #ifdef CLP_DEBUG printf("can't decide on up or down\n"); #endif way = 0.0; status = -3; } double movement = 1.0e10 * way; // some largish number double zeroTolerance = 1.0e-14 * dualBound_; for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iRow = index[i]; int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; double arrayValue = array[iRow]; if (fabs(arrayValue) < zeroTolerance) arrayValue = 0.0; double newValue = solution(iPivot) + movement * arrayValue; if (newValue > upper(iPivot) + primalTolerance_ || newValue < lower(iPivot) - primalTolerance_) status = -3; // not unbounded } if (status == 2) { // create ray delete [] ray_; ray_ = new double [numberColumns_]; CoinZeroN(ray_, numberColumns_); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iRow = index[i]; int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; double arrayValue = array[iRow]; if (iPivot < numberColumns_ && fabs(arrayValue) >= zeroTolerance) ray_[iPivot] = way * array[iRow]; } } ray->clear(); return status; } //static int count_alpha=0; /* Checks if finished. Updates status */ void ClpSimplexDual::statusOfProblemInDual(int & lastCleaned, int type, double * givenDuals, ClpDataSave & saveData, int ifValuesPass) { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE_SERIAL if (z_thinks > 0 && z_thinks < 2) z_thinks += 2; #endif bool arraysNotCreated = (type==0); // If lots of iterations then adjust costs if large ones if (numberIterations_ > 4 * (numberRows_ + numberColumns_) && objectiveScale_ == 1.0) { double largest = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) { int iColumn = pivotVariable_[i]; largest = CoinMax(largest, fabs(cost_[iColumn])); } if (largest > 1.0e6) { objectiveScale_ = 1.0e6 / largest; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) cost_[i] *= objectiveScale_; } } int numberPivots = factorization_->pivots(); double realDualInfeasibilities = 0.0; if (type == 2) { if (alphaAccuracy_ != -1.0) alphaAccuracy_ = -2.0; // trouble - restore solution CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); // restore extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 6, dummy); forceFactorization_ = 1; // a bit drastic but .. changeMade_++; // say something changed // get correct bounds on all variables resetFakeBounds(0); } int tentativeStatus = problemStatus_; double changeCost; bool unflagVariables = true; bool weightsSaved = false; bool weightsSaved2 = numberIterations_ && !numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; int dontFactorizePivots = dontFactorizePivots_; if (type == 3) { type = 1; dontFactorizePivots = 1; } if (alphaAccuracy_ < 0.0 || !numberPivots || alphaAccuracy_ > 1.0e4 || numberPivots > 20) { if (problemStatus_ > -3 || numberPivots > dontFactorizePivots) { // factorize // later on we will need to recover from singularities // also we could skip if first time // save dual weights dualRowPivot_->saveWeights(this, 1); weightsSaved = true; if (type) { // is factorization okay? if (internalFactorize(1)) { // no - restore previous basis unflagVariables = false; assert (type == 1); changeMade_++; // say something changed // Keep any flagged variables int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (flagged(i)) saveStatus_[i] |= 64; //say flagged } CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); // restore extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 6, dummy); // get correct bounds on all variables resetFakeBounds(1); // need to reject something char x = isColumn(sequenceOut_) ? 'C' : 'R'; handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_FLAG, messages_) << x << sequenceWithin(sequenceOut_) << CoinMessageEol; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("flag d\n"); #endif setFlagged(sequenceOut_); progress_.clearBadTimes(); // Go to safe factorization_->pivotTolerance(0.99); forceFactorization_ = 1; // a bit drastic but .. type = 2; //assert (internalFactorize(1)==0); if (internalFactorize(1)) { CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); // restore extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 6, dummy); // debug int returnCode = internalFactorize(1); while (returnCode) { // ouch // switch off dense int saveDense = factorization_->denseThreshold(); factorization_->setDenseThreshold(0); // Go to safe factorization_->pivotTolerance(0.99); // make sure will do safe factorization pivotVariable_[0] = -1; returnCode = internalFactorize(2); factorization_->setDenseThreshold(saveDense); } // get correct bounds on all variables resetFakeBounds(1); } } } if (problemStatus_ != -4 || numberPivots > 10) problemStatus_ = -3; } } else { //printf("testing with accuracy of %g and status of %d\n",alphaAccuracy_,problemStatus_); //count_alpha++; //if ((count_alpha%5000)==0) //printf("count alpha %d\n",count_alpha); } // at this stage status is -3 or -4 if looks infeasible // get primal and dual solutions #if 0 { int numberTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; double * saveSol = CoinCopyOfArray(solution_, numberTotal); double * saveDj = CoinCopyOfArray(dj_, numberTotal); double tolerance = type ? 1.0e-4 : 1.0e-8; // always if values pass double saveObj = objectiveValue_; double sumPrimal = sumPrimalInfeasibilities_; int numberPrimal = numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; double sumDual = sumDualInfeasibilities_; int numberDual = numberDualInfeasibilities_; gutsOfSolution(givenDuals, NULL); int j; double largestPrimal = tolerance; int iPrimal = -1; for (j = 0; j < numberTotal; j++) { double difference = solution_[j] - saveSol[j]; if (fabs(difference) > largestPrimal) { iPrimal = j; largestPrimal = fabs(difference); } } double largestDual = tolerance; int iDual = -1; for (j = 0; j < numberTotal; j++) { double difference = dj_[j] - saveDj[j]; if (fabs(difference) > largestDual && upper_[j] > lower_[j]) { iDual = j; largestDual = fabs(difference); } } if (!type) { if (fabs(saveObj - objectiveValue_) > 1.0e-5 || numberPrimal != numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ || numberPrimal != 1 || fabs(sumPrimal - sumPrimalInfeasibilities_) > 1.0e-5 || iPrimal >= 0 || numberDual != numberDualInfeasibilities_ || numberDual != 0 || fabs(sumDual - sumDualInfeasibilities_) > 1.0e-5 || iDual >= 0) printf("type %d its %d pivots %d primal n(%d,%d) s(%g,%g) diff(%g,%d) dual n(%d,%d) s(%g,%g) diff(%g,%d) obj(%g,%g)\n", type, numberIterations_, numberPivots, numberPrimal, numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, sumPrimal, sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, largestPrimal, iPrimal, numberDual, numberDualInfeasibilities_, sumDual, sumDualInfeasibilities_, largestDual, iDual, saveObj, objectiveValue_); } else { if (fabs(saveObj - objectiveValue_) > 1.0e-5 || numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ || iPrimal >= 0 || numberDualInfeasibilities_ || iDual >= 0) printf("type %d its %d pivots %d primal n(%d,%d) s(%g,%g) diff(%g,%d) dual n(%d,%d) s(%g,%g) diff(%g,%d) obj(%g,%g)\n", type, numberIterations_, numberPivots, numberPrimal, numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, sumPrimal, sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, largestPrimal, iPrimal, numberDual, numberDualInfeasibilities_, sumDual, sumDualInfeasibilities_, largestDual, iDual, saveObj, objectiveValue_); } delete [] saveSol; delete [] saveDj; } #else if (type || ifValuesPass) gutsOfSolution(givenDuals, NULL); #endif // If bad accuracy treat as singular if ((largestPrimalError_ > 1.0e15 || largestDualError_ > 1.0e15) && numberIterations_) { // restore previous basis unflagVariables = false; changeMade_++; // say something changed // Keep any flagged variables int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (flagged(i)) saveStatus_[i] |= 64; //say flagged } CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); // restore extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 6, dummy); // get correct bounds on all variables resetFakeBounds(1); // need to reject something char x = isColumn(sequenceOut_) ? 'C' : 'R'; handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_FLAG, messages_) << x << sequenceWithin(sequenceOut_) << CoinMessageEol; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("flag e\n"); #endif setFlagged(sequenceOut_); progress_.clearBadTimes(); // Go to safer double newTolerance = CoinMin(1.1 * factorization_->pivotTolerance(), 0.99); factorization_->pivotTolerance(newTolerance); forceFactorization_ = 1; // a bit drastic but .. if (alphaAccuracy_ != -1.0) alphaAccuracy_ = -2.0; type = 2; //assert (internalFactorize(1)==0); if (internalFactorize(1)) { CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); // restore extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 6, dummy); // debug int returnCode = internalFactorize(1); while (returnCode) { // ouch // switch off dense int saveDense = factorization_->denseThreshold(); factorization_->setDenseThreshold(0); // Go to safe factorization_->pivotTolerance(0.99); // make sure will do safe factorization pivotVariable_[0] = -1; returnCode = internalFactorize(2); factorization_->setDenseThreshold(saveDense); } // get correct bounds on all variables resetFakeBounds(1); } // get primal and dual solutions gutsOfSolution(givenDuals, NULL); } else if (goodAccuracy()) { // Can reduce tolerance double newTolerance = CoinMax(0.99 * factorization_->pivotTolerance(), saveData.pivotTolerance_); factorization_->pivotTolerance(newTolerance); } bestObjectiveValue_ = CoinMax(bestObjectiveValue_, objectiveValue_ - bestPossibleImprovement_); bool reallyBadProblems = false; // Double check infeasibility if no action if (progress_.lastIterationNumber(0) == numberIterations_) { if (dualRowPivot_->looksOptimal()) { numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0; sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; } #if 1 } else { double thisObj = objectiveValue_ - bestPossibleImprovement_; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE assert (bestPossibleImprovement_ > -1000.0 && objectiveValue_ > -1.0e100); if (bestPossibleImprovement_) printf("obj %g add in %g -> %g\n", objectiveValue_, bestPossibleImprovement_, thisObj); #endif double lastObj = progress_.lastObjective(0); #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP resetFakeBounds(-1); #endif #endif #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS ixxxxxx++; if (ixxxxxx >= ixxyyyy - 4 && ixxxxxx <= ixxyyyy) { char temp[20]; sprintf(temp, "sol%d.out", ixxxxxx); printf("sol%d.out\n", ixxxxxx); FILE * fp = fopen(temp, "w"); int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %g\n", i, status_[i], lower_[i], solution_[i], upper_[i], cost_[i], dj_[i]); fclose(fp); } #endif if(!ifValuesPass && firstFree_ < 0) { double testTol = 5.0e-3; if (progress_.timesFlagged() > 10) { testTol *= pow(2.0, progress_.timesFlagged() - 8); } else if (progress_.timesFlagged() > 5) { testTol *= 5.0; } if (lastObj > thisObj + testTol*(fabs(thisObj) + fabs(lastObj)) + testTol) { int maxFactor = factorization_->maximumPivots(); if ((specialOptions_ & 1048576) == 0) { if (progress_.timesFlagged() > 10) progress_.incrementReallyBadTimes(); if (maxFactor > 10 - 9) { #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("lastobj %g thisobj %g\n", lastObj, thisObj); #endif //if (forceFactorization_<0) //forceFactorization_= maxFactor; //forceFactorization_ = CoinMax(1,(forceFactorization_>>1)); if ((progressFlag_ & 4) == 0 && lastObj < thisObj + 1.0e4 && largestPrimalError_ < 1.0e2) { // Just save costs // save extra copy of cost_ int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; double * temp = new double [2*nTotal]; memcpy(temp, cost_, nTotal * sizeof(double)); memcpy(temp + nTotal, cost_, nTotal * sizeof(double)); delete [] cost_; cost_ = temp; objectiveWork_ = cost_; rowObjectiveWork_ = cost_ + numberColumns_; progressFlag_ |= 4; } else { forceFactorization_ = 1; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("Reducing factorization frequency - bad backwards\n"); #endif #if 1 unflagVariables = false; changeMade_++; // say something changed int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, nTotal, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); if ((progressFlag_ & 4) == 0) { // save extra copy of cost_ double * temp = new double [2*nTotal]; memcpy(temp, cost_, nTotal * sizeof(double)); memcpy(temp + nTotal, cost_, nTotal * sizeof(double)); delete [] cost_; cost_ = temp; objectiveWork_ = cost_; rowObjectiveWork_ = cost_ + numberColumns_; progressFlag_ |= 4; } else { memcpy(cost_, cost_ + nTotal, nTotal * sizeof(double)); } // restore extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 6, dummy); double pivotTolerance = factorization_->pivotTolerance(); if(pivotTolerance < 0.2) factorization_->pivotTolerance(0.2); else if(progress_.timesFlagged() > 2) factorization_->pivotTolerance(CoinMin(pivotTolerance * 1.1, 0.99)); if (alphaAccuracy_ != -1.0) alphaAccuracy_ = -2.0; if (internalFactorize(1)) { CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); // restore extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 6, dummy); // debug int returnCode = internalFactorize(1); while (returnCode) { // ouch // switch off dense int saveDense = factorization_->denseThreshold(); factorization_->setDenseThreshold(0); // Go to safe factorization_->pivotTolerance(0.99); // make sure will do safe factorization pivotVariable_[0] = -1; returnCode = internalFactorize(2); factorization_->setDenseThreshold(saveDense); } } resetFakeBounds(0); type = 2; // so will restore weights // get primal and dual solutions gutsOfSolution(givenDuals, NULL); if (numberPivots < 2) { // need to reject something char x = isColumn(sequenceOut_) ? 'C' : 'R'; handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_FLAG, messages_) << x << sequenceWithin(sequenceOut_) << CoinMessageEol; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("flag d\n"); #endif setFlagged(sequenceOut_); progress_.clearBadTimes(); progress_.incrementTimesFlagged(); } if (numberPivots < 10) reallyBadProblems = true; #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("obj now %g\n", objectiveValue_); #endif progress_.modifyObjective(objectiveValue_ - bestPossibleImprovement_); #endif } } } else { // in fast dual give up #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("In fast dual?\n"); #endif problemStatus_ = 3; } } else if (lastObj < thisObj - 1.0e-5 * CoinMax(fabs(thisObj), fabs(lastObj)) - 1.0e-3) { numberTimesOptimal_ = 0; } } #endif } // Up tolerance if looks a bit odd if (numberIterations_ > CoinMax(1000, numberRows_ >> 4) && (specialOptions_ & 64) != 0) { if (sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ && sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ < 1.0e5) { int backIteration = progress_.lastIterationNumber(CLP_PROGRESS - 1); if (backIteration > 0 && numberIterations_ - backIteration < 9 * CLP_PROGRESS) { if (factorization_->pivotTolerance() < 0.9) { // up tolerance factorization_->pivotTolerance(CoinMin(factorization_->pivotTolerance() * 1.05 + 0.02, 0.91)); //printf("tol now %g\n",factorization_->pivotTolerance()); progress_.clearIterationNumbers(); } } } } // Check if looping int loop; if (!givenDuals && type != 2) loop = progress_.looping(); else loop = -1; if (progress_.reallyBadTimes() > 10) { problemStatus_ = 10; // instead - try other algorithm #if COIN_DEVELOP>2 printf("returning at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif } int situationChanged = 0; if (loop >= 0) { problemStatus_ = loop; //exit if in loop if (!problemStatus_) { // declaring victory numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0; sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; } else { problemStatus_ = 10; // instead - try other algorithm #if COIN_DEVELOP>2 printf("returning at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif } return; } else if (loop < -1) { // something may have changed gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); situationChanged = 1; } // really for free variables in if((progressFlag_ & 2) != 0) { situationChanged = 2; } progressFlag_ &= (~3); //reset progress flag if ((progressFlag_ & 4) != 0) { // save copy of cost_ int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; memcpy(cost_ + nTotal, cost_, nTotal * sizeof(double)); } /*if (!numberIterations_&&sumDualInfeasibilities_) printf("OBJ %g sumPinf %g sumDinf %g\n", objectiveValue(),sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, sumDualInfeasibilities_);*/ // mark as having gone optimal if looks like it if (!numberPrimalInfeasibilities_&& !numberDualInfeasibilities_) progressFlag_ |= 8; if (handler_->detail(CLP_SIMPLEX_STATUS, messages_) < 100) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_STATUS, messages_) << numberIterations_ << objectiveValue(); handler_->printing(sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ << numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumDualInfeasibilities_ << numberDualInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ < numberDualInfeasibilities_) << numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_; handler_->message() << CoinMessageEol; } #if 0 printf("IT %d %g %g(%d) %g(%d)\n", numberIterations_, objectiveValue(), sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, sumDualInfeasibilities_, numberDualInfeasibilities_); #endif double approximateObjective = objectiveValue_; #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS if (ixxxxxx >= ixxyyyy - 4 && ixxxxxx <= ixxyyyy) { char temp[20]; sprintf(temp, "x_sol%d.out", ixxxxxx); FILE * fp = fopen(temp, "w"); int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) fprintf(fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g %g\n", i, status_[i], lower_[i], solution_[i], upper_[i], cost_[i], dj_[i]); fclose(fp); if (ixxxxxx == ixxyyyy) exit(6); } #endif realDualInfeasibilities = sumDualInfeasibilities_; double saveTolerance = dualTolerance_; // If we need to carry on cleaning variables if (!numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ && (specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0 && CLEAN_FIXED) { for (int iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (!flagged(iPivot) && pivoted(iPivot)) { // carry on numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ = -1; sumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 1.0; sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 1.0; break; } } } /* If we are primal feasible and any dual infeasibilities are on free variables then it is better to go to primal */ if (!numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ && !numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ && numberDualInfeasibilities_) problemStatus_ = 10; // dual bound coming in //double saveDualBound = dualBound_; bool needCleanFake = false; while (problemStatus_ <= -3) { int cleanDuals = 0; if (situationChanged != 0) cleanDuals = 1; int numberChangedBounds = 0; int doOriginalTolerance = 0; if ( lastCleaned == numberIterations_) doOriginalTolerance = 1; // check optimal // give code benefit of doubt if (sumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities_ == 0.0 && sumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities_ == 0.0) { // say optimal (with these bounds etc) numberDualInfeasibilities_ = 0; sumDualInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0; sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; } //if (dualFeasible()||problemStatus_==-4||(primalFeasible()&&!numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_)) { if (dualFeasible() || problemStatus_ == -4) { progress_.modifyObjective(objectiveValue_ - bestPossibleImprovement_); #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP if (sumDualInfeasibilities_ || bestPossibleImprovement_) printf("improve %g dualinf %g -> %g\n", bestPossibleImprovement_, sumDualInfeasibilities_, sumDualInfeasibilities_ * dualBound_); #endif // see if cutoff reached double limit = 0.0; getDblParam(ClpDualObjectiveLimit, limit); #if 0 if(fabs(limit) < 1.0e30 && objectiveValue()*optimizationDirection_ > limit + 1.0e-7 + 1.0e-8 * fabs(limit) && !numberAtFakeBound()) { //looks infeasible on objective if (perturbation_ == 101) { cleanDuals = 1; // Save costs int numberTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; double * saveCost = CoinCopyOfArray(cost_, numberTotal); // make sure fake bounds are back changeBounds(1, NULL, changeCost); createRim4(false); // make sure duals are current computeDuals(givenDuals); checkDualSolution(); if(objectiveValue()*optimizationDirection_ > limit + 1.0e-7 + 1.0e-8 * fabs(limit) && !numberDualInfeasibilities_) { perturbation_ = 102; // stop any perturbations printf("cutoff test succeeded\n"); } else { printf("cutoff test failed\n"); // put back memcpy(cost_, saveCost, numberTotal * sizeof(double)); // make sure duals are current computeDuals(givenDuals); checkDualSolution(); progress_.modifyObjective(-COIN_DBL_MAX); problemStatus_ = -1; } delete [] saveCost; } } #endif if (primalFeasible() && !givenDuals) { // may be optimal - or may be bounds are wrong handler_->message(CLP_DUAL_BOUNDS, messages_) << dualBound_ << CoinMessageEol; // save solution in case unbounded double * saveColumnSolution = NULL; double * saveRowSolution = NULL; bool inCbc = (specialOptions_ & (0x01000000 | 16384)) != 0; if (!inCbc) { saveColumnSolution = CoinCopyOfArray(columnActivityWork_, numberColumns_); saveRowSolution = CoinCopyOfArray(rowActivityWork_, numberRows_); } numberChangedBounds = changeBounds(0, rowArray_[3], changeCost); if (numberChangedBounds <= 0 && !numberDualInfeasibilities_) { //looks optimal - do we need to reset tolerance if (perturbation_ == 101) { perturbation_ = 102; // stop any perturbations cleanDuals = 1; // make sure fake bounds are back //computeObjectiveValue(); changeBounds(1, NULL, changeCost); //computeObjectiveValue(); createRim4(false); // make sure duals are current computeDuals(givenDuals); checkDualSolution(); progress_.modifyObjective(-COIN_DBL_MAX); #define DUAL_TRY_FASTER #ifdef DUAL_TRY_FASTER if (numberDualInfeasibilities_) { #endif numberChanged_ = 1; // force something to happen lastCleaned = numberIterations_ - 1; #ifdef DUAL_TRY_FASTER } else { //double value = objectiveValue_; computeObjectiveValue(true); //printf("old %g new %g\n",value,objectiveValue_); //numberChanged_=1; } #endif } if (lastCleaned < numberIterations_ && numberTimesOptimal_ < 4 && (numberChanged_ || (specialOptions_ & 4096) == 0)) { doOriginalTolerance = 2; numberTimesOptimal_++; changeMade_++; // say something changed if (numberTimesOptimal_ == 1) { dualTolerance_ = dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance]; } else { if (numberTimesOptimal_ == 2) { // better to have small tolerance even if slower factorization_->zeroTolerance(CoinMin(factorization_->zeroTolerance(), 1.0e-15)); } dualTolerance_ = dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance]; dualTolerance_ *= pow(2.0, numberTimesOptimal_ - 1); } cleanDuals = 2; // If nothing changed optimal else primal } else { problemStatus_ = 0; // optimal if (lastCleaned < numberIterations_ && numberChanged_) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_GIVINGUP, messages_) << CoinMessageEol; } } } else { cleanDuals = 1; if (doOriginalTolerance == 1) { // check unbounded // find a variable with bad dj int iSequence; int iChosen = -1; if (!inCbc) { double largest = 100.0 * primalTolerance_; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; iSequence++) { double djValue = dj_[iSequence]; double originalLo = originalLower(iSequence); double originalUp = originalUpper(iSequence); if (fabs(djValue) > fabs(largest)) { if (getStatus(iSequence) != basic) { if (djValue > 0 && originalLo < -1.0e20) { if (djValue > fabs(largest)) { largest = djValue; iChosen = iSequence; } } else if (djValue < 0 && originalUp > 1.0e20) { if (-djValue > fabs(largest)) { largest = djValue; iChosen = iSequence; } } } } } } if (iChosen >= 0) { int iSave = sequenceIn_; sequenceIn_ = iChosen; unpack(rowArray_[1]); sequenceIn_ = iSave; // if dual infeasibilities then must be free vector so add in dual if (numberDualInfeasibilities_) { if (fabs(changeCost) > 1.0e-5) COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Odd free/unbounded combo\n")); changeCost += cost_[iChosen]; } problemStatus_ = checkUnbounded(rowArray_[1], rowArray_[0], changeCost); rowArray_[1]->clear(); } else { problemStatus_ = -3; } if (problemStatus_ == 2 && perturbation_ == 101) { perturbation_ = 102; // stop any perturbations cleanDuals = 1; createRim4(false); progress_.modifyObjective(-COIN_DBL_MAX); problemStatus_ = -1; } if (problemStatus_ == 2) { // it is unbounded - restore solution // but first add in changes to non-basic int iColumn; double * original = columnArray_[0]->denseVector(); for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns_; iColumn++) { if(getColumnStatus(iColumn) != basic) ray_[iColumn] += saveColumnSolution[iColumn] - original[iColumn]; columnActivityWork_[iColumn] = original[iColumn]; } CoinMemcpyN(saveRowSolution, numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); } } else { doOriginalTolerance = 2; rowArray_[0]->clear(); } } delete [] saveColumnSolution; delete [] saveRowSolution; } if (problemStatus_ == -4 || problemStatus_ == -5) { // may be infeasible - or may be bounds are wrong numberChangedBounds = changeBounds(0, NULL, changeCost); needCleanFake = true; /* Should this be here as makes no difference to being feasible. But seems to make a difference to run times. */ if (perturbation_ == 101 && 0) { perturbation_ = 102; // stop any perturbations cleanDuals = 1; numberChangedBounds = 1; // make sure fake bounds are back changeBounds(1, NULL, changeCost); needCleanFake = true; createRim4(false); progress_.modifyObjective(-COIN_DBL_MAX); } if ((numberChangedBounds <= 0 || dualBound_ > 1.0e20 || (largestPrimalError_ > 1.0 && dualBound_ > 1.0e17)) && (numberPivots < 4 || sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 1.0e-6)) { problemStatus_ = 1; // infeasible if (perturbation_ == 101) { perturbation_ = 102; // stop any perturbations //cleanDuals=1; //numberChangedBounds=1; //createRim4(false); } } else { problemStatus_ = -1; //iterate cleanDuals = 1; if (numberChangedBounds <= 0) doOriginalTolerance = 2; // and delete ray which has been created delete [] ray_; ray_ = NULL; } } } else { cleanDuals = 1; } if (problemStatus_ < 0) { if (doOriginalTolerance == 2) { // put back original tolerance lastCleaned = numberIterations_; numberChanged_ = 0; // Number of variables with changed costs handler_->message(CLP_DUAL_ORIGINAL, messages_) << CoinMessageEol; perturbation_ = 102; // stop any perturbations #if 0 double * xcost = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xlower = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xupper = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xdj = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xsolution = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(cost_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xcost); CoinMemcpyN(lower_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xlower); CoinMemcpyN(upper_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xupper); CoinMemcpyN(dj_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xdj); CoinMemcpyN(solution_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xsolution); #endif createRim4(false); progress_.modifyObjective(-COIN_DBL_MAX); // make sure duals are current computeDuals(givenDuals); checkDualSolution(); #if 0 int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (cost_[i] != xcost[i]) printf("** %d old cost %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xcost[i], cost_[i], solution_[i]); if (lower_[i] != xlower[i]) printf("** %d old lower %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xlower[i], lower_[i], solution_[i]); if (upper_[i] != xupper[i]) printf("** %d old upper %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xupper[i], upper_[i], solution_[i]); if (dj_[i] != xdj[i]) printf("** %d old dj %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xdj[i], dj_[i], solution_[i]); if (solution_[i] != xsolution[i]) printf("** %d old solution %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xsolution[i], solution_[i], solution_[i]); } //delete [] xcost; //delete [] xupper; //delete [] xlower; //delete [] xdj; //delete [] xsolution; #endif // put back bounds as they were if was optimal if (doOriginalTolerance == 2 && cleanDuals != 2) { changeMade_++; // say something changed /* We may have already changed some bounds in this function so save numberFake_ and add in. Worst that can happen is that we waste a bit of time - but it must be finite. */ //int saveNumberFake = numberFake_; //resetFakeBounds(-1); changeBounds(3, NULL, changeCost); needCleanFake = true; //numberFake_ += saveNumberFake; //resetFakeBounds(-1); cleanDuals = 2; //cleanDuals=1; } #if 0 //int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (cost_[i] != xcost[i]) printf("** %d old cost %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xcost[i], cost_[i], solution_[i]); if (lower_[i] != xlower[i]) printf("** %d old lower %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xlower[i], lower_[i], solution_[i]); if (upper_[i] != xupper[i]) printf("** %d old upper %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xupper[i], upper_[i], solution_[i]); if (dj_[i] != xdj[i]) printf("** %d old dj %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xdj[i], dj_[i], solution_[i]); if (solution_[i] != xsolution[i]) printf("** %d old solution %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xsolution[i], solution_[i], solution_[i]); } delete [] xcost; delete [] xupper; delete [] xlower; delete [] xdj; delete [] xsolution; #endif } if (cleanDuals == 1 || (cleanDuals == 2 && !numberDualInfeasibilities_)) { // make sure dual feasible // look at all rows and columns rowArray_[0]->clear(); columnArray_[0]->clear(); double objectiveChange = 0.0; double savePrimalInfeasibilities = sumPrimalInfeasibilities_; if (!numberIterations_) { int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; if (arraysNotCreated) { // create save arrays delete [] saveStatus_; delete [] savedSolution_; saveStatus_ = new unsigned char [nTotal]; savedSolution_ = new double [nTotal]; arraysNotCreated = false; } // save arrays CoinMemcpyN(status_, nTotal, saveStatus_); CoinMemcpyN(rowActivityWork_, numberRows_, savedSolution_ + numberColumns_); CoinMemcpyN(columnActivityWork_, numberColumns_, savedSolution_); } #if 0 double * xcost = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xlower = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xupper = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xdj = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; double * xsolution = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(cost_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xcost); CoinMemcpyN(lower_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xlower); CoinMemcpyN(upper_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xupper); CoinMemcpyN(dj_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xdj); CoinMemcpyN(solution_, (numberRows_ + numberColumns_), xsolution); #endif if (givenDuals) dualTolerance_ = 1.0e50; updateDualsInDual(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], rowArray_[1], 0.0, objectiveChange, true); dualTolerance_ = saveTolerance; #if 0 int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (cost_[i] != xcost[i]) printf("** %d old cost %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xcost[i], cost_[i], solution_[i]); if (lower_[i] != xlower[i]) printf("** %d old lower %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xlower[i], lower_[i], solution_[i]); if (upper_[i] != xupper[i]) printf("** %d old upper %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xupper[i], upper_[i], solution_[i]); if (dj_[i] != xdj[i]) printf("** %d old dj %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xdj[i], dj_[i], solution_[i]); if (solution_[i] != xsolution[i]) printf("** %d old solution %g new %g sol %g\n", i, xsolution[i], solution_[i], solution_[i]); } delete [] xcost; delete [] xupper; delete [] xlower; delete [] xdj; delete [] xsolution; #endif // for now - recompute all gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); if (givenDuals) dualTolerance_ = 1.0e50; updateDualsInDual(rowArray_[0], columnArray_[0], rowArray_[1], 0.0, objectiveChange, true); dualTolerance_ = saveTolerance; if (!numberIterations_ && sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 1.0e5*(savePrimalInfeasibilities+1.0e3) && (moreSpecialOptions_ & (256|8192)) == 0) { // Use primal int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus_, nTotal, status_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ + numberColumns_ , numberRows_, rowActivityWork_); CoinMemcpyN(savedSolution_ , numberColumns_, columnActivityWork_); problemStatus_ = 10; situationChanged = 0; } //assert(numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_==0); if (numberDualInfeasibilities_) { if ((numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ || numberPivots) && problemStatus_!=10) { problemStatus_ = -1; // carry on as normal } else { problemStatus_ = 10; // try primal #if COIN_DEVELOP>1 printf("returning at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif } } else if (situationChanged == 2) { problemStatus_ = -1; // carry on as normal // need to reset bounds changeBounds(3, NULL, changeCost); } situationChanged = 0; } else { // iterate if (cleanDuals != 2) { problemStatus_ = -1; } else { problemStatus_ = 10; // try primal #if COIN_DEVELOP>2 printf("returning at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif } } } } // unflag all variables (we may want to wait a bit?) if ((tentativeStatus != -2 && tentativeStatus != -1) && unflagVariables) { int iRow; int numberFlagged = 0; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iPivot = pivotVariable_[iRow]; if (flagged(iPivot)) { numberFlagged++; clearFlagged(iPivot); } } #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP if (numberFlagged) { printf("unflagging %d variables - tentativeStatus %d probStat %d ninf %d nopt %d\n", numberFlagged, tentativeStatus, problemStatus_, numberPrimalInfeasibilities_, numberTimesOptimal_); } #endif unflagVariables = numberFlagged > 0; if (numberFlagged && !numberPivots) { /* looks like trouble as we have not done any iterations. Try changing pivot tolerance then give it a few goes and give up */ if (factorization_->pivotTolerance() < 0.9) { factorization_->pivotTolerance(0.99); problemStatus_ = -1; } else if (numberTimesOptimal_ < 3) { numberTimesOptimal_++; problemStatus_ = -1; } else { unflagVariables = false; //secondaryStatus_ = 1; // and say probably infeasible if ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 256) == 0) { // try primal problemStatus_ = 10; } else { // almost certainly infeasible problemStatus_ = 1; } #if COIN_DEVELOP>1 printf("returning at %d\n", __LINE__); #endif } } } if (problemStatus_ < 0) { if (needCleanFake) { double dummyChangeCost = 0.0; changeBounds(3, NULL, dummyChangeCost); } #if 0 if (objectiveValue_ < lastObjectiveValue_ - 1.0e-8 * CoinMax(fabs(objectivevalue_), fabs(lastObjectiveValue_))) { } else { lastObjectiveValue_ = objectiveValue_; } #endif if (type == 0 || type == 1) { if (!type && arraysNotCreated) { // create save arrays delete [] saveStatus_; delete [] savedSolution_; saveStatus_ = new unsigned char [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; savedSolution_ = new double [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; } // save arrays CoinMemcpyN(status_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, saveStatus_); CoinMemcpyN(rowActivityWork_, numberRows_, savedSolution_ + numberColumns_); CoinMemcpyN(columnActivityWork_, numberColumns_, savedSolution_); // save extra stuff int dummy; matrix_->generalExpanded(this, 5, dummy); } if (weightsSaved) { // restore weights (if saved) - also recompute infeasibility list if (!reallyBadProblems && (largestPrimalError_ < 100.0 || numberPivots > 10)) { if (tentativeStatus > -3) dualRowPivot_->saveWeights(this, (type < 2) ? 2 : 4); else dualRowPivot_->saveWeights(this, 3); } else { // reset weights or scale back dualRowPivot_->saveWeights(this, 6); } } else if (weightsSaved2 && numberPrimalInfeasibilities_) { dualRowPivot_->saveWeights(this, 3); } } // see if cutoff reached double limit = 0.0; getDblParam(ClpDualObjectiveLimit, limit); #if 0 if(fabs(limit) < 1.0e30 && objectiveValue()*optimizationDirection_ > limit + 100.0) { printf("lim %g obj %g %g - wo perturb %g sum dual %g\n", limit, objectiveValue_, objectiveValue(), computeInternalObjectiveValue(), sumDualInfeasibilities_); } #endif if(fabs(limit) < 1.0e30 && objectiveValue()*optimizationDirection_ > limit && !numberAtFakeBound()) { bool looksInfeasible = !numberDualInfeasibilities_; if (objectiveValue()*optimizationDirection_ > limit + fabs(0.1 * limit) + 1.0e2 * sumDualInfeasibilities_ + 1.0e4 && sumDualInfeasibilities_ < largestDualError_ && numberIterations_ > 0.5 * numberRows_ + 1000) looksInfeasible = true; if (looksInfeasible) { // Even if not perturbed internal costs may have changed // be careful if (true || numberIterations_) { if(computeInternalObjectiveValue() > limit) { problemStatus_ = 1; secondaryStatus_ = 1; // and say was on cutoff } } else { problemStatus_ = 1; secondaryStatus_ = 1; // and say was on cutoff } } } // If we are in trouble and in branch and bound give up if ((specialOptions_ & 1024) != 0) { int looksBad = 0; if (largestPrimalError_ * largestDualError_ > 1.0e2) { looksBad = 1; } else if (largestPrimalError_ > 1.0e-2 && objectiveValue_ > CoinMin(1.0e15, 1.0e3 * limit)) { looksBad = 2; } if (looksBad) { if (factorization_->pivotTolerance() < 0.9) { // up tolerance factorization_->pivotTolerance(CoinMin(factorization_->pivotTolerance() * 1.05 + 0.02, 0.91)); } else if (numberIterations_ > 10000) { if (handler_->logLevel() > 2) printf("bad dual - saying infeasible %d\n", looksBad); problemStatus_ = 1; secondaryStatus_ = 1; // and say was on cutoff } else if (largestPrimalError_ > 1.0e5) { { int iBigB = -1; double bigB = 0.0; int iBigN = -1; double bigN = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { double value = fabs(solution_[i]); if (getStatus(i) == basic) { if (value > bigB) { bigB = value; iBigB = i; } } else { if (value > bigN) { bigN = value; iBigN = i; } } } #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE if (bigB > 1.0e8 || bigN > 1.0e8) { if (handler_->logLevel() > 0) printf("it %d - basic %d %g, nonbasic %d %g\n", numberIterations_, iBigB, bigB, iBigN, bigN); } #endif } #if COIN_DEVELOP!=2 if (handler_->logLevel() > 2) #endif printf("bad dual - going to primal %d %g\n", looksBad, largestPrimalError_); allSlackBasis(true); problemStatus_ = 10; } } } if (problemStatus_ < 0 && !changeMade_) { problemStatus_ = 4; // unknown } lastGoodIteration_ = numberIterations_; if (numberIterations_ > lastBadIteration_ + 100) moreSpecialOptions_ &= ~16; // clear check accuracy flag if (problemStatus_ < 0) { sumDualInfeasibilities_ = realDualInfeasibilities; // back to say be careful if (sumDualInfeasibilities_) numberDualInfeasibilities_ = 1; } #ifdef CLP_REPORT_PROGRESS if (ixxxxxx > ixxyyyy - 3) { printf("objectiveValue_ %g\n", objectiveValue_); handler_->setLogLevel(63); int nTotal = numberColumns_ + numberRows_; double newObj = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) { if (solution_[i]) newObj += solution_[i] * cost_[i]; } printf("xxx obj %g\n", newObj); // for now - recompute all gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); newObj = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) { if (solution_[i]) newObj += solution_[i] * cost_[i]; } printf("yyy obj %g %g\n", newObj, objectiveValue_); progress_.modifyObjective(objectiveValue_ - bestPossibleImprovement_); } #endif #if 1 double thisObj = progress_.lastObjective(0); double lastObj = progress_.lastObjective(1); if (lastObj > thisObj + 1.0e-4 * CoinMax(fabs(thisObj), fabs(lastObj)) + 1.0e-4 && givenDuals == NULL && firstFree_ < 0) { int maxFactor = factorization_->maximumPivots(); if (maxFactor > 10) { if (forceFactorization_ < 0) forceFactorization_ = maxFactor; forceFactorization_ = CoinMax(1, (forceFactorization_ >> 1)); //printf("Reducing factorization frequency\n"); } } #endif // Allow matrices to be sorted etc int fake = -999; // signal sort matrix_->correctSequence(this, fake, fake); if (alphaAccuracy_ > 0.0) alphaAccuracy_ = 1.0; // If we are stopping - use plausible objective // Maybe only in fast dual if (problemStatus_ > 2) objectiveValue_ = approximateObjective; if (problemStatus_ == 1 && (progressFlag_&8) != 0 && fabs(objectiveValue_) > 1.0e10 ) problemStatus_ = 10; // infeasible - but has looked feasible } /* While updateDualsInDual sees what effect is of flip this does actual flipping. If change >0.0 then value in array >0.0 => from lower to upper */ void ClpSimplexDual::flipBounds(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, CoinIndexedVector * columnArray) { int number; int * which; int iSection; for (iSection = 0; iSection < 2; iSection++) { int i; double * solution = solutionRegion(iSection); double * lower = lowerRegion(iSection); double * upper = upperRegion(iSection); int addSequence; if (!iSection) { number = rowArray->getNumElements(); which = rowArray->getIndices(); addSequence = numberColumns_; } else { number = columnArray->getNumElements(); which = columnArray->getIndices(); addSequence = 0; } for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; Status status = getStatus(iSequence + addSequence); switch(status) { case basic: case isFree: case superBasic: case ClpSimplex::isFixed: break; case atUpperBound: // to lower bound setStatus(iSequence + addSequence, atLowerBound); solution[iSequence] = lower[iSequence]; break; case atLowerBound: // to upper bound setStatus(iSequence + addSequence, atUpperBound); solution[iSequence] = upper[iSequence]; break; } } } rowArray->setNumElements(0); columnArray->setNumElements(0); } // Restores bound to original bound void ClpSimplexDual::originalBound( int iSequence) { if (getFakeBound(iSequence) != noFake) { numberFake_--; setFakeBound(iSequence, noFake); if (iSequence >= numberColumns_) { // rows int iRow = iSequence - numberColumns_; rowLowerWork_[iRow] = rowLower_[iRow]; rowUpperWork_[iRow] = rowUpper_[iRow]; if (rowScale_) { if (rowLowerWork_[iRow] > -1.0e50) rowLowerWork_[iRow] *= rowScale_[iRow] * rhsScale_; if (rowUpperWork_[iRow] < 1.0e50) rowUpperWork_[iRow] *= rowScale_[iRow] * rhsScale_; } else if (rhsScale_ != 1.0) { if (rowLowerWork_[iRow] > -1.0e50) rowLowerWork_[iRow] *= rhsScale_; if (rowUpperWork_[iRow] < 1.0e50) rowUpperWork_[iRow] *= rhsScale_; } } else { // columns columnLowerWork_[iSequence] = columnLower_[iSequence]; columnUpperWork_[iSequence] = columnUpper_[iSequence]; if (rowScale_) { double multiplier = 1.0 * inverseColumnScale_[iSequence]; if (columnLowerWork_[iSequence] > -1.0e50) columnLowerWork_[iSequence] *= multiplier * rhsScale_; if (columnUpperWork_[iSequence] < 1.0e50) columnUpperWork_[iSequence] *= multiplier * rhsScale_; } else if (rhsScale_ != 1.0) { if (columnLowerWork_[iSequence] > -1.0e50) columnLowerWork_[iSequence] *= rhsScale_; if (columnUpperWork_[iSequence] < 1.0e50) columnUpperWork_[iSequence] *= rhsScale_; } } } } /* As changeBounds but just changes new bounds for a single variable. Returns true if change */ bool ClpSimplexDual::changeBound( int iSequence) { // old values double oldLower = lower_[iSequence]; double oldUpper = upper_[iSequence]; double value = solution_[iSequence]; bool modified = false; originalBound(iSequence); // original values double lowerValue = lower_[iSequence]; double upperValue = upper_[iSequence]; // back to altered values lower_[iSequence] = oldLower; upper_[iSequence] = oldUpper; assert (getFakeBound(iSequence) == noFake); //if (getFakeBound(iSequence)!=noFake) //numberFake_--; if (value == oldLower) { if (upperValue > oldLower + dualBound_) { upper_[iSequence] = oldLower + dualBound_; setFakeBound(iSequence, upperFake); modified = true; numberFake_++; } } else if (value == oldUpper) { if (lowerValue < oldUpper - dualBound_) { lower_[iSequence] = oldUpper - dualBound_; setFakeBound(iSequence, lowerFake); modified = true; numberFake_++; } } else { assert(value == oldLower || value == oldUpper); } return modified; } // Perturbs problem int ClpSimplexDual::perturb() { if (perturbation_ > 100) return 0; //perturbed already if (perturbation_ == 100) perturbation_ = 50; // treat as normal int savePerturbation = perturbation_; bool modifyRowCosts = false; // dual perturbation double perturbation = 1.0e-20; // maximum fraction of cost to perturb double maximumFraction = 1.0e-5; double constantPerturbation = 100.0 * dualTolerance_; int maxLength = 0; int minLength = numberRows_; double averageCost = 0.0; #if 0 // look at element range double smallestNegative; double largestNegative; double smallestPositive; double largestPositive; matrix_->rangeOfElements(smallestNegative, largestNegative, smallestPositive, largestPositive); smallestPositive = CoinMin(fabs(smallestNegative), smallestPositive); largestPositive = CoinMax(fabs(largestNegative), largestPositive); double elementRatio = largestPositive / smallestPositive; #endif int numberNonZero = 0; if (!numberIterations_ && perturbation_ >= 50) { // See if we need to perturb double * sort = new double[numberColumns_]; // Use objective BEFORE scaling const double * obj = ((moreSpecialOptions_ & 128) == 0) ? objective() : cost_; int i; for (i = 0; i < numberColumns_; i++) { double value = fabs(obj[i]); sort[i] = value; averageCost += value; if (value) numberNonZero++; } if (numberNonZero) averageCost /= static_cast (numberNonZero); else averageCost = 1.0; std::sort(sort, sort + numberColumns_); int number = 1; double last = sort[0]; for (i = 1; i < numberColumns_; i++) { if (last != sort[i]) number++; last = sort[i]; } delete [] sort; if (!numberNonZero && perturbation_ < 55) return 1; // safer to use primal #if 0 printf("nnz %d percent %d", number, (number * 100) / numberColumns_); if (number * 4 > numberColumns_) printf(" - Would not perturb\n"); else printf(" - Would perturb\n"); //exit(0); #endif //printf("ratio number diff costs %g, element ratio %g\n",((double)number)/((double) numberColumns_), // elementRatio); //number=0; //if (number*4>numberColumns_||elementRatio>1.0e12) { if (number * 4 > numberColumns_) { perturbation_ = 100; return 0; // good enough } } int iColumn; const int * columnLength = matrix_->getVectorLengths(); for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns_; iColumn++) { if (columnLowerWork_[iColumn] < columnUpperWork_[iColumn]) { int length = columnLength[iColumn]; if (length > 2) { maxLength = CoinMax(maxLength, length); minLength = CoinMin(minLength, length); } } } // If > 70 then do rows if (perturbation_ >= 70) { modifyRowCosts = true; perturbation_ -= 20; printf("Row costs modified, "); } bool uniformChange = false; bool inCbcOrOther = (specialOptions_ & 0x03000000) != 0; if (perturbation_ > 50) { // Experiment // maximumFraction could be 1.0e-10 to 1.0 double m[] = {1.0e-10, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-8, 1.0e-7, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-5, 1.0e-4, 1.0e-3, 1.0e-2, 1.0e-1, 1.0}; int whichOne = perturbation_ - 51; //if (inCbcOrOther&&whichOne>0) //whichOne--; maximumFraction = m[CoinMin(whichOne, 10)]; } else if (inCbcOrOther) { //maximumFraction = 1.0e-6; } int iRow; double smallestNonZero = 1.0e100; numberNonZero = 0; if (perturbation_ >= 50) { perturbation = 1.0e-8; if (perturbation_ > 50 && perturbation_ < 60) perturbation = CoinMax(1.0e-8,maximumFraction); bool allSame = true; double lastValue = 0.0; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { double lo = rowLowerWork_[iRow]; double up = rowUpperWork_[iRow]; if (lo < up) { double value = fabs(rowObjectiveWork_[iRow]); perturbation = CoinMax(perturbation, value); if (value) { modifyRowCosts = true; smallestNonZero = CoinMin(smallestNonZero, value); } } if (lo && lo > -1.0e10) { numberNonZero++; lo = fabs(lo); if (!lastValue) lastValue = lo; else if (fabs(lo - lastValue) > 1.0e-7) allSame = false; } if (up && up < 1.0e10) { numberNonZero++; up = fabs(up); if (!lastValue) lastValue = up; else if (fabs(up - lastValue) > 1.0e-7) allSame = false; } } double lastValue2 = 0.0; for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns_; iColumn++) { double lo = columnLowerWork_[iColumn]; double up = columnUpperWork_[iColumn]; if (lo < up) { double value = fabs(objectiveWork_[iColumn]); perturbation = CoinMax(perturbation, value); if (value) { smallestNonZero = CoinMin(smallestNonZero, value); } } if (lo && lo > -1.0e10) { //numberNonZero++; lo = fabs(lo); if (!lastValue2) lastValue2 = lo; else if (fabs(lo - lastValue2) > 1.0e-7) allSame = false; } if (up && up < 1.0e10) { //numberNonZero++; up = fabs(up); if (!lastValue2) lastValue2 = up; else if (fabs(up - lastValue2) > 1.0e-7) allSame = false; } } if (allSame) { // Check elements double smallestNegative; double largestNegative; double smallestPositive; double largestPositive; matrix_->rangeOfElements(smallestNegative, largestNegative, smallestPositive, largestPositive); if (smallestNegative == largestNegative && smallestPositive == largestPositive) { // Really hit perturbation double adjust = CoinMin(100.0 * maximumFraction, 1.0e-3 * CoinMax(lastValue, lastValue2)); maximumFraction = CoinMax(adjust, maximumFraction); } } perturbation = CoinMin(perturbation, smallestNonZero / maximumFraction); } else { // user is in charge maximumFraction = 1.0e-1; // but some experiments if (perturbation_ <= -900) { modifyRowCosts = true; perturbation_ += 1000; printf("Row costs modified, "); } if (perturbation_ <= -10) { perturbation_ += 10; maximumFraction = 1.0; if ((-perturbation_) % 100 >= 10) { uniformChange = true; perturbation_ += 20; } while (perturbation_ < -10) { perturbation_ += 100; maximumFraction *= 1.0e-1; } } perturbation = pow(10.0, perturbation_); } double largestZero = 0.0; double largest = 0.0; double largestPerCent = 0.0; // modify costs bool printOut = (handler_->logLevel() == 63); printOut = false; //assert (!modifyRowCosts); modifyRowCosts = false; if (modifyRowCosts) { for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { if (rowLowerWork_[iRow] < rowUpperWork_[iRow]) { double value = perturbation; double currentValue = rowObjectiveWork_[iRow]; value = CoinMin(value, maximumFraction * (fabs(currentValue) + 1.0e-1 * perturbation + 1.0e-3)); if (rowLowerWork_[iRow] > -largeValue_) { if (fabs(rowLowerWork_[iRow]) < fabs(rowUpperWork_[iRow])) value *= randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble(); else value *= -randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble(); } else if (rowUpperWork_[iRow] < largeValue_) { value *= -randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble(); } else { value = 0.0; } if (currentValue) { largest = CoinMax(largest, fabs(value)); if (fabs(value) > fabs(currentValue)*largestPerCent) largestPerCent = fabs(value / currentValue); } else { largestZero = CoinMax(largestZero, fabs(value)); } if (printOut) printf("row %d cost %g change %g\n", iRow, rowObjectiveWork_[iRow], value); rowObjectiveWork_[iRow] += value; } } } // more its but faster double weight[]={1.0e-4,1.0e-2,1.0e-1,1.0,2.0,10.0,100.0,200.0,400.0,600.0,1000.0}; // good its double weight[]={1.0e-4,1.0e-2,5.0e-1,1.0,2.0,5.0,10.0,20.0,30.0,40.0,100.0}; double weight[] = {1.0e-4, 1.0e-2, 5.0e-1, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 100.0}; //double weight[]={1.0e-4,1.0e-2,5.0e-1,1.0,20.0,50.0,100.0,120.0,130.0,140.0,200.0}; double extraWeight = 10.0; // Scale back if wanted double weight2[] = {1.0e-4, 1.0e-2, 5.0e-1, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0}; if (constantPerturbation < 99.0 * dualTolerance_) { perturbation *= 0.1; extraWeight = 0.5; memcpy(weight, weight2, sizeof(weight2)); } // adjust weights if all columns long double factor = 1.0; if (maxLength) { factor = 3.0 / static_cast (minLength); } // Make variables with more elements more expensive const double m1 = 0.5; double smallestAllowed = CoinMin(1.0e-2 * dualTolerance_, maximumFraction); double largestAllowed = CoinMax(1.0e3 * dualTolerance_, maximumFraction * averageCost); // smaller if in BAB //if (inCbcOrOther) //largestAllowed=CoinMin(largestAllowed,1.0e-5); //smallestAllowed = CoinMin(smallestAllowed,0.1*largestAllowed); #define SAVE_PERT #ifdef SAVE_PERT if (2 * numberColumns_ > maximumPerturbationSize_) { delete [] perturbationArray_; maximumPerturbationSize_ = 2 * numberColumns_; perturbationArray_ = new double [maximumPerturbationSize_]; for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < maximumPerturbationSize_; iColumn++) { perturbationArray_[iColumn] = randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble(); } } #endif for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns_; iColumn++) { if (columnLowerWork_[iColumn] < columnUpperWork_[iColumn] && getStatus(iColumn) != basic) { double value = perturbation; double currentValue = objectiveWork_[iColumn]; value = CoinMin(value, constantPerturbation + maximumFraction * (fabs(currentValue) + 1.0e-1 * perturbation + 1.0e-8)); //value = CoinMin(value,constantPerturbation;+maximumFraction*fabs(currentValue)); double value2 = constantPerturbation + 1.0e-1 * smallestNonZero; if (uniformChange) { value = maximumFraction; value2 = maximumFraction; } if (columnLowerWork_[iColumn] > -largeValue_) { if (fabs(columnLowerWork_[iColumn]) < fabs(columnUpperWork_[iColumn])) { #ifndef SAVE_PERT value *= (1.0 - m1 + m1 * randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble()); value2 *= (1.0 - m1 + m1 * randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble()); #else value *= (1.0 - m1 + m1 * perturbationArray_[2*iColumn]); value2 *= (1.0 - m1 + m1 * perturbationArray_[2*iColumn+1]); #endif } else { //value *= -(1.0-m1+m1*randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble()); //value2 *= -(1.0-m1+m1*randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble()); value = 0.0; } } else if (columnUpperWork_[iColumn] < largeValue_) { #ifndef SAVE_PERT value *= -(1.0 - m1 + m1 * randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble()); value2 *= -(1.0 - m1 + m1 * randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble()); #else value *= -(1.0 - m1 + m1 * perturbationArray_[2*iColumn]); value2 *= -(1.0 - m1 + m1 * perturbationArray_[2*iColumn+1]); #endif } else { value = 0.0; } if (value) { int length = columnLength[iColumn]; if (length > 3) { length = static_cast (static_cast (length) * factor); length = CoinMax(3, length); } double multiplier; #if 1 if (length < 10) multiplier = weight[length]; else multiplier = weight[10]; #else if (length < 10) multiplier = weight[length]; else multiplier = weight[10] + extraWeight * (length - 10); multiplier *= 0.5; #endif value *= multiplier; value = CoinMin(value, value2); if (savePerturbation < 50 || savePerturbation > 60) { if (fabs(value) <= dualTolerance_) value = 0.0; } else if (value) { // get in range if (fabs(value) <= smallestAllowed) { value *= 10.0; while (fabs(value) <= smallestAllowed) value *= 10.0; } else if (fabs(value) > largestAllowed) { value *= 0.1; while (fabs(value) > largestAllowed) value *= 0.1; } } if (currentValue) { largest = CoinMax(largest, fabs(value)); if (fabs(value) > fabs(currentValue)*largestPerCent) largestPerCent = fabs(value / currentValue); } else { largestZero = CoinMax(largestZero, fabs(value)); } // but negative if at ub if (getStatus(iColumn) == atUpperBound) value = -value; if (printOut) printf("col %d cost %g change %g\n", iColumn, objectiveWork_[iColumn], value); objectiveWork_[iColumn] += value; } } } handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_PERTURB, messages_) << 100.0 * maximumFraction << perturbation << largest << 100.0 * largestPerCent << largestZero << CoinMessageEol; // and zero changes //int nTotal = numberRows_+numberColumns_; //CoinZeroN(cost_+nTotal,nTotal); // say perturbed perturbation_ = 101; return 0; } /* For strong branching. On input lower and upper are new bounds while on output they are change in objective function values (>1.0e50 infeasible). Return code is 0 if nothing interesting, -1 if infeasible both ways and +1 if infeasible one way (check values to see which one(s)) Returns -2 if bad factorization */ int ClpSimplexDual::strongBranching(int numberVariables, const int * variables, double * newLower, double * newUpper, double ** outputSolution, int * outputStatus, int * outputIterations, bool stopOnFirstInfeasible, bool alwaysFinish, int startFinishOptions) { int i; int returnCode = 0; double saveObjectiveValue = objectiveValue_; algorithm_ = -1; //scaling(false); // put in standard form (and make row copy) // create modifiable copies of model rim and do optional scaling createRim(7 + 8 + 16 + 32, true, startFinishOptions); // change newLower and newUpper if scaled // Do initial factorization // and set certain stuff // We can either set increasing rows so ...IsBasic gives pivot row // or we can just increment iBasic one by one // for now let ...iBasic give pivot row int useFactorization = false; if ((startFinishOptions & 2) != 0 && (whatsChanged_&(2 + 512)) == 2 + 512) useFactorization = true; // Keep factorization if possible // switch off factorization if bad if (pivotVariable_[0] < 0) useFactorization = false; if (!useFactorization || factorization_->numberRows() != numberRows_) { useFactorization = false; factorization_->setDefaultValues(); int factorizationStatus = internalFactorize(0); if (factorizationStatus < 0) { // some error // we should either debug or ignore #ifndef NDEBUG printf("***** ClpDual strong branching factorization error - debug\n"); #endif return -2; } else if (factorizationStatus && factorizationStatus <= numberRows_) { handler_->message(CLP_SINGULARITIES, messages_) << factorizationStatus << CoinMessageEol; } } // save stuff ClpFactorization saveFactorization(*factorization_); // Get fake bounds correctly double changeCost; changeBounds(3, NULL, changeCost); int saveNumberFake = numberFake_; // save basis and solution double * saveSolution = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(solution_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveSolution); unsigned char * saveStatus = new unsigned char [numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(status_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, saveStatus); // save bounds as createRim makes clean copies double * saveLower = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(lower_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveLower); double * saveUpper = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(upper_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveUpper); double * saveObjective = new double[numberRows_+numberColumns_]; CoinMemcpyN(cost_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveObjective); int * savePivot = new int [numberRows_]; CoinMemcpyN(pivotVariable_, numberRows_, savePivot); // need to save/restore weights. int iSolution = 0; for (i = 0; i < numberVariables; i++) { int iColumn = variables[i]; double objectiveChange; double saveBound; // try down saveBound = columnUpper_[iColumn]; // external view - in case really getting optimal columnUpper_[iColumn] = newUpper[i]; assert (inverseColumnScale_ || scalingFlag_ <= 0); if (scalingFlag_ <= 0) upper_[iColumn] = newUpper[i] * rhsScale_; else upper_[iColumn] = (newUpper[i] * inverseColumnScale_[iColumn]) * rhsScale_; // scale // Start of fast iterations int status = fastDual(alwaysFinish); CoinAssert (problemStatus_ || objectiveValue_ < 1.0e50); #ifdef CLP_DEBUG printf("first status %d obj %g\n",problemStatus_,objectiveValue_); #endif if(problemStatus_==10) problemStatus_=3; // make sure plausible double obj = CoinMax(objectiveValue_, saveObjectiveValue); if (status && problemStatus_ != 3) { // not finished - might be optimal checkPrimalSolution(rowActivityWork_, columnActivityWork_); double limit = 0.0; getDblParam(ClpDualObjectiveLimit, limit); if (!numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ && obj < limit) { problemStatus_ = 0; } status = problemStatus_; } if (problemStatus_ == 3) status = 2; if (status || (problemStatus_ == 0 && !isDualObjectiveLimitReached())) { objectiveChange = obj - saveObjectiveValue; } else { objectiveChange = 1.0e100; status = 1; } if (scalingFlag_ <= 0) { CoinMemcpyN(solution_, numberColumns_, outputSolution[iSolution]); } else { int j; double * sol = outputSolution[iSolution]; for (j = 0; j < numberColumns_; j++) sol[j] = solution_[j] * columnScale_[j]; } outputStatus[iSolution] = status; outputIterations[iSolution] = numberIterations_; iSolution++; // restore numberFake_ = saveNumberFake; CoinMemcpyN(saveSolution, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, solution_); CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(saveLower, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, lower_); CoinMemcpyN(saveUpper, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, upper_); CoinMemcpyN(saveObjective, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, cost_); columnUpper_[iColumn] = saveBound; CoinMemcpyN(savePivot, numberRows_, pivotVariable_); //delete factorization_; //factorization_ = new ClpFactorization(saveFactorization,numberRows_); setFactorization(saveFactorization); newUpper[i] = objectiveChange; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG printf("down on %d costs %g\n", iColumn, objectiveChange); #endif // try up saveBound = columnLower_[iColumn]; // external view - in case really getting optimal columnLower_[iColumn] = newLower[i]; assert (inverseColumnScale_ || scalingFlag_ <= 0); if (scalingFlag_ <= 0) lower_[iColumn] = newLower[i] * rhsScale_; else lower_[iColumn] = (newLower[i] * inverseColumnScale_[iColumn]) * rhsScale_; // scale // Start of fast iterations status = fastDual(alwaysFinish); CoinAssert (problemStatus_||objectiveValue_<1.0e50); #ifdef CLP_DEBUG printf("second status %d obj %g\n",problemStatus_,objectiveValue_); #endif if(problemStatus_==10) problemStatus_=3; // make sure plausible obj = CoinMax(objectiveValue_, saveObjectiveValue); if (status && problemStatus_ != 3) { // not finished - might be optimal checkPrimalSolution(rowActivityWork_, columnActivityWork_); double limit = 0.0; getDblParam(ClpDualObjectiveLimit, limit); if (!numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ && obj < limit) { problemStatus_ = 0; } status = problemStatus_; } if (problemStatus_ == 3) status = 2; if (status || (problemStatus_ == 0 && !isDualObjectiveLimitReached())) { objectiveChange = obj - saveObjectiveValue; } else { objectiveChange = 1.0e100; status = 1; } if (scalingFlag_ <= 0) { CoinMemcpyN(solution_, numberColumns_, outputSolution[iSolution]); } else { int j; double * sol = outputSolution[iSolution]; for (j = 0; j < numberColumns_; j++) sol[j] = solution_[j] * columnScale_[j]; } outputStatus[iSolution] = status; outputIterations[iSolution] = numberIterations_; iSolution++; // restore numberFake_ = saveNumberFake; CoinMemcpyN(saveSolution, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, solution_); CoinMemcpyN(saveStatus, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, status_); CoinMemcpyN(saveLower, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, lower_); CoinMemcpyN(saveUpper, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, upper_); CoinMemcpyN(saveObjective, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, cost_); columnLower_[iColumn] = saveBound; CoinMemcpyN(savePivot, numberRows_, pivotVariable_); //delete factorization_; //factorization_ = new ClpFactorization(saveFactorization,numberRows_); setFactorization(saveFactorization); newLower[i] = objectiveChange; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG printf("up on %d costs %g\n", iColumn, objectiveChange); #endif /* Possibilities are: Both sides feasible - store Neither side feasible - set objective high and exit if desired One side feasible - change bounds and resolve */ if (newUpper[i] < 1.0e100) { if(newLower[i] < 1.0e100) { // feasible - no action } else { // up feasible, down infeasible returnCode = 1; if (stopOnFirstInfeasible) break; } } else { if(newLower[i] < 1.0e100) { // down feasible, up infeasible returnCode = 1; if (stopOnFirstInfeasible) break; } else { // neither side feasible returnCode = -1; break; } } } delete [] saveSolution; delete [] saveLower; delete [] saveUpper; delete [] saveObjective; delete [] saveStatus; delete [] savePivot; if ((startFinishOptions & 1) == 0) { deleteRim(1); whatsChanged_ &= ~0xffff; } else { // Original factorization will have been put back by last loop //delete factorization_; //factorization_ = new ClpFactorization(saveFactorization); deleteRim(0); // mark all as current whatsChanged_ = 0x3ffffff; } objectiveValue_ = saveObjectiveValue; return returnCode; } // treat no pivot as finished (unless interesting) int ClpSimplexDual::fastDual(bool alwaysFinish) { progressFlag_ = 0; bestObjectiveValue_ = objectiveValue_; algorithm_ = -1; secondaryStatus_ = 0; // Say in fast dual if (!alwaysFinish) specialOptions_ |= 1048576; specialOptions_ |= 16384; int saveDont = dontFactorizePivots_; if ((specialOptions_ & 2048) == 0) dontFactorizePivots_ = 0; else if(!dontFactorizePivots_) dontFactorizePivots_ = 20; //handler_->setLogLevel(63); // save data ClpDataSave data = saveData(); dualTolerance_ = dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance]; primalTolerance_ = dblParam_[ClpPrimalTolerance]; // save dual bound double saveDualBound = dualBound_; // Start can skip some things in transposeTimes specialOptions_ |= 131072; if (alphaAccuracy_ != -1.0) alphaAccuracy_ = 1.0; // for dual we will change bounds using dualBound_ // for this we need clean basis so it is after factorize #if 0 { int numberTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; double * saveSol = CoinCopyOfArray(solution_, numberTotal); double * saveDj = CoinCopyOfArray(dj_, numberTotal); double tolerance = 1.0e-8; gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); int j; double largestPrimal = tolerance; int iPrimal = -1; for (j = 0; j < numberTotal; j++) { double difference = solution_[j] - saveSol[j]; if (fabs(difference) > largestPrimal) { iPrimal = j; largestPrimal = fabs(difference); } } double largestDual = tolerance; int iDual = -1; for (j = 0; j < numberTotal; j++) { double difference = dj_[j] - saveDj[j]; if (fabs(difference) > largestDual && upper_[j] > lower_[j]) { iDual = j; largestDual = fabs(difference); } } if (iPrimal >= 0 || iDual >= 0) printf("pivots %d primal diff(%g,%d) dual diff(%g,%d)\n", factorization_->pivots(), largestPrimal, iPrimal, largestDual, iDual); delete [] saveSol; delete [] saveDj; } #else if ((specialOptions_ & 524288) == 0) gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); #endif #if 0 if (numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ != 1 || numberDualInfeasibilities_) printf("dual %g (%d) primal %g (%d)\n", sumDualInfeasibilities_, numberDualInfeasibilities_, sumPrimalInfeasibilities_, numberPrimalInfeasibilities_); #endif #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP resetFakeBounds(-1); #endif #endif //numberFake_ =0; // Number of variables at fake bounds numberChanged_ = 0; // Number of variables with changed costs //changeBounds(1,NULL,objectiveChange); problemStatus_ = -1; numberIterations_ = 0; if ((specialOptions_ & 524288) == 0) { factorization_->sparseThreshold(0); factorization_->goSparse(); } int lastCleaned = 0; // last time objective or bounds cleaned up // number of times we have declared optimality numberTimesOptimal_ = 0; // This says whether to restore things etc int factorType = 0; /* Status of problem: 0 - optimal 1 - infeasible 2 - unbounded -1 - iterating -2 - factorization wanted -3 - redo checking without factorization -4 - looks infeasible BUT also from whileIterating return code is: -1 iterations etc -2 inaccuracy -3 slight inaccuracy (and done iterations) +0 looks optimal (might be unbounded - but we will investigate) +1 looks infeasible +3 max iterations */ int returnCode = 0; int iRow, iColumn; int maxPass = maximumIterations(); while (problemStatus_ < 0) { // clear for (iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow++) { rowArray_[iRow]->clear(); } for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < 2; iColumn++) { columnArray_[iColumn]->clear(); } // give matrix (and model costs and bounds a chance to be // refreshed (normally null) matrix_->refresh(this); // If getting nowhere - why not give it a kick // does not seem to work too well - do some more work if ((specialOptions_ & 524288) != 0 && (moreSpecialOptions_&2048) == 0 && perturbation_ < 101 && numberIterations_ > 2 * (numberRows_ + numberColumns_)) { perturb(); // Can't get here if values pass gutsOfSolution(NULL, NULL); if (handler_->logLevel() > 2) { handler_->message(CLP_SIMPLEX_STATUS, messages_) << numberIterations_ << objectiveValue(); handler_->printing(sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ << numberPrimalInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(sumDualInfeasibilities_ > 0.0) << sumDualInfeasibilities_ << numberDualInfeasibilities_; handler_->printing(numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_ < numberDualInfeasibilities_) << numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_; handler_->message() << CoinMessageEol; } } // may factorize, checks if problem finished // should be able to speed this up on first time statusOfProblemInDual(lastCleaned, factorType, NULL, data, 0); // Say good factorization factorType = 1; maxPass--; if (maxPass < -10) { // odd returnCode = 1; problemStatus_ = 3; // can't say anything interesting - might as well return #ifdef CLP_DEBUG printf("returning from fastDual after %d iterations with code %d because of loop\n", numberIterations_, returnCode); #endif break; } // Do iterations if (problemStatus_ < 0) { double * givenPi = NULL; returnCode = whileIterating(givenPi, 0); if ((!alwaysFinish && returnCode < 0) || returnCode == 3) { if (returnCode != 3) assert (problemStatus_ < 0); returnCode = 1; problemStatus_ = 3; // can't say anything interesting - might as well return #ifdef CLP_DEBUG printf("returning from fastDual after %d iterations with code %d\n", numberIterations_, returnCode); #endif break; } if (returnCode == -2) factorType = 3; returnCode = 0; } } // clear for (iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow++) { rowArray_[iRow]->clear(); } for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < 2; iColumn++) { columnArray_[iColumn]->clear(); } // Say not in fast dual specialOptions_ &= ~(16384 | 1048576); assert(!numberFake_ || ((specialOptions_&(2048 | 4096)) != 0 && dualBound_ >= 1.0e8) || returnCode || problemStatus_); // all bounds should be okay if (numberFake_ > 0 && false) { // Set back double dummy; changeBounds(2, NULL, dummy); } // Restore any saved stuff restoreData(data); dontFactorizePivots_ = saveDont; dualBound_ = saveDualBound; // Stop can skip some things in transposeTimes specialOptions_ &= ~131072; if (!problemStatus_) { // see if cutoff reached double limit = 0.0; getDblParam(ClpDualObjectiveLimit, limit); if(fabs(limit) < 1.0e30 && objectiveValue()*optimizationDirection_ > limit + 1.0e-7 + 1.0e-8 * fabs(limit)) { // actually infeasible on objective problemStatus_ = 1; secondaryStatus_ = 1; } } if (problemStatus_ == 3) objectiveValue_ = CoinMax(bestObjectiveValue_, objectiveValue_ - bestPossibleImprovement_); return returnCode; } // This does first part of StrongBranching ClpFactorization * ClpSimplexDual::setupForStrongBranching(char * arrays, int numberRows, int numberColumns, bool solveLp) { if (solveLp) { // make sure won't create fake objective int saveOptions = specialOptions_; specialOptions_ |= 16384; // solve int saveMaximumIterations = intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration]; intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration] = 100+numberRows_+numberColumns_; dual(0, 7); if (problemStatus_ == 10) { ClpSimplex::dual(0, 0); assert (problemStatus_ != 10); if (problemStatus_ == 0) { dual(0, 7); //assert (problemStatus_!=10); } } intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration] = saveMaximumIterations; specialOptions_ = saveOptions; if (problemStatus_ != 0 ) return NULL; // say infeasible or odd // May be empty solveLp = (solution_ != NULL && problemStatus_ == 0); } problemStatus_ = 0; if (!solveLp) { algorithm_ = -1; // put in standard form (and make row copy) // create modifiable copies of model rim and do optional scaling int startFinishOptions; if((specialOptions_ & 4096) == 0) { startFinishOptions = 0; } else { startFinishOptions = 1 + 2 + 4; } createRim(7 + 8 + 16 + 32, true, startFinishOptions); // Do initial factorization // and set certain stuff // We can either set increasing rows so ...IsBasic gives pivot row // or we can just increment iBasic one by one // for now let ...iBasic give pivot row bool useFactorization = false; if ((startFinishOptions & 2) != 0 && (whatsChanged_&(2 + 512)) == 2 + 512) { useFactorization = true; // Keep factorization if possible // switch off factorization if bad if (pivotVariable_[0] < 0 || factorization_->numberRows() != numberRows_) useFactorization = false; } if (!useFactorization) { factorization_->setDefaultValues(); int factorizationStatus = internalFactorize(0); if (factorizationStatus < 0) { // some error // we should either debug or ignore #ifndef NDEBUG printf("***** ClpDual strong branching factorization error - debug\n"); #endif } else if (factorizationStatus && factorizationStatus <= numberRows_) { handler_->message(CLP_SINGULARITIES, messages_) << factorizationStatus << CoinMessageEol; } } } // Get fake bounds correctly double dummyChangeCost; changeBounds(3, NULL, dummyChangeCost); double * arrayD = reinterpret_cast (arrays); arrayD[0] = objectiveValue() * optimizationDirection_; double * saveSolution = arrayD + 1; double * saveLower = saveSolution + (numberRows + numberColumns); double * saveUpper = saveLower + (numberRows + numberColumns); double * saveObjective = saveUpper + (numberRows + numberColumns); double * saveLowerOriginal = saveObjective + (numberRows + numberColumns); double * saveUpperOriginal = saveLowerOriginal + numberColumns; arrayD = saveUpperOriginal + numberColumns; int * savePivot = reinterpret_cast (arrayD); int * whichRow = savePivot + numberRows; int * whichColumn = whichRow + 3 * numberRows; int * arrayI = whichColumn + 2 * numberColumns; unsigned char * saveStatus = reinterpret_cast (arrayI + 1); // save stuff // save basis and solution CoinMemcpyN(solution_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveSolution); CoinMemcpyN(status_, numberColumns_ + numberRows_, saveStatus); CoinMemcpyN(lower_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveLower); CoinMemcpyN(upper_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveUpper); CoinMemcpyN(cost_, numberRows_ + numberColumns_, saveObjective); CoinMemcpyN(pivotVariable_, numberRows_, savePivot); ClpFactorization * factorization = factorization_; factorization_ = NULL; return factorization; } // This cleans up after strong branching void ClpSimplexDual::cleanupAfterStrongBranching(ClpFactorization * factorization) { int startFinishOptions; /* COIN_CLP_VETTED Looks safe for Cbc */ if((specialOptions_ & 4096) == 0) { startFinishOptions = 0; } else { startFinishOptions = 1 + 2 + 4; } if ((startFinishOptions & 1) == 0 && cost_) { deleteRim(1); } else { // Original factorization will have been put back by last loop delete factorization_; factorization_ = factorization; //deleteRim(0); // mark all as current } whatsChanged_ &= ~0xffff; } /* Checks number of variables at fake bounds. This is used by fastDual so can exit gracefully before end */ int ClpSimplexDual::numberAtFakeBound() { int iSequence; int numberFake = 0; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; iSequence++) { FakeBound bound = getFakeBound(iSequence); switch(getStatus(iSequence)) { case basic: break; case isFree: case superBasic: case ClpSimplex::isFixed: //setFakeBound (iSequence, noFake); break; case atUpperBound: if (bound == upperFake || bound == bothFake) numberFake++; break; case atLowerBound: if (bound == lowerFake || bound == bothFake) numberFake++; break; } } //numberFake_ = numberFake; return numberFake; } /* Pivot out a variable and choose an incoing one. Assumes dual feasible - will not go through a reduced cost. Returns step length in theta Returns ray in ray_ (or NULL if no pivot) Return codes as before but -1 means no acceptable pivot */ int ClpSimplexDual::pivotResult() { abort(); return 0; } /* Row array has row part of pivot row Column array has column part. This is used in dual values pass */ void ClpSimplexDual::checkPossibleValuesMove(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, CoinIndexedVector * columnArray, double acceptablePivot) { double * work; int number; int * which; int iSection; double tolerance = dualTolerance_ * 1.001; double thetaDown = 1.0e31; double changeDown ; double thetaUp = 1.0e31; double bestAlphaDown = acceptablePivot * 0.99999; double bestAlphaUp = acceptablePivot * 0.99999; int sequenceDown = -1; int sequenceUp = sequenceOut_; double djBasic = dj_[sequenceOut_]; if (djBasic > 0.0) { // basic at lower bound so directionOut_ 1 and -1 in pivot row // dj will go to zero on other way thetaUp = djBasic; changeDown = -lower_[sequenceOut_]; } else { // basic at upper bound so directionOut_ -1 and 1 in pivot row // dj will go to zero on other way thetaUp = -djBasic; changeDown = upper_[sequenceOut_]; } bestAlphaUp = 1.0; int addSequence; double alphaUp = 0.0; double alphaDown = 0.0; for (iSection = 0; iSection < 2; iSection++) { int i; if (!iSection) { work = rowArray->denseVector(); number = rowArray->getNumElements(); which = rowArray->getIndices(); addSequence = numberColumns_; } else { work = columnArray->denseVector(); number = columnArray->getNumElements(); which = columnArray->getIndices(); addSequence = 0; } for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; int iSequence2 = iSequence + addSequence; double alpha; double oldValue; double value; switch(getStatus(iSequence2)) { case basic: break; case ClpSimplex::isFixed: alpha = work[i]; changeDown += alpha * upper_[iSequence2]; break; case isFree: case superBasic: alpha = work[i]; // dj must be effectively zero as dual feasible if (fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaUp) { thetaDown = 0.0; thetaUp = 0.0; bestAlphaDown = fabs(alpha); bestAlphaUp = bestAlphaDown; sequenceDown = iSequence2; sequenceUp = sequenceDown; alphaUp = alpha; alphaDown = alpha; } break; case atUpperBound: alpha = work[i]; oldValue = dj_[iSequence2]; changeDown += alpha * upper_[iSequence2]; if (alpha >= acceptablePivot) { // might do other way value = oldValue + thetaUp * alpha; if (value > -tolerance) { if (value > tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaUp) { thetaUp = -oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaUp = fabs(alpha); sequenceUp = iSequence2; alphaUp = alpha; } } } else if (alpha <= -acceptablePivot) { // might do this way value = oldValue - thetaDown * alpha; if (value > -tolerance) { if (value > tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaDown) { thetaDown = oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaDown = fabs(alpha); sequenceDown = iSequence2; alphaDown = alpha; } } } break; case atLowerBound: alpha = work[i]; oldValue = dj_[iSequence2]; changeDown += alpha * lower_[iSequence2]; if (alpha <= -acceptablePivot) { // might do other way value = oldValue + thetaUp * alpha; if (value < tolerance) { if (value < -tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaUp) { thetaUp = -oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaUp = fabs(alpha); sequenceUp = iSequence2; alphaUp = alpha; } } } else if (alpha >= acceptablePivot) { // might do this way value = oldValue - thetaDown * alpha; if (value < tolerance) { if (value < -tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaDown) { thetaDown = oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaDown = fabs(alpha); sequenceDown = iSequence2; alphaDown = alpha; } } } break; } } } thetaUp *= -1.0; double changeUp = -thetaUp * changeDown; changeDown = -thetaDown * changeDown; if (CoinMax(fabs(thetaDown), fabs(thetaUp)) < 1.0e-8) { // largest if (fabs(alphaDown) < fabs(alphaUp)) { sequenceDown = -1; } } // choose sequenceIn_ = -1; if (changeDown > changeUp && sequenceDown >= 0) { theta_ = thetaDown; if (fabs(changeDown) < 1.0e30) sequenceIn_ = sequenceDown; alpha_ = alphaDown; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("predicted way - dirout %d, change %g,%g theta %g\n", directionOut_, changeDown, changeUp, theta_); #endif } else { theta_ = thetaUp; if (fabs(changeUp) < 1.0e30) sequenceIn_ = sequenceUp; alpha_ = alphaUp; if (sequenceIn_ != sequenceOut_) { #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("opposite way - dirout %d, change %g,%g theta %g\n", directionOut_, changeDown, changeUp, theta_); #endif } else { #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("opposite way to zero dj - dirout %d, change %g,%g theta %g\n", directionOut_, changeDown, changeUp, theta_); #endif } } if (sequenceIn_ >= 0) { lowerIn_ = lower_[sequenceIn_]; upperIn_ = upper_[sequenceIn_]; valueIn_ = solution_[sequenceIn_]; dualIn_ = dj_[sequenceIn_]; if (alpha_ < 0.0) { // as if from upper bound directionIn_ = -1; upperIn_ = valueIn_; } else { // as if from lower bound directionIn_ = 1; lowerIn_ = valueIn_; } } } /* Row array has row part of pivot row Column array has column part. This is used in cleanup */ void ClpSimplexDual::checkPossibleCleanup(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray, CoinIndexedVector * columnArray, double acceptablePivot) { double * work; int number; int * which; int iSection; double tolerance = dualTolerance_ * 1.001; double thetaDown = 1.0e31; double thetaUp = 1.0e31; double bestAlphaDown = acceptablePivot * 10.0; double bestAlphaUp = acceptablePivot * 10.0; int sequenceDown = -1; int sequenceUp = -1; double djSlack = dj_[pivotRow_]; if (getRowStatus(pivotRow_) == basic) djSlack = COIN_DBL_MAX; if (fabs(djSlack) < tolerance) djSlack = 0.0; int addSequence; double alphaUp = 0.0; double alphaDown = 0.0; for (iSection = 0; iSection < 2; iSection++) { int i; if (!iSection) { work = rowArray->denseVector(); number = rowArray->getNumElements(); which = rowArray->getIndices(); addSequence = numberColumns_; } else { work = columnArray->denseVector(); number = columnArray->getNumElements(); which = columnArray->getIndices(); addSequence = 0; } for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { int iSequence = which[i]; int iSequence2 = iSequence + addSequence; double alpha; double oldValue; double value; switch(getStatus(iSequence2)) { case basic: break; case ClpSimplex::isFixed: alpha = work[i]; if (addSequence) { COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("possible - pivot row %d this %d\n", pivotRow_, iSequence)); oldValue = dj_[iSequence2]; if (alpha <= -acceptablePivot) { // might do other way value = oldValue + thetaUp * alpha; if (value < tolerance) { if (value < -tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaUp) { thetaUp = -oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaUp = fabs(alpha); sequenceUp = iSequence2; alphaUp = alpha; } } } else if (alpha >= acceptablePivot) { // might do this way value = oldValue - thetaDown * alpha; if (value < tolerance) { if (value < -tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaDown) { thetaDown = oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaDown = fabs(alpha); sequenceDown = iSequence2; alphaDown = alpha; } } } } break; case isFree: case superBasic: alpha = work[i]; // dj must be effectively zero as dual feasible if (fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaUp) { thetaDown = 0.0; thetaUp = 0.0; bestAlphaDown = fabs(alpha); bestAlphaUp = bestAlphaDown; sequenceDown = iSequence2; sequenceUp = sequenceDown; alphaUp = alpha; alphaDown = alpha; } break; case atUpperBound: alpha = work[i]; oldValue = dj_[iSequence2]; if (alpha >= acceptablePivot) { // might do other way value = oldValue + thetaUp * alpha; if (value > -tolerance) { if (value > tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaUp) { thetaUp = -oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaUp = fabs(alpha); sequenceUp = iSequence2; alphaUp = alpha; } } } else if (alpha <= -acceptablePivot) { // might do this way value = oldValue - thetaDown * alpha; if (value > -tolerance) { if (value > tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaDown) { thetaDown = oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaDown = fabs(alpha); sequenceDown = iSequence2; alphaDown = alpha; } } } break; case atLowerBound: alpha = work[i]; oldValue = dj_[iSequence2]; if (alpha <= -acceptablePivot) { // might do other way value = oldValue + thetaUp * alpha; if (value < tolerance) { if (value < -tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaUp) { thetaUp = -oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaUp = fabs(alpha); sequenceUp = iSequence2; alphaUp = alpha; } } } else if (alpha >= acceptablePivot) { // might do this way value = oldValue - thetaDown * alpha; if (value < tolerance) { if (value < -tolerance || fabs(alpha) > bestAlphaDown) { thetaDown = oldValue / alpha; bestAlphaDown = fabs(alpha); sequenceDown = iSequence2; alphaDown = alpha; } } } break; } } } thetaUp *= -1.0; // largest if (bestAlphaDown < bestAlphaUp) sequenceDown = -1; else sequenceUp = -1; sequenceIn_ = -1; if (sequenceDown >= 0) { theta_ = thetaDown; sequenceIn_ = sequenceDown; alpha_ = alphaDown; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("predicted way - dirout %d, theta %g\n", directionOut_, theta_); #endif } else if (sequenceUp >= 0) { theta_ = thetaUp; sequenceIn_ = sequenceUp; alpha_ = alphaUp; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG if ((handler_->logLevel() & 32)) printf("opposite way - dirout %d,theta %g\n", directionOut_, theta_); #endif } if (sequenceIn_ >= 0) { lowerIn_ = lower_[sequenceIn_]; upperIn_ = upper_[sequenceIn_]; valueIn_ = solution_[sequenceIn_]; dualIn_ = dj_[sequenceIn_]; if (alpha_ < 0.0) { // as if from upper bound directionIn_ = -1; upperIn_ = valueIn_; } else { // as if from lower bound directionIn_ = 1; lowerIn_ = valueIn_; } } } /* This sees if we can move duals in dual values pass. This is done before any pivoting */ void ClpSimplexDual::doEasyOnesInValuesPass(double * dj) { // Get column copy CoinPackedMatrix * columnCopy = matrix(); // Get a row copy in standard format CoinPackedMatrix copy; copy.setExtraGap(0.0); copy.setExtraMajor(0.0); copy.reverseOrderedCopyOf(*columnCopy); // get matrix data pointers const int * column = copy.getIndices(); const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = copy.getVectorStarts(); const int * rowLength = copy.getVectorLengths(); const double * elementByRow = copy.getElements(); double tolerance = dualTolerance_ * 1.001; int iRow; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG { double value5 = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (dj[i] < -1.0e-6) value5 += dj[i] * upper_[i]; else if (dj[i] > 1.0e-6) value5 += dj[i] * lower_[i]; } printf("Values objective Value before %g\n", value5); } #endif // for scaled row double * scaled = NULL; if (rowScale_) scaled = new double[numberColumns_]; for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) { int iSequence = iRow + numberColumns_; double djBasic = dj[iSequence]; if (getRowStatus(iRow) == basic && fabs(djBasic) > tolerance) { double changeUp ; // always -1 in pivot row if (djBasic > 0.0) { // basic at lower bound changeUp = -lower_[iSequence]; } else { // basic at upper bound changeUp = upper_[iSequence]; } bool canMove = true; int i; const double * thisElements = elementByRow + rowStart[iRow]; const int * thisIndices = column + rowStart[iRow]; if (rowScale_) { // scale row double scale = rowScale_[iRow]; for (i = 0; i < rowLength[iRow]; i++) { int iColumn = thisIndices[i]; double alpha = thisElements[i]; scaled[i] = scale * alpha * columnScale_[iColumn]; } thisElements = scaled; } for (i = 0; i < rowLength[iRow]; i++) { int iColumn = thisIndices[i]; double alpha = thisElements[i]; double oldValue = dj[iColumn]; double value; switch(getStatus(iColumn)) { case basic: if (dj[iColumn] < -tolerance && fabs(solution_[iColumn] - upper_[iColumn]) < 1.0e-8) { // at ub changeUp += alpha * upper_[iColumn]; // might do other way value = oldValue + djBasic * alpha; if (value > tolerance) canMove = false; } else if (dj[iColumn] > tolerance && fabs(solution_[iColumn] - lower_[iColumn]) < 1.0e-8) { changeUp += alpha * lower_[iColumn]; // might do other way value = oldValue + djBasic * alpha; if (value < -tolerance) canMove = false; } else { canMove = false; } break; case ClpSimplex::isFixed: changeUp += alpha * upper_[iColumn]; break; case isFree: case superBasic: canMove = false; break; case atUpperBound: changeUp += alpha * upper_[iColumn]; // might do other way value = oldValue + djBasic * alpha; if (value > tolerance) canMove = false; break; case atLowerBound: changeUp += alpha * lower_[iColumn]; // might do other way value = oldValue + djBasic * alpha; if (value < -tolerance) canMove = false; break; } } if (canMove) { if (changeUp * djBasic > 1.0e-12 || fabs(changeUp) < 1.0e-8) { // move for (i = 0; i < rowLength[iRow]; i++) { int iColumn = thisIndices[i]; double alpha = thisElements[i]; dj[iColumn] += djBasic * alpha; } dj[iSequence] = 0.0; #ifdef CLP_DEBUG { double value5 = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; i++) { if (dj[i] < -1.0e-6) value5 += dj[i] * upper_[i]; else if (dj[i] > 1.0e-6) value5 += dj[i] * lower_[i]; } printf("Values objective Value after row %d old dj %g %g\n", iRow, djBasic, value5); } #endif } } } } delete [] scaled; } int ClpSimplexDual::nextSuperBasic() { if (firstFree_ >= 0) { int returnValue = firstFree_; int iColumn = firstFree_ + 1; for (; iColumn < numberRows_ + numberColumns_; iColumn++) { if (getStatus(iColumn) == isFree) if (fabs(dj_[iColumn]) > 1.0e2 * dualTolerance_) break; } firstFree_ = iColumn; if (firstFree_ == numberRows_ + numberColumns_) firstFree_ = -1; return returnValue; } else { return -1; } } void ClpSimplexDual::resetFakeBounds(int type) { if (type == 0) { // put back original bounds and then check createRim1(false); double dummyChangeCost = 0.0; changeBounds(3, NULL, dummyChangeCost); } else if (type < 0) { #ifndef NDEBUG // just check int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; double * tempLower = CoinCopyOfArray(lower_, nTotal); double * tempUpper = CoinCopyOfArray(upper_, nTotal); int iSequence; // Get scaled true bounds if (columnScale_) { for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberColumns_; iSequence++) { // lower double value = columnLower_[iSequence]; if (value > -1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * inverseColumnScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } tempLower[iSequence] = value; // upper value = columnUpper_[iSequence]; if (value < 1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * inverseColumnScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } tempUpper[iSequence] = value; } for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_; iSequence++) { // lower double value = rowLower_[iSequence]; if (value > -1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * rowScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } tempLower[iSequence+numberColumns_] = value; // upper value = rowUpper_[iSequence]; if (value < 1.0e30) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * rowScale_[iSequence]; value *= multiplier; } tempUpper[iSequence+numberColumns_] = value; } } else { for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberColumns_; iSequence++) { // lower tempLower[iSequence] = columnLower_[iSequence]; // upper tempUpper[iSequence] = columnUpper_[iSequence]; } for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_; iSequence++) { // lower tempLower[iSequence+numberColumns_] = rowLower_[iSequence]; // upper tempUpper[iSequence+numberColumns_] = rowUpper_[iSequence]; } } int nFake = 0; int nErrors = 0; int nSuperBasic = 0; int nWarnings = 0; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < nTotal; iSequence++) { FakeBound fakeStatus = getFakeBound(iSequence); Status status = getStatus(iSequence); bool isFake = false; char RC = 'C'; int jSequence = iSequence; if (jSequence >= numberColumns_) { RC = 'R'; jSequence -= numberColumns_; } double lowerValue = tempLower[iSequence]; double upperValue = tempUpper[iSequence]; double value = solution_[iSequence]; CoinRelFltEq equal; if (status == atUpperBound || status == atLowerBound) { if (fakeStatus == ClpSimplexDual::upperFake) { if(!equal(upper_[iSequence], (lowerValue + dualBound_)) || !(equal(upper_[iSequence], value) || equal(lower_[iSequence], value))) { nErrors++; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("** upperFake %c%d %g <= %g <= %g true %g, %g\n", RC, jSequence, lower_[iSequence], solution_[iSequence], upper_[iSequence], lowerValue, upperValue); #endif } isFake = true; } else if (fakeStatus == ClpSimplexDual::lowerFake) { if(!equal(lower_[iSequence], (upperValue - dualBound_)) || !(equal(upper_[iSequence], value) || equal(lower_[iSequence], value))) { nErrors++; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("** lowerFake %c%d %g <= %g <= %g true %g, %g\n", RC, jSequence, lower_[iSequence], solution_[iSequence], upper_[iSequence], lowerValue, upperValue); #endif } isFake = true; } else if (fakeStatus == ClpSimplexDual::bothFake) { nWarnings++; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("** %d at bothFake?\n", iSequence); #endif } else if (upper_[iSequence] - lower_[iSequence] > 2.0 * dualBound_) { nErrors++; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("** noFake! %c%d %g <= %g <= %g true %g, %g\n", RC, jSequence, lower_[iSequence], solution_[iSequence], upper_[iSequence], lowerValue, upperValue); #endif } } else if (status == superBasic || status == isFree) { nSuperBasic++; //printf("** free or superbasic %c%d %g <= %g <= %g true %g, %g - status %d\n", // RC,jSequence,lower_[iSequence],solution_[iSequence], // upper_[iSequence],lowerValue,upperValue,status); } else if (status == basic) { bool odd = false; if (!equal(lower_[iSequence], lowerValue)) odd = true; if (!equal(upper_[iSequence], upperValue)) odd = true; if (odd) { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("** basic %c%d %g <= %g <= %g true %g, %g\n", RC, jSequence, lower_[iSequence], solution_[iSequence], upper_[iSequence], lowerValue, upperValue); #endif nWarnings++; } } else if (status == isFixed) { if (!equal(upper_[iSequence], lower_[iSequence])) { nErrors++; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("** fixed! %c%d %g <= %g <= %g true %g, %g\n", RC, jSequence, lower_[iSequence], solution_[iSequence], upper_[iSequence], lowerValue, upperValue); #endif } } if (isFake) { nFake++; } else { if (fakeStatus != ClpSimplexDual::noFake) { nErrors++; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("** bad fake status %c%d %d\n", RC, jSequence, fakeStatus); #endif } } } if (nFake != numberFake_) { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("nfake %d numberFake %d\n", nFake, numberFake_); #endif nErrors++; } if (nErrors || type <= -1000) { #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("%d errors, %d warnings, %d free/superbasic, %d fake\n", nErrors, nWarnings, nSuperBasic, numberFake_); printf("dualBound %g\n", dualBound_); #endif if (type <= -1000) { iSequence = -type; iSequence -= 1000; char RC = 'C'; int jSequence = iSequence; if (jSequence >= numberColumns_) { RC = 'R'; jSequence -= numberColumns_; } #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE double lowerValue = tempLower[iSequence]; double upperValue = tempUpper[iSequence]; printf("*** movement>1.0e30 for %c%d %g <= %g <= %g true %g, %g - status %d\n", RC, jSequence, lower_[iSequence], solution_[iSequence], upper_[iSequence], lowerValue, upperValue, status_[iSequence]); #endif assert (nErrors); // should have been picked up } assert (!nErrors); } delete [] tempLower; delete [] tempUpper; #endif } else if (lower_) { // reset using status int nTotal = numberRows_ + numberColumns_; int iSequence; if (columnScale_) { for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberColumns_; iSequence++) { double multiplier = rhsScale_ * inverseColumnScale_[iSequence]; // lower double value = columnLower_[iSequence]; if (value > -1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } lower_[iSequence] = value; // upper value = columnUpper_[iSequence]; if (value < 1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } upper_[iSequence] = value; } for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < numberRows_; iSequence++) { // lower double multiplier = rhsScale_ * rowScale_[iSequence]; double value = rowLower_[iSequence]; if (value > -1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } lower_[iSequence+numberColumns_] = value; // upper value = rowUpper_[iSequence]; if (value < 1.0e30) { value *= multiplier; } upper_[iSequence+numberColumns_] = value; } } else { memcpy(lower_, columnLower_, numberColumns_ * sizeof(double)); memcpy(upper_, columnUpper_, numberColumns_ * sizeof(double)); memcpy(lower_ + numberColumns_, rowLower_, numberRows_ * sizeof(double)); memcpy(upper_ + numberColumns_, rowUpper_, numberRows_ * sizeof(double)); } numberFake_ = 0; for (iSequence = 0; iSequence < nTotal; iSequence++) { FakeBound fakeStatus = getFakeBound(iSequence); if (fakeStatus != ClpSimplexDual::noFake) { Status status = getStatus(iSequence); if (status == basic) { setFakeBound(iSequence, ClpSimplexDual::noFake); continue; } double lowerValue = lower_[iSequence]; double upperValue = upper_[iSequence]; double value = solution_[iSequence]; numberFake_++; if (fakeStatus == ClpSimplexDual::upperFake) { upper_[iSequence] = lowerValue + dualBound_; if (status == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound) { solution_[iSequence] = lowerValue; } else if (status == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound) { solution_[iSequence] = upper_[iSequence]; } else { abort(); } } else if (fakeStatus == ClpSimplexDual::lowerFake) { lower_[iSequence] = upperValue - dualBound_; if (status == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound) { solution_[iSequence] = lower_[iSequence]; } else if (status == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound) { solution_[iSequence] = upperValue; } else { abort(); } } else { assert (fakeStatus == ClpSimplexDual::bothFake); if (status == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound) { lower_[iSequence] = value; upper_[iSequence] = value + dualBound_; } else if (status == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound) { upper_[iSequence] = value; lower_[iSequence] = value - dualBound_; } else if (status == ClpSimplex::isFree || status == ClpSimplex::superBasic) { lower_[iSequence] = value - 0.5 * dualBound_; upper_[iSequence] = value + 0.5 * dualBound_; } else { abort(); } } } } #ifndef NDEBUG } else { COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("NULL lower\n")); #endif } }