/* Copyright 2009-2016 Francesco Biscani (bluescarni@gmail.com) This file is part of the Piranha library. The Piranha library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. or * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. or both in parallel, as here. The Piranha library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Piranha library. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #ifndef PIRANHA_HASH_SET_HPP #define PIRANHA_HASH_SET_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.hpp" #include "debug_access.hpp" #include "detail/init_data.hpp" #include "exceptions.hpp" #include "s11n.hpp" #include "safe_cast.hpp" #include "thread_pool.hpp" #include "type_traits.hpp" namespace piranha { /// Hash set. /** * Hash set class with interface similar to \p std::unordered_set. The main points of difference with respect to * \p std::unordered_set are the following: * * - the exception safety guarantee is weaker (see below), * - iterators and iterator invalidation: after a rehash operation, all iterators will be invalidated and existing * references/pointers to the elements will also be invalid; after an insertion/erase operation, all existing * iterators, pointers and references to the elements in the destination bucket will be invalid, * - the complexity of iterator traversal depends on the load factor of the table. * * The implementation employs a separate chaining strategy consisting of an array of buckets, each one a singly linked * list with the first node stored directly within the array (so that the first insertion in a bucket does not require * any heap allocation). * * An additional set of low-level methods is provided: such methods are suitable for use in high-performance and * multi-threaded contexts, and, if misused, could lead to data corruption and other unpredictable errors. * * Note that for performance reasons the implementation employs sizes that are powers of two. Hence, particular care * should be taken that the hash function does not exhibit commensurabilities with powers of 2. * * ## Type requirements ## * * - \p T must satisfy piranha::is_container_element, * - \p Hash must satisfy piranha::is_hash_function_object, * - \p Pred must satisfy piranha::is_equality_function_object. * * ## Exception safety guarantee ## * * This class provides the strong exception safety guarantee for all operations apart from methods involving insertion, * which provide the basic guarantee (after a failed insertion, the set will be left in an unspecified but valid state). * * ## Move semantics ## * * Move construction and move assignment will leave the moved-from object equivalent to an empty set whose hasher and * equality predicate have been moved-from. */ /* Some improvement NOTEs: * - tests for low-level methods * - better increase_size with recycling of dynamically-allocated nodes * - see if we can reduce the number of branches in the find algorithm (e.g., when traversing the list) -> this should be * a general review of the internal linked list * implementation. * - memory handling: the usage of the allocator object should be more standard, i.e., use the pointer and reference * typedefs defined within, replace * positional new with construct even in the list implementation. Then it can be made a template parameter with default = * std::allocator. * - use of new: we should probably replace new with new, in case new is overloaded -> also, check all occurrences of * root new, it is used as well * in static_vector for instance. * - inline the first bucket, with the idea of avoiding memory allocations when the series consist of a single element * (useful for instance * when iterating over the series with the fat iterator). * - optimisation for the begin() iterator, * - check again about the mod implementation, * - in the dtor checks, do we still want the shutdown() logic after we rework symbol? * are we still accessing potentially global variables? * - maybe a bit more enabling for ctor and other template methods, not really essential though. */ template , typename Pred = std::equal_to> class hash_set { PIRANHA_TT_CHECK(is_container_element, T); PIRANHA_TT_CHECK(is_hash_function_object, Hash, T); PIRANHA_TT_CHECK(is_equality_function_object, Pred, T); // Make friend with debug access class. template friend class debug_access; // Node class for bucket element. struct node { typedef typename std::aligned_storage::type storage_type; node() : m_next(nullptr) { } // Erase all other ctors/assignments, we do not want to // copy around this object as m_storage is not what it is // (and often could be uninitialized, which would lead to UB if used). node(const node &) = delete; node(node &&) = delete; node &operator=(const node &) = delete; node &operator=(node &&) = delete; // NOTE: the idea here is that we use these helpers only *after* the object has been constructed, // for constructing the object we must always access m_storage directly. The chain of two casts // seems to be the only standard-conforming way of getting out a pointer to T. // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1082378/what-is-the-basic-use-of-aligned-storage // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13466556/aligned-storage-and-strict-aliasing // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/aligned_storage // A couple of further notes: // - pointer casting to/from void * is ok (4.10.2 and, via static_cast); // - the placement new operator (which we use to construct the object into the storage) // is guaranteed to construct the object at the beginning of the storage, and taking // a void * out of the storage will return the address of the object stored within; // - the lifetime of the original POD storage_type ends when we reuse its storage via // placement new. // This page contains some more info about storage reuse: // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/lifetime#Storage_reuse // See also this link, regarding static_cast vs reinterpret_cast for this very specific // usage: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19300142/static-cast-and-reinterpret-cast-for-stdaligned-storage // Apparently, it is equivalent. const T *ptr() const { piranha_assert(m_next); return static_cast(static_cast(&m_storage)); } T *ptr() { piranha_assert(m_next); return static_cast(static_cast(&m_storage)); } storage_type m_storage; node *m_next; }; // List constituting the bucket. // NOTE: in this list implementation the m_next pointer is used as a flag to signal if the current node // stores an item: the pointer is not null if it does contain something. The value of m_next pointer in a node is // set to a constant // &terminator node if it is the last node of the list. I.e., the terminator is end() in all cases // except when the list is empty (in that case the m_node member is end()). struct list { // NOTE: re: std::iterator inheritance. It's netiher encouraged not discouraged according to this: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6471019/can-should-i-inherit-from-stl-iterator // I think we can just keep on using boost iterator_facade for the time being. template class iterator_impl : public boost::iterator_facade, U, boost::forward_traversal_tag> { typedef typename std::conditional::value, node const *, node *>::type ptr_type; template friend class iterator_impl; public: iterator_impl() : m_ptr(nullptr) { } explicit iterator_impl(ptr_type ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) { } // Constructor from other iterator type. template ::ptr_type, ptr_type>::value, int> = 0> iterator_impl(const iterator_impl &other) : m_ptr(other.m_ptr) { } private: friend class boost::iterator_core_access; void increment() { piranha_assert(m_ptr && m_ptr->m_next); m_ptr = m_ptr->m_next; } template bool equal(const iterator_impl &other) const { return m_ptr == other.m_ptr; } U &dereference() const { piranha_assert(m_ptr && m_ptr->m_next); return *m_ptr->ptr(); } public: ptr_type m_ptr; }; typedef iterator_impl iterator; typedef iterator_impl const_iterator; // Static checks on the iterator types. PIRANHA_TT_CHECK(is_forward_iterator, iterator); PIRANHA_TT_CHECK(is_forward_iterator, const_iterator); list() : m_node() { } list(list &&other) noexcept : m_node() { steal_from_rvalue(std::move(other)); } list(const list &other) : m_node() { try { auto cur = &m_node; auto other_cur = &other.m_node; while (other_cur->m_next) { if (cur->m_next) { // This assert means we are operating on the last element // of the list, as we are doing back-insertions. piranha_assert(cur->m_next == &terminator); // Create a new node with content equal to other_cur // and linking forward to the terminator. std::unique_ptr new_node(::new node()); ::new (static_cast(&new_node->m_storage)) T(*other_cur->ptr()); new_node->m_next = &terminator; // Link the new node. cur->m_next = new_node.release(); cur = cur->m_next; } else { // This means this is the first node. ::new (static_cast(&cur->m_storage)) T(*other_cur->ptr()); cur->m_next = &terminator; } other_cur = other_cur->m_next; } } catch (...) { destroy(); throw; } } list &operator=(list &&other) { if (likely(this != &other)) { // Destroy the content of this. destroy(); steal_from_rvalue(std::move(other)); } return *this; } list &operator=(const list &other) { if (likely(this != &other)) { auto tmp = other; *this = std::move(tmp); } return *this; } ~list() { destroy(); } void steal_from_rvalue(list &&other) { piranha_assert(empty()); // Do something only if there is content in the other. if (other.m_node.m_next) { // Move construct current first node with first node of other. ::new (static_cast(&m_node.m_storage)) T(std::move(*other.m_node.ptr())); // Link remaining content of other into this. m_node.m_next = other.m_node.m_next; // Destroy first node of other. other.m_node.ptr()->~T(); other.m_node.m_next = nullptr; } piranha_assert(other.empty()); } template >::value, int> = 0> node *insert(U &&item) { // NOTE: optimize with likely/unlikely? if (m_node.m_next) { // Create the new node and forward-link it to the second node. std::unique_ptr new_node(::new node()); ::new (static_cast(&new_node->m_storage)) T(std::forward(item)); new_node->m_next = m_node.m_next; // Link first node to the new node. m_node.m_next = new_node.release(); return m_node.m_next; } else { ::new (static_cast(&m_node.m_storage)) T(std::forward(item)); m_node.m_next = &terminator; return &m_node; } } iterator begin() { return iterator(&m_node); } iterator end() { return iterator((m_node.m_next) ? &terminator : &m_node); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(&m_node); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator((m_node.m_next) ? &terminator : &m_node); } bool empty() const { return !m_node.m_next; } void destroy() { node *cur = &m_node; while (cur->m_next) { // Store the current value temporarily. auto old = cur; // Assign the next. cur = cur->m_next; // Destroy the old payload and erase connections. old->ptr()->~T(); old->m_next = nullptr; // If the old node was not the initial one, delete it. if (old != &m_node) { ::delete old; } } // After destruction, the list should be equivalent to a default-constructed one. piranha_assert(empty()); } static node terminator; node m_node; }; // Allocator type. // NOTE: if we move allocator choice in public interface we need to document the exception behaviour of the // allocator. Also, check the validity // of the assumptions on the type returned by allocate(): must it be a pointer or just convertible to pointer? // NOTE: for std::allocator, pointer is guaranteed to be "T *": // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/allocator typedef std::allocator allocator_type; public: /// Functor type for the calculation of hash values. using hasher = Hash; /// Functor type for comparing the items in the set. using key_equal = Pred; /// Key type. using key_type = T; /// Size type. /** * Alias for \p std::size_t. */ using size_type = std::size_t; private: // The container is a pointer to an array of lists. using ptr_type = list *; // Internal pack type, containing the pointer to the objects, the hash/equal functor // and the allocator. In many cases these are stateless so we can exploit EBCO if implemented // in the tuple type (likely). using pack_type = std::tuple; // A few handy accessors. ptr_type &ptr() { return std::get<0u>(m_pack); } const ptr_type &ptr() const { return std::get<0u>(m_pack); } const hasher &hash() const { return std::get<1u>(m_pack); } const key_equal &k_equal() const { return std::get<2u>(m_pack); } allocator_type &allocator() { return std::get<3u>(m_pack); } const allocator_type &allocator() const { return std::get<3u>(m_pack); } // Definition of the iterator type for the set. template class iterator_impl : public boost::iterator_facade, Key, boost::forward_traversal_tag> { friend class hash_set; typedef typename std::conditional::value, hash_set const, hash_set>::type set_type; typedef typename std::conditional::value, typename list::const_iterator, typename list::iterator>::type it_type; public: iterator_impl() : m_set(nullptr), m_idx(0u), m_it() { } explicit iterator_impl(set_type *set, const size_type &idx, it_type it) : m_set(set), m_idx(idx), m_it(it) { } private: friend class boost::iterator_core_access; void increment() { piranha_assert(m_set); auto &container = m_set->ptr(); // Assert that the current iterator is valid. piranha_assert(m_idx < m_set->bucket_count()); piranha_assert(!container[m_idx].empty()); piranha_assert(m_it != container[m_idx].end()); ++m_it; if (m_it == container[m_idx].end()) { const size_type container_size = m_set->bucket_count(); while (true) { ++m_idx; if (m_idx == container_size) { m_it = it_type{}; return; } else if (!container[m_idx].empty()) { m_it = container[m_idx].begin(); return; } } } } bool equal(const iterator_impl &other) const { // NOTE: comparing iterators from different containers is UB // in the standard. piranha_assert(m_set && other.m_set); return (m_idx == other.m_idx && m_it == other.m_it); } Key &dereference() const { piranha_assert(m_set && m_idx < m_set->bucket_count() && m_it != m_set->ptr()[m_idx].end()); return *m_it; } private: set_type *m_set; size_type m_idx; it_type m_it; }; void init_from_n_buckets(const size_type &n_buckets, unsigned n_threads) { piranha_assert(!ptr() && !m_log2_size && !m_n_elements); if (unlikely(!n_threads)) { piranha_throw(std::invalid_argument, "the number of threads must be strictly positive"); } // Proceed to actual construction only if the requested number of buckets is nonzero. if (!n_buckets) { return; } const size_type log2_size = get_log2_from_hint(n_buckets); const size_type size = size_type(1u) << log2_size; auto new_ptr = allocator().allocate(size); if (unlikely(!new_ptr)) { piranha_throw(std::bad_alloc, ); } if (n_threads == 1u) { // Default-construct the elements of the array. // NOTE: this is a noexcept operation, no need to account for rolling back. for (size_type i = 0u; i < size; ++i) { allocator().construct(&new_ptr[i]); } } else { // Sync variables. using crs_type = std::vector>; crs_type constructed_ranges(static_cast(n_threads), std::make_pair(size_type(0u), size_type(0u))); if (unlikely(constructed_ranges.size() != n_threads)) { piranha_throw(std::bad_alloc, ); } // Thread function. auto thread_function = [this, new_ptr, &constructed_ranges](const size_type &start, const size_type &end, const unsigned &thread_idx) { for (size_type i = start; i != end; ++i) { this->allocator().construct(&new_ptr[i]); } constructed_ranges[thread_idx] = std::make_pair(start, end); }; // Work per thread. const auto wpt = size / n_threads; future_list f_list; try { for (unsigned i = 0u; i < n_threads; ++i) { const auto start = static_cast(wpt * i), end = static_cast((i == n_threads - 1u) ? size : wpt * (i + 1u)); f_list.push_back(thread_pool::enqueue(i, thread_function, start, end, i)); } f_list.wait_all(); // NOTE: no need to get_all() here, as we know no exceptions will be generated inside thread_func. } catch (...) { // NOTE: everything in thread_func is noexcept, if we are here the exception was thrown by enqueue or // push_back. // Wait for everything to wind down. f_list.wait_all(); // Destroy what was constructed. for (const auto &r : constructed_ranges) { for (size_type i = r.first; i != r.second; ++i) { allocator().destroy(&new_ptr[i]); } } // Deallocate before re-throwing. allocator().deallocate(new_ptr, size); throw; } } // Assign the members. ptr() = new_ptr; m_log2_size = log2_size; } // Destroy all elements and deallocate ptr(). void destroy_and_deallocate() { // Proceed to destroy all elements and deallocate only if the set is actually storing something. if (ptr()) { const size_type size = size_type(1u) << m_log2_size; for (size_type i = 0u; i < size; ++i) { allocator().destroy(&ptr()[i]); } allocator().deallocate(ptr(), size); } else { piranha_assert(!m_log2_size && !m_n_elements); } } // Serialization support. friend class boost::serialization::access; template void save(Archive &ar, unsigned) const { // Size. boost_save(ar, size()); // Serialize the items. boost_save_range(ar, begin(), end()); } template void load(Archive &ar, unsigned) { // Reset this. *this = hash_set{}; // Recover the size. size_type size; boost_load(ar, size); // Prepare an adequate number of buckets. rehash(boost::numeric_cast(std::ceil(static_cast(size) / max_load_factor()))); for (size_type i = 0; i < size; ++i) { T tmp; boost_load(ar, tmp); const auto p = insert(std::move(tmp)); if (unlikely(!p.second)) { piranha_throw(std::invalid_argument, "while deserializing a hash_set from a Boost archive " "a duplicate value was encountered"); } } } BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_MEMBER() // Enabler for insert(). template using insert_enabler = enable_if_t>::value, int>; // Run a consistency check on the set, will return false if something is wrong. bool sanity_check() const { // Ignore sanity checks on shutdown. if (shutdown()) { return true; } size_type count = 0u; for (size_type i = 0u; i < bucket_count(); ++i) { for (auto it = ptr()[i].begin(); it != ptr()[i].end(); ++it) { if (_bucket(*it) != i) { return false; } ++count; } } if (count != m_n_elements) { return false; } // m_log2_size must not be equal to or greater than the number of bits of size_type. if (m_log2_size >= unsigned(std::numeric_limits::digits)) { return false; } // The container pointer must be consistent with the other members. if (!ptr() && (m_log2_size || m_n_elements)) { return false; } // Check size is consistent with number of iterator traversals. count = 0u; for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it, ++count) { } if (count != m_n_elements) { return false; } return true; } // The number of available nonzero sizes will be the number of bits in the size type. Possible nonzero sizes will be // in // the [2 ** 0, 2 ** (n-1)] range. static const size_type m_n_nonzero_sizes = static_cast(std::numeric_limits::digits); // Get log2 of set size at least equal to hint. To be used only when hint is not zero. static size_type get_log2_from_hint(const size_type &hint) { piranha_assert(hint); for (size_type i = 0u; i < m_n_nonzero_sizes; ++i) { if ((size_type(1u) << i) >= hint) { return i; } } piranha_throw(std::bad_alloc, ); } public: /// Iterator type. /** * A read-only forward iterator. */ using iterator = iterator_impl; private: // Static checks on the iterator type. PIRANHA_TT_CHECK(is_forward_iterator, iterator); public: /// Const iterator type. /** * Equivalent to the iterator type. */ using const_iterator = iterator; /// Local iterator. /** * Const iterator that can be used to iterate through a single bucket. */ using local_iterator = typename list::const_iterator; /// Default constructor. /** * If not specified, it will default-initialise the hasher and the equality predicate. The resulting * hash set will be empty. * * @param h hasher functor. * @param k equality predicate. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by the copy constructors of Hash or Pred. */ hash_set(const hasher &h = hasher{}, const key_equal &k = key_equal{}) : m_pack(nullptr, h, k, allocator_type{}), m_log2_size(0u), m_n_elements(0u) { } /// Constructor from number of buckets. /** * Will construct a set whose number of buckets is at least equal to \p n_buckets. If \p n_threads is not 1, * then the first \p n_threads threads from piranha::thread_pool will be used concurrently for the initialisation * of the set. * * @param n_buckets desired number of buckets. * @param h hasher functor. * @param k equality predicate. * @param n_threads number of threads to use during initialisation. * * @throws std::bad_alloc if the desired number of buckets is greater than an implementation-defined maximum, or in * case * of memory errors. * @throws std::invalid_argument if \p n_threads is zero. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by: * - the copy constructors of Hash or Pred, * - piranha::thread_pool::enqueue() or piranha::future_list::push_back(), if \p n_threads is not 1. */ explicit hash_set(const size_type &n_buckets, const hasher &h = hasher{}, const key_equal &k = key_equal{}, unsigned n_threads = 1u) : m_pack(nullptr, h, k, allocator_type{}), m_log2_size(0u), m_n_elements(0u) { init_from_n_buckets(n_buckets, n_threads); } /// Copy constructor. /** * The hasher, the equality comparator and the allocator will also be copied. * * @param other piranha::hash_set that will be copied into \p this. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by memory allocation errors, * the copy constructor of the stored type, Hash or Pred. */ hash_set(const hash_set &other) : m_pack(nullptr, other.hash(), other.k_equal(), other.allocator()), m_log2_size(0u), m_n_elements(0u) { // Proceed to actual copy only if other has some content. if (other.ptr()) { const size_type size = size_type(1u) << other.m_log2_size; auto new_ptr = allocator().allocate(size); if (unlikely(!new_ptr)) { piranha_throw(std::bad_alloc, ); } size_type i = 0u; try { // Copy-construct the elements of the array. for (; i < size; ++i) { allocator().construct(&new_ptr[i], other.ptr()[i]); } } catch (...) { // Unwind the construction and deallocate, before re-throwing. for (size_type j = 0u; j < i; ++j) { allocator().destroy(&new_ptr[j]); } allocator().deallocate(new_ptr, size); throw; } // Assign the members. ptr() = new_ptr; m_log2_size = other.m_log2_size; m_n_elements = other.m_n_elements; } else { piranha_assert(!other.m_log2_size && !other.m_n_elements); } } /// Move constructor. /** * After the move, \p other will have zero buckets and zero elements, and its hasher and equality predicate * will have been used to move-construct their counterparts in \p this. * * @param other set to be moved. */ hash_set(hash_set &&other) noexcept : m_pack(std::move(other.m_pack)), m_log2_size(other.m_log2_size), m_n_elements(other.m_n_elements) { // Clear out the other one. other.ptr() = nullptr; other.m_log2_size = 0u; other.m_n_elements = 0u; } /// Constructor from range. /** * Create a set with a copy of a range. * * @param begin begin of range. * @param end end of range. * @param n_buckets number of initial buckets. * @param h hash functor. * @param k key equality predicate. * * @throws std::bad_alloc if the desired number of buckets is greater than an implementation-defined maximum. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by the copy constructors of Hash or Pred, or arising * from * calling insert() on the elements of the range. */ template explicit hash_set(const InputIterator &begin, const InputIterator &end, const size_type &n_buckets = 0u, const hasher &h = hasher{}, const key_equal &k = key_equal{}) : m_pack(nullptr, h, k, allocator_type{}), m_log2_size(0u), m_n_elements(0u) { init_from_n_buckets(n_buckets, 1u); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { insert(*it); } } /// Constructor from initializer list. /** * Will insert() all the elements of the initializer list, ignoring the return value of the operation. * Hash functor and equality predicate will be default-constructed. * * @param list initializer list of elements to be inserted. * * @throws std::bad_alloc if the desired number of buckets is greater than an implementation-defined maximum. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by either insert() or of the default constructor of Hash or * Pred. */ template explicit hash_set(std::initializer_list list) : m_pack(nullptr, hasher{}, key_equal{}, allocator_type{}), m_log2_size(0u), m_n_elements(0u) { // We do not care here for possible truncation of list.size(), as this is only an optimization. init_from_n_buckets(static_cast(list.size()), 1u); for (const auto &x : list) { insert(x); } } /// Destructor. /** * No side effects. */ ~hash_set() { piranha_assert(sanity_check()); destroy_and_deallocate(); } /// Copy assignment operator. /** * @param other assignment argument. * * @return reference to \p this. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by the copy constructor. */ hash_set &operator=(const hash_set &other) { if (likely(this != &other)) { hash_set tmp(other); *this = std::move(tmp); } return *this; } /// Move assignment operator. /** * @param other set to be moved into \p this. * * @return reference to \p this. */ hash_set &operator=(hash_set &&other) noexcept { if (likely(this != &other)) { destroy_and_deallocate(); m_pack = std::move(other.m_pack); m_log2_size = other.m_log2_size; m_n_elements = other.m_n_elements; // Zero out other. other.ptr() = nullptr; other.m_log2_size = 0u; other.m_n_elements = 0u; } return *this; } /// Const begin iterator. /** * @return hash_set::const_iterator to the first element of the set, or end() if the set is empty. */ const_iterator begin() const { // NOTE: this could take a while in case of an empty set with lots of buckets. Take a shortcut // taking into account the number of elements in the set - if zero, go directly to end()? const_iterator retval; retval.m_set = this; size_type idx = 0u; const auto b_count = bucket_count(); for (; idx < b_count; ++idx) { if (!ptr()[idx].empty()) { break; } } retval.m_idx = idx; // If we are not at the end, assign proper iterator. if (idx != b_count) { retval.m_it = ptr()[idx].begin(); } return retval; } /// Const end iterator. /** * @return hash_set::const_iterator to the position past the last element of the set. */ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, bucket_count(), local_iterator{}); } /// Begin iterator. /** * @return hash_set::iterator to the first element of the set, or end() if the set is empty. */ iterator begin() { return static_cast(this)->begin(); } /// End iterator. /** * @return hash_set::iterator to the position past the last element of the set. */ iterator end() { return static_cast(this)->end(); } /// Number of elements contained in the set. /** * @return number of elements in the set. */ size_type size() const { return m_n_elements; } /// Test for empty set. /** * @return \p true if size() returns 0, \p false otherwise. */ bool empty() const { return !size(); } /// Number of buckets. /** * @return number of buckets in the set. */ size_type bucket_count() const { return (ptr()) ? (size_type(1u) << m_log2_size) : size_type(0u); } /// Load factor. /** * @return (double)size() / bucket_count(), or 0 if the set is empty. */ double load_factor() const { const auto b_count = bucket_count(); return (b_count) ? static_cast(size()) / static_cast(b_count) : 0.; } /// Index of destination bucket. /** * Index to which \p k would belong, were it to be inserted into the set. The index of the * destination bucket is the hash value reduced modulo the bucket count. * * @param k input argument. * * @return index of the destination bucket for \p k. * * @throws piranha::zero_division_error if bucket_count() returns zero. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by _bucket(). */ size_type bucket(const key_type &k) const { if (unlikely(!bucket_count())) { piranha_throw(zero_division_error, "cannot calculate bucket index in an empty set"); } return _bucket(k); } /// Find element. /** * @param k element to be located. * * @return hash_set::const_iterator to k's position in the set, or end() if \p k is not in the set. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by _find() or by _bucket(). */ const_iterator find(const key_type &k) const { if (unlikely(!bucket_count())) { return end(); } return _find(k, _bucket(k)); } /// Find element. /** * @param k element to be located. * * @return hash_set::iterator to k's position in the set, or end() if \p k is not in the set. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by _find(). */ iterator find(const key_type &k) { return static_cast(this)->find(k); } /// Maximum load factor. /** * @return the maximum load factor allowed before a resize. */ double max_load_factor() const { // Maximum load factor hard-coded to 1. // NOTE: if this is ever made configurable, it should never be allowed to go to zero. return 1.; } /// Insert element. /** * \note * This template method is activated only if \p T and \p U are the same type, aside from cv qualifications and * references. * * If no other key equivalent to \p k exists in the set, the insertion is successful and returns the * (it,true) * pair - where \p it is the position in the set into which the object has been inserted. Otherwise, the return * value * will be (it,false) - where \p it is the position of the existing equivalent object. * * @param k object that will be inserted into the set. * * @return (hash_set::iterator,bool) pair containing an iterator to the newly-inserted object (or its * existing * equivalent) and the result of the operation. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by: * - hash_set::key_type's copy constructor, * - _find(), * - _bucket(). * @throws std::overflow_error if a successful insertion would result in size() exceeding the maximum * value representable by type piranha::hash_set::size_type. * @throws std::bad_alloc if the operation results in a resize of the set past an implementation-defined * maximum number of buckets. */ template = 0> std::pair insert(U &&k) { auto b_count = bucket_count(); // Handle the case of a set with no buckets. if (unlikely(!b_count)) { _increase_size(); // Update the bucket count. b_count = 1u; } // Try to locate the element. auto bucket_idx = _bucket(k); const auto it = _find(k, bucket_idx); if (it != end()) { // Item already present, exit. return std::make_pair(it, false); } if (unlikely(m_n_elements == std::numeric_limits::max())) { piranha_throw(std::overflow_error, "maximum number of elements reached"); } // Item is new. Handle the case in which we need to rehash because of load factor. if (unlikely(static_cast(m_n_elements + size_type(1u)) / static_cast(b_count) > max_load_factor())) { _increase_size(); // We need a new bucket index in case of a rehash. bucket_idx = _bucket(k); } const auto it_retval = _unique_insert(std::forward(k), bucket_idx); ++m_n_elements; return std::make_pair(it_retval, true); } /// Erase element. /** * Erase the element to which \p it points. \p it must be a valid iterator * pointing to an element of the set. * * Erasing an element invalidates all iterators pointing to elements in the same bucket * as the erased element. * * After the operation has taken place, the size() of the set will be decreased by one. * * @param it iterator to the element of the set to be removed. * * @return iterator pointing to the element following \p it prior to the element being erased, or end() if * no such element exists. */ iterator erase(const_iterator it) { piranha_assert(!empty()); const auto b_it = _erase(it); iterator retval; retval.m_set = this; const auto b_count = bucket_count(); if (b_it == ptr()[it.m_idx].end()) { // Travel to the next iterator if the deleted element was // the last one in the bucket. auto idx = static_cast(it.m_idx + 1u); // Advance to the first non-empty bucket if necessary, // without going past the end of the set. for (; idx < b_count; ++idx) { if (!ptr()[idx].empty()) { break; } } retval.m_idx = idx; // If we are not at the end, assign proper iterator. if (idx != b_count) { retval.m_it = ptr()[idx].begin(); } // NOTE: in case we reached the end of the container, the end() iterator should be: // {this,bucket_count,local_iterator{}} // this has been set above already, bucket_count is set by retval.m_idx = idx // and the default local_iterator ctor is called by the def ctor of iterator. } else { // Otherwise, just copy over the iterator returned by _erase(). retval.m_idx = it.m_idx; retval.m_it = b_it; } piranha_assert(m_n_elements); // Update the number of elements. m_n_elements = static_cast(m_n_elements - 1u); return retval; } /// Remove all elements. /** * After this call, size() and bucket_count() will both return zero. */ void clear() { destroy_and_deallocate(); // Reset the members. ptr() = nullptr; m_log2_size = 0u; m_n_elements = 0u; } /// Swap content. /** * Will use \p std::swap to swap hasher and equality predicate. * * @param other swap argument. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by swapping hasher or equality predicate via \p std::swap. */ void swap(hash_set &other) { std::swap(m_pack, other.m_pack); std::swap(m_log2_size, other.m_log2_size); std::swap(m_n_elements, other.m_n_elements); } /// Rehash set. /** * Change the number of buckets in the set to at least \p new_size. No rehash is performed * if rehashing would lead to exceeding the maximum load factor. If \p n_threads is not 1, * then the first \p n_threads threads from piranha::thread_pool will be used concurrently during * the rehash operation. * * @param new_size new desired number of buckets. * @param n_threads number of threads to use. * * @throws std::invalid_argument if \p n_threads is zero. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by the constructor from number of buckets, * _unique_insert() or _bucket(). */ void rehash(const size_type &new_size, unsigned n_threads = 1u) { if (unlikely(!n_threads)) { piranha_throw(std::invalid_argument, "the number of threads must be strictly positive"); } // If rehash is requested to zero, do something only if there are no items stored in the set. if (!new_size) { if (!size()) { clear(); } return; } // Do nothing if rehashing to the new size would lead to exceeding the max load factor. if (static_cast(size()) / static_cast(new_size) > max_load_factor()) { return; } // Create a new set with needed amount of buckets. hash_set new_set(new_size, hash(), k_equal(), n_threads); try { const auto it_f = _m_end(); for (auto it = _m_begin(); it != it_f; ++it) { const auto new_idx = new_set._bucket(*it); new_set._unique_insert(std::move(*it), new_idx); } } catch (...) { // Clear up both this and the new set upon any kind of error. clear(); new_set.clear(); throw; } // Retain the number of elements. new_set.m_n_elements = m_n_elements; // Clear the old set. clear(); // Assign the new set. *this = std::move(new_set); } /// Get information on the sparsity of the set. /** * @return an std::map in which the key is the number of elements * stored in a bucket and the mapped type the number of buckets containing those many elements. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by memory errors in standard containers. */ std::map evaluate_sparsity() const { const auto it_f = ptr() + bucket_count(); std::map retval; size_type counter; for (auto it = ptr(); it != it_f; ++it) { counter = 0u; for (auto l_it = it->begin(); l_it != it->end(); ++l_it) { ++counter; } ++retval[counter]; } return retval; } /** @name Low-level interface * Low-level methods and types. */ //@{ /// Mutable iterator. /** * This iterator type provides non-const access to the elements of the set. Please note that modifications * to an existing element of the set might invalidate the relation between the element and its position in the set. * After such modifications of one or more elements, the only valid operation is hash_set::clear() (destruction of * the * set before calling hash_set::clear() will lead to assertion failures in debug mode). */ using _m_iterator = iterator_impl; /// Mutable begin iterator. /** * @return hash_set::_m_iterator to the beginning of the set. */ _m_iterator _m_begin() { // NOTE: this could take a while in case of an empty set with lots of buckets. Take a shortcut // taking into account the number of elements in the set - if zero, go directly to end()? const auto b_count = bucket_count(); _m_iterator retval; retval.m_set = this; size_type idx = 0u; for (; idx < b_count; ++idx) { if (!ptr()[idx].empty()) { break; } } retval.m_idx = idx; // If we are not at the end, assign proper iterator. if (idx != b_count) { retval.m_it = ptr()[idx].begin(); } return retval; } /// Mutable end iterator. /** * @return hash_set::_m_iterator to the end of the set. */ _m_iterator _m_end() { return _m_iterator(this, bucket_count(), typename list::iterator{}); } /// Insert unique element (low-level). /** * \note * This template method is activated only if \p T and \p U are the same type, aside from cv qualifications and * references. * * The parameter \p bucket_idx is the index of the destination bucket for \p k and, for a * set with a nonzero number of buckets, must be equal to the output * of bucket() before the insertion. * * This method will not check if a key equivalent to \p k already exists in the set, it will not * update the number of elements present in the set after the insertion, it will not resize * the set in case the maximum load factor is exceeded, nor it will check * if the value of \p bucket_idx is correct. * * @param k object that will be inserted into the set. * @param bucket_idx destination bucket for \p k. * * @return iterator pointing to the newly-inserted element. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by the copy constructor of hash_set::key_type or by memory allocation * errors. */ template = 0> iterator _unique_insert(U &&k, const size_type &bucket_idx) { // Assert that key is not present already in the set. piranha_assert(find(std::forward(k)) == end()); // Assert bucket index is correct. piranha_assert(bucket_idx == _bucket(k)); auto p = ptr()[bucket_idx].insert(std::forward(k)); return iterator(this, bucket_idx, local_iterator(p)); } /// Find element (low-level). /** * Locate element in the set. The parameter \p bucket_idx is the index of the destination bucket for \p k and, for * a set with a nonzero number of buckets, must be equal to the output * of bucket() before the insertion. This method will not check if the value of \p bucket_idx is correct. * * @param k element to be located. * @param bucket_idx index of the destination bucket for \p k. * * @return hash_set::iterator to k's position in the set, or end() if \p k is not in the set. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by calling the equality predicate. */ const_iterator _find(const key_type &k, const size_type &bucket_idx) const { // Assert bucket index is correct. piranha_assert(bucket_idx == _bucket(k) && bucket_idx < bucket_count()); const auto &b = ptr()[bucket_idx]; const auto it_f = b.end(); const_iterator retval(end()); for (auto it = b.begin(); it != it_f; ++it) { if (k_equal()(*it, k)) { retval.m_idx = bucket_idx; retval.m_it = it; break; } } return retval; } /// Index of destination bucket from hash value. /** * Note that this method will not check if the number of buckets is zero. * * @param hash input hash value. * * @return index of the destination bucket for an object with hash value \p hash. */ size_type _bucket_from_hash(const std::size_t &hash) const { piranha_assert(bucket_count()); return hash % (size_type(1u) << m_log2_size); } /// Index of destination bucket (low-level). /** * Equivalent to bucket(), with the exception that this method will not check * if the number of buckets is zero. * * @param k input argument. * * @return index of the destination bucket for \p k. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by the call operator of the hasher. */ size_type _bucket(const key_type &k) const { return _bucket_from_hash(hash()(k)); } /// Force update of the number of elements. /** * After this call, size() will return \p new_size regardless of the true number of elements in the set. * * @param new_size new set size. */ void _update_size(const size_type &new_size) { m_n_elements = new_size; } /// Increase bucket count. /** * Increase the number of buckets to the next implementation-defined value. * * @throws std::bad_alloc if the operation results in a resize of the set past an implementation-defined * maximum number of buckets. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by rehash(). */ void _increase_size() { if (unlikely(m_log2_size >= m_n_nonzero_sizes - 1u)) { piranha_throw(std::bad_alloc, ); } // We must take care here: if the set has zero buckets, // the next log2_size is 0u. Otherwise increase current log2_size. piranha_assert(ptr() || (!ptr() && !m_log2_size)); const auto new_log2_size = (ptr()) ? (m_log2_size + 1u) : 0u; // Rehash to the new size. rehash(size_type(1u) << new_log2_size); } /// Const reference to list in bucket. /** * @param idx index of the bucket whose list will be returned. * * @return a const reference to the list of items contained in the bucket positioned * at index \p idx. */ const list &_get_bucket_list(const size_type &idx) const { piranha_assert(idx < bucket_count()); return ptr()[idx]; } /// Erase element. /** * Erase the element to which \p it points. \p it must be a valid iterator * pointing to an element of the set. * * Erasing an element invalidates all iterators pointing to elements in the same bucket * as the erased element. * * This method will not update the number of elements in the set, nor it will try to access elements * outside the bucket to which \p it refers. * * @param it iterator to the element of the set to be removed. * * @return local iterator pointing to the element following \p it prior to the element being erased, or local end() * if * no such element exists. */ local_iterator _erase(const_iterator it) { // Verify the iterator is valid. piranha_assert(it.m_set == this); piranha_assert(it.m_idx < bucket_count()); piranha_assert(!ptr()[it.m_idx].empty()); piranha_assert(it.m_it != ptr()[it.m_idx].end()); auto &bucket = ptr()[it.m_idx]; // If the pointed-to element is the first one in the bucket, we need special care. if (&*it == &*bucket.m_node.ptr()) { // Destroy the payload. bucket.m_node.ptr()->~T(); if (bucket.m_node.m_next == &bucket.terminator) { // Special handling if this was the only element. bucket.m_node.m_next = nullptr; return bucket.end(); } else { // Store the link in the second element (this could be the terminator). auto tmp = bucket.m_node.m_next->m_next; // Move-construct from the second element, and then destroy it. ::new (static_cast(&bucket.m_node.m_storage)) T(std::move(*bucket.m_node.m_next->ptr())); bucket.m_node.m_next->ptr()->~T(); ::delete bucket.m_node.m_next; // Establish the new link. bucket.m_node.m_next = tmp; return bucket.begin(); } } else { auto b_it = bucket.begin(); auto prev_b_it = b_it; const auto b_it_f = bucket.end(); ++b_it; for (; b_it != b_it_f; ++b_it, ++prev_b_it) { if (&*b_it == &*it) { // Assign to the previous element the next link of the current one. prev_b_it.m_ptr->m_next = b_it.m_ptr->m_next; // Delete the current one. b_it.m_ptr->ptr()->~T(); ::delete b_it.m_ptr; break; }; } // We never want to go through the whole list, it means the element // to which 'it' refers is not here: assert that the iterator we just // erased was not end() - i.e., it was pointing to something. piranha_assert(b_it.m_ptr); // Move forward the iterator that originally preceded the erased item. // It will now point to the item past the erased one or to the local end(). return ++prev_b_it; } } //@} private: pack_type m_pack; size_type m_log2_size; size_type m_n_elements; }; template typename hash_set::node hash_set::list::terminator; template const typename hash_set::size_type hash_set::m_n_nonzero_sizes; inline namespace impl { // Enablers for boost s11n. template using hash_set_boost_save_enabler = enable_if_t, has_boost_save::size_type>>::value>; template using hash_set_boost_load_enabler = enable_if_t, has_boost_load::size_type>>::value>; } /// Specialisation of piranha::boost_save() for piranha::hash_set. /** * \note * This specialisation is enabled only if \p T and the size type of piranha::hash_set satisfy * piranha::has_boost_save. * * The hashing functor and the equality predicate are not serialized. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by piranha::boost_save(). */ template struct boost_save_impl, hash_set_boost_save_enabler> : boost_save_via_boost_api> { }; /// Specialisation of piranha::boost_load() for piranha::hash_set. /** * \note * This specialisation is enabled only if \p T and the size type of piranha::hash_set satisfy * piranha::has_boost_load. * * In case duplicate elements are encountered during deserialization, an exception will be raised. Before performing * the deserialization, the output piranha::hash_set is reset with a default-constructed instance of piranha::hash_set. * The hashing functor and the equality predicate are not deserialized. The basic exception safety guarantee is * provided. * * @throws std::invalid_argument if a duplicate element is encountered during deserialization. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by: * - the public interface of piranha::hash_set, * - piranha::boost_load(), * - boost::numeric_cast(). */ template struct boost_load_impl, hash_set_boost_load_enabler> : boost_load_via_boost_api> { }; #if defined(PIRANHA_WITH_MSGPACK) inline namespace impl { // Enablers for msgpack s11n. template using hash_set_msgpack_pack_enabler = enable_if_t, has_safe_cast::size_type>, has_msgpack_pack>::value>; template using hash_set_msgpack_convert_enabler = enable_if_t::value>; } /// Specialisation of piranha::msgpack_pack() for piranha::hash_set. /** * \note * This specialisation is enabled only if * - \p Stream satisfies piranha::is_msgpack_stream, * - \p T satisfies piranha::has_msgpack_pack, * - the size type of piranha::hash_set is safely convertible to \p std::uint32_t. */ template struct msgpack_pack_impl, hash_set_msgpack_pack_enabler> { /// Call operator. /** * This method will serialize \p h into \p p using the format \p f. The hashing functor and the equality predicate * are not serialized. The msgpack representation of a piranha::hash_set consists of an array containing the * items in the set. * * @param p the target packer. * @param h the piranha::hash_set that will be serialized. * @param f the desired piranha::msgpack_format. * * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by: * - the public interface of msgpack::packer, * - piranha::safe_cast(), * - piranha::msgpack_pack(). */ void operator()(msgpack::packer &p, const hash_set &h, msgpack_format f) const { msgpack_pack_range(p, h.begin(), h.end(), h.size(), f); } }; /// Specialisation of piranha::msgpack_convert() for piranha::hash_set. /** * \note * This specialisation is enabled only if \p T satisfies piranha::has_msgpack_convert. */ template struct msgpack_convert_impl, hash_set_msgpack_convert_enabler> { /// Call operator. /** * This method will convert the input object \p o into \p h using the format \p f. In case duplicate elements * are encountered during deserialization, an exception will be raised. Before performing the deserialization, * \p h is reset with a default-constructed instance of piranha::hash_set. The hashing functor and the equality * predicate are not deserialized. This method provides the basic exception safety guarantee. * * @param h the target piranha::hash_set. * @param o the source msgpack::object. * @param f the desired piranha::msgpack_format. * * @throws std::invalid_argument if a duplicate element is encountered during deserialization. * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by: * - the public interface of piranha::hash_set and msgpack::object, * - boost::numeric_cast(), * - piranha::msgpack_convert(). */ void operator()(hash_set &h, const msgpack::object &o, msgpack_format f) const { // Clear out the retval. h = hash_set{}; // Extract the array of items as a vector of objects. std::vector items; o.convert(items); // Prepare the number of buckets. h.rehash(boost::numeric_cast::size_type>( std::ceil(static_cast(items.size()) / h.max_load_factor()))); // Deserialize the items. for (const auto &obj : items) { T tmp; msgpack_convert(tmp, obj, f); const auto p = h.insert(std::move(tmp)); if (unlikely(!p.second)) { piranha_throw(std::invalid_argument, "while deserializing a hash_set from a msgpack object " "a duplicate value was encountered"); } } } }; #endif } #endif