#ifdef __has_include #if !__has_include() #error "FreeType version 2.3 or higher is required. \ You may unset the system_freetype entry in setup.cfg to let Matplotlib download it." #endif #endif #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #define XSTR(x) STR(x) #define STR(x) #x #pragma message("Compiling with FreeType version " \ XSTR(FREETYPE_MAJOR) "." XSTR(FREETYPE_MINOR) "." XSTR(FREETYPE_PATCH) ".") #if FREETYPE_MAJOR << 16 + FREETYPE_MINOR << 8 + FREETYPE_PATCH < 0x020300 #error "FreeType version 2.3 or higher is required. \ You may unset the system_freetype entry in setup.cfg to let Matplotlib download it." #endif