# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. import math from typing import Callable, Tuple import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from fvcore.nn.squeeze_excitation import SqueezeExcitation from pytorchvideo.layers.convolutions import Conv2plus1d from pytorchvideo.layers.swish import Swish from pytorchvideo.layers.utils import round_repeats, round_width, set_attributes from pytorchvideo.models.head import ResNetBasicHead from pytorchvideo.models.net import Net from pytorchvideo.models.resnet import BottleneckBlock, ResBlock, ResStage from pytorchvideo.models.stem import ResNetBasicStem def create_x3d_stem( *, # Conv configs. in_channels: int, out_channels: int, conv_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (5, 3, 3), conv_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2), conv_padding: Tuple[int] = (2, 1, 1), # BN configs. norm: Callable = nn.BatchNorm3d, norm_eps: float = 1e-5, norm_momentum: float = 0.1, # Activation configs. activation: Callable = nn.ReLU, ) -> nn.Module: """ Creates the stem layer for X3D. It performs spatial Conv, temporal Conv, BN, and Relu. :: Conv_xy ↓ Conv_t ↓ Normalization ↓ Activation Args: in_channels (int): input channel size of the convolution. out_channels (int): output channel size of the convolution. conv_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s). conv_stride (tuple): convolutional stride size(s). conv_padding (tuple): convolutional padding size(s). norm (callable): a callable that constructs normalization layer, options include nn.BatchNorm3d, None (not performing normalization). norm_eps (float): normalization epsilon. norm_momentum (float): normalization momentum. activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer, options include: nn.ReLU, nn.Softmax, nn.Sigmoid, and None (not performing activation). Returns: (nn.Module): X3D stem layer. """ conv_xy_module = nn.Conv3d( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=(1, conv_kernel_size[1], conv_kernel_size[2]), stride=(1, conv_stride[1], conv_stride[2]), padding=(0, conv_padding[1], conv_padding[2]), bias=False, ) conv_t_module = nn.Conv3d( in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=(conv_kernel_size[0], 1, 1), stride=(conv_stride[0], 1, 1), padding=(conv_padding[0], 0, 0), bias=False, groups=out_channels, ) stacked_conv_module = Conv2plus1d( conv_t=conv_xy_module, norm=None, activation=None, conv_xy=conv_t_module, ) norm_module = ( None if norm is None else norm(num_features=out_channels, eps=norm_eps, momentum=norm_momentum) ) activation_module = None if activation is None else activation() return ResNetBasicStem( conv=stacked_conv_module, norm=norm_module, activation=activation_module, pool=None, ) def create_x3d_bottleneck_block( *, # Convolution configs. dim_in: int, dim_inner: int, dim_out: int, conv_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (3, 3, 3), conv_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2), # Norm configs. norm: Callable = nn.BatchNorm3d, norm_eps: float = 1e-5, norm_momentum: float = 0.1, se_ratio: float = 0.0625, # Activation configs. activation: Callable = nn.ReLU, inner_act: Callable = Swish, ) -> nn.Module: """ Bottleneck block for X3D: a sequence of Conv, Normalization with optional SE block, and Activations repeated in the following order: :: Conv3d (conv_a) ↓ Normalization (norm_a) ↓ Activation (act_a) ↓ Conv3d (conv_b) ↓ Normalization (norm_b) ↓ Squeeze-and-Excitation ↓ Activation (act_b) ↓ Conv3d (conv_c) ↓ Normalization (norm_c) Args: dim_in (int): input channel size to the bottleneck block. dim_inner (int): intermediate channel size of the bottleneck. dim_out (int): output channel size of the bottleneck. conv_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) for conv_b. conv_stride (tuple): convolutional stride size(s) for conv_b. norm (callable): a callable that constructs normalization layer, examples include nn.BatchNorm3d, None (not performing normalization). norm_eps (float): normalization epsilon. norm_momentum (float): normalization momentum. se_ratio (float): if > 0, apply SE to the 3x3x3 conv, with the SE channel dimensionality being se_ratio times the 3x3x3 conv dim. activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer, examples include: nn.ReLU, nn.Softmax, nn.Sigmoid, and None (not performing activation). inner_act (callable): whether use Swish activation for act_b or not. Returns: (nn.Module): X3D bottleneck block. """ # 1x1x1 Conv conv_a = nn.Conv3d( in_channels=dim_in, out_channels=dim_inner, kernel_size=(1, 1, 1), bias=False ) norm_a = ( None if norm is None else norm(num_features=dim_inner, eps=norm_eps, momentum=norm_momentum) ) act_a = None if activation is None else activation() # 3x3x3 Conv conv_b = nn.Conv3d( in_channels=dim_inner, out_channels=dim_inner, kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, stride=conv_stride, padding=[size // 2 for size in conv_kernel_size], bias=False, groups=dim_inner, dilation=(1, 1, 1), ) se = ( SqueezeExcitation( num_channels=dim_inner, num_channels_reduced=round_width(dim_inner, se_ratio), is_3d=True, ) if se_ratio > 0.0 else nn.Identity() ) norm_b = nn.Sequential( ( nn.Identity() if norm is None else norm(num_features=dim_inner, eps=norm_eps, momentum=norm_momentum) ), se, ) act_b = None if inner_act is None else inner_act() # 1x1x1 Conv conv_c = nn.Conv3d( in_channels=dim_inner, out_channels=dim_out, kernel_size=(1, 1, 1), bias=False ) norm_c = ( None if norm is None else norm(num_features=dim_out, eps=norm_eps, momentum=norm_momentum) ) return BottleneckBlock( conv_a=conv_a, norm_a=norm_a, act_a=act_a, conv_b=conv_b, norm_b=norm_b, act_b=act_b, conv_c=conv_c, norm_c=norm_c, ) def create_x3d_res_block( *, # Bottleneck Block configs. dim_in: int, dim_inner: int, dim_out: int, bottleneck: Callable = create_x3d_bottleneck_block, use_shortcut: bool = True, # Conv configs. conv_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (3, 3, 3), conv_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2), # Norm configs. norm: Callable = nn.BatchNorm3d, norm_eps: float = 1e-5, norm_momentum: float = 0.1, se_ratio: float = 0.0625, # Activation configs. activation: Callable = nn.ReLU, inner_act: Callable = Swish, ) -> nn.Module: """ Residual block for X3D. Performs a summation between an identity shortcut in branch1 and a main block in branch2. When the input and output dimensions are different, a convolution followed by a normalization will be performed. :: Input |-------+ ↓ | Block | ↓ | Summation ←-+ ↓ Activation Args: dim_in (int): input channel size to the bottleneck block. dim_inner (int): intermediate channel size of the bottleneck. dim_out (int): output channel size of the bottleneck. bottleneck (callable): a callable for create_x3d_bottleneck_block. conv_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) for conv_b. conv_stride (tuple): convolutional stride size(s) for conv_b. norm (callable): a callable that constructs normalization layer, examples include nn.BatchNorm3d, None (not performing normalization). norm_eps (float): normalization epsilon. norm_momentum (float): normalization momentum. se_ratio (float): if > 0, apply SE to the 3x3x3 conv, with the SE channel dimensionality being se_ratio times the 3x3x3 conv dim. activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer, examples include: nn.ReLU, nn.Softmax, nn.Sigmoid, and None (not performing activation). inner_act (callable): whether use Swish activation for act_b or not. Returns: (nn.Module): X3D block layer. """ norm_model = None if norm is not None and dim_in != dim_out: norm_model = norm(num_features=dim_out) return ResBlock( branch1_conv=nn.Conv3d( dim_in, dim_out, kernel_size=(1, 1, 1), stride=conv_stride, bias=False, ) if (dim_in != dim_out or np.prod(conv_stride) > 1) and use_shortcut else None, branch1_norm=norm_model if dim_in != dim_out and use_shortcut else None, branch2=bottleneck( dim_in=dim_in, dim_inner=dim_inner, dim_out=dim_out, conv_kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, conv_stride=conv_stride, norm=norm, norm_eps=norm_eps, norm_momentum=norm_momentum, se_ratio=se_ratio, activation=activation, inner_act=inner_act, ), activation=None if activation is None else activation(), branch_fusion=lambda x, y: x + y, ) def create_x3d_res_stage( *, # Stage configs. depth: int, # Bottleneck Block configs. dim_in: int, dim_inner: int, dim_out: int, bottleneck: Callable = create_x3d_bottleneck_block, # Conv configs. conv_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (3, 3, 3), conv_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2), # Norm configs. norm: Callable = nn.BatchNorm3d, norm_eps: float = 1e-5, norm_momentum: float = 0.1, se_ratio: float = 0.0625, # Activation configs. activation: Callable = nn.ReLU, inner_act: Callable = Swish, ) -> nn.Module: """ Create Residual Stage, which composes sequential blocks that make up X3D. :: Input ↓ ResBlock ↓ . . . ↓ ResBlock Args: depth (init): number of blocks to create. dim_in (int): input channel size to the bottleneck block. dim_inner (int): intermediate channel size of the bottleneck. dim_out (int): output channel size of the bottleneck. bottleneck (callable): a callable for create_x3d_bottleneck_block. conv_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) for conv_b. conv_stride (tuple): convolutional stride size(s) for conv_b. norm (callable): a callable that constructs normalization layer, examples include nn.BatchNorm3d, None (not performing normalization). norm_eps (float): normalization epsilon. norm_momentum (float): normalization momentum. se_ratio (float): if > 0, apply SE to the 3x3x3 conv, with the SE channel dimensionality being se_ratio times the 3x3x3 conv dim. activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer, examples include: nn.ReLU, nn.Softmax, nn.Sigmoid, and None (not performing activation). inner_act (callable): whether use Swish activation for act_b or not. Returns: (nn.Module): X3D stage layer. """ res_blocks = [] for idx in range(depth): block = create_x3d_res_block( dim_in=dim_in if idx == 0 else dim_out, dim_inner=dim_inner, dim_out=dim_out, bottleneck=bottleneck, conv_kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, conv_stride=conv_stride if idx == 0 else (1, 1, 1), norm=norm, norm_eps=norm_eps, norm_momentum=norm_momentum, se_ratio=(se_ratio if (idx + 1) % 2 else 0.0), activation=activation, inner_act=inner_act, ) res_blocks.append(block) return ResStage(res_blocks=nn.ModuleList(res_blocks)) def create_x3d_head( *, # Projection configs. dim_in: int, dim_inner: int, dim_out: int, num_classes: int, # Pooling configs. pool_act: Callable = nn.ReLU, pool_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (13, 5, 5), # BN configs. norm: Callable = nn.BatchNorm3d, norm_eps: float = 1e-5, norm_momentum: float = 0.1, bn_lin5_on=False, # Dropout configs. dropout_rate: float = 0.5, # Activation configs. activation: Callable = nn.Softmax, # Output configs. output_with_global_average: bool = True, ) -> nn.Module: """ Creates X3D head. This layer performs an projected pooling operation followed by an dropout, a fully-connected projection, an activation layer and a global spatiotemporal averaging. :: ProjectedPool ↓ Dropout ↓ Projection ↓ Activation ↓ Averaging Args: dim_in (int): input channel size of the X3D head. dim_inner (int): intermediate channel size of the X3D head. dim_out (int): output channel size of the X3D head. num_classes (int): the number of classes for the video dataset. pool_act (callable): a callable that constructs resnet pool activation layer such as nn.ReLU. pool_kernel_size (tuple): pooling kernel size(s) when not using adaptive pooling. norm (callable): a callable that constructs normalization layer, examples include nn.BatchNorm3d, None (not performing normalization). norm_eps (float): normalization epsilon. norm_momentum (float): normalization momentum. bn_lin5_on (bool): if True, perform normalization on the features before the classifier. dropout_rate (float): dropout rate. activation (callable): a callable that constructs resnet head activation layer, examples include: nn.ReLU, nn.Softmax, nn.Sigmoid, and None (not applying activation). output_with_global_average (bool): if True, perform global averaging on temporal and spatial dimensions and reshape output to batch_size x out_features. Returns: (nn.Module): X3D head layer. """ pre_conv_module = nn.Conv3d( in_channels=dim_in, out_channels=dim_inner, kernel_size=(1, 1, 1), bias=False ) pre_norm_module = norm(num_features=dim_inner, eps=norm_eps, momentum=norm_momentum) pre_act_module = None if pool_act is None else pool_act() if pool_kernel_size is None: pool_module = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d((1, 1, 1)) else: pool_module = nn.AvgPool3d(pool_kernel_size, stride=1) post_conv_module = nn.Conv3d( in_channels=dim_inner, out_channels=dim_out, kernel_size=(1, 1, 1), bias=False ) if bn_lin5_on: post_norm_module = norm( num_features=dim_out, eps=norm_eps, momentum=norm_momentum ) else: post_norm_module = None post_act_module = None if pool_act is None else pool_act() projected_pool_module = ProjectedPool( pre_conv=pre_conv_module, pre_norm=pre_norm_module, pre_act=pre_act_module, pool=pool_module, post_conv=post_conv_module, post_norm=post_norm_module, post_act=post_act_module, ) if activation is None: activation_module = None elif activation == nn.Softmax: activation_module = activation(dim=1) elif activation == nn.Sigmoid: activation_module = activation() else: raise NotImplementedError( "{} is not supported as an activation" "function.".format(activation) ) if output_with_global_average: output_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d(1) else: output_pool = None return ResNetBasicHead( proj=nn.Linear(dim_out, num_classes, bias=True), activation=activation_module, pool=projected_pool_module, dropout=nn.Dropout(dropout_rate) if dropout_rate > 0 else None, output_pool=output_pool, ) def create_x3d( *, # Input clip configs. input_channel: int = 3, input_clip_length: int = 13, input_crop_size: int = 160, # Model configs. model_num_class: int = 400, dropout_rate: float = 0.5, width_factor: float = 2.0, depth_factor: float = 2.2, # Normalization configs. norm: Callable = nn.BatchNorm3d, norm_eps: float = 1e-5, norm_momentum: float = 0.1, # Activation configs. activation: Callable = nn.ReLU, # Stem configs. stem_dim_in: int = 12, stem_conv_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (5, 3, 3), stem_conv_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2), # Stage configs. stage_conv_kernel_size: Tuple[Tuple[int]] = ( (3, 3, 3), (3, 3, 3), (3, 3, 3), (3, 3, 3), ), stage_spatial_stride: Tuple[int] = (2, 2, 2, 2), stage_temporal_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 1, 1, 1), bottleneck: Callable = create_x3d_bottleneck_block, bottleneck_factor: float = 2.25, se_ratio: float = 0.0625, inner_act: Callable = Swish, # Head configs. head_dim_out: int = 2048, head_pool_act: Callable = nn.ReLU, head_bn_lin5_on: bool = False, head_activation: Callable = nn.Softmax, head_output_with_global_average: bool = True, ) -> nn.Module: """ X3D model builder. It builds a X3D network backbone, which is a ResNet. Christoph Feichtenhofer. "X3D: Expanding Architectures for Efficient Video Recognition." https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.04730 :: Input ↓ Stem ↓ Stage 1 ↓ . . . ↓ Stage N ↓ Head Args: input_channel (int): number of channels for the input video clip. input_clip_length (int): length of the input video clip. Value for different models: X3D-XS: 4; X3D-S: 13; X3D-M: 16; X3D-L: 16. input_crop_size (int): spatial resolution of the input video clip. Value for different models: X3D-XS: 160; X3D-S: 160; X3D-M: 224; X3D-L: 312. model_num_class (int): the number of classes for the video dataset. dropout_rate (float): dropout rate. width_factor (float): width expansion factor. depth_factor (float): depth expansion factor. Value for different models: X3D-XS: 2.2; X3D-S: 2.2; X3D-M: 2.2; X3D-L: 5.0. norm (callable): a callable that constructs normalization layer. norm_eps (float): normalization epsilon. norm_momentum (float): normalization momentum. activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer. stem_dim_in (int): input channel size for stem before expansion. stem_conv_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) of stem. stem_conv_stride (tuple): convolutional stride size(s) of stem. stage_conv_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) for conv_b. stage_spatial_stride (tuple): the spatial stride for each stage. stage_temporal_stride (tuple): the temporal stride for each stage. bottleneck_factor (float): bottleneck expansion factor for the 3x3x3 conv. se_ratio (float): if > 0, apply SE to the 3x3x3 conv, with the SE channel dimensionality being se_ratio times the 3x3x3 conv dim. inner_act (callable): whether use Swish activation for act_b or not. head_dim_out (int): output channel size of the X3D head. head_pool_act (callable): a callable that constructs resnet pool activation layer such as nn.ReLU. head_bn_lin5_on (bool): if True, perform normalization on the features before the classifier. head_activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer. head_output_with_global_average (bool): if True, perform global averaging on the head output. Returns: (nn.Module): the X3D network. """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once("PYTORCHVIDEO.model.create_x3d") blocks = [] # Create stem for X3D. stem_dim_out = round_width(stem_dim_in, width_factor) stem = create_x3d_stem( in_channels=input_channel, out_channels=stem_dim_out, conv_kernel_size=stem_conv_kernel_size, conv_stride=stem_conv_stride, conv_padding=[size // 2 for size in stem_conv_kernel_size], norm=norm, norm_eps=norm_eps, norm_momentum=norm_momentum, activation=activation, ) blocks.append(stem) # Compute the depth and dimension for each stage stage_depths = [1, 2, 5, 3] exp_stage = 2.0 stage_dim1 = stem_dim_in stage_dim2 = round_width(stage_dim1, exp_stage, divisor=8) stage_dim3 = round_width(stage_dim2, exp_stage, divisor=8) stage_dim4 = round_width(stage_dim3, exp_stage, divisor=8) stage_dims = [stage_dim1, stage_dim2, stage_dim3, stage_dim4] dim_in = stem_dim_out # Create each stage for X3D. for idx in range(len(stage_depths)): dim_out = round_width(stage_dims[idx], width_factor) dim_inner = int(bottleneck_factor * dim_out) depth = round_repeats(stage_depths[idx], depth_factor) stage_conv_stride = ( stage_temporal_stride[idx], stage_spatial_stride[idx], stage_spatial_stride[idx], ) stage = create_x3d_res_stage( depth=depth, dim_in=dim_in, dim_inner=dim_inner, dim_out=dim_out, bottleneck=bottleneck, conv_kernel_size=stage_conv_kernel_size[idx], conv_stride=stage_conv_stride, norm=norm, norm_eps=norm_eps, norm_momentum=norm_momentum, se_ratio=se_ratio, activation=activation, inner_act=inner_act, ) blocks.append(stage) dim_in = dim_out # Create head for X3D. total_spatial_stride = stem_conv_stride[1] * np.prod(stage_spatial_stride) total_temporal_stride = stem_conv_stride[0] * np.prod(stage_temporal_stride) assert ( input_clip_length >= total_temporal_stride ), "Clip length doesn't match temporal stride!" assert ( input_crop_size >= total_spatial_stride ), "Crop size doesn't match spatial stride!" head_pool_kernel_size = ( input_clip_length // total_temporal_stride, int(math.ceil(input_crop_size / total_spatial_stride)), int(math.ceil(input_crop_size / total_spatial_stride)), ) head = create_x3d_head( dim_in=dim_out, dim_inner=dim_inner, dim_out=head_dim_out, num_classes=model_num_class, pool_act=head_pool_act, pool_kernel_size=head_pool_kernel_size, norm=norm, norm_eps=norm_eps, norm_momentum=norm_momentum, bn_lin5_on=head_bn_lin5_on, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, activation=head_activation, output_with_global_average=head_output_with_global_average, ) blocks.append(head) return Net(blocks=nn.ModuleList(blocks)) class ProjectedPool(nn.Module): """ A pooling module augmented with Conv, Normalization and Activation both before and after pooling for the head layer of X3D. :: Conv3d (pre_conv) ↓ Normalization (pre_norm) ↓ Activation (pre_act) ↓ Pool3d ↓ Conv3d (post_conv) ↓ Normalization (post_norm) ↓ Activation (post_act) """ def __init__( self, *, pre_conv: nn.Module = None, pre_norm: nn.Module = None, pre_act: nn.Module = None, pool: nn.Module = None, post_conv: nn.Module = None, post_norm: nn.Module = None, post_act: nn.Module = None, ) -> None: """ Args: pre_conv (torch.nn.modules): convolutional module. pre_norm (torch.nn.modules): normalization module. pre_act (torch.nn.modules): activation module. pool (torch.nn.modules): pooling module. post_conv (torch.nn.modules): convolutional module. post_norm (torch.nn.modules): normalization module. post_act (torch.nn.modules): activation module. """ super().__init__() set_attributes(self, locals()) assert self.pre_conv is not None assert self.pool is not None assert self.post_conv is not None def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.pre_conv(x) if self.pre_norm is not None: x = self.pre_norm(x) if self.pre_act is not None: x = self.pre_act(x) x = self.pool(x) x = self.post_conv(x) if self.post_norm is not None: x = self.post_norm(x) if self.post_act is not None: x = self.post_act(x) return x