module redfront; revision('redfront, "$Id: 5188 2019-11-12 21:12:26Z eschruefer $"); copyright('redfront, "(c) 1999-2009 A. Dolzmannm, T. Sturm, 2010-2017 T. Sturm"); % Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without % modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions % are met: % % * Redistributions of source code must retain the relevant % copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following % disclaimer. % * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above % copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following % disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided % with the distribution. % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS % "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT % LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR % A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT % OWNERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, % SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT % LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, % DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY % THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT % (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE % OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % global '(statcounter); fluid '(posn!* orig!*); procedure redfront_oh(m,l); begin scalar outputhandler!*; if m eq 'maprin then if ofl!* or posn!* neq orig!* then maprin l else << redfront_on(); assgnpri(l,nil,nil); redfront_off() >> else if m eq 'prin2!* then prin2!* l else if m eq 'terpri then terpri!* l else if m eq 'assgnpri then << redfront_on(); assgnpri(car l,nil,nil); redfront_off() >> else rederr {"unknown method ",m," in redfront_oh"} end; procedure redfront_on(); << terpri!* nil; prin2 int2id 3; terpri!* nil >>; procedure redfront_off(); << terpri!* nil; prin2 int2id 4 >>; procedure redfront_formwrite(u,vars,mode); % Workaround to avoid linebreaks with "write 1,2,3". This is based % on a patch of the original formwrite(), which TS wanted to avoid. begin scalar z; z := formwrite(u,vars,mode); if null z then return nil; return {'cond, {{'and,{'eq,'outputhandler!*,'(quote redfront_oh)},'(not ofl!*)}, {'prog,'(outputhandler!*),'(redfront_on),z,'(redfront_off)}}, {t,z}} end; put('write,'formfn,'redfront_formwrite); outputhandler!*:='redfront_oh; fluid '(promptstring!* redfront_switches!* redfront_switches!-this!-sl!* lispsystem!* breaklevel!* input!-libraries output!-library); redfront_switches!* := {!*msg,!*output}; off1 'msg; off1 'output; procedure redfront_pslp(); 'psl memq lispsystem!*; if redfront_pslp() then << redfront_switches!-this!-sl!* := {!*usermode}; off1 'usermode >>; procedure redfront_color(c); if stringp c then compress('!" . int2id 1 . reversip('!" . int2id 2 . cdr reversip cdr explode c)) else intern compress(int2id 1 . nconc(explode c,{int2id 2})); procedure redfront_uncolor(c); if stringp c then compress('!" . reversip('!" . cddr reversip cddr explode c)) else intern compress('!! . reversip cdr reversip cdr explode c); procedure redfront_setpchar!-psl(c); begin scalar w; w := redfront_setpchar!-orig c; promptstring!* := redfront_color promptstring!*; return redfront_uncolor w end; procedure redfront_setpchar!-csl(c); redfront_uncolor redfront_setpchar!-orig redfront_color c; global '(redfront_setpchar_redefined!*); if not redfront_setpchar_redefined!* then copyd('redfront_setpchar!-orig,'setpchar); if redfront_pslp() then copyd('setpchar,'redfront_setpchar!-psl) else copyd('setpchar,'redfront_setpchar!-csl); redfront_setpchar_redefined!* := t; procedure redfront_yesp!-psl(u); begin scalar ifl,ofl,x,y; if ifl!* then << ifl := ifl!* := {car ifl!*,cadr ifl!*,curline!*}; rds nil >>; if ofl!* then << ofl:= ofl!*; wrs nil >>; if null !*lessspace then terpri(); if atom u then prin2 u else lpri u; if null !*lessspace then terpri(); y := setpchar "?"; x := yesp1(); setpchar y; if ofl then wrs cdr ofl; if ifl then rds cadr ifl; cursym!* := '!*semicol!*; return x end; if redfront_pslp() then << remflag('(yesp),'lose); copyd('redfront_yesp!-orig,'yesp); copyd('yesp,'redfront_yesp!-psl); flag('(yesp),'lose) >>; % Color PSL prompts, in case user falls through: procedure redfront_compute!-prompt!-string(count,level); redfront_color redfront_compute!-prompt!-string!-orig(count,level); if redfront_pslp() then << copyd('redfront_compute!-prompt!-string!-orig,'compute!-prompt!-string); copyd('compute!-prompt!-string,'redfront_compute!-prompt!-string) >>; procedure redfront_break_prompt(); << prin2 "break["; prin2 breaklevel!*; prin2 "]"; promptstring!* := redfront_color promptstring!* >>; if redfront_pslp() then << copyd('break_prompt,'redfront_break_prompt); flag('(break_prompt),'lose); >>; if redfront_pslp() then onoff('usermode,car redfront_switches!-this!-sl!*); % Support for editline completion procedure redfront_learncolor(c); if stringp c then compress('!" . int2id 5 . reversip('!" . int2id 6 . cdr reversip cdr explode c)) else intern compress(int2id 5 . nconc(explode c,{int2id 6})); !#if (memq 'psl lispsystem!*) fluid '(redfront_l!*); symbolic procedure redfront_oblist_sub x; redfront_l!* := x . redfront_l!*; symbolic procedure redfront_oblist(); begin scalar redfront_l!*; mapobl function redfront_oblist_sub; return redfront_l!*; end; !#else symbolic procedure redfront_oblist(); oblist(); !#endif procedure redfront_swl(); begin scalar swl; swl := for each x in redfront_oblist() join if flagp(x,'switch) then {x}; return sort(swl,'ordp) end; procedure redfront_send!-switches(); << for each sw in redfront_swl() do prin2t redfront_learncolor sw; statcounter := statcounter - 1; nil >>; procedure redfront_modl(); begin scalar libl,l; if redfront_pslp() then return nil; libl := input!-libraries; if output!-library then libl := output!-library . libl; l := for each x in libl join library!-members x; return sort(l,'ordp) end; procedure redfront_send!-modules(); << for each mod in redfront_modl() do prin2t redfront_learncolor mod; statcounter := statcounter - 1; nil >>; % Making this a MACRO means that its body gets evaluated at the the % that a use of it is COMPILED. That means that the path to % as used here is only relevant at system-building time, which is a time % when the full source tree is guaranteed to be available. The notation % "$reduce" is set up (at that time, but not when the fully built system % is complete. During a PSL build a shell variable called "reduce" should % be set and so I make a path by concatenating based on that. % An issue I found awkward when coding this is that in PSL a function that is % defined here is not made available immediatly, and so if expanding a macro % depends on it you are out of luck. I had to work around that by implementing % the macro as one big function rather than several several smaller ones. symbolic macro procedure redfront_package_names u; begin scalar fn,i,w,e,basel,extral;; fn := "$reduce/packages/"; if memq('psl, lispsystem!*) then begin scalar r1, r2, r3; r2 := explode2 (r1 := getenv "reduce"); r3 := explode2 "/cygdrive/"; % I will map a prefix "/cygdrive/x" to "x:" while r2 and r3 and car r2 = car r3 do << r2 := cdr r2; r3 := cdr r3 >>; if null r3 then r1 := list2string (car r2 . '!: . '!/ . cddr r2); fn := concat(r1, "/packages/"); end; prin2 "**** File name for packages = "; print fn; i := fn; i := open(i, 'input); i := rds i; e := !*echo; !*echo := nil; w := read(); !*echo := e; i := rds i; close i; basel := for each x in w join if member('core, cddr x) then {car x}; extral := for each x in w join if not member('core, cddr x) then {car x}; return mkquote (basel . extral) end; procedure redfront_send!-packages(fn); << for each pack in cdr redfront_package_names() do prin2t redfront_learncolor pack; statcounter := statcounter - 1; nil >>; procedure redfront_fwl(); begin scalar fwl; fwl := for each x in redfront_oblist() join if get(x, 'psopfn) or get(x, 'opfn) or get(x, 'polyfn) then {x}; return sort(fwl,'ordp) end; procedure redfront_send!-functions(); << for each fw in redfront_fwl() do prin2t redfront_learncolor fw; statcounter := statcounter - 1; nil >>; onoff('msg,car redfront_switches!*); onoff('output,cadr redfront_switches!*); crbuf!* := nil; inputbuflis!* := nil; %!*lessspace := t; statcounter := 0; endmodule; end;