/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* * ABSTRACT: resolutions */ #include "kernel/mod2.h" #include "misc/options.h" #include "kernel/polys.h" #include "kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.h" #include "kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h" #include "kernel/combinatorics/stairc.h" #include "misc/intvec.h" #include "coeffs/numbers.h" #include "kernel/ideals.h" #include "misc/intvec.h" #include "polys/monomials/ring.h" #include "kernel/GBEngine/syz.h" #include "polys/prCopy.h" #include "polys/nc/sca.h" static intvec * syPrepareModComp(ideal arg,intvec ** w) { intvec *w1 = NULL; int i; BOOLEAN isIdeal=FALSE; if ((w==NULL) || (*w==NULL)) return w1; int maxxx = (*w)->length(); if (maxxx==1) { maxxx = 2; isIdeal = TRUE; } w1 = new intvec(maxxx+IDELEMS(arg)); if (!isIdeal) { for (i=0;im[i-maxxx]!=NULL) { (*w1)[i] = p_FDeg(arg->m[i-maxxx],currRing); if (pGetComp(arg->m[i-maxxx])!=0) { (*w1)[i]+=(**w)[pGetComp(arg->m[i-maxxx])-1]; } } } delete (*w); *w = new intvec(IDELEMS(arg)+1); for (i=0;im[i]!=NULL) pDeleteComp(&(up->m[i]),k+1); } } } /*2 *minimizes the module mod and cancel superfluous syzygies *from syz */ static void syMinStep(ideal mod,ideal &syz,BOOLEAN final=FALSE,ideal up=NULL, tHomog h=isNotHomog) { poly Unit1,Unit2,actWith; int len,i,j,ModComp,m,k,l; BOOLEAN searchUnit,existsUnit; if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("m"); if ((final) && (h==isHomog)) /*minim is TRUE, we are in the module: maxlength, maxlength <>0*/ { ideal deg0=id_Jet(syz,0,currRing); id_Delete(&syz,currRing); idSkipZeroes(deg0); syz=deg0; } /*--cancels empty entees and their related components above--*/ j = IDELEMS(syz); while ((j>0) && (!syz->m[j-1])) j--; k = 0; while (km[k]!=NULL) k++; else { if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("."); for (l=k;lm[l] = syz->m[l+1]; syz->m[j-1] = NULL; syDeleteAbove(up,k); j--; } } /*--searches for syzygies coming from superfluous elements * in the module below--*/ searchUnit = TRUE; int curr_syz_limit = rGetCurrSyzLimit(currRing); BOOLEAN bHasGlobalOrdering=rHasGlobalOrdering(currRing); BOOLEAN bField_has_simple_inverse=rField_has_simple_inverse(currRing); while (searchUnit) { i=0; j=IDELEMS(syz); while ((j>0) && (syz->m[j-1]==NULL)) j--; existsUnit = FALSE; if (bHasGlobalOrdering) { while ((im[i],&ModComp); i++; } } else { int I=0; l = 0; len=0; for (i=0;im[i]!=NULL) { pVectorHasUnit(syz->m[i],&m, &l); if ((len==0) ||((l>0) && (l0) existsUnit = TRUE; i = I+1; } if (existsUnit) { i--; //--takes out the founded syzygy-- if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintS("f"); actWith = syz->m[i]; if (!bField_has_simple_inverse) p_Cleardenom(actWith, currRing); //Print("actWith: ");pWrite(actWith); syz->m[i] = NULL; for (k=i;km[k] = syz->m[k+1]; syz->m[j-1] = NULL; syDeleteAbove(up,i); j--; //--makes Gauss alg. for the column ModComp-- Unit1 = pTakeOutComp(&(actWith), ModComp); //PrintS("actWith now: ");pWrite(actWith); //Print("Unit1: ");pWrite(Unit1); k=0; //Print("j= %d",j); while (km[k]!=NULL) { Unit2 = pTakeOutComp(&(syz->m[k]), ModComp); //Print("element %d: ",k);pWrite(syz->m[k]); //PrintS("Unit2: ");pWrite(Unit2); syz->m[k] = pMult(pCopy(Unit1),syz->m[k]); syz->m[k] = pSub(syz->m[k], pMult(Unit2,pCopy(actWith))); if (syz->m[k]==NULL) { for (l=k;lm[l] = syz->m[l+1]; syz->m[j-1] = NULL; j--; syDeleteAbove(up,k); k--; } } k++; } pDelete(&actWith); pDelete(&Unit1); //--deletes superfluous elements from the module below--- pDelete(&(mod->m[ModComp-1 - curr_syz_limit])); for (k=ModComp-1 - curr_syz_limit;km[k] = mod->m[k+1]; mod->m[IDELEMS(mod)-1] = NULL; } else searchUnit = FALSE; } if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintLn(); idSkipZeroes(mod); idSkipZeroes(syz); } /*2 * make Gauss with the element elnum in the module component ModComp * for the generators from - till */ void syGaussForOne(ideal syz, int elnum, int ModComp,int from,int till) { int /*k,j,i,*/lu; poly unit1,unit2; poly actWith=syz->m[elnum]; if (from<0) from = 0; if ((till<=0) || (till>IDELEMS(syz))) till = IDELEMS(syz); syz->m[elnum] = NULL; if (!rField_has_simple_inverse(currRing)) p_Cleardenom(actWith, currRing); /*--makes Gauss alg. for the column ModComp--*/ pTakeOutComp(&(actWith), ModComp, &unit1, &lu); while (fromm[from]; if (/*syz->m[from]*/ tmp!=NULL) { pTakeOutComp(&(tmp), ModComp, &unit2, &lu); tmp = pMult(pCopy(unit1),tmp); syz->m[from] = pSub(tmp, pMult(unit2,pCopy(actWith))); } from++; } pDelete(&actWith); pDelete(&unit1); } static void syDeleteAbove1(ideal up, int k) { poly p/*,pp*/; if (up!=NULL) { for (int i=0;im[i]; while ((p!=NULL) && (pGetComp(p)==k)) { /* pp = pNext(p); pNext(p) = NULL; pDelete(&p); p = pp; */ pLmDelete(&p); } up->m[i] = p; if (p!=NULL) { while (pNext(p)!=NULL) { if (pGetComp(pNext(p))==k) { /* pp = pNext(pNext(p)); pNext(pNext(p)) = NULL; pDelete(&pNext(p)); pNext(p) = pp; */ pLmDelete(&pNext(p)); } else pIter(p); } } } } } /*2 *minimizes the resolution res *assumes homogeneous or local case */ static void syMinStep1(resolvente res, int length) { int i,j,k,index=0; poly p; intvec *have_del=NULL,*to_del=NULL; while ((indexm[i]!=NULL) { j = pGetComp(reddeg0->m[i]); pDelete(&(res[index]->m[j-1])); /*res[index]->m[j-1] = NULL;*/ (*have_del)[j-1] = 1; } } idDelete(&reddeg0); } if (index>0) { /*--- we search for units and perform Gaussian elimination------*/ j = to_del->length(); while (j>0) { if ((*to_del)[j-1]==1) { k = 0; while (km[k]; while ((p!=NULL) && ((!pLmIsConstantComp(p)) || (pGetComp(p)!=j))) pIter(p); if ((p!=NULL) && (pLmIsConstantComp(p)) && (pGetComp(p)==j)) break; k++; } if (k>=IDELEMS(res[index])) { PrintS("out of range\n"); } syGaussForOne(res[index],k,j); if (res[index+1]!=NULL) syDeleteAbove1(res[index+1],k+1); (*to_del)[j-1] = 0; } j--; } } if (to_del!=NULL) delete to_del; to_del = have_del; have_del = NULL; index++; } if (TEST_OPT_PROT) PrintLn(); syKillEmptyEntres(res,length); if (to_del!=NULL) delete to_del; } void syMinimizeResolvente(resolvente res, int length, int first) { int syzIndex=first; intvec *dummy; if (syzIndex<1) syzIndex=1; if ((syzIndex==1) && (!rIsPluralRing(currRing)) && (idHomModule(res[0],currRing->qideal,&dummy))) { syMinStep1(res,length); delete dummy; return; } while ((syzIndexqideal,(*weights)[0])) { WarnS("wrong weights given(1):"); (*weights)[0]->show();PrintLn(); idHomModule(res[0],currRing->qideal,&w); w->show();PrintLn(); *weights=NULL; } } if ((weights==NULL) || (*weights==NULL) || ((*weights)[0]==NULL)) { hom=(tHomog)idHomModule(res[0],currRing->qideal,&w); if (hom==isHomog) { *weights = (intvec**)omAlloc0((*length)*sizeof(intvec*)); if (w!=NULL) (*weights)[0] = ivCopy(w); } } else { if ((weights!=NULL) && (*weights!=NULL)&& ((*weights)[0]!=NULL)) { w = ivCopy((*weights)[0]); hom = isHomog; } } #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if (rIsPluralRing(currRing) && !rIsSCA(currRing) ) { // quick solution; need theory to apply homog GB stuff for G-Algebras hom = isNotHomog; } #endif // HAVE_PLURAL if (hom==isHomog) { intvec *w1 = syPrepareModComp(res[0],&w); if (w!=NULL) { delete w;w=NULL; } w = w1; j = 0; while ((jm[j]==NULL)) j++; if (jm[j],currRing)!=pTotaldegree(res[0]->m[j])) setRegularity = FALSE; } } else { setRegularity = FALSE; } /*--- the main loop --------------------------------------*/ while ((res[syzIndex]!=NULL) && (!idIs0(res[syzIndex])) && ((maxlength==-1) || (syzIndex<=maxlength))) // (syzIndex0) { int rkI=id_RankFreeModule(res[syzIndex],currRing); rSetSyzComp(rkI, currRing); } if(! TEST_OPT_NO_SYZ_MINIM ) if (minim || (syzIndex!=0)) { ideal temp = kInterRedOld(res[syzIndex],currRing->qideal); idDelete(&res[syzIndex]); idSkipZeroes(temp); res[syzIndex] = temp; } /*--- computing the syzygy modules --------------------------------*/ if ((currRing->qideal==NULL)&&(syzIndex==0)&& (!TEST_OPT_DEGBOUND)) { res[/*syzIndex+*/1] = idSyzygies(res[0/*syzIndex*/],hom,&w,FALSE,setRegularity,&Kstd1_deg); if ((!TEST_OPT_NOTREGULARITY) && (Kstd1_deg>0) && (!rField_is_Ring(currRing)) ) si_opt_1 |= Sy_bit(OPT_DEGBOUND); } else { res[syzIndex+1] = idSyzygies(res[syzIndex],hom,&w,FALSE); } completeMinim=(syzIndex!=maxlength) || (maxlength ==-1) || (hom!=isHomog); syzIndex++; if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("[%d]\n",syzIndex); if(! TEST_OPT_NO_SYZ_MINIM ) { if ((minim)||(syzIndex>1)) syMinStep(res[syzIndex-1],res[syzIndex],!completeMinim,NULL,hom); if (!completeMinim) /*minim is TRUE, we are in the module: maxlength, maxlength <>0*/ { idDelete(&res[syzIndex]); } } /*---creating the iterated weights for module components ---------*/ if ((hom == isHomog) && (res[syzIndex]!=NULL) && (!idIs0(res[syzIndex]))) { //Print("die %d Modulegewichte sind:\n",w1->length()); //w1->show(); //PrintLn(); int max_comp = id_RankFreeModule(res[syzIndex],currRing); k = max_comp - rGetCurrSyzLimit(currRing); assume(w != NULL); if (w != NULL) w->resize(max_comp+IDELEMS(res[syzIndex])); else w = new intvec(max_comp+IDELEMS(res[syzIndex])); (*weights)[syzIndex] = new intvec(k); for (i=0;im[i]!=NULL) // hs { (*w)[i + rGetCurrSyzLimit(currRing)] = p_FDeg(res[syzIndex-1]->m[i],currRing); if (pGetComp(res[syzIndex-1]->m[i])>0) (*w)[i + rGetCurrSyzLimit(currRing)] += (*w)[pGetComp(res[syzIndex-1]->m[i])-1]; (*((*weights)[syzIndex]))[i] = (*w)[i+rGetCurrSyzLimit(currRing)]; } } for (i=k;im[i-k]!=NULL) (*w)[i+rGetCurrSyzLimit(currRing)] = p_FDeg(res[syzIndex]->m[i-k],currRing) +(*w)[pGetComp(res[syzIndex]->m[i-k])-1]; } } } /*--- end of the main loop --------------------------------------*/ /*--- deleting the temporare data structures --------------------*/ if ((syzIndex!=0) && (res[syzIndex]!=NULL) && (idIs0(res[syzIndex]))) idDelete(&res[syzIndex]); if (w !=NULL) delete w; Kstd1_deg=Kstd1_OldDeg; if (!oldDegBound) si_opt_1 &= ~Sy_bit(OPT_DEGBOUND); for (i=1; i<=syzIndex; i++) { if ((res[i]!=NULL) && ! idIs0(res[i])) { id_Shift(res[i],-rGetMaxSyzComp(i, currRing),currRing); } } /*--- going back to the original ring -------------------------*/ if (origR != syz_ring) { rChangeCurrRing(origR); // should not be needed now? for (i=0; i<=syzIndex; i++) { res[i] = idrMoveR_NoSort(res[i], syz_ring, origR); } rDelete(syz_ring); } SI_RESTORE_OPT1(save1); return res; } syStrategy syResolution(ideal arg, int maxlength,intvec * w, BOOLEAN minim) { #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL const ideal idSaveCurrRingQuotient = currRing->qideal; if( rIsSCA(currRing) ) { if( ncExtensions(TESTSYZSCAMASK) ) { currRing->qideal = SCAQuotient(currRing); } const unsigned int m_iFirstAltVar = scaFirstAltVar(currRing); const unsigned int m_iLastAltVar = scaLastAltVar(currRing); arg = id_KillSquares(arg, m_iFirstAltVar, m_iLastAltVar, currRing, false); // kill suares in input! } #endif syStrategy result=(syStrategy)omAlloc0(sizeof(ssyStrategy)); if ((w!=NULL) && (!idTestHomModule(arg,currRing->qideal,w))) // is this right in SCA case??? { WarnS("wrong weights given(2):");w->show();PrintLn(); idHomModule(arg,currRing->qideal,&w); w->show();PrintLn(); w=NULL; } if (w!=NULL) { result->weights = (intvec**)omAlloc0Bin(char_ptr_bin); (result->weights)[0] = ivCopy(w); result->length = 1; } resolvente fr = syResolvente(arg,maxlength,&(result->length),&(result->weights),minim); resolvente fr1; if (minim) { result->minres = (resolvente)omAlloc0((result->length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); fr1 = result->minres; } else { result->fullres = (resolvente)omAlloc0((result->length+1)*sizeof(ideal)); fr1 = result->fullres; } for (int i=result->length-1;i>=0;i--) { if (fr[i]!=NULL) fr1[i] = fr[i]; fr[i] = NULL; } omFreeSize((ADDRESS)fr,(result->length)*sizeof(ideal)); #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL if( rIsSCA(currRing) ) { if( ncExtensions(TESTSYZSCAMASK) ) { currRing->qideal = idSaveCurrRingQuotient; } id_Delete(&arg, currRing); } #endif return result; } static poly sypCopyConstant(poly inp) { poly outp=NULL,q; while (inp!=NULL) { if (pLmIsConstantComp(inp)) { if (outp==NULL) { q = outp = pHead(inp); } else { pNext(q) = pHead(inp); pIter(q); } } pIter(inp); } return outp; } int syDetect(ideal id,int index,BOOLEAN homog,int * degrees,int * tocancel) { int i, j, k, subFromRank=0; ideal temp; if (idIs0(id)) return 0; temp = idInit(IDELEMS(id),id->rank); for (i=0;im[i] = sypCopyConstant(id->m[i]); } i = IDELEMS(id); while ((i>0) && (temp->m[i-1]==NULL)) i--; if (i==0) { idDelete(&temp); return 0; } j = 0; while ((jm[j]==NULL)) j++; while (jm[j],currRing)+degrees[pGetComp(temp->m[j])]; else k = degrees[pGetComp(temp->m[j])]; if (k>=index) tocancel[k-index]++; if ((k>=0) && (index==0)) subFromRank++; } else { tocancel[0]--; } syGaussForOne(temp,j,pGetComp(temp->m[j]),j+1,i); j++; while ((jm[j]==NULL)) j++; } idDelete(&temp); return subFromRank; } void syDetect(ideal id,int index,int rsmin, BOOLEAN homog, intvec * degrees,intvec * tocancel) { int * deg=NULL; int * tocan=(int*) omAlloc0(tocancel->length()*sizeof(int)); int i; if (homog) { deg = (int*) omAlloc0(degrees->length()*sizeof(int)); for (i=degrees->length();i>0;i--) deg[i-1] = (*degrees)[i-1]-rsmin; } syDetect(id,index,homog,deg,tocan); for (i=tocancel->length();i>0;i--) (*tocancel)[i-1] = tocan[i-1]; if (homog) omFreeSize((ADDRESS)deg,degrees->length()*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)tocan,tocancel->length()*sizeof(int)); } /*2 * computes the betti numbers from a given resolution * of length 'length' (0..length-1), not necessairily minimal, * (if weights are given, they are used) * returns the int matrix of betti numbers * and the regularity */ intvec * syBetti(resolvente res,int length, int * regularity, intvec* weights,BOOLEAN tomin,int * row_shift) { //#define BETTI_WITH_ZEROS //tomin = FALSE; int i,j=0,k=0,l,rows,cols,mr; int *temp1,*temp2,*temp3;/*used to compute degrees*/ int *tocancel; /*(BOOLEAN)tocancel[i]=element is superfluous*/ int r0_len; /*------ compute size --------------*/ *regularity = -1; cols = length; while ((cols>0) && ((res[cols-1]==NULL) || (idIs0(res[cols-1])))) { cols--; } intvec * result; if (idIs0(res[0])) { if (res[0]==NULL) result = new intvec(1,1,1); else result = new intvec(1,1,res[0]->rank); return result; } intvec *w=NULL; if (weights!=NULL) { if (!idTestHomModule(res[0],currRing->qideal,weights)) { WarnS("wrong weights given(3):");weights->show();PrintLn(); idHomModule(res[0],currRing->qideal,&w); if (w!=NULL) { w->show();PrintLn();} weights=NULL; } } #if 0 if (idHomModule(res[0],currRing->qideal,&w)!=isHomog) { WarnS("betti-command: Input is not homogeneous!"); weights=NULL; } #endif if (weights==NULL) weights=w; else delete w; r0_len=IDELEMS(res[0]); while ((r0_len>0) && (res[0]->m[r0_len-1]==NULL)) r0_len--; #ifdef SHOW_W PrintS("weights:");if (weights!=NULL) weights->show(); else Print("NULL"); PrintLn(); #endif int rkl=l = si_max(id_RankFreeModule(res[0],currRing),res[0]->rank); i = 0; while ((il) l = IDELEMS(res[i]); i++; } temp1 = (int*)omAlloc0((l+1)*sizeof(int)); temp2 = (int*)omAlloc((l+1)*sizeof(int)); rows = 1; mr = 1; cols++; for (i=0;im[j]!=NULL) { if ((pGetComp(res[i]->m[j])>l) // usual resolutions do not the following, but artifulal built may: (tr. #763) //|| ((i>1) && (res[i-1]->m[pGetComp(res[i]->m[j])-1]==NULL)) ) { WerrorS("input not a resolution"); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)temp1,(l+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)temp2,(l+1)*sizeof(int)); return NULL; } temp2[j+1] = p_FDeg(res[i]->m[j],currRing)+temp1[pGetComp(res[i]->m[j])]; if (temp2[j+1]-i>rows) rows = temp2[j+1]-i; if (temp2[j+1]-ilength();j++) { if (rows <(*weights)[j]+1) rows=(-mr)+(*weights)[j]+1; } } /*------ computation betti numbers --------------*/ rows -= mr; result = new intvec(rows+1,cols,0); if (weights!=NULL) { for(j=0;jlength();j++) { IMATELEM((*result),(-mr)+(*weights)[j]+1,1) ++; //Print("imat(%d,%d)++ -> %d\n",(-mr)+(*weights)[j]+1, 1, IMATELEM((*result),(-mr)+(*weights)[j]+1,1)); } } else { (*result)[(-mr)*cols] = /*idRankFreeModule(res[0])*/ rkl; if ((!idIs0(res[0])) && ((*result)[(-mr)*cols]==0)) (*result)[(-mr)*cols] = 1; } tocancel = (int*)omAlloc0((rows+1)*sizeof(int)); memset(temp1,0,(l+1)*sizeof(int)); if (weights!=NULL) { memset(temp2,0,l*sizeof(int)); p_SetModDeg(weights, currRing); } else memset(temp2,0,l*sizeof(int)); syDetect(res[0],0,TRUE,temp2,tocancel); if (weights!=NULL) p_SetModDeg(NULL, currRing); if (tomin) { //(*result)[(-mr)*cols] -= dummy; for(j=0;j<=rows+mr;j++) { //Print("tocancel[%d]=%d imat(%d,%d)=%d\n",j,tocancel[j],(-mr)+j+1,1,IMATELEM((*result),(-mr)+j+1,1)); IMATELEM((*result),(-mr)+j+1,1) -= tocancel[j]; } } for (i=0;im[j]!=NULL) { temp2[j+1] = p_FDeg(res[i]->m[j],currRing)+temp1[pGetComp(res[i]->m[j])]; //(*result)[i+1+(temp2[j+1]-i-1)*cols]++; //if (temp2[j+1]>i) IMATELEM((*result),temp2[j+1]-i-mr,i+2)++; IMATELEM((*result),temp2[j+1]-i-mr,i+2)++; } else if (i==0) { if (j*regularity)) *regularity = j; if ((IMATELEM((*result),j+1,i+2)!=0) && (j>*regularity)) *regularity = j; } if ((i==0) && (weights!=NULL)) p_SetModDeg(NULL, currRing); } // Print("nach minim:\n"); result->show(); PrintLn(); /*------ clean up --------------*/ omFreeSize((ADDRESS)tocancel,(rows+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)temp1,(l+1)*sizeof(int)); omFreeSize((ADDRESS)temp2,(l+1)*sizeof(int)); if ((tomin) && (mr<0)) // deletes the first (zero) line { for (j=1;j<=rows+mr+1;j++) { for (k=1;k<=cols;k++) { IMATELEM((*result),j,k) = IMATELEM((*result),j-mr,k); } } for (j=rows+mr+1;j<=rows+1;j++) { for (k=1;k<=cols;k++) { IMATELEM((*result),j,k) = 0; } } } j = 0; k = 0; for (i=1;i<=result->rows();i++) { for(l=1;l<=result->cols();l++) if (IMATELEM((*result),i,l) != 0) { j = si_max(j, i-1); k = si_max(k, l-1); } } intvec * exactresult=new intvec(j+1,k+1,0); for (i=0;irows();i++) { for (j=0;jcols();j++) { IMATELEM(*exactresult,i+1,j+1) = IMATELEM(*result,i+1,j+1); } } if (row_shift!=NULL) *row_shift = mr; delete result; return exactresult; } /*2 * minbare via syzygies */ ideal syMinBase(ideal arg) { intvec ** weights=NULL; int leng; if (idIs0(arg)) return idInit(1,arg->rank); resolvente res=syResolvente(arg,1,&leng,&weights,TRUE); ideal result=res[0]; omFreeSize((ADDRESS)res,leng*sizeof(ideal)); if (weights!=NULL) { if (*weights!=NULL) { delete (*weights); *weights=NULL; } if ((leng>=1) && (*(weights+1)!=NULL)) { delete *(weights+1); *(weights+1)=NULL; } } idSkipZeroes(result); return result; } #if 0 /* currently used: syBetti */ /*2 * computes Betti-numbers from a resolvente of * (non-)homogeneous objects * the numbers of entrees !=NULL in res and weights must be equal * and < length */ intvec * syNewBetti(resolvente res, intvec ** weights, int length) { intvec * result,*tocancel; int i,j,k,rsmin=0,rsmax=0,rs=0; BOOLEAN homog=TRUE; if (weights!=NULL) //---homogeneous Betti numbers { /*--------------computes size of the field----------------------*/ for (i=1;ilength();j++) { if ((*(weights[i]))[j]-irsmax) rsmax = (*(weights[i]))[j]-i; } } } i = 0; while (weights[i] != NULL) i++; i--; for (j=0;jm[j]!=NULL) { k = p_FDeg(res[i]->m[j],currRing)+(*(weights[i]))[pGetComp(res[i]->m[j])]-i-1; if (k>rsmax) rsmax = k; if (klength();j++) { if ((*weights[0])[j]>rsmax) rsmax = (*weights[0])[j]; if ((*weights[0])[j]rank==0) { IMATELEM(*result,1-rsmin,1)=1; } else { for (i=1;i<(weights[0])->length();i++) IMATELEM(*result,(*weights[0])[i]+1-rsmin,1)++; } i = 1; while (weights[i]!=NULL) { for (j=1;j<(weights[i])->length();j++) { IMATELEM(*result,(*(weights[i]))[j]-i+1-rsmin,i+1)++; } i++; } i--; for (j=0;jm[j]!=NULL) { k = p_FDeg(res[i]->m[j],currRing)+(*(weights[i]))[pGetComp(res[i]->m[j])]-i; IMATELEM(*result,k-rsmin,i+2)++; } } } else //-----the non-homgeneous case { homog = FALSE; tocancel = new intvec(1); k = length; while ((k>0) && (idIs0(res[k-1]))) k--; result = new intvec(1,k+1,0); (*result)[0] = res[0]->rank; for (i=0;im[j]!=NULL) (*result)[i+1]++; } } } } /*--------computes the Betti numbers for the minimized reolvente----*/ i = 1; while ((res[i]!=NULL) && (weights[i]!=NULL)) { syDetect(res[i],i,rsmin,homog,weights[i],tocancel); if (homog) { for (j=0;jcols();j++) { Print(" %5d",IMATELEM(*result,i-rsmin+1,j)); } PrintLn(); } return result; } #endif