#ifndef GRING_SA_MULT_FORMULA_H #define GRING_SA_MULT_FORMULA_H /***************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * *****************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #include "polys/monomials/ring.h" #include "polys/nc/nc.h" bool ncInitSpecialPowersMultiplication(ring r); enum Enum_ncSAType { _ncSA_notImplemented = -1, _ncSA_1xy0x0y0 = 0x00, // commutative _ncSA_Mxy0x0y0 = 0x01, // anti-commutative _ncSA_Qxy0x0y0 = 0x02, // quasi-commutative _ncSA_1xyAx0y0 = 0x10, // shift 1 _ncSA_1xy0xBy0 = 0x20, // shift 2 _ncSA_1xy0x0yG = 0x30, // Weyl _ncSA_1xy0x0yT2 = 0x100 // homogenized Weyl algebra? }; class CFormulaPowerMultiplier { private: Enum_ncSAType* m_SAPairTypes; // upper triangular submatrix of pairs 1 <= i < j <= N of a N x N matrix. const int m_NVars; const ring m_BaseRing; public: inline int NVars() const { return m_NVars; } inline ring GetBasering() const { return m_BaseRing; } CFormulaPowerMultiplier(ring r); virtual ~CFormulaPowerMultiplier(); inline Enum_ncSAType GetPair(int i, int j) const { assume( m_SAPairTypes != NULL ); assume( i > 0 ); assume( i < j ); assume( j <= NVars() ); return m_SAPairTypes[( (NVars() * ((i)-1) - ((i) * ((i)-1))/2 + (j)-1) - (i) )]; } inline Enum_ncSAType& GetPair(int i, int j) { assume( m_SAPairTypes != NULL ); assume( i > 0 ); assume( i < j ); assume( j <= NVars() ); return m_SAPairTypes[( (NVars() * ((i)-1) - ((i) * ((i)-1))/2 + (j)-1) - (i) )]; } // Lowest level routines! static Enum_ncSAType AnalyzePair(const ring r, int i, int j); static poly Multiply( Enum_ncSAType type, const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const ring r); static poly ncSA_1xy0x0y0(const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const ring r); static poly ncSA_Mxy0x0y0(const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const ring r); static poly ncSA_Qxy0x0y0(const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const number m_q, const ring r); static poly ncSA_1xy0x0yG(const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const number m_g, const ring r); static poly ncSA_1xy0x0yT2(const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const int k, const ring r); static poly ncSA_1xyAx0y0(const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const number m_shiftCoef, const ring r); static poly ncSA_1xy0xBy0(const int i, const int j, const int n, const int m, const number m_shiftCoef, const ring r); // Higher level abstraction for keeping track of all the pair types! poly Multiply( int i, int j, const int n, const int m); private: // no copy constuctors! CFormulaPowerMultiplier(); CFormulaPowerMultiplier(const CFormulaPowerMultiplier&); CFormulaPowerMultiplier& operator=(const CFormulaPowerMultiplier&); }; static inline CFormulaPowerMultiplier* GetFormulaPowerMultiplier(const ring r) { return r->GetNC()->GetFormulaPowerMultiplier(); } #endif // HAVE_PLURAL :( #endif //