function spqr_demo %SPQR_DEMO short demo of SuiteSparseQR % % Example: % spqr_demo % % See also SPQR, SPQR_SOLVE, SPQR_QMULT, SPQR_MAKE, SPQR_INSTALL. % Copyright 2008, Timothy A. Davis, help spqr help spqr_solve help spqr_qmult help spqr_demo % input ('Hit enter to start the SuiteSparseQR demo: ', 's') ; fprintf ('\nTesting SuiteSparseQR functions ... please wait ...\n') ; load west0479 ; A = west0479 ; rand ('state', 0) ; %#ok m = size (A,1) ; clf maxerr = 0 ; for acomplex = 0:1 if (acomplex) A = A + 1i * sprand (A) ; end anorm = norm (A,1) ; R1 = spqr (A) ; err = norm (R1'*R1 - A'*A, 1) / anorm^2 ; maxerr = max (maxerr, err) ; [Q,R,E] = spqr (A) ; err = norm (Q*R-A*E, 1) / anorm ; maxerr = max (maxerr, err) ; [H,R,E] = spqr (A, struct ('Q', 'Householder')) ; err = norm (spqr_qmult (H,R,1) - A*E, 1) / anorm ; maxerr = max (maxerr, err) ; if (acomplex) subplot (2,5,7) ; spy (R1) ; title ('R, no permutation (complex)') ; subplot (2,5,8) ; spy (R) ; title ('R with colamd (complex)') ; subplot (2,5,9) ; spy (Q) ; title ('Q with colamd (complex)') ; subplot (2,5,10) ; spy (H.H) ; title ('H with colamd (complex)') ; else subplot (2,5,1) ; spy (A) ; title ('A') ; subplot (2,5,2) ; spy (R1) ; title ('R, no permutation') ; subplot (2,5,3) ; spy (R) ; title ('R with colamd') ; subplot (2,5,4) ; spy (Q) ; title ('Q with colamd') ; subplot (2,5,5) ; spy (H.H) ; title ('H with colamd') ; end drawnow % test spqr_solve: real/complex, sparse/full, % single/multiple right-hand-sides for bcomplex = 0:1 for bsparse = 0:1 for nrhs = 0:10 if (bsparse) b = sprand (m, nrhs, 0.1) ; else b = rand (m, nrhs) ; end if (bcomplex) b = b + 1i * sprand (b) ; end x = spqr_solve (A,b) ; err = norm (A*x-b,1) / max (anorm * norm(x,1) + norm (b,1), 1) ; maxerr = max (maxerr, err) ; end end end end fprintf ('\nQR maximum error: %g\n\n', maxerr) ; if (maxerr > 1e-12) error ('One or more tests failed; error is high!') ; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % compare spqr_solve % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fprintf ('Compare performance with MATLAB on a dense least-squares problem:\n'); A = rand (2000,1000) ; b = rand (2000,1) ; S = sparse (A) ; fprintf ('\nA = rand (2000,1000) ;\nb = rand (2000,1) ;\nS = sparse (A) ;\n') ; fprintf ('tic, x = spqr_solve(S,b) ; toc ') ; tic x = spqr_solve (S, b) ; t1 = toc ; r1 = norm (A*x-b,1) ; r1b = norm (A'*(A*x)-A'*b,1) / norm (A'*A,1) ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f residual %8.3e normal eqn resid %8.3e\n', t1,r1, r1b) ; fprintf ('tic, x = A\\b ; toc ') ; tic x = A\b ; t2 = toc ; r2 = norm (A*x-b,1) ; r2b = norm (A'*(A*x)-A'*b,1) / norm (A'*A,1) ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f residual %8.3e normal eqn resid %8.3e\n', t2,r2,r2b) ; fprintf ('tic, x = S\\b ; toc ') ; tic x = S\b ; t3 = toc ; r3 = norm (A*x-b,1) ; r3b = norm (A'*(A*x)-A'*b,1) / norm (A'*A,1) ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f residual %8.3e normal eqn resid %8.3e\n', t3,r3,r3b) ; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % compare spqr with 1000-by-2000 system % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fprintf ('\nA = rand (1000,2000) ;\nS = sparse (A) ;\n') ; A = rand (1000,2000) ; S = sparse (A) ; fprintf ('tic, R = spqr(S) ; toc ') ; tic R = spqr (S) ; t1 = toc ; r1 = norm (R'*R-A'*A,1) / norm(A,1)^2 ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f error %8.3e\n', t1,r1) ; clear R fprintf ('tic, R = qr(A) ; toc ') ; tic R = qr (A) ; t2 = toc ; R = triu (R) ; r2 = norm (R'*R-A'*A,1) / norm(A,1)^2 ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f error %8.3e\n', t2,r2) ; clear R fprintf ('tic, R = qr(S) ; toc ') ; tic R = qr (S) ; t3 = toc ; r3 = norm (R'*R-A'*A,1) / norm(A,1)^2 ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f error %8.3e\n', t3,r3) ; clear R % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % compare spqr with 100-by-20000 system % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A = rand (100,20000) ; S = sparse (A) ; fprintf ('\nA = rand (100,20000) ;\nS = sparse (A) ;\n') ; fprintf ('tic, R = spqr(S) ; toc ') ; tic R = spqr (S) ; %#ok t1 = toc ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f\n', t1) ; clear R fprintf ('tic, R = qr(A) ; toc ') ; tic R = qr (A) ; %#ok t2 = toc ; fprintf ('%% time %8.3f\n', t2) ; clear R % skip the old MATLAB QR ... it's way to slow ... % fprintf ('tic, R = qr(S) ; toc ') ; % try % tic % R = qr (S) ; %#ok % t3 = toc ; % fprintf ('%% time %8.3f\n', t3) ; % catch %#ok % fprintf ('%% MATLAB sparse qr failed ...\n') ; % end % clear R fprintf ('All spqr tests passed\n') ;