function C = GB_spec_select (C, Mask, accum, opname, A, thunk, descriptor) %GB_SPEC_SELECT a MATLAB mimic of GxB_select % % Usage: % C = GB_spec_select (C, Mask, accum, opname, A, thunk, descriptor) % SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % get inputs %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nargout > 1 || nargin ~= 7) error ('usage: C = GB_spec_select (C, Mask, accum, opname, A, thunk, desc)'); end C = GB_spec_matrix (C) ; A = GB_spec_matrix (A) ; [C_replace Mask_comp Atrans Btrans Mask_struct] = ... GB_spec_descriptor (descriptor) ; Mask = GB_spec_getmask (Mask, Mask_struct) ; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % do the work via a clean MATLAB interpretation of the entire GraphBLAS spec %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % select the descriptor to A if (Atrans) A.matrix = A.matrix.' ; A.pattern = A.pattern' ; end atype = A.class ; T.matrix = GB_spec_zeros (size (A.matrix), atype) ; thunk = full (thunk) ; xthunk = GB_mex_cast (thunk, atype) ; is_complex = contains (atype, 'complex') ; if (is_complex) switch (opname) case { 'gt_zero', 'ge_zero', 'lt_zero', 'le_zero', ... 'gt_thunk', 'ge_thunk', 'lt_thunk', 'le_thunk' } error ('op %s not defined for complex types', opname) ; otherwise % op is OK end end switch (opname) case 'tril' p = tril (A.pattern, thunk) ; case 'triu' p = triu (A.pattern, thunk) ; case 'diag' p = tril (triu (A.pattern, thunk), thunk) ; case 'offdiag' p = tril (A.pattern, thunk-1) | triu (A.pattern, thunk+1) ; case 'nonzero' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix ~= 0) ; case 'eq_zero' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix == 0) ; case 'gt_zero' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix > 0) ; case 'ge_zero' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix >= 0) ; case 'lt_zero' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix < 0) ; case 'le_zero' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix <= 0) ; case 'ne_thunk' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix ~= xthunk) ; case 'eq_thunk' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix == xthunk) ; case 'gt_thunk' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix > xthunk) ; case 'ge_thunk' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix >= xthunk) ; case 'lt_thunk' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix < xthunk) ; case 'le_thunk' p = A.pattern & (A.matrix <= xthunk) ; case 'isnan' p = A.pattern & isnan (A.matrix) ; otherwise error ('invalid op') ; end T.matrix (p) = A.matrix (p) ; T.pattern = p ; % C = accum (C,T): select the accum, then Mask, and return the result C = GB_spec_accum_mask (C, Mask, accum, T, C_replace, Mask_comp, 0) ;