#include "cs_mex.h" /* check MATLAB input argument */ void cs_mex_check (CS_INT nel, CS_INT m, CS_INT n, int square, int sparse, int values, const mxArray *A) { CS_INT nnel, mm = mxGetM (A), nn = mxGetN (A) ; #ifdef NCOMPLEX if (values) { if (mxIsComplex (A)) mexErrMsgTxt ("complex matrices not supported") ; } #endif if (sparse && !mxIsSparse (A)) mexErrMsgTxt ("matrix must be sparse") ; if (!sparse) { if (mxIsSparse (A)) mexErrMsgTxt ("matrix must be full") ; if (values && !mxIsDouble (A)) mexErrMsgTxt ("matrix must be double") ; } if (nel) { /* check number of elements */ nnel = mxGetNumberOfElements (A) ; if (m >= 0 && n >= 0 && m*n != nnel) mexErrMsgTxt ("wrong length") ; } else { /* check row and/or column dimensions */ if (m >= 0 && m != mm) mexErrMsgTxt ("wrong dimension") ; if (n >= 0 && n != nn) mexErrMsgTxt ("wrong dimension") ; } if (square && mm != nn) mexErrMsgTxt ("matrix must be square") ; } /* get a real (or pattern) MATLAB sparse matrix and convert to cs_dl */ cs_dl *cs_dl_mex_get_sparse (cs_dl *A, int square, int values, const mxArray *Amatlab) { cs_mex_check (0, -1, -1, square, 1, values, Amatlab) ; A->m = mxGetM (Amatlab) ; A->n = mxGetN (Amatlab) ; A->p = (CS_INT *) mxGetJc (Amatlab) ; A->i = (CS_INT *) mxGetIr (Amatlab) ; A->x = values ? mxGetPr (Amatlab) : NULL ; A->nzmax = mxGetNzmax (Amatlab) ; A->nz = -1 ; /* denotes a compressed-col matrix, instead of triplet */ return (A) ; } /* return a real sparse matrix to MATLAB */ mxArray *cs_dl_mex_put_sparse (cs_dl **Ahandle) { cs_dl *A ; mxArray *Amatlab ; if (!Ahandle || !CS_CSC ((*Ahandle))) mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid sparse matrix") ; A = *Ahandle ; Amatlab = mxCreateSparse (0, 0, 0, mxREAL) ; mxSetM (Amatlab, A->m) ; mxSetN (Amatlab, A->n) ; mxSetNzmax (Amatlab, A->nzmax) ; cs_free (mxGetJc (Amatlab)) ; cs_free (mxGetIr (Amatlab)) ; cs_free (mxGetPr (Amatlab)) ; mxSetJc (Amatlab, (void *) (A->p)) ; /* assign A->p pointer to MATLAB A */ mxSetIr (Amatlab, (void *) (A->i)) ; if (A->x == NULL) { /* A is a pattern only matrix; return all 1's to MATLAB */ CS_INT i, nz ; nz = A->p [A->n] ; A->x = cs_dl_malloc (CS_MAX (nz,1), sizeof (double)) ; for (i = 0 ; i < nz ; i++) { A->x [i] = 1 ; } } mxSetPr (Amatlab, A->x) ; cs_free (A) ; /* frees A struct only, not A->p, etc */ *Ahandle = NULL ; return (Amatlab) ; } /* get a real MATLAB dense column vector */ double *cs_dl_mex_get_double (CS_INT n, const mxArray *X) { cs_mex_check (0, n, 1, 0, 0, 1, X) ; return (mxGetPr (X)) ; } /* return a double vector to MATLAB */ double *cs_dl_mex_put_double (CS_INT n, const double *b, mxArray **X) { double *x ; CS_INT k ; *X = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (n, 1, mxREAL) ; /* create x */ x = mxGetPr (*X) ; for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) x [k] = b [k] ; /* copy x = b */ return (x) ; } /* get a MATLAB flint array and convert to CS_INT */ CS_INT *cs_dl_mex_get_int (CS_INT n, const mxArray *Imatlab, CS_INT *imax, int lo) { double *p ; CS_INT i, k, *C = cs_dl_malloc (n, sizeof (CS_INT)) ; cs_mex_check (1, n, 1, 0, 0, 1, Imatlab) ; if (mxIsComplex (Imatlab)) { mexErrMsgTxt ("integer input cannot be complex") ; } p = mxGetPr (Imatlab) ; *imax = 0 ; for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) { i = p [k] ; C [k] = i - 1 ; if (i < lo) mexErrMsgTxt ("index out of bounds") ; *imax = CS_MAX (*imax, i) ; } return (C) ; } /* return an CS_INT array to MATLAB as a flint row vector */ mxArray *cs_dl_mex_put_int (CS_INT *p, CS_INT n, CS_INT offset, int do_free) { mxArray *X = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, n, mxREAL) ; double *x = mxGetPr (X) ; CS_INT k ; for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) x [k] = (p ? p [k] : k) + offset ; if (do_free) cs_free (p) ; return (X) ; } #ifndef NCOMPLEX /* copy a MATLAB real or complex vector into a cs_cl complex vector */ static cs_complex_t *cs_cl_get_vector (CS_INT n, CS_INT size, const mxArray *Xmatlab) { CS_INT p ; double *X, *Z ; cs_complex_t *Y ; X = mxGetPr (Xmatlab) ; Z = (mxIsComplex (Xmatlab)) ? mxGetPi (Xmatlab) : NULL ; Y = cs_dl_malloc (size, sizeof (cs_complex_t)) ; for (p = 0 ; p < n ; p++) { Y [p] = X [p] + I * (Z ? Z [p] : 0) ; } return (Y) ; } /* get a real or complex MATLAB sparse matrix and convert to cs_cl */ cs_cl *cs_cl_mex_get_sparse (cs_cl *A, int square, const mxArray *Amatlab) { cs_mex_check (0, -1, -1, square, 1, 1, Amatlab) ; A->m = mxGetM (Amatlab) ; A->n = mxGetN (Amatlab) ; A->p = (CS_INT *) mxGetJc (Amatlab) ; A->i = (CS_INT *) mxGetIr (Amatlab) ; A->nzmax = mxGetNzmax (Amatlab) ; A->x = cs_cl_get_vector (A->p [A->n], A->nzmax, Amatlab) ; A->nz = -1 ; /* denotes a compressed-col matrix, instead of triplet */ return (A) ; } /* return a complex sparse matrix to MATLAB */ mxArray *cs_cl_mex_put_sparse (cs_cl **Ahandle) { cs_cl *A ; double *x, *z ; mxArray *Amatlab ; CS_INT k ; if (!Ahandle || !CS_CSC ((*Ahandle))) mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid sparse matrix") ; A = *Ahandle ; if (A->x == NULL) mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid complex sparse matrix") ; Amatlab = mxCreateSparse (0, 0, 0, mxCOMPLEX) ; mxSetM (Amatlab, A->m) ; mxSetN (Amatlab, A->n) ; mxSetNzmax (Amatlab, A->nzmax) ; cs_cl_free (mxGetJc (Amatlab)) ; cs_cl_free (mxGetIr (Amatlab)) ; cs_cl_free (mxGetPr (Amatlab)) ; cs_cl_free (mxGetPi (Amatlab)) ; mxSetJc (Amatlab, (void *) (A->p)) ; /* assign A->p pointer to MATLAB A */ mxSetIr (Amatlab, (void *) (A->i)) ; x = cs_dl_malloc (A->nzmax, sizeof (double)) ; z = cs_dl_malloc (A->nzmax, sizeof (double)) ; for (k = 0 ; k < A->nzmax ; k++) { x [k] = creal (A->x [k]) ; /* copy and split numerical values */ z [k] = cimag (A->x [k]) ; } cs_cl_free (A->x) ; /* free copy of complex values */ mxSetPr (Amatlab, x) ; /* x and z will not be NULL, even if nz==0 */ mxSetPi (Amatlab, z) ; cs_cl_free (A) ; /* frees A struct only, not A->p, etc */ *Ahandle = NULL ; return (Amatlab) ; } /* get a real or complex MATLAB dense column vector, and copy to cs_complex_t */ cs_complex_t *cs_cl_mex_get_double (CS_INT n, const mxArray *X) { cs_mex_check (0, n, 1, 0, 0, 1, X) ; return (cs_cl_get_vector (n, n, X)) ; } /* copy a complex vector back to MATLAB and free it */ mxArray *cs_cl_mex_put_double (CS_INT n, cs_complex_t *b) { double *x, *z ; mxArray *X ; CS_INT k ; X = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (n, 1, mxCOMPLEX) ; /* create x */ x = mxGetPr (X) ; z = mxGetPi (X) ; for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) { x [k] = creal (b [k]) ; /* copy x = b */ z [k] = cimag (b [k]) ; } cs_cl_free (b) ; return (X) ; } #endif