function test6 %TEST6 test for BTF % Requires UFget % Example: % test6 % See also btf, maxtrans, strongcomp, dmperm, UFget, % test1, test2, test3, test4, test5. % Copyright 2007, Timothy A. Davis, quick2 = [ ... 1522 -272 1463 1521 460 1507 -838 1533 -1533 -1456 -1512 734 211 ... -385 -735 394 -397 1109 -744 ... -734 -375 -1200 -1536 -837 519 -519 520 -520 189 -189 454 385 ... 387 -387 384 -384 386 -386 388 -388 525 -525 526 -526 735 ... 1508 209 210 1243 -1243 1534 -840 1234 -1234 390 -390 392 -392 ... -394 1472 1242 -1242 389 -389 391 -391 393 -393 1215 -1215 1216 ... -1216 736 -736 737 -737 455 -455 -224 -839 1426 -1426 -1473 396 ... -396 398 -398 400 -400 402 -402 404 -404 -1531 395 -395 397 ... 399 -399 401 -401 403 -403 405 -405 -738 -739 1459 -1459 1111 ... 1110 376 -376 284 -284 -740 -742 -741 -743 1293 -1293 452 920 ... -745 -446 1462 -1461 448 -448 283 -283 1502 -1502 1292 -1292 1503 ... -1503 1291 -1291 445 -445 -746 -747 1300 -1300 435 -435 -1343 -1345 ... -1344 1305 -1305 921 -1513 1307 -1307 1369 -1369 1374 -1374 1377 ... -1377 748 -748 -749 1510 922 -922 ] ; index = UFget ; nmat = length (quick2) ; dopause = 0 ; h = waitbar (0, 'BTF test 6 of 6') ; try for k = 1:nmat waitbar (k/nmat, h) ; i = quick2 (k) ; Prob = UFget (abs (i), index) ; disp (Prob) ; if (i < 0) fprintf ('transposed\n') ; A = Prob.A' ; [m n] = size (A) ; if (m == n) if (nnz (spones (A) - spones (Prob.A)) == 0) fprintf ('skip...\n') ; continue ; end end else A = Prob.A ; end tic [p1,q1,r1,work1] = btf (A) ; t1 = toc ; n1 = length (r1) - 1 ; m1 = nnz (diag (A (p1, abs (q1)))) ; limit = work1/nnz(A) ; fprintf ('full search: %g * nnz(A)\n', limit) ; works = linspace(0,limit,9) ; works (1) = eps ; nw = length (works) ; T2 = zeros (nw, 1) ; N2 = zeros (nw, 1) ; M2 = zeros (nw, 1) ; T2 (end) = t1 ; N2 (end) = n1 ; M2 (end) = m1 ; fprintf ('full time %10.4f blocks %8d nnz(diag) %8d\n\n', t1, n1, m1) ; subplot (3,4,4) ; drawbtf (A, p1, abs (q1), r1) ; title (, 'Interpreter', 'none') ; for j = 1:nw-1 maxwork = works (j) ; tic [p2,q2,r2,work2] = btf (A, maxwork) ; t2 = toc ; n2 = length (r2) - 1 ; m2 = nnz (diag (A (p2, abs (q2)))) ; T2 (j) = t2 ; N2 (j) = n2 ; M2 (j) = m2 ; fprintf ('%9.1f %10.4f blocks %8d nnz(diag) %8d\n', ... maxwork, t2, n2, m2) ; subplot (3,4,4+j) ; drawbtf (A, p2, abs (q2), r2) ; title (sprintf ('%g', maxwork)) ; ss = [1:j nw] ; subplot (3,4,1) ; plot (works(ss), T2(ss), 'o-') ; title ('time vs work') ; axis ([0 limit 0 max(0.1,max(T2))]) ; subplot (3,4,2) ; plot (works(ss), N2(ss), 'o-') ; title ('blocks vs work') ; axis ([0 limit 0 n1]) ; subplot (3,4,3) ; plot (works(ss), M2(ss), 'o-') ; title ('nnz(diag) vs work') ; axis ([0 limit 0 m1]) ; drawnow end fprintf ('full time %10.4f blocks %8d nnz(diag) %8d\n', t1, n1, m1) ; if (dopause) input ('hit enter: ') ; end end catch % out-of-memory is OK, other errors are not disp (lasterr) ; if (isempty (strfind (lasterr, 'Out of memory'))) error (lasterr) ; %#ok else fprintf ('test terminated early, but otherwise OK\n') ; end end close (h) ;