function test123 %TEST123 test MIS on large matrix % SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 fprintf ('test123: test MIS on large matrix\n') ; Prob = ssget (2662) A = Prob.A ; % make symmetric and remove self edges fprintf ('prep (in MATLAB):\n') ; tic A = spones (A) ; A = A+A' ; A = tril (A,-1) ; A = A+A' ; n = size (A,1) ; toc ncores = feature ('numcores') ; for seed = 1:3 fprintf ('\n') ; for nthreads = [1 2 4 8 16 20 32 40 64 128 160 320] if (nthreads > 2*ncores) break ; end nthreads_set (nthreads) ; tic s = GB_mex_mis (A, seed) ; t = toc ; p = find (s == 1) ; S = A (p,p) ; % make sure it's independent assert (nnz (S) == 0) if (nthreads == 1) t1 = t ; end isize = nnz (s) ; fprintf ('%3d threads: %8.4f sec, speedup %6.2f', nthreads, t, t1/t) ; fprintf (' iset: %d of %d (%8.2f %%)\n', ... isize, n, 100 * isize / n) ; end end fprintf ('amd run time, for comparison:\n') ; tic p = amd (A) ; toc fprintf ('test123: all tests passed\n') ;