% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/packages.R \name{install_github} \alias{install_github} \title{An alias of \code{remotes::install_github()}} \usage{ install_github(...) } \arguments{ \item{...}{Arguments to be passed to \code{remotes::\link[remotes]{install_github}()}.} } \description{ This alias is to make autocomplete faster via \code{xfun::install_github}, because most \code{remotes::install_*} functions are never what I want. I only use \code{install_github} and it is inconvenient to autocomplete it, e.g. \code{install_git} always comes before \code{install_github}, but I never use it. In RStudio, I only need to type \code{xfun::ig} to get \code{xfun::install_github}. }