use { crate::*, minimad::*, unicode_width::{ UnicodeWidthChar, UnicodeWidthStr, }, }; pub static ELLIPSIS: &str = "…"; /// A fitter can shorten a composite to make it fit a target width /// without wrapping (by removing parts and replacing them with /// ellipsis) #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Fitter { /// whether to try remove the central part of big "token" /// (parts without space nor style change) mid_token_ellision: bool, /// whether to try remove the central part of big compounds mid_compound_ellision: bool, align: Alignment, } impl Default for Fitter { fn default() -> Self { Self { mid_token_ellision: true, mid_compound_ellision: true, align: Alignment::Unspecified, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct CharInfo { byte_idx: usize, char: char, // virer width: usize, // virer } fn str_char_infos(s: &str) -> Vec { s.char_indices() .map(|(byte_idx, char)| CharInfo { byte_idx, char, width: char.width().unwrap_or(0), }) .collect() } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Zone { compound_idx: usize, byte_start_idx: usize, byte_end_idx: usize, char_infos: Vec, removable_width: usize, // cell width of string minus one character each end } impl Zone { fn token(composite: &Composite, min_removable_width: usize) -> Vec { let mut zones = Vec::new(); for (compound_idx, compound) in composite.compounds.iter().enumerate() { let s = compound.src; if s.len() < min_removable_width + 2 { continue; } let mut byte_start: Option = None; for (byte_idx, char) in s.char_indices() { if char.is_whitespace() { if let Some(byte_start_idx) = byte_start { if byte_idx - byte_start_idx >= min_removable_width + 2 { let zs = &s[byte_start_idx..byte_idx]; let removable_width = zs.width(); if removable_width >= min_removable_width { let char_infos = str_char_infos(zs); zones.push(Zone { compound_idx, byte_start_idx, byte_end_idx: byte_idx, char_infos, removable_width, }); } } byte_start = None; } } else if byte_start.is_none() { byte_start = Some(byte_idx); } } if let Some(byte_start_idx) = byte_start { let byte_end_idx = s.len(); if byte_end_idx - byte_start_idx >= min_removable_width + 2 { let zs = &s[byte_start_idx..]; let removable_width = zs.width(); if removable_width >= min_removable_width { let char_infos = str_char_infos(zs); zones.push(Zone { compound_idx, byte_start_idx, byte_end_idx, char_infos, removable_width, }); } } } } zones } fn biggest_token(composite: &Composite, min_removable_width: usize) -> Option { Zone::token(composite, min_removable_width) .drain(..) .max_by_key(|z| z.removable_width) } /// make a zone from each compound large enough fn compounds(composite: &Composite, min_removable_width: usize) -> Vec { composite.compounds.iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(compound_idx, compound)| { let char_infos = str_char_infos(compound.src); if char_infos.len() < 2 + min_removable_width { return None; } let removable = &compound.src[char_infos[1].byte_idx..char_infos[char_infos.len()-1].byte_idx]; let removable_width = removable.width(); if removable_width < min_removable_width { None } else { Some(Zone { compound_idx, byte_start_idx: 0, byte_end_idx: compound.src.len(), char_infos, removable_width, }) } }) .collect() } fn biggest_compound(composite: &Composite, min_removable_width: usize) -> Option { Zone::compounds(composite, min_removable_width) .drain(..) .max_by_key(|z| z.removable_width) } /// return the gain (that is the removed minus 1 for the ellipsis length) fn cut(&self, composite: &mut Composite, to_remove: usize) -> usize { if self.removable_width < 2 { return 0; } let compound = &composite.compounds[self.compound_idx]; let len = self.char_infos.len(); let mut start_char_idx = len / 2; let mut end_char_idx = start_char_idx; let mut removed_width = 0; loop { // we alternatively grow left and right if (end_char_idx-start_char_idx)%2 == 0 { if end_char_idx + 1 >= len { break; } end_char_idx += 1; } else { if start_char_idx <= 1 { break; } start_char_idx -= 1; } let start_byte_idx = self.byte_start_idx + self.char_infos[start_char_idx].byte_idx; let end_byte_idx = self.byte_start_idx + self.char_infos[end_char_idx].byte_idx; removed_width = (&compound.src[start_byte_idx..end_byte_idx]).width(); if removed_width >= to_remove { break; } } let start_byte_idx = self.byte_start_idx + self.char_infos[start_char_idx].byte_idx; let end_byte_idx = self.byte_start_idx + self.char_infos[end_char_idx].byte_idx; let head = compound.sub(0, start_byte_idx); let tail = compound.tail(end_byte_idx); composite.compounds[self.compound_idx] = head; composite.compounds.insert(self.compound_idx+1, Compound::raw_str(ELLIPSIS)); composite.compounds.insert(self.compound_idx+2, tail); removed_width - 1 } } impl Fitter { /// create a fitter for when you want a specific alignment. /// /// You may still change the mid_token_ellision and mid_compound_ellision /// later pub fn for_align(align: Alignment) -> Self { let internal_ellision = align == Alignment::Unspecified; Self { mid_token_ellision: internal_ellision, mid_compound_ellision: internal_ellision, align, } } /// ensure the composite fits the max_width, by replacing some parts /// with ellisions pub fn fit<'s>( self, fc: &mut FmtComposite<'s>, max_width: usize, skin: &MadSkin ) { // some special cases because they're hard to check after if fc.visible_length <= max_width { return; } else if max_width == 0 { fc.composite.compounds.clear(); fc.visible_length = 0; return; } else if max_width == 1 { fc.composite.compounds.clear(); fc.composite.compounds.push(Compound::raw_str(ELLIPSIS)); fc.visible_length = 1; return; } let mut excess = fc.visible_length - max_width; // note: computing all zones once would be faster but would involve either // recomputing compound_idx ou finding another index scheme if self.mid_token_ellision { // cutting in the middle of big no space parts while excess > 0 { let mut gain = 0; if let Some(zone) = Zone::biggest_token(&fc.composite, 3) { gain = zone.cut(&mut fc.composite, excess + 1); } if gain == 0 { break; } excess -= gain.min(excess); } } if self.mid_compound_ellision { // cutting in the middle of big compounds while excess > 0 { let mut gain = 0; // we'll look for zones of removable width at least 2 // (because we put the ellipsis in place) if let Some(zone) = Zone::biggest_compound(&fc.composite, 2) { gain = zone.cut(&mut fc.composite, excess + 1); } if gain == 0 { break; } excess -= gain.min(excess); } } if excess == 0 { fc.recompute_width(skin); return; } let compounds = &mut fc.composite.compounds; // we'll have to compensate with 1 or 2 ellipsis, so the "excess" is // increased accordingly we increase let (mut excess_left, mut excess_right) = match self.align { Alignment::Right => (excess + 1, 0), Alignment::Left | Alignment:: Unspecified => (0, excess + 1), Alignment::Center => { let left = excess / 2; let right = excess - left; if left > 0 { (left + 1, right + 1) } else { (0, right + 1) } }, }; if excess_left > 0 { // left truncating while excess_left > 0 && !compounds.is_empty() { let compound = &mut compounds[0]; let char_infos = str_char_infos(compound.src); let mut last_removed_char_idx = 0; let mut removed_width = 0; loop { removed_width += char_infos[last_removed_char_idx].width; if removed_width >= excess_left || last_removed_char_idx + 1 == char_infos.len() { break; } last_removed_char_idx += 1; } if last_removed_char_idx + 1 == char_infos.len() { // we remove the whole compound compounds.remove(0); excess_left -= removed_width.min(excess_left); } else { // we cut the left part compound.src = &compound.src[char_infos[last_removed_char_idx+1].byte_idx..]; excess_left = 0; } } compounds.insert(0, Compound::raw_str(ELLIPSIS)); } if excess_right > 0 { // right truncating while excess_right > 0 && !compounds.is_empty() { let last_idx = compounds.len()-1; let compound = &mut compounds[last_idx]; let char_infos = str_char_infos(compound.src); let mut removed_width = 0; let mut end_byte_idx = compound.src.len(); for ci in char_infos.iter().rev() { end_byte_idx = ci.byte_idx; removed_width += ci.width; if removed_width >= excess_right { break; } } if end_byte_idx == 0 { // we remove the whole compound compounds.pop(); excess_right -= removed_width.min(excess_right); } else { // we cut the right part compound.src = &compound.src[..end_byte_idx]; excess_right = 0; } } compounds.push(Compound::raw_str(ELLIPSIS)); } fc.recompute_width(skin); } } /// Tests of fitting, that is cutting the composite at best to make it /// fit a given width (if possible) /// /// The print which happens in case of failure isn't really well /// formatted. A solution if a test fails is to do /// cargo test fit_tests -- --nocapture #[cfg(test)] mod fit_tests { use minimad::{ Alignment, Composite, }; use crate::{ Fitter, FmtComposite, }; fn check_fit_align(src: &str, target_width: usize, align: Alignment) { dbg!((target_width, align)); let skin = crate::get_default_skin(); let mut fc = FmtComposite::from(Composite::from_inline(src), &skin); let fitter = Fitter::for_align(align); fc, target_width, &skin); dbg!(&fc); assert!(fc.visible_length <= target_width); // can be smaller } fn check_fit(src: &str, target_width: usize) { check_fit_align(src, target_width, Alignment::Right); check_fit_align(src, target_width, Alignment::Left); check_fit_align(src, target_width, Alignment::Center); check_fit_align(src, target_width, Alignment::Unspecified); } #[test] fn test_fit() { let sentence = "This sentence has **short** and **much longer** parts, and some Korean: *一曰道,二曰天*."; check_fit(sentence, 60); check_fit(sentence, 40); let five_issues = "一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰將,五曰法。"; check_fit(five_issues, 15); check_fit(five_issues, 8); let status = "ab *cd* `12345 123456789`"; check_fit(status, 17); check_fit(status, 2); } }