/* Test C2x attribute syntax. Test ignored attributes diagnosed. */ /* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-std=c2x -pedantic-errors" } */ /* A GNU attribute that is valid in some contexts, but should be diagnosed in contexts where all attributes are ignored (attribute declarations, except for fallthrough attributes, and statements). */ #define CTX [[gnu::const]] /* An attribute that is unknown, so ignored with a warning. */ #define UNK [[gnu::no_such_attribute(![!(!)!]!,;;)]] CTX; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ UNK; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ UNK extern int a; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ extern int UNK a; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ extern int a UNK; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int f () UNK; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int f (void) UNK; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int g (UNK int a); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int g (int UNK a); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int g (int a UNK); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int g (UNK int); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int g (int UNK); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int g (int) UNK; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int *UNK p; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int b[3] UNK; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int h (int () UNK); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ struct UNK s; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ union UNK u; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ struct UNK s2 { int a; }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ union UNK u2 { int a; }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ struct s3 { UNK int a; }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ struct s4 { int UNK a; }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ union u3 { UNK int a; }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ union u4 { int UNK a; }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ int z = sizeof (int UNK); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ enum UNK { E1 }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ enum { E2 UNK }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ enum { E3 UNK = 4 }; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ void func (void) UNK { /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ UNK int var; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ CTX { } /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ CTX; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ CTX var = 1; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ CTX x: var = 2; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ for (UNK int zz = 1; zz < 10; zz++) ; /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */ }