from itertools import chain from contextlib import contextmanager import typing from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Dict, Optional, Set, Union import numpy as np from AnyQt.QtWidgets import ( QGraphicsWidget, QGraphicsObject, QGraphicsScene, QGridLayout, QSizePolicy, QAction, QComboBox, QGraphicsGridLayout, QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent ) from AnyQt.QtGui import QColor, QPen, QFont, QKeySequence from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, QSize, QSizeF, QPointF, QRectF, QLineF, QEvent from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal, pyqtSlot as Slot import pyqtgraph as pg import from import filter_visible from import Domain import Orange.misc from Orange.clustering.hierarchical import \ postorder, preorder, Tree, tree_from_linkage, dist_matrix_linkage, \ leaves, prune, top_clusters from import get_unique_names from Orange.widgets import widget, gui, settings from Orange.widgets.utils import itemmodels, combobox from Orange.widgets.utils.annotated_data import (create_annotated_table, ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME) from Orange.widgets.utils.widgetpreview import WidgetPreview from Orange.widgets.widget import Input, Output, Msg from Orange.widgets.utils.stickygraphicsview import StickyGraphicsView from Orange.widgets.utils.graphicstextlist import TextListWidget from Orange.widgets.utils.dendrogram import DendrogramWidget __all__ = ["OWHierarchicalClustering"] LINKAGE = ["Single", "Average", "Weighted", "Complete", "Ward"] def make_pen(, width=1, style=Qt.SolidLine, cap_style=Qt.SquareCap, join_style=Qt.BevelJoin, cosmetic=False): pen = QPen(brush) pen.setWidth(width) pen.setStyle(style) pen.setCapStyle(cap_style) pen.setJoinStyle(join_style) pen.setCosmetic(cosmetic) return pen @contextmanager def blocked(obj): old = obj.signalsBlocked() obj.blockSignals(True) try: yield obj finally: obj.blockSignals(old) class SaveStateSettingsHandler(settings.SettingsHandler): """ A settings handler that delegates session data store/restore to the OWWidget instance. The OWWidget subclass must implement `save_state() -> Dict[str, Any]` and `set_restore_state(state: Dict[str, Any])` methods. """ def initialize(self, instance, data=None): super().initialize(instance, data) if data is not None and "__session_state_data" in data: session_data = data["__session_state_data"] instance.set_restore_state(session_data) def pack_data(self, widget): # type: (widget.OWWidget) -> dict res = super().pack_data(widget) state = widget.save_state() if state: assert "__session_state_data" not in res res["__session_state_data"] = state return res class _DomainContextHandler(settings.DomainContextHandler, SaveStateSettingsHandler): pass if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: #: Encoded selection state for persistent storage. #: This is a list of tuples of leaf indices in the selection and #: a (N, 3) linkage matrix for validation (the 4-th column from scipy #: is omitted). SelectionState = Tuple[List[Tuple[int]], List[Tuple[int, int, float]]] class OWHierarchicalClustering(widget.OWWidget): name = "Hierarchical Clustering" description = "Display a dendrogram of a hierarchical clustering " \ "constructed from the input distance matrix." icon = "icons/HierarchicalClustering.svg" priority = 2100 keywords = [] class Inputs: distances = Input("Distances", Orange.misc.DistMatrix) class Outputs: selected_data = Output("Selected Data",, default=True) annotated_data = Output(ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME, settingsHandler = _DomainContextHandler() #: Selected linkage linkage = settings.Setting(1) #: Index of the selected annotation item (variable, ...) annotation = settings.ContextSetting("Enumeration") #: Out-of-context setting for the case when the "Name" option is available annotation_if_names = settings.Setting("Name") #: Out-of-context setting for the case with just "Enumerate" and "None" annotation_if_enumerate = settings.Setting("Enumerate") #: Selected tree pruning (none/max depth) pruning = settings.Setting(0) #: Maximum depth when max depth pruning is selected max_depth = settings.Setting(10) #: Selected cluster selection method (none, cut distance, top n) selection_method = settings.Setting(0) #: Cut height ratio wrt root height cut_ratio = settings.Setting(75.0) #: Number of top clusters to select top_n = settings.Setting(3) #: Dendrogram zoom factor zoom_factor = settings.Setting(0) autocommit = settings.Setting(True) graph_name = "scene" basic_annotations = ["None", "Enumeration"] class Error(widget.OWWidget.Error): not_finite_distances = Msg("Some distances are infinite") #: Stored (manual) selection state (from a saved workflow) to restore. __pending_selection_restore = None # type: Optional[SelectionState] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.matrix = None self.items = None self.linkmatrix = None self.root = None self._displayed_root = None self.cutoff_height = 0.0 gui.comboBox( self.controlArea, self, "linkage", items=LINKAGE, box="Linkage", callback=self._invalidate_clustering) model = itemmodels.VariableListModel() model[:] = self.basic_annotations box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Annotations") self.label_cb = cb = combobox.ComboBoxSearch( minimumContentsLength=14, sizeAdjustPolicy=QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon ) cb.setModel(model) cb.setCurrentIndex(cb.findData(self.annotation, Qt.EditRole)) def on_annotation_activated(): self.annotation = cb.currentData(Qt.EditRole) self._update_labels() cb.activated.connect(on_annotation_activated) def on_annotation_changed(value): cb.setCurrentIndex(cb.findData(value, Qt.EditRole)) self.connect_control("annotation", on_annotation_changed) box.layout().addWidget(self.label_cb) box = gui.radioButtons( self.controlArea, self, "pruning", box="Pruning", callback=self._invalidate_pruning) grid = QGridLayout() box.layout().addLayout(grid) grid.addWidget( gui.appendRadioButton(box, "None", addToLayout=False), 0, 0 ) self.max_depth_spin = gui.spin( box, self, "max_depth", minv=1, maxv=100, callback=self._invalidate_pruning, keyboardTracking=False, addToLayout=False ) grid.addWidget( gui.appendRadioButton(box, "Max depth:", addToLayout=False), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.max_depth_spin, 1, 1) self.selection_box = gui.radioButtons( self.controlArea, self, "selection_method", box="Selection", callback=self._selection_method_changed) grid = QGridLayout() self.selection_box.layout().addLayout(grid) grid.addWidget( gui.appendRadioButton( self.selection_box, "Manual", addToLayout=False), 0, 0 ) grid.addWidget( gui.appendRadioButton( self.selection_box, "Height ratio:", addToLayout=False), 1, 0 ) self.cut_ratio_spin = gui.spin( self.selection_box, self, "cut_ratio", 0, 100, step=1e-1, spinType=float, callback=self._selection_method_changed, addToLayout=False ) self.cut_ratio_spin.setSuffix("%") grid.addWidget(self.cut_ratio_spin, 1, 1) grid.addWidget( gui.appendRadioButton( self.selection_box, "Top N:", addToLayout=False), 2, 0 ) self.top_n_spin = gui.spin(self.selection_box, self, "top_n", 1, 20, callback=self._selection_method_changed, addToLayout=False) grid.addWidget(self.top_n_spin, 2, 1) self.zoom_slider = gui.hSlider( self.controlArea, self, "zoom_factor", box="Zoom", minValue=-6, maxValue=3, step=1, ticks=True, createLabel=False, callback=self.__update_font_scale) zoom_in = QAction( "Zoom in", self, shortcut=QKeySequence.ZoomIn, triggered=self.__zoom_in ) zoom_out = QAction( "Zoom out", self, shortcut=QKeySequence.ZoomOut, triggered=self.__zoom_out ) zoom_reset = QAction( "Reset zoom", self, shortcut=QKeySequence(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.Key_0), triggered=self.__zoom_reset ) self.addActions([zoom_in, zoom_out, zoom_reset]) self.controlArea.layout().addStretch() gui.auto_send(self.buttonsArea, self, "autocommit") self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self) self.view = StickyGraphicsView( self.scene, horizontalScrollBarPolicy=Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff, verticalScrollBarPolicy=Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter ) self.mainArea.layout().setSpacing(1) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.view) def axis_view(orientation): ax = AxisItem(orientation=orientation, maxTickLength=7) ax.mousePressed.connect(self._activate_cut_line) ax.mouseMoved.connect(self._activate_cut_line) ax.mouseReleased.connect(self._activate_cut_line) ax.setRange(1.0, 0.0) return ax self.top_axis = axis_view("top") self.bottom_axis = axis_view("bottom") self._main_graphics = QGraphicsWidget() scenelayout = QGraphicsGridLayout() scenelayout.setHorizontalSpacing(10) scenelayout.setVerticalSpacing(10) self._main_graphics.setLayout(scenelayout) self.scene.addItem(self._main_graphics) self.dendrogram = DendrogramWidget() self.dendrogram.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.dendrogram.selectionChanged.connect(self._invalidate_output) self.dendrogram.selectionEdited.connect(self._selection_edited) self.labels = TextListWidget() self.labels.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.labels.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.labels.setMaximumWidth(200) scenelayout.addItem(self.top_axis, 0, 0, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) scenelayout.addItem(self.dendrogram, 1, 0, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) scenelayout.addItem(self.labels, 1, 1, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) scenelayout.addItem(self.bottom_axis, 2, 0, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) self.view.viewport().installEventFilter(self) self._main_graphics.installEventFilter(self) self.top_axis.setZValue(self.dendrogram.zValue() + 10) self.bottom_axis.setZValue(self.dendrogram.zValue() + 10) self.cut_line = SliderLine(self.top_axis, orientation=Qt.Horizontal) self.cut_line.valueChanged.connect(self._dendrogram_slider_changed) self.dendrogram.geometryChanged.connect(self._dendrogram_geom_changed) self._set_cut_line_visible(self.selection_method == 1) self.__update_font_scale() @Inputs.distances def set_distances(self, matrix): if self.__pending_selection_restore is not None: selection_state = self.__pending_selection_restore else: # save the current selection to (possibly) restore later selection_state = self._save_selection() self.error() self.Error.clear() if matrix is not None: N, _ = matrix.shape if N < 2: self.error("Empty distance matrix") matrix = None if matrix is not None: if not np.all(np.isfinite(matrix)): self.Error.not_finite_distances() matrix = None self.matrix = matrix if matrix is not None: self._set_items(matrix.row_items, matrix.axis) else: self._set_items(None) self._invalidate_clustering() # Can now attempt to restore session state from a saved workflow. if self.root and selection_state is not None: self._restore_selection(selection_state) self.__pending_selection_restore = None self.unconditional_commit() def _set_items(self, items, axis=1): self.closeContext() self.items = items model = self.label_cb.model() if len(model) == 3: self.annotation_if_names = self.annotation elif len(model) == 2: self.annotation_if_enumerate = self.annotation if isinstance(items, and axis: model[:] = chain( self.basic_annotations, [model.Separator], items.domain.class_vars, items.domain.metas, [model.Separator] if (items.domain.class_vars or items.domain.metas) and next(filter_visible(items.domain.attributes), False) else [], filter_visible(items.domain.attributes) ) if items.domain.class_vars: self.annotation = items.domain.class_vars[0] else: self.annotation = "Enumeration" self.openContext(items.domain) else: name_option = bool( items is not None and ( not axis or isinstance(items, list) and all(isinstance(var, for var in items))) model[:] = self.basic_annotations + ["Name"] * name_option self.annotation = self.annotation_if_names if name_option \ else self.annotation_if_enumerate def _clear_plot(self): self.dendrogram.set_root(None) self.labels.setItems([]) def _set_displayed_root(self, root): self._clear_plot() self._displayed_root = root self.dendrogram.set_root(root) self._update_labels() self._main_graphics.resize( self._main_graphics.size().width(), self._main_graphics.sizeHint(Qt.PreferredSize).height() ) self._main_graphics.layout().activate() def _update(self): self._clear_plot() distances = self.matrix if distances is not None: method = LINKAGE[self.linkage].lower() Z = dist_matrix_linkage(distances, linkage=method) tree = tree_from_linkage(Z) self.linkmatrix = Z self.root = tree self.top_axis.setRange(tree.value.height, 0.0) self.bottom_axis.setRange(tree.value.height, 0.0) if self.pruning: self._set_displayed_root(prune(tree, level=self.max_depth)) else: self._set_displayed_root(tree) else: self.linkmatrix = None self.root = None self._set_displayed_root(None) self._apply_selection() def _update_labels(self): labels = [] if self.root and self._displayed_root: indices = [leaf.value.index for leaf in leaves(self.root)] if self.annotation == "None": labels = [] elif self.annotation == "Enumeration": labels = [str(i+1) for i in indices] elif self.annotation == "Name": attr = self.matrix.row_items.domain.attributes labels = [str(attr[i]) for i in indices] elif isinstance(self.annotation, col_data, _ = self.items.get_column_view(self.annotation) labels = [self.annotation.str_val(val) for val in col_data] labels = [labels[idx] for idx in indices] else: labels = [] if labels and self._displayed_root is not self.root: joined = leaves(self._displayed_root) labels = [", ".join(labels[leaf.value.first: leaf.value.last]) for leaf in joined] self.labels.setItems(labels) self.labels.setMinimumWidth(1 if labels else -1) def _restore_selection(self, state): # type: (SelectionState) -> bool """ Restore the (manual) node selection state. Return True if successful; False otherwise. """ linkmatrix = self.linkmatrix if self.selection_method == 0 and self.root: selected, linksaved = state linkstruct = np.array(linksaved, dtype=float) selected = set(selected) # type: Set[Tuple[int]] if not selected: return False if linkmatrix.shape[0] != linkstruct.shape[0]: return False # check that the linkage matrix structure matches. Use isclose for # the height column to account for inexact floating point math # (e.g. summation order in different ?gemm implementations for # euclidean distances, ...) if np.any(linkstruct[:, :2] != linkmatrix[:, :2]) or \ not np.all(np.isclose(linkstruct[:, 2], linkstruct[:, 2])): return False selection = [] indices = np.array([n.value.index for n in leaves(self.root)], dtype=int) # mapping from ranges to display (pruned) nodes mapping = {node.value.range: node for node in postorder(self._displayed_root)} for node in postorder(self.root): # type: Tree r = tuple(indices[node.value.first: node.value.last]) if r in selected: if node.value.range not in mapping: # the node was pruned from display and cannot be # selected break selection.append(mapping[node.value.range]) selected.remove(r) if not selected: break # found all, nothing more to do if selection and selected: # Could not restore all selected nodes (only partial match) return False self._set_selected_nodes(selection) return True return False def _set_selected_nodes(self, selection): # type: (List[Tree]) -> None """ Set the nodes in `selection` to be the current selected nodes. The selection nodes must be subtrees of the current `_displayed_root`. """ self.dendrogram.selectionChanged.disconnect(self._invalidate_output) try: self.dendrogram.set_selected_clusters(selection) finally: self.dendrogram.selectionChanged.connect(self._invalidate_output) def _invalidate_clustering(self): self._update() self._update_labels() self._invalidate_output() def _invalidate_output(self): self.commit() def _invalidate_pruning(self): if self.root: selection = self.dendrogram.selected_nodes() ranges = [node.value.range for node in selection] if self.pruning: self._set_displayed_root( prune(self.root, level=self.max_depth)) else: self._set_displayed_root(self.root) selected = [node for node in preorder(self._displayed_root) if node.value.range in ranges] self.dendrogram.set_selected_clusters(selected) self._apply_selection() def commit(self): items = getattr(self.matrix, "items", self.items) if not items: self.Outputs.selected_data.send(None) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(None) return selection = self.dendrogram.selected_nodes() selection = sorted(selection, key=lambda c: c.value.first) indices = [leaf.value.index for leaf in leaves(self.root)] maps = [indices[node.value.first:node.value.last] for node in selection] selected_indices = list(chain(*maps)) unselected_indices = sorted(set(range(self.root.value.last)) - set(selected_indices)) if not selected_indices: self.Outputs.selected_data.send(None) annotated_data = create_annotated_table(items, []) \ if self.selection_method == 0 and self.matrix.axis else None self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(annotated_data) return selected_data = None if isinstance(items, and self.matrix.axis == 1: # Select rows c = np.zeros(self.matrix.shape[0]) for i, indices in enumerate(maps): c[indices] = i c[unselected_indices] = len(maps) mask = c != len(maps) data, domain = items, items.domain attrs = domain.attributes classes = domain.class_vars metas = domain.metas var_name = get_unique_names(domain, "Cluster") values = [f"C{i + 1}" for i in range(len(maps))] clust_var = var_name, values=values + ["Other"]) domain =, classes, metas + (clust_var,)) data = items.transform(domain) data.get_column_view(clust_var)[0][:] = c if selected_indices: selected_data = data[mask] clust_var = var_name, values=values) selected_data.domain = Domain( attrs, classes, metas + (clust_var, )) elif isinstance(items, and self.matrix.axis == 0: # Select columns domain = [items.domain[i] for i in selected_indices], items.domain.class_vars, items.domain.metas) selected_data = items.from_table(domain, items) data = None self.Outputs.selected_data.send(selected_data) annotated_data = create_annotated_table(data, selected_indices) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(annotated_data) def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.view.viewport() and event.type() == QEvent.Resize: # NOTE: not using viewport.width(), due to 'transient' scroll bars # (macOS). Viewport covers the whole view, but QGraphicsView still # scrolls left, right with scroll bar extent (other # QAbstractScrollArea widgets behave as expected). w_frame = self.view.frameWidth() margin = self.view.viewportMargins() w_scroll = self.view.verticalScrollBar().width() width = (self.view.width() - w_frame * 2 - margin.left() - margin.right() - w_scroll) # layout with new width constraint self.__layout_main_graphics(width=width) elif obj is self._main_graphics and \ event.type() == QEvent.LayoutRequest: # layout preserving the width (vertical re layout) self.__layout_main_graphics() return super().eventFilter(obj, event) @Slot(QPointF) def _activate_cut_line(self, pos: QPointF): """Activate cut line selection an set cut value to `pos.x()`.""" self.selection_method = 1 self.cut_line.setValue(pos.x()) self._selection_method_changed() def onDeleteWidget(self): super().onDeleteWidget() self._clear_plot() self.dendrogram.clear() self.dendrogram.deleteLater() def _dendrogram_geom_changed(self): pos = self.dendrogram.pos_at_height(self.cutoff_height) geom = self.dendrogram.geometry() self._set_slider_value(pos.x(), geom.width()) self.cut_line.setLength( self.bottom_axis.geometry().bottom() - self.top_axis.geometry().top() ) geom = self._main_graphics.geometry() assert geom.topLeft() == QPointF(0, 0) def adjustLeft(rect): rect = QRectF(rect) rect.setLeft(geom.left()) return rect margin = 3 self.scene.setSceneRect(geom) self.view.setSceneRect(geom) self.view.setHeaderSceneRect( adjustLeft(self.top_axis.geometry()).adjusted(0, 0, 0, margin) ) self.view.setFooterSceneRect( adjustLeft(self.bottom_axis.geometry()).adjusted(0, -margin, 0, 0) ) def _dendrogram_slider_changed(self, value): p = QPointF(value, 0) cl_height = self.dendrogram.height_at(p) self.set_cutoff_height(cl_height) def _set_slider_value(self, value, span): with blocked(self.cut_line): self.cut_line.setRange(0, span) self.cut_line.setValue(value) def set_cutoff_height(self, height): self.cutoff_height = height if self.root: self.cut_ratio = 100 * height / self.root.value.height self.select_max_height(height) def _set_cut_line_visible(self, visible): self.cut_line.setVisible(visible) def select_top_n(self, n): root = self._displayed_root if root: clusters = top_clusters(root, n) self.dendrogram.set_selected_clusters(clusters) def select_max_height(self, height): root = self._displayed_root if root: clusters = clusters_at_height(root, height) self.dendrogram.set_selected_clusters(clusters) def _selection_method_changed(self): self._set_cut_line_visible(self.selection_method == 1) if self.root: self._apply_selection() def _apply_selection(self): if not self.root: return if self.selection_method == 0: pass elif self.selection_method == 1: height = self.cut_ratio * self.root.value.height / 100 self.set_cutoff_height(height) pos = self.dendrogram.pos_at_height(height) self._set_slider_value(pos.x(), self.dendrogram.size().width()) elif self.selection_method == 2: self.select_top_n(self.top_n) def _selection_edited(self): # Selection was edited by clicking on a cluster in the # dendrogram view. self.selection_method = 0 self._selection_method_changed() self._invalidate_output() def _save_selection(self): # Save the current manual node selection state selection_state = None if self.selection_method == 0 and self.root: assert self.linkmatrix is not None linkmat = [(int(_0), int(_1), _2) for _0, _1, _2 in self.linkmatrix[:, :3].tolist()] nodes_ = self.dendrogram.selected_nodes() # match the display (pruned) nodes back (by ranges) mapping = {node.value.range: node for node in postorder(self.root)} nodes = [mapping[node.value.range] for node in nodes_] indices = [tuple(node.value.index for node in leaves(node)) for node in nodes] if nodes: selection_state = (indices, linkmat) return selection_state def save_state(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] """ Save state for `set_restore_state` """ selection = self._save_selection() res = {"version": (0, 0, 0)} if selection is not None: res["selection_state"] = selection return res def set_restore_state(self, state): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> bool """ Restore session data from a saved state. Parameters ---------- state : Dict[str, Any] NOTE ---- This is method called while the instance (self) is being constructed, even before its `__init__` is called. Consider `self` to be only a `QObject` at this stage. """ if "selection_state" in state: selection = state["selection_state"] self.__pending_selection_restore = selection return True def __zoom_in(self): def clip(minval, maxval, val): return min(max(val, minval), maxval) self.zoom_factor = clip(self.zoom_slider.minimum(), self.zoom_slider.maximum(), self.zoom_factor + 1) self.__update_font_scale() def __zoom_out(self): def clip(minval, maxval, val): return min(max(val, minval), maxval) self.zoom_factor = clip(self.zoom_slider.minimum(), self.zoom_slider.maximum(), self.zoom_factor - 1) self.__update_font_scale() def __zoom_reset(self): self.zoom_factor = 0 self.__update_font_scale() def __layout_main_graphics(self, width=-1): if width < 0: # Preserve current width. width = self._main_graphics.size().width() preferred = self._main_graphics.effectiveSizeHint( Qt.PreferredSize, constraint=QSizeF(width, -1)) self._main_graphics.resize(QSizeF(width, preferred.height())) mw = self._main_graphics.minimumWidth() + 4 self.view.setMinimumWidth(mw + self.view.verticalScrollBar().width()) def __update_font_scale(self): font = self.scene.font() factor = (1.25 ** self.zoom_factor) font = qfont_scaled(font, factor) self._main_graphics.setFont(font) def send_report(self): annot = self.label_cb.currentText() if isinstance(self.annotation, str): annot = annot.lower() if self.selection_method == 0: sel = "manual" elif self.selection_method == 1: sel = "at {:.1f} of height".format(self.cut_ratio) else: sel = "top {} clusters".format(self.top_n) self.report_items(( ("Linkage", LINKAGE[self.linkage].lower()), ("Annotation", annot), ("Prunning", self.pruning != 0 and "{} levels".format(self.max_depth)), ("Selection", sel), )) self.report_plot() def qfont_scaled(font, factor): scaled = QFont(font) if font.pointSizeF() != -1: scaled.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF() * factor) elif font.pixelSize() != -1: scaled.setPixelSize(int(font.pixelSize() * factor)) return scaled class AxisItem(pg.AxisItem): mousePressed = Signal(QPointF, Qt.MouseButton) mouseMoved = Signal(QPointF, Qt.MouseButtons) mouseReleased = Signal(QPointF, Qt.MouseButton) #: \reimp def wheelEvent(self, event): event.ignore() # ignore event to propagate to the view -> scroll def mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None: self.mousePressed.emit(event.pos(), event.button()) super().mousePressEvent(event) event.accept() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): self.mouseMoved.emit(event.pos(), event.buttons()) super().mouseMoveEvent(event) event.accept() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): self.mouseReleased.emit(event.pos(), event.button()) super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) event.accept() class SliderLine(QGraphicsObject): """A movable slider line.""" valueChanged = Signal(float) linePressed = Signal() lineMoved = Signal() lineReleased = Signal() rangeChanged = Signal(float, float) def __init__(self, parent=None, orientation=Qt.Vertical, value=0.0, length=10.0, **kwargs): self._orientation = orientation self._value = value self._length = length self._min = 0.0 self._max = 1.0 self._line = QLineF() # type: Optional[QLineF] self._pen = QPen() super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.LeftButton) self.setPen(make_pen(brush=QColor(50, 50, 50), width=1, cosmetic=False, style=Qt.DashLine)) if self._orientation == Qt.Vertical: self.setCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor) else: self.setCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor) def setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, Qt.GlobalColor, Qt.PenStyle]) -> None: pen = QPen(pen) if self._pen != pen: self.prepareGeometryChange() self._pen = pen self._line = None self.update() def pen(self) -> QPen: return QPen(self._pen) def setValue(self, value: float): value = min(max(value, self._min), self._max) if self._value != value: self.prepareGeometryChange() self._value = value self._line = None self.valueChanged.emit(value) def value(self) -> float: return self._value def setRange(self, minval: float, maxval: float) -> None: maxval = max(minval, maxval) if minval != self._min or maxval != self._max: self._min = minval self._max = maxval self.rangeChanged.emit(minval, maxval) self.setValue(self._value) def setLength(self, length: float): if self._length != length: self.prepareGeometryChange() self._length = length self._line = None def length(self) -> float: return self._length def setOrientation(self, orientation: Qt.Orientation): if self._orientation != orientation: self.prepareGeometryChange() self._orientation = orientation self._line = None if self._orientation == Qt.Vertical: self.setCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor) else: self.setCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor) def mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None: event.accept() self.linePressed.emit() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None: pos = event.pos() if self._orientation == Qt.Vertical: self.setValue(pos.y()) else: self.setValue(pos.x()) self.lineMoved.emit() event.accept() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None: if self._orientation == Qt.Vertical: self.setValue(event.pos().y()) else: self.setValue(event.pos().x()) self.lineReleased.emit() event.accept() def boundingRect(self) -> QRectF: if self._line is None: if self._orientation == Qt.Vertical: self._line = QLineF(0, self._value, self._length, self._value) else: self._line = QLineF(self._value, 0, self._value, self._length) r = QRectF(self._line.p1(), self._line.p2()) penw = self.pen().width() return r.adjusted(-penw, -penw, penw, penw) def paint(self, painter, *args): if self._line is None: self.boundingRect() painter.setPen(self.pen()) painter.drawLine(self._line) painter.restore() def clusters_at_height(root, height): """Return a list of clusters by cutting the clustering at `height`. """ lower = set() cluster_list = [] for cl in preorder(root): if cl in lower: continue if cl.value.height < height: cluster_list.append(cl) lower.update(preorder(cl)) return cluster_list if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from Orange import distance data ="iris") matrix = distance.Euclidean(distance._preprocess(data)) WidgetPreview(OWHierarchicalClustering).run(matrix)