/***************************************************************************** * libmp4.h : LibMP4 library for mp4 module for vlc ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001-2004, 2010 VLC authors and VideoLAN * * Authors: Laurent Aimar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef VLC_MP4_LIBMP4_H_ #define VLC_MP4_LIBMP4_H_ #include #include /* Use alias for scaled time */ typedef int64_t stime_t; #define BLOCK16x16 (1<<16) #define MAJOR_3gp4 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'g', 'p', '4' ) #define MAJOR_3gp5 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'g', 'p', '5' ) #define MAJOR_3gp6 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'g', 'p', '6' ) #define MAJOR_3gp7 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'g', 'p', '7' ) #define MAJOR_isml VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 's', 'm', 'l' ) #define MAJOR_isom VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 's', 'o', 'm' ) #define MAJOR_qt__ VLC_FOURCC( 'q', 't', ' ', ' ' ) #define MAJOR_dash VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'a', 's', 'h' ) #define MAJOR_mp41 VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'p', '4', '1' ) #define MAJOR_avc1 VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'v', 'c', '1' ) #define MAJOR_M4A VLC_FOURCC( 'M', '4', 'A', ' ' ) #define ATOM_root VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'o', 'o', 't' ) #define ATOM_uuid VLC_FOURCC( 'u', 'u', 'i', 'd' ) #define ATOM_ftyp VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 't', 'y', 'p' ) #define ATOM_moov VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'o', 'o', 'v' ) #define ATOM_foov VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'o', 'o', 'v' ) #define ATOM_cmov VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'm', 'o', 'v' ) #define ATOM_dcom VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'c', 'o', 'm' ) #define ATOM_cmvd VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'm', 'v', 'd' ) #define ATOM_styp VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 'y', 'p' ) #define ATOM_moof VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'o', 'o', 'f' ) #define ATOM_mdat VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'd', 'a', 't' ) #define ATOM_skip VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'k', 'i', 'p' ) #define ATOM_free VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'r', 'e', 'e' ) #define ATOM_udta VLC_FOURCC( 'u', 'd', 't', 'a' ) #define ATOM_wide VLC_FOURCC( 'w', 'i', 'd', 'e' ) #define ATOM_binm VLC_FOURCC( 0x82, 0x82, 0x7f, 0x7d ) /* binary Computer Graphics Metafile */ /* Quicktime preview */ #define ATOM_pnot VLC_FOURCC( 'p', 'n', 'o', 't' ) #define ATOM_pict VLC_FOURCC( 'p', 'i', 'c', 't' ) #define ATOM_PICT VLC_FOURCC( 'P', 'I', 'C', 'T' ) #define ATOM_data VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'a', 't', 'a' ) #define ATOM_trak VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'r', 'a', 'k' ) #define ATOM_mvhd VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'v', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_tkhd VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'k', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_tref VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'r', 'e', 'f' ) #define ATOM_load VLC_FOURCC( 'l', 'o', 'a', 'd' ) #define ATOM_mdia VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'd', 'i', 'a' ) #define ATOM_mdhd VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'd', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_hdlr VLC_FOURCC( 'h', 'd', 'l', 'r' ) #define ATOM_minf VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'i', 'n', 'f' ) #define ATOM_vmhd VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'm', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_smhd VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'm', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_hmhd VLC_FOURCC( 'h', 'm', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_dinf VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'i', 'n', 'f' ) #define ATOM_url VLC_FOURCC( 'u', 'r', 'l', ' ' ) #define ATOM_urn VLC_FOURCC( 'u', 'r', 'n', ' ' ) #define ATOM_dref VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'r', 'e', 'f' ) #define ATOM_stbl VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 'b', 'l' ) #define ATOM_stts VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 't', 's' ) #define ATOM_ctts VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 't', 't', 's' ) #define ATOM_cslg VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 's', 'l', 'g' ) #define ATOM_stsd VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 's', 'd' ) #define ATOM_stsz VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 's', 'z' ) #define ATOM_stz2 VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 'z', '2' ) #define ATOM_stsc VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 's', 'c' ) #define ATOM_stco VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 'c', 'o' ) #define ATOM_co64 VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'o', '6', '4' ) #define ATOM_sbgp VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'b', 'g', 'p' ) #define ATOM_sgpd VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'g', 'p', 'd' ) #define ATOM_stss VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 's', 's' ) #define ATOM_stsh VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 's', 'h' ) #define ATOM_stdp VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 'd', 'p' ) #define ATOM_edts VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 'd', 't', 's' ) #define ATOM_elst VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 'l', 's', 't' ) #define ATOM_mvex VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'v', 'e', 'x' ) #define ATOM_sdtp VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'd', 't', 'p' ) #define ATOM_trex VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'r', 'e', 'x' ) #define ATOM_mehd VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'e', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_mfhd VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'f', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_traf VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'r', 'a', 'f' ) #define ATOM_sidx VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'i', 'd', 'x' ) #define ATOM_tfhd VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'f', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_tfdt VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'f', 'd', 't' ) #define ATOM_trun VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'r', 'u', 'n' ) #define ATOM_cprt VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'p', 'r', 't' ) #define ATOM_iods VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 'o', 'd', 's' ) #define ATOM_pasp VLC_FOURCC( 'p', 'a', 's', 'p' ) #define ATOM_mfra VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'f', 'r', 'a' ) #define ATOM_mfro VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'f', 'r', 'o' ) #define ATOM_tfra VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'f', 'r', 'a' ) #define ATOM_keys VLC_FOURCC( 'k', 'e', 'y', 's' ) #define ATOM_st3d VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', '3', 'd' ) #define ATOM_sv3d VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'v', '3', 'd' ) #define ATOM_proj VLC_FOURCC( 'p', 'r', 'o', 'j' ) #define ATOM_prhd VLC_FOURCC( 'p', 'r', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_cbmp VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'b', 'm', 'p' ) #define ATOM_equi VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 'q', 'u', 'i' ) #define ATOM_nmhd VLC_FOURCC( 'n', 'm', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_mp2v VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'p', '2', 'v' ) #define ATOM_mp4v VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'p', '4', 'v' ) #define ATOM_mp4a VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'p', '4', 'a' ) #define ATOM_mp4s VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'p', '4', 's' ) #define ATOM_vide VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'i', 'd', 'e' ) #define ATOM_soun VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'o', 'u', 'n' ) #define ATOM_hint VLC_FOURCC( 'h', 'i', 'n', 't' ) #define ATOM_hdv2 VLC_FOURCC( 'h', 'd', 'v', '2' ) #define ATOM_rrtp VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'r', 't', 'p' ) #define ATOM_dpnd VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'p', 'n', 'd' ) #define ATOM_cdsc VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'd', 's', 'c' ) #define ATOM_ipir VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 'p', 'i', 'r' ) #define ATOM_mpod VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'p', 'o', 'd' ) #define ATOM_hnti VLC_FOURCC( 'h', 'n', 't', 'i' ) #define ATOM_rtp VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 't', 'p', ' ' ) #define ATOM_btrt VLC_FOURCC( 'b', 't', 'r', 't' ) #define ATOM_sdp VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'd', 'p', ' ' ) #define ATOM_tims VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'i', 'm', 's' ) #define ATOM_tsro VLC_FOURCC( 't', 's', 'r', 'o' ) #define ATOM_tssy VLC_FOURCC( 't', 's', 's', 'y' ) #define ATOM_esds VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 's', 'd', 's' ) #define ATOM_lpcm VLC_FOURCC( 'l', 'p', 'c', 'm' ) #define ATOM__mp3 VLC_FOURCC( '.', 'm', 'p', '3' ) #define ATOM_ms02 VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 's', 0x0, 0x02 ) #define ATOM_ms11 VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 's', 0x0, 0x11 ) #define ATOM_ms55 VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 's', 0x0, 0x55 ) #define ATOM_twos VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'w', 'o', 's' ) #define ATOM_sowt VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'o', 'w', 't' ) #define ATOM_QDMC VLC_FOURCC( 'Q', 'D', 'M', 'C' ) #define ATOM_QDM2 VLC_FOURCC( 'Q', 'D', 'M', '2' ) #define ATOM_XiFL VLC_FOURCC( 'X', 'i', 'F', 'L' ) #define ATOM_XiVs VLC_FOURCC( 'X', 'i', 'V', 's' ) #define ATOM_ima4 VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 'm', 'a', '4' ) #define ATOM_IMA4 VLC_FOURCC( 'I', 'M', 'A', '4' ) #define ATOM_dvi VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'v', 'i', ' ' ) #define ATOM_MAC3 VLC_FOURCC( 'M', 'A', 'C', '3' ) #define ATOM_MAC6 VLC_FOURCC( 'M', 'A', 'C', '6' ) #define ATOM_alaw VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'l', 'a', 'w' ) #define ATOM_ulaw VLC_FOURCC( 'u', 'l', 'a', 'w' ) #define ATOM_Qclp VLC_FOURCC( 'Q', 'c', 'l', 'p' ) #define ATOM_samr VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'a', 'm', 'r' ) #define ATOM_sawb VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'a', 'w', 'b' ) #define ATOM_OggS VLC_FOURCC( 'O', 'g', 'g', 'S' ) #define ATOM_agsm VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'g', 's', 'm' ) #define ATOM_alac VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'l', 'a', 'c' ) #define ATOM_AC3 VLC_FOURCC( 'A', 'C', '-', '3' ) #define ATOM_ac3 VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'c', '-', '3' ) #define ATOM_eac3 VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 'c', '-', '3' ) #define ATOM_dac3 VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'a', 'c', '3' ) #define ATOM_dec3 VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'e', 'c', '3' ) #define ATOM_ddts VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'd', 't', 's' ) /* DTS formats */ #define ATOM_dtsc VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 't', 's', 'c' ) #define ATOM_dtsh VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 't', 's', 'h' ) #define ATOM_dtsl VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 't', 's', 'l' ) #define ATOM_dtse VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 't', 's', 'e' ) #define ATOM_dtsm VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 't', 's', '-' ) #define ATOM_dtsp VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 't', 's', '+' ) #define ATOM_vc1 VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'c', '-', '1' ) #define ATOM_dvc1 VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'v', 'c', '1' ) #define ATOM_WMA2 VLC_FOURCC( 'W', 'M', 'A', '2' ) #define ATOM_wma VLC_FOURCC( 'w', 'm', 'a', ' ' ) #define ATOM_enda VLC_FOURCC( 'e', 'n', 'd', 'a' ) #define ATOM_gnre VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 'n', 'r', 'e' ) #define ATOM_trkn VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'r', 'k', 'n' ) #define ATOM_chan VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'h', 'a', 'n' ) #define ATOM_in24 VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 'n', '2', '4' ) #define ATOM_in32 VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 'n', '3', '2' ) #define ATOM_fl32 VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'l', '3', '2' ) #define ATOM_fl64 VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'l', '6', '4' ) #define ATOM_Opus VLC_FOURCC( 'O', 'p', 'u', 's' ) #define ATOM_fLaC VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'L', 'a', 'C' ) #define ATOM_dfLa VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'f', 'L', 'a' ) /* XiphQT */ #define ATOM_fCtS VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'C', 't', 'S' ) #define ATOM_vCtH VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'C', 't', 'H' ) #define ATOM_vCtC VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'C', 't', 'C' ) #define ATOM_vCtd VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'C', 't', '#' ) #define ATOM_zlib VLC_FOURCC( 'z', 'l', 'i', 'b' ) #define ATOM_SVQ1 VLC_FOURCC( 'S', 'V', 'Q', '1' ) #define ATOM_SVQ3 VLC_FOURCC( 'S', 'V', 'Q', '3' ) #define ATOM_ZyGo VLC_FOURCC( 'Z', 'y', 'G', 'o' ) #define ATOM_3IV1 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'I', 'V', '1' ) #define ATOM_3iv1 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'i', 'v', '1' ) #define ATOM_3IV2 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'I', 'V', '2' ) #define ATOM_3iv2 VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'i', 'v', '2' ) #define ATOM_3IVD VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'I', 'V', 'D' ) #define ATOM_3ivd VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'i', 'v', 'd' ) #define ATOM_3VID VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'V', 'I', 'D' ) #define ATOM_3vid VLC_FOURCC( '3', 'v', 'i', 'd' ) #define ATOM_FFV1 VLC_FOURCC( 'F', 'F', 'V', '1' ) #define ATOM_h263 VLC_FOURCC( 'h', '2', '6', '3' ) #define ATOM_s263 VLC_FOURCC( 's', '2', '6', '3' ) #define ATOM_DIVX VLC_FOURCC( 'D', 'I', 'V', 'X' ) #define ATOM_XVID VLC_FOURCC( 'X', 'V', 'I', 'D' ) #define ATOM_cvid VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'v', 'i', 'd' ) #define ATOM_mjpa VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'j', 'p', 'a' ) #define ATOM_mjpb VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'j', 'q', 't' ) #define ATOM_mjqt VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'j', 'h', 't' ) #define ATOM_mjht VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'j', 'p', 'b' ) #define ATOM_VP31 VLC_FOURCC( 'V', 'P', '3', '1' ) #define ATOM_vp31 VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'p', '3', '1' ) #define ATOM_h264 VLC_FOURCC( 'h', '2', '6', '4' ) #define ATOM_H264 VLC_FOURCC( 'H', '2', '6', '4' ) #define ATOM_qdrw VLC_FOURCC( 'q', 'd', 'r', 'w' ) #define ATOM_vp08 VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'p', '0', '8' ) #define ATOM_vp09 VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'p', '0', '9' ) #define ATOM_vp10 VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'p', '1', '0' ) #define ATOM_WMV3 VLC_FOURCC( 'W', 'M', 'V', '3' ) #define ATOM_WVC1 VLC_FOURCC( 'W', 'V', 'C', '1' ) #define ATOM_av01 VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'v', '0', '1' ) #define ATOM_avc1 VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'v', 'c', '1' ) #define ATOM_avc3 VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'v', 'c', '3' ) #define ATOM_av1C VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'v', '1', 'C' ) #define ATOM_avcC VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'v', 'c', 'C' ) #define ATOM_vpcC VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'p', 'c', 'C' ) #define ATOM_m4ds VLC_FOURCC( 'm', '4', 'd', 's' ) #define ATOM_fiel VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'i', 'e', 'l' ) #define ATOM_glbl VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 'l', 'b', 'l' ) #define ATOM_hvcC VLC_FOURCC( 'h', 'v', 'c', 'C' ) #define ATOM_dvc VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'v', 'c', ' ' ) #define ATOM_dvp VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'v', 'p', ' ' ) #define ATOM_dv5n VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'v', '5', 'n' ) #define ATOM_dv5p VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'v', '5', 'p' ) #define ATOM_raw VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'a', 'w', ' ' ) #define ATOM_dOps VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'O', 'p', 's' ) #define ATOM_wfex VLC_FOURCC( 'w', 'f', 'e', 'x' ) #define ATOM_jpeg VLC_FOURCC( 'j', 'p', 'e', 'g' ) #define ATOM_yv12 VLC_FOURCC( 'y', 'v', '1', '2' ) #define ATOM_yuv2 VLC_FOURCC( 'y', 'u', 'v', '2' ) #define ATOM_rmra VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'm', 'r', 'a' ) #define ATOM_rmda VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'm', 'd', 'a' ) #define ATOM_rdrf VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'd', 'r', 'f' ) #define ATOM_rmdr VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'm', 'd', 'r' ) #define ATOM_rmvc VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'm', 'v', 'c' ) #define ATOM_rmcd VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'm', 'c', 'd' ) #define ATOM_rmqu VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 'm', 'q', 'u' ) #define ATOM_alis VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'l', 'i', 's' ) #define ATOM_gmhd VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 'm', 'h', 'd' ) #define ATOM_wave VLC_FOURCC( 'w', 'a', 'v', 'e' ) #define ATOM_strf VLC_FOURCC( 's', 't', 'r', 'f' ) #define ATOM_drms VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'r', 'm', 's' ) #define ATOM_sinf VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'i', 'n', 'f' ) #define ATOM_schi VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'c', 'h', 'i' ) #define ATOM_user VLC_FOURCC( 'u', 's', 'e', 'r' ) #define ATOM_key VLC_FOURCC( 'k', 'e', 'y', ' ' ) #define ATOM_iviv VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 'v', 'i', 'v' ) #define ATOM_mean VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'e', 'a', 'n' ) #define ATOM_name VLC_FOURCC( 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e' ) #define ATOM_priv VLC_FOURCC( 'p', 'r', 'i', 'v' ) #define ATOM_drmi VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'r', 'm', 'i' ) #define ATOM_frma VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'r', 'm', 'a' ) #define ATOM_skcr VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'k', 'c', 'r' ) #define ATOM_ASF VLC_FOURCC( 'A', 'S', 'F', ' ' ) #define ATOM_text VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'e', 'x', 't' ) #define ATOM_tx3g VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'x', '3', 'g' ) #define ATOM_subp VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'u', 'b', 'p' ) #define ATOM_subt VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'u', 'b', 't' ) #define ATOM_sbtl VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'b', 't', 'l' ) #define ATOM_clcp VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'l', 'c', 'p' ) #define ATOM_c608 VLC_FOURCC( 'c', '6', '0', '8' ) #define ATOM_c708 VLC_FOURCC( 'c', '7', '0', '8' ) #define ATOM_wvtt VLC_FOURCC( 'w', 'v', 't', 't' ) /* In sample for WebVTT */ #define ATOM_vttc VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 't', 't', 'c' ) #define ATOM_payl VLC_FOURCC( 'p', 'a', 'y', 'l' ) #define ATOM_0xa9nam VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'n', 'a', 'm' ) #define ATOM_0xa9aut VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'a', 'u', 't' ) #define ATOM_0xa9cpy VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'c', 'p', 'y' ) #define ATOM_0xa9inf VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'i', 'n', 'f' ) #define ATOM_0xa9isr VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'i', 's', 'r' ) #define ATOM_0xa9lab VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'l', 'a', 'b' ) #define ATOM_0xa9lal VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'l', 'a', 'l' ) #define ATOM_0xa9ART VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'A', 'R', 'T' ) #define ATOM_0xa9des VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'd', 'e', 's' ) #define ATOM_0xa9dir VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'd', 'i', 'r' ) #define ATOM_0xa9cmt VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'c', 'm', 't' ) #define ATOM_0xa9req VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'r', 'e', 'q' ) #define ATOM_0xa9day VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'd', 'a', 'y' ) #define ATOM_0xa9fmt VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'f', 'm', 't' ) #define ATOM_0xa9prd VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'p', 'r', 'd' ) #define ATOM_0xa9prf VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'p', 'r', 'f' ) #define ATOM_0xa9src VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 's', 'r', 'c' ) #define ATOM_0xa9alb VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'a', 'l', 'b' ) #define ATOM_0xa9dis VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'd', 'i', 's' ) #define ATOM_0xa9enc VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'e', 'n', 'c' ) #define ATOM_0xa9trk VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 't', 'r', 'k' ) #define ATOM_0xa9url VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'u', 'r', 'l' ) #define ATOM_0xa9dsa VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'd', 's', 'a' ) #define ATOM_0xa9hst VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'h', 's', 't' ) #define ATOM_0xa9ope VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'o', 'p', 'e' ) #define ATOM_0xa9wrt VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'w', 'r', 't' ) #define ATOM_0xa9com VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'c', 'o', 'm' ) #define ATOM_0xa9gen VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'g', 'e', 'n' ) #define ATOM_0xa9too VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 't', 'o', 'o' ) #define ATOM_0xa9wrn VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'w', 'r', 'n' ) #define ATOM_0xa9swr VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 's', 'w', 'r' ) #define ATOM_0xa9mak VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'm', 'a', 'k' ) #define ATOM_0xa9mal VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'm', 'a', 'l' ) #define ATOM_0xa9mod VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'm', 'o', 'd' ) #define ATOM_0xa9PRD VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'P', 'R', 'D' ) #define ATOM_0xa9grp VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'g', 'r', 'p' ) #define ATOM_0xa9lyr VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'l', 'y', 'r' ) #define ATOM_0xa9gen VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'g', 'e', 'n' ) #define ATOM_0xa9st3 VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 's', 't', '3' ) #define ATOM_0xa9ard VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'a', 'r', 'd' ) #define ATOM_0xa9arg VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'a', 'r', 'g' ) #define ATOM_0xa9cak VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'c', 'a', 'k' ) #define ATOM_0xa9con VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'c', 'o', 'n' ) #define ATOM_0xa9des VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'd', 'e', 's' ) #define ATOM_0xa9lnt VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'l', 'n', 't' ) #define ATOM_0xa9phg VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'p', 'h', 'g' ) #define ATOM_0xa9pub VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'p', 'u', 'b' ) #define ATOM_0xa9sne VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 's', 'n', 'e' ) #define ATOM_0xa9snm VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 's', 'n', 'm' ) #define ATOM_0xa9sol VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 's', 'o', 'l' ) #define ATOM_0xa9thx VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 't', 'h', 'x' ) #define ATOM_0xa9xpd VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'x', 'p', 'd' ) #define ATOM_0xa9xyz VLC_FOURCC( 0xa9, 'x', 'y', 'z' ) #define ATOM_aART VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 'A', 'R', 'T' ) #define ATOM_chpl VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'h', 'p', 'l' ) #define ATOM_HMMT VLC_FOURCC( 'H', 'M', 'M', 'T' ) #define ATOM_desc VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'e', 's', 'c' ) #define ATOM_disk VLC_FOURCC( 'd', 'i', 's', 'k' ) #define ATOM_ID32 VLC_FOURCC( 'I', 'D', '3', '2' ) #define ATOM_WLOC VLC_FOURCC( 'W', 'L', 'O', 'C' ) #define ATOM_ITUN VLC_FOURCC( '-', '-', '-', '-' ) #define ATOM_meta VLC_FOURCC( 'm', 'e', 't', 'a' ) #define ATOM_atID VLC_FOURCC( 'a', 't', 'I', 'D' ) #define ATOM_ilst VLC_FOURCC( 'i', 'l', 's', 't' ) #define ATOM_cnID VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'n', 'I', 'D' ) #define ATOM_covr VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'o', 'v', 'r' ) #define ATOM_flvr VLC_FOURCC( 'f', 'l', 'v', 'r' ) #define ATOM_rtng VLC_FOURCC( 'r', 't', 'n', 'g' ) #define ATOM_tsel VLC_FOURCC( 't', 's', 'e', 'l' ) #define ATOM_xid_ VLC_FOURCC( 'x', 'i', 'd', ' ' ) #define ATOM_gshh VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 's', 'h', 'h' ) #define ATOM_gspm VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 's', 'p', 'm' ) #define ATOM_gspu VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 's', 'p', 'u' ) #define ATOM_gssd VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 's', 's', 'd' ) #define ATOM_gsst VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 's', 's', 't' ) #define ATOM_gstd VLC_FOURCC( 'g', 's', 't', 'd' ) #define ATOM_colr VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'o', 'l', 'r' ) #define ATOM_SmDm VLC_FOURCC( 'S', 'm', 'D', 'm' ) #define ATOM_CoLL VLC_FOURCC( 'C', 'o', 'L', 'L' ) #define ATOM_0x40PRM VLC_FOURCC( '@', 'P', 'R', 'M' ) #define ATOM_0x40PRQ VLC_FOURCC( '@', 'P', 'R', 'Q' ) #define ATOM_chap VLC_FOURCC( 'c', 'h', 'a', 'p' ) #define ATOM_MCPS VLC_FOURCC( 'M', 'C', 'P', 'S' ) #define ATOM_SDLN VLC_FOURCC( 'S', 'D', 'L', 'N' ) #define ATOM_vndr VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'n', 'd', 'r' ) #define ATOM_SA3D VLC_FOURCC( 'S', 'A', '3', 'D' ) #define HANDLER_mdta VLC_FOURCC('m', 'd', 't', 'a') #define HANDLER_mdir VLC_FOURCC('m', 'd', 'i', 'r') #define HANDLER_ID32 ATOM_ID32 #define SAMPLEGROUP_rap VLC_FOURCC('r', 'a', 'p', ' ') /* Do you want some debug information on all read boxes ? */ #ifndef NDEBUG # define MP4_VERBOSE 1 //# define MP4_ULTRA_VERBOSE 1 #endif struct MP4_Box_s; #define MP4_MFRO_BOXSIZE 16 /* uuid Universal Unique IDentifiers */ typedef struct UUID_s { uint8_t b[16]; } UUID_t; /* specific structure for all boxes */ typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tfxd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint64_t i_fragment_duration; uint64_t i_fragment_abs_time; } MP4_Box_data_tfxd_t; typedef struct TfrfBoxDataFields_s { uint64_t i_fragment_duration; uint64_t i_fragment_abs_time; } TfrfBoxDataFields_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tfrf_s { uint8_t i_version; uint8_t i_fragment_count; uint32_t i_flags; TfrfBoxDataFields_t *p_tfrf_data_fields; } MP4_Box_data_tfrf_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_ftyp_s { uint32_t i_major_brand; uint32_t i_minor_version; uint32_t i_compatible_brands_count; uint32_t *i_compatible_brands; } MP4_Box_data_ftyp_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_mvhd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint64_t i_creation_time; uint64_t i_modification_time; uint32_t i_timescale; uint64_t i_duration; int32_t i_rate; int16_t i_volume; int16_t i_reserved1; uint32_t i_reserved2[2]; int32_t i_matrix[9]; uint32_t i_predefined[6]; uint32_t i_next_track_id; } MP4_Box_data_mvhd_t; #define MP4_TRACK_ENABLED 0x000001 #define MP4_TRACK_IN_MOVIE 0x000002 #define MP4_TRACK_IN_PREVIEW 0x000004 typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tkhd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint64_t i_creation_time; uint64_t i_modification_time; uint32_t i_track_ID; uint32_t i_reserved; uint64_t i_duration; uint32_t i_reserved2[2]; int16_t i_layer; int16_t i_predefined; int16_t i_volume; uint16_t i_reserved3; int32_t i_matrix[9]; int32_t i_width; int32_t i_height; float f_rotation; } MP4_Box_data_tkhd_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_start_time; int32_t i_duration; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_hints; } MP4_Box_data_load_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_mdhd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint64_t i_creation_time; uint64_t i_modification_time; uint32_t i_timescale; uint64_t i_duration; char rgs_language[3]; /* ISO-639-2/T or Mac lang table */ bool b_mac_encoding; /* media using mac encoding */ uint16_t i_quality; } MP4_Box_data_mdhd_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_hdlr_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_predefined; uint32_t i_handler_type; /* "vide" "soun" "hint" "odsm" "crsm" "sdsm" "m7sm" "ocsm" "ipsm" "mjsm" */ unsigned char *psz_name; /* in UTF-8 */ } MP4_Box_data_hdlr_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_vmhd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; int16_t i_graphics_mode; int16_t i_opcolor[3]; } MP4_Box_data_vmhd_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_smhd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; int16_t i_balance; int16_t i_reserved; } MP4_Box_data_smhd_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_hmhd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint16_t i_max_PDU_size; uint16_t i_avg_PDU_size; uint32_t i_max_bitrate; uint32_t i_avg_bitrate; uint32_t i_reserved; } MP4_Box_data_hmhd_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_url_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; char *psz_location; } MP4_Box_data_url_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_urn_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; char *psz_name; char *psz_location; } MP4_Box_data_urn_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_lcont_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; /* XXX it's also a container with i_entry_count entry */ } MP4_Box_data_lcont_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stts_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; uint32_t *pi_sample_count; /* these are array */ int32_t *pi_sample_delta; } MP4_Box_data_stts_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_ctts_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; uint32_t *pi_sample_count; /* these are array */ int32_t *pi_sample_offset; } MP4_Box_data_ctts_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_cslg_s { int64_t ct_to_dts_shift; int64_t i_least_delta; int64_t i_max_delta; int64_t i_composition_starttime; int64_t i_composition_endtime; } MP4_Box_data_cslg_t; // https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap3/qtff3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH205-125526 typedef struct MP4_Box_data_colr_s { uint32_t i_type; union { struct { uint16_t i_primary_idx; uint16_t i_transfer_function_idx; uint16_t i_matrix_idx; uint8_t i_full_range; } nclc; }; } MP4_Box_data_colr_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_sample_soun_s { uint8_t i_reserved1[6]; uint16_t i_data_reference_index; //uint32_t i_reserved2[2]; uint16_t i_qt_version; uint16_t i_qt_revision_level; uint32_t i_qt_vendor; uint16_t i_channelcount; uint16_t i_samplesize; uint16_t i_compressionid; uint16_t i_reserved3; uint32_t i_sampleratehi; /* timescale of track */ uint32_t i_sampleratelo; /* for version 1 (i_reserved1[0] == 1) */ uint32_t i_sample_per_packet; uint32_t i_bytes_per_packet; uint32_t i_bytes_per_frame; uint32_t i_bytes_per_sample; /* v2 */ uint32_t i_constbitsperchannel; /* consts are nonzero only if constant */ uint32_t i_formatflags; uint32_t i_constbytesperaudiopacket; uint32_t i_constLPCMframesperaudiopacket; /* XXX hack */ int i_qt_description; uint8_t *p_qt_description; } MP4_Box_data_sample_soun_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_sample_vide_s { uint8_t i_reserved1[6]; uint16_t i_data_reference_index; uint16_t i_qt_version; uint16_t i_qt_revision_level; uint32_t i_qt_vendor; uint32_t i_qt_temporal_quality; uint32_t i_qt_spatial_quality; int16_t i_width; int16_t i_height; uint32_t i_horizresolution; uint32_t i_vertresolution; uint32_t i_qt_data_size; uint16_t i_qt_frame_count; char sz_compressorname[32]; int16_t i_depth; int16_t i_qt_color_table; /* XXX hack ImageDescription */ int i_qt_image_description; uint8_t *p_qt_image_description; } MP4_Box_data_sample_vide_t; #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_DONT_DISPLAY (1<<0) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_AUTO_SCALE (1<<1) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_CLIP_TO_TEXT_BOX (1<<2) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_USE_MOVIE_BG_COLOR (1<<3) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_SHRINK_TEXT_BOX_TO_FIT (1<<4) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_SCROLL_IN (1<<5) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_SCROLL_OUT (1<<6) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL (1<<7) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_REVERSE_SCROLL (1<<8) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_SCROLL (1<<9) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_FLOW_HORIZONTAL (1<<10) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_CONTINUOUS_KARAOKE (1<<11) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_DROP_SHADOW (1<<12) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_ANTI_ALIAS (1<<13) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_KEYED_TEXT (1<<14) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_INVERSE_HILITE (1<<15) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_COLOR_HILITE (1<<16) #define MP4_TEXT_DISPLAY_FLAG_WRITE_VERTICALLY (1<<17) typedef struct { uint32_t i_reserved1; uint16_t i_reserved2; uint16_t i_data_reference_index; uint32_t i_display_flags; // TextDescription and Tx3gDescription int8_t i_justification_horizontal; // left(0), centered(1), right(-1) int8_t i_justification_vertical; // top(0), centered(1), bottom(-1) uint16_t i_background_color[4]; uint16_t i_text_box_top; uint16_t i_text_box_left; uint16_t i_text_box_bottom; uint16_t i_text_box_right; uint32_t i_reserved3; uint16_t i_font_id; uint8_t i_font_face; uint8_t i_font_size; uint32_t i_font_color; //RGBA // TODO to complete } MP4_Box_data_sample_text_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_reserved1[6]; uint16_t i_data_reference_index; } MP4_Box_data_sample_clcp_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_sample_hint_s { uint8_t i_reserved1[6]; uint16_t i_data_reference_index; uint8_t *p_data; } MP4_Box_data_sample_hint_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_rrtp_sample_s { uint16_t i_hinttrackversion; uint16_t i_highestcompatibleversion; uint32_t i_maxpacketsize; uint8_t *p_additionaldata; } MP4_Box_data_rrtp_sample_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_timescale_entry_s { uint32_t i_timescale; } MP4_Box_data_timescale_entry_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_time_offset_s { uint32_t i_offset; } MP4_Box_data_time_offset_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_timestampsynchrony_s { uint8_t i_reserved_timestamp_sync; } MP4_Box_data_timestampsynchrony_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_moviehintinformation_rtp_s { uint32_t i_description_format; char *psz_text; } MP4_Box_data_moviehintinformation_rtp_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_sdp_s { char *psz_text; } MP4_Box_data_sdp_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tims_s { uint32_t i_timescale; } MP4_Box_data_tims_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tsro_s { int32_t i_offset; } MP4_Box_data_tsro_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tssy_s { uint8_t i_reserved_timestamp_sync; } MP4_Box_data_tssy_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stsd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; /* it contains SampleEntry handled as if it was Box */ } MP4_Box_data_stsd_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stsz_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_sample_size; uint32_t i_sample_count; uint32_t *i_entry_size; /* array , empty if i_sample_size != 0 */ } MP4_Box_data_stsz_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stz2_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_sample_size; /* 24 bits */ uint8_t i_field_size; uint32_t i_sample_count; uint32_t *i_entry_size; /* array: unsigned int(i_field_size) entry_size */ } MP4_Box_data_stz2_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stsc_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; uint32_t *i_first_chunk; /* theses are arrays */ uint32_t *i_samples_per_chunk; uint32_t *i_sample_description_index; } MP4_Box_data_stsc_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_co64_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; uint64_t *i_chunk_offset; } MP4_Box_data_co64_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stss_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; uint32_t *i_sample_number; } MP4_Box_data_stss_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stsh_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; uint32_t *i_shadowed_sample_number; uint32_t *i_sync_sample_number; } MP4_Box_data_stsh_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_stdp_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint16_t *i_priority; } MP4_Box_data_stdp_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_elst_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_entry_count; uint64_t *i_segment_duration; /* movie timescale */ int64_t *i_media_time; /* media(track) timescale */ uint16_t *i_media_rate_integer; uint16_t *i_media_rate_fraction; } MP4_Box_data_elst_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_cprt_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; char rgs_language[3]; /* ISO-639-2/T */ char *psz_notice; } MP4_Box_data_cprt_t; /* DecoderConfigDescriptor */ typedef struct MP4_descriptor_decoder_config_s { uint8_t i_objectProfileIndication; uint8_t i_streamType; int b_upStream; int i_buffer_sizeDB; int i_max_bitrate; int i_avg_bitrate; int i_decoder_specific_info_len; uint8_t *p_decoder_specific_info; /* some other stuff */ } MP4_descriptor_decoder_config_t; typedef struct MP4_descriptor_SL_config_s { int i_dummy; /* ANSI C forbids empty structures */ } MP4_descriptor_SL_config_t; typedef struct MP4_descriptor_ES_s { uint16_t i_ES_ID; int b_stream_dependence; int b_url; int b_OCRstream; int i_stream_priority; int i_depend_on_ES_ID; /* if b_stream_dependence set */ unsigned char *psz_URL; uint16_t i_OCR_ES_ID; /* if b_OCRstream */ MP4_descriptor_decoder_config_t *p_decConfigDescr; MP4_descriptor_SL_config_t *p_slConfigDescr; /* some other stuff ... */ } MP4_descriptor_ES_t; /* ES descriptor */ typedef struct MP4_Box_data_esds_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; MP4_descriptor_ES_t es_descriptor; } MP4_Box_data_esds_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_dcom_s { uint32_t i_algorithm; /* fourcc */ } MP4_Box_data_dcom_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_cmvd_s { uint32_t i_uncompressed_size; uint32_t i_compressed_size; int b_compressed; /* Set to 1 if compressed data, 0 if uncompressed */ uint8_t *p_data; } MP4_Box_data_cmvd_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_cmov_s { struct MP4_Box_s *p_moov; /* uncompressed moov */ } MP4_Box_data_cmov_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_type; } MP4_Box_data_frma_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_init; uint32_t i_encr; uint32_t i_decr; } MP4_Box_data_skcr_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_ref_type; char *psz_ref; } MP4_Box_data_rdrf_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_rate; } MP4_Box_data_rmdr_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_gestaltType; uint32_t i_val1; uint32_t i_val2; uint16_t i_checkType; /* 0: val1 is version min 1: gestalt value & val2 == val1 */ } MP4_Box_data_rmvc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; } MP4_Box_data_rmcd_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_quality; } MP4_Box_data_rmqu_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_mfhd_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_sequence_number; } MP4_Box_data_mfhd_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_sidx_item_s { uint32_t i_referenced_size; uint32_t i_subsegment_duration; uint8_t b_reference_type; uint8_t b_starts_with_SAP; uint8_t i_SAP_type; uint32_t i_SAP_delta_time; } MP4_Box_sidx_item_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_sidx_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_reference_ID; uint32_t i_timescale; uint64_t i_earliest_presentation_time; uint64_t i_first_offset; uint16_t i_reference_count; MP4_Box_sidx_item_t *p_items; } MP4_Box_data_sidx_t; #define MP4_TFHD_BASE_DATA_OFFSET (1LL<<0) #define MP4_TFHD_SAMPLE_DESC_INDEX (1LL<<1) #define MP4_TFHD_DFLT_SAMPLE_DURATION (1LL<<3) #define MP4_TFHD_DFLT_SAMPLE_SIZE (1LL<<4) #define MP4_TFHD_DFLT_SAMPLE_FLAGS (1LL<<5) #define MP4_TFHD_DURATION_IS_EMPTY (1LL<<16) #define MP4_TFHD_DEFAULT_BASE_IS_MOOF (1LL<<17) typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tfhd_s { uint8_t i_version; bool b_empty; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_track_ID; /* optional fields */ uint64_t i_base_data_offset; uint32_t i_sample_description_index; uint32_t i_default_sample_duration; uint32_t i_default_sample_size; uint32_t i_default_sample_flags; } MP4_Box_data_tfhd_t; #define MP4_TRUN_DATA_OFFSET (1<<0) #define MP4_TRUN_FIRST_FLAGS (1<<2) #define MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_DURATION (1<<8) #define MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_SIZE (1<<9) #define MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_FLAGS (1<<10) #define MP4_TRUN_SAMPLE_TIME_OFFSET (1<<11) typedef struct MP4_descriptor_trun_sample_t { uint32_t i_duration; uint32_t i_size; uint32_t i_flags; union { uint32_t v0; int32_t v1; /* version == 1 ? signed : unsigned */ } i_composition_time_offset; } MP4_descriptor_trun_sample_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_trun_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_sample_count; /* optional fields */ int32_t i_data_offset; uint32_t i_first_sample_flags; MP4_descriptor_trun_sample_t *p_samples; } MP4_Box_data_trun_t; typedef struct MP4_Box_data_tfdt_s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; int64_t i_base_media_decode_time; } MP4_Box_data_tfdt_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_date; uint32_t i_type; uint16_t i_index; } MP4_Box_data_pnot_t; typedef struct { char *psz_text; uint64_t i_length; } MP4_Box_data_string_t; typedef struct { void *p_blob; size_t i_blob; } MP4_Box_data_binary_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_entry_count; uint32_t *i_track_ID; } MP4_Box_data_tref_generic_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint8_t i_chapter; struct { char *psz_name; int64_t i_start; } chapter[256]; } MP4_Box_data_chpl_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_chapter_count; uint32_t *pi_chapter_start; } MP4_Box_data_HMMT_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint8_t i_profile; uint8_t i_profile_compatibility; uint8_t i_level; uint8_t i_reserved1; /* 6 bits */ uint8_t i_length_size; uint8_t i_reserved2; /* 3 bits */ uint8_t i_sps; uint16_t *i_sps_length; uint8_t **sps; uint8_t i_pps; uint16_t *i_pps_length; uint8_t **pps; /* XXX: Hack raw avcC atom payload */ int i_avcC; uint8_t *p_avcC; } MP4_Box_data_avcC_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_profile; uint8_t i_level; uint8_t i_presentation_delay; size_t i_av1C; uint8_t *p_av1C; } MP4_Box_data_av1C_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint8_t i_profile; uint8_t i_level; uint8_t i_bit_depth; uint8_t i_chroma_subsampling; uint8_t i_color_primaries; uint8_t i_xfer_function; uint8_t i_matrix_coeffs; uint8_t i_fullrange; uint16_t i_codec_init_datasize; uint8_t *p_codec_init_data; } MP4_Box_data_vpcC_t; typedef struct { uint16_t primaries[3*2]; /* G,B,R / x,y */ uint16_t white_point[2]; /* x,y */ uint32_t i_luminanceMax; uint32_t i_luminanceMin; } MP4_Box_data_SmDm_t; typedef struct { uint16_t i_maxCLL; uint16_t i_maxFALL; } MP4_Box_data_CoLL_t; typedef struct { WAVEFORMATEX Format; uint32_t i_extra; char *p_extra; } MP4_Box_data_WMA2_t; typedef struct { VLC_BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; uint32_t i_extra; char *p_extra; } MP4_Box_data_strf_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_stream_number; } MP4_Box_data_ASF_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_grouping_type; uint32_t i_default_sample_description_index; uint32_t i_entry_count; union { struct { uint8_t i_num_leading_samples_known; uint8_t i_num_leading_samples; } rap; } *p_entries; } MP4_Box_data_sgpd_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_grouping_type; uint32_t i_grouping_type_parameter; uint32_t i_entry_count; struct { uint32_t *pi_sample_count; uint32_t *pi_group_description_index; } entries; } MP4_Box_data_sbgp_t; /* According to Apple's CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h */ #define MP4_CHAN_USE_CHANNELS_DESC 0 #define MP4_CHAN_USE_CHANNELS_BITMAP (1<<16) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_LEFT (1<<0) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_RIGHT (1<<1) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_CENTER (1<<2) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_LFESCREEN (1<<3) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_BACKLEFT (1<<4) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_BACKRIGHT (1<<5) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_LEFTCENTER (1<<6) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_RIGHTCENTER (1<<7) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_BACKCENTER (1<<8) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_SIDELEFT (1<<9) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_SIDERIGHT (1<<10) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPCENTER (1<<11) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPFRONTLEFT (1<<12) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPFRONTENTER (1<<13) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPFRONTRIGHT (1<<14) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPBACKLEFT (1<<15) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPBACKCENTER (1<<16) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPBACKRIGHT (1<<17) #define MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_MAPPING_COUNT 18 static const struct { uint32_t i_bitmap; uint32_t i_vlc; } chan_bitmap_mapping[MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_MAPPING_COUNT] = { { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_LEFT, AOUT_CHAN_LEFT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_RIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_CENTER, AOUT_CHAN_CENTER }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_LFESCREEN, AOUT_CHAN_LFE }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_BACKLEFT, AOUT_CHAN_REARLEFT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_BACKRIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_REARRIGHT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_LEFTCENTER, AOUT_CHAN_MIDDLELEFT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_RIGHTCENTER, AOUT_CHAN_MIDDLERIGHT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_BACKCENTER, AOUT_CHAN_REARCENTER }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_SIDELEFT, AOUT_CHAN_LEFT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_SIDERIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPCENTER, AOUT_CHAN_CENTER }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPFRONTLEFT, AOUT_CHAN_LEFT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPFRONTENTER,AOUT_CHAN_CENTER }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPFRONTRIGHT,AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPBACKLEFT, AOUT_CHAN_REARLEFT }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPBACKCENTER,AOUT_CHAN_REARCENTER }, { MP4_CHAN_BITMAP_TOPBACKRIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_REARRIGHT }, }; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_channels_flags; /* 24 bits */ struct { uint32_t i_channels_layout_tag; uint32_t i_channels_bitmap; uint32_t i_channels_description_count; struct { uint32_t i_channel_label; uint32_t i_channel_flags; float f_coordinates[3]; } *p_descriptions; } layout; } MP4_Box_data_chan_t; typedef struct { uint16_t i_data_rate; uint8_t i_num_ind_sub; struct { uint8_t i_fscod; uint8_t i_bsid; uint8_t i_bsmod; uint8_t i_acmod; uint8_t i_lfeon; uint8_t i_num_dep_sub; uint16_t i_chan_loc; } stream[8]; } MP4_Box_data_dec3_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_fscod; uint8_t i_bsid; uint8_t i_bsmod; uint8_t i_acmod; uint8_t i_lfeon; uint8_t i_bitrate_code; } MP4_Box_data_dac3_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_profile_level; uint32_t i_vc1; uint8_t *p_vc1; } MP4_Box_data_dvc1_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_flags; } MP4_Box_data_fiel_t; typedef struct { uint16_t i_little_endian; } MP4_Box_data_enda_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_entry_count; struct { uint32_t i_namespace; char *psz_value; } *p_entries; } MP4_Box_data_keys_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint16_t i_object_descriptor; uint8_t i_OD_profile_level; uint8_t i_scene_profile_level; uint8_t i_audio_profile_level; uint8_t i_visual_profile_level; uint8_t i_graphics_profile_level; } MP4_Box_data_iods_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_buffer_size; uint32_t i_max_bitrate; uint32_t i_avg_bitrate; } MP4_Box_data_btrt_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_horizontal_spacing; uint32_t i_vertical_spacing; } MP4_Box_data_pasp_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint64_t i_fragment_duration; } MP4_Box_data_mehd_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_track_ID; uint32_t i_default_sample_description_index; uint32_t i_default_sample_duration; uint32_t i_default_sample_size; uint32_t i_default_sample_flags; } MP4_Box_data_trex_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint8_t *p_sample_table; } MP4_Box_data_sdtp_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_switch_group; } MP4_Box_data_tsel_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_size; } MP4_Box_data_mfro_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; uint32_t i_track_ID; uint32_t i_number_of_entries; uint8_t i_length_size_of_traf_num; uint8_t i_length_size_of_trun_num; uint8_t i_length_size_of_sample_num; uint32_t *p_time; uint32_t *p_moof_offset; uint8_t *p_traf_number; uint8_t *p_trun_number; uint8_t *p_sample_number; } MP4_Box_data_tfra_t; typedef struct { enum { DATA_WKT_RESERVED = 0, DATA_WKT_UTF8 = 1, DATA_WKT_UTF16 = 2, DATA_WKT_SJIS = 3, DATA_WKT_UTF8_SORT = 4, DATA_WKT_UTF16_SORT = 5, DATA_WKT_JPEG = 13, DATA_WKT_PNG = 14, DATA_WKT_BE_SIGNED = 21, DATA_WKT_BE_UNSIGNED = 22, DATA_WKT_BE_FLOAT32 = 23, DATA_WKT_BE_FLOAT64 = 24, DATA_WKT_BMP = 27, DATA_WKT_QUICKTIME_METADATA_ATOM = 28, } e_wellknowntype; struct { uint16_t i_country; uint16_t i_language; } locale; uint8_t *p_blob; uint32_t i_blob; } MP4_Box_data_data_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_projection_mode; enum { XML360_MONOSCOPIC = 0, XML360_STEREOSCOPIC_TOP_BOTTOM = 1, XML360_STEREOSCOPIC_LEFT_RIGHT = 2, } e_stereo_mode; } MP4_Box_data_360_t; typedef struct { enum { ST3D_MONOSCOPIC = 0, ST3D_STEREOSCOPIC_TOP_BOTTOM = 1, ST3D_STEREOSCOPIC_LEFT_RIGHT = 2, } e_stereo_mode; uint8_t i_stereo_mode; } MP4_Box_data_st3d_t; typedef struct { float f_pose_yaw_degrees; float f_pose_pitch_degrees; float f_pose_roll_degrees; } MP4_Box_data_prhd_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_projection_bounds_top; uint32_t i_projection_bounds_bottom; uint32_t i_projection_bounds_left; uint32_t i_projection_bounds_right; } MP4_Box_data_equi_t; typedef struct { uint32_t i_layout; uint32_t i_padding; } MP4_Box_data_cbmp_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_ambisonic_type; uint32_t i_ambisonic_order; uint8_t i_ambisonic_channel_ordering; uint8_t i_ambisonic_normalization; uint32_t i_num_channels; } MP4_Box_data_SA3D_t; /* typedef struct MP4_Box_data__s { uint8_t i_version; uint32_t i_flags; } MP4_Box_data__t; */ typedef union MP4_Box_data_s { MP4_Box_data_ftyp_t *p_ftyp; MP4_Box_data_mvhd_t *p_mvhd; MP4_Box_data_mfhd_t *p_mfhd; MP4_Box_data_sidx_t *p_sidx; MP4_Box_data_tfhd_t *p_tfhd; MP4_Box_data_trun_t *p_trun; MP4_Box_data_tfdt_t *p_tfdt; MP4_Box_data_tkhd_t *p_tkhd; MP4_Box_data_mdhd_t *p_mdhd; MP4_Box_data_hdlr_t *p_hdlr; MP4_Box_data_vmhd_t *p_vmhd; MP4_Box_data_smhd_t *p_smhd; MP4_Box_data_hmhd_t *p_hmhd; MP4_Box_data_url_t *p_url; MP4_Box_data_urn_t *p_urn; MP4_Box_data_lcont_t *p_lcont; MP4_Box_data_stts_t *p_stts; MP4_Box_data_ctts_t *p_ctts; MP4_Box_data_cslg_t *p_cslg; MP4_Box_data_colr_t *p_colr; MP4_Box_data_sbgp_t *p_sbgp; MP4_Box_data_sgpd_t *p_sgpd; MP4_Box_data_sample_vide_t *p_sample_vide; MP4_Box_data_sample_soun_t *p_sample_soun; MP4_Box_data_sample_text_t *p_sample_text; MP4_Box_data_sample_clcp_t *p_sample_clcp; MP4_Box_data_sample_hint_t *p_sample_hint; MP4_Box_data_esds_t *p_esds; MP4_Box_data_av1C_t *p_av1C; MP4_Box_data_avcC_t *p_avcC; MP4_Box_data_dac3_t *p_dac3; MP4_Box_data_dec3_t *p_dec3; MP4_Box_data_dvc1_t *p_dvc1; MP4_Box_data_fiel_t *p_fiel; MP4_Box_data_chan_t *p_chan; MP4_Box_data_enda_t *p_enda; MP4_Box_data_keys_t *p_keys; MP4_Box_data_iods_t *p_iods; MP4_Box_data_btrt_t *p_btrt; MP4_Box_data_pasp_t *p_pasp; MP4_Box_data_trex_t *p_trex; MP4_Box_data_mehd_t *p_mehd; MP4_Box_data_sdtp_t *p_sdtp; MP4_Box_data_tsel_t *p_tsel; MP4_Box_data_load_t *p_load; MP4_Box_data_vpcC_t *p_vpcC; MP4_Box_data_SmDm_t *p_SmDm; MP4_Box_data_CoLL_t *p_CoLL; MP4_Box_data_tfra_t *p_tfra; MP4_Box_data_mfro_t *p_mfro; MP4_Box_data_sdp_t *p_sdp; MP4_Box_data_tims_t *p_tims; MP4_Box_data_tsro_t *p_tsro; MP4_Box_data_tssy_t *p_tssy; MP4_Box_data_stsz_t *p_stsz; MP4_Box_data_stz2_t *p_stz2; MP4_Box_data_stsc_t *p_stsc; MP4_Box_data_co64_t *p_co64; MP4_Box_data_stss_t *p_stss; MP4_Box_data_stsh_t *p_stsh; MP4_Box_data_stdp_t *p_stdp; MP4_Box_data_elst_t *p_elst; MP4_Box_data_cprt_t *p_cprt; MP4_Box_data_dcom_t *p_dcom; MP4_Box_data_cmvd_t *p_cmvd; MP4_Box_data_cmov_t *p_cmov; MP4_Box_data_moviehintinformation_rtp_t *p_moviehintinformation_rtp; MP4_Box_data_frma_t *p_frma; MP4_Box_data_skcr_t *p_skcr; MP4_Box_data_rdrf_t *p_rdrf; MP4_Box_data_rmdr_t *p_rmdr; MP4_Box_data_rmqu_t *p_rmqu; MP4_Box_data_rmvc_t *p_rmvc; MP4_Box_data_pnot_t *p_pnot; MP4_Box_data_chpl_t *p_chpl; MP4_Box_data_HMMT_t *p_hmmt; MP4_Box_data_tref_generic_t *p_tref_generic; MP4_Box_data_tfrf_t *p_tfrf; MP4_Box_data_tfxd_t *p_tfxd; MP4_Box_data_WMA2_t *p_WMA2; /* flip4mac Little endian audio config */ MP4_Box_data_strf_t *p_strf; /* flip4mac Little endian video config */ MP4_Box_data_ASF_t *p_asf; /* flip4mac asf streams indicator */ MP4_Box_data_360_t *p_360; MP4_Box_data_st3d_t *p_st3d; MP4_Box_data_prhd_t *p_prhd; MP4_Box_data_equi_t *p_equi; MP4_Box_data_cbmp_t *p_cbmp; MP4_Box_data_SA3D_t *p_SA3D; /* for generic handlers */ MP4_Box_data_binary_t *p_binary; MP4_Box_data_data_t *p_data; void *p_payload; /* for unknown type */ } MP4_Box_data_t; #define BOXDATA(type) type->data.type typedef struct MP4_Box_s MP4_Box_t; /* the most basic structure */ struct MP4_Box_s { uint64_t i_pos; /* absolute position */ uint32_t i_type; uint32_t i_shortsize; uint32_t i_handler; /**/ uint32_t i_index; /* indexed list (ilst) */ enum { BOX_FLAG_NONE = 0, BOX_FLAG_INCOMPLETE, } e_flags; UUID_t i_uuid; /* Set if i_type == "uuid" */ uint64_t i_size; /* always set so use it */ MP4_Box_t *p_father; /* pointer on the father Box */ MP4_Box_t *p_first; /* pointer on the first child Box */ MP4_Box_t *p_last; MP4_Box_t *p_next; /* pointer on the next boxes at the same level */ void (*pf_free)( MP4_Box_t *p_box ); /* pointer to free function for this box */ MP4_Box_data_t data; /* union of pointers on extended data depending on i_type (or i_usertype) */ }; static inline size_t mp4_box_headersize( MP4_Box_t *p_box ) { return 8 + ( p_box->i_shortsize == 1 ? 8 : 0 ) + ( p_box->i_type == ATOM_uuid ? 16 : 0 ); } #define MP4_GETX_PRIVATE(dst, code, size) \ do \ { \ if( (i_read) >= (size) ) \ { \ dst = (code); \ p_peek += (size); \ i_read -= (size); \ } \ else \ { \ dst = 0; \ i_read = 0; \ } \ } while(0) #define MP4_GET2BYTES( dst ) MP4_GETX_PRIVATE( dst, GetWBE(p_peek), 2 ) /* This macro is used when we want to printf the box type * APPLE annotation box is : * either 0xA9 + 24-bit ASCII text string (and 0xA9 isn't printable) * either 32-bit ASCII text string */ #define MP4_BOX_TYPE_ASCII() ( ((char*)&p_box->i_type)[0] != (char)0xA9 ) static inline uint32_t Get24bBE( const uint8_t *p ) { return( ( p[0] <<16 ) + ( p[1] <<8 ) + p[2] ); } static inline void GetUUID( UUID_t *p_uuid, const uint8_t *p_buff ) { memcpy( p_uuid, p_buff, 16 ); } static inline int CmpUUID( const UUID_t *u1, const UUID_t *u2 ) { return memcmp( u1, u2, 16 ); } static const UUID_t TfrfBoxUUID = { { 0xd4, 0x80, 0x7e, 0xf2, 0xca, 0x39, 0x46, 0x95, 0x8e, 0x54, 0x26, 0xcb, 0x9e, 0x46, 0xa7, 0x9f } }; static const UUID_t TfxdBoxUUID = { { 0x6d, 0x1d, 0x9b, 0x05, 0x42, 0xd5, 0x44, 0xe6, 0x80, 0xe2, 0x14, 0x1d, 0xaf, 0xf7, 0x57, 0xb2 } }; static const UUID_t XML360BoxUUID = { { 0xff, 0xcc, 0x82, 0x63, 0xf8, 0x55, 0x4a, 0x93, 0x88, 0x14, 0x58, 0x7a, 0x02, 0x52, 0x1f, 0xdd } }; /* PS3 3D by HMMP video encoder */ static const UUID_t PS3DDSBoxUUID = { { 0x33, 0x44, 0x44, 0x53, 0x21, 0xd2, 0x4f, 0xce, 0xbb, 0x88, 0x69, 0x5c, 0xfa, 0xc9, 0xc7, 0x40 } }; /***************************************************************************** * MP4_Seek : non seekable stream safe seek ****************************************************************************/ int MP4_Seek( stream_t *p_stream, uint64_t i_pos ); /***************************************************************************** * MP4_BoxGetNextChunk : Parse the entire moof box. ***************************************************************************** * The first box is a virtual box "root" and is the father of the boxes * 'moof' and, possibly, 'sidx'. *****************************************************************************/ MP4_Box_t *MP4_BoxGetNextChunk( stream_t * ); /***************************************************************************** * MP4_BoxGetRoot : Parse the entire file, and create all boxes in memory ***************************************************************************** * The first box is a virtual box "root" and is the father for all first * level boxes *****************************************************************************/ MP4_Box_t *MP4_BoxGetRoot( stream_t * ); /***************************************************************************** * MP4_BoxNew : Allocates a new MP4 Box with its atom type ***************************************************************************** * returns NULL on failure *****************************************************************************/ MP4_Box_t * MP4_BoxNew( uint32_t i_type ); /***************************************************************************** * MP4_FreeBox : free memory allocated after read with MP4_ReadBox * or MP4_BoxGetRoot, this means also children boxes * XXX : all children have to be allocated by a malloc !! and * p_box is freed *****************************************************************************/ void MP4_BoxFree( MP4_Box_t *p_box ); /***************************************************************************** * MP4_DumpBoxStructure: print the structure of the p_box ***************************************************************************** * Useful while debugging *****************************************************************************/ void MP4_BoxDumpStructure( stream_t *p_input, const MP4_Box_t *p_box ); /***************************************************************************** * MP4_BoxGet: find a box given a path relative to p_box ***************************************************************************** * Path Format: . .. / as usual * [number] to specifie box number ex: trak[12] * * ex: /moov/trak[12] * ../mdia *****************************************************************************/ MP4_Box_t *MP4_BoxGet( const MP4_Box_t *p_box, const char *psz_fmt, ... ); /***************************************************************************** * MP4_BoxCount: find number of box given a path relative to p_box ***************************************************************************** * Path Format: . .. / as usual * [number] to specifie box number ex: trak[12] * * ex: /moov/trak * ../mdia *****************************************************************************/ unsigned MP4_BoxCount( const MP4_Box_t *p_box, const char *psz_fmt, ... ); MP4_Box_t * MP4_BoxExtract( MP4_Box_t **pp_chain, uint32_t i_type ); /* Internal functions exposed for demuxers */ int MP4_ReadBoxContainerChildren( stream_t *p_stream, MP4_Box_t *p_container, const uint32_t stoplist[] ); int MP4_ReadBoxContainerRestricted( stream_t *p_stream, MP4_Box_t *p_container, const uint32_t stoplist[], const uint32_t excludelist[] ); int MP4_ReadBox_sample_vide( stream_t *p_stream, MP4_Box_t *p_box ); #endif