Basic Installation of Qt-GUI Plugin for Licq ============================================= Requirements for Qt-GUI: - X11 header files (xfree-devel or xorg-devel) - Qt 4.3.2 or greater. Most distributions come with packages like Qt and Qt-devel, you need both, please install the missing ones! - A C++ compiler and libstc++-devel. This compiler must be the same version that was used to compile Qt with. If it is not, you will probably experience a crash on startup. - cmake 2.4.2 or greater. - GNU make Optional: - Hunspell including header files. Provides spell checking in Qt-Gui. Note: If KDE 4 support is enabled, the built in spell checking in KDE is used instead. Building instructions: 1. Unpack, build and install Licq and any other plugins you need. 2. Go to the Qt-Gui directory and make a build directory. > cd plugins/qt-gui > mkdir build > cd build 3. Run cmake to generate build files. > cmake .. By default Qt-Gui is set to be installed in /usr/local. To specify a different base directory specify an install prefix to cmake. > cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/licq .. To build with KDE 4 support, add -DWITH_KDE=ON to the command line as well. 4. Build Qt-Gui. > make Depending on your system, you may have to use gmake instead of make. 5. Install Qt-Gui. Unless you specified a base directory where you have write privileges you must run this command as root. > make install