// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // A DelegateChooser like the one, that was added to Qt5.12 (in labs), but compatible with older Qt // versions see KDE/kquickitemviews see qtdeclarative/qqmldelagatecomponent #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include class QQmlAdaptorModel; class DelegateChoice : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "delegate") public: Q_PROPERTY(QVariant roleValue READ roleValue WRITE setRoleValue NOTIFY roleValueChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QQmlComponent *delegate READ delegate WRITE setDelegate NOTIFY delegateChanged) QQmlComponent *delegate() const; void setDelegate(QQmlComponent *delegate); QVariant roleValue() const; void setRoleValue(const QVariant &value); signals: void delegateChanged(); void roleValueChanged(); void changed(); private: QVariant roleValue_; QQmlComponent *delegate_ = nullptr; }; class DelegateChooser : public QQuickItem { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "choices") public: Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty choices READ choices CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QVariant roleValue READ roleValue WRITE setRoleValue NOTIFY roleValueChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QQuickItem *child READ child NOTIFY childChanged) QQmlListProperty choices(); QVariant roleValue() const; void setRoleValue(const QVariant &value); QQuickItem *child() const { return child_; } void recalcChild(); void componentComplete() override; signals: void roleChanged(); void roleValueChanged(); void childChanged(); private: struct DelegateIncubator : public QQmlIncubator { DelegateIncubator(DelegateChooser &parent) : QQmlIncubator(QQmlIncubator::AsynchronousIfNested) , chooser(parent) {} void statusChanged(QQmlIncubator::Status status) override; DelegateChooser &chooser; }; QVariant roleValue_; QList choices_; QQuickItem *child_ = nullptr; DelegateIncubator incubator{*this}; static void appendChoice(QQmlListProperty *, DelegateChoice *); static int choiceCount(QQmlListProperty *); static DelegateChoice *choice(QQmlListProperty *, int index); static void clearChoices(QQmlListProperty *); };