--TEST-- Test Stomp::getReadTimout() and Stomp::setReadTimeout() - tests functionnality and parameters --INI-- stomp.default_read_timeout_sec=5 stomp.default_read_timeout_usec=5 --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- getReadTimeout()); // Set read timout with an integer as seconds var_dump($s->setReadTimeout(10)); // Second test, read supposed to return 10.0 var_dump($s->getReadTimeout()); // Set read timout with an integer as seconds var_dump($s->setReadTimeout(10, 5)); // Third test, read supposed to return 10.5 var_dump($s->getReadTimeout()); // Set read timout with the first param as a string, supposed to trigger a warning var_dump($s->setReadTimeout('')); // Fourth test, read supposed to get the last value set : 10.5 var_dump($s->getReadTimeout()); // Set read timout with the second param as a string, supposed to trigger a warning var_dump($s->setReadTimeout(10, '')); // Fourth test, read supposed to get the last value set : 10.5 var_dump($s->getReadTimeout()); // Set read timout with the params as null var_dump($s->setReadTimeout(null, null)); // Fifth test, read supposed to get the last value set : 0.0 var_dump($s->getReadTimeout()); unset($s); ?> --EXPECTF-- array(2) { ["sec"]=> int(5) ["usec"]=> int(5) } NULL array(2) { ["sec"]=> int(10) ["usec"]=> int(0) } NULL array(2) { ["sec"]=> int(10) ["usec"]=> int(5) } Warning: Stomp::setReadTimeout() expects parameter 1 to be long, string given in %s on line %d NULL array(2) { ["sec"]=> int(10) ["usec"]=> int(5) } Warning: Stomp::setReadTimeout() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in %s on line %d NULL array(2) { ["sec"]=> int(10) ["usec"]=> int(5) } NULL array(2) { ["sec"]=> int(0) ["usec"]=> int(0) }