import django_tables2 as tables from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django_tables2 import RequestConfig from import TableQuerysetData from django_tables2.utils import Accessor from extras.choices import CustomFieldTypeChoices from extras.models import CustomField from .utils import content_type_name from .paginator import EnhancedPaginator, get_paginate_count class BaseTable(tables.Table): """ Default table for object lists :param user: Personalize table display for the given user (optional). Has no effect if AnonymousUser is passed. """ id = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='ID' ) class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-hover object-list', } def __init__(self, *args, user=None, extra_columns=None, **kwargs): # Add custom field columns obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self._meta.model) cf_columns = [ (f'cf_{}', CustomFieldColumn(cf)) for cf in CustomField.objects.filter(content_types=obj_type) ] if extra_columns is not None: extra_columns.extend(cf_columns) else: extra_columns = cf_columns super().__init__(*args, extra_columns=extra_columns, **kwargs) # Set default empty_text if none was provided if self.empty_text is None: self.empty_text = f"No {self._meta.model._meta.verbose_name_plural} found" # Hide non-default columns default_columns = getattr(self.Meta, 'default_columns', list()) if default_columns: for column in self.columns: if not in default_columns: self.columns.hide( # Apply custom column ordering for user if user is not None and not isinstance(user, AnonymousUser): selected_columns = user.config.get(f"tables.{self.__class__.__name__}.columns") if selected_columns: # Show only persistent or selected columns for name, column in self.columns.items(): if name in ['pk', 'actions', *selected_columns]: else: self.columns.hide(name) # Rearrange the sequence to list selected columns first, followed by all remaining columns # TODO: There's probably a more clever way to accomplish this self.sequence = [ *[c for c in selected_columns if c in self.columns.names()], *[c for c in self.columns.names() if c not in selected_columns] ] # PK column should always come first if 'pk' in self.sequence: self.sequence.remove('pk') self.sequence.insert(0, 'pk') # Actions column should always come last if 'actions' in self.sequence: self.sequence.remove('actions') self.sequence.append('actions') # Dynamically update the table's QuerySet to ensure related fields are pre-fetched if isinstance(, TableQuerysetData): prefetch_fields = [] for column in self.columns: if column.visible: model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model') accessor = column.accessor prefetch_path = [] for field_name in accessor.split(accessor.SEPARATOR): try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: break if isinstance(field, RelatedField): # Follow ForeignKeys to the related model prefetch_path.append(field_name) model = field.remote_field.model elif isinstance(field, GenericForeignKey): # Can't prefetch beyond a GenericForeignKey prefetch_path.append(field_name) break if prefetch_path: prefetch_fields.append('__'.join(prefetch_path)) =*prefetch_fields) def _get_columns(self, visible=True): columns = [] for name, column in self.columns.items(): if column.visible == visible and name not in ['pk', 'actions']: columns.append((name, column.verbose_name)) return columns @property def available_columns(self): return self._get_columns(visible=False) @property def selected_columns(self): return self._get_columns(visible=True) @property def objects_count(self): """ Return the total number of real objects represented by the Table. This is useful when dealing with prefixes/IP addresses/etc., where some table rows may represent available address space. """ if not hasattr(self, '_objects_count'): self._objects_count = sum(1 for obj in if hasattr(obj, 'pk')) return self._objects_count # # Table columns # class ToggleColumn(tables.CheckBoxColumn): """ Extend CheckBoxColumn to add a "toggle all" checkbox in the column header. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default = kwargs.pop('default', '') visible = kwargs.pop('visible', False) if 'attrs' not in kwargs: kwargs['attrs'] = { 'td': { 'class': 'min-width', }, 'input': { 'class': 'form-check-input' } } super().__init__(*args, default=default, visible=visible, **kwargs) @property def header(self): return mark_safe('') class BooleanColumn(tables.Column): """ Custom implementation of BooleanColumn to render a nicely-formatted checkmark or X icon instead of a Unicode character. """ def render(self, value): if value: rendered = '' elif value is None: rendered = '' else: rendered = '' return mark_safe(rendered) def value(self, value): return str(value) class TemplateColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ Overrides the stock TemplateColumn to render a placeholder if the returned value is an empty string. """ PLACEHOLDER = mark_safe('—') def render(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = super().render(*args, **kwargs) if not ret.strip(): return self.PLACEHOLDER return ret def value(self, **kwargs): ret = super().value(**kwargs) if ret == self.PLACEHOLDER: return '' return ret class ButtonsColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ Render edit, delete, and changelog buttons for an object. :param model: Model class to use for calculating URL view names :param prepend_content: Additional template content to render in the column (optional) :param return_url_extra: String to append to the return URL (e.g. for specifying a tab) (optional) """ buttons = ('changelog', 'edit', 'delete') attrs = {'td': {'class': 'text-end text-nowrap noprint'}} # Note that braces are escaped to allow for string formatting prior to template rendering template_code = """ {{% if "changelog" in buttons %}} {{% endif %}} {{% if "edit" in buttons and perms.{app_label}.change_{model_name} %}} {{% endif %}} {{% if "delete" in buttons and perms.{app_label}.delete_{model_name} %}} {{% endif %}} """ def __init__(self, model, *args, buttons=None, prepend_template=None, return_url_extra='', **kwargs): if prepend_template: prepend_template = prepend_template.replace('{', '{{') prepend_template = prepend_template.replace('}', '}}') self.template_code = prepend_template + self.template_code template_code = self.template_code.format( app_label=model._meta.app_label, model_name=model._meta.model_name, buttons=buttons ) super().__init__(template_code=template_code, *args, **kwargs) # Exclude from export by default if 'exclude_from_export' not in kwargs: self.exclude_from_export = True self.extra_context.update({ 'buttons': buttons or self.buttons, 'return_url_extra': return_url_extra, }) def header(self): return '' class ChoiceFieldColumn(tables.Column): """ Render a ChoiceField value inside a indicating a particular CSS class. This is useful for displaying colored choices. The CSS class is derived by calling .get_FOO_class() on the row record. """ def render(self, record, bound_column, value): if value: name = css_class = getattr(record, f'get_{name}_class')() label = getattr(record, f'get_{name}_display')() return mark_safe( f'{label}' ) return self.default def value(self, value): return value class ContentTypeColumn(tables.Column): """ Display a ContentType instance. """ def render(self, value): if value is None: return None return content_type_name(value) def value(self, value): if value is None: return None return f"{value.app_label}.{value.model}" class ContentTypesColumn(tables.ManyToManyColumn): """ Display a list of ContentType instances. """ def transform(self, obj): return content_type_name(obj) class ColorColumn(tables.Column): """ Display a color (#RRGGBB). """ def render(self, value): return mark_safe( f' ' ) def value(self, value): return f'#{value}' class ColoredLabelColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ Render a colored label (e.g. for DeviceRoles). """ template_code = """ {% load helpers %} {% if value %} {{ value }} {% else %} — {% endif %} """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(template_code=self.template_code, *args, **kwargs) def value(self, value): return str(value) class LinkedCountColumn(tables.Column): """ Render a count of related objects linked to a filtered URL. :param viewname: The view name to use for URL resolution :param view_kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass for URL resolution (optional) :param url_params: A dict of query parameters to append to the URL (e.g. ?foo=bar) (optional) """ def __init__(self, viewname, *args, view_kwargs=None, url_params=None, default=0, **kwargs): self.viewname = viewname self.view_kwargs = view_kwargs or {} self.url_params = url_params super().__init__(*args, default=default, **kwargs) def render(self, record, value): if value: url = reverse(self.viewname, kwargs=self.view_kwargs) if self.url_params: url += '?' + '&'.join([ f'{k}={getattr(record, v) or settings.FILTERS_NULL_CHOICE_VALUE}' for k, v in self.url_params.items() ]) return mark_safe(f'{value}') return value def value(self, value): return value class TagColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ Display a list of tags assigned to the object. """ template_code = """ {% for tag in value.all %} {% include 'utilities/templatetags/tag.html' %} {% empty %} {% endfor %} """ def __init__(self, url_name=None): super().__init__( template_code=self.template_code, extra_context={'url_name': url_name} ) def value(self, value): return ",".join([ for tag in value.all()]) class CustomFieldColumn(tables.Column): """ Display custom fields in the appropriate format. """ def __init__(self, customfield, *args, **kwargs): self.customfield = customfield kwargs['accessor'] = Accessor(f'custom_field_data__{}') if 'verbose_name' not in kwargs: kwargs['verbose_name'] = customfield.label or super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def render(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): return ', '.join(v for v in value) elif self.customfield.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_URL: # Linkify custom URLs return mark_safe(f'{value}') return value or self.default class MPTTColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ Display a nested hierarchy for MPTT-enabled models. """ template_code = """ {% load helpers %} {% for i in record.level|as_range %}{% endfor %} {{ }} """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( template_code=self.template_code, orderable=False, attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}}, *args, **kwargs ) def value(self, value): return value class UtilizationColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ Display a colored utilization bar graph. """ template_code = """{% load helpers %}{% if %}{% utilization_graph value %}{% endif %}""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(template_code=self.template_code, *args, **kwargs) def value(self, value): return f'{value}%' class MarkdownColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ Render a Markdown string. """ template_code = """ {% load helpers %} {% if value %} {{ value|render_markdown }} {% else %} — {% endif %} """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( template_code=self.template_code ) def value(self, value): return value # # Pagination # def paginate_table(table, request): """ Paginate a table given a request context. """ paginate = { 'paginator_class': EnhancedPaginator, 'per_page': get_paginate_count(request) } RequestConfig(request, paginate).configure(table)