package App::Netdisco::Util::Graph; use App::Netdisco; use Dancer qw/:syntax :script/; use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema'; use App::Netdisco::Util::DNS qw/hostname_from_ip ipv4_from_hostname/; use Graph::Undirected (); use GraphViz (); use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = ('graph'); our @EXPORT_OK = qw/ graph_each graph_addnode make_graph /; our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK); # nothing to see here, please move along... our ($ip, $label, $isdev, $devloc, %GRAPH, %GRAPH_SPEED); =head1 NAME App::Netdisco::Util::Graph =head1 SYNOPSIS $ brew install graphviz <-- install graphviz on your system $ ~/bin/localenv bash $ cpanm --notest Graph GraphViz $ mkdir ~/graph use App::Netdisco::Util::Graph; graph; =head1 DESCRIPTION Generate GraphViz output from Netdisco data. Requires that the L and L distributions be installed. Requires the same config as for Netdisco 1, but within a C key. See C in the source distribution for an example. The C subroutine is exported by default. The C<:all> tag will export all subroutines. =head1 EXPORT =over 4 =item graph() Creates netmap of network. =back =cut sub graph { my %CONFIG = %{ setting('graph') }; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); my $month = sprintf("%d%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1); info "graph() - Creating Graphs"; my $G = make_graph(); unless (defined $G){ print "graph() - make_graph() failed. Try running with debug (-D).\n"; return; } my @S = $G->connected_components; # Count number of nodes in each subgraph my %S_count; for (my $i=0;$i< scalar @S;$i++){ $S_count{$i} = scalar @{$S[$i]}; } foreach my $subgraph (sort { $S_count{$b} <=> $S_count{$a} } keys %S_count){ my $SUBG = $G->copy; print "\$S[$subgraph] has $S_count{$subgraph} nodes.\n"; # Remove other subgraphs from this one my %S_notme = %S_count; delete $S_notme{$subgraph}; foreach my $other (keys %S_notme){ print "Removing Non-connected nodes: ",join(',',@{$S[$other]}),"\n"; $SUBG->delete_vertices(@{$S[$other]}) } # Create the subgraph my $timeout = defined $CONFIG{graph_timeout} ? $CONFIG{graph_timeout} : 60; eval { alarm($timeout*60); graph_each($SUBG,''); alarm(0); }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /timeout/){ print "! Creating Graph timed out!\n"; } else { print "\n$@\n"; } } # Facility to create subgraph for each non-connected network segment. # Right now, let's just make the biggest one only. last; } } =head1 EXPORT_OK =over 4 =item graph_each($graph_obj, $name) Generates subgraph. Does actual GraphViz calls. =cut sub graph_each { my ($G, $name) = @_; my %CONFIG = %{ setting('graph') }; info "Creating new Graph"; my $graph_defs = { 'bgcolor' => $CONFIG{graph_bg} || 'black', 'color' => $CONFIG{graph_color} || 'white', 'overlap' => $CONFIG{graph_overlap} || 'scale', 'fontpath'=> _homepath('graph_fontpath',''), 'ranksep' => $CONFIG{graph_ranksep} || 0.3, 'nodesep' => $CONFIG{graph_nodesep} || 2, 'ratio' => $CONFIG{graph_ratio} || 'compress', 'splines' => ($CONFIG{graph_splines} ? 'true' : 'false'), 'fontcolor' => $CONFIG{node_fontcolor} || 'white', 'fontname' => $CONFIG{node_font} || 'lucon', 'fontsize' => $CONFIG{node_fontsize} || 12, }; my $edge_defs = { 'color' => $CONFIG{edge_color} || 'wheat', }; my $node_defs = { 'shape' => $CONFIG{node_shape} || 'box', 'fillcolor' => $CONFIG{node_fillcolor} || 'dimgrey', 'fontcolor' => $CONFIG{node_fontcolor} || 'white', 'style' => $CONFIG{node_style} || 'filled', 'fontname' => $CONFIG{node_font} || 'lucon', 'fontsize' => $CONFIG{node_fontsize} || 12, 'fixedsize' => ($CONFIG{node_fixedsize} ? 'true' : 'false'), }; $node_defs->{height} = $CONFIG{node_height} if defined $CONFIG{node_height}; $node_defs->{width} = $CONFIG{node_width} if defined $CONFIG{node_width}; my $epsilon = undef; if (defined $CONFIG{graph_epsilon}){ $epsilon = "0." . '0' x $CONFIG{graph_epsilon} . '1'; } my %gv = ( directed => 0, layout => $CONFIG{graph_layout} || 'twopi', graph => $graph_defs, node => $node_defs, edge => $edge_defs, width => $CONFIG{graph_x} || 30, height => $CONFIG{graph_y} || 30, epsilon => $epsilon, ); my $gv = GraphViz->new(%gv); my %node_map = (); my @nodes = $G->vertices; foreach my $dev (@nodes){ my $node_name = graph_addnode($gv,$dev); $node_map{$dev} = $node_name; } my $root_ip = defined $CONFIG{root_device} ? (ipv4_from_hostname($CONFIG{root_device}) || $CONFIG{root_device}) : undef; if (defined $root_ip and defined $node_map{$root_ip}){ my $gv_root_name = $gv->_quote_name($root_ip); if (defined $gv_root_name){ $gv->{GRAPH_ATTRS}->{root}=$gv_root_name; } } my @edges = $G->edges; while (my $e = shift @edges){ my $link = $e->[0]; my $dest = $e->[1]; my $speed = $GRAPH_SPEED{$link}->{$dest}->{speed}; if (!defined($speed)) { info " ! No link speed for $link -> $dest"; $speed = 0; } my %edge = (); my $val = ''; my $suffix = ''; if ($speed =~ /^([\d.]+)\s+([a-z])bps$/i) { $val = $1; $suffix = $2; } if ( ($suffix eq 'k') or ($speed =~ m/(t1|ds3)/i) ){ $edge{color} = 'green'; $edge{style} = 'dotted'; } if ($suffix eq 'M'){ if ($val < 10.0){ $edge{color} = 'green'; #$edge{style} = 'dotted'; $edge{style} = 'dashed'; } elsif ($val < 100.0){ $edge{color} = '#8b7e66'; #$edge{style} = 'normal'; $edge{style} = 'solid'; } else { $edge{color} = '#ffe7ba'; $edge{style} = 'solid'; } } if ($suffix eq 'G'){ #$edge{style} = 'bold'; $edge{color} = 'cyan1'; } # Add extra styles to edges (mainly for modifying width) if(defined $CONFIG{edge_style}) { $edge{style} .= "," . $CONFIG{edge_style}; } $gv->add_edge($link => $dest, %edge ); } info "Ignore all warnings about node size"; if (defined $CONFIG{graph_raw} and $CONFIG{graph_raw}){ my $graph_raw = _homepath('graph_raw'); info " Creating raw graph: $graph_raw"; $gv->as_canon($graph_raw); } if (defined $CONFIG{graph} and $CONFIG{graph}){ my $graph_gif = _homepath('graph'); info " Creating graph: $graph_gif"; $gv->as_gif($graph_gif); } if (defined $CONFIG{graph_png} and $CONFIG{graph_png}){ my $graph_png = _homepath('graph_png'); info " Creating png graph: $graph_png"; $gv->as_png($graph_png); } if (defined $CONFIG{graph_map} and $CONFIG{graph_map}){ my $graph_map = _homepath('graph_map'); info " Creating CMAP : $graph_map"; $gv->as_cmap($graph_map); } if (defined $CONFIG{graph_svg} and $CONFIG{graph_svg}){ my $graph_svg = _homepath('graph_svg'); info " Creating SVG : $graph_svg"; $gv->as_svg($graph_svg); } } =item graph_addnode($graphviz_obj, $node_ip) Checks for mapping settings in config file and adds node to the GraphViz object. =cut sub graph_addnode { my $gv = shift; my %CONFIG = %{ setting('graph') }; my %node = (); $ip = shift; $label = $GRAPH{$ip}->{dns}; $isdev = $GRAPH{$ip}->{isdev}; $devloc = $GRAPH{$ip}->{location}; $label = "($ip)" unless defined $label; my $domain_suffix = setting('domain_suffix'); $label =~ s/$domain_suffix//; $node{label} = $label; # Dereferencing the scalar by name below # requires that the variable be non-lexical (not my) # we'll create some local non-lexical versions # that will expire at the end of this block # Node Mappings foreach my $map (@{ $CONFIG{'node_map'} || [] }){ my ($var, $regex, $attr, $val) = split(':', $map); { no strict 'refs'; $var = ${"$var"}; } next unless defined $var; if ($var =~ /$regex/) { debug " graph_addnode - Giving node $ip $attr = $val"; $node{$attr} = $val; } } # URL for image maps FIXME for non-root hosting if ($isdev) { $node{URL} = "/device?&q=$ip"; } else { $node{URL} = "/search?tab=node&q=$ip"; # Overrides any colors given to nodes above. Bug 1094208 $node{fillcolor} = $CONFIG{'node_problem'} || 'red'; } if ($CONFIG{'graph_clusters'} && $devloc) { # This odd construct works around a bug in's # quoting of cluster names. If it has a name with spaces, # it'll just quote it, resulting in creating a subgraph name # of cluster_"location with spaces". This is an illegal name # according to the dot grammar, so if the name matches the # problematic regexp we make generate an internal # name by using a leading space in the name. # # This is bug ID 16912 at - # # # Another bug, ID 11514, prevents us from using a combination # of name and label attributes to hide the extra space from # the user. However, since it's just a space, hopefully it # won't be too noticable. my($loc) = $devloc; $loc = " " . $loc if ($loc =~ /^[a-zA-Z](\w| )*$/); $node{cluster} = { name => $loc }; } my $rv = $gv->add_node($ip, %node); return $rv; } =item make_graph() Returns C object that represents the discovered network. Graph is made by loading all the C entries that have a neighbor, using them as edges. Then each device seen in those entries is added as a vertex. Nodes without topology information are not included. =back =cut sub make_graph { my $G = Graph::Undirected->new(); my $devices = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Device') ->search({}, { columns => [qw/ip dns location /] }); my $links = schema('netdisco')->resultset('DevicePort') ->search({remote_ip => { -not => undef }}, { columns => [qw/ip remote_ip speed remote_type/]}); my %aliases = map {$_->alias => $_->ip} schema('netdisco')->resultset('DeviceIp') ->search({}, { columns => [qw/ip alias/] })->all; my %devs = ( map {($_->ip => $_->dns)} $devices->all ); my %locs = ( map {($_->ip => $_->location)} $devices->all ); # Check for no topology info unless ($links->count > 0) { debug "make_graph() - No topology information. skipping."; return undef; } my %link_seen = (); my %linkmap = (); while (my $link = $links->next) { my $source = $link->ip; my $dest = $link->remote_ip; my $speed = $link->speed; my $type = $link->remote_type; # Check for Aliases if (defined $aliases{$dest}) { # Set to root device $dest = $aliases{$dest}; } # Remove loopback - After alias check (bbaetz) if ($source eq $dest) { debug " make_graph() - Loopback on $source"; next; } # Skip IP Phones if (defined $type and $type =~ / { debug " make_graph() - Skipping IP Phone. $source -> $dest ($type)"; next; } next if exists $link_seen{$source}->{$dest}; push(@{ $linkmap{$source} }, $dest); # take care of reverse too $link_seen{$source}->{$dest}++; $link_seen{$dest}->{$source}++; $GRAPH_SPEED{$source}->{$dest}->{speed}=$speed; $GRAPH_SPEED{$dest}->{$source}->{speed}=$speed; } foreach my $link (keys %linkmap) { foreach my $dest (@{ $linkmap{$link} }) { foreach my $side ($link, $dest) { unless (defined $GRAPH{$side}) { my $is_dev = exists $devs{$side}; my $dns = $is_dev ? $devs{$side} : hostname_from_ip($side); # Default to IP if no dns $dns = defined $dns ? $dns : "($side)"; $G->add_vertex($side); debug " make_graph() - add_vertex('$side')"; $GRAPH{$side}->{dns} = $dns; $GRAPH{$side}->{isdev} = $is_dev; $GRAPH{$side}->{seen}++; $GRAPH{$side}->{location} = $locs{$side}; } } $G->add_edge($link,$dest); debug " make_graph - add_edge('$link','$dest')"; } } return $G; } sub _homepath { my ($path, $default) = @_; my $home = $ENV{NETDISCO_HOME}; my $item = setting('graph')->{$path} || $default; return undef unless defined($item); if ($item =~ m,^/,) { return $item; } else { $home =~ s,/*$,,; return $home . "/" . $item; } } 1;