-- ========================================================================== -- Copyright (C) 2002 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: The purpose of this MIB file is to provide the define of -- GK client MIB of HUAWEI quidway serial router, which saves -- gateway config information related with its GKClient function. -- Reference: -- Version: V2.0 -- History: -- V1.0 Initial version -- V2.0 2004-10-20 Updated by gaolong -- Re-write whole MIB with SNMPv2-SMI format. -- Change object name from 'hwVoGatewayEnable' to 'hwVoRasOn' -- Change object name from 'hwVoH323InterfaceIPAddress' to 'hwVoGwIPAddress' -- Modify module name from 'HUAWEI-GKClient-MIB' to 'HUAWEI-VO-GK-CLIENT-MIB' -- ========================================================================== HUAWEI-VO-GK-CLIENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI voice FROM HUAWEI-3COM-OID-MIB; -- -- Node definitions -- hwVoiceGKClientMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200410200000Z" -- Oct 20, 2004 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei-3COM Technologies Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "PLAT Team Huawei 3Com Technologies co.,Ltd. Shang-Di Information Industry Base, Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.huawei-3com.com Zip:100085" DESCRIPTION " " REVISION "200404081345Z" -- April 08, 2004 at 13:45 GMT DESCRIPTION "" ::= { voice 8 } hwVoGKClientObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwVoiceGKClientMIB 1 } -- GKClient Group -- -- The objects in this group store gateway config information related -- with GKClient function. hwVoRasOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses whether or not the GKClient function of this gateaway is enabled .Before hwVoGwIPAddress and hwVoH323GKID being set ,this object can not be set to enable." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 1 } hwVoH323InterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The index of the interface through which the gateway is connected to the GateKeeper." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 2 } hwVoGwIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the IP address of the interface through which the gateway is connected to the GateKeeper." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 3 } hwVoH323GWID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the ID of this H323 gateway ." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 4 } hwVoH323GWSupportMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonstandard-compatible(1), huawei(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the type of GateKeeper to which this H323 gateway is connected ." DEFVAL { nonstandard-compatible } ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 5 } hwVoH323GWAreaID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..960)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the technology prefixs of this gateway so that the GateKeeper can validation the type of gateway .There are thirty prefixs which can be configed in one gateway.In this object every prefix is seperated by a ';'.As a single prefix , only character from '0' to '9' and '#' can present,its length is limited to 31." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 6 } hwVoH323GKID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the ID of the GateKeeper ." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 7 } hwVoH323GKIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the IP address of the GateKeeper ." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 8 } hwVoH323GKPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the RAS communication port of GateKeeper." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 9 } hwVoH323GK2ID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the ID of the Slave GateKeeper ." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 10 } hwVoH323GK2IPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the IP address of the Slave GateKeeper ." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 11 } hwVoH323GK2Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object expresses the RAS communication port of Slave GateKeeper." ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 12 } hwVoH323GKSecurityCall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enable/disable call level security capacity" DEFVAL { enable } ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 13 } hwVoH323GKSecurityPWDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cipher(1), simple(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Specify registration level security Type cipher Hide the password when showing simple Don't hide the password when showing " DEFVAL { simple } ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 14 } hwVoH323GKSecurityPWD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..24)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " register password. length 0 : clear password;disable GKSecurity Capacity. length 1-16: set password with no encrypted text. length 24: set password with encrypted text. " ::= { hwVoGKClientObjects 15 } END