// +build linux package fuseoverlayfs // import "github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver/fuse-overlayfs" import ( "testing" "github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver" "github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver/graphtest" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/reexec" ) func init() { // Do not sure chroot to speed run time and allow archive // errors or hangs to be debugged directly from the test process. untar = archive.UntarUncompressed graphdriver.ApplyUncompressedLayer = archive.ApplyUncompressedLayer reexec.Init() } // This avoids creating a new driver for each test if all tests are run // Make sure to put new tests between TestFUSEOverlayFSSetup and TestFUSEOverlayFSTeardown func TestFUSEOverlayFSSetup(t *testing.T) { graphtest.GetDriver(t, driverName) } func TestFUSEOverlayFSCreateEmpty(t *testing.T) { graphtest.DriverTestCreateEmpty(t, driverName) } func TestFUSEOverlayFSCreateBase(t *testing.T) { graphtest.DriverTestCreateBase(t, driverName) } func TestFUSEOverlayFSCreateSnap(t *testing.T) { graphtest.DriverTestCreateSnap(t, driverName) } func TestFUSEOverlayFS128LayerRead(t *testing.T) { graphtest.DriverTestDeepLayerRead(t, 128, driverName) } func TestFUSEOverlayFSTeardown(t *testing.T) { graphtest.PutDriver(t) } // Benchmarks should always setup new driver func BenchmarkExists(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchExists(b, driverName) } func BenchmarkGetEmpty(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchGetEmpty(b, driverName) } func BenchmarkDiffBase(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchDiffBase(b, driverName) } func BenchmarkDiffSmallUpper(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchDiffN(b, 10, 10, driverName) } func BenchmarkDiff10KFileUpper(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchDiffN(b, 10, 10000, driverName) } func BenchmarkDiff10KFilesBottom(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchDiffN(b, 10000, 10, driverName) } func BenchmarkDiffApply100(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchDiffApplyN(b, 100, driverName) } func BenchmarkDiff20Layers(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchDeepLayerDiff(b, 20, driverName) } func BenchmarkRead20Layers(b *testing.B) { graphtest.DriverBenchDeepLayerRead(b, 20, driverName) }