from __future__ import absolute_import from loguru import logger from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSHostnameLine, IOSRouteLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSIntfLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSAccessLine, IOSIntfGlobal from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSAaaLoginAuthenticationLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSAaaEnableAuthenticationLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSAaaCommandsAuthorizationLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSAaaCommandsAccountingLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSAaaExecAccountingLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSAaaGroupServerLine from ciscoconfparse.models_cisco import IOSCfgLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSHostnameLine, NXOSRouteLine, NXOSIntfLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSAccessLine, NXOSIntfGlobal from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSAaaLoginAuthenticationLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSAaaEnableAuthenticationLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSAaaCommandsAuthorizationLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSAaaCommandsAccountingLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSAaaExecAccountingLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSAaaGroupServerLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSvPCLine from ciscoconfparse.models_nxos import NXOSCfgLine from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAObjGroupNetwork from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAObjGroupService from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAHostnameLine from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAObjNetwork from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAObjService from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAIntfGlobal from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAIntfLine from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASACfgLine from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAName from ciscoconfparse.models_asa import ASAAclLine from ciscoconfparse.models_junos import JunosCfgLine from ciscoconfparse.ccp_util import junos_unsupported, UnsupportedFeatureWarning from operator import methodcaller, attrgetter from colorama import Fore, Back, Style from difflib import SequenceMatcher import inspect import json import time import copy import sys import re import os if sys.version_info >= ( 3, 0, 0, ): from import MutableSequence, Iterator else: ## This syntax is not supported in Python 3... from collections import MutableSequence, Iterator r""" - Parse, Query, Build, and Modify IOS-style configs Copyright (C) 2020-2021 David Michael Pennington at Cisco Systems Copyright (C) 2019 David Michael Pennington at ThousandEyes Copyright (C) 2012-2019 David Michael Pennington at Samsung Data Services Copyright (C) 2011-2012 David Michael Pennington at Dell Computer Corp Copyright (C) 2007-2011 David Michael Pennington This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you need to contact the author, you can do so by emailing: mike [~at~] pennington [/dot\] net """ ## Docstring props: # __version__ if-else below fixes Github issue #123 metadata_json_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "metadata.json" ) if os.path.isfile(metadata_json_path): ## Retrieve the version number from json... with open(metadata_json_path) as mh: metadata_dict = json.load(mh) __author__ = metadata_dict.get("author") __author_email__ = metadata_dict.get("author_email") __version__ = metadata_dict.get("version") else: # This case is required for importing from a zipfile... Github issue #123 __version__ = "0.0.0" # __version__ read failed __author_email__ = r"mike /at\ pennington [dot] net" __author__ = "David Michael Pennington <{0}>".format(__author_email__) __copyright__ = "2007-{0}, {1}".format(time.strftime("%Y"), __author__) __license__ = "GPLv3" __status__ = "Production" logger.remove() # Send logs to sys.stderr by default logger.add( sink=sys.stderr, colorize=True, diagnose=True, backtrace=True, enqueue=True, serialize=False, catch=True, level="DEBUG", #format='{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS} | {level: <8} | {name}:{function}:{line} - {message}' ) class CiscoConfParse(object): """Parses Cisco IOS configurations and answers queries about the configs.""" def __init__( self, config="", comment="!", debug=0, factory=False, linesplit_rgx=r"\r*\n+", ignore_blank_lines=True, syntax="ios", ): """ Initialize CiscoConfParse. Parameters ---------- config : list or str A list of configuration statements, or a configuration file path to be parsed comment : str A comment delimiter. This should only be changed when parsing non-Cisco IOS configurations, which do not use a ! as the comment delimiter. ``comment`` defaults to '!'. This value can hold multiple characters in case the config uses multiple characters for comment delimiters; however, the comment delimiters are always assumed to be one character wide debug : int ``debug`` defaults to 0, and should be kept that way unless you're working on a very tricky config parsing problem. Debug range goes from 0 (no debugging) to 5 (max debugging). Debug output is not particularly friendly. factory : bool ``factory`` defaults to False; if set ``True``, it enables a beta-quality configuration line classifier. linesplit_rgx : str ``linesplit_rgx`` is used when parsing configuration files to find where new configuration lines are. It is best to leave this as the default, unless you're working on a system that uses unusual line terminations (for instance something besides Unix, OSX, or Windows) ignore_blank_lines : bool ``ignore_blank_lines`` defaults to True; when this is set True, ciscoconfparse ignores blank configuration lines. You might want to set ``ignore_blank_lines`` to False if you intentionally use blank lines in your configuration (ref: Github Issue #2), or you are parsing configurations which naturally have blank lines (such as Cisco Nexus configurations). syntax : str A string holding the configuration type. Default: 'ios'. Must be one of: 'ios', 'nxos', 'asa', 'junos'. Use 'junos' for any brace-delimited configuration (including F5, Palo Alto, etc...). Returns ------- :class:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse` Examples -------- This example illustrates how to parse a simple Cisco IOS configuration with :class:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse` into a variable called ``parse``. This example also illustrates what the ``ConfigObjs`` and ``ioscfg`` attributes contain. >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... 'logging trap debugging', ... 'logging', ... ] >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> parse >>> parse.ConfigObjs , ]> >>> parse.ioscfg ['logging trap debugging', 'logging'] >>> Attributes ---------- comment_delimiter : str A string containing the comment-delimiter. Default: "!" ConfigObjs : :class:`~ciscoconfparse.IOSConfigList` A custom list, which contains all parsed :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` instances. debug : int An int to enable verbose config parsing debugs. Default 0. ioscfg : list A list of text configuration strings objs An alias for `ConfigObjs` openargs : dict Returns a dictionary of valid arguments for `open()` (these change based on the running python version). syntax : str A string holding the configuration type. Default: 'ios'. Must be one of: 'ios', 'nxos', 'asa', 'junos'. Use 'junos' for any brace-delimited configuration (including F5, Palo Alto, etc...). """ # all IOSCfgLine object instances... self.comment_delimiter = comment self.factory = factory self.ConfigObjs = None self.syntax = syntax self.debug = debug if isinstance(config, list) or isinstance(config, Iterator): if syntax == "ios": # we already have a list object, simply call the parser if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("parsing from a python list with ios syntax") self.ConfigObjs = IOSConfigList( data=config, comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=ignore_blank_lines, syntax="ios", CiscoConfParse=self, ) elif syntax == "nxos": # we already have a list object, simply call the parser if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("parsing from a python list with nxos syntax") self.ConfigObjs = NXOSConfigList( data=config, comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=False, # NXOS always has blank lines syntax="nxos", CiscoConfParse=self, ) elif syntax == "asa": # we already have a list object, simply call the parser if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("parsing from a python list with asa syntax") self.ConfigObjs = ASAConfigList( data=config, comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=ignore_blank_lines, syntax="asa", CiscoConfParse=self, ) elif syntax == "junos": ## FIXME I am shamelessly abusing the IOSConfigList for now... # we already have a list object, simply call the parser error = "junos parser factory is not yet enabled; use factory=False" assert factory is False, error config = self.convert_braces_to_ios(config) if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("parsing from a python list with junos syntax") self.ConfigObjs = IOSConfigList( data=config, comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=ignore_blank_lines, syntax="junos", CiscoConfParse=self, ) else: error = "'{}' is an unknown syntax".format(syntax) logger.critical(error) raise ValueError(error) ## Accept either a string, unicode, or a pathlib.Path instance... elif getattr(config, "encode", False) or getattr(config, "is_file"): # Try opening as a file try: if syntax == "ios": # string - assume a filename... open file, split and parse if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "parsing from '{0}' with ios syntax".format(config) ) with open(config, **self.openargs) as fh: text = rgx = re.compile(linesplit_rgx) self.ConfigObjs = IOSConfigList( rgx.split(text), comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=ignore_blank_lines, syntax="ios", CiscoConfParse=self, ) elif syntax == "nxos": # string - assume a filename... open file, split and parse if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "parsing from '{0}' with nxos syntax".format(config) ) with open(config, **self.openargs) as fh: text = rgx = re.compile(linesplit_rgx) self.ConfigObjs = NXOSConfigList( rgx.split(text), comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=False, syntax="nxos", CiscoConfParse=self, ) elif syntax == "asa": # string - assume a filename... open file, split and parse if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "parsing from '{0}' with asa syntax".format(config) ) with open(config, **self.openargs) as fh: text = rgx = re.compile(linesplit_rgx) self.ConfigObjs = ASAConfigList( rgx.split(text), comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=ignore_blank_lines, syntax="asa", CiscoConfParse=self, ) elif syntax == "junos": # string - assume a filename... open file, split and parse if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "parsing from '{0}' with junos syntax".format(config) ) with open(config, **self.openargs) as fh: text = rgx = re.compile(linesplit_rgx) config = self.convert_braces_to_ios(rgx.split(text)) ## FIXME I am shamelessly abusing the IOSConfigList for now... self.ConfigObjs = IOSConfigList( config, comment_delimiter=comment, debug=debug, factory=factory, ignore_blank_lines=ignore_blank_lines, syntax="junos", CiscoConfParse=self, ) else: error = "'{}' is an unknown syntax".format(syntax) logger.critical(error) raise ValueError(error) except (IOError or FileNotFoundError): error = "CiscoConfParse could not open() the filepath '%s'" % config logger.critical(error) raise RuntimeError else: error = "CiscoConfParse() received an invalid argument\n" logger.critical(error) raise RuntimeError(error) self.ConfigObjs.CiscoConfParse = self def __repr__(self): return ( "" % (len(self.ConfigObjs), self.syntax, self.comment_delimiter, self.factory) ) @property def openargs(self): """Fix for Py3.5 deprecation of universal newlines - Ref Github #114 also see """ if sys.version_info >= ( 3, 5, 0, ): retval = {"mode": "r", "newline": None} else: retval = {"mode": "rU"} return retval @property def ioscfg(self): """A list containing all text configuration statements""" ## I keep this here to emulate the legacy ciscoconfparse behavior return list(map(attrgetter("text"), self.ConfigObjs)) @property def objs(self): """An alias to the ``ConfigObjs`` attribute""" return self.ConfigObjs def atomic(self): """Call :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic` to manually fix up ``ConfigObjs`` relationships after modifying a parsed configuration. This method is slow; try to batch calls to :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic()` if possible. Warnings -------- If you modify a configuration after parsing it with :class:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse`, you *must* call :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.commit` or :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic` before searching the configuration again with methods such as :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_objects` or :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_lines`. Failure to call :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.commit` or :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic` on config modifications could lead to unexpected search results. See Also -------- :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.commit` """ self.ConfigObjs._bootstrap_from_text() def commit(self): """Alias for calling the :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic` method. This method is slow; try to batch calls to :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.commit()` if possible. Warnings -------- If you modify a configuration after parsing it with :class:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse`, you *must* call :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.commit` or :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic` before searching the configuration again with methods such as :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_objects` or :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_lines`. Failure to call :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.commit` or :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic` on config modifications could lead to unexpected search results. See Also -------- :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.atomic` """ self.atomic() def convert_braces_to_ios(self, input_list, stop_width=4): """ Parameters ---------- input_list : list A list of plain-text brace-delimited configuration lines stop_width: int An integer used to mark how many spaces each config level is indented. Returns ------- list An ios-style configuration list (indented by stop_width for each configuration level). """ ## Note to self, I made this regex fairly junos-specific... assert "{" not in set(self.comment_delimiter) assert "}" not in set(self.comment_delimiter) JUNOS_RE_STR = r"""^ (?:\s* (?P\})*(?P.*?)(?P\{)*;* |(?P[^\{\}]*?)(?P\{)(?P.*?)(?P\});*\s* |(?P[^\{\}]*?);*\s* )$ """ LINE_RE = re.compile(JUNOS_RE_STR, re.VERBOSE) COMMENT_RE = re.compile( r"^\s*(?P[{0}]+)(?P[^{0}]*)$".format( re.escape(self.comment_delimiter) ) ) def parse_line_braces(input_str): assert input_str is not None indent_child = 0 indent_this_line = 0 mm = nn = if nn is not None: results = nn.groupdict() return ( indent_this_line, indent_child, results.get("delimiter") + results.get("comment", ""), ) elif mm is not None: results = mm.groupdict() # } line1 { foo bar this } { braces_close_left = bool(results.get("braces_close_left", "")) braces_open_right = bool(results.get("braces_open_right", "")) # line2 braces_open_left = bool(results.get("braces_open_left", "")) braces_close_right = bool(results.get("braces_close_right", "")) # line3 line1_str = results.get("line1", "") line3_str = results.get("line3", "") if braces_close_left and braces_open_right: # Based off line1 # } elseif { bar baz } { indent_this_line -= 1 indent_child += 0 retval = results.get("line1", None) return (indent_this_line, indent_child, retval) elif ( bool(line1_str) and (braces_close_left is False) and (braces_open_right is False) ): # Based off line1: # address indent_this_line -= 0 indent_child += 0 retval = results.get("line1", "").strip() # Strip empty braces here retval = re.sub(r"\s*\{\s*\}\s*", "", retval) return (indent_this_line, indent_child, retval) elif ( (line1_str == "") and (braces_close_left is False) and (braces_open_right is False) ): # Based off line1: # return empty string indent_this_line -= 0 indent_child += 0 return (indent_this_line, indent_child, "") elif braces_open_left and braces_close_right: # Based off line2 # this { bar baz } indent_this_line -= 0 indent_child += 0 line = results.get("line2", None) or "" condition = results.get("condition2", None) or "" if condition.strip() == "": retval = line else: retval = line + " {" + condition + " }" return (indent_this_line, indent_child, retval) elif braces_close_left: # Based off line1 # } indent_this_line -= 1 indent_child -= 1 return (indent_this_line, indent_child, "") elif braces_open_right: # Based off line1 # this that foo { indent_this_line -= 0 indent_child += 1 line = results.get("line1", None) or "" return (indent_this_line, indent_child, line) elif (line3_str != "") and (line3_str is not None): indent_this_line += 0 indent_child += 0 return (indent_this_line, indent_child, "") else: error = 'Cannot parse junos match:"{0}"'.format(input_str) logger.critical(error) raise ValueError(error) else: error = 'Cannot parse junos:"{0}"'.format(input_str) logger.critical(error) raise ValueError(error) lines = list() offset = 0 STOP_WIDTH = stop_width for idx, tmp in enumerate(input_list): if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("Parse line {0}:'{1}'".format(idx + 1, tmp.strip())) (indent_this_line, indent_child, line) = parse_line_braces(tmp.strip()) lines.append( (" " * STOP_WIDTH * (offset + indent_this_line)) + line.strip() ) offset += indent_child return lines def find_object_branches(self, branchspec=(), regex_flags=0, allow_none=True): r"""This method iterates over a tuple of regular expressions in `branchspec` and returns the matching objects in a list of lists (consider it similar to a table of matching config objects). `branchspec` expects to start at some ancestor and walk through the nested object hierarchy (with no limit on depth). Previous CiscoConfParse() methods only handled a single parent regex and single child regex (such as :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_parents_w_child`). This method dives beyond a simple parent-child relationship to include entire family 'branches' (i.e. parents, children, grand-children, great-grand-children, etc). The result of handling longer regex chains is that it flattens what would otherwise be nested loops in your scripts; this makes parsing heavily-nested configuratations like Palo-Alto and F5 much simpler. Of course, there are plenty of applications for "flatter" config formats like IOS. This method returns a list of lists (of object 'branches') which are nested to the same depth required in `branchspec`. However, unlike most other CiscoConfParse() methods, it returns an explicit `None` if there is no object match. Returning `None` allows a single search over configs that may not be uniformly nested in every branch. Parameters ---------- branchspec : tuple A tuple of python regular expressions to be matched. regex_flags : Chained regular expression flags, such as `re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE` allow_none : Set False if you don't want an explicit `None` for missing branch elements (default is allow_none=True) Returns ------- list A list of lists of matching :class:`~ciscoconfparse.IOSCfgLine` objects Examples -------- >>> from operator import attrgetter >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... 'ltm pool FOO {', ... ' members {', ... ' k8s-05.localdomain:8443 {', ... ' address', ... ' session monitor-enabled', ... ' state up', ... ' }', ... ' k8s-06.localdomain:8443 {', ... ' address', ... ' session monitor-enabled', ... ' state down', ... ' }', ... ' }', ... '}', ... 'ltm pool BAR {', ... ' members {', ... ' k8s-07.localdomain:8443 {', ... ' address', ... ' session monitor-enabled', ... ' state down', ... ' }', ... ' }', ... '}', ... ] >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config, syntax='junos', comment='#') >>> >>> branchspec = (r'ltm\spool', r'members', r'\S+?:\d+', r'state\sup') >>> branches = parse.find_object_branches(branchspec=branchspec) >>> >>> # We found three branches >>> len(branches) 3 >>> # Each branch must match the length of branchspec >>> len(branches[0]) 4 >>> # Print out one object 'branch' >>> branches[0] [, , , ] >>> >>> # Get the a list of text lines for this branch... >>> list(map(attrgetter('text'), branches[0])) ['ltm pool FOO', ' members', ' k8s-05.localdomain:8443', ' state up'] >>> >>> # Get the config text of the root object of the branch... >>> branches[0][0].text 'ltm pool FOO' >>> >>> # Note: `None` in branches[1][-1] because of no regex match >>> branches[1] [, , , None] >>> >>> branches[2] [, , , None] """ assert isinstance( branchspec, tuple ), "find_object_branches(): Please enclose the regular expressions in a Python tuple" assert branchspec != (), "find_object_branches(): branchspec must not be empty" def list_matching_children(parent_obj, childspec, regex_flags, allow_none=True): ## I'm not using parent_obj.re_search_children() because ## re_search_children() doesn't return None for no match... # FIXME: Insert debugging here... # print("PARENT "+str(parent_obj)) # Get the child objects from parent objects if parent_obj is None: children = self._find_line_OBJ(linespec=childspec, exactmatch=False) else: children = parent_obj.children # Find all child objects which match childspec... segment_list = [ cobj for cobj in children if, cobj.text, regex_flags) ] # Return [None] if no children matched... if (allow_none is True) and len(segment_list) == 0: segment_list = [None] # FIXME: Insert debugging here... # print(" SEGMENTS "+str(segment_list)) return segment_list branches = list() # iterate over the regular expressions in branchspec for idx, childspec in enumerate(branchspec): # FIXME: Insert debugging here... # print("CHILDSPEC "+childspec) if idx == 0: # Get matching 'root' objects from the config next_kids = list_matching_children( parent_obj=None, childspec=childspec, regex_flags=regex_flags, allow_none=allow_none, ) if allow_none is True: # Start growing branches from the segments we received... branches = [[kid] for kid in next_kids] else: branches = [[kid] for kid in next_kids if kid is not None] else: new_branches = list() for branch in branches: # Extend existing branches into the new_branches if branch[-1] is not None: # Find children to extend the family branch... next_kids = list_matching_children( parent_obj=branch[-1], childspec=childspec, regex_flags=regex_flags, allow_none=allow_none, ) for kid in next_kids: # Fork off a new branch and add each matching kid... # Use copy.copy() for a "shallow copy" of branch: # tmp = copy.copy(branch) tmp.append(kid) new_branches.append(tmp) elif allow_none is True: branch.append(None) new_branches.append(branch) # Ensure we have the most recent branches... branches = new_branches return branches def find_interface_objects(self, intfspec, exactmatch=True): """Find all :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` or :class:`~models_cisco.NXOSCfgLine` objects whose text is an abbreviation for ``intfspec`` and return the objects in a python list. Notes ----- The configuration *must* be parsed with ``factory=True`` to use this method Parameters ---------- intfspec : str A string which is the abbreviation (or full name) of the interface exactmatch : bool Defaults to True; when True, this option requires ``intfspec`` match the whole interface name and number. Returns ------- list A list of matching :class:`~ciscoconfparse.IOSIntfLine` objects Examples -------- >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... '!', ... 'interface Serial1/0', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... 'interface Serial1/1', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... ] >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config, factory=True) >>> >>> parse.find_interface_objects('Se 1/0') [] >>> """ if (self.factory is not True): error = "find_interface_objects() must be called with 'factory=True'" logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) retval = list() if (self.syntax == "ios") or (self.syntax == "nxos"): if exactmatch: for obj in self.find_objects("^interface"): if intfspec.lower() in obj.abbvs: retval.append(obj) break # Only break if exactmatch is True else: error = "This method requires exactmatch set True" logger.error(error) raise NotImplementedError(error) ## TODO: implement ASAConfigLine.abbvs and others else: error = "This method requires exactmatch set True" logger.error(error) raise NotImplementedError(error) return retval def find_objects_dna(self, dnaspec, exactmatch=False): """Find all :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects whose text matches ``dnaspec`` and return the :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects in a python list. Notes ----- :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_objects_dna` requires the configuration to be parsed with factory=True Parameters ---------- dnaspec : str A string or python regular expression, which should be matched. This argument will be used to match dna attribute of the object exactmatch : bool Defaults to False. When set True, this option requires ``dnaspec`` match the whole configuration line, instead of a portion of the configuration line. Returns ------- list A list of matching :class:`~ciscoconfparse.IOSCfgLine` objects Examples -------- >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... '!', ... 'hostname MyRouterHostname', ... '!', ... ] >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config, factory=True, syntax='ios') >>> >>> obj_list = parse.find_objects_dna(r'Hostname') >>> obj_list [] >>> >>> # The IOSHostnameLine object has a hostname attribute >>> obj_list[0].hostname 'MyRouterHostname' """ if not self.factory: error = "find_objects_dna() must be called with 'factory=True'" logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) if not exactmatch: # Return objects whose text attribute matches linespec linespec_re = re.compile(dnaspec) elif exactmatch: # Return objects whose text attribute matches linespec exactly linespec_re = re.compile("^{0}$".format(dnaspec)) return list(filter(lambda obj:, self.ConfigObjs)) def find_objects(self, linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False): """Find all :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects whose text matches ``linespec`` and return the :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects in a python list. :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_objects` is similar to :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_lines`; however, the former returns a list of :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects, while the latter returns a list of text configuration statements. Going forward, I strongly encourage people to start using :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_objects` instead of :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_lines`. Parameters ---------- linespec : str A string or python regular expression, which should be matched exactmatch : bool Defaults to False. When set True, this option requires ``linespec`` match the whole configuration line, instead of a portion of the configuration line. ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored. Default is False. Returns ------- list A list of matching :class:`~ciscoconfparse.IOSCfgLine` objects Examples -------- This example illustrates the difference between :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_objects` and :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_lines`. >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... '!', ... 'interface Serial1/0', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... 'interface Serial1/1', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... ] >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> >>> parse.find_objects(r'^interface') [, ] >>> >>> parse.find_lines(r'^interface') ['interface Serial1/0', 'interface Serial1/1'] >>> """ if ignore_ws: linespec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(linespec) return self._find_line_OBJ(linespec, exactmatch) def find_lines(self, linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False): """This method is the equivalent of a simple configuration grep (Case-sensitive). Parameters ---------- linespec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched exactmatch : bool Defaults to False. When set True, this option requires ``linespec`` match the whole configuration line, instead of a portion of the configuration line. ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored. Default is False. Returns ------- list A list of matching configuration lines """ if ignore_ws: linespec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(linespec) if exactmatch is False: # Return the lines in self.ioscfg, which match linespec return list(filter(re.compile(linespec).search, self.ioscfg)) else: # Return the lines in self.ioscfg, which match (exactly) linespec return list(filter(re.compile("^%s$" % linespec).search, self.ioscfg)) def find_children(self, linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False): """Returns the parents matching the linespec, and their immediate children. This method is different than :meth:`find_all_children`, because :meth:`find_all_children` finds children of children. :meth:`find_children` only finds immediate children. Parameters ---------- linespec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched exactmatch : bool boolean that controls whether partial matches are valid ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching configuration lines Examples -------- >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['username ddclient password 7 107D3D232342041E3A', ... 'archive', ... ' log config', ... ' logging enable', ... ' hidekeys', ... ' path', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_children('^archive') ['archive', ' log config', ' path'] >>> """ if ignore_ws: linespec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(linespec) if exactmatch is False: parentobjs = self._find_line_OBJ(linespec) else: parentobjs = self._find_line_OBJ("^%s$" % linespec) allobjs = set([]) for parent in parentobjs: if parent.has_children is True: allobjs.update(set(parent.children)) allobjs.add(parent) return list(map(attrgetter("text"), sorted(allobjs))) def find_all_children(self, linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False): """Returns the parents matching the linespec, and all their children. This method is different than :meth:`find_children`, because :meth:`find_all_children` finds children of children. :meth:`find_children` only finds immediate children. Parameters ---------- linespec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched exactmatch : bool boolean that controls whether partial matches are valid ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching configuration lines Examples -------- Suppose you are interested in finding all `archive` statements in the following configuration... .. code:: username ddclient password 7 107D3D232342041E3A archive log config logging enable hidekeys path ! Using the config above, we expect to find the following config lines... .. code:: archive log config logging enable hidekeys path We would accomplish this by querying `find_all_children('^archive')`... >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['username ddclient password 7 107D3D232342041E3A', ... 'archive', ... ' log config', ... ' logging enable', ... ' hidekeys', ... ' path', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_all_children('^archive') ['archive', ' log config', ' logging enable', ' hidekeys', ' path'] >>> """ if ignore_ws: linespec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(linespec) if exactmatch is False: parentobjs = self._find_line_OBJ(linespec) else: parentobjs = self._find_line_OBJ("^%s$" % linespec) allobjs = set([]) for parent in parentobjs: allobjs.add(parent) allobjs.update(set(parent.all_children)) return list(map(attrgetter("text"), sorted(allobjs))) def find_blocks(self, linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False): """Find all siblings matching the linespec, then find all parents of those siblings. Return a list of config lines sorted by line number, lowest first. Note: any children of the siblings should NOT be returned. Parameters ---------- linespec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched exactmatch : bool boolean that controls whether partial matches are valid ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching configuration lines Examples -------- This example finds `bandwidth percent` statements in following config, the siblings of those `bandwidth percent` statements, as well as the parent configuration statements required to access them. .. code:: ! policy-map EXTERNAL_CBWFQ class IP_PREC_HIGH priority percent 10 police cir percent 10 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop class IP_PREC_MEDIUM bandwidth percent 50 queue-limit 100 class class-default bandwidth percent 40 queue-limit 100 policy-map SHAPE_HEIR class ALL shape average 630000 service-policy EXTERNAL_CBWFQ ! The following config lines should be returned: .. code:: policy-map EXTERNAL_CBWFQ class IP_PREC_MEDIUM bandwidth percent 50 queue-limit 100 class class-default bandwidth percent 40 queue-limit 100 We do this by quering `find_blocks('bandwidth percent')`... .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 22,25 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'policy-map EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', ... ' class IP_PREC_HIGH', ... ' priority percent 10', ... ' police cir percent 10', ... ' conform-action transmit', ... ' exceed-action drop', ... ' class IP_PREC_MEDIUM', ... ' bandwidth percent 50', ... ' queue-limit 100', ... ' class class-default', ... ' bandwidth percent 40', ... ' queue-limit 100', ... 'policy-map SHAPE_HEIR', ... ' class ALL', ... ' shape average 630000', ... ' service-policy EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_blocks('bandwidth percent') ['policy-map EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', ' class IP_PREC_MEDIUM', ' bandwidth percent 50', ' queue-limit 100', ' class class-default', ' bandwidth percent 40', ' queue-limit 100'] >>> >>> p.find_blocks(' class class-default') ['policy-map EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', ' class IP_PREC_HIGH', ' class IP_PREC_MEDIUM', ' class class-default'] >>> """ tmp = set([]) if ignore_ws: linespec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(linespec) # Find line objects maching the spec if exactmatch is False: objs = self._find_line_OBJ(linespec) else: objs = self._find_line_OBJ("^%s$" % linespec) for obj in objs: tmp.add(obj) # Find the siblings of this line sib_objs = self._find_sibling_OBJ(obj) for sib_obj in sib_objs: tmp.add(sib_obj) # Find the parents for everything pobjs = set([]) for lineobject in tmp: for pobj in lineobject.all_parents: pobjs.add(pobj) tmp.update(pobjs) return list(map(attrgetter("text"), sorted(tmp))) def find_objects_w_child( self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False, recurse=False ): """ Return a list of parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects, which matched the ``parentspec`` and whose children match ``childspec``. Only the parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects will be returned. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` object to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the child's line ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored recurse : bool Set True if you want to search all children (children, grand children, great grand children, etc...) Returns ------- list A list of matching parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects Examples -------- This example uses :func:`~ciscoconfparse.find_objects_w_child()` to find all ports that are members of access vlan 300 in following config... .. code:: ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 532 spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3 ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/3 duplex full speed 100 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! The following interfaces should be returned: .. code:: interface FastEthernet0/2 interface FastEthernet0/3 We do this by quering `find_objects_w_child()`; we set our parent as `^interface` and set the child as `switchport access vlan 300`. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 20 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/1', ... ' switchport access vlan 532', ... ' spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/2', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/3', ... ' duplex full', ... ' speed 100', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_objects_w_child('^interface', ... 'switchport access vlan 300') ... [, ] >>> """ if ignore_ws: parentspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(parentspec) childspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(childspec) return list( filter( lambda x: x.re_search_children(childspec, recurse=recurse), self.find_objects(parentspec), ) ) def find_objects_w_all_children( self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False, recurse=False ): """Return a list of parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects, which matched the ``parentspec`` and whose children match all elements in ``childspec``. Only the parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects will be returned. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` object to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str A list of text regular expressions to be matched among the children ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored recurse : bool Set True if you want to search all children (children, grand children, great grand children, etc...) Returns ------- list A list of matching parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects Examples -------- This example uses :func:`~ciscoconfparse.find_objects_w_child()` to find all ports that are members of access vlan 300 in following config... .. code:: ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 532 spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3 ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/2 duplex full speed 100 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! The following interfaces should be returned: .. code:: interface FastEthernet0/2 interface FastEthernet0/3 We do this by quering `find_objects_w_all_children()`; we set our parent as `^interface` and set the childspec as ['switchport access vlan 300', 'spanning-tree portfast']. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 19 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/1', ... ' switchport access vlan 532', ... ' spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/2', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/3', ... ' duplex full', ... ' speed 100', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_objects_w_all_children('^interface', ... ['switchport access vlan 300', 'spanning-tree portfast']) ... [, ] >>> """ assert bool(getattr(childspec, "append")) # Childspec must be a list retval = list() if ignore_ws: parentspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(parentspec) childspec = map(self._build_space_tolerant_regex, childspec) for parentobj in self.find_objects(parentspec): results = set([]) for child_cfg in childspec: results.add( bool(parentobj.re_search_children(child_cfg, recurse=recurse)) ) if False in results: continue else: retval.append(parentobj) return retval def find_objects_w_missing_children(self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False): """Return a list of parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects, which matched the ``parentspec`` and whose children do not match all elements in ``childspec``. Only the parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects will be returned. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` object to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str A list of text regular expressions to be matched among the children ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects""" assert bool(getattr(childspec, "append")) # Childspec must be a list retval = list() if ignore_ws: parentspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(parentspec) childspec = map(self._build_space_tolerant_regex, childspec) for parentobj in self.find_objects(parentspec): results = set([]) for child_cfg in childspec: results.add(bool(parentobj.re_search_children(child_cfg))) if False in results: retval.append(parentobj) else: continue return retval def find_parents_w_child(self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False): """Parse through all children matching childspec, and return a list of parents that matched the parentspec. Only the parent lines will be returned. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the child's line ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching parent configuration lines Examples -------- This example finds all ports that are members of access vlan 300 in following config... .. code:: ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 532 spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3 ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/2 duplex full speed 100 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! The following interfaces should be returned: .. code:: interface FastEthernet0/2 interface FastEthernet0/3 We do this by quering `find_parents_w_child()`; we set our parent as `^interface` and set the child as `switchport access vlan 300`. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 18 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/1', ... ' switchport access vlan 532', ... ' spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/2', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/3', ... ' duplex full', ... ' speed 100', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_parents_w_child('^interface', 'switchport access vlan 300') ['interface FastEthernet0/2', 'interface FastEthernet0/3'] >>> """ tmp = self.find_objects_w_child(parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=ignore_ws) return list(map(attrgetter("text"), tmp)) def find_objects_wo_child(self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False): r"""Return a list of parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects, which matched the ``parentspec`` and whose children did not match ``childspec``. Only the parent :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects will be returned. For simplicity, this method only finds oldest_ancestors without immediate children that match. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` object to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the child's line ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching parent configuration lines Examples -------- This example finds all ports that are autonegotiating in the following config... .. code:: ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 532 spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3 ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/2 duplex full speed 100 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! The following interfaces should be returned: .. code:: interface FastEthernet0/1 interface FastEthernet0/2 We do this by quering `find_objects_wo_child()`; we set our parent as `^interface` and set the child as `speed\s\d+` (a regular-expression which matches the word 'speed' followed by an integer). .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 19 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/1', ... ' switchport access vlan 532', ... ' spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/2', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/3', ... ' duplex full', ... ' speed 100', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_objects_wo_child(r'^interface', r'speed\s\d+') [, ] >>> """ if ignore_ws: parentspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(parentspec) childspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(childspec) return [ obj for obj in self.find_objects(parentspec) if not obj.re_search_children(childspec) ] def find_parents_wo_child(self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False): r"""Parse through all parents matching parentspec, and return a list of parents that did NOT have children match the childspec. For simplicity, this method only finds oldest_ancestors without immediate children that match. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the child's line ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching parent configuration lines Examples -------- This example finds all ports that are autonegotiating in the following config... .. code:: ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 532 spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3 ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/2 duplex full speed 100 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast ! The following interfaces should be returned: .. code:: interface FastEthernet0/1 interface FastEthernet0/2 We do this by quering `find_parents_wo_child()`; we set our parent as `^interface` and set the child as `speed\s\d+` (a regular-expression which matches the word 'speed' followed by an integer). .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 19 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/1', ... ' switchport access vlan 532', ... ' spanning-tree vlan 532 cost 3', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/2', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/3', ... ' duplex full', ... ' speed 100', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_parents_wo_child('^interface', 'speed\s\d+') ['interface FastEthernet0/1', 'interface FastEthernet0/2'] >>> """ tmp = self.find_objects_wo_child(parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=ignore_ws) return list(map(attrgetter("text"), tmp)) def find_children_w_parents(self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False): r"""Parse through the children of all parents matching parentspec, and return a list of children that matched the childspec. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the child's line ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching child configuration lines Examples -------- This example finds the port-security lines on FastEthernet0/1 in following config... .. code:: ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 532 switchport port-security switchport port-security violation protect switchport port-security aging time 5 switchport port-security aging type inactivity spanning-tree portfast spanning-tree bpduguard enable ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast spanning-tree bpduguard enable ! interface FastEthernet0/2 duplex full speed 100 switchport access vlan 300 spanning-tree portfast spanning-tree bpduguard enable ! The following lines should be returned: .. code:: switchport port-security switchport port-security violation protect switchport port-security aging time 5 switchport port-security aging type inactivity We do this by quering `find_children_w_parents()`; we set our parent as `^interface` and set the child as `switchport port-security`. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 26 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/1', ... ' switchport access vlan 532', ... ' switchport port-security', ... ' switchport port-security violation protect', ... ' switchport port-security aging time 5', ... ' switchport port-security aging type inactivity', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... ' spanning-tree bpduguard enable', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/2', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... ' spanning-tree bpduguard enable', ... '!', ... 'interface FastEthernet0/3', ... ' duplex full', ... ' speed 100', ... ' switchport access vlan 300', ... ' spanning-tree portfast', ... ' spanning-tree bpduguard enable', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_children_w_parents('^interface\sFastEthernet0/1', ... 'port-security') [' switchport port-security', ' switchport port-security violation protect', ' switchport port-security aging time 5', ' switchport port-security aging type inactivity'] >>> """ if ignore_ws: parentspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(parentspec) childspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(childspec) retval = set([]) childobjs = self._find_line_OBJ(childspec) for child in childobjs: parents = child.all_parents for parent in parents: if, parent.text): retval.add(child) return list(map(attrgetter("text"), sorted(retval))) def find_objects_w_parents(self, parentspec, childspec, ignore_ws=False): r"""Parse through the children of all parents matching parentspec, and return a list of child objects, which matched the childspec. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the parent's line childspec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched; this must match the child's line ignore_ws : bool boolean that controls whether whitespace is ignored Returns ------- list A list of matching child objects Examples -------- This example finds the object for "ge-0/0/0" under "interfaces" in the following config... .. code:: interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access vlan members VLAN_FOO ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk vlan members all native-vlan-id 1 vlan unit 0 family inet address The following object should be returned: .. code:: We do this by quering `find_objects_w_parents()`; we set our parent as `^\s*interface` and set the child as `^\s+ge-0/0/1`. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 22,23 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['interfaces', ... ' ge-0/0/0', ... ' unit 0', ... ' family ethernet-switching', ... ' port-mode access', ... ' vlan', ... ' members VLAN_FOO', ... ' ge-0/0/1', ... ' unit 0', ... ' family ethernet-switching', ... ' port-mode trunk', ... ' vlan', ... ' members all', ... ' native-vlan-id 1', ... ' vlan', ... ' unit 0', ... ' family inet', ... ' address', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.find_objects_w_parents('^\s*interfaces', ... r'\s+ge-0/0/1') [] >>> """ if ignore_ws: parentspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(parentspec) childspec = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(childspec) retval = set([]) childobjs = self._find_line_OBJ(childspec) for child in childobjs: parents = child.all_parents for parent in parents: if, parent.text): retval.add(child) return sorted(retval) def find_lineage(self, linespec, exactmatch=False): """Iterate through to the oldest ancestor of this object, and return a list of all ancestors / children in the direct line. Cousins or aunts / uncles are *not* returned. Note, all children of this object are returned. Parameters ---------- linespec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched exactmatch : bool Defaults to False; when True, this option requires ``linespec`` the whole line (not merely a portion of the line) Returns ------- list A list of matching objects """ tmp = self.find_objects(linespec, exactmatch=exactmatch) if len(tmp) > 1: error = "linespec must be unique" logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) return [obj.text for obj in tmp[0].lineage] def has_line_with(self, linespec): return self.ConfigObjs.has_line_with(linespec) def insert_before( self, exist_val, new_val="", exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False, atomic=False, **kwargs ): """Find all objects whose text matches exist_val, and insert 'new_val' before those line objects""" ###################################################################### # Named parameter migration warnings... # - `linespec` is now called exist_val # - `insertstr` is now called new_val ###################################################################### if kwargs.get("linespec", ""): exist_val = kwargs.get("linespec")"The parameter named `linespec` is deprecated. Please use `exist_val` instead") if kwargs.get("insertstr", ""): new_val = kwargs.get("insertstr")"The parameter named `insertstr` is deprecated. Please use `new_val` instead") error_exist_val = "FATAL: exist_val:'%s' must be a string" % exist_val error_new_val = "FATAL: new_val:'%s' must be a string" % new_val assert isinstance(exist_val, str), error_exist_val assert isinstance(new_val, str), error_new_val objs = self.find_objects(exist_val, exactmatch, ignore_ws) self.ConfigObjs.insert_before(exist_val, new_val, atomic=atomic) self.commit() return list(map(attrgetter("text"), sorted(objs))) ###########################################################################start def insert_after( self, exist_val, new_val="", exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False, atomic=False, **kwargs ): """Find all :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects whose text matches ``exist_val``, and insert ``new_val`` after those line objects""" ###################################################################### # Named parameter migration warnings... # - `linespec` is now called exist_val # - `insertstr` is now called new_val ###################################################################### if kwargs.get("linespec", ""): exist_val = kwargs.get("linespec")"The parameter named `linespec` is deprecated. Please use `exist_val` instead") if kwargs.get("insertstr", ""): new_val = kwargs.get("insertstr")"The parameter named `insertstr` is deprecated. Please use `new_val` instead") error_exist_val = "FATAL: exist_val:'%s' must be a string" % exist_val error_new_val = "FATAL: new_val:'%s' must be a string" % new_val assert isinstance(exist_val, str), error_exist_val assert isinstance(new_val, str), error_new_val objs = self.find_objects(exist_val, exactmatch, ignore_ws) self.ConfigObjs.insert_after(exist_val, new_val, atomic=atomic) return list(map(attrgetter("text"), sorted(objs))) ###########################################################################stop def insert_after_child( self, parentspec, childspec, insertstr="", exactmatch=False, excludespec=None, ignore_ws=False, atomic=False, ): """Find all :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects whose text matches ``linespec`` and have a child matching ``childspec``, and insert an :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` object for ``insertstr`` after those child objects.""" retval = list() modified = False for pobj in self._find_line_OBJ(parentspec, exactmatch=exactmatch): if excludespec and, pobj.text): # Exclude replacements on pobj lines which match excludespec continue for cobj in pobj.children: if excludespec and, cobj.text): # Exclude replacements on pobj lines which match excludespec continue elif, cobj.text): modified = True retval.append( self.ConfigObjs.insert_after(cobj, insertstr, atomic=atomic) ) else: pass return retval def delete_lines(self, linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False): """Find all :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects whose text matches linespec, and delete the object""" objs = self.find_objects(linespec, exactmatch, ignore_ws) for obj in reversed(objs): # NOTE - 'del self.ConfigObjs...' was replaced in version 1.5.30 # with a simpler approach # del self.ConfigObjs[obj.linenum] obj.delete() def prepend_line(self, linespec): """Unconditionally insert an :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` object for ``linespec`` (a text line) at the top of the configuration""" self.ConfigObjs.insert(0, linespec) return self.ConfigObjs[0] def append_line(self, linespec): """Unconditionally insert ``linespec`` (a text line) at the end of the configuration Parameters ---------- linespec : str Text IOS configuration line Returns ------- The parsed :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` object instance """ self.ConfigObjs.append(linespec) return self.ConfigObjs[-1] def replace_lines( self, linespec, replacestr, excludespec=None, exactmatch=False, atomic=False ): """This method is a text search and replace (Case-sensitive). You can optionally exclude lines from replacement by including a string (or compiled regular expression) in `excludespec`. Parameters ---------- linespec : str Text regular expression for the line to be matched replacestr : str Text used to replace strings matching linespec excludespec : str Text regular expression used to reject lines, which would otherwise be replaced. Default value of ``excludespec`` is None, which means nothing is excluded exactmatch : bool boolean that controls whether partial matches are valid atomic : bool boolean that controls whether the config is reparsed after replacement (default False) Returns ------- list A list of changed configuration lines Examples -------- This example finds statements with `EXTERNAL_CBWFQ` in following config, and replaces all matching lines (in-place) with `EXTERNAL_QOS`. For the purposes of this example, let's assume that we do *not* want to make changes to any descriptions on the policy. .. code:: ! policy-map EXTERNAL_CBWFQ description implement an EXTERNAL_CBWFQ policy class IP_PREC_HIGH priority percent 10 police cir percent 10 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop class IP_PREC_MEDIUM bandwidth percent 50 queue-limit 100 class class-default bandwidth percent 40 queue-limit 100 policy-map SHAPE_HEIR class ALL shape average 630000 service-policy EXTERNAL_CBWFQ ! We do this by calling `replace_lines(linespec='EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', replacestr='EXTERNAL_QOS', excludespec='description')`... .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 23 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'policy-map EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', ... ' description implement an EXTERNAL_CBWFQ policy', ... ' class IP_PREC_HIGH', ... ' priority percent 10', ... ' police cir percent 10', ... ' conform-action transmit', ... ' exceed-action drop', ... ' class IP_PREC_MEDIUM', ... ' bandwidth percent 50', ... ' queue-limit 100', ... ' class class-default', ... ' bandwidth percent 40', ... ' queue-limit 100', ... 'policy-map SHAPE_HEIR', ... ' class ALL', ... ' shape average 630000', ... ' service-policy EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', ... '!', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.replace_lines('EXTERNAL_CBWFQ', 'EXTERNAL_QOS', 'description') ['policy-map EXTERNAL_QOS', ' service-policy EXTERNAL_QOS'] >>> >>> # Now when we call `p.find_blocks('policy-map EXTERNAL_QOS')`, we get the >>> # changed configuration, which has the replacements except on the >>> # policy-map's description. >>> p.find_blocks('EXTERNAL_QOS') ['policy-map EXTERNAL_QOS', ' description implement an EXTERNAL_CBWFQ policy', ' class IP_PREC_HIGH', ' class IP_PREC_MEDIUM', ' class class-default', 'policy-map SHAPE_HEIR', ' class ALL', ' shape average 630000', ' service-policy EXTERNAL_QOS'] >>> """ retval = list() ## Since we are replacing text, we *must* operate on ConfigObjs if excludespec: excludespec_re = re.compile(excludespec) for obj in self._find_line_OBJ(linespec, exactmatch=exactmatch): if excludespec and # Exclude replacements on lines which match excludespec continue retval.append(obj.re_sub(linespec, replacestr)) if self.factory and atomic: # self.ConfigObjs._reassign_linenums() self.ConfigObjs._bootstrap_from_text() return retval def replace_children( self, parentspec, childspec, replacestr, excludespec=None, exactmatch=False, atomic=False, ): r"""Replace lines matching `childspec` within the `parentspec`'s immediate children. Parameters ---------- parentspec : str Text IOS configuration line childspec : str Text IOS configuration line, or regular expression replacestr : str Text IOS configuration, which should replace text matching ``childspec``. excludespec : str A regular expression, which indicates ``childspec`` lines which *must* be skipped. If ``excludespec`` is None, no lines will be excluded. exactmatch : bool Defaults to False. When set True, this option requires ``linespec`` match the whole configuration line, instead of a portion of the configuration line. Returns ------- list A list of changed :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` instances. Examples -------- `replace_children()` just searches through a parent's child lines and replaces anything matching `childspec` with `replacestr`. This method is one of my favorites for quick and dirty standardization efforts if you *know* the commands are already there (just set inconsistently). One very common use case is rewriting all vlan access numbers in a configuration. The following example sets `storm-control broadcast level 0.5` on all GigabitEthernet ports. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 13 >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = ['!', ... 'interface GigabitEthernet1/1', ... ' description {I have a broken storm-control config}', ... ' switchport', ... ' switchport mode access', ... ' switchport access vlan 50', ... ' switchport nonegotiate', ... ' storm-control broadcast level 0.2', ... '!' ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> p.replace_children(r'^interface\sGigabit', r'broadcast\slevel\s\S+', 'broadcast level 0.5') [' storm-control broadcast level 0.5'] >>> One thing to remember about the last example, you *cannot* use a regular expression in `replacestr`; just use a normal python string. """ retval = list() ## Since we are replacing text, we *must* operate on ConfigObjs childspec_re = re.compile(childspec) if excludespec: excludespec_re = re.compile(excludespec) for pobj in self._find_line_OBJ(parentspec, exactmatch=exactmatch): if excludespec and # Exclude replacements on pobj lines which match excludespec continue for cobj in pobj.children: if excludespec and # Exclude replacements on pobj lines which match excludespec continue elif retval.append(cobj.re_sub(childspec, replacestr)) else: pass if self.factory and atomic: # self.ConfigObjs._reassign_linenums() self.ConfigObjs._bootstrap_from_text() return retval def replace_all_children( self, parentspec, childspec, replacestr, excludespec=None, exactmatch=False, atomic=False, ): """Replace lines matching `childspec` within all children (recursive) of lines whilch match `parentspec`""" retval = list() ## Since we are replacing text, we *must* operate on ConfigObjs childspec_re = re.compile(childspec) if excludespec: excludespec_re = re.compile(excludespec) for pobj in self._find_line_OBJ(parentspec, exactmatch=exactmatch): if excludespec and # Exclude replacements on pobj lines which match excludespec continue for cobj in self._find_all_child_OBJ(pobj): if excludespec and # Exclude replacements on pobj lines which match excludespec continue elif retval.append(cobj.re_sub(childspec, replacestr)) else: pass if self.factory and atomic: # self.ConfigObjs._reassign_linenums() self.ConfigObjs._bootstrap_from_text() return retval def re_search_children(self, regex, recurse=False): """Use ``regex`` to search for root parents in the config with text matching regex. If `recurse` is False, only root parent objects are returned. A list of matching objects is returned. This method is very similar to :func:`~ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_objects` (when `recurse` is True); however it was written in response to the use-case described in `Github Issue #156 `_. Parameters ---------- regex : str A string or python regular expression, which should be matched. recurse : bool Set True if you want to search all objects, and not just the root parents Returns ------- list A list of matching :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects which matched. If there is no match, an empty :py:func:`list` is returned. """ ## I implemented this method in response to Github issue #156 if recurse is False: # Only return the matching oldest ancestor objects... return [obj for obj in self.find_objects(regex) if (obj.parent is obj)] else: # Return any matching object return [obj for obj in self.find_objects(regex)] def re_match_iter_typed( self, regex, group=1, result_type=str, default="", untyped_default=False ): r"""Use ``regex`` to search the root parents in the config and return the contents of the regular expression group, at the integer ``group`` index, cast as ``result_type``; if there is no match, ``default`` is returned. Notes ----- Only the first regex match is returned. Parameters ---------- regex : str A string or python compiled regular expression, which should be matched. This regular expression should contain parenthesis, which bound a match group. group : int An integer which specifies the desired regex group to be returned. ``group`` defaults to 1. result_type : type A type (typically one of: ``str``, ``int``, ``float``, or :class:`~ccp_util.IPv4Obj`). All returned values are cast as ``result_type``, which defaults to ``str``. default : any The default value to be returned, if there is no match. The default is an empty string. untyped_default : bool Set True if you don't want the default value to be typed Returns ------- ``result_type`` The text matched by the regular expression group; if there is no match, ``default`` is returned. All values are cast as ``result_type``. The default result_type is `str`. Examples -------- This example illustrates how you can use :func:`~ciscoconfparse.re_match_iter_typed` to get the first interface name listed in the config. >>> import re >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... '!', ... 'interface Serial1/0', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... 'interface Serial2/0', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... ] >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> parse.re_match_iter_typed(r'interface\s(\S+)') 'Serial1/0' >>> The following example retrieves the hostname from the configuration >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... '!', ... 'hostname DEN-EDGE-01', ... '!', ... 'interface Serial1/0', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... 'interface Serial2/0', ... ' ip address', ... '!', ... ] >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> parse.re_match_iter_typed(r'^hostname\s+(\S+)') 'DEN-EDGE-01' >>> """ ## iterate through root objects, and return the matching value ## (cast as result_type) from the first object.text that matches regex # if (default is True): ## Not using self.re_match_iter_typed(default=True), because I want ## to be sure I build the correct API for match=False ## ## Ref IOSIntfLine.has_dtp for an example of how to code around ## this while I build the API # raise NotImplementedError for cobj in self.ConfigObjs: # Only process parent objects at the root of the tree... if cobj.parent is not cobj: continue mm =, cobj.text) if (mm is not None): return result_type( ## Ref Github issue #121 if untyped_default: return default else: return result_type(default) def req_cfgspec_all_diff(self, cfgspec, ignore_ws=False): """ req_cfgspec_all_diff takes a list of required configuration lines, parses through the configuration, and ensures that none of cfgspec's lines are missing from the configuration. req_cfgspec_all_diff returns a list of missing lines from the config. One example use of this method is when you need to enforce routing protocol standards, or standards against interface configurations. Examples -------- >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... 'logging trap debugging', ... 'logging', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> required_lines = [ ... "logging", ... "logging", ... ] >>> diffs = p.req_cfgspec_all_diff(required_lines) >>> diffs ['logging'] >>> """ rgx = dict() if ignore_ws: for line in cfgspec: rgx[line] = self._build_space_tolerant_regex(line) skip_cfgspec = dict() retval = list() matches = self._find_line_OBJ("[a-zA-Z]") ## Make a list of unnecessary cfgspec lines for lineobj in matches: for reqline in cfgspec: if ignore_ws: if"^" + rgx[reqline] + "$", lineobj.text.strip()): skip_cfgspec[reqline] = True else: if lineobj.text.strip() == reqline.strip(): skip_cfgspec[reqline] = True ## Add items to be configured ## TODO: Find a way to add the parent of the missing lines for line in cfgspec: if not skip_cfgspec.get(line, False): retval.append(line) return retval def req_cfgspec_excl_diff(self, linespec, uncfgspec, cfgspec): r""" req_cfgspec_excl_diff accepts a linespec, an unconfig spec, and a list of required configuration elements. Return a list of configuration diffs to make the configuration comply. **All** other config lines matching the linespec that are *not* listed in the cfgspec will be removed with the uncfgspec regex. Uses for this method include the need to enforce syslog, acl, or aaa standards. Examples -------- >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... 'logging trap debugging', ... 'logging', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> required_lines = [ ... "logging", ... "logging", ... "logging", ... ] >>> linespec = "logging\s+\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+" >>> unconfspec = linespec >>> diffs = p.req_cfgspec_excl_diff(linespec, unconfspec, ... required_lines) >>> diffs ['no logging', 'logging', 'logging', 'logging'] >>> """ violate_objs = list() uncfg_objs = list() skip_cfgspec = dict() retval = list() matches = self._find_line_OBJ(linespec) ## Make a list of lineobject violations for lineobj in matches: # Look for config lines to unconfigure accept_lineobj = False for reqline in cfgspec: if lineobj.text.strip() == reqline.strip(): accept_lineobj = True skip_cfgspec[reqline] = True if accept_lineobj is False: # If a violation is found... violate_objs.append(lineobj) result =, lineobj.text) # add uncfgtext to the violator's lineobject lineobj.add_uncfgtext( ## Make the list of unconfig objects, recurse through parents for vobj in violate_objs: parent_objs = vobj.all_parents for parent_obj in parent_objs: uncfg_objs.append(parent_obj) uncfg_objs.append(vobj) retval = self._objects_to_uncfg(uncfg_objs, violate_objs) ## Add missing lines... ## TODO: Find a way to add the parent of the missing lines for line in cfgspec: if not skip_cfgspec.get(line, False): retval.append(line) return retval def _sequence_nonparent_lines(self, a_nonparent_objs, b_nonparent_objs): """Assume a_nonparent_objs is the existing config sequence, and b_nonparent_objs is the *desired* config sequence This method walks b_nonparent_objs, and orders a_nonparent_objs the same way (as much as possible) This method returns: - The reordered list of a_nonparent_objs - The reordered list of a_nonparent_lines - The reordered list of a_nonparent_linenums """ a_parse = CiscoConfParse([]) # A *new* parse for reordered a lines a_lines = list() a_linenums = list() ## Mark all a objects as not done for aobj in a_nonparent_objs: aobj.done = False for bobj in b_nonparent_objs: for aobj in a_nonparent_objs: if aobj.text == bobj.text: aobj.done = True a_parse.append_line(aobj.text) # Add any missing a_parent_objs + their children... for aobj in a_nonparent_objs: if aobj.done is False: aobj.done = True a_parse.append_line(aobj.text) a_parse.commit() a_nonparents_reordered = a_parse.ConfigObjs for aobj in a_nonparents_reordered: a_lines.append(aobj.text) a_linenums.append(aobj.linenum) return a_parse, a_lines, a_linenums def _sequence_parent_lines(self, a_parent_objs, b_parent_objs): """Assume a_parent_objs is the existing config sequence, and b_parent_objs is the *desired* config sequence This method walks b_parent_objs, and orders a_parent_objs the same way (as much as possible) This method returns: - The reordered list of a_parent_objs - The reordered list of a_parent_lines - The reordered list of a_parent_linenums """ a_parse = CiscoConfParse([]) # A *new* parse for reordered a lines a_lines = list() a_linenums = list() ## Mark all a objects as not done for aobj in a_parent_objs: aobj.done = False for child in aobj.all_children: child.done = False ## Walk the b objects by parent, then child and reorder a objects for bobj in b_parent_objs: for aobj in a_parent_objs: if aobj.text == bobj.text: aobj.done = True a_parse.append_line(aobj.text) # Append *matching* children to this aobj in the same order for bchild in bobj.all_children: for achild in aobj.all_children: if achild.done: continue elif achild.geneology_text == bchild.geneology_text: achild.done = True a_parse.append_line(achild.text) # Append *missing* children to this aobj... for achild in aobj.all_children: if achild.done is False: achild.done = True a_parse.append_line(achild.text) # Add any missing a_parent_objs + their children... for aobj in a_parent_objs: if aobj.done is False: aobj.done = True a_parse.append_line(aobj.text) for achild in aobj.all_children: achild.done = True a_parse.append_line(achild.text) a_parse.commit() a_parents_reordered = a_parse.ConfigObjs for aobj in a_parents_reordered: a_lines.append(aobj.text) a_linenums.append(aobj.linenum) return a_parse, a_lines, a_linenums def sync_diff( self, cfgspec, linespec, uncfgspec=None, ignore_order=True, remove_lines=True, debug=0, ): r""" ``sync_diff()`` accepts a list of required configuration elements, a linespec, and an unconfig spec. This method return a list of configuration diffs to make the configuration comply with cfgspec. Parameters ---------- cfgspec : list A list of required configuration lines linespec : str A regular expression, which filters lines to be diff'd uncfgspec : str A regular expression, which is used to unconfigure lines. When ciscoconfparse removes a line, it takes the entire portion of the line that matches ``uncfgspec``, and prepends "no" to it. ignore_order : bool Indicates whether the configuration should be reordered to minimize the number of diffs. Default: True (usually it's a good idea to leave ``ignore_order`` True, except for ACL comparisions) remove_lines : bool Indicates whether the lines which are *not* in ``cfgspec`` should be removed. Default: True. When ``remove_lines`` is True, all other config lines matching the linespec that are *not* listed in the cfgspec will be removed with the uncfgspec regex. debug : int Miscellaneous debugging; Default: 0 Returns ------- list A list of string configuration diffs Uses for this method include the need to enforce syslog, acl, or aaa standards. Examples -------- >>> from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse >>> config = [ ... 'logging trap debugging', ... 'logging', ... ] >>> p = CiscoConfParse(config) >>> required_lines = [ ... "logging", ... "logging", ... "logging", ... ] >>> linespec = "logging\s+\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+" >>> unconfspec = linespec >>> diffs = p.sync_diff(required_lines, ... linespec, unconfspec) # doctest: +SKIP >>> diffs # doctest: +SKIP ['no logging', 'logging', 'logging', 'logging'] >>> """ tmp = self._find_line_OBJ(linespec) if uncfgspec is None: uncfgspec = linespec a_lines = map(lambda x: x.text, tmp) a = CiscoConfParse(a_lines) b = CiscoConfParse(cfgspec, factory=False) b_lines = b.ioscfg a_hierarchy = list() b_hierarchy = list() ## Build heirarchical, equal-length lists of parents / non-parents a_parents, a_nonparents = a.ConfigObjs.config_hierarchy() b_parents, b_nonparents = b.ConfigObjs.config_hierarchy() obj = DiffObject(0, a_nonparents, a_parents) a_hierarchy.append(obj) obj = DiffObject(0, b_nonparents, b_parents) b_hierarchy.append(obj) retval = list() ## Assign config_this and unconfig_this attributes by "diff level" for adiff_level, bdiff_level in zip(a_hierarchy, b_hierarchy): for attr in ["parents", "nonparents"]: if attr == "parents": if ignore_order: a_parents = getattr(adiff_level, attr) b_parents = getattr(bdiff_level, attr) # Rewrite a, since we reordered everything a, a_lines, a_linenums = self._sequence_parent_lines( a_parents, b_parents ) else: a_lines = list() a_linenums = list() for obj in adiff_level.parents: a_lines.append(obj.text) a_linenums.append(obj.linenum) a_lines.extend( map(lambda x: getattr(x, "text"), obj.all_children) ) a_linenums.extend( map(lambda x: getattr(x, "linenum"), obj.all_children) ) b_lines = list() b_linenums = list() for obj in bdiff_level.parents: b_lines.append(obj.text) b_linenums.append(obj.linenum) b_lines.extend( map(lambda x: getattr(x, "text"), obj.all_children) ) b_linenums.extend( map(lambda x: getattr(x, "linenum"), obj.all_children) ) else: if ignore_order: a_nonparents = getattr(adiff_level, attr) b_nonparents = getattr(bdiff_level, attr) # Rewrite a, since we reordered everything a, a_lines, a_linenums = self._sequence_nonparent_lines( a_nonparents, b_nonparents ) else: a_lines = map( lambda x: getattr(x, "text"), getattr(adiff_level, attr) ) # Build a map from a_lines index to a.ConfigObjs index a_linenums = map( lambda x: getattr(x, "linenum"), getattr(adiff_level, attr) ) b_lines = map( lambda x: getattr(x, "text"), getattr(bdiff_level, attr) ) # Build a map from b_lines index to b.ConfigObjs index b_linenums = map( lambda x: getattr(x, "linenum"), getattr(bdiff_level, attr) ) ### ### Mark diffs here ### # Get a SequenceMatcher instance to calculate diffs at this level matcher = SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, a=a_lines, b=b_lines) # Use the SequenceMatcher instance to label objects appropriately: # - tag is the diff evaluation: equal, replace, insert, or delete # - i1 and i2 are the begin and end points for arg a # - j1 and j2 are the begin and end points for arg b for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in matcher.get_opcodes(): # print ("%7s a[%d:%d] (%s) b[%d:%d] (%s)" % (tag, i1, i2, a_lines[i1:i2], j1, j2, b_lines[j1:j2])) if (debug > 0) or (self.debug > 0): logger.debug("TAG='{0}'".format(tag)) # if tag=='equal', check whether the parent objs are the same # if parent objects are the same, then do nothing # if parent objects are different, then delete a & config b # if tag=='replace' # delete a & config b # if tag=='insert', then configure b aobjs = list() # List of a IOSCfgLine objects at this level bobjs = list() # List of b IOSCfgLine objects at this level for num in range(i1, i2): aobj = a.ConfigObjs[a_linenums[num]] aobjs.append(aobj) for num in range(j1, j2): bobj = b.ConfigObjs[b_linenums[num]] bobjs.append(bobj) max_len = max(len(aobjs), len(bobjs)) for idx in range(0, max_len): try: aobj = aobjs[idx] # set aparent_text to all parents' text (joined) aparent_text = " ".join( map(lambda x: x.text, aobj.all_parents) ) except IndexError: # aobj doesn't exist, if we get an index error # fake some data... aobj = None aparent_text = "__ANOTHING__" if (debug > 0) or (self.debug > 0): logger.debug(" aobj:'{0}'".format(aobj)) logger.debug(" aobj parents:'{0}'".format(aparent_text)) try: bobj = bobjs[idx] # set bparent_text to all parents' text (joined) bparent_text = " ".join( map(lambda x: x.text, bobj.all_parents) ) except IndexError: # bobj doesn't exist, if we get an index error # fake some data... bobj = None bparent_text = "__BNOTHING__" if (debug > 0) or (self.debug > 0): logger.debug(" bobj:'{0}'".format(bobj)) logger.debug(" bobj parents:'{0}'".format(bparent_text)) if tag == "equal": # If the diff claims that these lines are equal, they # aren't truly equal unless parents match if aparent_text != bparent_text: if (debug > 0) or (self.debug > 0): logger.debug( " tagged 'equal', aparent_text!=bparent_text" ) # a & b parents are *not* the same # therefore a & b are not equal if aobj: # Only configure parent if it's not already # slated for removal if not getattr(aobj.parent, "unconfig_this", False): aobj.parent.config_this = True aobj.unconfig_this = True if debug > 0: logger.debug(" unconfigure aobj") if bobj: bobj.config_this = True bobj.parent.config_this = True if debug > 0: logger.debug(" configure bobj") elif aparent_text == bparent_text: # Both a & b parents match, so these lines are equal aobj.unconfig_this = False bobj.config_this = False if debug > 0: logger.debug( " tagged 'equal', aparent_text==bparent_text" ) logger.debug(" do nothing with aobj / bobj") elif tag == "replace": # tag: replace, I'm not going to check parents for now if debug > 0: logger.debug(" tagged 'replace'") if aobj: # Only configure parent if it's not already # slated for removal if not getattr(aobj.parent, "unconfig_this", False): aobj.parent.config_this = True aobj.unconfig_this = True if debug > 0: logger.debug(" unconfigure aobj") if bobj: bobj.config_this = True bobj.parent.config_this = True if debug > 0: logger.debug(" configure bobj") elif tag == "insert": if debug > 0: logger.debug(" tagged 'insert'") # I don't think tag: insert ever applies to a objects... if aobj: # Only configure parent if it's not already # slated for removal if not getattr(aobj.parent, "unconfig_this", False): aobj.parent.config_this = True aobj.unconfig_this = True if debug > 0: logger.debug(" unconfigure aobj") # tag: insert certainly applies to b objects... if bobj: bobj.config_this = True bobj.parent.config_this = True if debug > 0: logger.debug(" configure bobj") elif tag == "delete": # NOTE: I'm not deleting b objects, for now if debug > 0: logger.debug(" tagged 'delete'") if aobj: # Only configure parent if it's not already # slated for removal for pobj in aobj.all_parents: if not getattr(pobj, "unconfig_this", False): pobj.config_this = True aobj.unconfig_this = True if debug > 0: logger.debug(" unconfigure aobj") else: error = "Unknown action: {0}".format(tag) logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) ### ### Write a object diffs here ### ## Unconfigure A objects, at *each level*, as required for obj in a.ConfigObjs: if remove_lines and getattr(obj, "unconfig_this", False): ## FIXME: This should only be applied to IOS and ASA configs if uncfgspec: mm =, obj.text) if (mm is not None): obj.add_uncfgtext( retval.append(obj.uncfgtext) else: retval.append( " " * obj.indent + "no " + obj.text.lstrip() ) else: retval.append(" " * obj.indent + "no " + obj.text.lstrip()) elif remove_lines and getattr(obj, "config_this", False): retval.append(obj.text) # Clean up the attributes we used temporarily in this method for attr in ["config_this", "unconfig_this"]: try: delattr(obj.text, attr) except: pass ### ### Write b object diffs here ### for obj in b.ConfigObjs: if getattr(obj, "config_this", False): retval.append(obj.text) # Clean up the attributes we used temporarily in this method try: delattr(obj.text, "config_this") except: pass ## Strip out 'double negatives' (i.e. 'no no ') for idx in range(0, len(retval)): retval[idx] = re.sub( r"(\s+)no\s+no\s+(\S+.+?)$", r"\g<1>\g<2>", retval[idx] ) if debug > 0: logger.debug("Completed diff:") for line in retval: logger.debug("'{0}'".format(line)) return retval def save_as(self, filepath): """Save a text copy of the configuration at ``filepath``; this method uses the OperatingSystem's native line separators (such as ``\\r\\n`` in Windows).""" try: with open(filepath, "w") as newconf: for line in self.ioscfg: newconf.write(line + "\n") return True except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) raise e ### The methods below are marked SEMI-PRIVATE because they return an object ### or iterable of objects instead of the configuration text itself. def _build_space_tolerant_regex(self, linespec): r"""SEMI-PRIVATE: Accept a string, and return a string with all spaces replaced with '\s+'""" # Unicode below... backslash = "\x5c" # escaped_space = "\\s+" (not a raw string) if sys.version_info >= ( 3, 0, 0, ): escaped_space = (backslash + backslash + "s+").translate("utf-8") else: escaped_space = backslash + backslash + "s+" LINESPEC_LIST_TYPE = bool(getattr(linespec, "append", False)) if not LINESPEC_LIST_TYPE: assert bool(getattr(linespec, "upper", False)) # Ensure it's a str linespec = re.sub(r"\s+", escaped_space, linespec) else: for idx in range(0, len(linespec)): ## Ensure this element is a string assert bool(getattr(linespec[idx], "upper", False)) linespec[idx] = re.sub(r"\s+", escaped_space, linespec[idx]) return linespec def _find_line_OBJ(self, linespec, exactmatch=False): """SEMI-PRIVATE: Find objects whose text matches the linespec""" ## NOTE TO SELF: do not remove _find_line_OBJ(); used by Cisco employees if not exactmatch: # Return objects whose text attribute matches linespec linespec_re = re.compile(linespec) elif exactmatch: # Return objects whose text attribute matches linespec exactly linespec_re = re.compile("^%s$" % linespec) return list(filter(lambda obj:, self.ConfigObjs)) def _find_sibling_OBJ(self, lineobject): """SEMI-PRIVATE: Takes a singe object and returns a list of sibling objects""" siblings = lineobject.parent.children return siblings def _find_all_child_OBJ(self, lineobject): """SEMI-PRIVATE: Takes a single object and returns a list of decendants in all 'children' / 'grandchildren' / etc... after it. It should NOT return the children of siblings""" # sort the list, and get unique objects retval = set(lineobject.children) for candidate in lineobject.children: if candidate.has_children: for child in candidate.children: retval.add(child) retval = sorted(retval) return retval def _unique_OBJ(self, objectlist): """SEMI-PRIVATE: Returns a list of unique objects (i.e. with no duplicates). The returned value is sorted by configuration line number (lowest first)""" retval = set([]) for obj in objectlist: retval.add(obj) return sorted(retval) def _objects_to_uncfg(self, objectlist, unconflist): # Used by req_cfgspec_excl_diff() retval = list() unconfdict = dict() for unconf in unconflist: unconfdict[unconf] = "DEFINED" for obj in self._unique_OBJ(objectlist): if unconfdict.get(obj, None) == "DEFINED": retval.append(obj.uncfgtext) else: retval.append(obj.text) return retval #########################################################################3 class IOSConfigList(MutableSequence): """A custom list to hold :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects. Most people will never need to use this class directly.""" def __init__( self, data=None, comment_delimiter="!", debug=0, factory=False, ignore_blank_lines=True, syntax="ios", CiscoConfParse=None, ): """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- data : list A list of parsed :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects comment_delimiter : str A comment delimiter. This should only be changed when parsing non-Cisco IOS configurations, which do not use a ! as the comment delimiter. ``comment`` defaults to '!' debug : int ``debug`` defaults to 0, and should be kept that way unless you're working on a very tricky config parsing problem. Debug output is not particularly friendly ignore_blank_lines : bool ``ignore_blank_lines`` defaults to True; when this is set True, ciscoconfparse ignores blank configuration lines. You might want to set ``ignore_blank_lines`` to False if you intentionally use blank lines in your configuration (ref: Github Issue #2). Returns ------- An instance of an :class:`~ciscoconfparse.IOSConfigList` object. """ # data = kwargs.get('data', None) # comment_delimiter = kwargs.get('comment_delimiter', '!') # debug = kwargs.get('debug', False) # factory = kwargs.get('factory', False) # ignore_blank_lines = kwargs.get('ignore_blank_lines', True) # syntax = kwargs.get('syntax', 'ios') # CiscoConfParse = kwargs.get('CiscoConfParse', None) super(IOSConfigList, self).__init__() self._list = list() self.CiscoConfParse = CiscoConfParse self.comment_delimiter = comment_delimiter self.factory = factory self.ignore_blank_lines = ignore_blank_lines self.syntax = syntax self.dna = "IOSConfigList" self.debug = debug ## Support either a list or a generator instance if getattr(data, "__iter__", False): self._list = self._bootstrap_obj_init(data) else: self._list = list() def __len__(self): return len(self._list) def __getitem__(self, ii): return self._list[ii] def __delitem__(self, ii): del self._list[ii] self._bootstrap_from_text() def __setitem__(self, ii, val): return self._list[ii] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __enter__(self): # Add support for with statements... # FIXME: *with* statements dont work for obj in self._list: yield obj def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # FIXME: *with* statements dont work self._list[0].confobj.CiscoConfParse.atomic() def __repr__(self): return """""" % ( self.comment_delimiter, self._list, ) def _bootstrap_from_text(self): ## reparse all objects from their text attributes... this is *very* slow ## Ultimate goal: get rid of all reparsing from text... self._list = self._bootstrap_obj_init(list(map(attrgetter("text"), self._list))) if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("self._list = {0}".format(self._list)) def has_line_with(self, linespec): return bool(filter(methodcaller("re_search", linespec), self._list)) @junos_unsupported def insert_before(self, exist_val, new_val, atomic=False): """ Insert new_val before all occurances of exist_val. Parameters ---------- exist_val : str An existing text value. This may match multiple configuration entries. new_val : str A new value to be inserted in the configuration. atomic : bool A boolean that controls whether the config is reparsed after the insertion (default False) Returns ------- list An ios-style configuration list (indented by stop_width for each configuration level). Examples -------- >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(["a", "b", "c", "b"]) >>> # Insert 'g' before any occurance of 'b' >>> retval = parse.insert_before("b", "g") >>> parse.commit() >>> parse.ioscfg ... ["a", "g", "b", "c", "g", "b"] >>> """ calling_fn_index = 1 calling_filename = inspect.stack()[calling_fn_index].filename calling_function = inspect.stack()[calling_fn_index].function calling_lineno = inspect.stack()[calling_fn_index].lineno error = "FATAL CALL: in %s line %s %s(exist_val='%s', new_val='%s')" % (calling_filename, calling_lineno, calling_function, exist_val, new_val) # exist_val MUST be a string if isinstance(exist_val, str) is True: pass elif isinstance(exist_val, IOSCfgLine) is True: exist_val = exist_val.text else: raise ValueError(error) # new_val MUST be a string if isinstance(new_val, str) is True: pass elif isinstance(new_val, IOSCfgLine) is True: new_val = new_val.text else: raise ValueError(error) if self.factory: new_obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=new_val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "ios": new_obj = IOSCfgLine(text=new_val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) # Find all config lines which need to be modified... store in all_idx all_idx = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(self._list) if val.text==exist_val] for idx in sorted(all_idx, reverse=True): self._list.insert(idx, new_obj) if atomic: # Reparse the whole config as a text list self._bootstrap_from_text() else: ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() ####################################################################new mod @junos_unsupported def insert_after(self, exist_val, new_val, atomic=False): """ Insert new_val after all occurances of exist_val. Parameters ---------- exist_val : str An existing text value. This may match multiple configuration entries. new_val : str A new value to be inserted in the configuration. atomic : bool A boolean that controls whether the config is reparsed after the insertion (default False) Returns ------- list An ios-style configuration list (indented by stop_width for each configuration level). Examples -------- >>> parse = CiscoConfParse(["a", "b", "c", "b"]) >>> # Insert 'g' after any occurance of 'b' >>> retval = parse.insert_after("b", "g") >>> parse.commit() >>> parse.ioscfg ... ["a", "b", "g", "c", "b", "g"] >>> """ calling_fn_index = 1 calling_filename = inspect.stack()[calling_fn_index].filename calling_function = inspect.stack()[calling_fn_index].function calling_lineno = inspect.stack()[calling_fn_index].lineno error = "FATAL CALL: in %s line %s %s(exist_val='%s', new_val='%s')" % (calling_filename, calling_lineno, calling_function, exist_val, new_val) # exist_val MUST be a string if isinstance(exist_val, str) is True: pass elif isinstance(exist_val, IOSCfgLine) is True: exist_val = exist_val.text else: raise ValueError(error) # new_val MUST be a string if isinstance(new_val, str) is True: pass elif isinstance(new_val, IOSCfgLine) is True: new_val = new_val.text else: raise ValueError(error) if self.factory: new_obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=new_val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "ios": new_obj = IOSCfgLine(text=new_val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) # Find all config lines which need to be modified... store in all_idx all_idx = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(self._list) if val.text==exist_val] for idx in sorted(all_idx, reverse=True): self._list.insert(idx+1, new_obj) if atomic: # Reparse the whole config as a text list self._bootstrap_from_text() else: ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() ####################################################################new mod # @junos_unsupported # def insert_after(self, robj, val, atomic=False): # ## Insert something after robj # if getattr(robj, "capitalize", False): # raise ValueError # # ## If val is a string... # if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): # if self.factory: # obj = ConfigLineFactory( # text=val, # comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, # syntax=self.syntax, # ) # elif self.syntax == "ios": # obj = IOSCfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) # # ## FIXME: This shouldn't be required # ## Removed 2015-01-24 during rewrite... # # self._reassign_linenums() # # ii = self._list.index(robj) # if (ii is not None): # ## Do insertion here # self._list.insert(ii + 1, obj) # # if atomic: # # Reparse the whole config as a text list # self._bootstrap_from_text() # else: # ## Just renumber lines... # self._reassign_linenums() @junos_unsupported def insert(self, ii, val): if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): if self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "ios": obj = IOSCfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) else: error = 'insert() cannot insert "{0}"'.format(val) logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) else: error = 'insert() cannot insert "{0}"'.format(val) logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) ## Insert something at index ii self._list.insert(ii, obj) ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() @junos_unsupported def append(self, val): list_idx = len(self._list) self.insert(list_idx, val) def config_hierarchy(self): """Walk this configuration and return the following tuple at each parent 'level': (list_of_parent_sibling_objs, list_of_nonparent_sibling_objs) """ parent_siblings = list() nonparent_siblings = list() for obj in self.CiscoConfParse.find_objects(r"^\S+"): if obj.is_comment: continue elif len(obj.children) == 0: nonparent_siblings.append(obj) else: parent_siblings.append(obj) return parent_siblings, nonparent_siblings def _banner_mark_regex(self, REGEX): # Build a list of all leading banner lines banner_objs = list(filter(lambda obj:, self._list)) BANNER_STR_RE = r"^(?:(?P(?:set\s+)*banner\s\w+\s+)(?P\S))" for parent in banner_objs: parent.oldest_ancestor = True ## Parse out the banner type and delimiting banner character mm =, parent.text) if (mm is not None): mm_results = mm.groupdict() (banner_lead, bannerdelimit) = ( mm_results["btype"].rstrip(), mm_results["bchar"], ) else: (banner_lead, bannerdelimit) = ("", None) if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("banner_lead = '{0}'".format(banner_lead)) logger.debug("bannerdelimit = '{0}'".format(bannerdelimit)) logger.debug( "{0} starts at line {1}".format(banner_lead, parent.linenum) ) idx = parent.linenum while not (bannerdelimit is None): ## Check whether the banner line has both begin and end delimter if idx == parent.linenum: parts = parent.text.split(bannerdelimit) if len(parts) > 2: ## banner has both begin and end delimiter on one line if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "{0} ends at line" " {1}".format(banner_lead, parent.linenum) ) break ## Use code below to identify children of the banner line idx += 1 try: obj = self._list[idx] if obj.text is None: if self.debug > 0: logger.warning( "found empty text while parsing '{0}' in the banner".format( obj ) ) pass elif bannerdelimit in obj.text.strip(): if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "{0} ends at line" " {1}".format(banner_lead, obj.linenum) ) parent.children.append(obj) parent.child_indent = 0 obj.parent = parent break # Commenting the following lines out; fix Github issue #115 # elif obj.is_comment and (obj.indent == 0): # break parent.children.append(obj) parent.child_indent = 0 obj.parent = parent except IndexError: break def _macro_mark_children(self, macro_parent_idx_list): # Mark macro children appropriately... for idx in macro_parent_idx_list: pobj = self._list[idx] pobj.child_indent = 0 # Walk the next configuration lines looking for the macro's children finished = False while not finished: idx += 1 cobj = self._list[idx] cobj.parent = pobj pobj.children.append(cobj) # If we hit the end of the macro, break out of the loop if cobj.text.rstrip() == "@": finished = True def _bootstrap_obj_init(self, text_list): """Accept a text list and format into proper IOSCfgLine() objects""" # Append text lines as IOSCfgLine objects... BANNER_STR = set( [ "login", "motd", "incoming", "exec", "telnet", "lcd", ] ) BANNER_ALL = [r"^(set\s+)*banner\s+{0}".format(ii) for ii in BANNER_STR] BANNER_ALL.append("aaa authentication fail-message") # Github issue #76 BANNER_RE = re.compile("|".join(BANNER_ALL)) retval = list() idx = 0 max_indent = 0 macro_parent_idx_list = list() parents = dict() for line in text_list: # Reject empty lines if ignore_blank_lines... if self.ignore_blank_lines and line.strip() == "": continue # if not self.factory: obj = IOSCfgLine(line, self.comment_delimiter) elif self.syntax == "ios": obj = ConfigLineFactory(line, self.comment_delimiter, syntax="ios") else: error = ("Cannot classify config list item '%s' " "into a proper configuration object line" % line) if self.debug > 0: logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) obj.confobj = self obj.linenum = idx indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) obj.indent = indent is_config_line = obj.is_config_line # list out macro parent line numbers... if obj.text[0:11] == "macro name ": macro_parent_idx_list.append(obj.linenum) ## Parent cache: ## Maintain indent vs max_indent in a family and ## cache the parent until indent= indent, sorted(parents.keys(), reverse=True) ) for parent_idx in stale_parent_idxs: del parents[parent_idx] else: ## As long as the child indent hasn't gone backwards, ## we can use a cached parent parent = parents.get(indent, None) ## If indented, walk backwards and find the parent... ## 1. Assign parent to the child ## 2. Assign child to the parent ## 3. Assign parent's child_indent ## 4. Maintain oldest_ancestor if (indent > 0) and not (parent is None): ## Add the line as a child (parent was cached) self._add_child_to_parent(retval, idx, indent, parent, obj) elif (indent > 0) and (parent is None): ## Walk backwards to find parent, and add the line as a child candidate_parent_index = idx - 1 while candidate_parent_index >= 0: candidate_parent = retval[candidate_parent_index] if ( candidate_parent.indent < indent ) and candidate_parent.is_config_line: # We found the parent parent = candidate_parent parents[indent] = parent # Cache the parent if indent == 0: parent.oldest_ancestor = True break else: candidate_parent_index -= 1 ## Add the line as a child... self._add_child_to_parent(retval, idx, indent, parent, obj) ## Handle max_indent if (indent == 0) and is_config_line: # only do this if it's a config line... max_indent = 0 elif indent > max_indent: max_indent = indent retval.append(obj) idx += 1 self._list = retval self._banner_mark_regex(BANNER_RE) # We need to use a different method for macros than banners because # macros don't specify a delimiter on their parent line, but # banners call out a delimiter. self._macro_mark_children(macro_parent_idx_list) # Process macros return retval def _add_child_to_parent(self, _list, idx, indent, parentobj, childobj): ## parentobj could be None when trying to add a child that should not ## have a parent if parentobj is None: if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("parentobj is None") return if self.debug > 0: # logger.debug("Adding child '{0}' to parent" # " '{1}'".format(childobj, parentobj)) # logger.debug("BEFORE parent.children - {0}" # .format(parentobj.children)) pass if childobj.is_comment and (_list[idx - 1].indent > indent): ## I *really* hate making this exception, but legacy ## ciscoconfparse never marked a comment as a child ## when the line immediately above it was indented more ## than the comment line pass elif childobj.parent is childobj: # Child has not been assigned yet parentobj.children.append(childobj) childobj.parent = parentobj childobj.parent.child_indent = indent else: pass if self.debug > 0: # logger.debug(" AFTER parent.children - {0}" # .format(parentobj.children)) pass def iter_with_comments(self, begin_index=0): for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): if idx >= begin_index: yield obj def iter_no_comments(self, begin_index=0): for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): if (idx >= begin_index) and (not obj.is_comment): yield obj def _reassign_linenums(self): # Call this after any insertion or deletion for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): obj.linenum = idx @property def all_parents(self): return [obj for obj in self._list if obj.has_children] @property def last_index(self): return self.__len__() - 1 #########################################################################3 class NXOSConfigList(MutableSequence): """A custom list to hold :class:`~models_nxos.NXOSCfgLine` objects. Most people will never need to use this class directly.""" def __init__( self, data=None, comment_delimiter="!", debug=0, factory=False, ignore_blank_lines=True, syntax="nxos", CiscoConfParse=None, ): """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- data : list A list of parsed :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects comment_delimiter : str A comment delimiter. This should only be changed when parsing non-Cisco IOS configurations, which do not use a ! as the comment delimiter. ``comment`` defaults to '!' debug : int ``debug`` defaults to 0, and should be kept that way unless you're working on a very tricky config parsing problem. Debug output is not particularly friendly ignore_blank_lines : bool ``ignore_blank_lines`` defaults to True; when this is set True, ciscoconfparse ignores blank configuration lines. You might want to set ``ignore_blank_lines`` to False if you intentionally use blank lines in your configuration (ref: Github Issue #2). Returns ------- An instance of an :class:`~ciscoconfparse.NXOSConfigList` object. """ # data = kwargs.get('data', None) # comment_delimiter = kwargs.get('comment_delimiter', '!') # debug = kwargs.get('debug', False) # factory = kwargs.get('factory', False) # ignore_blank_lines = kwargs.get('ignore_blank_lines', True) # syntax = kwargs.get('syntax', 'nxos') # CiscoConfParse = kwargs.get('CiscoConfParse', None) super(NXOSConfigList, self).__init__() self._list = list() self.CiscoConfParse = CiscoConfParse self.comment_delimiter = comment_delimiter self.factory = factory self.ignore_blank_lines = ignore_blank_lines self.syntax = syntax self.dna = "NXOSConfigList" self.debug = debug ## Support either a list or a generator instance if getattr(data, "__iter__", False): self._list = self._bootstrap_obj_init(data) else: self._list = list() def __len__(self): return len(self._list) def __getitem__(self, ii): return self._list[ii] def __delitem__(self, ii): del self._list[ii] self._bootstrap_from_text() def __setitem__(self, ii, val): return self._list[ii] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __enter__(self): # Add support for with statements... # FIXME: *with* statements dont work for obj in self._list: yield obj def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # FIXME: *with* statements dont work self._list[0].confobj.CiscoConfParse.atomic() def __repr__(self): return """""" % ( self.comment_delimiter, self._list, ) def _bootstrap_from_text(self): ## reparse all objects from their text attributes... this is *very* slow ## Ultimate goal: get rid of all reparsing from text... self._list = self._bootstrap_obj_init(list(map(attrgetter("text"), self._list))) if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("self._list = {0}".format(self._list)) def has_line_with(self, linespec): return bool(filter(methodcaller("re_search", linespec), self._list)) def insert_before(self, robj, val, atomic=False): ## Insert something before robj if getattr(robj, "capitalize", False): # robj must not be a string... raise ValueError if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): if self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "nxos": obj = NXOSCfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) ii = self._list.index(robj) if (ii is not None): ## Do insertion here self._list.insert(ii, obj) if atomic: # Reparse the whole config as a text list self._bootstrap_from_text() else: ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() def insert_after(self, robj, val, atomic=False): ## Insert something after robj if getattr(robj, "capitalize", False): raise ValueError ## If val is a string... if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): if self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "nxos": obj = NXOSCfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) ## FIXME: This shouldn't be required ## Removed 2015-01-24 during rewrite... # self._reassign_linenums() ii = self._list.index(robj) if (ii is not None): ## Do insertion here self._list.insert(ii + 1, obj) if atomic: # Reparse the whole config as a text list self._bootstrap_from_text() else: ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() def insert(self, ii, val): if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): if self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "nxos": obj = NXOSCfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) else: error = 'insert() cannot insert "{0}"'.format(val) logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) else: error = 'insert() cannot insert "{0}"'.format(val) logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) ## Insert something at index ii self._list.insert(ii, obj) ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() def append(self, val): list_idx = len(self._list) self.insert(list_idx, val) def config_hierarchy(self): """Walk this configuration and return the following tuple at each parent 'level': (list_of_parent_sibling_objs, list_of_nonparent_sibling_objs) """ parent_siblings = list() nonparent_siblings = list() for obj in self.CiscoConfParse.find_objects(r"^\S+"): if obj.is_comment: continue elif len(obj.children) == 0: nonparent_siblings.append(obj) else: parent_siblings.append(obj) return parent_siblings, nonparent_siblings def _banner_mark_regex(self, REGEX): # Build a list of all leading banner lines banner_objs = list(filter(lambda obj:, self._list)) BANNER_STR_RE = r"^(?:(?P(?:set\s+)*banner\s\w+\s+)(?P\S))" for parent in banner_objs: parent.oldest_ancestor = True ## Parse out the banner type and delimiting banner character mm =, parent.text) if (mm is not None): mm_results = mm.groupdict() (banner_lead, bannerdelimit) = ( mm_results["btype"].rstrip(), mm_results["bchar"], ) else: (banner_lead, bannerdelimit) = ("", None) if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("banner_lead = '{0}'".format(banner_lead)) logger.debug("bannerdelimit = '{0}'".format(bannerdelimit)) logger.debug( "{0} starts at line {1}".format(banner_lead, parent.linenum) ) idx = parent.linenum while not (bannerdelimit is None): ## Check whether the banner line has both begin and end delimter if idx == parent.linenum: parts = parent.text.split(bannerdelimit) if len(parts) > 2: ## banner has both begin and end delimiter on one line if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "{0} ends at line" " {1}".format(banner_lead, parent.linenum) ) break idx += 1 try: obj = self._list[idx] if obj.text is None: if self.debug > 0: logger.warning( "found empty text while parsing '{0}' in the banner".format( obj ) ) pass elif bannerdelimit in obj.text.strip(): if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "{0} ends at line" " {1}".format(banner_lead, obj.linenum) ) parent.children.append(obj) parent.child_indent = 0 obj.parent = parent break ## Fix Github issue #75 I don't think this case is reqd now # elif obj.is_comment and (obj.indent == 0): # break parent.children.append(obj) parent.child_indent = 0 obj.parent = parent except IndexError: break def _bootstrap_obj_init(self, text_list): """Accept a text list and format into proper objects""" # Append text lines as NXOSCfgLine objects... BANNER_STR = set( [ "login", "motd", "incoming", "exec", "telnet", "lcd", ] ) BANNER_RE = re.compile( "|".join([r"^(set\s+)*banner\s+{0}".format(ii) for ii in BANNER_STR]) ) retval = list() idx = 0 max_indent = 0 parents = dict() for line in text_list: # Reject empty lines if ignore_blank_lines... if self.ignore_blank_lines and line.strip() == "": continue # if not self.factory: obj = NXOSCfgLine(line, self.comment_delimiter) elif self.syntax == "nxos": obj = ConfigLineFactory(line, self.comment_delimiter, syntax="nxos") else: raise ValueError obj.confobj = self obj.linenum = idx indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) obj.indent = indent is_config_line = obj.is_config_line ## Parent cache: ## Maintain indent vs max_indent in a family and ## cache the parent until indent= indent, sorted(parents.keys(), reverse=True) ) for parent_idx in stale_parent_idxs: del parents[parent_idx] else: ## As long as the child indent hasn't gone backwards, ## we can use a cached parent parent = parents.get(indent, None) ## If indented, walk backwards and find the parent... ## 1. Assign parent to the child ## 2. Assign child to the parent ## 3. Assign parent's child_indent ## 4. Maintain oldest_ancestor if (indent > 0) and not (parent is None): ## Add the line as a child (parent was cached) self._add_child_to_parent(retval, idx, indent, parent, obj) elif (indent > 0) and (parent is None): ## Walk backwards to find parent, and add the line as a child candidate_parent_index = idx - 1 while candidate_parent_index >= 0: candidate_parent = retval[candidate_parent_index] if ( candidate_parent.indent < indent ) and candidate_parent.is_config_line: # We found the parent parent = candidate_parent parents[indent] = parent # Cache the parent if indent == 0: parent.oldest_ancestor = True break else: candidate_parent_index -= 1 ## Add the line as a child... self._add_child_to_parent(retval, idx, indent, parent, obj) ## Handle max_indent if (indent == 0) and is_config_line: # only do this if it's a config line... max_indent = 0 elif indent > max_indent: max_indent = indent retval.append(obj) idx += 1 self._list = retval self._banner_mark_regex(BANNER_RE) # Process IOS banners return retval def _add_child_to_parent(self, _list, idx, indent, parentobj, childobj): ## parentobj could be None when trying to add a child that should not ## have a parent if parentobj is None: if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("parentobj is None") return if self.debug > 0: # logger.debug("Adding child '{0}' to parent" # " '{1}'".format(childobj, parentobj)) # logger.debug("BEFORE parent.children - {0}" # .format(parentobj.children)) pass if childobj.is_comment and (_list[idx - 1].indent > indent): ## I *really* hate making this exception, but legacy ## ciscoconfparse never marked a comment as a child ## when the line immediately above it was indented more ## than the comment line pass elif childobj.parent is childobj: # Child has not been assigned yet parentobj.children.append(childobj) childobj.parent = parentobj childobj.parent.child_indent = indent else: pass if self.debug > 0: # logger.debug(" AFTER parent.children - {0}" # .format(parentobj.children)) pass def iter_with_comments(self, begin_index=0): for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): if idx >= begin_index: yield obj def iter_no_comments(self, begin_index=0): for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): if (idx >= begin_index) and (not obj.is_comment): yield obj def _reassign_linenums(self): # Call this after any insertion or deletion for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): obj.linenum = idx @property def all_parents(self): return [obj for obj in self._list if obj.has_children] @property def last_index(self): return self.__len__() - 1 class ASAConfigList(MutableSequence): """A custom list to hold :class:`~models_asa.ASACfgLine` objects. Most people will never need to use this class directly. """ def __init__( self, data=None, comment_delimiter="!", debug=0, factory=False, ignore_blank_lines=True, syntax="asa", CiscoConfParse=None, ): """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- data : list A list of parsed :class:`~models_cisco.IOSCfgLine` objects comment_delimiter : str A comment delimiter. This should only be changed when parsing non-Cisco IOS configurations, which do not use a ! as the comment delimiter. ``comment`` defaults to '!' debug : int ``debug`` defaults to 0, and should be kept that way unless you're working on a very tricky config parsing problem. Debug output is not particularly friendly ignore_blank_lines : bool ``ignore_blank_lines`` defaults to True; when this is set True, ciscoconfparse ignores blank configuration lines. You might want to set ``ignore_blank_lines`` to False if you intentionally use blank lines in your configuration (ref: Github Issue #2). Returns ------- An instance of an :class:`~ciscoconfparse.ASAConfigList` object. """ super(ASAConfigList, self).__init__() self._list = list() self.CiscoConfParse = CiscoConfParse self.comment_delimiter = comment_delimiter self.factory = factory self.ignore_blank_lines = ignore_blank_lines self.syntax = syntax self.dna = "ASAConfigList" self.debug = debug ## Support either a list or a generator instance if getattr(data, "__iter__", False): self._bootstrap_obj_init(data) else: self._list = list() ### ### Internal structures self._RE_NAMES = re.compile(r"^\s*name\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\S+)") self._RE_OBJNET = re.compile(r"^\s*object-group\s+network\s+(\S+)") self._RE_OBJSVC = re.compile(r"^\s*object-group\s+service\s+(\S+)") self._RE_OBJACL = re.compile(r"^\s*access-list\s+(\S+)") self._network_cache = dict() def __len__(self): return len(self._list) def __getitem__(self, ii): return self._list[ii] def __delitem__(self, ii): del self._list[ii] self._bootstrap_from_text() def __setitem__(self, ii, val): return self._list[ii] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __enter__(self): # Add support for with statements... # FIXME: *with* statements dont work for obj in self._list: yield obj def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # FIXME: *with* statements dont work self._list[0].confobj.CiscoConfParse.atomic() def __repr__(self): return """""" % ( self.comment_delimiter, self._list, ) def _bootstrap_from_text(self): ## reparse all objects from their text attributes... this is *very* slow ## Ultimate goal: get rid of all reparsing from text... self._list = self._bootstrap_obj_init(list(map(attrgetter("text"), self._list))) def has_line_with(self, linespec): return bool(filter(methodcaller("re_search", linespec), self._list)) def insert_before(self, robj, val, atomic=False): ## Insert something before robj if getattr(robj, "capitalize", False): raise ValueError if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): if self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "asa": obj = ASACfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) ii = self._list.index(robj) if (ii is not None): ## Do insertion here self._list.insert(ii, obj) if atomic: # Reparse the whole config as a text list self._bootstrap_from_text() else: ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() def insert_after(self, robj, val, atomic=False): ## Insert something after robj if getattr(robj, "capitalize", False): raise ValueError if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): if self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "asa": obj = ASACfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) ## FIXME: This shouldn't be required self._reassign_linenums() ii = self._list.index(robj) if (ii is not None): ## Do insertion here self._list.insert(ii + 1, obj) if atomic: # Reparse the whole config as a text list self._bootstrap_from_text() else: ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() def insert(self, ii, val): ## Insert something at index ii if getattr(val, "capitalize", False): if self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory( text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter, syntax=self.syntax, ) elif self.syntax == "asa": obj = ASACfgLine(text=val, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) self._list.insert(ii, obj) ## Just renumber lines... self._reassign_linenums() def append(self, val, atomic=False): list_idx = len(self._list) self.insert(list_idx, val) def config_hierarchy(self): """Walk this configuration and return the following tuple at each parent 'level': (list_of_parent_siblings, list_of_nonparent_siblings)""" parent_siblings = list() nonparent_siblings = list() for obj in self.CiscoConfParse.find_objects(r"^\S+"): if obj.is_comment: continue elif len(obj.children) == 0: nonparent_siblings.append(obj) else: parent_siblings.append(obj) return parent_siblings, nonparent_siblings def _bootstrap_obj_init(self, text_list): """Accept a text list and format into proper objects""" # Append text lines as IOSCfgLine objects... retval = list() idx = 0 max_indent = 0 parents = dict() for line in text_list: # Reject empty lines if ignore_blank_lines... if self.ignore_blank_lines and line.strip() == "": continue if self.syntax == "asa" and self.factory: obj = ConfigLineFactory(line, self.comment_delimiter, syntax="asa") elif self.syntax == "asa" and not self.factory: obj = ASACfgLine(text=line, comment_delimiter=self.comment_delimiter) else: raise ValueError obj.confobj = self obj.linenum = idx indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) obj.indent = indent is_config_line = obj.is_config_line ## Parent cache: ## Maintain indent vs max_indent in a family and ## cache the parent until indent= indent, sorted(parents.keys(), reverse=True) ) for parent_idx in stale_parent_idxs: del parents[parent_idx] else: ## As long as the child indent hasn't gone backwards, ## we can use a cached parent parent = parents.get(indent, None) ## If indented, walk backwards and find the parent... ## 1. Assign parent to the child ## 2. Assign child to the parent ## 3. Assign parent's child_indent ## 4. Maintain oldest_ancestor if (indent > 0) and not (parent is None): ## Add the line as a child (parent was cached) self._add_child_to_parent(retval, idx, indent, parent, obj) elif (indent > 0) and (parent is None): ## Walk backwards to find parent, and add the line as a child candidate_parent_index = idx - 1 while candidate_parent_index >= 0: candidate_parent = retval[candidate_parent_index] if ( candidate_parent.indent < indent ) and candidate_parent.is_config_line: # We found the parent parent = candidate_parent parents[indent] = parent # Cache the parent if indent == 0: parent.oldest_ancestor = True break else: candidate_parent_index -= 1 ## Add the line as a child... self._add_child_to_parent(retval, idx, indent, parent, obj) ## Handle max_indent if (indent == 0) and is_config_line: # only do this if it's a config line... max_indent = 0 elif indent > max_indent: max_indent = indent retval.append(obj) idx += 1 self._list = retval ## Insert ASA-specific banner processing here, if required return retval def _add_child_to_parent(self, _list, idx, indent, parentobj, childobj): ## parentobj could be None when trying to add a child that should not ## have a parent if parentobj is None: if self.debug > 0: logger.debug("parentobj is None") return if self.debug > 0: logger.debug( "Adding child '{0}' to parent" " '{1}'".format(childobj, parentobj) ) logger.debug(" BEFORE parent.children - {0}".format(parentobj.children)) if childobj.is_comment and (_list[idx - 1].indent > indent): ## I *really* hate making this exception, but legacy ## ciscoconfparse never marked a comment as a child ## when the line immediately above it was indented more ## than the comment line pass elif childobj.parent is childobj: # Child has not been assigned yet parentobj.children.append(childobj) childobj.parent = parentobj childobj.parent.child_indent = indent else: pass if self.debug > 0: logger.debug(" AFTER parent.children - {0}".format(parentobj.children)) def iter_with_comments(self, begin_index=0): for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): if idx >= begin_index: yield obj def iter_no_comments(self, begin_index=0): for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): if (idx >= begin_index) and (not obj.is_comment): yield obj def _reassign_linenums(self): # Call this after any insertion or deletion for idx, obj in enumerate(self._list): obj.linenum = idx @property def all_parents(self): return [obj for obj in self._list if obj.has_children] @property def last_index(self): return self.__len__() - 1 ### ### ASA-specific stuff here... ### @property def names(self): """Return a dictionary of name to address mappings""" retval = dict() name_rgx = self._RE_NAMES for obj in self.CiscoConfParse.find_objects(name_rgx): addr = obj.re_match_typed(name_rgx, group=1, result_type=str) name = obj.re_match_typed(name_rgx, group=2, result_type=str) retval[name] = addr return retval @property def object_group_network(self): """Return a dictionary of name to object-group network mappings""" retval = dict() obj_rgx = self._RE_OBJNET for obj in self.CiscoConfParse.find_objects(obj_rgx): name = obj.re_match_typed(obj_rgx, group=1, result_type=str) retval[name] = obj return retval @property def access_list(self): """Return a dictionary of ACL name to ACE (list) mappings""" retval = dict() for obj in self.CiscoConfParse.find_objects(self._RE_OBJACL): name = obj.re_match_typed(self._RE_OBJACL, group=1, result_type=str) tmp = retval.get(name, []) tmp.append(obj) retval[name] = tmp return retval class DiffObject(object): """This object should be used at every level of hierarchy""" def __init__(self, level, nonparents, parents): self.level = level self.nonparents = nonparents self.parents = parents def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.level) class CiscoPassword(object): def __init__(self, ep=""): self.ep = ep def decrypt(self, ep=""): """Cisco Type 7 password decryption. Converted from perl code that was written by jbash [~at~]; enhancements suggested by rucjain [~at~]""" xlat = ( 0x64, 0x73, 0x66, 0x64, 0x3B, 0x6B, 0x66, 0x6F, 0x41, 0x2C, 0x2E, 0x69, 0x79, 0x65, 0x77, 0x72, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x64, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x44, 0x48, 0x53, 0x55, 0x42, 0x73, 0x67, 0x76, 0x63, 0x61, 0x36, 0x39, 0x38, 0x33, 0x34, 0x6E, 0x63, 0x78, 0x76, 0x39, 0x38, 0x37, 0x33, 0x32, 0x35, 0x34, 0x6B, 0x3B, 0x66, 0x67, 0x38, 0x37, ) dp = "" regex = re.compile("^(..)(.+)") ep = ep or self.ep if not (len(ep) & 1): result = try: s, e = int(, except ValueError: # typically get a ValueError for int( because # the method was called with an unencrypted password. For now # SILENTLY bypass the error s, e = (0, "") for ii in range(0, len(e), 2): # int( blah, 16) assumes blah is base16... cool magic = int(".{%s}(..)" % ii, e).group(1), 16) # Wrap around after 53 chars... newchar = "%c" % (magic ^ int(xlat[int(s % 53)])) dp = dp + str(newchar) s = s + 1 # if s > 53: # logger.warning("password decryption failed.") return dp def ConfigLineFactory(text="", comment_delimiter="!", syntax="ios"): # Complicted & Buggy # classes = [j for (i,j) in globals().iteritems() if isinstance(j, TypeType) and issubclass(j, BaseCfgLine)] ## Manual and simple if syntax == "ios": classes = [ IOSIntfLine, IOSRouteLine, IOSAccessLine, IOSAaaLoginAuthenticationLine, IOSAaaEnableAuthenticationLine, IOSAaaCommandsAuthorizationLine, IOSAaaCommandsAccountingLine, IOSAaaExecAccountingLine, IOSAaaGroupServerLine, IOSHostnameLine, IOSIntfGlobal, IOSCfgLine, ] # This is simple elif syntax == "nxos": classes = [ NXOSIntfLine, NXOSRouteLine, NXOSAccessLine, NXOSAaaLoginAuthenticationLine, NXOSAaaEnableAuthenticationLine, NXOSAaaCommandsAuthorizationLine, NXOSAaaCommandsAccountingLine, NXOSAaaExecAccountingLine, NXOSAaaGroupServerLine, NXOSvPCLine, NXOSHostnameLine, NXOSIntfGlobal, NXOSCfgLine, ] # This is simple elif syntax == "asa": classes = [ ASAName, ASAObjNetwork, ASAObjService, ASAObjGroupNetwork, ASAObjGroupService, ASAIntfLine, ASAIntfGlobal, ASAHostnameLine, ASAAclLine, ASACfgLine, ] elif syntax == "junos": classes = [IOSCfgLine] else: error = "'{0}' is an unknown syntax".format(syntax) logger.error(error) raise ValueError("'{0}' is an unknown syntax".format(syntax)) for cls in classes: if cls.is_object_for(text): inst = cls( text=text, comment_delimiter=comment_delimiter ) # instance of the proper subclass return inst error = "Could not find an object for '%s'" % line logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) ### TODO: Add unit tests below if __name__ == "__main__": import optparse pp = optparse.OptionParser() pp.add_option( "-c", dest="config", help="Config file to be parsed", metavar="FILENAME" ) pp.add_option("-m", dest="method", help="Command for parsing", metavar="METHOD") pp.add_option("--a1", dest="arg1", help="Command's first argument", metavar="ARG") pp.add_option("--a2", dest="arg2", help="Command's second argument", metavar="ARG") pp.add_option("--a3", dest="arg3", help="Command's third argument", metavar="ARG") (opts, args) = pp.parse_args() if opts.method == "find_lines": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).find_lines(opts.arg1) elif opts.method == "find_children": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).find_children(opts.arg1) elif opts.method == "find_all_children": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).find_all_children(opts.arg1) elif opts.method == "find_blocks": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).find_blocks(opts.arg1) elif opts.method == "find_parents_w_child": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).find_parents_w_child(opts.arg1, opts.arg2) elif opts.method == "find_parents_wo_child": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).find_parents_wo_child(opts.arg1, opts.arg2) elif opts.method == "req_cfgspec_excl_diff": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).req_cfgspec_excl_diff( opts.arg1, opts.arg2, opts.arg3.split(",") ) elif opts.method == "req_cfgspec_all_diff": diff = CiscoConfParse(opts.config).req_cfgspec_all_diff(opts.arg1.split(",")) elif opts.method == "decrypt": pp = CiscoPassword() print(pp.decrypt(opts.arg1)) exit(1) elif opts.method == "help": print("Valid methods and their arguments:") print(" find_lines: arg1=linespec") print(" find_children: arg1=linespec") print(" find_all_children: arg1=linespec") print(" find_blocks: arg1=linespec") print(" find_parents_w_child: arg1=parentspec arg2=childspec") print(" find_parents_wo_child: arg1=parentspec arg2=childspec") print( " req_cfgspec_excl_diff: arg1=linespec arg2=uncfgspec" + " arg3=cfgspec" ) print(" req_cfgspec_all_diff: arg1=cfgspec") print(" decrypt: arg1=encrypted_passwd") exit(1) else: import doctest doctest.testmod() exit(0) if len(diff) > 0: for line in diff: print(line) else: error = "ciscoconfparse was called with unknown parameters" logger.error(error) raise RuntimeError(error)