# coding: UTF-8 import sys import os import configparser import glob HAS_PYMYSQL = True try: import pymysql except ImportError: HAS_PYMYSQL = False HAS_SQLITE3 = True try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: HAS_SQLITE3 = False class EnvManager(object): def __init__(self): self.upgrade_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.install_path = os.path.dirname(self.upgrade_dir) self.top_dir = os.path.dirname(self.install_path) self.ccnet_dir = os.environ['CCNET_CONF_DIR'] self.seafile_dir = os.environ['SEAFILE_CONF_DIR'] self.central_config_dir = os.environ.get('SEAFILE_CENTRAL_CONF_DIR') env_mgr = EnvManager() class Utils(object): @staticmethod def highlight(content, is_error=False): '''Add ANSI color to content to get it highlighted on terminal''' if is_error: return '\x1b[1;31m%s\x1b[m' % content else: return '\x1b[1;32m%s\x1b[m' % content @staticmethod def info(msg): print(Utils.highlight('[INFO] ') + msg) @staticmethod def warning(msg): print(Utils.highlight('[WARNING] ') + msg) @staticmethod def error(msg): print(Utils.highlight('[ERROR] ') + msg) sys.exit(1) @staticmethod def read_config(config_path, defaults): if not os.path.exists(config_path): Utils.error('Config path %s doesn\'t exist, stop db upgrade' % config_path) cp = configparser.ConfigParser(defaults) cp.read(config_path) return cp class MySQLDBInfo(object): def __init__(self, host, port, username, password, db, unix_socket=None): self.host = host self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.db = db self.unix_socket = unix_socket class DBUpdater(object): def __init__(self, version, name): self.sql_dir = os.path.join(env_mgr.upgrade_dir, 'sql', version, name) pro_path = os.path.join(env_mgr.install_path, 'pro') self.is_pro = os.path.exists(pro_path) @staticmethod def get_instance(version): '''Detect whether we are using mysql or sqlite3''' ccnet_db_info = DBUpdater.get_ccnet_mysql_info(version) seafile_db_info = DBUpdater.get_seafile_mysql_info(version) seahub_db_info = DBUpdater.get_seahub_mysql_info() if ccnet_db_info and seafile_db_info and seahub_db_info: Utils.info('You are using MySQL') if not HAS_PYMYSQL: Utils.error('Python pymysql module is not found') updater = MySQLDBUpdater(version, ccnet_db_info, seafile_db_info, seahub_db_info) elif (ccnet_db_info is None) and (seafile_db_info is None) and (seahub_db_info is None): Utils.info('You are using SQLite3') if not HAS_SQLITE3: Utils.error('Python sqlite3 module is not found') updater = SQLiteDBUpdater(version) else: def to_db_string(info): if info is None: return 'SQLite3' else: return 'MySQL' Utils.error('Error:\n ccnet is using %s\n seafile is using %s\n seahub is using %s\n' % (to_db_string(ccnet_db_info), to_db_string(seafile_db_info), to_db_string(seahub_db_info))) return updater def update_db(self): ccnet_sql = os.path.join(self.sql_dir, 'ccnet.sql') seafile_sql = os.path.join(self.sql_dir, 'seafile.sql') seahub_sql = os.path.join(self.sql_dir, 'seahub.sql') seafevents_sql = os.path.join(self.sql_dir, 'seafevents.sql') if os.path.exists(ccnet_sql): Utils.info('updating ccnet database...') self.update_ccnet_sql(ccnet_sql) if os.path.exists(seafile_sql): Utils.info('updating seafile database...') self.update_seafile_sql(seafile_sql) if os.path.exists(seahub_sql): Utils.info('updating seahub database...') self.update_seahub_sql(seahub_sql) if os.path.exists(seafevents_sql): self.update_seafevents_sql(seafevents_sql) @staticmethod def get_ccnet_mysql_info(version): if version > '5.0.0': config_path = env_mgr.central_config_dir else: config_path = env_mgr.ccnet_dir ccnet_conf = os.path.join(config_path, 'ccnet.conf') defaults = { 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306', 'UNIX_SOCKET': '', } config = Utils.read_config(ccnet_conf, defaults) db_section = 'Database' if not config.has_section(db_section): return None type = config.get(db_section, 'ENGINE') if type != 'mysql': return None try: host = config.get(db_section, 'HOST') port = config.getint(db_section, 'PORT') username = config.get(db_section, 'USER') password = config.get(db_section, 'PASSWD') db = config.get(db_section, 'DB') unix_socket = config.get(db_section, 'UNIX_SOCKET') except configparser.NoOptionError as e: Utils.error('Database config in ccnet.conf is invalid: %s' % e) info = MySQLDBInfo(host, port, username, password, db, unix_socket) return info @staticmethod def get_seafile_mysql_info(version): if version > '5.0.0': config_path = env_mgr.central_config_dir else: config_path = env_mgr.seafile_dir seafile_conf = os.path.join(config_path, 'seafile.conf') defaults = { 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306', 'UNIX_SOCKET': '', } config = Utils.read_config(seafile_conf, defaults) db_section = 'database' if not config.has_section(db_section): return None type = config.get(db_section, 'type') if type != 'mysql': return None try: host = config.get(db_section, 'host') port = config.getint(db_section, 'port') username = config.get(db_section, 'user') password = config.get(db_section, 'password') db = config.get(db_section, 'db_name') unix_socket = config.get(db_section, 'unix_socket') except configparser.NoOptionError as e: Utils.error('Database config in seafile.conf is invalid: %s' % e) info = MySQLDBInfo(host, port, username, password, db, unix_socket) return info @staticmethod def get_seahub_mysql_info(): sys.path.insert(0, env_mgr.top_dir) if env_mgr.central_config_dir: sys.path.insert(0, env_mgr.central_config_dir) try: import seahub_settings # pylint: disable=F0401 except ImportError as e: Utils.error('Failed to import seahub_settings.py: %s' % e) if not hasattr(seahub_settings, 'DATABASES'): return None try: d = seahub_settings.DATABASES['default'] if d['ENGINE'] != 'django.db.backends.mysql': return None host = d.get('HOST', '') port = int(d.get('PORT', 3306)) username = d['USER'] password = d['PASSWORD'] db = d['NAME'] unix_socket = host if host.startswith('/') else None except KeyError: Utils.error('Database config in seahub_settings.py is invalid: %s' % e) info = MySQLDBInfo(host, port, username, password, db, unix_socket) return info def update_ccnet_sql(self, ccnet_sql): raise NotImplementedError def update_seafile_sql(self, seafile_sql): raise NotImplementedError def update_seahub_sql(self, seahub_sql): raise NotImplementedError def update_seafevents_sql(self, seafevents_sql): raise NotImplementedError class CcnetSQLiteDB(object): def __init__(self, ccnet_dir): self.ccnet_dir = ccnet_dir def get_db(self, dbname): dbs = ( 'ccnet.db', 'GroupMgr/groupmgr.db', 'misc/config.db', 'OrgMgr/orgmgr.db', 'PeerMgr/usermgr.db', ) for db in dbs: if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(db))[0] == dbname: return os.path.join(self.ccnet_dir, db) class SQLiteDBUpdater(DBUpdater): def __init__(self, version): DBUpdater.__init__(self, version, 'sqlite3') self.ccnet_db = CcnetSQLiteDB(env_mgr.ccnet_dir) self.seafile_db = os.path.join(env_mgr.seafile_dir, 'seafile.db') self.seahub_db = os.path.join(env_mgr.top_dir, 'seahub.db') self.seafevents_db = os.path.join(env_mgr.top_dir, 'seafevents.db') def update_db(self): super(SQLiteDBUpdater, self).update_db() for sql_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.sql_dir, 'ccnet', '*.sql')): self.update_ccnet_sql(sql_path) def apply_sqls(self, db_path, sql_path): with open(sql_path, 'r') as fp: lines = fp.read().split(';') with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as conn: for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue else: conn.execute(line) def update_ccnet_sql(self, sql_path): dbname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sql_path))[0] self.apply_sqls(self.ccnet_db.get_db(dbname), sql_path) def update_seafile_sql(self, sql_path): self.apply_sqls(self.seafile_db, sql_path) def update_seahub_sql(self, sql_path): self.apply_sqls(self.seahub_db, sql_path) def update_seafevents_sql(self, sql_path): if self.is_pro: Utils.info('seafevents do not support sqlite3 database') class MySQLDBUpdater(DBUpdater): def __init__(self, version, ccnet_db_info, seafile_db_info, seahub_db_info): DBUpdater.__init__(self, version, 'mysql') self.ccnet_db_info = ccnet_db_info self.seafile_db_info = seafile_db_info self.seahub_db_info = seahub_db_info def update_ccnet_sql(self, ccnet_sql): self.apply_sqls(self.ccnet_db_info, ccnet_sql) def update_seafile_sql(self, seafile_sql): self.apply_sqls(self.seafile_db_info, seafile_sql) def update_seahub_sql(self, seahub_sql): self.apply_sqls(self.seahub_db_info, seahub_sql) def update_seafevents_sql(self, seafevents_sql): if self.is_pro: Utils.info('updating seafevents database...') self.apply_sqls(self.seahub_db_info, seafevents_sql) def get_conn(self, info): kw = dict( user=info.username, passwd=info.password, db=info.db, ) if info.unix_socket: kw['unix_socket'] = info.unix_socket else: kw['host'] = info.host kw['port'] = info.port try: conn = pymysql.connect(**kw) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, pymysql.err.OperationalError): msg = str(e.args[1]) else: msg = str(e) Utils.error('Failed to connect to mysql database %s: %s' % (info.db, msg)) return conn def execute_sql(self, conn, sql): cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() except Exception as e: msg = str(e) Utils.warning('Failed to execute sql: %s' % msg) def apply_sqls(self, info, sql_path): with open(sql_path, 'r') as fp: lines = fp.read().split(';') conn = self.get_conn(info) for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue else: self.execute_sql(conn, line) def main(): skipdb = os.environ.get('SEAFILE_SKIP_DB_UPGRADE', '').lower() if skipdb in ('1', 'true', 'on'): print('Database upgrade skipped because SEAFILE_SKIP_DB_UPGRADE=%s' % skipdb) sys.exit() version = sys.argv[1] db_updater = DBUpdater.get_instance(version) db_updater.update_db() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()