// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. package types type ArtifactCategory string // Enum values for ArtifactCategory const ( ArtifactCategoryScreenshot ArtifactCategory = "SCREENSHOT" ArtifactCategoryFile ArtifactCategory = "FILE" ArtifactCategoryLog ArtifactCategory = "LOG" ) // Values returns all known values for ArtifactCategory. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (ArtifactCategory) Values() []ArtifactCategory { return []ArtifactCategory{ "SCREENSHOT", "FILE", "LOG", } } type ArtifactType string // Enum values for ArtifactType const ( ArtifactTypeUnknown ArtifactType = "UNKNOWN" ArtifactTypeScreenshot ArtifactType = "SCREENSHOT" ArtifactTypeDeviceLog ArtifactType = "DEVICE_LOG" ArtifactTypeMessageLog ArtifactType = "MESSAGE_LOG" ArtifactTypeVideoLog ArtifactType = "VIDEO_LOG" ArtifactTypeResultLog ArtifactType = "RESULT_LOG" ArtifactTypeServiceLog ArtifactType = "SERVICE_LOG" ArtifactTypeWebkitLog ArtifactType = "WEBKIT_LOG" ArtifactTypeInstrumentationOutput ArtifactType = "INSTRUMENTATION_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeExerciserMonkeyOutput ArtifactType = "EXERCISER_MONKEY_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeCalabashJsonOutput ArtifactType = "CALABASH_JSON_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeCalabashPrettyOutput ArtifactType = "CALABASH_PRETTY_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeCalabashStandardOutput ArtifactType = "CALABASH_STANDARD_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeCalabashJavaXmlOutput ArtifactType = "CALABASH_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeAutomationOutput ArtifactType = "AUTOMATION_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeAppiumServerOutput ArtifactType = "APPIUM_SERVER_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeAppiumJavaOutput ArtifactType = "APPIUM_JAVA_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeAppiumJavaXmlOutput ArtifactType = "APPIUM_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeAppiumPythonOutput ArtifactType = "APPIUM_PYTHON_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeAppiumPythonXmlOutput ArtifactType = "APPIUM_PYTHON_XML_OUTPUT" ArtifactTypeExplorerEventLog ArtifactType = "EXPLORER_EVENT_LOG" ArtifactTypeExplorerSummaryLog ArtifactType = "EXPLORER_SUMMARY_LOG" ArtifactTypeApplicationCrashReport ArtifactType = "APPLICATION_CRASH_REPORT" ArtifactTypeXctestLog ArtifactType = "XCTEST_LOG" ArtifactTypeVideo ArtifactType = "VIDEO" ArtifactTypeCustomerArtifact ArtifactType = "CUSTOMER_ARTIFACT" ArtifactTypeCustomerArtifactLog ArtifactType = "CUSTOMER_ARTIFACT_LOG" ArtifactTypeTestspecOutput ArtifactType = "TESTSPEC_OUTPUT" ) // Values returns all known values for ArtifactType. Note that this can be expanded // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (ArtifactType) Values() []ArtifactType { return []ArtifactType{ "UNKNOWN", "SCREENSHOT", "DEVICE_LOG", "MESSAGE_LOG", "VIDEO_LOG", "RESULT_LOG", "SERVICE_LOG", "WEBKIT_LOG", "INSTRUMENTATION_OUTPUT", "EXERCISER_MONKEY_OUTPUT", "CALABASH_JSON_OUTPUT", "CALABASH_PRETTY_OUTPUT", "CALABASH_STANDARD_OUTPUT", "CALABASH_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT", "AUTOMATION_OUTPUT", "APPIUM_SERVER_OUTPUT", "APPIUM_JAVA_OUTPUT", "APPIUM_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT", "APPIUM_PYTHON_OUTPUT", "APPIUM_PYTHON_XML_OUTPUT", "EXPLORER_EVENT_LOG", "EXPLORER_SUMMARY_LOG", "APPLICATION_CRASH_REPORT", "XCTEST_LOG", "VIDEO", "CUSTOMER_ARTIFACT", "CUSTOMER_ARTIFACT_LOG", "TESTSPEC_OUTPUT", } } type BillingMethod string // Enum values for BillingMethod const ( BillingMethodMetered BillingMethod = "METERED" BillingMethodUnmetered BillingMethod = "UNMETERED" ) // Values returns all known values for BillingMethod. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (BillingMethod) Values() []BillingMethod { return []BillingMethod{ "METERED", "UNMETERED", } } type CurrencyCode string // Enum values for CurrencyCode const ( CurrencyCodeUsd CurrencyCode = "USD" ) // Values returns all known values for CurrencyCode. Note that this can be expanded // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (CurrencyCode) Values() []CurrencyCode { return []CurrencyCode{ "USD", } } type DeviceAttribute string // Enum values for DeviceAttribute const ( DeviceAttributeArn DeviceAttribute = "ARN" DeviceAttributePlatform DeviceAttribute = "PLATFORM" DeviceAttributeFormFactor DeviceAttribute = "FORM_FACTOR" DeviceAttributeManufacturer DeviceAttribute = "MANUFACTURER" DeviceAttributeRemoteAccessEnabled DeviceAttribute = "REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED" DeviceAttributeRemoteDebugEnabled DeviceAttribute = "REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED" DeviceAttributeAppiumVersion DeviceAttribute = "APPIUM_VERSION" DeviceAttributeInstanceArn DeviceAttribute = "INSTANCE_ARN" DeviceAttributeInstanceLabels DeviceAttribute = "INSTANCE_LABELS" DeviceAttributeFleetType DeviceAttribute = "FLEET_TYPE" DeviceAttributeOsVersion DeviceAttribute = "OS_VERSION" DeviceAttributeModel DeviceAttribute = "MODEL" DeviceAttributeAvailability DeviceAttribute = "AVAILABILITY" ) // Values returns all known values for DeviceAttribute. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (DeviceAttribute) Values() []DeviceAttribute { return []DeviceAttribute{ "ARN", "PLATFORM", "FORM_FACTOR", "MANUFACTURER", "REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED", "REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED", "APPIUM_VERSION", "INSTANCE_ARN", "INSTANCE_LABELS", "FLEET_TYPE", "OS_VERSION", "MODEL", "AVAILABILITY", } } type DeviceAvailability string // Enum values for DeviceAvailability const ( DeviceAvailabilityTemporaryNotAvailable DeviceAvailability = "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE" DeviceAvailabilityBusy DeviceAvailability = "BUSY" DeviceAvailabilityAvailable DeviceAvailability = "AVAILABLE" DeviceAvailabilityHighlyAvailable DeviceAvailability = "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE" ) // Values returns all known values for DeviceAvailability. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (DeviceAvailability) Values() []DeviceAvailability { return []DeviceAvailability{ "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", } } type DeviceFilterAttribute string // Enum values for DeviceFilterAttribute const ( DeviceFilterAttributeArn DeviceFilterAttribute = "ARN" DeviceFilterAttributePlatform DeviceFilterAttribute = "PLATFORM" DeviceFilterAttributeOsVersion DeviceFilterAttribute = "OS_VERSION" DeviceFilterAttributeModel DeviceFilterAttribute = "MODEL" DeviceFilterAttributeAvailability DeviceFilterAttribute = "AVAILABILITY" DeviceFilterAttributeFormFactor DeviceFilterAttribute = "FORM_FACTOR" DeviceFilterAttributeManufacturer DeviceFilterAttribute = "MANUFACTURER" DeviceFilterAttributeRemoteAccessEnabled DeviceFilterAttribute = "REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED" DeviceFilterAttributeRemoteDebugEnabled DeviceFilterAttribute = "REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED" DeviceFilterAttributeInstanceArn DeviceFilterAttribute = "INSTANCE_ARN" DeviceFilterAttributeInstanceLabels DeviceFilterAttribute = "INSTANCE_LABELS" DeviceFilterAttributeFleetType DeviceFilterAttribute = "FLEET_TYPE" ) // Values returns all known values for DeviceFilterAttribute. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (DeviceFilterAttribute) Values() []DeviceFilterAttribute { return []DeviceFilterAttribute{ "ARN", "PLATFORM", "OS_VERSION", "MODEL", "AVAILABILITY", "FORM_FACTOR", "MANUFACTURER", "REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED", "REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED", "INSTANCE_ARN", "INSTANCE_LABELS", "FLEET_TYPE", } } type DeviceFormFactor string // Enum values for DeviceFormFactor const ( DeviceFormFactorPhone DeviceFormFactor = "PHONE" DeviceFormFactorTablet DeviceFormFactor = "TABLET" ) // Values returns all known values for DeviceFormFactor. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (DeviceFormFactor) Values() []DeviceFormFactor { return []DeviceFormFactor{ "PHONE", "TABLET", } } type DevicePlatform string // Enum values for DevicePlatform const ( DevicePlatformAndroid DevicePlatform = "ANDROID" DevicePlatformIos DevicePlatform = "IOS" ) // Values returns all known values for DevicePlatform. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (DevicePlatform) Values() []DevicePlatform { return []DevicePlatform{ "ANDROID", "IOS", } } type DevicePoolType string // Enum values for DevicePoolType const ( DevicePoolTypeCurated DevicePoolType = "CURATED" DevicePoolTypePrivate DevicePoolType = "PRIVATE" ) // Values returns all known values for DevicePoolType. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (DevicePoolType) Values() []DevicePoolType { return []DevicePoolType{ "CURATED", "PRIVATE", } } type ExecutionResult string // Enum values for ExecutionResult const ( ExecutionResultPending ExecutionResult = "PENDING" ExecutionResultPassed ExecutionResult = "PASSED" ExecutionResultWarned ExecutionResult = "WARNED" ExecutionResultFailed ExecutionResult = "FAILED" ExecutionResultSkipped ExecutionResult = "SKIPPED" ExecutionResultErrored ExecutionResult = "ERRORED" ExecutionResultStopped ExecutionResult = "STOPPED" ) // Values returns all known values for ExecutionResult. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (ExecutionResult) Values() []ExecutionResult { return []ExecutionResult{ "PENDING", "PASSED", "WARNED", "FAILED", "SKIPPED", "ERRORED", "STOPPED", } } type ExecutionResultCode string // Enum values for ExecutionResultCode const ( ExecutionResultCodeParsingFailed ExecutionResultCode = "PARSING_FAILED" ExecutionResultCodeVpcEndpointSetupFailed ExecutionResultCode = "VPC_ENDPOINT_SETUP_FAILED" ) // Values returns all known values for ExecutionResultCode. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (ExecutionResultCode) Values() []ExecutionResultCode { return []ExecutionResultCode{ "PARSING_FAILED", "VPC_ENDPOINT_SETUP_FAILED", } } type ExecutionStatus string // Enum values for ExecutionStatus const ( ExecutionStatusPending ExecutionStatus = "PENDING" ExecutionStatusPendingConcurrnecy ExecutionStatus = "PENDING_CONCURRENCY" ExecutionStatusPendingDevice ExecutionStatus = "PENDING_DEVICE" ExecutionStatusProcessing ExecutionStatus = "PROCESSING" ExecutionStatusScheduling ExecutionStatus = "SCHEDULING" ExecutionStatusPreparing ExecutionStatus = "PREPARING" ExecutionStatusRunning ExecutionStatus = "RUNNING" ExecutionStatusCompleted ExecutionStatus = "COMPLETED" ExecutionStatusStopping ExecutionStatus = "STOPPING" ) // Values returns all known values for ExecutionStatus. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (ExecutionStatus) Values() []ExecutionStatus { return []ExecutionStatus{ "PENDING", "PENDING_CONCURRENCY", "PENDING_DEVICE", "PROCESSING", "SCHEDULING", "PREPARING", "RUNNING", "COMPLETED", "STOPPING", } } type InstanceStatus string // Enum values for InstanceStatus const ( InstanceStatusInUse InstanceStatus = "IN_USE" InstanceStatusPreparing InstanceStatus = "PREPARING" InstanceStatusAvailable InstanceStatus = "AVAILABLE" InstanceStatusNotAvailable InstanceStatus = "NOT_AVAILABLE" ) // Values returns all known values for InstanceStatus. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (InstanceStatus) Values() []InstanceStatus { return []InstanceStatus{ "IN_USE", "PREPARING", "AVAILABLE", "NOT_AVAILABLE", } } type InteractionMode string // Enum values for InteractionMode const ( InteractionModeInteractive InteractionMode = "INTERACTIVE" InteractionModeNoVideo InteractionMode = "NO_VIDEO" InteractionModeVideoOnly InteractionMode = "VIDEO_ONLY" ) // Values returns all known values for InteractionMode. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (InteractionMode) Values() []InteractionMode { return []InteractionMode{ "INTERACTIVE", "NO_VIDEO", "VIDEO_ONLY", } } type NetworkProfileType string // Enum values for NetworkProfileType const ( NetworkProfileTypeCurated NetworkProfileType = "CURATED" NetworkProfileTypePrivate NetworkProfileType = "PRIVATE" ) // Values returns all known values for NetworkProfileType. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (NetworkProfileType) Values() []NetworkProfileType { return []NetworkProfileType{ "CURATED", "PRIVATE", } } type OfferingTransactionType string // Enum values for OfferingTransactionType const ( OfferingTransactionTypePurchase OfferingTransactionType = "PURCHASE" OfferingTransactionTypeRenew OfferingTransactionType = "RENEW" OfferingTransactionTypeSystem OfferingTransactionType = "SYSTEM" ) // Values returns all known values for OfferingTransactionType. Note that this can // be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (OfferingTransactionType) Values() []OfferingTransactionType { return []OfferingTransactionType{ "PURCHASE", "RENEW", "SYSTEM", } } type OfferingType string // Enum values for OfferingType const ( OfferingTypeRecurring OfferingType = "RECURRING" ) // Values returns all known values for OfferingType. Note that this can be expanded // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (OfferingType) Values() []OfferingType { return []OfferingType{ "RECURRING", } } type RecurringChargeFrequency string // Enum values for RecurringChargeFrequency const ( RecurringChargeFrequencyMonthly RecurringChargeFrequency = "MONTHLY" ) // Values returns all known values for RecurringChargeFrequency. Note that this can // be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (RecurringChargeFrequency) Values() []RecurringChargeFrequency { return []RecurringChargeFrequency{ "MONTHLY", } } type RuleOperator string // Enum values for RuleOperator const ( RuleOperatorEquals RuleOperator = "EQUALS" RuleOperatorLessThan RuleOperator = "LESS_THAN" RuleOperatorLessThanOrEquals RuleOperator = "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS" RuleOperatorGreaterThan RuleOperator = "GREATER_THAN" RuleOperatorGreaterThanOrEquals RuleOperator = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS" RuleOperatorIn RuleOperator = "IN" RuleOperatorNotIn RuleOperator = "NOT_IN" RuleOperatorContains RuleOperator = "CONTAINS" ) // Values returns all known values for RuleOperator. Note that this can be expanded // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (RuleOperator) Values() []RuleOperator { return []RuleOperator{ "EQUALS", "LESS_THAN", "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS", "GREATER_THAN", "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS", "IN", "NOT_IN", "CONTAINS", } } type SampleType string // Enum values for SampleType const ( SampleTypeCpu SampleType = "CPU" SampleTypeMemory SampleType = "MEMORY" SampleTypeThreads SampleType = "THREADS" SampleTypeRxRate SampleType = "RX_RATE" SampleTypeTxRate SampleType = "TX_RATE" SampleTypeRx SampleType = "RX" SampleTypeTx SampleType = "TX" SampleTypeNativeFrames SampleType = "NATIVE_FRAMES" SampleTypeNativeFps SampleType = "NATIVE_FPS" SampleTypeNativeMinDrawtime SampleType = "NATIVE_MIN_DRAWTIME" SampleTypeNativeAvgDrawtime SampleType = "NATIVE_AVG_DRAWTIME" SampleTypeNativeMaxDrawtime SampleType = "NATIVE_MAX_DRAWTIME" SampleTypeOpenglFrames SampleType = "OPENGL_FRAMES" SampleTypeOpenglFps SampleType = "OPENGL_FPS" SampleTypeOpenglMinDrawtime SampleType = "OPENGL_MIN_DRAWTIME" SampleTypeOpenglAvgDrawtime SampleType = "OPENGL_AVG_DRAWTIME" SampleTypeOpenglMaxDrawtime SampleType = "OPENGL_MAX_DRAWTIME" ) // Values returns all known values for SampleType. Note that this can be expanded // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (SampleType) Values() []SampleType { return []SampleType{ "CPU", "MEMORY", "THREADS", "RX_RATE", "TX_RATE", "RX", "TX", "NATIVE_FRAMES", "NATIVE_FPS", "NATIVE_MIN_DRAWTIME", "NATIVE_AVG_DRAWTIME", "NATIVE_MAX_DRAWTIME", "OPENGL_FRAMES", "OPENGL_FPS", "OPENGL_MIN_DRAWTIME", "OPENGL_AVG_DRAWTIME", "OPENGL_MAX_DRAWTIME", } } type TestGridSessionArtifactCategory string // Enum values for TestGridSessionArtifactCategory const ( TestGridSessionArtifactCategoryVideo TestGridSessionArtifactCategory = "VIDEO" TestGridSessionArtifactCategoryLog TestGridSessionArtifactCategory = "LOG" ) // Values returns all known values for TestGridSessionArtifactCategory. Note that // this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the // client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across // updates. func (TestGridSessionArtifactCategory) Values() []TestGridSessionArtifactCategory { return []TestGridSessionArtifactCategory{ "VIDEO", "LOG", } } type TestGridSessionArtifactType string // Enum values for TestGridSessionArtifactType const ( TestGridSessionArtifactTypeUnknown TestGridSessionArtifactType = "UNKNOWN" TestGridSessionArtifactTypeVideo TestGridSessionArtifactType = "VIDEO" TestGridSessionArtifactTypeSeleniumLog TestGridSessionArtifactType = "SELENIUM_LOG" ) // Values returns all known values for TestGridSessionArtifactType. Note that this // can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. // The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (TestGridSessionArtifactType) Values() []TestGridSessionArtifactType { return []TestGridSessionArtifactType{ "UNKNOWN", "VIDEO", "SELENIUM_LOG", } } type TestGridSessionStatus string // Enum values for TestGridSessionStatus const ( TestGridSessionStatusActive TestGridSessionStatus = "ACTIVE" TestGridSessionStatusClosed TestGridSessionStatus = "CLOSED" TestGridSessionStatusErrored TestGridSessionStatus = "ERRORED" ) // Values returns all known values for TestGridSessionStatus. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (TestGridSessionStatus) Values() []TestGridSessionStatus { return []TestGridSessionStatus{ "ACTIVE", "CLOSED", "ERRORED", } } type TestType string // Enum values for TestType const ( TestTypeBuiltinFuzz TestType = "BUILTIN_FUZZ" TestTypeBuiltinExplorer TestType = "BUILTIN_EXPLORER" TestTypeWebPerformanceProfile TestType = "WEB_PERFORMANCE_PROFILE" TestTypeAppiumJavaJunit TestType = "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT" TestTypeAppiumJavaTestng TestType = "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG" TestTypeAppiumPython TestType = "APPIUM_PYTHON" TestTypeAppiumNode TestType = "APPIUM_NODE" TestTypeAppiumRuby TestType = "APPIUM_RUBY" TestTypeAppiumWebJavaJunit TestType = "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT" TestTypeAppiumWebJavaTestng TestType = "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG" TestTypeAppiumWebPython TestType = "APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON" TestTypeAppiumWebNode TestType = "APPIUM_WEB_NODE" TestTypeAppiumWebRuby TestType = "APPIUM_WEB_RUBY" TestTypeCalabash TestType = "CALABASH" TestTypeInstrumentation TestType = "INSTRUMENTATION" TestTypeUiautomation TestType = "UIAUTOMATION" TestTypeUiautomator TestType = "UIAUTOMATOR" TestTypeXctest TestType = "XCTEST" TestTypeXctestUi TestType = "XCTEST_UI" TestTypeRemoteAccessRecord TestType = "REMOTE_ACCESS_RECORD" TestTypeRemoteAccessReplay TestType = "REMOTE_ACCESS_REPLAY" ) // Values returns all known values for TestType. Note that this can be expanded in // the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this // slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (TestType) Values() []TestType { return []TestType{ "BUILTIN_FUZZ", "BUILTIN_EXPLORER", "WEB_PERFORMANCE_PROFILE", "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT", "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG", "APPIUM_PYTHON", "APPIUM_NODE", "APPIUM_RUBY", "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT", "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG", "APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON", "APPIUM_WEB_NODE", "APPIUM_WEB_RUBY", "CALABASH", "INSTRUMENTATION", "UIAUTOMATION", "UIAUTOMATOR", "XCTEST", "XCTEST_UI", "REMOTE_ACCESS_RECORD", "REMOTE_ACCESS_REPLAY", } } type UploadCategory string // Enum values for UploadCategory const ( UploadCategoryCurated UploadCategory = "CURATED" UploadCategoryPrivate UploadCategory = "PRIVATE" ) // Values returns all known values for UploadCategory. Note that this can be // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (UploadCategory) Values() []UploadCategory { return []UploadCategory{ "CURATED", "PRIVATE", } } type UploadStatus string // Enum values for UploadStatus const ( UploadStatusInitialized UploadStatus = "INITIALIZED" UploadStatusProcessing UploadStatus = "PROCESSING" UploadStatusSucceeded UploadStatus = "SUCCEEDED" UploadStatusFailed UploadStatus = "FAILED" ) // Values returns all known values for UploadStatus. Note that this can be expanded // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (UploadStatus) Values() []UploadStatus { return []UploadStatus{ "INITIALIZED", "PROCESSING", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED", } } type UploadType string // Enum values for UploadType const ( UploadTypeAndroidApp UploadType = "ANDROID_APP" UploadTypeIosApp UploadType = "IOS_APP" UploadTypeWebApp UploadType = "WEB_APP" UploadTypeExternalData UploadType = "EXTERNAL_DATA" UploadTypeAppiumJavaJunitTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumJavaTestngTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumPythonTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumNodeTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumRubyTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumWebJavaJunitTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumWebJavaTestngTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumWebPythonTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumWebNodeTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumWebRubyTestPackage UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeCalabashTestPackage UploadType = "CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeInstrumentationTestPackage UploadType = "INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeUiautomationTestPackage UploadType = "UIAUTOMATION_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeUiautomatorTestPackage UploadType = "UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeXctestTestPackage UploadType = "XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeXctestUiTestPackage UploadType = "XCTEST_UI_TEST_PACKAGE" UploadTypeAppiumJavaJunitTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumJavaTestngTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumPythonTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumNodeTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_NODE_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumRubyTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumWebJavaJunitTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumWebJavaTestngTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumWebPythonTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumWebNodeTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeAppiumWebRubyTestSpec UploadType = "APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeInstrumentationTestSpec UploadType = "INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_SPEC" UploadTypeXctestUiTestSpec UploadType = "XCTEST_UI_TEST_SPEC" ) // Values returns all known values for UploadType. Note that this can be expanded // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates. func (UploadType) Values() []UploadType { return []UploadType{ "ANDROID_APP", "IOS_APP", "WEB_APP", "EXTERNAL_DATA", "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE", "CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE", "INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE", "UIAUTOMATION_TEST_PACKAGE", "UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE", "XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE", "XCTEST_UI_TEST_PACKAGE", "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_NODE_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_SPEC", "APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_SPEC", "INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_SPEC", "XCTEST_UI_TEST_SPEC", } }