/* :Title: State machine :Tags: PGF, Preproc This state machine is `based on an example`_ from the PGF and TikZ manual. The original looks much better. For small graphs you usually get better looking results by drawing them manually. .. _based on an example: http://www.fauskes.net/pgftikzexamples/state-machine/ Generated with:: $ dot2tex -tmath --autosize --crop automata.dot > automata.tex */ digraph automata { rankdir=LR; node [shape=circle]; edge [style=">=stealth',shorten >=1pt"]; q_a [shape=doublecircle]; q_a -> q_b [label="0,1,L"]; q_b -> q_b [label="1,1,L"]; q_b -> q_c [label="0,1,L"]; q_c -> q_e [label="1,0,R"]; q_e -> q_a [label="1,0,R"]; q_a -> q_c [label="1,1,R"]; q_c -> q_d [label="0,1,L"]; q_d -> q_d [label="1,1,R"]; q_d -> q_a [label="0,1,R"]; }