/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000 artofcode LLC. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA, 02111-1307. */ /*$Id: gximono.c,v 2003/01/17 00:49:04 giles Exp $ */ /* General mono-component image rendering */ #include "gx.h" #include "memory_.h" #include "gpcheck.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gxfixed.h" #include "gxarith.h" #include "gxmatrix.h" #include "gsccolor.h" #include "gspaint.h" #include "gsutil.h" #include "gxdevice.h" #include "gxcmap.h" #include "gxdcolor.h" #include "gxistate.h" #include "gxdevmem.h" #include "gdevmem.h" /* for mem_mono_device */ #include "gxcpath.h" #include "gximage.h" #include "gzht.h" /* ------ Strategy procedure ------ */ /* Check the prototype. */ iclass_proc(gs_image_class_3_mono); private irender_proc(image_render_mono); irender_proc_t gs_image_class_3_mono(gx_image_enum * penum) { if (penum->spp == 1) { /* * Use the slow loop for imagemask with a halftone or a non-default * logical operation. */ penum->slow_loop = (penum->masked && !color_is_pure(&penum->icolor1)) || penum->use_rop; /* We can bypass X clipping for portrait mono-component images. */ if (!(penum->slow_loop || penum->posture != image_portrait)) penum->clip_image &= ~(image_clip_xmin | image_clip_xmax); if_debug0('b', "[b]render=mono\n"); /* Precompute values needed for rasterizing. */ penum->dxx = float2fixed(penum->matrix.xx + fixed2float(fixed_epsilon) / 2); /* * Scale the mask colors to match the scaling of each sample to a * full byte. Also, if black or white is transparent, reset icolor0 * or icolor1, which are used directly in the fast case loop. */ if (penum->use_mask_color) { gx_image_scale_mask_colors(penum, 0); if (penum->mask_color.values[0] <= 0) color_set_null(&penum->icolor0); if (penum->mask_color.values[1] >= 255) color_set_null(&penum->icolor1); } return image_render_mono; } return 0; } /* ------ Rendering procedure ------ */ /* Provide a fake map_gray procedure for the DevicePixel color space. */ private void no_map_gray(frac pixel, gx_device_color * pdc, const gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device * dev, gs_color_select_t select) { color_set_pure(pdc, frac2byte(pixel)); } /* * Rendering procedure for general mono-component images, dealing with * multiple bit-per-sample images, general transformations, arbitrary * single-component color spaces (DeviceGray, DevicePixel, CIEBasedA, * Separation, Indexed), and color masking. This procedure handles a * single scan line. */ private int image_render_mono(gx_image_enum * penum, const byte * buffer, int data_x, uint w, int h, gx_device * dev) { const gs_imager_state *pis = penum->pis; gs_logical_operation_t lop = penum->log_op; const bool masked = penum->masked; const gs_color_space *pcs; /* only set for non-masks */ cmap_proc_gray((*map_gray)); /* ditto */ cs_proc_remap_color((*remap_color)); /* ditto */ gs_client_color cc; gx_device_color *pdevc = &penum->icolor1; /* color for masking */ /* * Make sure the cache setup matches the graphics state. Also determine * whether all tiles fit in the cache. We may bypass the latter check * for masked images with a pure color. */ bool tiles_fit = (pis && penum->device_color ? gx_check_tile_cache(pis) : false); uint mask_base = penum->mask_color.values[0]; uint mask_limit = (penum->use_mask_color ? penum->mask_color.values[1] - mask_base + 1 : 0); /* * Free variables of IMAGE_SET_GRAY: * Read: penum, pis, dev, tiles_fit, mask_base, mask_limit * Set: pdevc, code, cc */ #define IMAGE_SET_GRAY(sample_value)\ BEGIN\ pdevc = &penum->clues[sample_value].dev_color;\ if (!color_is_set(pdevc)) {\ if ((uint)(sample_value - mask_base) < mask_limit)\ color_set_null(pdevc);\ else if (penum->device_color)\ (*map_gray)(byte2frac(sample_value), pdevc, pis, dev, gs_color_select_source);\ else {\ decode_sample(sample_value, cc, 0);\ code = (*remap_color)(&cc, pcs, pdevc, pis, dev, gs_color_select_source);\ if (code < 0)\ goto err;\ }\ } else if (!color_is_pure(pdevc)) {\ if (!tiles_fit) {\ code = gx_color_load_select(pdevc, pis, dev, gs_color_select_source);\ if (code < 0)\ goto err;\ }\ }\ END gx_dda_fixed_point next; /* (y not used in fast loop) */ gx_dda_step_fixed dxx2, dxx3, dxx4; /* (not used in all loops) */ const byte *psrc_initial = buffer + data_x; const byte *psrc = psrc_initial; const byte *rsrc = psrc; /* psrc at start of run */ const byte *endp = psrc + w; const byte *stop = endp; fixed xrun; /* x at start of run */ byte run; /* run value */ int htrun = (masked ? 255 : -2); /* halftone run value */ int code = 0; if (h == 0) return 0; next = penum->dda.pixel0; xrun = dda_current(next.x); if (!masked) { pcs = penum->pcs; /* (may not be set for masks) */ if (penum->device_color) map_gray = (gs_color_space_get_index(pcs) == gs_color_space_index_DeviceGray ? gx_get_cmap_procs(pis, dev)->map_gray : no_map_gray /*DevicePixel */ ); else remap_color = pcs->type->remap_color; } run = *psrc; /* Find the last transition in the input. */ { byte last = stop[-1]; while (stop > psrc && stop[-1] == last) --stop; } if (penum->slow_loop || penum->posture != image_portrait) { /************************************************************** * Slow case (skewed, rotated, or imagemask with a halftone). * **************************************************************/ fixed yrun; const fixed pdyx = dda_current(penum->dda.row.x) - penum->cur.x; const fixed pdyy = dda_current(penum->dda.row.y) - penum->cur.y; dev_proc_fill_parallelogram((*fill_pgram)) = dev_proc(dev, fill_parallelogram); #define xl dda_current(next.x) #define ytf dda_current(next.y) yrun = ytf; if (masked) { /********************** * Slow case, masked. * **********************/ pdevc = &penum->icolor1; code = gx_color_load(pdevc, pis, dev); if (code < 0) return code; if (stop <= psrc) goto last; if (penum->posture == image_portrait) { /******************************** * Slow case, masked, portrait. * ********************************/ /* * We don't have to worry about the Y DDA, and the fill * regions are rectangles. Calculate multiples of the DDA * step. */ fixed ax = (penum->matrix.xx < 0 ? -penum->adjust : penum->adjust); fixed ay = (pdyy < 0 ? -penum->adjust : penum->adjust); fixed dyy = pdyy + (ay << 1); yrun -= ay; dda_translate(next.x, -ax); ax <<= 1; dxx2 = next.x.step; dda_step_add(dxx2, next.x.step); dxx3 = dxx2; dda_step_add(dxx3, next.x.step); dxx4 = dxx3; dda_step_add(dxx4, next.x.step); for (;;) { /* Skip a run of zeros. */ while (!psrc[0]) if (!psrc[1]) { if (!psrc[2]) { if (!psrc[3]) { psrc += 4; dda_state_next(next.x.state, dxx4); continue; } psrc += 3; dda_state_next(next.x.state, dxx3); break; } psrc += 2; dda_state_next(next.x.state, dxx2); break; } else { ++psrc; dda_next(next.x); break; } xrun = xl; if (psrc >= stop) break; for (; *psrc; ++psrc) dda_next(next.x); code = (*fill_pgram)(dev, xrun, yrun, xl - xrun + ax, fixed_0, fixed_0, dyy, pdevc, lop); if (code < 0) goto err; rsrc = psrc; if (psrc >= stop) break; } } else if (penum->posture == image_landscape) { /********************************* * Slow case, masked, landscape. * *********************************/ /* * We don't have to worry about the X DDA. However, we do * have to take adjustment into account. We don't bother to * optimize this as heavily as the portrait case. */ fixed ax = (pdyx < 0 ? -penum->adjust : penum->adjust); fixed dyx = pdyx + (ax << 1); fixed ay = (penum->matrix.xy < 0 ? -penum->adjust : penum->adjust); xrun -= ax; dda_translate(next.y, -ay); ay <<= 1; for (;;) { for (; !*psrc; ++psrc) dda_next(next.y); yrun = ytf; if (psrc >= stop) break; for (; *psrc; ++psrc) dda_next(next.y); code = (*fill_pgram)(dev, xrun, yrun, fixed_0, ytf - yrun + ay, dyx, fixed_0, pdevc, lop); if (code < 0) goto err; rsrc = psrc; if (psrc >= stop) break; } } else { /************************************** * Slow case, masked, not orthogonal. * **************************************/ for (;;) { for (; !*psrc; ++psrc) { dda_next(next.x); dda_next(next.y); } yrun = ytf; xrun = xl; if (psrc >= stop) break; for (; *psrc; ++psrc) { dda_next(next.x); dda_next(next.y); } code = (*fill_pgram)(dev, xrun, yrun, xl - xrun, ytf - yrun, pdyx, pdyy, pdevc, lop); if (code < 0) goto err; rsrc = psrc; if (psrc >= stop) break; } } } else if (penum->posture == image_portrait || penum->posture == image_landscape ) { /************************************** * Slow case, not masked, orthogonal. * **************************************/ /* In this case, we can fill runs quickly. */ /****** DOESN'T DO ADJUSTMENT ******/ if (stop <= psrc) goto last; for (;;) { if (*psrc != run) { if (run != htrun) { htrun = run; IMAGE_SET_GRAY(run); } code = (*fill_pgram)(dev, xrun, yrun, xl - xrun, ytf - yrun, pdyx, pdyy, pdevc, lop); if (code < 0) goto err; yrun = ytf; xrun = xl; rsrc = psrc; if (psrc >= stop) break; run = *psrc; } psrc++; dda_next(next.x); dda_next(next.y); } } else { /****************************************** * Slow case, not masked, not orthogonal. * ******************************************/ /* * Since we have to check for the end after every pixel * anyway, we may as well avoid the last-run code. */ stop = endp; for (;;) { /* We can't skip large constant regions quickly, */ /* because this leads to rounding errors. */ /* Just fill the region between xrun and xl. */ if (run != htrun) { htrun = run; IMAGE_SET_GRAY(run); } code = (*fill_pgram) (dev, xrun, yrun, xl - xrun, ytf - yrun, pdyx, pdyy, pdevc, lop); if (code < 0) goto err; yrun = ytf; xrun = xl; rsrc = psrc; if (psrc >= stop) break; run = *psrc++; dda_next(next.x); dda_next(next.y); /* harmless if no skew */ } } /* Fill the last run. */ last:if (stop < endp && (*stop || !masked)) { if (!masked) { IMAGE_SET_GRAY(*stop); } dda_advance(next.x, endp - stop); dda_advance(next.y, endp - stop); code = (*fill_pgram) (dev, xrun, yrun, xl - xrun, ytf - yrun, pdyx, pdyy, pdevc, lop); } #undef xl #undef ytf } else { /********************************************************** * Fast case: no skew, and not imagemask with a halftone. * **********************************************************/ const fixed adjust = penum->adjust; const fixed dxx = penum->dxx; fixed xa = (dxx >= 0 ? adjust : -adjust); const int yt = penum->yci, iht = penum->hci; dev_proc_fill_rectangle((*fill_proc)) = dev_proc(dev, fill_rectangle); dev_proc_strip_tile_rectangle((*tile_proc)) = dev_proc(dev, strip_tile_rectangle); dev_proc_copy_mono((*copy_mono_proc)) = dev_proc(dev, copy_mono); /* * If each pixel is likely to fit in a single halftone tile, * determine that now (tile_offset = offset of row within tile). * Don't do this for band devices; they handle halftone fills * more efficiently than copy_mono. */ int bstart; int phase_x; int tile_offset = (pis && penum->device_color && (*dev_proc(dev, get_band)) (dev, yt, &bstart) == 0 ? gx_check_tile_size(pis, fixed2int_ceiling(any_abs(dxx) + (xa << 1)), yt, iht, gs_color_select_source, &phase_x) : -1); int xmin = fixed2int_pixround(penum->clip_outer.p.x); int xmax = fixed2int_pixround(penum->clip_outer.q.x); #define xl dda_current(next.x) /* Fold the adjustment into xrun and xl, */ /* including the +0.5-epsilon for rounding. */ xrun = xrun - xa + (fixed_half - fixed_epsilon); dda_translate(next.x, xa + (fixed_half - fixed_epsilon)); xa <<= 1; /* Calculate multiples of the DDA step. */ dxx2 = next.x.step; dda_step_add(dxx2, next.x.step); dxx3 = dxx2; dda_step_add(dxx3, next.x.step); dxx4 = dxx3; dda_step_add(dxx4, next.x.step); if (stop > psrc) for (;;) { /* Skip large constant regions quickly, */ /* but don't slow down transitions too much. */ skf:if (psrc[0] == run) { if (psrc[1] == run) { if (psrc[2] == run) { if (psrc[3] == run) { psrc += 4; dda_state_next(next.x.state, dxx4); goto skf; } else { psrc += 4; dda_state_next(next.x.state, dxx3); } } else { psrc += 3; dda_state_next(next.x.state, dxx2); } } else { psrc += 2; dda_next(next.x); } } else psrc++; { /* Now fill the region between xrun and xl. */ int xi = fixed2int_var(xrun); int wi = fixed2int_var(xl) - xi; int xei, tsx; const gx_strip_bitmap *tile; if (wi <= 0) { if (wi == 0) goto mt; xi += wi, wi = -wi; } if ((xei = xi + wi) > xmax || xi < xmin) { /* Do X clipping */ if (xi < xmin) wi -= xmin - xi, xi = xmin; if (xei > xmax) wi -= xei - xmax; if (wi <= 0) goto mt; } switch (run) { case 0: if (masked) goto mt; if (!color_is_pure(&penum->icolor0)) goto ht; code = (*fill_proc) (dev, xi, yt, wi, iht, penum->icolor0.colors.pure); break; case 255: /* just for speed */ if (!color_is_pure(&penum->icolor1)) goto ht; code = (*fill_proc) (dev, xi, yt, wi, iht, penum->icolor1.colors.pure); break; default: ht: /* Use halftone if needed */ if (run != htrun) { IMAGE_SET_GRAY(run); htrun = run; } /* We open-code gx_fill_rectangle, */ /* because we've done some of the work for */ /* halftone tiles in advance. */ if (color_is_pure(pdevc)) { code = (*fill_proc) (dev, xi, yt, wi, iht, pdevc->colors.pure); } else if (!color_is_binary_halftone(pdevc)) { code = gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(xi, yt, wi, iht, pdevc, dev, lop); } else if (tile_offset >= 0 && (tile = &pdevc->colors.binary.b_tile->tiles, (tsx = (xi + phase_x) % tile->rep_width) + wi <= tile->size.x) ) { /* The pixel(s) fit(s) in a single (binary) tile. */ byte *row = tile->data + tile_offset; code = (*copy_mono_proc) (dev, row, tsx, tile->raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, xi, yt, wi, iht, pdevc->colors.binary.color[0], pdevc->colors.binary.color[1]); } else { code = (*tile_proc) (dev, &pdevc->colors.binary.b_tile->tiles, xi, yt, wi, iht, pdevc->colors.binary.color[0], pdevc->colors.binary.color[1], pdevc->phase.x, pdevc->phase.y); } } if (code < 0) goto err; mt:xrun = xl - xa; /* original xa << 1 */ rsrc = psrc - 1; if (psrc > stop) { --psrc; break; } run = psrc[-1]; } dda_next(next.x); } /* Fill the last run. */ if (*stop != 0 || !masked) { int xi = fixed2int_var(xrun); int wi, xei; dda_advance(next.x, endp - stop); wi = fixed2int_var(xl) - xi; if (wi <= 0) { if (wi == 0) goto lmt; xi += wi, wi = -wi; } if ((xei = xi + wi) > xmax || xi < xmin) { /* Do X clipping */ if (xi < xmin) wi -= xmin - xi, xi = xmin; if (xei > xmax) wi -= xei - xmax; if (wi <= 0) goto lmt; } IMAGE_SET_GRAY(*stop); code = gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(xi, yt, wi, iht, pdevc, dev, lop); lmt:; } } #undef xl if (code >= 0) return 1; /* Save position if error, in case we resume. */ err: penum->used.x = rsrc - psrc_initial; penum->used.y = 0; return code; }