/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that license. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com/ or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134, San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* $Id: gdevpdfo.c 9607 2009-03-31 14:30:14Z ken $ */ /* Cos object support */ #include "memory_.h" #include "gx.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gsparam.h" #include "gsutil.h" /* for bytes_compare */ #include "gdevpdfx.h" #include "gdevpdfo.h" #include "strimpl.h" #include "sa85x.h" #include "sarc4.h" #define CHECK(expr)\ BEGIN if ((code = (expr)) < 0) return code; END /* ---------------- Structure definitions ---------------- */ /* * Define the generic structure for elements of arrays and * dictionaries/streams. */ #define cos_element_common(etype)\ etype *next struct cos_element_s { cos_element_common(cos_element_t); }; #define private_st_cos_element() /* in gdevpdfo.c */\ gs_private_st_ptrs1(st_cos_element, cos_element_t, "cos_element_t",\ cos_element_enum_ptrs, cos_element_reloc_ptrs, next) #define cos_element_num_ptrs 1 /* * Define the structure for a piece of stream contents. */ struct cos_stream_piece_s { cos_element_common(cos_stream_piece_t); long position; /* in streams file */ uint size; }; #define private_st_cos_stream_piece() /* in gdevpdfo.c */\ gs_private_st_suffix_add0_local(st_cos_stream_piece, cos_stream_piece_t,\ "cos_stream_piece_t", cos_element_enum_ptrs, cos_element_reloc_ptrs,\ st_cos_element) /* * Define Cos arrays, dictionaries, and streams. */ /* array */ struct cos_array_element_s { cos_element_common(cos_array_element_t); long index; cos_value_t value; }; #define private_st_cos_array_element() /* in gdevpdfo.c */\ gs_private_st_composite(st_cos_array_element, cos_array_element_t,\ "cos_array_element_t", cos_array_element_enum_ptrs, cos_array_element_reloc_ptrs) /* dict */ struct cos_dict_element_s { cos_element_common(cos_dict_element_t); gs_string key; bool owns_key; /* if false, key is shared, do not trace or free */ cos_value_t value; }; #define private_st_cos_dict_element() /* in gdevpdfo.c */\ gs_private_st_composite(st_cos_dict_element, cos_dict_element_t,\ "cos_dict_element_t", cos_dict_element_enum_ptrs, cos_dict_element_reloc_ptrs) /* GC descriptors */ private_st_cos_element(); private_st_cos_stream_piece(); private_st_cos_object(); private_st_cos_value(); private_st_cos_array_element(); private_st_cos_dict_element(); /* GC procedures */ static ENUM_PTRS_WITH(cos_value_enum_ptrs, cos_value_t *pcv) return 0; case 0: switch (pcv->value_type) { case COS_VALUE_SCALAR: return ENUM_STRING(&pcv->contents.chars); case COS_VALUE_CONST: break; case COS_VALUE_OBJECT: case COS_VALUE_RESOURCE: return ENUM_OBJ(pcv->contents.object); } return 0; ENUM_PTRS_END static RELOC_PTRS_WITH(cos_value_reloc_ptrs, cos_value_t *pcv) { switch (pcv->value_type) { case COS_VALUE_SCALAR: RELOC_STRING_VAR(pcv->contents.chars); case COS_VALUE_CONST: break; case COS_VALUE_OBJECT: case COS_VALUE_RESOURCE: RELOC_VAR(pcv->contents.object); break; } } RELOC_PTRS_END static ENUM_PTRS_WITH(cos_array_element_enum_ptrs, cos_array_element_t *pcae) { return (index < cos_element_num_ptrs ? ENUM_USING_PREFIX(st_cos_element, 0) : ENUM_USING(st_cos_value, &pcae->value, sizeof(cos_value_t), index - cos_element_num_ptrs)); } ENUM_PTRS_END static RELOC_PTRS_WITH(cos_array_element_reloc_ptrs, cos_array_element_t *pcae) { RELOC_PREFIX(st_cos_element); RELOC_USING(st_cos_value, &pcae->value, sizeof(cos_value_t)); } RELOC_PTRS_END static ENUM_PTRS_WITH(cos_dict_element_enum_ptrs, cos_dict_element_t *pcde) { return (index < cos_element_num_ptrs ? ENUM_USING_PREFIX(st_cos_element, 0) : (index -= cos_element_num_ptrs) > 0 ? ENUM_USING(st_cos_value, &pcde->value, sizeof(cos_value_t), index - 1) : pcde->owns_key ? ENUM_STRING(&pcde->key) : ENUM_OBJ(NULL)); } ENUM_PTRS_END static RELOC_PTRS_WITH(cos_dict_element_reloc_ptrs, cos_dict_element_t *pcde) { RELOC_PREFIX(st_cos_element); if (pcde->owns_key) RELOC_STRING_VAR(pcde->key); RELOC_USING(st_cos_value, &pcde->value, sizeof(cos_value_t)); } RELOC_PTRS_END /* ---------------- Generic support ---------------- */ /* Initialize a just-allocated cos object. */ static void cos_object_init(cos_object_t *pco, gx_device_pdf *pdev, const cos_object_procs_t *procs) { if (pco) { pco->cos_procs = procs; pco->id = 0; pco->elements = 0; pco->pieces = 0; pco->pdev = pdev; pco->pres = 0; pco->is_open = true; pco->is_graphics = false; pco->written = false; pco->length = 0; pco->input_strm = 0; } } /* Get the allocator for a Cos object. */ gs_memory_t * cos_object_memory(const cos_object_t *pco) { return pco->pdev->pdf_memory; } /* Change a generic cos object into one of a specific type. */ int cos_become(cos_object_t *pco, cos_type_t cotype) { if (cos_type(pco) != cos_type_generic) return_error(gs_error_typecheck); cos_type(pco) = cotype; return 0; } /* Release a cos object. */ cos_proc_release(cos_release); /* check prototype */ void cos_release(cos_object_t *pco, client_name_t cname) { pco->cos_procs->release(pco, cname); } /* Free a cos object. */ void cos_free(cos_object_t *pco, client_name_t cname) { cos_release(pco, cname); gs_free_object(cos_object_memory(pco), pco, cname); } /* Write a cos object on the output. */ cos_proc_write(cos_write); /* check prototype */ int cos_write(const cos_object_t *pco, gx_device_pdf *pdev, gs_id object_id) { return pco->cos_procs->write(pco, pdev, object_id); } /* Write a cos object as a PDF object. */ int cos_write_object(cos_object_t *pco, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { int code; if (pco->id == 0 || pco->written) return_error(gs_error_Fatal); pdf_open_separate(pdev, pco->id); code = cos_write(pco, pdev, pco->id); pdf_end_separate(pdev); pco->written = true; return code; } /* Make a value to store into a composite object. */ const cos_value_t * cos_string_value(cos_value_t *pcv, const byte *data, uint size) { /* * It's OK to break const here, because the value will be copied * before being stored in the collection. */ pcv->contents.chars.data = (byte *)data; pcv->contents.chars.size = size; pcv->value_type = COS_VALUE_SCALAR; return pcv; } const cos_value_t * cos_c_string_value(cos_value_t *pcv, const char *str) { /* * We shouldn't break const here, because the value will not be copied * or freed (or traced), but that would require a lot of bothersome * casting elsewhere. */ pcv->contents.chars.data = (byte *)str; pcv->contents.chars.size = strlen(str); pcv->value_type = COS_VALUE_CONST; return pcv; } const cos_value_t * cos_object_value(cos_value_t *pcv, cos_object_t *pco) { pcv->contents.object = pco; pcv->value_type = COS_VALUE_OBJECT; return pcv; } const cos_value_t * cos_resource_value(cos_value_t *pcv, cos_object_t *pco) { pcv->contents.object = pco; pcv->value_type = COS_VALUE_RESOURCE; return pcv; } /* Free a value. */ void cos_value_free(const cos_value_t *pcv, const cos_object_t *pco, client_name_t cname) { switch (pcv->value_type) { case COS_VALUE_SCALAR: gs_free_string(cos_object_memory(pco), pcv->contents.chars.data, pcv->contents.chars.size, cname); case COS_VALUE_CONST: break; case COS_VALUE_OBJECT: /* Free the object if this is the only reference to it. */ if (pcv->contents.object != NULL) /* see cos_dict_objects_delete. */ if (!pcv->contents.object->id) cos_free(pcv->contents.object, cname); case COS_VALUE_RESOURCE: break; } } /* Write a value on the output. */ static int cos_value_write_spaced(const cos_value_t *pcv, gx_device_pdf *pdev, bool do_space, gs_id object_id) { stream *s = pdev->strm; switch (pcv->value_type) { case COS_VALUE_SCALAR: case COS_VALUE_CONST: if (do_space) switch (pcv->contents.chars.data[0]) { case '/': case '(': case '<': break; default: stream_putc(s, ' '); } return pdf_write_value(pdev, pcv->contents.chars.data, pcv->contents.chars.size, object_id); case COS_VALUE_RESOURCE: pprintld1(s, "/R%ld", pcv->contents.object->id); break; case COS_VALUE_OBJECT: { const cos_object_t *pco = pcv->contents.object; if (!pco->id) { if (do_space && !(pco->cos_procs == cos_type_array || pco->cos_procs == cos_type_dict) ) { /* Arrays and dictionaries (only) are self-delimiting. */ stream_putc(s, ' '); } return cos_write(pco, pdev, object_id); } if (do_space) stream_putc(s, ' '); pprintld1(s, "%ld 0 R", pco->id); break; } default: /* can't happen */ return_error(gs_error_Fatal); } return 0; } int cos_value_write(const cos_value_t *pcv, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { return cos_value_write_spaced(pcv, pdev, false, 0); } /* Copy a value if necessary for putting into an array or dictionary. */ static int cos_copy_element_value(cos_value_t *pcv, gs_memory_t *mem, const cos_value_t *pvalue, bool copy) { *pcv = *pvalue; if (pvalue->value_type == COS_VALUE_SCALAR && copy) { byte *value_data = gs_alloc_string(mem, pvalue->contents.chars.size, "cos_copy_element_value"); if (value_data == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); memcpy(value_data, pvalue->contents.chars.data, pvalue->contents.chars.size); pcv->contents.chars.data = value_data; } return 0; } /* Release a value copied for putting, if the operation fails. */ static void cos_uncopy_element_value(cos_value_t *pcv, gs_memory_t *mem, bool copy) { if (pcv->value_type == COS_VALUE_SCALAR && copy) gs_free_string(mem, pcv->contents.chars.data, pcv->contents.chars.size, "cos_uncopy_element_value"); } /* Compare 2 cos values for equality. */ static int cos_value_equal(const cos_value_t *pcv0, const cos_value_t *pcv1, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { if (pcv0->value_type != pcv1->value_type) return false; switch (pcv0->value_type) { case COS_VALUE_SCALAR: case COS_VALUE_CONST: if (bytes_compare(pcv0->contents.chars.data, pcv0->contents.chars.size, pcv1->contents.chars.data, pcv1->contents.chars.size)) return false; break; case COS_VALUE_OBJECT: if (pcv0->contents.object != pcv1->contents.object) { int code = pcv0->contents.object->cos_procs->equal( pcv0->contents.object, pcv1->contents.object, pdev); if (code < 0) return code; if (!code) return false; } break; case COS_VALUE_RESOURCE: if (pcv0->contents.object != pcv1->contents.object) return false; break; } return true; } /* ---------------- Specific object types ---------------- */ /* ------ Generic objects ------ */ static cos_proc_release(cos_generic_release); static cos_proc_write(cos_generic_write); static cos_proc_equal(cos_generic_equal); const cos_object_procs_t cos_generic_procs = { cos_generic_release, cos_generic_write, cos_generic_equal }; cos_object_t * cos_object_alloc(gx_device_pdf *pdev, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = pdev->pdf_memory; cos_object_t *pco = gs_alloc_struct(mem, cos_object_t, &st_cos_object, cname); cos_object_init(pco, pdev, &cos_generic_procs); return pco; } static void cos_generic_release(cos_object_t *pco, client_name_t cname) { /* Do nothing. */ } static int cos_generic_write(const cos_object_t *pco, gx_device_pdf *pdev, gs_id object_id) { return_error(gs_error_Fatal); } static int cos_generic_equal(const cos_object_t *pco0, const cos_object_t *pco1, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { return_error(gs_error_Fatal); } /* ------ Arrays ------ */ static cos_proc_release(cos_array_release); static cos_proc_write(cos_array_write); static cos_proc_equal(cos_array_equal); const cos_object_procs_t cos_array_procs = { cos_array_release, cos_array_write, cos_array_equal }; cos_array_t * cos_array_alloc(gx_device_pdf *pdev, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = pdev->pdf_memory; cos_array_t *pca = gs_alloc_struct(mem, cos_array_t, &st_cos_object, cname); cos_object_init((cos_object_t *)pca, pdev, &cos_array_procs); return pca; } cos_array_t * cos_array_from_floats(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const float *pf, uint size, client_name_t cname) { cos_array_t *pca = cos_array_alloc(pdev, cname); uint i; if (pca == 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { int code = cos_array_add_real(pca, pf[i]); if (code < 0) { COS_FREE(pca, cname); return 0; } } return pca; } static void cos_array_release(cos_object_t *pco, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = cos_object_memory(pco); cos_array_t *const pca = (cos_array_t *)pco; cos_array_element_t *cur; cos_array_element_t *next; for (cur = pca->elements; cur; cur = next) { next = cur->next; cos_value_free(&cur->value, pco, cname); gs_free_object(mem, cur, cname); } pca->elements = 0; } static cos_array_element_t *cos_array_reorder(const cos_array_t *pca, cos_array_element_t *first); static int cos_array_write(const cos_object_t *pco, gx_device_pdf *pdev, gs_id object_id) { stream *s = pdev->strm; const cos_array_t *const pca = (const cos_array_t *)pco; cos_array_element_t *first = cos_array_reorder(pca, NULL); cos_array_element_t *pcae; uint last_index = 0; stream_puts(s, "["); for (pcae = first; pcae; ++last_index, pcae = pcae->next) { if (pcae != first) stream_putc(s, '\n'); for (; pcae->index > last_index; ++last_index) stream_puts(s, "null\n"); cos_value_write_spaced(&pcae->value, pdev, false, object_id); } DISCARD(cos_array_reorder(pca, first)); stream_puts(s, "]"); if (pdev->PDFA) stream_puts(s, "\n"); return 0; } static int cos_array_equal(const cos_object_t *pco0, const cos_object_t *pco1, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { const cos_array_t *const pca0 = (const cos_array_t *)pco0; const cos_array_t *const pca1 = (const cos_array_t *)pco1; cos_array_element_t *first0 = pca0->elements; cos_array_element_t *first1 = pca1->elements; cos_array_element_t *pcae0, *pcae1; int code; for (pcae0 = first0, pcae1 = first1; pcae0 && pcae1; pcae0 = pcae0->next, pcae1 = pcae1->next) { if (pcae0->index != pcae1->index) return false; code = cos_value_equal(&pcae0->value, &pcae1->value, pdev); if (code < 0) return code; if (!code) return false; } if (pcae0 || pcae1) return false; return true; } /* Put/add an element in/to an array. */ int cos_array_put(cos_array_t *pca, long index, const cos_value_t *pvalue) { gs_memory_t *mem = COS_OBJECT_MEMORY(pca); cos_value_t value; int code = cos_copy_element_value(&value, mem, pvalue, true); if (code >= 0) { code = cos_array_put_no_copy(pca, index, &value); if (code < 0) cos_uncopy_element_value(&value, mem, true); } return code; } int cos_array_put_no_copy(cos_array_t *pca, long index, const cos_value_t *pvalue) { gs_memory_t *mem = COS_OBJECT_MEMORY(pca); cos_array_element_t **ppcae = &pca->elements; cos_array_element_t *pcae; cos_array_element_t *next; while ((next = *ppcae) != 0 && next->index > index) ppcae = &next->next; if (next && next->index == index) { /* We're replacing an existing element. */ cos_value_free(&next->value, COS_OBJECT(pca), "cos_array_put(old value)"); pcae = next; } else { /* Create a new element. */ pcae = gs_alloc_struct(mem, cos_array_element_t, &st_cos_array_element, "cos_array_put(element)"); if (pcae == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); pcae->index = index; pcae->next = next; *ppcae = pcae; } pcae->value = *pvalue; return 0; } static long cos_array_next_index(const cos_array_t *pca) { return (pca->elements ? pca->elements->index + 1 : 0L); } int cos_array_add(cos_array_t *pca, const cos_value_t *pvalue) { return cos_array_put(pca, cos_array_next_index(pca), pvalue); } int cos_array_add_no_copy(cos_array_t *pca, const cos_value_t *pvalue) { return cos_array_put_no_copy(pca, cos_array_next_index(pca), pvalue); } int cos_array_add_c_string(cos_array_t *pca, const char *str) { cos_value_t value; return cos_array_add(pca, cos_c_string_value(&value, str)); } int cos_array_add_int(cos_array_t *pca, int i) { char str[sizeof(int) * 8 / 3 + 3]; /* sign, rounding, 0 terminator */ cos_value_t v; sprintf(str, "%d", i); return cos_array_add(pca, cos_string_value(&v, (byte *)str, strlen(str))); } int cos_array_add_real(cos_array_t *pca, floatp r) { byte str[50]; /****** ADHOC ******/ stream s; cos_value_t v; s_init(&s, NULL); swrite_string(&s, str, sizeof(str)); pprintg1(&s, "%g", r); return cos_array_add(pca, cos_string_value(&v, str, stell(&s))); } int cos_array_add_object(cos_array_t *pca, cos_object_t *pco) { cos_value_t value; value.contents.chars.size = 0; /* Quiet a warning appeared with MSVC6 inline optimization. */ return cos_array_add(pca, cos_object_value(&value, pco)); } /* * Remove and return the last element of an array. Since this is intended * specifically for arrays used as stacks, it gives an error if there is a * gap in indices between the last element and the element before it. */ int cos_array_unadd(cos_array_t *pca, cos_value_t *pvalue) { cos_array_element_t *pcae = pca->elements; if (pcae == 0 || pcae->index != (pcae->next == 0 ? 0 : pcae->next->index + 1) ) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); *pvalue = pcae->value; pca->elements = pcae->next; gs_free_object(COS_OBJECT_MEMORY(pca), pcae, "cos_array_unadd"); return 0; } /* Get the first / next element for enumerating an array. */ const cos_array_element_t * cos_array_element_first(const cos_array_t *pca) { return pca->elements; } const cos_array_element_t * cos_array_element_next(const cos_array_element_t *pca, long *pindex, const cos_value_t **ppvalue) { *pindex = pca->index; *ppvalue = &pca->value; return pca->next; } /* * Reorder the elements of an array for writing or after writing. Usage: * first_element = cos_array_reorder(pca, NULL); * ... * cos_array_reorder(pca, first_element); */ static cos_array_element_t * cos_array_reorder(const cos_array_t *pca, cos_array_element_t *first) { cos_array_element_t *last; cos_array_element_t *next; cos_array_element_t *pcae; for (pcae = (first ? first : pca->elements), last = NULL; pcae; pcae = next) next = pcae->next, pcae->next = last, last = pcae; return last; } /* ------ Dictionaries ------ */ static cos_proc_release(cos_dict_release); static cos_proc_write(cos_dict_write); static cos_proc_equal(cos_dict_equal); const cos_object_procs_t cos_dict_procs = { cos_dict_release, cos_dict_write, cos_dict_equal }; cos_dict_t * cos_dict_alloc(gx_device_pdf *pdev, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = pdev->pdf_memory; cos_dict_t *pcd = gs_alloc_struct(mem, cos_dict_t, &st_cos_object, cname); cos_object_init((cos_object_t *)pcd, pdev, &cos_dict_procs); return pcd; } static void cos_dict_element_free(cos_dict_t *pcd, cos_dict_element_t *pcde, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = COS_OBJECT_MEMORY(pcd); cos_value_free(&pcde->value, COS_OBJECT(pcd), cname); if (pcde->owns_key) gs_free_string(mem, pcde->key.data, pcde->key.size, cname); gs_free_object(mem, pcde, cname); } static void cos_dict_release(cos_object_t *pco, client_name_t cname) { cos_dict_t *const pcd = (cos_dict_t *)pco; cos_dict_element_t *cur; cos_dict_element_t *next; for (cur = pcd->elements; cur; cur = next) { next = cur->next; cos_dict_element_free(pcd, cur, cname); } pcd->elements = 0; } /* Write the elements of a dictionary. */ static int cos_elements_write(stream *s, const cos_dict_element_t *pcde, gx_device_pdf *pdev, bool do_space, gs_id object_id) { if (pcde) { /* Temporarily replace the output stream in pdev. */ stream *save = pdev->strm; pdev->strm = s; for (;;) { gs_id object_id1 = (pdev->NoEncrypt.size == 0 || bytes_compare(pdev->NoEncrypt.data, pdev->NoEncrypt.size, pcde->key.data, pcde->key.size) ? object_id : (gs_id)-1); pdf_write_value(pdev, pcde->key.data, pcde->key.size, object_id1); cos_value_write_spaced(&pcde->value, pdev, true, object_id1); pcde = pcde->next; if (pcde || do_space) stream_putc(s, '\n'); if (!pcde) break; } pdev->strm = save; } return 0; } int cos_dict_elements_write(const cos_dict_t *pcd, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { return cos_elements_write(pdev->strm, pcd->elements, pdev, true, pcd->id); } static int cos_dict_write(const cos_object_t *pco, gx_device_pdf *pdev, gs_id object_id) { stream *s = pdev->strm; stream_puts(s, "<<"); cos_elements_write(s, ((const cos_dict_t *)pco)->elements, pdev, false, object_id); stream_puts(s, ">>"); if (pdev->PDFA) stream_puts(s, "\n"); return 0; } /* Write/delete definitions of named objects. */ /* This is a special-purpose facility for pdf_close. */ int cos_dict_objects_write(const cos_dict_t *pcd, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { const cos_dict_element_t *pcde = pcd->elements; for (; pcde; pcde = pcde->next) if (COS_VALUE_IS_OBJECT(&pcde->value) && pcde->value.contents.object->id && !pcde->value.contents.object->written /* ForOPDFRead only. */) cos_write_object(pcde->value.contents.object, pdev); return 0; } int cos_dict_objects_delete(cos_dict_t *pcd) { cos_dict_element_t *pcde = pcd->elements; /* * Delete duplicate references to prevent a dual object freeing. * Delete the objects' IDs so that freeing the dictionary will * free them. */ for (; pcde; pcde = pcde->next) { if (pcde->value.contents.object) { cos_dict_element_t *pcde1 = pcde->next; for (; pcde1; pcde1 = pcde1->next) if (pcde->value.contents.object == pcde1->value.contents.object) pcde1->value.contents.object = NULL; pcde->value.contents.object->id = 0; } } return 0; } /* Put an element in a dictionary. */ #define DICT_COPY_KEY 1 #define DICT_COPY_VALUE 2 #define DICT_FREE_KEY 4 #define DICT_COPY_ALL (DICT_COPY_KEY | DICT_COPY_VALUE | DICT_FREE_KEY) static int cos_dict_put_copy(cos_dict_t *pcd, const byte *key_data, uint key_size, const cos_value_t *pvalue, int flags) { gs_memory_t *mem = COS_OBJECT_MEMORY(pcd); cos_dict_element_t **ppcde = &pcd->elements; cos_dict_element_t *pcde; cos_dict_element_t *next; cos_value_t value; int code; while ((next = *ppcde) != 0 && bytes_compare(next->key.data, next->key.size, key_data, key_size) ) ppcde = &next->next; if (next) { /* We're replacing an existing element. */ if ((pvalue->value_type == COS_VALUE_SCALAR || pvalue->value_type == COS_VALUE_CONST) && pvalue->value_type == next->value.value_type && !bytes_compare(pvalue->contents.chars.data, pvalue->contents.chars.size, next->value.contents.chars.data, next->value.contents.chars.size)) return 0; /* Same as old value. */ if ((pvalue->value_type == COS_VALUE_OBJECT || pvalue->value_type == COS_VALUE_RESOURCE) && pvalue->value_type == next->value.value_type && pvalue->contents.object == next->value.contents.object) return 0; /* Same as old value. */ code = cos_copy_element_value(&value, mem, pvalue, (flags & DICT_COPY_VALUE) != 0); if (code < 0) return code; if (flags & DICT_FREE_KEY) gs_free_const_string(mem, key_data, key_size, "cos_dict_put(new key)"); cos_value_free(&next->value, COS_OBJECT(pcd), "cos_dict_put(old value)"); pcde = next; } else { /* Create a new element. */ byte *copied_key_data; if (flags & DICT_COPY_KEY) { copied_key_data = gs_alloc_string(mem, key_size, "cos_dict_put(key)"); if (copied_key_data == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); memcpy(copied_key_data, key_data, key_size); } else copied_key_data = (byte *)key_data; /* OK to break const */ pcde = gs_alloc_struct(mem, cos_dict_element_t, &st_cos_dict_element, "cos_dict_put(element)"); code = cos_copy_element_value(&value, mem, pvalue, (flags & DICT_COPY_VALUE) != 0); if (pcde == 0 || code < 0) { if (code >= 0) cos_uncopy_element_value(&value, mem, (flags & DICT_COPY_VALUE) != 0); gs_free_object(mem, pcde, "cos_dict_put(element)"); if (flags & DICT_COPY_KEY) gs_free_string(mem, copied_key_data, key_size, "cos_dict_put(key)"); return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(gs_error_VMerror)); } pcde->key.data = copied_key_data; pcde->key.size = key_size; pcde->owns_key = (flags & DICT_FREE_KEY) != 0; pcde->next = next; *ppcde = pcde; } pcde->value = value; return 0; } int cos_dict_put(cos_dict_t *pcd, const byte *key_data, uint key_size, const cos_value_t *pvalue) { return cos_dict_put_copy(pcd, key_data, key_size, pvalue, DICT_COPY_ALL); } int cos_dict_put_no_copy(cos_dict_t *pcd, const byte *key_data, uint key_size, const cos_value_t *pvalue) { return cos_dict_put_copy(pcd, key_data, key_size, pvalue, DICT_COPY_KEY | DICT_FREE_KEY); } int cos_dict_put_c_key(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, const cos_value_t *pvalue) { return cos_dict_put_copy(pcd, (const byte *)key, strlen(key), pvalue, DICT_COPY_VALUE); } int cos_dict_put_c_key_string(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, const byte *data, uint size) { cos_value_t value; cos_string_value(&value, data, size); return cos_dict_put_c_key(pcd, key, &value); } int cos_dict_put_c_key_int(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, int value) { char str[sizeof(int) * 8 / 3 + 3]; /* sign, rounding, 0 terminator */ sprintf(str, "%d", value); return cos_dict_put_c_key_string(pcd, key, (byte *)str, strlen(str)); } int cos_dict_put_c_key_bool(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, bool value) { return cos_dict_put_c_key_string(pcd, key, (const byte *)(value ? "true" : "false"), (value ? 4 : 5)); } int cos_dict_put_c_key_real(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, floatp value) { byte str[50]; /****** ADHOC ******/ stream s; s_init(&s, NULL); swrite_string(&s, str, sizeof(str)); pprintg1(&s, "%g", value); return cos_dict_put_c_key_string(pcd, key, str, stell(&s)); } int cos_dict_put_c_key_floats(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, const float *pf, uint size) { cos_array_t *pca = cos_array_from_floats(pcd->pdev, pf, size, "cos_dict_put_c_key_floats"); int code; if (pca == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); code = cos_dict_put_c_key_object(pcd, key, COS_OBJECT(pca)); if (code < 0) COS_FREE(pca, "cos_dict_put_c_key_floats"); return code; } int cos_dict_put_c_key_object(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, cos_object_t *pco) { cos_value_t value; return cos_dict_put_c_key(pcd, key, cos_object_value(&value, pco)); } int cos_dict_put_string(cos_dict_t *pcd, const byte *key_data, uint key_size, const byte *value_data, uint value_size) { cos_value_t cvalue; return cos_dict_put(pcd, key_data, key_size, cos_string_value(&cvalue, value_data, value_size)); } int cos_dict_put_string_copy(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, const char *value) { return cos_dict_put_c_key_string(pcd, key, (byte *)value, strlen(value)); } int cos_dict_put_c_strings(cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key, const char *value) { cos_value_t cvalue; return cos_dict_put_c_key(pcd, key, cos_c_string_value(&cvalue, value)); } /* Move all the elements from one dict to another. */ int cos_dict_move_all(cos_dict_t *pcdto, cos_dict_t *pcdfrom) { cos_dict_element_t *pcde = pcdfrom->elements; cos_dict_element_t *head = pcdto->elements; while (pcde) { cos_dict_element_t *next = pcde->next; if (cos_dict_find(pcdto, pcde->key.data, pcde->key.size)) { /* Free the element, which has been superseded. */ cos_dict_element_free(pcdfrom, pcde, "cos_dict_move_all_from"); } else { /* Move the element. */ pcde->next = head; head = pcde; } pcde = next; } pcdto->elements = head; pcdfrom->elements = 0; return 0; } /* Look up a key in a dictionary. */ const cos_value_t * cos_dict_find(const cos_dict_t *pcd, const byte *key_data, uint key_size) { cos_dict_element_t *pcde = pcd->elements; for (; pcde; pcde = pcde->next) if (!bytes_compare(key_data, key_size, pcde->key.data, pcde->key.size)) return &pcde->value; return 0; } const cos_value_t * cos_dict_find_c_key(const cos_dict_t *pcd, const char *key) { return cos_dict_find(pcd, (const byte *)key, strlen(key)); } /* Compare two dictionaries. */ int cos_dict_equal(const cos_object_t *pco0, const cos_object_t *pco1, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { const cos_dict_t *pcd0 = (const cos_dict_t *)pco0; const cos_dict_t *pcd1 = (const cos_dict_t *)pco1; cos_dict_element_t *pcde0 = pcd0->elements; cos_dict_element_t *pcde1 = pcd1->elements; for (; pcde1; pcde1 = pcde1->next) { if (cos_dict_find(pcd0, pcde1->key.data, pcde1->key.size) == NULL) return false; } for (; pcde0; pcde0 = pcde0->next) { const cos_value_t *v = cos_dict_find(pcd1, pcde0->key.data, pcde0->key.size); int code; if (v == NULL) return false; code = cos_value_equal(&pcde0->value, v, pdev); if (code < 0) return code; if (!code) return false; } return true; } /* Process all entries in a dictionary. */ int cos_dict_forall(const cos_dict_t *pcd, void *client_data, int (*proc)(void *client_data, const byte *key_data, uint key_size, const cos_value_t *v)) { cos_dict_element_t *pcde = pcd->elements; for (; pcde; pcde = pcde->next) { int code = proc(client_data, pcde->key.data, pcde->key.size, &pcde->value); if (code != 0) return code; } return 0; } /* Set up a parameter list that writes into a Cos dictionary. */ /* We'll implement the other printers later if we have to. */ static param_proc_xmit_typed(cos_param_put_typed); static const gs_param_list_procs cos_param_list_writer_procs = { cos_param_put_typed, NULL /* begin_collection */ , NULL /* end_collection */ , NULL /* get_next_key */ , gs_param_request_default, gs_param_requested_default }; static int cos_param_put_typed(gs_param_list * plist, gs_param_name pkey, gs_param_typed_value * pvalue) { cos_param_list_writer_t *const pclist = (cos_param_list_writer_t *)plist; gx_device_pdf *pdev = pclist->pcd->pdev; gs_memory_t *mem = pclist->memory; cos_value_t value; cos_array_t *pca; int key_len = strlen(pkey); byte key_chars[100]; /****** ADHOC ******/ int code; if (key_len > sizeof(key_chars) - 1) return_error(gs_error_limitcheck); switch (pvalue->type) { default: { param_printer_params_t ppp; printer_param_list_t pplist; stream s; int len, skip; byte *str; s_init(&s, NULL); ppp = param_printer_params_default; ppp.prefix = ppp.suffix = ppp.item_prefix = ppp.item_suffix = 0; ppp.print_ok = pclist->print_ok; s_init_param_printer(&pplist, &ppp, &s); swrite_position_only(&s); param_write_typed((gs_param_list *)&pplist, "", pvalue); len = stell(&s); str = gs_alloc_string(mem, len, "cos_param_put(string)"); if (str == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); swrite_string(&s, str, len); param_write_typed((gs_param_list *)&pplist, "", pvalue); /* * The string starts with an initial / or /, which * we need to remove. */ skip = (str[1] == ' ' ? 2 : 1); memmove(str, str + skip, len - skip); str = gs_resize_string(mem, str, len, len - skip, "cos_param_put(string)"); cos_string_value(&value, str, len - skip); } break; case gs_param_type_int_array: { uint i; pca = cos_array_alloc(pdev, "cos_param_put(array)"); if (pca == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); for (i = 0; i < pvalue->value.ia.size; ++i) CHECK(cos_array_add_int(pca, pvalue->value.ia.data[i])); } av: cos_object_value(&value, COS_OBJECT(pca)); break; case gs_param_type_float_array: { uint i; pca = cos_array_alloc(pdev, "cos_param_put(array)"); if (pca == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); for (i = 0; i < pvalue->value.ia.size; ++i) CHECK(cos_array_add_real(pca, pvalue->value.fa.data[i])); } goto av; case gs_param_type_string_array: case gs_param_type_name_array: /****** NYI ******/ return_error(gs_error_typecheck); } memcpy(key_chars + 1, pkey, key_len); key_chars[0] = '/'; return cos_dict_put_no_copy(pclist->pcd, key_chars, key_len + 1, &value); } int cos_param_list_writer_init(cos_param_list_writer_t *pclist, cos_dict_t *pcd, int print_ok) { gs_param_list_init((gs_param_list *)pclist, &cos_param_list_writer_procs, COS_OBJECT_MEMORY(pcd)); pclist->pcd = pcd; pclist->print_ok = print_ok; return 0; } /* ------ Streams ------ */ static cos_proc_release(cos_stream_release); static cos_proc_write(cos_stream_write); static cos_proc_equal(cos_stream_equal); const cos_object_procs_t cos_stream_procs = { cos_stream_release, cos_stream_write, cos_stream_equal }; cos_stream_t * cos_stream_alloc(gx_device_pdf *pdev, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = pdev->pdf_memory; cos_stream_t *pcs = gs_alloc_struct(mem, cos_stream_t, &st_cos_object, cname); cos_object_init((cos_object_t *)pcs, pdev, &cos_stream_procs); return pcs; } static void cos_stream_release(cos_object_t *pco, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = cos_object_memory(pco); cos_stream_t *const pcs = (cos_stream_t *)pco; cos_stream_piece_t *cur; cos_stream_piece_t *next; for (cur = pcs->pieces; cur; cur = next) { next = cur->next; gs_free_object(mem, cur, cname); } pcs->pieces = 0; cos_dict_release(pco, cname); } static int cos_stream_equal(const cos_object_t *pco0, const cos_object_t *pco1, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { const cos_stream_t *pcs0 = (const cos_stream_t *)pco0; const cos_stream_t *pcs1 = (const cos_stream_t *)pco1; bool result = false; int code; code = cos_dict_equal(pco0, pco1, pdev); if (code < 0) return code; if (!code) return false; { /* fixme : this assumes same segmentation for both streams. In general it is not true. */ FILE *sfile = pdev->streams.file; cos_stream_piece_t *pcsp0 = pcs0->pieces, *pcsp1 = pcs1->pieces; long position_save = ftell(sfile); for (; pcsp0 && pcsp1; pcsp0 = pcsp0->next, pcsp1 = pcsp1->next) { long position0 = pcsp0->position; long position1 = pcsp1->position; uint size0 = pcsp0->size; uint size1 = pcsp1->size; byte buf0[512], buf1[sizeof(buf0)]; if (size0 != size1) goto notequal; for(; size0; position0 += size1, position1 += size1, size0 -= size1) { size1 = min(sizeof(buf0), size0); fseek(sfile, position0, SEEK_SET); if (fread(buf0, 1, size1, sfile) != size1) { result = gs_note_error(gs_error_ioerror); goto notequal; } fseek(sfile, position1, SEEK_SET); if (fread(buf1, 1, size1, sfile) != size1) { result = gs_note_error(gs_error_ioerror); goto notequal; } if (memcmp(buf0, buf1, size1)) goto notequal; } } if (pcsp0 || pcsp1) goto notequal; result = true; notequal: fseek(sfile, position_save, SEEK_SET); return result; } } /* Find the total length of a stream. */ long cos_stream_length(const cos_stream_t *pcs) { return pcs->length; } /* Write the (dictionary) elements of a stream. */ /* (This procedure is exported.) */ int cos_stream_elements_write(const cos_stream_t *pcs, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { return cos_elements_write(pdev->strm, pcs->elements, pdev, true, pcs->id); } /* Write the contents of a stream. (This procedure is exported.) */ int cos_stream_contents_write(const cos_stream_t *pcs, gx_device_pdf *pdev) { stream *s = pdev->strm; cos_stream_piece_t *pcsp; cos_stream_piece_t *last; cos_stream_piece_t *next; FILE *sfile = pdev->streams.file; long end_pos; bool same_file = (pdev->sbstack_depth > 0); int code; stream_arcfour_state sarc4, *ss = NULL; if (pdev->KeyLength) { code = pdf_encrypt_init(pdev, pcs->id, &sarc4); if (code < 0) return code; ss = &sarc4; } sflush(s); sflush(pdev->streams.strm); /* Reverse the elements temporarily. */ for (pcsp = pcs->pieces, last = NULL; pcsp; pcsp = next) next = pcsp->next, pcsp->next = last, last = pcsp; for (pcsp = last, code = 0; pcsp && code >= 0; pcsp = pcsp->next) { if (same_file) pdf_copy_data_safe(s, sfile, pcsp->position, pcsp->size); else { end_pos = ftell(sfile); fseek(sfile, pcsp->position, SEEK_SET); pdf_copy_data(s, sfile, pcsp->size, ss); fseek(sfile, end_pos, SEEK_SET); } } /* Reverse the elements back. */ for (pcsp = last, last = NULL; pcsp; pcsp = next) next = pcsp->next, pcsp->next = last, last = pcsp; return code; } static int cos_stream_write(const cos_object_t *pco, gx_device_pdf *pdev, gs_id object_id) { stream *s = pdev->strm; const cos_stream_t *const pcs = (const cos_stream_t *)pco; int code; if (pcs->input_strm != NULL) { stream *s = pco->input_strm; int status = s_close_filters(&s, NULL); if (status < 0) return_error(gs_error_ioerror); /* We have to break const here to clear the input_strm. */ ((cos_object_t *)pco)->input_strm = 0; } stream_puts(s, "<<"); cos_elements_write(s, pcs->elements, pdev, false, object_id); pprintld1(s, "/Length %ld>>stream\n", cos_stream_length(pcs)); code = cos_stream_contents_write(pcs, pdev); stream_puts(s, "\nendstream\n"); return code; } /* Return a stream's dictionary (just a cast). */ cos_dict_t * cos_stream_dict(cos_stream_t *pcs) { return (cos_dict_t *)pcs; } /* Add a contents piece to a stream object: size bytes just written on */ /* streams.strm. */ int cos_stream_add(cos_stream_t *pcs, uint size) { gx_device_pdf *pdev = pcs->pdev; stream *s = pdev->streams.strm; long position = stell(s); cos_stream_piece_t *prev = pcs->pieces; /* Check for consecutive writing -- just an optimization. */ if (prev != 0 && prev->position + prev->size + size == position) { prev->size += size; } else { gs_memory_t *mem = pdev->pdf_memory; cos_stream_piece_t *pcsp = gs_alloc_struct(mem, cos_stream_piece_t, &st_cos_stream_piece, "cos_stream_add"); if (pcsp == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); pcsp->position = position - size; pcsp->size = size; pcsp->next = pcs->pieces; pcs->pieces = pcsp; } pcs->length += size; return 0; } /* Add bytes to a stream object. */ int cos_stream_add_bytes(cos_stream_t *pcs, const byte *data, uint size) { stream_write(pcs->pdev->streams.strm, data, size); return cos_stream_add(pcs, size); } /* Add the contents of a stream to a stream object. */ int cos_stream_add_stream_contents(cos_stream_t *pcs, stream *s) { int code = 0; byte sbuff[200]; /* arbitrary */ uint cnt; int status = sseek(s, 0); if (status < 0) return_error(gs_error_ioerror); do { status = sgets(s, sbuff, sizeof(sbuff), &cnt); if (cnt == 0) { if (status == EOFC) break; return_error(gs_error_ioerror); } } while ((code = cos_stream_add_bytes(pcs, sbuff, cnt)) >= 0); return code; } /* Release the last contents piece of a stream object. */ /* Warning : this function can't release pieces if another stream is written after them. */ int cos_stream_release_pieces(cos_stream_t *pcs) { gx_device_pdf *pdev = pcs->pdev; stream *s = pdev->streams.strm; long position = stell(s), position0 = position; gs_memory_t *mem = cos_object_memory((cos_object_t *)pcs); while (pcs->pieces != NULL && position == pcs->pieces->position + pcs->pieces->size) { cos_stream_piece_t *p = pcs->pieces; position -= p->size; pcs->pieces = p->next; gs_free_object(mem, p, "cos_stream_release_pieces"); } if (position0 != position) if (sseek(s, position) < 0) return_error(gs_error_ioerror); return 0; } /* Create a stream that writes into a Cos stream. */ /* Closing the stream will free it. */ /* Note that this is not a filter. */ typedef struct cos_write_stream_state_s { stream_state_common; cos_stream_t *pcs; gx_device_pdf *pdev; stream *s; /* pointer back to stream */ stream *target; /* use this instead of strm */ } cos_write_stream_state_t; gs_private_st_suffix_add4(st_cos_write_stream_state, cos_write_stream_state_t, "cos_write_stream_state_t", cos_ws_state_enum_ptrs, cos_ws_state_reloc_ptrs, st_stream_state, pcs, pdev, s, target); static int cos_write_stream_process(stream_state * st, stream_cursor_read * pr, stream_cursor_write * ignore_pw, bool last) { uint count = pr->limit - pr->ptr; cos_write_stream_state_t *ss = (cos_write_stream_state_t *)st; gx_device_pdf *pdev = ss->pdev; stream *target = ss->target; long start_pos = stell(pdev->streams.strm); int code; stream_write(target, pr->ptr + 1, count); pr->ptr = pr->limit; sflush(target); code = cos_stream_add(ss->pcs, (uint)(stell(pdev->streams.strm) - start_pos)); return (code < 0 ? ERRC : 0); } static int cos_write_stream_close(stream *s) { cos_write_stream_state_t *ss = (cos_write_stream_state_t *)s->state; int status; sflush(s); status = s_close_filters(&ss->target, ss->pdev->streams.strm); return (status < 0 ? status : s_std_close(s)); } static const stream_procs cos_s_procs = { s_std_noavailable, s_std_noseek, s_std_write_reset, s_std_write_flush, cos_write_stream_close, cos_write_stream_process }; static const stream_template cos_write_stream_template = { &st_cos_write_stream_state, 0, cos_write_stream_process, 1, 1 }; stream * cos_write_stream_alloc(cos_stream_t *pcs, gx_device_pdf *pdev, client_name_t cname) { gs_memory_t *mem = pdev->pdf_memory; stream *s = s_alloc(mem, cname); cos_write_stream_state_t *ss = (cos_write_stream_state_t *) s_alloc_state(mem, &st_cos_write_stream_state, cname); #define CWS_BUF_SIZE 512 /* arbitrary */ byte *buf = gs_alloc_bytes(mem, CWS_BUF_SIZE, cname); if (s == 0 || ss == 0 || buf == 0) goto fail; ss->template = &cos_write_stream_template; ss->pcs = pcs; ss->pdev = pdev; ss->s = s; ss->target = pdev->streams.strm; /* not s->strm */ s_std_init(s, buf, CWS_BUF_SIZE, &cos_s_procs, s_mode_write); s->state = (stream_state *)ss; return s; #undef CWS_BUF_SIZE fail: gs_free_object(mem, buf, cname); gs_free_object(mem, ss, cname); gs_free_object(mem, s, cname); return 0; } /* Get cos stream from pipeline. */ cos_stream_t * cos_stream_from_pipeline(stream *s) { cos_write_stream_state_t *ss; while(s->procs.process != cos_s_procs.process) s = s->strm; ss = (cos_write_stream_state_t *)s->state; return ss->pcs; } /* Get cos write stream from pipeline. */ stream * cos_write_stream_from_pipeline(stream *s) { while(s->procs.process != cos_s_procs.process) s = s->strm; return s; }